Newspaper Page Text
v,-r. ,. a ,ii S'4SU ! , ISSk. P , EI26D ISY BUTCHEnS. Wftera Taha CrtaVf nf (South OnUlia rat.ln(iioura nAit Ttnitbta t Vmrr.V , Omaha, Au. O.-Tho rrlll nrrlVptl Just nlflht end If there li no ImprW turrit today souriil comnintle of militia will bo smt to BoutU Omaha nm tho packinghouse s will n placed under mar tini law. XIjs situation was more cerl ctji 1iit hlglit and 1000 striker havo been doti& about aa thej peasH. They forced their plokot lino that has for 48 hours surrounded tho pncklptf plants un der the walls of big bulldjngi, and their number wn IncrcAscd by .the addition of ssvernl hundred wen. Mayor John cm of South Omaha went boforo the Omaha polleo board and niked that o detachment of pollco IO sent thero, as ho wai pow'erle to control ik lawleH mm. Tho board wns Informed that tho ROvernor was in consnltittron with tho officers with it tIcw of putting tho pack Inghouso district under martial law. Tho packinghouse nietnliers held a "conference, and at Its close Mr. Cudahy hotlfled tho adjutant tumoral Unit un m the workben could bo given n lo quate protection all tho packinghouses, wonld be compelled to closo down at once, In tho erening tho govornor nud adjutant gonera! met tho packers to canvass tho matter. Tho packera do dared that tho situation was most criti cal, and tho governor finally concluded to do nothlnjf until today, and tlnm If thero was no Improvement to call out iho troops. Mayor Johnson predicts that unless tho hillltia is Drought into thd ncllon nt once that tho regular army yill .havo to bo called on to prevent bloodshed on a largo rfonle. t Bherlff Drexnl thinks tho police and de'pnty slierllTs can presorvo tho peaoo uniess sometnintr uiiio?nson occurs, ana io uocs.noc favor wie niia or tailing out Uo mllltla at once, THE .NEWS IN URIEF. ' Dltconragfiis roportf still osuno con cerning crops In Kansas. " Tlie last of tho troops on duty In Chi cago havo been ordorod home. George Itlchsrdson, n Wisconsin farmr, was shot and killed by his broth or. , A traction engine Went through a cringe near FprliiuuHd, Ills. Two mon who woro on tho engine wcra killed. TheDomocrats of Callaway oottnly, Mo., enthuslattlrally Indorsed Wand's record and Instructed for his rn-uomt-' nation. A Judge Charles J. Undies' of lllch mond, Mo., well knowu In Missouri lidllllus, dlo.1 nt his home. ,--0 JMw. Lilly Hunilon of St. Wilis has i VStil Major Morgan Williams o'f At- innin, .nu., ior two lor uri'dtm or . promise of nmrringo. I ( bUpatchcs from Peoria and Cincinnati v ''ln' nxtTli Ki'i'-J" havo been en " paKt preparatory tu gutting whliky out Jji)brak.iti aro nsk'n? for n special ,, freslon of the legislaturo to clvo ottt Ir rigation work to relieve distress vuUMd by crop failure, A number of Italian anarchists huvo ' been arrested, I Ohlnwo nrb attributing tho ravage of 1 t)to black pliiguo to tlie prtHtmto of mls nlotiiirh's. "v . Avast trabt of laiid has bw! put cIihkoiI in Arkamas, with n vlow to colo nlrtng Slavs' In it. Ifcirclnri llonmt nrtil hiseeil 111m, , QoLniM Oity, 5Io., Aug. 6, Nw.i has just reached horo of thu burglary of J i A. Pidoook'a storo at King's Point, 17 miles southwest of Golden City. At n Jonejy hoar Sunday morning, a brother oljhu proprlutorof tho storo wnt pnaing When he detccttnl u light lu tho bnilding. ' i ' llo supiKyied it wai lild brother, liml, lflngln at an open window, ozclnlmedi "What aro yoit doing theft" when ho "was confronted by uiovolver and sternly told io climb In nud keep still. Unco In stdo tho burglars bound uild him njid escaped with their pluu'dur. Young Plilcock tugsed and strained nt tho ro IK'S until u late hour Bnmiay, when 1)0 tnnnsRfd to free his fet and get out of thtt iMllilliitf. Tim burglars uro thought to bs UamjH. fclnlM l.w III UitM-l... !.). ATjiANTA, Aug. 0.A serious dim culjy occurred at Cuban!, 10 tntlrt jinfthcuat of hero, between John Glb ton, tt prominent farmer, rtn 1 Itichard tg, jhli sonlu-liw, Hal blood liixl bcoti rilitlng between Ulbwn nn I Row (or f onto tluio and they met at the polls for the first, Unii In a ttiuuth. Itots called Ulbson aiide to settle their dllfer inm and a light ensued, in whltjj Ho shot Uilxon thrro tlmus lit (lie ubdo ineii, front' which he dlt. y DrawhvA i Ilxtl lltvcr, . CUttKAVItxib Tm Auir. o'.-W. P. Latfmer. a youhg man of this efly. was flrownetl In Ite-1 river nt Watiou's whllo Vntliliiu. It is suppoteil that ha took the ci'UtntM. ' tolit Sliliinriit. . Nfew Yoiik, Aug. 0. Kdder, Peabotly & Co. of Dm ton will ship $300,000 ot gold by today's stoim'sr, yjhluh was wlthilrawn from the subtreasury ou' Monday, . , , A CntliUr UlMtvRnf! . Al.TOOSA. Pa.. Auif.' !!. llnrrv Oard. nri ciiithierof thoSscond Nutliftial'lAlrik tt thli city, lias dliatitieareJl,' About f.'O.OOO aro inlsnlnv, , t)Maa Jir'ki. flsssrsi ' iWmr.,- Urd-T.XT. 9tl Rseelpts, WW, strons. m. I.ill4 ft rUcliiU. WJ sIMdV. ITON. rijtilr Csuunnnwmtars' Olren Trans portation Itsek to Tliolr ItnuiM, Wabhixotow, Aug. 0, Through tho tflorU of one of tho district commission ers and leading cltlxens nbout 60 Com monwealors composing ilw tialvln dl. vision of Fry's army loft tho city Tues day night ovor the ChcsApeak and Ohio railroad for their homes In Cincinnati and Los Angeles. Tfi train Is ex pected to reach Indianapolis tonight, where nrrnniiomonts havo boon mado for transportation further west, Oalvin nud Thomas, It Is said, are tho only commonweal leaders who Itavo not de serted. Thero aro now oidy n few wcalcrs remaining In this vlolnltg they will leave ns soon as transrftaWnl can bo had for them. 80L0IEriS TO DE PAID. hiri)or lntlhrirs AVlii llnrrow tli Jloncy on IIU Own ttrpniit!jl!r. lNiiANAtt)i,t, Aug. O.UovornorMat thews has decided to pay oil with bor rowed money tho tnllltla who woro In sorvlco during tho strike. In order to scctiro it ho mmt rIvo his own nolo, and ht has decided to ratio it in tula way, truiilng to tho legislature to reimburse him. The nmotint required Is about 115,000, Ho assumes tho responsibility, ho says, booattft many of tho soldiers lost thefr work or are out of work and If not paid thoy will bo mado victims of moneylender who will cut their claims lu two. Iteiwtj' For (lnrrmiirnt Trt, Bt. Louts, Aug. to. Tito now torpedo lxmt Kriosson left hero yesterday morn ing for the Brooklyn navyyard for gov- mn Kincsflox. eminent test. Tho boat goes direct to Now Orleans and will remain tlwro n few day boforo continuing tho journey, Jtoro Arroiti Mmlt. DR.Wn. Aug. I). Dr. J. T. Iteed, who was jointed out to thodctectlviti in Denver as one of tho principals in tho Tnisney outrage by cx-Dcputy Wi!on after lis made his confeesioa Is n promi nent mlno owner nhd politician, lla was brought to this city Inst night In company with Wilson by Sheriff Bowers nud txmds were given for their uppour nnco, whllo Wilton was locked up along with ox-Dptuy Parker who has also , made a confession. It la generally be lieved that Wilson's oontWoit due not imp'ltoutu (Sheriff Dowen. I'lro lit n CililcuRo Kulmrli. CiiiCAno, Anir. 0. A fierce lire broke out In tho bunluess jiortlou of tho north slilo suburb of Rogers Park at 10 o'olook today. Tho lire was soon bsyonil the control of tho locil llremen nud assist nnoo was sent from tho city, Otto block ou Clark street and a store ou tho east sldo of tho earns street were burned. At IttflOo'olotjk tho tiro was nnder con trol. All telephone and telegraph wlros aro down. fiKTrreit I'runi 1'mlrln 1'lret, Fojit Waynb, Aug. 0. A diHtrons prafrlo Uro swept over tho farms of Hon. T. E. Klllion, A. O. Truutman and others, four miles from this city, yes terday, nnd destroyed hundreds of bush els of grain lu shock and hundreds of cords of wood. PraTrio fires aro raging in different parts of this county and tho railroads aro kept busy fighting llamts, tlroml Loils In fc'rlon. Wii.KiiiAtnti:, Pa., Aug, 9.Tko granil lolgo ot the American Protective itssovlatlon. ooinprlilng feprceentatlvr from nil lolges throughout the Unlte-l dtntes. nntemblcd in nuttiml convention here today. Thu work ft' mostly of rt seorct chnrnottr. The oouvontlou will be lu session three day. Amrrlrail l'llKtliiU at Home. 11 omr. Aug. 0. -Nenrly 400 American pilgrim attended mass yesterday In tho hall nt the oomUtory. Musi wai oelebnttMl by tho pops who allowed bis tnutd tn 1 kissed. Ills bollueM nlso inudo u lUensnut speech to tho pilgrims. l'nncttl fiiilrr Arr.M. 3I.iiHinii.iJH. Aug. 0. Aii Italian t.n-l n...l.l .1 tin. Ill l.n. luy. ! here. He reoeutly arrived from Amor Ion nnd had In Wis possoMlanu ntltse full of dynamite. Pnnetll was golug to Italy iu order to commit outrages. llojoutt Drrlnruil (Itf. Laiujiik, Wy., Aug. O.Tlto Lnratulo lwlge o( tho American Railway union has declared the'ullman boycott of the Union Pacific road oft itml nppolnttvl a commltleo tolnterwlo with Judge Riuer on behalf ot tho strikers. iirt t sHrrln's and Miners i'lsht. La Htt.t.r,, Ills,, Aug. 0. A fight took placo early yesterday between deputy sheriffs and Polish miners. One killed nnd two were wounded. Alieiifil ii f Time, Richmond, Ind., Aug. O.-The relay bloycle riders carrying n message to Washington from Denrw passed horn jHtsrday ID hours and 00 tnluutts ahead' LEAVII1 WASHINQ 3 ' TO PUT ON needed tlssh, no mat ter how you've lost it. take t)r. llerve's Golden Msdlenl I) l. It uflflf. wonders. By rsstor. i ' tlon or the lUraitged otparjssnd functions, m. It builds tlienssli.uii, ion mil aim jiVAIUty stsndsnlproriiilly, urslly. , The weak, eiiiaclstsd, tliln, pale . , Mini iuiir uic iiittiiq ftrong, ptiunp, rotnd and resy, N(illi Inir so effective as a strength restorer and (teth msker Is known to medics! set CtlCeilllld lilltd nn fiauttf.A.a JtL .... A.. of cikI liver oil nnd its filthy eempounds, It rouses every onrstt of tfia b(ly to ac ,v.'Vu p,u,lfitr' .,r.r,c'e,,. ""i1 vltsllsef tie hloml so that the laxly fosls reftesheil and strentrtlirnml. if ou are t thin, too" weak, tiK. nrrvoui, h may be thai the foeil bm n iiiuion met nitit. Acsttsln amount whb i iirtciMry for the reception ortho ful food In t he Wood. Twi ofttn the llvet holds i ck UjU Hcmenl which would licit dlaetlon. )r 1'leroe's Ooliiefi Medlesl omles the liver, niurlalie tlii TiLm1. mt ?t'C' I V lllllIil.illJBSI I 1 1 M ittl Aka.l oraiw me ht, nitirniiss tli Wuod, nnd the mUMjjcs. stotfisch nnd nerve get the Srwnt tlundtdi at hstlfen-a niitl conltlpulloti with n. loM asony fur M ll ,8 iiionlht, I am ,iuir tfian Klwurtl lo y that arltr Uag III. PWhw m i.aklni ltlical UlMewry ami 'rkaMiit rtlkU'thr one month, I mi entirely ciiml. niul from that day lo thla t do nt linuw, llinntc Ood, tnn n alight neadiirhc la. t ptlil Ilnnlllrt. Ill on .lay t f.if .( i.iui,. aJS-Za M. f. Cm. ii if aw llawi Inni. t k.H more nllrriM imt titur Item your IImii from oil the (Hlitr mnlldne I uaol, . Ifany ixraon who. read thUU MaOVrloi' from oyituHMia or otmnllrMtloii anil will tint jeur uieuiciiic m i wrc uonr, ne win tMvtr regrtt It.' J. It, llronn MUalng-. Hot Sntistta, Ark., Aug. 0.-,T. R; llrown, n prominent nnd wealthy liim berman of 8tatnt. Ark., has mysteri ously disappeared front this oity, nnd hi friends think ho has been foully dedt with. Searching parties nro eoour Jng tho woods in this vldulty for hM body. 8ome of his personal circcts urd at tho Arlington hotl In olmrgo of IiM brother, who arrived to Institute searolt for the lniHsiutr man. llodr of J. It. llronn I'niin.t. Hot Bi'itiNOH, Ark., Aug. 0. 'Hie iKHly of J. It. Drown, the wenltliy lumberman of Stamps, Ark., who hits been mlMlmi fir tho past few days, was found nboiio tfirco mlliu from this city. A torriblo gush inji's throat and n razor near by t)ld thoti.le. Tlio body was iu att sul' Tanced stato of decomposition, An Allrireil Atmitln Arrrated. Danviixk, Ills.. Aitft. 0.-D,m!el Mayllold, u striklint brnkoman of thd Chlcnao nnd Eastern Illinois rnllrond, hhnlifOn nrriMtMl for tint aliiviln,f rt 1'..- glnenr llnrt RyrtKS in his oab about Id ) no, on mo ouarKe ot murder. Tne oflloers havo the testimony of oyo wit' tiusaes that he is tho assassin. A toward of $000 was offered by tho railroad unit the county for his nrrwt, Olinrcr .tsolnit New Vurk I'nlleemtnj Nirw Voiik. Auk. O.Supsrltiiflndent Dyrnes has profdrred ulmrtff ngnlmt Police Captaiu William S. Devuy, now coltimnud of th first )treolnat, iiml Wnrdman Edward Qleuueu. Tlni olInoKee are te outarowth of the tioen nation made by Dr. Pnrkhurst white the two men were stationed nt thd. Rldrldge stntlonhouse in the Elevotitli preetuot. A Wiiirtiirt OjflUl'a 1I, . TwtttK JIaltk, lud., Aug. 0, Mini M trttarut Henderson ot this oity is lint II Nt woman id Indiana to mtiko n cuu tury bloyclo run, irhe, completed 109 tiiilw ou ix wheel within the prescribed tlnnS of 10 hour nllowco by the Century Road club. Her actual riding time wai 0 hours and 43 tnlimU. i Nullri. of tin I r. The unrirlfiiwl, lrml lilny, bliu; imitr nf tu nui pin hi mimi in a uiiwuii moiEajiti in I" ad ly lli.raif J Uowli she tils WifK TTDio II. minla. 4alil tlw fourlb day uf Uttuher rfv,anil ill arum lHS'd un aald dalo Ufiiiv Ilurrj' V. .ia..Mnlaiy 1 nolle, dim harrlw alia jinlln. be ft! in.liriailiu, Mini Hl.r, mi Mhl day. ill uft llurniv J. I.IM1 ailtl tilt Bill AIL 11. Liailnla ma f iciu! -uiu wungw acHiu m uf a iwmiii iiniuiiMury lino tu favur ul u, t lml Kliw, uiaa un asw iimrlli day Of (klpWr IWi, fur M ulmajr aaya aflar mlddaif, Willi liilna-i at lae rain d, Iwalia par cent. r aattuw (rum tale uoill M ftrol wkareiw, Ilia aattl lluraw J, 1miSla, and liU Hf Alios II. UiMinia, iuv iiiuh m nw new um in aaia lanrt Ituif". inl l lunlruinatil Mil, rainvvr snttcon- nrill IH1 uir uiiunrDwaau, mhi iwu (M IIM, (iff , uaM unii pari an un luiiinvine bcktiwhi 101a, raffiiia and Irari.ul lawl Ijlrw fail Mnr 111 Uiaioliiii; o llrai. I'li riimrjf ul Now Mtkkv, l-wlt :-tbf llll uarU'ri.t xlluu iiunlwrwl lMl,iwo,wl iht miuiIi ulii I. oil ul ilia MiHtiiHiat sua iiHarlar oi Willi" luuiUtuiI IttKOI ttiHw, In tuwiiaplli IIHB1 IlUi. iii uulli.ul ranni nubitenra tMllwB h.i ul N.w Mvalixi ba aatl (sariittan, uaminer MHhall immui awl apiartaaKuea lliifeiiMlu wIqiikiiw ur aitMrialiurK suit tit ealale, rftiit, tills, inl.n'.l, rialw aad ilaiaaM wlWsewr ol aul Srt MUiia, alilwr In law or euulty, uf, In qiiaru'r ui in anuiHaait ihm anti i.i ma -am .rwwpr. ayua iu euaaiiloa llial If aald Srt pat lla. of Ilw out liftt abosle isur aaid mmuikI Mt't laioanl ut MM atrial an' se-i III Ibliuir aklr, annriiluii u Iho lu ljuir tut tfiagt ol SSM lataai, i ti.14 luu aaoa aaiiUHi ihhwhw m ai alioulil I vulUl w (mUisr ttfe ilill in aald liiitruiaent. iMt, In rasa ol ifalVslt . than ram nuanisrt or osan ul nwitaaw tut aaiu fianiva uiiim ra itari, in ma imjuiHILfit aald iin.iH),lUa audi rir ol Ilia iMAwl Iiatj aaouid I auilturUwl tu lake itueaataii el aalil imiuiara, (lid, atlar Jtllust maUce ut tlie Hull uuu hihi uianHen.l Kila lur immIfd iisUtttrM ul aima uaiMiir iitliitcd lo fit ramiuf uT I Irani, r at loaat tlilnjf ilkjaprlurla Umatif awrh asT. In rutiuMi anil aal) nt (mWlc amllyii In Ui lilalieal bldu. i lor cli, ilwaaW dKiUl iamts, aufl n M'utaiuilin iroliar a tqiwl and nnkiliit lU.'ralur; ana. uaim, iw amuiiiMw. mhISI( bate failed i liar Uf autumn of wune' ami lu ltd Ilia MlU , aiimiii iiuuiia niv in uetaiii', aiie rat In aald tirntulaaiira mil a ilriwl oi anriK llieravf. aiturdli.f lu (tie Knur am) tITwt ut aald iiruiiilaMJiy niilv, m dial all ul aald iiiomiy aii.j iuivieai Uiuatwlailue aa uluu tu hi la lixeiia MMtjri Now tljaialiin, I, larael hliig, of tile (iinil iiTlMeiiss In (tie euuutr ol (Irani ami Xatlliatr uf Nawilefilw. will, t twu (I'CIMk It, W.Of Wll il i(m Ut lar nt HiiiuUi IHU, hi IiimiI itl, Flint Nittym) Ihuik lliUlilliiic at I ha ttoutlirl Himeroi nn uraf i aiMi nunr aranno in aaiu limnot llmlnu, eijir al auiJ m Iu tlio Itlahoal Uddar lor enh ill ami alngNlar the iiSi. I,a betalii Udne UmiIM and will ilaatewityu aiavsla In he nurcliaaer iir iutrhoari a saint aw illhinl df I lor taul Uiiila awl lireinl! SMtt HUH taoiifase miiai. iwiaiuu nw I'lr rorilMl In Iwuik S ol niui(Kiit. at li Jfcil. ami 1. anil the pa aat. i " i nu uracriaru aro mar Uaw ll.umaiu in kaiu mailt miuimj IIHUlliK. N. ii , AU(Ul 1I. 16I , luiuibltipa, Uuttxsi slid Atttnorlua VonJr mmmmw mm N. A. BOLICH, DKALRit IK GLOTHlNG.BoOTS.SHOfiSj HATS, CAPS, GivNt' Furnishing .'feooDs, irro., irfo. I carry a full line In all departments and my stock offinnt'a tinilshlns Uoods is tho tnoit complete In (Jmttt county, having Iwelt selected with special reference to lfo(E SHIqlS AND IlUDERWEAR OF ALL Klli&S &S1ZES. OLXjTj -Ck.2Sr.2D 0?23ST FKIOEfB. National Bank Slook, - SANTA IE ROUTE! The Great trunk Line .North, East and West Only Line running Solid Trains throiigii to itnnsits TJlt.y, Chiaiigo and St. Louis Without fcJhangei PULLMAN PALACE SLEBPIN8 CARS RUN DAILY I't-om all iinlntl to all points lit Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona and California, Sco that your tlekets mail, "Via tho Atchison, Topeka nnd Santa Fe Hallway.' For lu formation regarding rates, eminemluun, olo., onll on or dddress 0110. T. M0IiqLSON. O. l anil T. 'IVipoItu, ItativM. C. 11. MOltHIIUUStt, D. P. aiil I'. An Ml IVtoo, 'XM, Or A. 11. B1M0X6, Ueat Agent, Dsmliig. Thompson s. .-. Hotel, Oppoaito tho Dopot. ON !EHB HUIiOPBAlSr PLAN A. 11. TltOMl'SON, rnriiMiii.Tt'n Call on Thompson for Cheap Railroad Tickets M&Iskman & Beals Go. Sucoossors to SMITH & FLEISHMAN. GROCERIES & HARDWARE New Goods, Low prices. Special Attention to Mail OxdorQ. Gold' Avuiluo, D13MJNG, - NI3W MISXICOt Deming? Meat JOHN STENSON, Pitoi-JtikToit, Fresh Beef, Pork, Veal, Sausage, Gomed Qnef So oonstant! on hand anil at reasonable prices. Kitflt nl (16 Gold AVoiiui), bulwuoit Htiiiiloulc nnd B)tuao Htu CLARK & CO. BAEE&S AND GOUFBCTIOlEIiS, ALSO OAKUt A VVIU A9SOUTMKNT Of Staple & Fancy Gfroceries. itighuBt price paid for Kggs and all country produce. GO LP AVIS., - DBMiya, N. M. HENRY WORDHAUS, IIU.M.HH IH ANIt MANUlMOTUHim 01 Sadblhs & ILvunbss Ropalriii Don on Short Notloo. i'hotiiftrslilis of my imtkc ol BaiMlw furnlsht'il on application. . Gold ,Av bolow Pino. PHMNG. SOim OORBSTT, . SUNlM'Atn ilKIt Ut Soda Water, Dealer in Keg. and Bottled (leer, DOMING Watchmaker : Ootd Avonus, South of Sptuce, DKMlO, M. M- , A soodsitstlmiutbt Wslh, rrki, Mawslr and I'latad ' onhaad. Spatial alltniliin lu ttpalio( aud all woi k wai . a....l, this market. NEW MEXICO. and jEwitLitR, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Jljtl. HOLLlNOSWOnTH, Fllysstalnnnrid Sufceoa', DomlnB, . Msw Mexlro. liAWUHNOB M.BUliLOOK, Ml. O., , V., , PhyhlolAn rand SUrneori, llressstalslly namlnul and olaaaas rarnliiicit lurall il!talaot (itloa. UfSe rjuRlapllulliting, Hpnicm ttrect. DR. R. F. STOVALI, Phvhioiam anu Suhoieon, OoiiiiisiirBUrrtBUrt lor A. T,.t H. P. It. It. Co. uiueni wsmvct i)iiiiiiin,iiritr armnid. JAMBS S. FIELDER, ATTORNBV, at ,iAv, SlWnr ulty, Kvh Msxleo JOBBPII BOQNJJ, . Attorn itv at LAw, Dotalns, M. at. Will liraetiaaln nit thanciiirta nfth Turrit totf, tim Mn Offlca at Liu CrussU ana m Wiui to litieintsa with Ilia Dtpurtlutnta si .UIIIIIKIU'I. tmicBt tnirer avsdus uorner ol nns St. T. F. OONWAY, Attornoy nutl Counsellor, at Law, MlverClty.KswMrxlvo. fe. M. ASIIBMFEtaTEIt Attorntiy utilhw. )mlntr, Ntn Muled W. D. WALTON, Attorn icy at Law. IlradllghtUSrs, Parani, '-'iw Mailed T PEOPLE! Vaif Onrarrt i'is will ra!n ronr wltlit PKIDI AM:NTI. i Irmn IS tu 1ft iieandi a man III SU NTAIIVI lit). aliVuaaa ua Inlnrvi Ml SM'KMM 1 Y. f hay Iwlla up 'HhVHM ami taMdillr Ilia tvmipifxlon; NO " ItlNH LI'M i.r AalilMtMaa, HtlltT A TSfS sad diairull brvalhlnt auralr tall' l!X nm a ..i .i i mil a taianunc ani, .Miiiuta rt llat. adtHilatl only atiarraaranf aiMtWnra. All erttara ap)!!at lirri from oor uOlro. rrlra, g(U) M-r iwckatfe qrlhrva rtarkagaa (iir tit Oltijr mall itmliMid. TaaUmuiilala aiij lutrliauUx ( Jadiurii. All t'iirrraioutliire ;rlrlijr Cbuttitrnttnt. PARK REMEDY CDm Boston Mass. Trualra'a Hula. Wbafaaa. tin llu, t'Jtll liar nf March (li Ilia aaar niul lliauaiKit tight linnilrnl ami nliiaij.iwu, lliajpniaB,. Auras", wua oi uiiiii Ainnan, anil itaMlJ Lotti Altiiiau, tailh t Ilia iMiiuIr uf l,..t..h 1. ( l..l. .11.1 n alia aiula, awil anil acknatvlnljo llirlr mitilndard at Ittlil wtwraln ami nlirratA, tor caitala apaclfle nn.juiprr-a imtjiiwa in aald liutmmvnt aatlnilli, Sll hcraliiatlar racllttl, Itiar did itraot, bargalo, h'I1,ixiihm, aiiuiminnii unio win umiariifnaii, in Itmt, all (ih lollowlnrdiwrilM real raUla lit tiala. Irloiraul belnitln Ihacoonlr ut Uiant and 'ffftllurj ol Niw JlfXlin. tiMrlt' 1h)I tiniubf rrd tan am flown (II) ami iwU (11!) In block nam Uratt rliihl (8)o I tlin towiiillo ut lii'iiunt, arcoul IBS tn u iiiat r. H. suuojr, niu witn iwiiilr Uwuidvi ot aaldllrttot cyjUiiljr, un Ilia lmli iby ut Match 1W1- ublcli aald uwd nt Irnat la - . - - ivi .i m.Hll , wt . . . irWIWIIHlWr,iu,,,,,ig, mm ... llrtoUtl ot tMnla ireurda ot (Irani muMy' Ol d vruaraaa, oj in icrnia ui aaiu imi i iruai ilia aald lluavnla 8. Altmin Hid Allmin .U walrv ami rlMiu ihaundarilsiiMlifor tli i uraaa tinriMiwa harrlnallar inaiitliinadl all their rlKhl,lill, lo Ilia aUitn Sa.i llUsI ntnnla, ipaultlnc I loin ut Incident In lh lwiiiaaladaiidariniilli)i lawa ol Ilia IVrtl torii ut.Naw Jlfilfo- lilalw;a lu (mat tor Urn funowlna tiirKMa: la aurj ih aijrmni ol it tartSin iiruiuliHirr nula ot rrn daw with aald it-lii trSal, In amount nt IWo thatuiud dullara aafabtatollkf Mulnal llnlMlncaml Iamu Aaaocl aili.n nl llaiiliiv, N.w MiixImi, In ajientr-lwi raal lnlaHiiini, tocatlier with Intaraat lliarwin iwjalila uurtiililr In l awoHUI ot Illlrlrt-1) dul lara and inlr.j lhr ranla par munlh, aald 111' aiallawnia ut nrinrliial and aalil Inirrot lo l ilu.j aaia iNUrabl on Uh and fiUlar ul rath and afar nuwlli, nnlll rruliilanrllrlrataanlabaira uf atiNik lu aald Aimx iMUin (plnlnwlva oijlatvral loaaldliolalaliouidliiatiira, at Ui ujr vulM of lu liimdml itollaraiwn :and (or ilia tarttiw par pram iitaw urlrux aald Alaiwlallon In Ilia amount nf Intviwi, wpaltlM and Stiaa dua a'ut olne, and Rnkli nihrht -tHuim dna and owing, frniii aal.t ngwiMS. Alltatn and tjinla Alinun lo alldAa- aiwlalion imoar tn njr iawa inaiwir ami arcuruinr In Ilia latior aiidrtTarl ul aald v'llMiry nnlr slid drailnf irual.andlnallaiimanf mnnaj paid out X aaid AMillon (or Hainan! taxea aid Intar asoa ihnim aald prainiiva. villi Inlrtril tliarnoiii Ed wuwnHi, II aa arrllnaiia iir aaiiiuanaot ui, thai, uniaaa Hi' laid lliizfnls . Altmaii and l Allmall alioulil pv or Minn lo la, paid to aald Aaam-ltli'Hi Ilia lalif ot ninna)' lii nlil rluaiitlui1.l,awiiillnK lo tba tan a and rondl io ml.! nola, and ciunpljr wllh all fovetunia and aatrruiaiitt In aald mils and drl ot trun, In rrfi-ram lo Inainaiif. tataa, bark lu, ale, tlwn lha nnilaralanril, at Itm rwpiaat ot the holilira ot Mill him, mlltlit (.mcawl to aUI Ilia prowrl iarinuiiir'uacrioefi, at pnouc iriiuuq iu n.ia hlaUat l.l.l.Uvr. flrat Slvliitf Ihlrtr 'at ' liotlw nt tli time, tcrtsa.plaai, ol alo r. by dnril mam in aurfiovt pip,rimldl!ird.a' aaldtountr nt (Irani : an, civin Mid tain, rhnutd sulo anil ilallver nrpr til Hi tin) purehawr- -and tiukn dlanaatilanottliapnrchaaainonry. In tnaniivr na iitaa d trim dwl provldnlg and, whtreaa. Una aM Knrnl.t N. Altmaii and litila Altmoii him alia.) lo pa or nauaa to lw paid to 'lit aalit Aaan. itivn tba aald anina ol money In the raid nolo inti!liii!, anniintoiailaiitd rnmpi; win tnair ruwnaula ami autaeinenU in aald nol and denl ot trim, In retcirtii' ' lo Inaiiranre, laiea, lauk Utat, ten and naia (allnl In paymant ot tmrU SjDSI NnitiHHHiiKM.siMTdlnstoiiui (rmi snd rsl Uosaolaalildailotlru.l, ao Dial lliera US r maliifll5i''Iiiiiii M llojrn H. All man Slid lamia Altinuii i aald AaastlaUon, c Hitiillif tn tb tnwttuor snd sltecl vt laldprSmla nn Sole an1 aald u'd ol ttaat.tbe asm nt ln leMi liuiidiwl, Mwanty l iJi-lMiVi dollar' ( jlTft.H) ui aaiu w" m n", "'.rM, il,Hanl; al dHMiiidallarr IS. II aa ajrecd III raid ul default ot ear ot lha nai and nliMMrt, 4 ua ii navtnenla In isaim aant note ana iihi prtmueu ior. uii wihiih yi aaiii. not,lnsiTi,lliinr., ahoiild at (b tip" Ian nt aald AaDbvlallan Iwcdinaaunaiitlprjabla. anqtald whole nf raid. oreini Iwtold In like tnannvr anu wlihlliaiam iflrwt aa II aalil note or obligation had mautd, andiWanll had laati made inlta pajimnt atMfd liif In lla lannr and eltert ; and whenaa raid Aa aoeUllsn.iUelwIdarijf aald note, bis .eilatl IliU mUou iherMin:- Now, ihvi'ilnn, nndar and by ulrtes of lha atttborlly creatnland aulwIalliiK ligr anil tlunuiri aald daed ul lidrl, and Iir reaeun oi 111 uremlaee, the iiiiilatlnail ill s i o'clock p. tn. ot ttouday the lmt.dpj at Ananai, ll, at lha lORtnHWii enrneriij ntteatraot and Hilr eii In aald ;vn.a ntuenini, ulnar tor ami tail vo, lllirhMt Wdderlotssahsll am HnitUtl1i faem lam bambaaWita daaorlkeil. UMSatbar Wl Ul alt rUHil. UIlN esiata and IsUrvflul atTii P,inla H. A SS saw fcwaia Altaian in anu tu iu 'B, to li Hafn. iiani, una, naiain aim juirr I tiuit pro- Jea J. ItitSK. Trailte. hno. It. JlnsWx, Hswartr fit Ttni. Niltlce rorl'ublloatlou. Trriltnrynf Msajea. Third Jndlelfl ll r.-H eouit, Cainiy ot (Irani. Darah Y. Hwt l . , . . ah H. l'(il J U'lllla I' t'rall. ) To vili6 1 I'raitl Van are liarabt nallfled that a anil In (5.1 Ua liawiWriinieiieed aiwlnil jiiu in the aald l)i. ljrWnTirl within, atidlnr llie.euniilira! ijrant, ftatrftiiff s(iirld, by Harsh, M, I'rall, rntntijalnji' apt. WUM'IIWWIII I'IBJB ior a arr' oi euapiqio mum. m silfS ,Vfti thetetnr, UisLba hivie tstlea Siul wileMlid ta (itovlda and malntsls bar ! AndysnsM Isttber ttbtlRnl that iBl,yo Mitej iaur lW'n)lit Mid Mill at IhaoMfa c tTrsfitksrillswlni;h uf this wtirl h or latafeftre dtfl Mnndajr In Krtjniir & ' mi. a deeras pro fonlww will t ratufesad SMlnat oq. ttv. 'U essa will pteoaad to a S.ia' a'lirf auutf dlftf M law ssd lha role ot IMS I,. H Itwrna, Hestetfrln thassm' K U flt(-ru. iVn.aiX CU'ktsS Jet. II Dot. ll' I ar U'!OTal. nwu an tan ini, iiii. wiaio ami ni!t IpljnV )alt troll ' InrMent to 'he horn. iJw jM eiwunltpB laxa of the feijtiory nt Mfi WMUoS. sil will, ta aeqitsnta ol thin aale,' aJM artan riartiast ol the tmreliais mi nar.mike itord lb the imuhiaer St In Said dead ol ii.U.1. wsmm