Newspaper Page Text
-IN. ... W.3IM.'. nkwoimiim sMWs THE HEABIilGH'U. tMUED EVERT WEDHE0D4.T A8D BATUHDaT HJiibumi-rio.s By Ik Ym lit A4tance ,M.0O If aoi etlit in adranr liwlil U tMrtjil. J"r Month.). , .S4fnl ! ue;u,i. ........ ,,,,, ... &(. nl few gauiV-'J .Mil'THMttHHlt lHOi taj-i' a; Ouiity tl.nuierntU CoitrtnllbM. . hirBnt lo hn oror of Ih dtmomlla contra! timmlttiHi of Uraut county, a cunviMitlnn nl lit Democratic tolrn of (Irani ruunty It hicb HIM Umttl HiWer City, tiiiniW IS, ISM, In Morrill lull l 10 o'clock . m. lor tit tntwt of nominating U.ntocralle v-amlldalM fur ihvrlft, probata cler k, iiioiwt, problt ludB, Ittiuarrr, nrltitefttUnl of Mhonla, ninnfy tnrtryor, rot- ..I...' ..i mi-, .uumj iiiiiiini.lHUlirri, end (lectins lilii dHei-tte to reirn-nt (Irani county In r in ino u.mxuuo territorial WhlinWMUat LCriici,N, M., iMplmlir H, MM, unci to ! ilelEtei to lb dlttrlct tun. ttnllont lu lm held lot nominating r-ttifldta of lbdiiB30(ratle )t (artliourlltarlil IHElilttura, Th aotxirlioiiment bill Uti mait iilion thn IMtll OI Milt TOU Mil n llin rot tut lor Antnnln JoifiOi lor dle- gui 10 rnnirrtii ai ma imrj lCUOn, t Tit folluwlns It a ilt of the pfKlneti with th nutntxruf ditgaticich precinct l entitled to, Mia th name ot tin perion ronilltnllnir Ih umwrllo county tommilto who will caflprv- tlntt mall raeetiHjjt f.riwniollinr- JitKl to rail No. tf I're- ClDCll I. I 8. 6. T. .?: No, .f del- o a rrecinct , rtwlnct. Central. I'Incul Alloi, MMr Olir. Ut. Sllrabm, Hah Unnui, (leortfclown, Upper tllla, I.Dir Oil, tthlepeare. IllChlli, Denting, Mlmtirei, rtauta llltr, t'ookl, Hartley, Hold IIIII, (.'otamtmi, letllitf, T. W. Ilolaon, J. W. Jaekwn, V. (I, ll.ll, 1): M. (lortrian. tt'. I. Tliufe ., Ji A. l'ottr. MII, 8 8 6 t 1 II 1ft 11 II ft 1 W. 11. Horn, A. V, Wlnilum, Trio Kffilinljf, S. Ilarwll, A.J. Clark. H.8. llraniiln, V, llihon, t'hai. Toe, I). J. Donn. Hiv i:lciloO( 3. a. I, 5, e. T. X. 19. 131. J4: IIIK1.IIUWK, II. I ritKliltnmurtl. Caillilc, a. Hum Daw.on. t'lniJvtiKAf Tom 111 . Oak thai, .li an. Twail fill JlUII. Ilrollto, John rerry. . IMrolllK, II. A. Kllllir. 1 ft J ".'f!l'.L ts. . I'iMiiHfiv iur iiiii cumruuuil will uo lllltl WploinUr 8. Tli eommlttr tmHn tint Hit Yiirl tiro ilncti In Ihorountr ihallrlil tlwnitMbpr of lVI. fatMta lliriUmiotralioMiiiitr convnntlon n p or nnwt, nml Ilk nomtT of lirrii!r ho lull ir in itbdilr'KlM falltu attrndilii (onntatlon, but In im m iliall prottpa l l IowkI iriit hn oi-lthir itrlrirat mir hli alter Aits ; an ntiand, In which rvnl lh 1elrtfln mar lTlilariroirt8omtn rid rel4nl of bli fiKlutl only. ... . . J. W. Fi.kmiiu, Uhalrman tlfmorratlc Coniil Uommlilw. CO. Ilxut, BocNUry. Cult 'or Itfixiori'tlo C'ourrnllua, a. ....;. -T7T. J """""W w ,rimi, itcinTrillllin ! llIP' by rallfd 10 mM t !j I turci.on Hi ITtli day of ftrpKinbir, A. I), m, or lnnndlatly aftrr tlm donrnmnt of ili Tvrrllurlal Unnieutlon. fur in iurHv oi noininauiiB ii'inoc taur. i'aiiiiiai to rrprriont thn litti anil Vth rounrli ill.irlcu In Hi III tulilatlm Aiinbl of Nfw Uciico, In aald cnnTi'iitlon Don An and tlrant count In will totntltlnl luHvi'n dolniitm rarn, 1-ln-folnto nan4cnveBin! ddy to three del at f h. Tin rhilrmtn of lh trloyi tounty mmmlltiw r ursintly anil mptttfulry rr)nlr(l tu lak tliKtiiHPt.iry Hons to bar their coitntlti fully rprrnUMl, I.. H'. I.KKnnn, .. Cluirraan Dem. Council 1)1.1. Cum. V. H. Mat, icrvtiry. irauiocrittlo Aim 91 ecttntt.' A fri'stiii meeting of the democratic Voter of Precluct No. 11 will bo held nt oper. houte Saturday, BdtHeinber 8, 1801 for the iurKi of choosing IS delegnte fo reprclent tit precinct In the county demoQrHtlc cbbventlon to bo held at 811 Ver City Keptamlier 15th to nominate bounty oftlcert, nnd to elect delegntei to the lerrltorlal democratic convention A. J. CiattK, Member democratic central comhiltteo for Precinct No. 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS, For Htirrim . f hereltr ihrlnunce myself a candldato for th olllce of sheriff of Grant toimtT, subject to the uctloo of thai democratic tiouveutlou. M. P. Moohu. I herabr abnbunce myself a candidate for the ntllce tt sheriff of (Imtit comity, subject to this action of the democrstlu convention. lU'TLOIt'HllANNOjr, 1 hereby atlndunco myself as a candi date for tlm otllce of sheriff of tlrant county, subject) to the action of the re publican county convention. t It. S, Kkmiit. J.' hereby anntmnca myself aaa catnll date for the nfllco of sheriff of Grant County, subject to the ot-tlon ol the re publican county convention. CirntAKo llicu. ... i. .i. or Cnlltioliir l' hereby announce mvself .asacandl. dln far ( Vlllnctur itf Urn lit r-niititv anil. stilj- Ject to the endorsetrtent of tho republl cau county convoutidn. A. II. liAtntv Bilver City, N. M.,-AuK. II, 180 J. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi date for the (Ifilee or cnllectbr oi CI rant County, subject to the notion of tho dem ocratic count convention. Joiik P. Ktouri. 1 hereby announce myself candidate for the oQIcenf collector ot taxes for Grant criUuty, subject to the notion of the democratlo convention. 1). A. Ma mm. Var I'rulml VUrU. I hereby announce myself a candidal j for Probate Cleric, subject to the action Of the democratic county invention. K. M. Vouffti. for1 Alior. thereby announce mysetf'a randtdatb for Assessor of Grant county, subject to me actum' 01 we uemocrauo county co' ventlou. B, A. Ai.iirAKDiiu. I hereby annootlcu myself ns a candl date for the olllce of assessor ot Grant county, subject to the action of the re publican eouuty convention. J. N. ClIILOKRH. 'tudsoo. N; M., Aug. S7,-180l. The UnderslKtied, resiiectfully nn rjsunccs to the voters or Grant county, New Mexico, that he will be a candidate for toe ofllca of assessor, at' the election to be held In Noveniberi subject to 110m luatlnn uy the republican- convention of Hioiapd'Hudmn. WiB.WAt.TOKt KeiTeaaaDrvauiMiR DON'T WAIf or a Gold to Bun into Bron chitis or Pneumonia i Check St at Once 'Winl. AYER'S 6herry Pectoral. "Enrlr In thi nwmtcr.ltooKa a covcro cold which do ilea doyoloneu Into nn obstinate, imcklnif ImckltiL' courIi, very tmlnful to onduro mm troubling tno day and tilfilit, for nine wcokb, In uplto of muneroua rfimcdlos. Ayor'H Cltnrry rcc Idrnl belntf recommended mo, I begun to tnko It, nnd lusidn or 24 hours, I was relieved of tho tlckllna In my throat. Ileforo I flnlaliiil iito ttottlo. mv couch was nearly gono. 1 cannot dpcnk o littdtltr nf Ita nvriAllniiAti " n kvru iiiuiiij vis, t.u vwuiivvi Mrs. K. lloscii, Eaton, Ohio. Ayor's Cherry Pectoral Rocelvod Hlghoet Awnrds AT THE WORLD'S PAIR I'ur County Scliool iiirliitrnilf nt. 1 hereby announce myself as a cattdl date for stipe; 'uteudent of schools for (Iraut county, subject to the tlrant conn ty republican convention. H. II. Tu r.i I.MANN. 1 hereby announre myself as ncandl date fur superintendent of schools for Uraut county, subject to the action of the democratic convention. B.T.I.IKK, l'or Co il n ty Coiiiinlailiiner. I hereby nunouncomysi'lf a candldato for County Commissioner In undfor Dis trict No. 1, Grant County, N. JI., subject to the autluti of tho Uraut county demo cratlo couventtou. J. Ciiucki:t Uivi-.nh. T lrnrnhv ntinnttDco mvielf us ft tantll date fur tlm odlco ot county cotnmls btir for tho first district of Urtit enunty, subject to tho action of the Uraut county ropuuuean convcniinii. Jo. K. rittiMUiiAN I herebr nnnnunco mvself as a can ill date for the otllce of county commls sinner for thn third district or Grunt rounty. subject to tho action of the Grant countr democratlo convention. A. .1. Claiik. Tltni-s are quiet but It Is the lull pre cedlns the storm. Good times aro com Inff. The republicans are trying to figure nut -whether they aro In the ratio In Grant county this fall nt all. The local public schools open next Monday lor the winter term under the most auspicious circumstances. The Denting public schools would be n credit to a placu often times our population. Those republican aspirants f" ofllce Is Gmnt county who have eett elated by the ring politicians In Silver City are feeling sore already and by the time the convention Is over It looks as though the populists will have a con ; slllerable following of republlcaus who propose to assert their rights. Times are certainly Improving. Hero In this city while money Is scarce, or at least hard to gst, yst with couildenco fully restored there Is enough for all logittntato puioosea of trade. This effect Is traceable entirely to tho relieved nature of the situation coustueiit upon the final passage of the1 tariff reform bill This shows plainly that anything Is bet ter than nothing. A measure of reform though smnlhds better than uncertainty If only we had a near prospect of free coinage there wouldn't bo men enough to do the business, Wc would correct the Impressldn that the II kaomuht Is disposed to treat the populists unfairly and with riillcut On the contrary, we accredit these gentle men with hoiiesty of conviction and praiseworthy deslro to Inaugurate form. We mstntalQ, however, that the only question utlisuu between them and the democratic party, Is mie of methods! and that they art! unwise td dissipate strength In building up a new organua tlou, when the same efforts, properly up piled tinder the democratlo banner, would be productive of Immediate and tangible results. Dcatlibf Jli., tiary linltoii.' Mrs. Mary Daltou, mother of Mrs.'.M V. Mooro, of this city, departed this life at Valley Center, Kansas, on the 23d Inst Mrs. Moore, who had been summoned bytelegrapb, vw et her bedside when she died. Deceased was aged 59 years, and Is survived by three daughters and thte sons. Death was dire to ulsMtses IhblnVnt fr old age - Frank Proctor, BiacksmltMng Wagonmaking, oalitf in Hard Wood k Iron, HofsoShbfclnff a Specialty. Gold Avenue, DEMING, NEW MEXICO. W CI".. "WjL.2Ai33H. WiiBUUUAin KmibbiiAUtlir MEATS, FISH, & POU LTRY Gamo in Season, Milk Delivered to All Tarts ol the City. Shop, S liver avenue, oppo site Llnauer's Store. i - - --- K. Y, Restaurant I'ONO KINO, Proprietor. A First Class Eating House. Oyntorn In ovary stylo mid nit ino iioiiciioiuH oi mo ncti son to order. Opposite) Hoymrtnn's Storo. Open nt ell hours, tlnr nnd nlltl. OUT IOTEL RESTAURANT WOII FONO, Prop. At Thompson's Il.ncl Mitml noross liom dopot. verytlilng Neat ond Clean I1EST FOOD, PrlcoN Itoasonublo. French Restaurant, rouUUi:i,l(roirllar 3ost Eating House in Doming. TBEBH 0IBTEB8 IH EVERT BIILE- All the llHtlonoles of tno Soaaon to order at Remonable Itutus. Hii.vKit Avknue, DEMING J, A, I)0KIIAUr f!UANI. 1'uatafflco: Meuilug, N. M nnnck . Cicinr tlrnvf Sluuntnlii one iioRHirintf. Urant Conniy ilOW UIIIOOi Iltirah nrandi . on Jolt lilp OATTM5 CO. llor. br nml 4ino on kit hip- Two hiirxlml ami fifty dullara r mm aril will h lnlil for arrt.t ami mnilrtmn of nnilirnnlirand Ins or timiiUInc umlrrthli Iraml. roatoftlco w? Mexico. OLD AND N12W MRXICO 1IANCII AND OAT- uumi-amv. llin et. A'nmo (llirixi. 1.1 niuiiivi 11 rnd ot I'laya Tnl Ity, miitliwi-iton (Irint manir, . New jlttlco, l'oitnftlce, Dtmlnr, New Mailt AliUKUT L1NDAUKH. Ilanj Iwolr mil noutU of Demlnis. llur nrand H- on the tilt hip. roitofUco, Dumlnr, N. U. ENGLISH KITCHEN! JUST OPENED Id the Bulldlpj formerly tin Jeiiel Saloon, OK BlLYEIt AVCHUE. Regu? ar Rates. Good Table. tJOUIhiJOE. PnoMmTort- r w. D. (nl "TiHE TURF!" COIt.NKIl PINK 8TIIHCT AND (IOI.I) AVKNUK, lias Been Entirely Roiiltcd: and Renovated A'tD DEMIiWS MOST POPULAR PLACE OF BSSORT, Very Best or8 Liquors and Cigars MEXICAN MBSOAI.. DemingTransIerCo. W. It, MERRILL, Mnttngor T.S.E0BI1TSOFS Grocery Koniecfluliei It located OA Pine Street, tluce dborn wt Ol tflrnt National Bank. BTAPPSANli FANOY GROCERIES fill Cannot tit Hr it la ih c? uolry. IIU tocV.ot AN DIBS Iks rarest An4 rmVtit. Tk rin.. ASSORTMENTS SWEETMEATS -In IuuiIbj.- Doois Always Qpon, r.nd Ofieri Prorrptly Filled. C W. B. MERRILL (flucceiiorlorsndlitoa A UttrlllJ UI1LIR IS ALL KISB OS MINING & BUILDING Luriiber! A FULL STOCK OF Doors, Windows, Window Glass Orders by null promptly altendoi) to. Doming-, Kow Mexico, 93 SBOEi'o8 tti. DORDOVAn, rniNDI<MMEliEDCAii: 9 3.1S P0UCE.S Soua. 2.n.yDoYssotoeLStica LADIES h )lrU T WH I FM-IAJ V Hi rwL.DOUCUAS, BROCKTON. MASfl. Yoacaa T wanrr br rtti4lni W. I lluuslK Ah, Bic, re are lb iaiircit tuamtraetartr of dTiUit alio 111 th world, ens' luarauue thafaluaby atampinK th nm ana prlc in UWlini. wnicii piwiivi. J. ' "H" enual cuitom work la atyle. aiy Btlloe a l ana tin miaaitmsn-a prouu, purahoc ill nn, iiuftllllffi. .ii.. mfu phi vvci roualltlfi. vre wbrc at lower pile for lti vil ulirentaaa n oilier max. tb no auuimuie. sir' dealer cannot lupply yen, we can. eoli PLOMBINUl PAINTING THOMAS HUDSON PHAirncAi. Plumbr, Painter AMD PAPER HANOEIt. Late of Urooklyn, Mew YorltV llai porrnanenlly Incatril In llcmlni unit lollcll. tho imtrotintr uf Ih clllinii, Hprilfiiatliini ami contractu Klfn on ttiRalnKubranchpi. All work don In tti ltt manner and of I uatt material reaionauio ngum win warrant. tinier lor ponnetl.iina wttji in? water ntatni or for connertSiini tlx Ui-inltiR Mini ami Vt'nlvr Or. .Iinnlil In I. It with Hi It. nun.i on, h I unthnrUnl bj th com nam la nmka Ino ainn. All nrili-m In my It ot liunlnci will rrcrlv romptiiirional attention. Shop on Gold Aventtb, Hoxt Door to national Btnk. 1 CHEAP for CASll. Any Quantity, Any Size; WAXTER O.-WAXLIS. ; a IS NOW LIVERY AN 0 FEED STAQL E uminln , Hny nnd Grain, Wood and C0.1l lottl KiPfcuind Delivery Vm 00.000 UMBEB Albert Liquors, Wines, cigars Champclghe, t otury in atook aoinoof tho Oignra to bo DEMING. HEN'Rt Frish Fish and Oysters in Season I gunnuitoo our Oustouiors satlBfaottoii. GOLD AVENUE. DEMING; H. M. Dispensing J. p. Wholesale and Pore Drugs, Fine Chemicals TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY t,iid SCHOOL BOOKS,h DEMING, NEW MEXICX THECABIMETP- ESTIiLISIlED 1882. Chas. W. ntorjuiE'roit. DEMING JUKATIIAN IV. U.'iOWN, I'reildNtt. i., 11. nnotrv, omiiier. THE Transacts a Gonornl Ranking Business. Foreign Evcliango Bought and Sold, Mexican Money Bought nnd Sold. Monoy to Loan on Good Intorost. J. M.HOLLINCSWORTH, SudddSsor to N. S. JONES & CO, Livery, Feed & Sal STABLES; Silver Ave, Soutli of Pino. G, N. PETTBY litCAtGR IH CIOthingpGents' Furnishing: Ladies', Gents', Missus' & Children's Fiiio BOOTS AND SHOES.- DfilliNG, NEW MEXICO. RS.STdRMBH;. ! . 'I'liE LEADING BA&ER& CoNFEGTIONER- Parlies, Batik,-Picnics, find Sociables, flirnlsllJaa'ltH' ant tlltjig in niy lino. I MAlflB A SFECIAtiTY 0? FINE CANDIES.- NALASKOWSKI & ROSOH,. CONTR-AOOliS and BUIIt)EItl UPHOLSTERING ADD CSBIHET MSKIND. ESTljjATES rPRHISlf ; mnv oi 1101,11 A'r.rtr. Lindauer', . Cordials, Etc. ohdiot brands of lituor ftftd htiU. anywhoro. - NEW MEfaC'O. METER Druggist BYRON Retail Dealer In KlausmAin Nlifw MKXIOG JOHN COllBl! IT, Vic t'roidiov Socurity at Current Rates of r