Newspaper Page Text
TARIFF IS OWFl . A. MAHONEY.i Everpin gat TOB HIS FAIL STOCK. Brihg Yoin CASH and We Will Do the Rest. "What "Wo Bay Goes J.A.MAfiONEY, The ttouse Furnisher. TO ENFORCE THE LAW. Territorial Statute With Regard to Children Attending School, IN EEADINEBS FOR MONDAY. The ratitla ftshool llulltliajr I' Ten Hioruualily Clamed and Hanavatad Attendants Will ba Bran Larar llian lt Yrnr-An KOIcUnt Corpa ol In strudtora Children Mutt AlUnd beliool at LeaitTUreaMonlltsluthe Ysar, Everything li la readiness far the epcnlee; of tli a public ichooli ntzt Mon day During vacation, the scheol board baa bad the building thor oughly renovated and cleaned and Im proved tbo appearance of tlia grounds by tne erection of ono hundred tree boxta. Shade and ornumental trosa will b planted and within nyearthe grounds surrounding the building will bo & verl table park. The corps of Instructors are Prof. J. II, Hatton, principal, Miss Cora Stark, as slitautt Mrs. Kfile Bpencer, first Inter mediate; Miss Mary Teel, second Inter mediate; Mrs. Itaudell Hmltli, primary; Miss Alice Fullerton, Spanish depart ment. The enrollment of pupils will undoubtedly be large lu excess ef that of last year. That all may know and understand the law,and the duty toward children that law demands, the Hkauuoiit publish es the school law relative to compulsory attendance at come school, public or private, and also Inform those who bare heretofore Ignored tholr duty In this respect that the present school board Intend to enforce that law, to the letter. Tho following Is the section! tiuo.42. That the school directors of the various districts in this territory are Hereby empeworcd and required to com pel parents, guardians, or other parsons having the control, caro or direction of children, when such children do not at tend some private school, to send such children under their control to the nub lie school for at least three mouths In e&uh year, oxcept when such children shall be under eight or above sixteen years of age, or of such physical dlsablll ty at te uutlt thorn for the labor required, wiiluh (Usability shall be certified to by some regular practicing physician. Any parent, guardian, or other periou having the control of chlldron who shall fall or refuse to sand such children to school at required by this ant, shall be punished upen conviction thereof by a fine of not lea than one dollar nor more than twen ty-flve, or by Imprisonment for not mere than ten days In any countr Jail. J'rotltM, that such school directors shall have served written notice upon said parents, guardian or orher persons having tbo care and control of said children, that such children are not In attendance at the public scheel or any other school as required by laws Pro thlnl,Jtrlhr, That if such parent or guardian Is not able by reason of pover ty to buy books for any such child, It shall be the duty of the school bonrd of the proper dUtrlot, upon the fuels being shown to their satisfaction, tn furnlih the necessary books and pay for the seine out ef the school fuad of such dis trict by warrants drawn as ts other cases) or that there le no school taught within two miles ut the place of residence of such child by the nearest established road. All fines to collected from the viola tion of this section shall be paid Into the county treasury and placed to the credit of the school district in which the offense occurred. Lattar Mf I.lit of letters rsmalnlncr uncalled for JM'U'npt .N,.Wi week ending Htiit. liuaul Arrleta llafael llrtde Buiy Hiiitoy Blita spinosa Candelarlo Mackey J II Qmelas Slruon . Parker W Kbwbetbam A TulllQU) Adams J l IlennsttJIm Edlen V h Francis H M Orogel J Ocbea Eplmcoo QuUtana Daniel lleberts Oeorge II Taylor lien Va Mntllitn n imams uuao Varay Aneelo J. V. Bvbos, P M. The House lB'BELLIKO Reduced Prices ACITl KIIITIOX, The Hsadllaht Will Furnlih th Vary I.att TcUgrnplilo News. Commencing with this Issue the Hbaiv Llftlir will Utile It million to subscribers living In Demlng Tuesday and Friday afternoons at 11:80, This Is dnue In order to furnish II iu ti nt! ht renders with a complete and com prehensive telegraphic report up to the time of going topress. TbeHilAiM.iain'a report Is thus much better than tho El Paso dallies. Tho mall edition will be Issued as heretofore Wednesday aud Saturday mornings, Wheuvoti want all the news, get tbo IIeadmuht, Amen- tlia l'alltlrlani. In another column appears the an nounceinent of Ohed Foote,of Silver City, for the democratic nomination of collector. Mr. Foot Is an old time rest dent of Grant county, a sterling democrat and In every nay qualified to fill that Im ponaui position. jib would make a strong candidate, If nominated. T.IJ.Lluk, of Silver City, elsewhero announces himself as a caudidato for tho democratic nomination of superintend ent of schools. Mr, Link is an honest consclenclous man, a prominent demo crat and postssslng superior ability for the position. Ha would raako a most competent ofllclal. EUv.ard Pennington, of this city, Is out for the republican nomination of probate judge and eo announces himself. Mr. Penulngtou lias labored hard for the suc cess oftke republican party lu the south west and Is deserving of Its considera tion. There Is no doubt of his ability, and tho republicans here feel Domini; Is entitled to the recogultlr-u which Mr, Pennington asks. The many frlonda of Lou II. Drown are urging him for the nomination of county treasurer, Mr. Urown's business capability well tits him for the position, and ho would be elected without doubt. Col, J, P. McGrorty and Judge Josoph Doone are spoken of In connection with the legislature. Doth would make strong candidates. Clark iiodgnrs and Georgo Perrault alsohavo notices In aunouuclng them solves candidates on the republican tlekot for collector and eherllf repetitive ly. Jiotu tneso gentlemen hnyo nevur before asked favors from tho people and both are among tho very best citizens of the county. They would mako good of ficers, and the republican party Is forttiu ato lu htirlng such candidates. Cllnmtlo CJIiaiiBtn. It has been plainly noted by longtime residents of New Mexico that climatic changes are occttrliig year by year. Shir liar phenomena have been observed lu other western sections aud no doubt are correctly attributed to tho laying of rail road track, stringing of telegraph Hues, upturning of tho soil, eto. Une of the most notable of the changes of Kew MoxIco'h climate Is In the periodicity of showers. Formerly a nocturnal rainfall was almost unknown and It was n com mon saying that It never rains hereafter nightfall. Will (loto I.m Cruets, Deputy United Slates Marshall Moere has summoned J. B. Hodgden, Henry Faust, I. Drown, K. II. Matthews aud John Btensou to serve on the Juries dur ing the coming session of tho united States court which convenes at Lu Cruces next Monday. lWabllcan I'rlmary, Notice la hereby given that a meeting of tho republican voters of this Preoluc. No. 11 will be held at the old cuitoiu house, corner Bpruce street und Silver avenue, Saturday, Sept. 8, at 8 o'clock, p. tn. for tho purpose of electing 0 dele gates to represent this Precinct at the Urant county republican convention tn beheld at Sliver City, September 16, 1604, L. M, Gviwok, County committeeman and chairman af republlaau l'reilwt No. 11. to Make Room HUDSON HOT SPRINGS. Mr. Graham's Great Enterprise in Southern Now Mexico, A HANDSOME SANITARIUM. Iltpcie.ltrtli Completed About tliaPlrnt at I)ceiii1ir Sir. OrnliHin Will Aim llnrn 1'ixlriiiltn Slock Intirnla -Honir- thing About tli Medicinal Properties of lliaAVoiiiltrrutSiirlncs-tVhataMabtBiluk lMpcrKayt. Tho Wlsner, Nebraska ChronMt, has tho following description of Mr. Qra ham's enterprise at Hudson Springs: A. It. Graham has spruug a surprise iiun his friends In the form of the an notincemcnt that ho has determined up on leaving Nebraska before the close of the prcxent year This step Is the result of a deal which he had desired to con summato for several years past, by which ho becomes the owner of extenslvo and, as he believes, valuable property in the southwestern part of Now Mexico. Tali property comprisos a tractof six hundred and forty acres of land In Grant county. about midway betwoeu tho cltlssof Dem Ing and Sliver City at Hudten cn the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway, It Is near the valley of tho Mlmbres rive , and Is susceptible under Irrigation of being in ado as productive as any spot In that region of wonderful agricultural aud horticultural possibilities. Ever (lowing springs supply abundant water for Irrigating purposes, which will In sure the success of the oxtenslve ranch which Mr. Qraham will lay out and stock. While this ranch and Its stock Inter ests are estimated as being very Import ant aud certain to become a profitable luveatmeut, It viae not tho chief andde termlmng feuttiro which attracted Mr. droit ii m to that particular spot. Among the sprlugs which water Mr. Graham' ranch ntid add much to Its valuo Is th Id Hudson spring, named for Its late proprietor, Mr. ltlchard Hudson, who has counuutcd u miilurliim tbere for nearly thirty years wllh a good degrte of success, lie water which Howe as It wero from tho warm arteries of th boinm of mother earth at n temperature of Hi degrees, linn Imeu resorted to for Its medicinal and health-restorattr properties over since the earliest abort glues tested Ita healing powers. Nature has compounded tho mineral elements contained In this water within her hid don laboratory deep In the mountains) man's enterprise Is all that Is needed to convert Its waters Into a boon for suffer lug humanity and a stream of wealth for Its proprietor. Those who have followed tbo surceiftfut career of Mr. Qraham have full coulldtnce in bis possessing the sagacity to recngulxe a good thing when he sees It and tho energy and bus luess tsct to develep It. This being hi purpoteMr. (Iralmm will soon begin the erection of fifty-room sanitarium and hotel to occupy tho slto of tho old one which Mr. Hudson has to long managed aud oxtiecuj to remote to his new louu tlon about December 1st. Mr. Graham Is u buslnoM organizer who will take a leading position lu'any community with which ho Identifies himself, and the section to which ha will soon remove Is to bo congratulated upen securing his energy to assist lu lu ad vaucement aud development. ;uiuli0 Out Sat. We are closing out our entire ttoch of summer goods consisting of wash ami ares goons, mnatrtcare, hosiery, gloves, milts anil parasols renardlMB of cost in order not to carry them over. A rare vhaucefor bargains, 0. Wonnser efi Oo. AtltiilloiiNr, KnlghUI Hnculal cone avo of McQrorty com mandeutO'iilehti alio Monday-Bent. Ud Work In Temptar degrees. All visiting Br. Knight courteously Intlted. lly order B. 0, I otta AiTMiJfc llesorder. At Your Own We have placed on. sale this Laides Toe Slippers and Oxford Ties, formerly sOld for $3 to $8 wMcli we offer now at your own price. Max Hey man n & Co. DO TOU KNOW TlttUKfOiRBr Mix 8c!tirrz, the prominent builoeii man of Silver City, was in Demlng Thursday. We have just received a large at' sortment ofthexeru latest in ladle's fine shoes. u.. )Yormser iv Oo, W. K. Uuiixmbu and Ciiaiilkx Ai.lkk are making arrangomenfe for a hunting tilp on the Gila. Trv our class wash boards i thev are ,t. km. ir irij...... ' ' uv uuri m ii. i, uiuuvr a, liuu Mooiik Is back again from Itaton aud has put on his hustling clothes for tbo work of the campaign. Just received br J. A. Mahoner. 2,100 reus new wan paper, ei prices mat win aswuisn you, uampies sent by mall, Jm Mabtix, the well known mining mau,su gone tr Finos Altos to look after some gold properties there. The finest fruit In tho markat and all nouio grown at li. II, Kidder's, Louis Altuak and Gkobob Ahdeiukw are assisting A, J, Clark in the manage ment of his rapidly Increasing business, The fact that Hood's Sarssparllls, once fairly tried, becomes the family meuicino. speaxs volumes for Its excel' lence and medicinal merlL Hood's Har saparllla Is Nature's co-worker. Miss Km AsHENVEin'R will leave next Thursday for Denver, wbero she 111 attend Wolfe Ball during the winter. Ilemember that we keen the choicest 1, i . . .... uo i smuBiag touaccos in ue cuy suck brands as Perlque, Pickings from Virginia Crops, Yale. Cornell, and Lafay eue diixiuree, Jiaii roucu, also best chewing tobaccos. jeisnman es ueais. Mrs. and Mns, Titos. Huustih, Mna. Be Laubon, Mns. Chiihtian IUitiiku and the editor and publisher of the Duttcr, spent Thursday on tho Mlmbrea. Tho verr best beef In Demlne for sale outy uy oienien. Oheu FooTt came down from Sliver City Thursday and circulated among our citizens In the Interest of bis caudldaoy for tho democratic nomination of collect or. Fresh vegetables, chelco fruits and belt groceries at twit's. Mtsa Cona StAjik will return to Dem' lug Sunday preparatory to resuming her duties lu the public schools Monday, Mhs Stark spent the summer with her parents In Jlliiourl. Tomatoes, cabbace. sweet notatoes cantaloupes aim an vegetables at l'ieimrouii U ueais, Mini) Makt Tkki, camo In from the west Thuriday, Miss Teol will havo charge of the Intermediate department in the publlo schoolk and comes with the very best of recommendations, Petiole deitrloeflne table fruit will do wen to get it at l'ratl'i fruit stand. Hood's Pills become the favorite cith artlo with every one who tries tliam. 88c Pnor. J. II. Hattok, who will ut as prluclpal of the publlo schools during the coming term, arrived here Wednrs day afternoon. Prof. Hatton waa much ptsaeott with Demlng, and especially with tbo flue building. Prof. Hatton' homo is in Columbia, Mlsseurl. Sweet potatoes at H. II. Kidder's. When the scaln Is atrotihled. or shiny bnlil. mo preparation will restore the halrt In all other cases. Hall's Aatr lteuower will start a growth. M. 0, Dick-hell, tbo popular young gentleman of the 8. P. at this point, will leava about September 0th for his home in Vlncennsi, Ind and when ho returns In October, It will bo with Mrs.Illcknell Mr. Ukknell's many frleads will extand congratulatlonitath happy young man, Fresh rolled wheat and oats at 11. II, Kidder's, Now Is the time to paper your houie in iiauoney e new une ana new price, Tlia Latatl Fail, Ladies silver belt buckles only at u. wonnser to uo, 3. K. VAVOiitr, of the Mlmbres, who la making the race for county commie slonnr from tht second district was I the city Wednesday. Mr, Vaughn was unfdHuaate with his fruit crop thlayear but reports everything favorable In tli oommlsjjpur rtte. Tirana.-! MlfO'.rt I.OOAt, 1TKMS, Small Uapitentng AVIilcU Uo Not Require .More KiUailatl Maatlan. Silver waa quoted at 03JT yeetcrday and lead very weak at f 3.15. Arbuckles, Cordova, I,you. Mocha and Java colics at II. II- Kidder's. Another heavy rain Wednesday night, and the country nbeut Demlng Improved accordingly. Arienlo and tiulnlno nro dirtiircroui dm to accumulato In one's system, and It is to us liopcu inui inoso putsons, an a remedy for aaue. have had their day. Ayer's Aguo Cum la a euro entldoto for inoagttp, is perrociiy saie to taxe, aim is warranted to euro. Collector Field of the Custom House has received instructions to inforce the provisions of the new tariff bill, Have you seen tho prices on glass ware lu Alnhouey'e window! Don't fall to see them. The Plymouth church at Drooklyn has made tho Congregotlnual church hero n donation of over one hundred flue library books for Suuday School uso. Don't forget the reduction on ptcturo amlug only lasts S3 days longer. J. A. Mniiouey. The ladles of the M. K. church will giro aetlppernt the opera houso Tues day evonlug for the benefit of raising tho preacher s salary. The Turf saloon, which has recently been redltul and renovated throughout and which Is one of Domlng's most pop, ular aud best mtuiacod places of resort has a new advertisement In the Hkad .iniiT. The Turf makes a socially of the popular Mexican drinkmescal and has only the best of Amorlcau liquors aud cigars. Among rerent shipments of ore re colved by tho rampler bore wero con entratea from Hell & Stoplions, and Frank Ileal at Pltios Alien, rich sliver oro from the Hoffman mlno at Pyramid, and the M. (5. M. C. at Georgetown. Considering the condition of the metal market. Grant county miners havo no reason to complain. Aisaclato Justice Lnughlln, at Santa Fe, has decided that the receivers of the A.T. &S. F. shall be subject to the pro cess of garnishment, upon Judgments, e.conuti, suits or claims for supplies and articles furnished tn any employe of Bald receivers, who shall then havo quit the ssrvlco of said rccolvers or been dls charged from their service by said re celvors or by any of their agents. Uliurt-n Hullta. There will be evening service at 7:80 n. in. at St. Lukes church to-morrow. In place of a ionium there will bo a lecture. subject "True Manhood." W. K. IjMyi, Incutnbant. Notlva to CntlUiuan, There will be a moetlng, of cattlemen of Diet. No. 1, In Demlng, on Saturday, Sent. 1st, to maka arrangements for the fall roundup. Uy request of many cat tlemen. Caps I OhiII Capill' lor Mum, misses, children, men boys and girls all styles, sizes and colors, at prim to suit the umss, 0. Wormscr i0 Oo. ANKOUNCiMllINT. l'nr HherliT. At tho request of many friends I here by announce myself as n candldato for the olllco of shurllt of this county, sub ject to tho eudtiraement by the republi can county convention, a- O. PnitnAuir, Itio Mlmbres, N. M., August 10th 1891. for Collector, 1 hereby announce myself as a candl date for tho ofllcc of collector for Grant county, subject to the action of the re publican county couvoutlou. UuMtic HntKinnn. I hereby announce mvetdf as n candi date fur the olllco of collector uf Grant couuty, subject to the decision of demo cratic county uonvqiitlon. 0 It 811 F()OTK, I'ur I'robnta JimIb", I hereby announce myself a candidate for prolmto Grant ooiitily. sub Jectto the decision et tho republican cnuuty convention. V. PertMnn-roN Price week a line of U. Xm CheiHTonl Leonard, Mo. In Agony !C Years With Salt Rheurrt Hood'ft Soronpnrllla Orvo o f jrfoot Ouro. M0. 1. Hood A Co., Lowt'1, Mast, i " Hood's SrKrtlla li an rxcellsnt medicine. I bad eetema In my left kg for fifteen rears, rait of tlia Urns mr Ug was one mam of scabs, and about titty neck corruption would (rattier iw tne skin aim ma scans wouiu siougu uu. Tho Itching rnd Burning stntatlonmadeei jirluWucrlbsule ontn. 1 ipcntay .i(of money for ilirroront rem edltil-.vuidnotRCt rollfl.. About a year nao. aadlna I'hvslfUpa advded me to Ink Hood's Barisiuiruta. I did so and have taksu fire bot Hood's''Curcs all the lores, scabs and pain have id I am enjoying perfect htalth. I 'I Snriatiarlllati second tn none, and Time rut It to all niRcrtiiK liuiaanity." ivnoKT, l.toimtil, atUaourl. vUtltv rirnmmfm M. L. ClIRUVilOKT, Hooti'o Pills act easily, yet promptly ro4 ffleliuUyiOii tlx liver and tuwcU. Kc. , Yenlorday't Jlurki. ICaxsasCitt Aug. 81 Held over cattle 4,005; hogs fl.UOOi receipts cattle 8,017; receipts hogs B.OOOi shlpmcut cattle S.OflOi shlptnont bns 1,071; cattle 10,000 slow weak hogs 0,000; strong to tan higher bulk of sales tC.50 & 0.00 heavies (0.711 ft tO.OO; packers $ft,70 Pi 80.00; mixed M.SO ft en.80; lights SI.S.1 C (3.70) yorkers ?0.05 (J) 0.70; pigs f!M8 C 10.28 PIONEER BARBER SHOP, OTTO Hltltll, Proprietor, Pine Street, Noithwest of PostolTlce. I-IalrCuttlnu, Bhavlnf? land Iatha All Rcijurad to StS Til Only Conts I3aoh, Ntrlrtly HIi-et-ClMse Hhatf In I) am Inc. Wlif ii juii wUh a llril-cIsM HflAVJ! or II AI It ITT tall alike I'ulao Hrtxr Kliun. No waltlnr. Ilrn Amt-rlSM Ur bs. I'lioiw w .till tbo llmM, barlav 13 cents iiTr obuik .um fiilsi , mini Five (ur l. tjbiiapoo aenU.. HaefMRi.,, , . 'Jlrnli. IA eiet BHNtHpee a niii)f . . .vswnj., Ntae i ti tUtiWnw w A.WIIITNgir.I'i.p. (lil klllad, Oaa Injured, PAnKrniinutio, W. Vn., Aug, 00. Tho Dnltlinoro nnd Ohio express, wmV bound, wai wrecked at Silver Itnn by a rock on tho track, Fireman Jamee Shughcnessy of Bnletil was killed, En rjlnoor Put Flnnucry of Grafton was In-) Jurnd, Tho paMengem vrero not hurt, Hlr John Clayton Cowsll titad. Cowbh, Islo of Wight, Aug. 80. TttJ Hon, Sir John Clayton Cowell, K. O, D., in tor of tho queen'a household, died snddenly hero today, Jim Hall IUfutes OITer 10 Plgtit, Louisvir.t.c, Aug. no.-JItu Hall rtv fntH an oiler of (8000 to fight either! Peter Manor or Joe Cliognikl before tbtf New Orleans Auditorium AtbJotlo dull 0! the pnrje It too small. , (I "