Newspaper Page Text
u !! II 1.111 ill )i i m,m , .1.1 Amfc SlM- DEMINd ttwaMk. DKMlNG, OMNTifTY,BW MEXICJO sJPRlrify, JUNE 14, Uftft, '- - i MM ITTl " ' ''III II I sama-ai.; mme MMa ' .-aram -btbtm aa-aw-i -as. Me-era Me-fMBr - bmi -Baae-a -araraTae hvtb i-intw . 1 u x SA m 1 .bbbbbT "- - UKiau.BMB. W ft V j JkfSPsI. U .MB-B -gSBBl H V. MBBM . BBBBBl -gBBBB - BXB-gSJ BBBT aBBBBB , J -a-gSBX- V BBBBbT . .-" '.BBSS. "BBS BBB m. "I , aBBBBBBBBBBV BBM BBSS fBBBaY BBBaT'... BBBB? BBB1 BBBK BBBBH, MB i- W V a. WORMSHR & GO., SILVER -Mereb andise lii JpiMfcli JpVM fc'AA IMfcfci1 l ipmteaMtst poller, hat trtr tawa Full lint Fm ltd Spririg Wfdi Alwy on Hnd '"" y""g ""J T . . . i ilj L 1 int o( f m4 vnUmiM ea4ffs of MWW MrHUl MIR i . Suj.ts.tfilldt U brdrHd Fit Guaranteed. I. WORMSER & CO. Doming, N. H. CLARK fe CO. i AW Mrrjr a full Ub wwotiiot &t e 7noT Groceries or Stapl Highttt 'yrite puid for.JCggi and U country produce f Mm OMo mA Htk tt Mm rifni tttriL hjMi KmmI to Mm )Mjf4 oC mMt, mm mxri Mm Iuihm wwAvy 0C nHMMMnM MM it M tHtt bM Am Mm nwHnritf at my mUMm) MfMl T)M MOtMMMOf iMeORfBfeMaOMtM. M GHMlt f9V MiBK M( tllM iff MM Mff mMWIWPU. TtMT Mf Mtlt f iMWM.IMrtlli'MwMwi M MM itfWMf MM& gewif Mi MnMaMt MiM mf be trMMmteMy to Mm oMTMMeNMt of Mm- M, m wbtok 8ectetT OmMW wm.Um honond guttt. aklff Mm e from Mm itMbniHg m irl4M WM MMMMd M f rWdi Of ffM HITW to wlMtRWMiUMMtfwr OMtUi MmoooM Motif, MM,fpOM41X to lM BOttMittl mi, Mmn w moeit of Mtomt to Mm fo UWMtHOCK, J'MM tl.- WlMtAM WW'Ni fivWf nfaw Ht of iMlM4a into feat IUM wMk wSiiliMeto. 'fimin ImMm wriffk' fcoffoood mommI MiiJtelMMtiMii of kiUltitf tiMir hot, ;m W iwi wmV Mmmu Mt to Mm. toot m4 in Mm mmmob of mm todobMit. Iiiipiy to Mm w&niwof Mm jMrtjr, A viwrMit for- Xowp'ii r 4 wm mMhtivm iwom o4t TfcowMH, out wm imyot torrod. u MTM (MMMMAWtti, ftll lUHMT Mm itifl- mm of liqor, oA tip Id. Mm toMiml wiMicmt WftiMi to tar wt worm MriWiln, bnm yoaritt n voHf of mm Mirotgrh th wuitmm. Ote of Mm vcwsk rowlrcd loA of feaekifeot ia Mm brMti killing her imtoatljr, ft boy wm litonlr hot to ylecea aud girt firfnily wosRdod, hr death oooarrlug eliortly ftftorwudf). ua of 11m 0?rnietTM kot throtiRk Um iutkl, reiifrH3if)jittlcHt W tHM kember. aoMrr. Tbotnu tetsed tha I only gMi.ih' Mm toat aa4 ftml cpo jkonp, wuiH, bi , HMMH117. Mm wMmoMmMM MMMMiHag Mrty TJm bwowit laYticilt MKt ar Will JMi7 m mm. ' HAHOi GdLlJ AYI5. i DEMING, N. M. m ; A. JBOLIOH BCAtMt IK 6LNEY TAKM A mm U U 1" Dry Goods, .hw mi rr i GBKT'S UBNISHING GOODS DiiMatti fcnirad em rrr WinTM Jy aa4 all Tmmajt stiff bt Mii Mtj( omh p m mook 7tMrB7M-XTiw,wtfa . i aula a a I 1 'ortrinvy om mm wmmnm, It wm girm ow MMt Mm ew ffvBM OPVW Mil B WMi fin ttttoia arraaKementa couW not be ooav iltod la tisio. add it wm Aw&tal M iat off Ilia opening until the af tomooMi Failr 1M0 thHeN went ptwtiut la (bo MitUtoriilia whea at ItlS o'clock PrMMeat Brown of Mm1 Ooatnu mm taiUe Lf of Momplik oa4 t)M .0ttMe kf otdar' ,aA (Mtroaaead JiMlfa h. H. Kato of fefetMi wJto of n4 p a )yr. rrMHMttt BrowH mm oaiiM for pomt taaMoin foif iiMwaaint ohatraait ai4 MR. DEBS COMES BACK He StMrendtrs Ak th f the MsrslMU OMtt fry r11; ' 1 "X"' Tr'-a"'' ' ' r ttw m MfaM MtaM aauM MMk'-ia -r r .. . . . e f"'nM4 K WeM la atMt M MM mhmmmmmKAm maa Mm. w-iu M4SHKo4 Wntw P Ih Km t flMM to VtgM at IhnrToMu 9w. i.! out' ihwmiwh1 !mtb lm& tftktn bf MMMMfwacadM. tin tor it amoh Maaa ttt mpM Mrm mm. Xa tHMiartif in hfrf atiMt oIoMmi Xjat Jforoatbar awl Mmm at aoava ofaaagM. Ta vmmbI C uUiiiik. Btiote. Shoe, and Sliirta made ttf farder Staling, New Mexicd. Ma aiaimiiw i-iiik " .. i 11 ' Fiaiahman & Bals Co. Suteeliors io SMITH FLEISHMXr; IMCERIESHAfiDWAEE NeW Ciboda, Low prices. ittl Aiiaiim t Xevll Orierm. Gold Avenue, MMtor laom a, Karrii, MM MMtrtllnnt (oramor of Tmwmmm, wMKraaM tm reocuiUw waen jm atom to tWMMt Mm mum of Baoator DarM Tar- e wePwwBTMMe iMBBpiri kHLf jbeeHev wm wanalf rtoMtvod. WMn Ha baara ak M 7MM ratttw UiTMr, Ma yok wm rwr wmk for nc lartM hau MA Im aaowaa that Mm waa waaMMr vtwto I . t a at ... . 1 11 a hm mm. oi twiJTwin ati wawwaw IM drM bafora Mm ootmnMon a aHMoalt I (mm. atmc aiiaiwr xami mm m laowd by aoalaaaaMov ha aamnadMM otMir aa4 aiwiMMd Mm ooNvaaUon. Tavvat wm MaoWtoil auoMMr roawd of aajaiaiM wImm b Aitia4 hit wfteht r If A k . - at TM COtlteUIKm tlMtt COMlliUBH iff aawaaaiiWt oraatuatUIoM br Um alaeMoci br aaeUtWiMoit af V. B, Wa4 of Taatt- 4mm, taadttif ilerJc of Mm noaaa of iwx mawMiTM, hwm aromacy. 0m dalecata froat ihmH atoM wm m- Wetoi M t k praatdaat of Mm eonvaa tloa auu ia tae aam wawaac mm aoai mWtot on naotaMoaa wm f orawd. Haaator Harm of Tewnemo wm Bomi Batad to be a bmW of th comUtea molaHofii for Mm Vwtok Btotof at mi (hi, ad Anltt Cha In HihHt lw WiMmMiioie, Ja 18. Baeretarr of Btot Otaay M MMroagbly MtormiHA ,Mm Uwtad wtotn norataaitat aWall aiViM iM ywr m4 aU Mwt laMraa Maaal law rawalrM to' iwwt Mm tw laMoa of Uattod fNaM torritory by mt rowi wjm Midartafca to aak it a mm WMm oarattoM acaimt 97aiH, wMb wbioaMwarUiaatMaoa. UoaipMlak MTeraatihM tna dayartaMiit of ai broiiH tita SpauWh mlultUr tht man at bang, raaraitM on Ajintrioan aoil aud tKatartaad (MMlMoMa Ma' ieWiH a5 tttOti for Mm mwmm M aMatiaag MMJMMiaN fane in Cbtd , , (mont Wim oatt be proottrod Uum iafraoticfaf of. Mm law of tub umtes .pwH, aro to w Mrwreiy ruHlihod, for tho vireUry of .ttata will leava nd Jbat atfiv!iot,qom1alnt that tha Ualtad Btatei Ixm fajj-ed & ita obU. iratioaa to otbar satloM. Meanwhllo, kowarar, it hM baaw daaaaad jftopar to tira formal waralac to pto on what thy wny expect, ao rrel deat (71Tla4 yaatorday iaraed a proc- laaaauoa waraiRa; Maoa what to es pact It tbay are foaud ia any way coa ueoted with tha triiiraut.i. MMt Ve'r, Wlrffi Warmer UM.arWd at W.howc in Ma to a frMaa la mm ey Ha Myit "Thre U m' tmaia about the watt, Nobody bat aaoM awd awt tlWor hm aaa carry a ial atata waat of tha Mtaaowt riiarnaxt yaar.. Oood work la Roia on by yoHMaiaaa aaM My aaa Vsaft bay tryiac to toaa. Mm IMtfia lftrida party fHiot, bat tMf fin4 It Hard work to da it. Fur rtyH, I tMre uotltlu for party I a. tafkaaaaiiul ' " CHioido, Jana 18. KatmM V. Data, wheat term of imprlacmmattt la Woo; atork Jail wm to ks baanta Tumitiwr liiad ax hm ftmifd to 1 waay, .Bavaral tJaltad Blataa eaa aaaroM for-Mm miaaiag Maia, tjf M ftraea of Hlfti baal baaa fovMd aa to Mat hoar wand. Daba aamwdarad hdaaaH to Mm'Jmti shal at noos Tuesday aad wm airao hta Wmir aatll 9 o'oloetc. y Mii aeHaa .he i-eteaard hlnwelt froat the buada amWr which ha had baaa heM( aad, oeaaBqmatlr, eat of oaatodjr With- oat bail. Vartofu theoria eiplaaatory of Daba' af hlariaaaV adrattead faara for hk mtftd ha wU y bfpiar aad trfva' him tho imorr ,mt,t.Mng .'mtma oa ill ha had taken acltujiUvo-of the portaaity to eacapa it laaanail at by Ml frlcmln, who declared hia peraoaal at' fain nld not permit ao tuddoa a de part uro for foroigti ianda.. Deba piTaaawd hiRinelf at the UaKed gtaka taarahal'ji office et 11 a. m. Dbf aaid Mwi ha.. hW goa to alfr)i,.at a friead't hoaai ,ad Jbad Mot tiwakeabi mm yerwrutty woming. CoaaioUtA. Tex., Jane 18. A a ia- fant wm bora in the coaaty ittdae'a pcirato offloe in the eoarMwaaa' hare Taeadey, Tha eonMaleeloaere' court wm ia rwaoa, whaa Mra, Itoaatte Ha ehel, ytM eaaaa to tlii eity aboat week aao. armaarad baton tlMea aad aakad for aaaiitanea. The aoaaiar iadaa iaritad her into hie nriraM oitlo: whkfc adjotaa Mm rottM Iti whkw .Mm eoauuU iamft arti eiMtaie?: Bbe Sad aaaraaly eatored whan aba baeaiae'. ill, ihb faaaU of TTitMm atebaeia wm a flae boy. Bait able arranaaaMata ware wade for Mm eata of both aaother and child, I feti Ilk bukmi iMek. IS taofcee, a gaU of H rigat fom aspasdad, It iohw left foraam. iO j writ X iaabaat waaat, i Wtehaai AmUtii, MX iaehaa; taagtH el both aa. 78 laelMMt. right fttt 19 (webee; ehaat,, aoraaal, M iaehMiM- itkob: rtgtrt fw4Mr lo) laofe. . TlMfhw aiyaaartiiauata of Goetoet Wetoht. Ill botatdt hetot. 8 feat Hi MMMei waiat, Is Meheat rtitga, 31 iaoheei eatf, 14 laehcs; bleeps U laehMt foMarnt 11 hKhea. Ia Mm Oraak eoaacil at OfcwwtaM art MMt or impaaeaaaaat were aaoatgaa aawMafr HMMM MMf Ifaw MAva iaae 18, Rarmd'a arrindag for ooiitaat hi. football, ! ball and rowing with Cornell oocaaioaed Hiaoh aarpriM in Ntw Hat eh, Yale'i leading atUletlo lights are1 in doabt M to whether or not this M a ioremnr. of MTerance of relatloua between the piaq and h Criiaaoa, Many atHdenta tklak alaee Yale will not raot Harvard on grtdiroa thta fall the latter intend retail auag by reintjtig to meet tne toraer ta baeebai! Mid rowin,?. OAMmtBsa, Maaa., Jane 13. Thera wm qaite a aMn In Cwubritlge when Frofeeeor Anwe. ohatraiaa of the Bar Yard athletie emnttM.aMaoaaeed'MMt Comeu had aeoepted Hw-rard'a propoat tkn lor mx two years agraataaat pro yidirg for one oontoat eaek year la foot.' ItAll. - KMll (MrtH. IILUtV erery om who haar the new tto$ght l tMMt tiara Mama bearing oa Barratd'a wawaa raiawoaa wiw x w aa Y At&fiM. bat. JaWf lAAaMMj agortjUt betttg- put to UUm x4t gtwawan 9, W, BMnly telfcjMsafaxwMf ar TPattad BtafM riiialai gajji laiMgwaji Tha tarM of. laaattor ,eMjfaaa ejB axdra with tenants ,ti iajl m atoa of tat bedetta, :aaM eMjKMiH Maivy of Mr. tHMttof MatajtMaaHMi faa hM itaultad te Mm xwvjajBja,e atahe bim a BMlAata, M mtQta aai j fawpgaaaad leader of fha HaV ana iiiaiiJi aajn iMtagaMmaJa. jraaamif dnrhMfftta1 hStilmaiS, toafran laSe to Ilea, wImImM euaa Maiaaliialljiiij m 1 maailaa '4-tew fflf eMtoftw ' "''?Mwjrifa eww-epPMMa Wvahr Mag aaar el Waahtajrfcat awteaf , Mas I bean ptoaalaaattiy aiaalliaMaMLa.j ta-aaMfeflalakJ tfaMMktlMllaarat 'tMaaaa taat WHPVd, MsMUl Im will bat ft tew bMK DANWa AMMiLu'af. arMJT ftePfteH jMaV aVaaVajajfalB Jm afca flalRMv Br, Loeia, iami li iDaaHag baargMM aaafkMkauk SMiua laiiia eWav Aa-aaarat aMBMaMMaaj. VU Wl WL WKJ MhKJIH Ot Wtw RiVv ajaMVVIae WmcAb) aaMjWQflft ubaMK laWaJ(a 'PH esaHMnF X. fMaall naMBjaaJL .aaaaaBMaMeMMMSI mM fJfa yaaeganrV aeWa Aw-'aaMaj apaaaa'ABBvaMaa4Bapg? tta-9 OOVORMMT at fifllott TPPlWMVil(aialy vHbM OMwHeib arrived ai thaattat ha faaa4 Mat the door Wadiag hMi fcnrfot ftce had been foroed optm with: it jkmaif j Nothing ooaM i ' foaad atMaWgaaai VH la aappoacd that the bnrglara 'waVi aa-j traot&l by the presence of Dm large iroM aafo, which ia aaed in keeping wsaaaag in e-Hdenoe of all kiada la hoiasMag oases. Tltere' Wf tto aoy ia Mm eeV tee, and thin fact glfe r4a ton fhaary that the barglary wm for Mm parpaMaf gettiag hedd of aeaaa-boeha of resawtV The baradara ware dettwwtasit' in Malta efforts, and alao broke op0 Mm Amv to the nubile' oAleapt Mm ooroatet. . A-lajaJH amith had to be aant for td Ma)atr Mm dawage. ... WILL. IK INVieTIOATla. "Hm rtnrll af Um MmmmmM wtr it fcr taW - t. Mtu, Jane ll 1 WMkawtl.that all daaHivgC with flaw JT om i-jp ' wmw vu h nra. The athtoMe aemmlMaeaaea woaU not Majtatt MMtaaelTea vm thk point, bat Hie nnitaiatood Mmn U no in tea Hon of snak- lag tk leagne with Cornell that will be at att aHolnaiTfl to other ooUagas, DEWING, ftfcW 1I1JXIC0. JCViCM COM. GORBEtT 6- WYMAN Samplers and Buyer. Dfcming New Mexico as pAll ava-ja An Amafy aafna ntifrk. t, . Oihar Maiaie la IHvMrlltitfi l.CaX 1.10 IS iaraiiat on the ftnaeMl AlexaaderDelMarof CaHfetala tha priaeifal mm of Mm af torsos. After MYerai attoawM aomraaaaat WtotMfirtaaeTBln;. , At th atenlag a 6m m wMak bagaa 4roaMyat 8 oV.lookator WiltUa, ll aeewart of "tfeyada pveaMad and in. trodaead CuugiMwaeei Joaaph 0. Mbtoy af raaaaylraaia who made a great ipiieh ia davwMa i tha-wMto WMal, 4i ta Jaaaive ahd Masai aaljoataiaaitt waa HMai aaatt ttaia ah m C$ueiiMO, 3Pm it. Bajgh W.-JDoa, k Waaki laaaaal tfcfcaarh 0W- sat roate aatit. Wallaaa ta the aaa. of Chief fat tiii rmUer and a raaaaeh aaM-artor of IWdat Olara toad. In wlarrtog to Um ttlrer ooaatloa hi Waahiagton ha sail Ik if tha hama ao tha BMitloal TiirTlsT In that aaal Mwt fra aUrar, wwald prob- ataasgaitaaatw of the and Populate BaaaMMafJaaaBaaal TMiniiia eaje t4aw Ma U Kt w Mft. I Sr. Lotna, Jane 18. The maa who gara hla nawM ai Bett Kfiat, Uii whd, with Jaok ITroit and KM) Bryant held ap aa expreM train on the Chloago and Alton railroad, shoot I dr ,)aUlblMwa.ngiiMr, Frank Holteea, I near CerliaviUoi II ( on the morning I of May i, hM been identliled by Charles O, Qamtt, ahortir of St, Lonts .odanty, m Bernard Helaagel. Ho wm bora and raiaed ia Mawcheater, a vlllagn Of Bt. Loaiaooaaty, eight miles weal of St, Ionla. ViUinXiitp, Inil.) Juno 18. It w aa. thoritaMvaly aanHiuce4 that, tho liquor deeta of .he state had raised a f and of 1100,000 to contest thd ooastltntlonallty of the Nloholaon Ull, which will become aptfaWTe-Jswi W K tha law ia declared teMaattaUonal br the- fatdiaaa sopremo ooturt an affeai will fee taken to the United. BtatM eoarta,' Xmlnent legal takat, luelvHMr: Ba)6ator Voorheea, hM i-eaa retaiaad to oaataat the conatlta MoaaHty of the, maaaaw. liaiiaia auaw.ieur. itiaanAU., Ml, Sm ll.-Oa saatardar W. 1. WaaMMM of apringa, mm OMm Yaaibt-tirk MM aVoa, proenred a aaaartaaa Mainai for the fcaaaat towaJMtMlaaaBberfiweat aprtoga, mm MMf weee marriad, AI tha iSlgtitio) t the gM'a father, Rel- auaaa ia isn, jar, wjey piwiiuaei MmaagMat to Uw fattMentoatof iaa) law' 7 agaiaat Mm chief, treasurer and aadator, TjM.ahargM against the chief ana treMi mffl for iasnlng aud paying money nnUwrnlly. The charges agalnM the aaditor ara fotr auditing dnplicate war rants. The coftneir will aaepend thl treaaarerand acVlitorbnt M the chief cannot be suspended h wjlll continue to act, naleaa the council Bticceede ia. lm aeaehiag him. Want ritir Msa itaamsd. , G(TKHIB, O. T., Jano 18. The town of Heancpeey hi greatly eaolted oTer.tha death of Mra. Nancy Wilkito. On)Ui 4 she caased MMMiat of l'oataiasier I.' Mchaa,on th qharae of criminal m taelt. McShea gave bail, but waa rear raetad aad tha bail raised to MOW. Tha -eeock here have peUtioaed Mm peetof flee department for Mm reaaoral of Me ahea from the oMee. The (ttUratlon Army people My they will paeh Mm charge to the end. 1 ' i ; i"T"" 1 MM Uattw' Mm. 1 Lkkamon, lad., Jnna U. Matth ahlrley, far years a leading eiMaaai: thiaeoaaty, pleaded gaiity to, fo-fi th4 kmm of his wealthy le her;' Iter , -um W. ajklria. to .a ttoaa. aad sentenced to two years in Ihb penitontii aryti iAfierMug aefiUiiioed harefnaad to ehailwWa wim jiroatiiter wotu.. er. Bhlmy's downfall created a pro found aea'aattoB. "MsM-aoaMwrn leagne At 'Bhermaa Ihsrmam S; . At CMreatoadreeton, 9, At Hotiaton (flrst game) Honatoti, ?! Sah Antonio, 8 j, , ' At Honeton (aocond gantej Tfotilfl, 10i San Antoulo, 8. National Hag-set At Waahiagton OineiBnatl-Wash. iagton game postponed oa accoaat of f IKSNf ml I MIL a . . -ia m 44. , - Mmmmmm -J poaaiat) '' y 'r yr-W';7 j'Maai rlth iahJ ,ltaMaei.taMaaMaaA Hot, Ttr-r Mm awar. anaf f.-M-jm oattonboWthaahta.wWtoM MMg to Mm Itaaad of tWiay.! fM the bratM and aoootaded its b4aobtag tha bamlttg boat near Brqaay, 'The ia-ai deat aajaaad intanM aacdtomeat a', -thwani, tha uamtat town h ap aad Mm toaaaar fat'" bafasf tanaaaghaaV'laM eaptala of Mm Why, , aWpB'jHi snder arreat, ia eloaely wetenaal Ity MM aoliM. It la nnderatood the British 'ana sal here will take tha matter np, mi tat, Ma report will depentt rarttear 1 ' ' a 1. Twt WitMnhM tataraV At Btnora-Balthaoni, 1 Pitta Iwrg, 8. -t. , . I At New Yark New Yortt S! Clave-, land, 8, -,',:l I,. 'Btatea. Halt hhrbly At Brooklyiii-lhweWyn, 18 1 Bt. Iionw, (he clergy and profaat-"'; of At Boston Bee tea, I; Chicago, 8, I Wf TJI VMWMJ-gaai f ry, "WAnaaKSBrno, Mo' Jnaa 18.Tlaaa will be argellatto MrfiaM -at INarttai iriBga fKMB Sum tt to Jury f. 1 h aVtkaa will ha coaMaetad by Ray TforM, g(Mvli ifmm, vM afMiaar, afad Irviai V. Uaadaa, aaH tl FliBachtanh of 'Itoeaeei Bta.. the !roaniM naitaa'tta Mm 1 Tottaau-iJ'aaM H. Owat indignnttoal tm - . J a Sjbu a a a mm amfaffcaritfi aLSLrMuak fmr blond caaat? by a ptotaet made against Mm itogaa.ajaMeis of the prohibitory aerrteea tdght, wl be bald hath taw " ieWt-ainrWr1tawlaa4, la ffOW aMl4dhqMtoh:to5 Mm from mm MlatuM aarmnoM that ma wm nagraau Ticaeaiem w mm prowiowory "S"!??. ' . T maor law rtha brewery nompani4Mi iMaaad Mm iatfidf p, aa, Aea-fjat hava matt CtoMrtiv a diatribatMng itwga4 1 fraataf fto4MalaaA Bt. liOUiB, Jane 18, Eagene Mnrphy and Thomas tYllliams, nmsted at Wichita, Kau. May 28, for having la their possession a largo quantity of nutuai atamns fttr whtnll tllCV OOaM sot properly account, have boon Idftntf feel m the, men who hnrglariacd the Quencmo, Kati.c PostolHce. At a pre- T i ........... i.i.t -. uri.ii. umiuary esHiuaiuK nsiu nv it they were commlttsd under bonda ai 11000. . j, Jfrw Yomct Jane 18. The Metieaa goveramant hM racognlaed the trntafat of Mm Moaterey and MejutoMi OtaW rail, road to Mm Belgin syndtoate, wlsloh hoUathe maiority of tha boadi. Th4 atnonat of eaah iarolved )h the traaefec la 4,009,000. Coi,Vfmi 1T--Thav)aw ei last aeaort segailaaaw J. Mwatda af MaatihanamaMaat saaeatod. hat Jf it for, ktUiag a marrtid wpasaa, with whom ha bsame infattMtod mm who reaaead his ataMttttwa, , tU Met itot Tlair,,aaa', pai, aad beer k sMaated from there an OTOr mnilMlH rvaifHajal. yJvrwmmW'Mvr rill is asked to stop thk open disregard of law. , kU latui iriwkt. StjiVAMi, 7ne 18, A Actaclimant of volanteara, reoHMitarinff oa Mouuta Aagada aad Itomedka, eaehanged shots with a band of inanrgenta commanded by rVrieo DIm. Thainenrgenta lost one killed and Ihree wonmtoil. I The masohanU of Havana snbsorilxxl theamuof $100,000 with which, to or. ganlM and aoatala two companies of cavalry of Tolnnteen. iaea Una eaaariy watching Mm I woaU. aaaoaawi MM eosalag ef'.tttt at. iatha 'TasMlaMMTt ahij) cwnpftny we d'flag'j'lt 'WiMi' hrsa rw )t.,,ii?,, ,.wit. KtMkg af imm Mat.. 1 Mimiot'OfJa, nk., 3m M. tthariat Bah t alRfcfsco, Jnae lit. Professor Charles QoSrie, at oaa time one of the beet known muatalans In the world and wha died SaniUy, wm baried hore to day. Ha wm a native of Germany where he wm born 74 years ago. At wan t amoaa In hk ritna (Jori dried in ahaTlsast I liri sVlf Ttl MWItW IsMflati f ilhaaf II l"f f V . WgMCTiM'p fw jat-r-i Ba my flaM4r taTnaag'nijB; a svad aartoitt that W, W, Taytor, Mm da MMB faadMag kiaanrar, will within a watjjp, will rMy and wiMi Maaada ba la Paaffta tt IMlil WtMl tAaaaalFI afetMftatok?O?ae0 WaaWt weaTi tsaat aUi WMa aa j'i.; A' , , wan m.rww t Mea faaaa aaaj aajaaaa , aWMMMl aaaf Barrel OaTsMk Mra WMsgm?SRS& JbteJjV fEe&&!&Z s att (MOOft waajap tP tMemsime. jf the 11aMto lbw.w4tMtdw1n from Mm liil Millennia-affi. 1000 of the SOOtt mm amalorad hava eteopad work. fit. t! i lint- ' tfis aha bmb wan saaaft aim pray MMMuefwwawMat aiam msm af a 8Naaaaa ajaa aA 1mai, Jfana IB TIa Ir. tlaaMa, a aaajrn, wm aantamcaid to f rears ia tha -anltaatiry for -mlaally, asaatittag Bnttto uneu, a Uyfjara, -j a-ap-, xnipM tantacw tvratmn Lonrson, wenajy Waaaan's k to ba mahrtad ajthf- lwa attalnen work of reform. i C. . , -.t 1 . - Awawo.rwwTot jurttm, xwmm.t i here and look e&arge of William Be-1 erta, wahted for the bentai iua;ihr of J stints Sent-, a man .HjaWf mt W Christmas TWwilina; was eanaad. by Boott objecting to atotjarta' aatoaatewt to the fonner'a eteydeaighter. Wobesiat has been in this cottntry MvetsA moertW and care hk mm m WliMaaa Rry K t-Mt Tea .SSaa. 3rmiJiS .Prtf, Mo., Jnnc ljj f- mMaMtoHer ( a faHnjg wns Hrear near Kktoti, eight mikn'.faat of here,; atad TtnMl Monday )m pSafesrad )M-igeag hk maaify inja. batrajaat ttsawaa to taaiatf tog the hanks. Bamiay atgfli' toufmd howm and tottaataaatl, aift and aoita -nnall chaaajo trmx Mm mbM and Mientty Ma wy, , 1 ""'i1 a "'M- wuiam maavt ahtiili V.. ...... -jteMSMsJaMt) yajeau) gajg amMMngti tsaaa pto adustate tvt gal. COPPER . tvtitt it