Newspaper Page Text
It 11 " " ,1,4, , )f ""M" .Mm iMirtf X T Ski SBMI-WEEILY, DEMING, NEW MBXtOO, AUGUST U, 1894. VOL. XIV. NO. U iA. .ft. M "ttijJL MkM4r Jl..,rty J8L mJ JK JHL Jr. $ TT1I0I.K9.U,I! AKU Gft$ra 1 .rMercnaracb&e Wo carry the Largest Bttiolt of Groceries, Dry Goods, And FuitxtKitiKU (lotics in tlid Southwest. Full Lino Farm and Spring Wagons Always on Hand General Agent for the Buttariak Patterns. kadies' and Men's Boots and Shoos a Specialty. Suits made to order and Fit Guaranteed. g. Wowser & co. r OLD AND 1W MEXICO ? IV M P -OWNKIIS ! DEMISTS T0W1S1TE THlQINtfQQa DffQiniFMP.l? T OTQ f JJUU1HDUU3 1DU1DDUU1J UUIU Low Pri86 and The above Company desires to cull the attention 2 of tlimse seeking Homes the fuel tlint no" buttur found t!i mi Dbwino, B.Y.McKEYES.At3EKTj Demikcj, Nhw Mhxico. f JUHN OOHIHJTT. GORBETT & WYMAN GO, Ore' Samplers and Buyers. Deming, New Mexico. vfucrN an roi.Luun on iiA.ti hahvixh, Silver, 1.00 Gold, 1.00 Load, 1.00 Any ivtd, same pulp, - 1.80 All three, same pulp, - - 2.00 Other Metals in Proportion. OPPOSITBTHH ZD3E33POT1 i o. uox 103. CoftBETT & WYftlAN CO The -A.q uariuml &HANNIGAN, Proprietors, Atl BEST BRANDS Of WHISKIES, BRANDIES AND WNIES. Domestic & Imported cig&T& PrNE'S'lEElfDEMTMGN'BW MEXICO. IIBTAII, UBAI.KIlS Deming-, 3ST. M. 'll.UU(Jtfc. -rCompany. i OK TUB- Easy Term3. in tlio floutliwm to a opportunity oau Iio o Ornnt Co., N. M. ? r. K. WVJIAN. M Senators AnitlouS to Close the Tariff Conference. A rEODBAUMB HAITED OUT. Tlin flan Xnw ! T,st If the Gentsr- tn Ilot Knt Cfiiln itl gilfiUs Acre ;nrnt nt Oiicr tlin rmln (fonrSIWM Wilt AiU Dm la SiMrB Tlim-tltllr Nrtr. Wahiiivoton, Aug, 1). Srtintoni JoniM nnd Vent of the tariff, etmferetieo cent nittteo nml Sennlors Ucriumi ami Smith, noting on behalf of eouewative ann tain, held a insetlug yesterday previous to tlio convening of 'he conference nnd It Ik understood doeiAmt tho time lind ar rlred when tlio confcrwioe diotiM oome itj an Kut either by ntwamant or dim greumtiit ntiil tln-y ntrnnmil n jiro prnmuie for brltiitliiff about tills mult. Till jiraurmniMo ww to lmto tho eon nto confrro lo tlwlr ntmoit to itcnra nn ngre c'limtif nt the inoriiiiir ronferenoa nml In onto ot failure to urgo tbnt dUn Btccment Iw repotttil without further lie lay nrJ fnlllruj to accuro tho concnt of tho heuiu melfibcra to 'hla plnii for tho ncniito eotiferreeA to into the nto nml nlc to be tliohnrgml from fur tlur ociwtilarnttan of tho tttrlll bill In confer on oa. Uefora tho oonfurence Senator Jonee rotihl neither lny or affirm the reKrt. Aftf r th conferenoe Snintor Jouee Mid that If there wen n frogriitniHe for tho noniito cunferrew to Mk to 1m HohiirKl In extitmue ho win not nwnro of the fnnt. He ilhl not deny tlmt the somite conference might imk to lie iliac' irgtd, but mlilril ho did not bellnve such n re qtiMt would be mnde to.lny. Ho aled etntDd the proceeding nt the niornlUK conference m) not left tho ettuntlmi nintcrinlly chnnged from what It va nfter mljotirnniotit yeetenlny. Tlii Turin t'miff WAStyxfiTOx. Aijc. v. It U tielleved nuipnir tlw Dontnorntlo oonforretsof tUu tntllf boilfoiroiK,i) tlmt nn nsreentant Will lis) lunched tmluy nnd tbnt tlio full cntnilHUee Mill bo oftlled for aoimilr. lion tnine tliuo this uiornltttr. How ever, llttlo faitli U put In the report by the pBblltJi a inembar of tho oemmlt tee Imve mnde the inbllo believe gevond tlmoe before they hinl nlwut a (-feed. N'imliinttrtru. Waiito!, Ant. O.Tho preeldent Mitt tho foilowlnji namittntloas to the tennta: Lnre Anderenn nt Ohio, to In eoeretnry nf embtHMy of thoUntUdBtnteentltonie, Ilnly. P. Volt of Nw York. U b nnpr ilx-r or inero'inndiM lti the dletnot of rtnlt ilo Onk, X. Y. D m Jluulmnaii, to 1 reeelier of pill'lln mnnnyii nt HiorlinB, (!..lo. .IuIiii H. HnrrUou, to be jioetniMier nt Waco, Tvs. The Heimti.. W4am.vnio.v. Ann. 0. In tho senate tlie hoiiM bill to reliulnino IS. II. 3SV tieoker, Inte treneurer of the United StnhH. for $1000 mM by hlui to make good n pliortrti,' In kie nernnnU when liU oflloo was turned over to hie suooeawr, win pweiuil, AtiiiniK tho lillla lutreduoeil nnd np proprlntely re-ferred win ono by Sir. AU li'ii (Pop.. Nb.) to prevent profemlonnl lobbying, whluh wiw refurrod to thd ooinmltteo on oduontmu and labor. A motion by, Benntnr Uwrge (Dam., JllM.) to tahe ilji the bnnkruptoy bill re united in n voto of 37 to l j. No cjuo mm. yallliiR to develcrp rt votlnR ijnn. rum, Mr. 0orgo withdrew tho bank rnptcy bill for the pr-eeiit. A number of untmportnilt bllli were iirudid. mid nfter nn oxooutlve (otilmi the iditntu ndjournol. ' Til Itllllr. Washinoton, Aug. 0. Th rw)Ui tlnn otlurod in the liouw by Mr. Hnlley of Twim for the invnetlitittlnn of the chnri-ea aealiut JudKe Hiok were agreed to without dlrislon. Mr. Myer (Dfin., In ) from the com NGA mlttee oil mllltln oalletl up n bill to ttro-1 tlw HtU 0r",r91 oninmittee, will prepare lo hmehe lirooke, daughter of a proml mote tho ofJMeiicy of the militia. tt i n Hat of uppointm-'Uts for the senators . uent Manchester photographer. provided nn olrtlwrnto systoin of national tlufowo. Inoludlng in the mllltln all nblebodlod oitlMns of the United States lietwton tho ages nf 18 and -IS, tho or cmilzed militia to m liuowu as the nn Hotml gunrd, nnd the unorgiuilaeil m tlie reserve inilltin, Hi morning hour expired without notion Mt the bill, Under the terms of the special order the remainder of the tiny wiw devoted to bills reported from tho oomiuitluo on public buildings nud ground. Tlin lluu.o ttirors tt. CiitojKia, Ang. 0. Word wns re cclvcd hero from mi nutliuntlo soured Iji Washington thnt tho not requiring rail rondt to own and operate nil sleeping nnd dining sure would pais the houso if It came to n voto tit this nowion. ItltehsU M'llt llftiirri In Lo.sdom, Atig. 0 Cltnrliu Mitchell, tho pugilist, has nntumuced Ills Intention ojt rottirulng to tho United States in October, A' SENSATIONAL INCIDENT. MllltUliifrt nt l'.illiimri itrn' li lt Willi Xliiiunten Wnft(uiri. Ciiiain.), Anf?. 0. The ieiawllnn of Monday at Pullman when Comjmny it ot the Plrt Infantry refused to cat at the tame table with nonunion Workmen l Mill canting mnoh talk. On Monday Lieutenant Itowni marrbeil Oompany K np to the ng mm tent Uiat etnndi on the lawn belilttd the Hotel Florence. There the oottipany wae left In oomBtand of Hertennt Cook. When the oompany oems to break rank nt the teutentraueo they were inillpiaut to ee two tablea within Ijlttd with nonunion employee of the Pullnmn eonipany. The veerkmen were n pnU of the new foroe bireil that day. They had been euiuUtl In wlUi the eoldler boye on the mtoity that thy were nfrntd to fo home for dinner. Ai the prnctloe had twui tried lr. n similar way liwt week to the dUtnita of thexom pany, tho soldier were prepared forde otelvo notion. William Myrtie. n mwn Ixir of the oompany, iteppwl Into the 6H trnneo nud aaldt "An volunteer rtoldleta the men of Company M nro here to nee that the lnw of Illlnola nre obeyed. I nm not nwnro that it k foldlerly or ihnt dlnclpllno compele na to do what wo feel In unpatriotic and not worfuy ot Rdiitle men, My ecruplee deiimni that I ehnll not nmoclate with waU. I refune to nit with tliem nt tho eaino table." Thero wm nn ontbnret of npplniiM from Uyrnee' oomrndes, and Sergeant Cook mnrohod the oompany norow tho etreot and broke milk. 'We will not enter that tent,"adoeti privet Mid, "till we are amired that nil nonunion workmen nre to be )opt out." The workmen wero Anally innrohod out. nml the oompniiy innreheil In. re oeivluif the nreurnuce that they will, hereafter, have the ltieea tent to tbuui rtelvw. ANOTHER TIED UP. The Cnrirr4liintil Convention In the Third . Dl.tria limillorltml. MivnoLA, Tex.. Aug. O.llte Third congroMlonnl dleirift la dendlookeil and front present Indications will remain o for Mine tlmo. There are fner cnrulldnten beforo tho convention. Felix J. MoOnrd at Smith, Btiek Kilorti of Van SSnndt, Uhnrlee II. Yoakum of Hunt and Dub Miluer ot Uuk. Over 800 bnllntn hnvo been taken Without rhnnue, the l ist belli no fol lowei McOord, 18i Xoiikum, It); Kit (ore, 101 1 Mllncr. 0. i CIihiikc Tl'X vltKAN.t, Tex.. Au. 0. Ther Is no ciiiiniif In tlie roitrtli canKrownonal tustr ' t convention. Nearly oooo ballots hnd lioen taken. t'ncltralt III Itm tnil. , Daum-it, Tux., Att?. 0,-Thi Thlr teenth oongreesioual district is having trouble nominating n wngreesinan. Bloveti ballots were tnkmi yesterday lie fore adjournment which rvstilteil ns fol lows t J. V, Cookrell of .Tonee, 73 J. M. Dean of HI Vmo. 0i It. Cobb of Wloliltn, B. Necaewuy to n ohoioe. 76. Milt Crowley nir Conyri... ILujjrrTaTnajs, Tex.. Aug. O.Tho deadlock in the Tenth oongresaloual ills tritttls broken nud Miles Crowley or Ualvcetou nominated, IColb VlinrsM 1'miiil. I1IIUHVIII.IM, Ala., Aug. 0. Kolb, the doioattnl tinudldntu for governor, olnlnu to bo elected by 18,000 votes, He ouarges grots frauds, Tlin ArknnwiD (Iuiilgii, Lrrn.K Itaac, Aug. 0. Immediately , npoll iidjnunimentof congreiH, tlie mem lieri of the ArkiimHie dulegtttinn will j proceed home nt otto to . enter the cam paign. The oaugreeimeu will 1111 iiik poliUments In their rusiwutlro districts, mid Bwiators Jones awl Harry will speak . n pnrty of loiters on tlie Mldlnmt rnll ttl every aeotlon of the state. Altliouijli rood bridge, who were ordered to move Having no contest r uls own this year, Senator Jonm will stump the entire I nortliwestern part of the statu in the in-1 ter.ntof the Diiiofrntte nnitilnw. Chair-1 man Arnwtrotig and Hwiretary Oitrroll of nml Keprmeiitatives, ami mnuu nu uouncetneutM tlie latter part of thli Week. llltentery of l-ml Cnrlimmtr. Cnirru: Chekk, Colo,, Aug. 0 -Tlio dlioovery on Mineral hill of lead oar bonate, the ore which gave Ludvllle IU great lnwm. Is regarded by mining metl as the itiost remarkable and liti jmrtetitc over mnde In the Cripple Creek district. Tlio vein Is four fsot In width and It Is nil pay. One nuay retnrund $to lit gold, L'OO otiiiaos silver nud W per uent lend. Atlrr Trc 1'nMitrmtm. Tiuiy. N. Y Aug. 0. The proprie tors of ihu poolrooms in this city hnvo Ikwii noilllrtil by the )iolloe to oloio their plnws. They rofurd and will fight tho jioliee in court. They ulnim thnt they nro not selling pools nml nre merely oon ductlnga telegrUplllo bulking oooount lietween Jierenus in dilfent loonlltlei who wish to "wit, and that betting in It lf is not liberal. i MUST PAY INDEMNITY. Great Britain Will Damanil It From Japan. TOR SIHKIHO TIIB Kflff BIIUKG, The J'rlme MliiUIrr if Oliliin ntlmnt tlin .Iiikihiii 'flint Will ll AnUrtl at to Ktlln tlio lllRVrviien Htrtnecn China I nml Juimn. SiUNmiAt. Auk. O.-Vloeroy U Hnnit Ctmtii; expreaeea tlio opinion that the llritleli noverntnmil will elnim aompeit erttlim for the relaWvw of lite vleliina of ttie sunken tranno"rt Kow ShitrfK, nnd ! ntito for the owners of .he canto, who wre under the protection of the Urittah lliK when the Kow Slimi woe mink. LI nmu Chan eetimntM the Indemnity duo to Obinn from Jrymn on account of the Kow SIiuiik aifalr nt $8,!i00,000. The ltitMlsn troops north of the Tru men river hare been relnforoeil. Beverel Japaneeo tmtuinnrts oerorted by war hlpi hare been eiahkl In the Yellow sen. It li prwuineil that they wero bound for Chemulpo, Letter from Han Kow, whore thera nro only B0 Uuropeiin. sny Hint rent anxiety prevails iiinoii the forelvnem leetanarehy should break outnmoiiKtho natives In the ovent of n diatar to the Chinese foroe. All the iiialKuropeniM have enrnllml a volunteers. Uuenelneaa la fultalso in ChlnKiaiitf, Uuhti, Tehant; and other plaore. JS trnqt III" CtMtlltl.1 Yokohama, Aoir. 0.- Additional bnt ties have beon fought betuiteu the Jap-1 nuM nnd Chinese and the latter havo been defatted. Seikonn hiut been taken j by the Japanese with trlllhiR loss. The ' Chiiiree lust IWO killed. The enemy Hed in the direotiou of Uaeeiti. Tho Japan. ce nre in poaMMeioii of Ynshnn. Tlio Imperial -rdlnsneo juit liwnd pfrinlts Chluoso to reside in Japan pro- vlilud they uusKo l poacoful pumiitt 'llioarentesteselteinintiireviillslurB. nt Toklo nnd other Inrg-j cities ns tho ro-' suit of vlotortes by .Ihpanoso troops. I . - ltnmoM, However, ore current lieto that the Januine naval forces huvo leu do fented by Chinese warililp. Clilmi Will Not niva t'p Uattxu Biianuiiai. Aug. 1. It K ifllolally ro portal from Tien Tslu that thueiforU of Qreat llntnin nnd Ilussia to bring ab mt it nnc ful settlement of dUpntei 1st-twe.-ii chlun and Jup'in tnve futlwt, and C'nlna is willlns to pay an indemnity, but ihi. f fuw-x to mirr.'iuler lir sov.r- 1 eluty over C irca. Tlu C!ilnra ("v 1 ..,,,, ,,t line el nn Auipni' and T;ik io liuhthouiM on the iu'nticl of Kormona. ChlHMK riralt-4 rtiifny.'il. Lonikiv, Au. 0. -Tho Viceroy of Twbiik Tunic lion eniMKi-d Sisw block piratM to man the Chlueie farts near Canton. (.'iminlttvil 3lnr lr nm! dhili1l. I'liii.tttKiJMitA. Ann. 0. William Svans shot nnd killed Lawii Ifccht. shot his wife nnd Ihen committtd snlcid. 'Hie woman is seriously woundetl, Knuw nnd bis wife had Ixt n m pareteil for some time and tho hitter hud been liv ing with Hecht. Stmt?, 'tlornnt AiirnIoil To. Pahib. Ail;. 0. Tho iiwtlwr of On- eerio Santo (eroulmo, tho asaassln of President Carflot, has written to Mine. Catuot nkluff her to lutoroeilo with President Cnssimlr-Perior for the life of her son. Shut Til r ouuli tlin WrUt. Nbw Uhtlk. Col. i., Abb, 0. Private Henry Lemon of Company C, Sixteenth Infantry, was shot through tho wrist by ou. Reiiilmir (ll4 Aluirlotl. I LoKixia, Aug. O.-Saudow, thestronii man, wim married today nt MnMriisster riinrlerU Imm Arivrwerit. 'j B'K SiWKnB, Tex., Aug. 0. 11. By MoKinley was iirreeied at his homo four miles northeast of here by lite slierllt ot Grayson oaitnty oil a charge of homo stealing and fnrfoltnre ot hts Ixmd nlxmt M years ngo and was taken to Oraysun ouiiutr. Fvery v itoeieiBSBSv wsi E'eKjUHe' to RUEvT fiHxpes, j Vutltlon Vnr A Hprvldl Bf..nli r llirj Nbrnka irfshlnliir. IiHecjr, Kek, Au. 0.-A petltioif Immciuol llgiwi 1ms been presented U the jiivernor neklntf hint to imtnedlataly call a upednl leMlon of tho letrlilAturii for the pirpwo of projecting an extern.' sire ey.tem of irrlaaUofi dltchn. Tim reaenm MlittilMl for lhl nrn that lint i lmiM..i, 1.1111 ti vrgetablsa Irt this portion of the stale west ot Holdretko nnd that It Is abso lutely aeowwry that sotno work be af forded to settlsra lhre to fide over tint winter. It relntea that tlio ourtdltlon of the people In that stcUeu Is terrible nnd irnwrtntf mm. Many liavo tiettt lownf jwlled to abandon their olalnn and t (a relnlivm in tho oat overlnnd, but many are nimble oven to do thnt for laelt ol meniH, while others are loth to Rive up their hemes, It omt tlio istftte $feK),iW to relievo deetitntlon in this neotlon In' 1800, another drought year, arid the pro jectors of tho Irrigation sohems oontond thnt the etnte will Ret value r cashed bv takltiK this nisthod. The lrrlxatlon Um hitt takoii deep root In Nebrnika. nnd !ti Is probfiblo that great preeuro will 1 brotticht to lionr on tho governor to con venoholj;lslnlnro. tlovornor Uromuw is nbwnt front the state, pnd nothlui; will be done until he returns. NEW HANOlNQ DEVICE. Tlie Vlollm Will mil n Strlnir nmi tlie Muchlm Will Do Itin Itrtt. IlAttTroitD. Anit. 0. With tho hnne Ing; of "Jaok" Cronlti on An. 34 will lie Inaugurated n new inmloof execution in this state. Tlio old gnllows, which has been oar ted about to do duty slum the hnnglng of Auderftni, tho Walllnj; ford murderer, has lieon nsl for the last time. In It etend will be nn Im proved automatic banning machine which oompletoly rovnlutfonlzcs tint stylo of execution. I)y the old method the condemned man wns dropped throttsli nn ojtonlnglit th scaffolu. tho drop being released nt tho proper ' time. the now mnclilno tho tnnrdoror K Jsrkwl high In tho nlr nnd thin drop mnl Is euspondod. Thero nro thus two rlinfif-mi fi tirnnlf tlt Tiflp. vltllt lit lit.. chnnces to brenk tho neck, whllo by tho old way thoro was only ono chanco, and ottsn tins fiiilou nml death wn by strnunlnllon. Conneiitlout's law in re-' lutloii to vxeuntlQus was cliangtd by tho last general assembly, and tlie hnnglng of Cronln will Iw jio first under this provision. He will pull the, string and start the mechanism which will dsprlvo him of life. THE nAGE DECUrtGD OFF. Tim Vlgltnat tlio Only Competitor Tint Tucil Ilia l.liio, Cowrs, hla of Wight, Aug. 0. Only th Vigilant appeared mi tlie line nt gun flr yesterday. As three eom))Ctltors wt'r urceMttry for the rnee to bo sailed, tlio ev.'iit wns iloolnred olT. Tlio Bri tannia was (looked ns tho result of dnm ag she sustained by scraping the shore in the Lnlfiug mntch off Yentnor on Mundtty hut mid A. T. Clnrko, owner of the Satanttn, had been blackballed bv the Iloyal Yaulit cqnadrou and ho re fused to sail his yaaht. Tlio olub managers having1 offered to sttipond the rule rwpilrlng three yacht should compote, the sailing ooiumltteo asked Uon'd to send tlie Vigilant over the uoiirie for hnlf tho prino. (Jould di- ' ollurd saying he did not consider that to bo sjwrt. Artificially frtrinml. PiTTtBUHO, Aug. 0. Suporlntsntftnli of the Pittsburg Morgue J. A. Lonsli- . rey has nppsreiilly suooeedtHl in petrify -Inutile Iinndisnd f.wtof tlio renialus of ' Itmest Schwab, who was klllpil by i railroad twin nt Un Venue Jitty JO, Loughrey and Coroner Mi DowelldecldiHl niton the nttempt lu ordr to preserve the tHHly until word could to hnd from Otto Seliwitb, n wealthy Cuban totme-' oouUt nml brother of the deaeastil. Tlie jietrlfaotlnii of the hands and feet wn nu experiment. The members nro as hard ns suu, nud the question U whether they will remain so. An at tempt will lie made to petrify tlio whole body. Hinl Hie ISntlre Iluiter St'oeU ' AVMutU. Ills., Aug. 0.llttrglars En tered the North Aurofa Creamery vwu imuy's factory Tnsedny night nud stol tmvi worih of batter. They took 83 tntM full, the entire miioutit which lh oouiiuy hnd ou hnnd. B0TfOM Pair Guaranteed Aocncss AN irfANC:SC0 WAU i