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OS 3 " .. L" I , A ' O O . . - - 'At .". try, SM.VJ IMUJW liVKT TuMI'ATAVV 1 IJUAT. cTMUMW.--w sua "TanSJif v1 as to. t vTAWoa, ttnttbrftUMika nowMJWt'noxi atiigft Cofkt,. i., ...... ,4 t Cviili. Ml HAT SOTXMB. rloboit winlutji'vuHtry the world fens ever knotty Is Oelng nrjeWil up lu 111 Mes !oo, to t!i tuutli of Uetulntf. ..... The lliMUtlxitr tllev-s thai tliere will be a decided revival lit the mining Industry la ttiU tretleu before the ilft of iiie year, Tii ltkAtii.totit mm lit lint ysptr In (! djr iho dnj-f to pilhtkli tins liewa uf the settlement er famma Wlilithtll buad estft. Wlirn you wm t nil lha nowa gel the IIr.AW.iGHT, Thstwranlexiouoi tua Territorial A number of wtjue will uudoubtetliv Jte InslHUlM PkMtl the truo condition of i iflalrs cannot Vn definitely knuwit until j njttr the assembly It iifgoulad next I January, j A recent Uu.tch from Washington saysr There Is but llt'le jJrolmbllliy that j ue senate during the coiiilug i .ort tff- tlnu vr))t take favorable action Upn the 1IIU fidmllllu Atliona and New Mexico j to kiatehoed. Jt wuuld dourly resemble ...l-I.l. t)...l. t itrotigly rpulillcaii at the rtcut eteu tldui, thill virtual!, Itmurlng the eloc tleti of tour leuatuia of that faith. Dcrn oerttUo polftklaua here have alrudy con Kleridtht matter, and iolel the cootlimlou that tty all .n. thvte bill to die they could not again be en acted by the I'lrij-fourlli coiigrtii lu ijmelo "rsaolre ttnte gnrerumcutaaDd return if imtiini befuro the (neral eltc tlsiuonflOS. ThU TriHilil give the dtm uurati another chance Id zAVth"ielrtii by hard work, or ocnefitled by a alump theiy TltC CUtlKO 1MUK. The nrztenat luue before the coun try will be eotnetlilUK other tbuu the tariff. The campaign of tariff eduvatlo'ii U over for till time at m, aud the Join of the United State may address iUelf to h calm, deliberate and exhamt ittidy of the ttlvenjueellou, 'J he repuli tlcati party li already getting lUolf Into line upon title ipicntien. Jt daro not na aume to Ittelf a losltul poalttoti, that of abiolute hostility to rcmcmttlzatlcn, but it xvlll hang on to the fllmay and Illogical content) European nations Idea. They know now, aa well its they hav Known at ny time during tho past live yearn, that Europe will not comeut so that la equivalent to taylnrj Hint they are not lu favor of the measure in a distinctively ludi pendent American proposition. This attitude is etpilvaleul to declaring that they will not consider rtmouetlzatlou at all The democratic party Is committed to Independent action, If It Is committed to anything at all on the subject of silver. til. ... ..... - i.t. .fu,.i i . . . i . of the United States on this Indopeudwut action matter, If they apprehend clearly the Usui's cnntalued In It, as well at this whole silver question. A national cam ptlgn nn the issue alone will sooner edu cate the masses on thequestlon thau auythlog else. The musses now vstlug In the suit fertile party of demontllr.n tlnn, vill, upon receiving null Itgtit, promptly reverse action ami they will become the most ardent free coinage people In the country, The have been Jir. 8. A. Xfebcr Terrible Misery Helpless With Rheumatism and Without Appetite Tired Feeling and Patna Dispelled by Mood's Saraaparllla, " I was In tsrrlble mlserr with rhtumstUm la tnf Iilp atxt loner limbs, t rAl so niueb alHit Jtal' BaruixirlUa that t tliougtit I vquid try t and see If It wouM relieve ma. When I emmeneed I fonH not tit up nor even turn orer la bed H!ut htle. Cue dettleot Mood's He-lleved Me eeeauih Utst I wh,wn eatet 6e4 a4 mM ws. t bad ko felt weak aa4 tired ail lbs I had iw fteil te to eel atMliw IfeeTs Hood's1'1 Cures ftettJStWiilal s'al'ltllf III! tfitf - sua tsVaift f sweareeerweae si i ew i n feJ tjtsraMr w vetwv m mwM. set wWwttt mr aUtesss, ami t tans miiii naiiir w tweecuu. i 4Mt gt...jriJwg.UJ I,, III W , M II III W Mli,JIWWWpil A A MARTYR -TO- INDIGESTION Cnred XT ttthnr Ayrf SarsspiirUIii Werd et Cesetort te AM he tt ktm "JPor yeftrn, I was martyr to indigestion, and lutd About Riven up nil liopa of ever llnding relief, hi tiie complaint only nned to arrow wor inatewf of better, finder ordinary trejttnient. At lat. I wwt IrulucetUo ixy Aywj Kstrtmpxriflii, una l hereby testify that Hfter tialtnr only three foot, ties, I wft cured. I can. therefore, conhdonUy rect mrneiuHlila nied. teltie to nil elmllarly afflicted. JTrAkkum JJkok, Avoca, la, I am pcrnonally nrqualnt(4 with nr. licck and twllore any atatcmont lie may mnkp to bo trno."-AV. J. MAxymX, l)ru. gist nnd ritarmftclat, Avoca, In, I Imvo used Aycr'a Barsapa rlllft for general dnMIIty and, al a blootl-jmrlfler, find ltdoea ex actly aa is claimed for it.' S. J. ADAMS, EUCU, T0XOJ. luer'n The Sarsaparitla IIIOI OOnly Admltua tor Bkhibmon AT THI WORLD'S PA I R el tsitrlit by their baaltert and their sub smlsiit tools, the newspapers, that there Is nothing wrong with sllvrr, that this vr hide excitement la nothing more nor less than tho effort of the "silver blues' to secure greater profits out of tho niotal They tell them, "silver Is nut urinous tlxed, that It It Still mouey and thore Is nothing the matter." i'ut these people In possession of the real facta In the case and we can carry the whole country with n final result at gteal, a widespread and as tweeplug as was the recent result, fot lis all prepare fur the great struggle of tho next' two years, ' " -0' i Cabbne, potati.e, onions, awsst po tatoes aud nil kinds of vegetables at Kidder's. Stunner ban Just rcrelved n froali Htnck of lino candles. Chocolate a tqwclalty Try Hturmsra home made bread. Hall's Hal Iteuewer cures dandruff mid scalp affrclfnusi also all casss of baldest where the glands which feed the rrots of the hair are not closed Up St, 12. eiiurolierWe' Sunday inhonl at 10 a. in. Preaching at 11 a, in. and 7:80 p, in. Prayer nnd class meeting Wednesday at TOM p. m. The Buonimvut of The Lord's Supper the 1st Biiuday .In each mouth after 11 o'clock service. All ore cordially Invited to attend. T. L. Lai lance, P. 0, llbrtimatltm In tho back, shoulders, nips, utiKiea, emows, or wrists, is caused by accumulation of acid In the hlnod. llimd'ri Sarsaparllla neutralltea the acid and cures rheumatism. SlucUltuLIn. MtetlUff. Thennnunlmeetltig oft tin ttrrkholders dt the Mutual HulldliiK aud Loan Auo c'ntlnn of Dsinlns will bo held at this Itlce Friday, December 14th 1801, for the election of ofllcrrs and ulncudlnir tho by-laws, All stockholders are specially requested (u attend. Bkamak Field, Becrittry. Hood's pills are the bestiamlly cathn t'c and liver medlclno. Harmless and" reliable. T1II3 VERY LATEST! A coBjpIets fo Camera for Makes a pprfect jiiclure.. JAS, A. J.OCK1I ART Jit., AKt UEMINO, NEW MEXICO. FLAT-OPBNINO BLANK BOOKS Helng Mtltflc'd that If you hare once used n tlat-onenlnir book, you will always me tliem, and In order tn get you ,to try one the New Mexican I'rlutln? Co. of naetH w, win sen you mahu-mad JttANK hooks;, bfiiiul la mil IpatHer, with patent ittiAT-oMltNb iftism, with your name aud the number, or letter, ul Die hook a the bok la gilt lettera, at the follewlitg Jow pries it 1 Or. l5 J Mfr . . . 1.8B Tkey are i4 witk rp "fk 1 lnehea,flf mm Wr Met wltff rorfad centered eat eta. Tie m are made la otir wadery aMd we gHeraHtee every ea fliseta. . ' tl trrx hp rmnrr an teLti avxkvi, las Been Entirely Refitted and Renovated, A!V) w m , Very Best--1 Liquors and Cigars. MI0A1T Real Estate and Insurance A.GKEnsro?. Ins InwrsBfSwniinnl! ttpitionu-AUs uthi'sid twset sad tnrrit roar rmirwwg. Office, silver Avenue, BefiiteTfaiislerCo11 BSTWlE 1UiUliig I lUliVJlvi v V nay ahi Grain, VYooa and Coal W. R. MERRILL, Manager. DUNG LAND AND WATER CO. r , Ar new olTflna tiMlriblt 1M sad Huek el In Paecela of Oqe te -Twenty Pewltfg; conveniently postomce, wun Permanent Water Rights At Reasonable Figures. They have an lnethaustlble supply of Water, and will be able te f tirulsb auftlclent Irrigation for all the land they sell. ' ' Those anticipating settling lu Demlng would do well to apply soon Mid secure lands aud lots nearest the reservoir and pipeline. The Company will sell the Lt?ls 017 Easy PyrT7r;i. TERMS, Tweuly-flve tier cent, on the first payment, the other payments to be divided to stilt tho purchaser at the luw rate of S percent per annum, A miner's Inch of water Is equal to 9 gallcM jw wlnut. , . j 18,600 gallnae of water will cover one acre of grOUHdoae-salf , ' Inch deep) 859 galloa of wider per mlawte will cover ewe acre -of laud one-half loch deep la e-ne hour. 8,500 gallon of water per minute wilt cover tea acre om half Inch deep L ono hour, or "tO acres lu S4 hours, or 208 acrra every ten dava. This,, when everything la flooded ot:e lu ten doysj but in fruit orchards aud vlueyorde, whete the rows are wide apart aud the watering confliieu tn the rows, If at than half the water It required. Alfalfa rcuulrea only wiu flooding after each cutting, and la usually cut about mice a m)nth fur the tenton Of (tlx months. Catilgro requites water ouly twice n year. Uftlmatcd Value of Crops Produced In tide Section Under Irrigation, when Properly Cultivated. Corn, onto itutl Imrlcy $ BO to e) 73 pernor Alfulfti nntl Oannlgro. CO to 70 " Brtoot pottttoca ...200 to 350 l Aasortctl vcgelublcs .. 200 to S80 11 ApptPH, pciiC'iiCfl lino pcura 200 to COO " Small fruits 200 to COO Gropes 200 to COO Witter rental $10 to $20 per auro per antittm. Price or Ititiilo, with wnisr riubla, jilOO to $300 per ncro, according to distance from town, FIsDRIDAH(DOSE, " Silver Avenue anil Bprnce Street, Nicely Pusnished Rooms tagU er salts, With er Widest Sew. Xaracfc t ill iieari of the day ALLARD k PRATT, Prop. ST. J IVLEiS HOTJSIj, - R4 D, HALL, Proprietor. Silvor Avonuo, b'ottth of the Depot, Rates, Best Tatlilei and Booms First JoLlh Grivens Ewmm to J. M, I10LIJNQSW0RT1!. Livery, Feed & Sale mm eMMtsj Je& .raev Mi m, JPI "fl VWt AaV tmmmmmmmm Silver Ave., ENGLISH KITCHEN! JUSTOPENED., 1 tlrt lulhillfl rirnvtlltaeJeVv) feltta, Of IMLM ATHUB. KHfU.'ar Kite 1. GooivTablf, LoHlksieK. Paeatea MKSOAX. "hhvknt he pfoHptlr MtM Uf Teniae rruijitaUculWa ilietle rnAt, - - Demlnj?. Ul lw tsi Mlifrry I agon. Acres, surrounding the Town ?f located to the depot and - $ Day. In the Oliy. r9iytljkin 01aa)8, South of Pine, K. Y. Restaurant 11 KONU TKlUGt Ffserleief; A First ClaM EHting Ilouie. OyatsHra In .tsht "irle hm4 ell , the eialteMttta r Isie sni mh 14 wreler. 0ppdiiit tleyraann' ire. er 'M S aear, slar tml flight. Albert 3 Liquors, wines, Cigars, Champagne, Cordials, Etc, 1 t otrry in gtock 101m of tits ahoioeit bfftnd of ,L!r),uart-ivi4 u OSgftrs to be. had ttuywher. c DflMINQ, - - NEW MEXICO. HENRTf M Frish Fish and Oysters in Season I guarantee iur OustomerB BRtUfction. GOLD AVENUE, DEMINQ.JW. U Dispensing DRUGGisTe J. P. BYRON Wholesale and ftetail Dealer !a Pure Drugs, Fine Chemicals TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY ana SCHOOL BOOKS nfSSSSRtMx U1ia DEM1NO, NEWMCXICc THECABIHET XaVCBbieUED IMS. Ghas. W, FkOPKiXTOKi DEMIKG JOMAT1IAN w. B.'tOVTN, l'tsldat. JOI1K CORBJC .T, Tics fieeldUnt U. tf -BROtTW, Oathlsr, - THE National Bank of Deming. Transacts a Guneral Banking Bueinest. Foreign EifcbaDgo Conght and Sold, Mexican Koiey Bought md Sell Monoy to Loan on Good Security at Current Bates el Interest. Ferdinand Westheimer & Sons. 8T. JOSIJ, "ELEVATION" PURE Qumnted Sprint; 188. for sale v G. N: PETTBY DEAI.KR IH Clothing, Gents' Furnishing GrOODB, LRtlicBr, Gents', Misses' & Children's Fine B.OOTS AND SHOES. DBSJINQ, NEW MEXICO. " RS. STURM ER, THE LEADING Baker & Confectioner Parties, Balls, Pionios, anil Soolablw, furnihsd wite, in? thing in ray UhJ. n n n Vl MAKE A SPECIALTY OP FINE CANDIES, NALASEOWSKX fc BOSOS, C0NTM0T0RS p BUIIDBK8- . , unttnarewito akd cabinet wm. cstihatei mspi, LlNfiAUER METER, : Market Klausmann 0 'new iiKidi MISaoURI. RYE. C. W. Klausmiinn. jaJflaweBre eflw ejejsjsjpspp Q ft