Newspaper Page Text
iThat 9 a Tired Feeling jWMmyw mm Mft bettreet p, with mmi M ewtMsten, MMfrr e fftKe. It J fte ism iamMNr ( sethAta lit nm o ttw (WWWfwmtwMwt ct HrVow iMHibie. M is a MwH(te ef M tab, Ijf mi Meeet) lW, It the WooH s ca, re, vltsttswl awd vfi, it J flarta Us 4 tawny tit tffry nerve, tejran mm! ItoM ( the body, 'fae necessity Merhsr JNmhA' EarsaparllU for tbtt Mwtt Mime J therefore apparent ifl every mm, m4 the food H will do you fa ettuatiir fceysttd quart Ion. Remember Hoods iarsaparilla TUha be Wa leet the One Trite Wool PorHler. t'w. they would b, treated rya.liy, Taste hi o tvkat refittr ofta pmeat county eteHjtleja. All thecati ttldatci tlitu far ahHouiiCett are repre seetatltre cttlions who will make capable elul, 110 WMIcr of what political Bowl' Pills ffiSTOff tm headlight?. rnBtiaiEo mux mux, THE HEADLIGHT PUBLISHING CO, SL'DSCJIirTION'l IJj !)tYtr In Advance , (3X0 It net iIJ in eitianm fji ntlt li charpst. VarMiSnlli ....SSOnts Hlnjln Cop .,, , ....... ..J0tnl. . 'S-j. . i. . j 11 Ill OFFICIAL PAPER OF GRANT COUHTY, Auausrus, mo DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Tho 'Vntinil money" tlcmoernta of 1M tenltory will bo represented by rt tlolo gallon nt the Indianapolis eonvoiitlon next month. "I ho orgatiUalloti won matlo at Allmqnrttie last week. It sortnt ettango that New Jiejlco could produce even n very few ouch, bellows, The voters ot Oram county this year nro polng to allow tholr appreciation of tho cfTorlo nf tho tloroocrntlo uarii' antl It declaration for frco coloauonnd their allegiance to Ita tends hy supporting; the candidates of the parly lu llio terri tory for piecltitt, county mid territorial ofllees. ME COINAGE 10 TO i. For I'rcalJont, WILMAM J. IIKVA2T, uf Jfebratlsa. , - F(1r Vlcc-rrellilcnt, AUTI1UR BFAVALL, of Initio. uijii..:.,. s 1 ' " "vt (tftimml thn linliinllatn rrlnmllnn tiflli rrctnmt linlliiiltril rulnfiff of rrottl nidt allTrrnt Ilia iirriit trRttt rnltituf 1U lu I, wlllmut uniting fur llifiilit ot van mat ut nitjr otlirr hkIIchi. Wo lritinml tlMt III itnulmil klltar clollur ilinll tin n lull Irfrnl timli r, finnlt y trllli ptUt fur nit lflil, ftibllo ntiil prlvntc nml tnr Mull Irgtklntlim n will irrrfiit t1i filuittlUatlun of iiy, kind of Irani tontUr tnuliey hy iirlviitt t!niilrnct.Jmacmtlo Xilol ftlUer l'iaircrm. ANXouicr.iii:.Nrfl. T lierolijr tnnounca mjiclt r.t a tsnillilal tar follctor ol Orant County, inliject to tho en tltnitaienloj tin Npntillcsn canntj cniivrtitlon. ' AntiimiH. Uoooku. filtrtr City( . M July BO, I nwwr snnotinco ram It a eanrtldsto far (,'nllMtnriir rirint cqontjr, tn the ondor' ineaiui iut uomucwuu cvnmr ronvcniimi. John t. Iluu.tama, ,1 Mihf tnnontic mjt W it a timtMat tor las efflp ot to) f nor of t'ratit ronntjr anlijrct to the t ntftMohl ot the dimottallc cuuntir runvrntlnn, )'nr Aaranr. I htitt announca iujtlt a camllilftte for Aifioraf Orartt Countr, MbJctto the action i tuj Mmocritie countjr convintlon. hcwTaM J. Karra. t Urolij iiinouiit injlt a cii'llJi fur A,p arot Oram r-Miniy, kiiltjwl to Dm ectliw) of llie republican vuuai cunveuuun. T. V. ClIllPXM I Nirt; annonntyt mywif a randlitata for the nftlnof ltfrmrnt(lrintciuntTl anbjoct to the ii.lorwunr.t ot thitmocratle eoiitiijr nntMl4a. l eiinr ii. i.aut. f hrlr antionnr VtlC Of AHIllf ot cudo moment of llie deniecratle tuuiiiy com-snllon U. I, UNKi , I hcryty anttouaw nrrflf a rauilldate for the hmceiif iiiimr of (Jraiit toonty. unlijrct to lie vfciaiuu oi ma uf niwrain conniy conrvniion, JQUX II. UltLKTI. 1'or filit Iff, t Mreby annnoncn mylt a ratiillmt for the sflHiucraiic nomiimuon oi BDcrin ror tiraiit coun if, U'.O.WoAiaa. I l)tttiysnnniit myitlf a aandMai fur Ida pr 0,,B,"a ,V'"1 waniy, aawm to mu Uao.U, I'tuniutr. Tor l'robite Cttrk. t Bruy apooutite wrMlf a eoiiitlilate lar Probata yrfl ,T".F"W iweoinr iar uraot count to te action ot the iltmocratle coun ttlUUUtlOQ. K.Jt. Vovxtt. for frolmto Jurtue. rrrbyinnotiijte myall a randldata for tlir if mraelf a randMato tor tho .nMor of Otaut rnunly, aublct to Hit, to MCO if tirobtlt iurt otllnntrnnnlt (IccUfou of thU?iuocfld vountr comrntlon Itoar. V. KawaiUM. Tin la j?nltig to bo a jjreat year for u rant county democracy. Abovo orcry thing cl let us tiotharo avtUrly campaign lu county pollttci, - it Is to lit hopotl that both partlaa will telect ubl iwd capablo lvglalativo bom Will Cato be uomluatoU? It ho tlota k wHI ha) or ret whla. 'Xho Albti HWffyiMi VlUun it for Catron. Jh Mil't(iMrtiHv4ly bcllrvca (hat , tiuMm of Jkmti I m, cerklai lit vHfmmi tmb$tm tlili tmrlh. , ' JU.. ttaaaiaiiaar aanrluMv atwalila bvr Antmr. ' HMa af ZaHtfrtaJikfaiy th dl(ltril tauil ,Tfy t (e tvpaililiai wuny twurcn Tho Ullvor fclly MnlttpHit la gradually eliminating tha ellvor Imhc and cnraltiir out bolder for tho topubllcan platform, Laat ffftU tho prcildcntlal ticket waa ro enforced by two largo eula of tho nouiinm, bealdea which tlio frco coin ago dollar palei Into inalgnlflcance. Can It bo poralble that Sheridan is lining tit; to tlio pin eoiinterf TMB RU.U. tUS UK. u For tha drat time alnco tlio tlemonlll' station ofalWar by tho United States In 1870, a political party In tho United State! hat had the hardihood lo acknowl edgn even n fPfiht frletidehlp or the single gold Mawlnrd. l'lvo presidential campnlgnn have becu foiijjht In this country alnco thla lllrattltnato off-iprlng of Drltlsh tnlmilp found a procarlotia exlateuco In our land. Dutlng nil thoco catnpalgna no political party dared acknonledgo an ncqiialutance with, or frtrndthlp for thla blood sucker, but all pnrllea professed to oppose his exlateuco. rcn now tho republican party It tin wlltini: to becomo orrn a atcp futlior; andconfetrea n tlctlre to forever banish tho monster frnm our hind, but pleads wenhnostand Inability. Tho hldoous creature boa stealthily growu to audi proportion m to bo uncontrolnble by teventy tr'llont of lutellleent people. Nor will the rest rathor or tula Incubus, tho Ilrltlth tnonoy leudora and bomb holder, contont to take htm home, or allow ut to aend him home. What a condition wo nro In! i HI tho American ptopln consont to tula atnto of nffnlra? Wo bcllevo nut. All partlet confess tho gold standard la agnlnRt tho best Interests of our peo pie; all partlet nro plodycd to malic a change from tbo gold standard buck to hlmatallsm, Tho only cause for dltputo If the iiartlea are honest, is ci to method! And If this Is n fnlr statement of tho real balloon tho lluanulul quonttou lit us look at tho methods proposed. The republican party promlara tho restoration of sliver by International agreement, and say that, nolirlthctand I UK the fact that oura Is tho richest of H tmtlona, ntld nno of tho most'HhopU" Iuub and powerful, yet we are not strong enough to even attempt to restoto bl mctatlitn alone. Wo meat tlirrcforc vitlt till wo can net "tbo ltcdlna com mercial nations of tho world" to nttlht ut. Just how many nations nro not ntoted, nor nro wo told the namo of a alittlo one of those nations. A little l.tin!Iio tlio ratio Is not mentioned. Wlifciipr(.ho International rutin la to bo lOJi tol!tier.ur III to one, or 31 to tme,no lepitbllcan ktca no, To chanyo our intlo would renulro tho rrcoinaijo of nil our pretrtit stock of coined silver. To recolu that at the pwent commercial value would mean a lots to our govern ment of t'UCO.CCO.CCO, nn euftrmoua ura. htirely no purty would tsdvocato that worso than urciliiTata tlettructlon of money. Hut whllo tho rcpubllcntiB arc silent on tho ratio, they nro also nllvtit outhu "UnuliiK commercial nations' of tho world," atid wo do not know what natltiiiaaio necessary for thla Interna tional ngrecmont. Oupnono aomo natlun or liAttona refuse to Join u, must we wait for all natlonsf Must th; Amcrlcttn people tubmlt to any foreign nation or nutlauat Cannot tbla republic govetn Itielf without the aid or concent of any other nation tm eurtbr 'I ho republl can aiys, no; tho dcmocnioy Bays, yes. And hero I tho real laauo ot thla great contest. It Ic not a miration of honesty or dishonesty It Is not the tariff; it la not the free culnago of silver. It bin question ns to whether Wo shall attempt to govern ouroclvcs, for our selves. ir wo cannot ntako laws for our own people, laws which all parlies say would Im for tli u best Interests of tha republic, without first securing tho concent of Qttceit Victoria, Kmpcror tVilllnm II Czar Nicholas, Tho Buittiu of Turkey or perhaps tbo Iniutit king of Spain, In the tiamo ot liberty Ittolf who rules this country? Auti It cur government ut Washington la not on Independent gov- eminent, lu tho name of our common country, to whom aro -wo subject ami howenmowo to hi a ilibjoct peopltt liiu tlomucrata tlo nut claim to Iibvo all tho knowledge on theee subjecln and will be glad to hear from tha republicans whobnvo had control of tho govern ment tniiuy years. JHegtiUo the fact at best you may the awful truth Is written Upon tbo pages ot hlatory for the year 1800 that tho great republican party Is advocating tho sub mission ot American Independence to the' approval of Kuropcau inounrchs, That "grand old party" aays wa need bl metallstn, wo want bl mclallsm, but wo tho American people can't havo bl pietattsm, because wo nro not able tu adopt that system without help from abrtmd. i-Vom that hopeleta despondent view of the republloani lot us look ot the democracy, ' .Jly th Chicago plat torsi no arc promised n restoration ot blmstalUm without waiting for the aid or "consent of smy other nation cm atiih." Wo are jiBilstd n govcratMitt by, Xwh kihe sistl for A'wetlcaaa. Wo ate proin taeti the fteetk f our liebfi e from for- elii nlui:r. Mlttakei aro poaalbtet falhtm ( are poalhlc, ritut white tka rkwocHwy mny be tiaable to restoto bl motalllMn ym we prefer to bIIow tbom to try thttigh they fall.rallisr than tub- mil without a struggle. Hut wo rtro con titff Ht that wo shall hot fall, for this (treat tiMIott to fall lu innltlmr laws, (hut all are agreed nro Deeded, Is a falluro ot free Kotetumcut. and a falluro of self.gtiveriimont, If we cannot raako laws tut otirwlra without the conseht of Uuropo and Uuropo refuses consent, men Hurope governs tie and not wo our selvea. The Chicago platform pltdecs tie telf government and even though some may havo honest doubts ot our ability, lot ttt trust our own bravo and honeat cltliens Instead of relrlmr upon the generosity ot kings nnd uoblts. we must not expect something for noth ing from any other nation. Washington laid In bin farewell ad drMi ''ABalniit tho insidious wiles of fnreluu Influence, (I conjuro you to be- llovu mo fellow cltlxous) thv jralotiay ot nfrce ponplo ought, to bo constantly awake, tlnco history and experience provo that foreign Intiusnco Is one ot the most baneful foes of republican gov ttriiment,". Wlmt wo need Is a little moro of the spirit of Washington, that Jealously watches "tho insidious wiles ot foreign influence." Hut this nat on. can bo safely relied upon when once aroused tn the danger of tuch Influence to forever banish It from power. Those who con lets their inability to govorn without foreign aid do not know the spirit ot this nation and bnvo no just claims upon the commence of our people. The lesuo Is not tho tnrllT, It la not the free coinage of silver, but It Is whether this government shnll took to govern ut In our own interest without forelgo tn terferouce, Are wo free or ore wo the vassals ot Europe? Can we bo true or can wo not? This Is tho queatlou, nnd what one of tbo 43 slates will not vote forfreodom? Mil ttiejsMflrif ot It M opportunity offers. Tb Jut to the steak msm rartrtetf In the eeeelon In which the rusltera are optiratlHg la very conaltWiible, The Itnlled number of Inspector cmnloyed at the local custom house are powerless to prevent tho outrage, although the Inspectors aro escenltoaallv feailrM and capable o filters. Tho lame aifollw to tho local ofJtcert aud those of the county, Tbo movements of the officers aro enro fully watched and when they are about nothing Is attempted, Never have the cattle thloves been sa bold in their work m recently and tho imblio mlml Is reaelilmjc such a atrge that a thoit halt will be called some of theto days lu a manner more forcible than pleasant. la Tliero la a movement among the voter of both political nartlei to ahoiteu the time ot the county camnabin, It hat Wee the custom In prevlotM years to place the caitt4tf before tho people at least tlx weeV before oiwstloa a4 the conitquence km been that the fia d (dales lave Ihh atilijtcter) ts a physic al, not to meotloti a financial, strain, be yond all rowfui. Nothing It to be galnerl hy a lengthy cahipttttN. M a gtasral rule the camlbhies tit both parties are moil well knowH hi the aversge voter aae! the lout campfctfgu merely offers oppor (unities tor the political manipulations which are detilmentalto clean oletvions. Tho HrunuoHt Would suggest thai the csntral comtultteea of both the ilomo oratld and republican paitlet lis lhl County get together aud sgroe tia campaign this fall of not mere tkau twenly-fivo days In length. It Will be necessary for the holding of an early cuiiveulluii for the selection of doiogufes to attend tho Uasita I'a convention, itofr over. tSTAND NOTHING BOTTHE GENUINE You wilt Had one coupon Inilde each two ounce but ndtnoeotiponttnildaeaea fourouncabasotBlaekweU's Durham. Duy a bag of this cabrntr tobneeo and read the coupon which civet a list or valuable prssaata and bowtosettbsra. The call for the meeting of the Grant county republican central committee icauott on tbo istu mat., tllti not appear lu the JlnttrtMH of Jaat Friday b'lt published In tbo Mrptntitnt of Tuesday From thla It looks ns though tho repub llcan organ and tbo party aro In any thing but accord. When It becomes Decenary to publish republican calls In democratic uewepapersitnd to totally Ig nor? the newspaper supposed to bo the nfllclal party organ, republican politics In Orant county nro lu a moot Interest Ing condition. in Tho sentiment of the Orant county democracy It undoubtedly In favor of the nomination uf II. It, Fcrguaaon, of ,fbu quorqttc, for delegate to congress. Mr. X'crgusson Is not only porannnlly popu tar in tins county uut la rccognircu ns a gentlemen of ability and poccesslng po culiar qualifications to servo this Toirl tory In the balls of cougrrsa. Tbo Chant enmity delegation to tho tErrltCWttt con vention In 1B9-1 were fnvornblo to Jlr. Porgujaou's candldr.ey ot that time, nnd tho delcgntea ntlciidloB tbo CnntaFu convention neat mouth will In alt llkll hood bo ardent suppottcrs of tho Albu qurrque attorney, ' Director of tho mint, In his last nnnual report, In cxpl.Jnlng tho ratio of cold tn silver, says: "All ptandard silver dollars coined by tho mlutaof tbo United Slides hIiico the passage of the act ot Jan. 13, 1837, bnvo been coined lu the ratio of 1 to 10.0SJM--fet)rrally colled tho ratio of 1 to 10, 10.0881 being very Hourly 10. Still, to ?ot;ch accurate rosulta, tho former antl not the latter flguro must bo ttfou In calculation, Tho ratio Is obtained lu this way. The silver dollar contains !17I.SiI groins ot pure stiver and the gold ilollar 2022 grains of pure gold. If you dUldo IT71.20 by 23.23 you will get the ratio nf weight between n gold dollar aud a silver dollar, that is 115.0881." JOM13S RUSGH, A Carpenter and buildeR 1 "' " 1 " 'T' 1 1 1 " Hopaifhig Done; nluo cslimatos furnished on work of nil doecriptions. New Mexico Mtts, I. Hitnwx MitH IIosa IIoi'Ktris BROWN & HOPKINS, Milliners & Dress makers DHMINO, N. M, Complete line of and Children's Fttrnlthlni tlim.cvelria "KhMCIU i ilowelry. i i t t t PROHPT ATTENTION iihj tMltiStjtlaisseV MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE rip- (lntun. f.rifltnft Ui.odn, lioaler; lug" (iorsot, I k ri .vn,.ii ioveitles lu ifowelry. HENRY NORDHAUS, UXALKRIX .vn The cattlemen and cltUcut of this section havo just about reached n limit to patience In the matter of cnttlo mat' ling and smuggling of stock Into the United Statet from Mexico. There m pears to be more or jeta of mi organised band stealing stock In tho llepublio tnutb of tha tine antl nn this otdo also si WBSBJttl WW Mi u caitae Tiie man with a wclalit on bis Ug rati'i nope to win lu the race. A man with a weight on bis health caipt expect lUMipClC ll HIS and buMtitti with tlioae who are not Uanuicanted. A man who epends two-thirds of his time lipimslneat, and one-lkltd of hit time belnir tick, eanuct De exnected to op coinrilMi more than two-thirds as much as. the man vrlia et tends to butlnett all the time, If his brain is heavy, and in moon aiiiKRiiii, uccaiiae or couttipa tlon, he will not sue C ceea in imns very doing any. 'etir well. "Conatlpatlott of tilne tcntbs U the uf ill tlcknett. It isn't considered stckutts by most pople,.bwt li i jun tuc aaiue. it is serious alckueaa. because it causes almost all of the III- lieaitu or mankind, tfymp tons of It are saltowneaa. liatlestnets, poor tpnctltc, bad taste lit tin mouth, dli. amess. oilloimicsa. and las. louetlnatlon ran be cured riallv and certainly by the use of Dr. l'letce'a Wilde I'leasaitt relicts, : in lllcir action, nnd vet tntv a mote certain tban many medicines which tile vlolcn They are ntrfectlv aim perfectly, sale., they are nbt at all it in re so uonc that they put the srstsm ii uui ui oTUcr. inq great advantage of Vie "i'leawat fecta'rU that they euv and you ate cured perutaneatly, You don't have to beep on falihir them. You don't acquit a "pellet habit"' Take tliem tnuUrly for at white. permanently, tit stow H which arttfftMta make a btaeer that, 'ke tliem only when yon elf autlnsr rrotn indkeatlou. utaay mniewea wsetejt tor ih saaie.pur- ftout fmlle aa offetejf retr this reasea, aome After ml your- There are wo14 rather, sett the ether thine. owi; health H of Mere lwportae to yets taw errasjajM-a pros wily, j rm kytk.erlkt you aiV sVV. t i .kKo) if yewr yea wilt a MANDiUCTU'nitti oi? Saddle a & Hasnbss. Ropalrlng Donn on Short Notloo. Fhotoraphs of my make otbouaici ftirnuhcd on appllcallon. Gold Ava lialowPino. DEBIING. HENRY MEYER, Heat Market? Fresh Fish and Oysters in Season I ijunrnntoo my Cuutomors eatisfaolioiit GOLD AVENUE, DEMING, N. M. Noah?s Ark Wild a fino old ship nnd it contained at ono tlmd n mro oolluulion of autmals and tilings, but in its lalmioat days was "Not in it" With tho modern Noalt'a Ark of Doming; Wo keep a largo and varied assortment of ,bor.y thing. Wo buy for cash and soil for cashj and Uio other follows don't caro to monkey With Tho nricou at which wo aro selling goods. Qivo iiH a call, aud if you don't want what you see ask for something elso, The Racket. W. P. TOSSELL, The ltellable Watch maker and Jeweler. ' t OLD AND NEW MEXICO Improvement Company. eVriKM or inx- DEMHTQ TOW JffU'l'H INESS 3 RESIDENCE LOTS Low FriCM ui lsy Vtim, X The above Company desires to call tho attention ot tnoso lecKing itoinca in the Hottthwcslto me tact tuai uo uetter opportunity can be found than Dnutua, Orant Co,, N. M, B.Y.McKYES.-AqW. Demino, Nkw Mexico. e-i 4J "TftE TURF!" t'JJtK 8T11BKT AMD GOLD AVKKUK, Has Been Entirely Refitted and Renovated, AND IS NOW' DEMING'SMOSTrOPULARFUCE OF lEjIOlT. Very Best"-' Liquors and Cigars. MHXIOAN MESOAI.. if. 8LOAT yABUBTT, IVeiident. ' JOHN CORnfCTT, Vice Freslds U, II. HUOWW, Oaihler. The Bank of Deming. Transacts a General Banking Business. Foreign lnfoi M&it mi Sold, Mexico Money Bsilit ni Ml Money to Loan on Good Security at Current Kales o! Interest, MATHEWSON & ORCHARD, 1AKB VAtliSY, If, M. United States Mail, Express and Stage Line, NEW FllUli HOUSE COXCOlll) COACHES , I, iam i i Loavo Luko Valloy Daily, on Arrival of Tralna, for HIllHborotiRli and Kingston, tthvn.vii crjiincctint? witli Tinttia ou A. T. & a, JF. It. It. goltiK Jittot. Why not Own your Irrigating Plants. 1,'caH furniak Irrigating i1nta to Irrlsjrrto farm ekeaper tkau water can b bongltt from any Ditek Ot) Flans nnd Hpsxsifloatioaii furnishsjtl PlaxiiB r9id Onll Oti.or Minn H. P. .0LC0TT, JAMES LRFFKL OO DEMINO, ... NJKW MEXICO. ITtAMIC I'ltOCTOn. ED. MKltZ ' "j PROCTOR & MERZ, Blacksmithing Wagon Making. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Vehicles of All Descriptions Bought and sold. GOLD AVJ3NU15, DtmiMK,' - - - Kw ICsixiotj. Fine wittolt wotk personally atlentlntl to and warranted. ALL GOODS AS REVRESENTlD "tss JOHN COBBETT, MANurAtrrra of Soda Water, Dealer in Keg and Bottled Beef i . ' my? Mexico AIMING Doming Meat Mrket. JOHN STENSON, Proriktok, Fresh Beef, Pork, Veal, Sausage, CimMl iNf to iBNstiNliy sii tuiRw iti it rMumblf fm Knit ftiila Gold Avcmmsj, InlwMa iitanlooa; svasi Ah Man MAYFIEM) fc BON, -Dealers la Baddies and HameM. IhMaVatlHal tMNMsiMs MMB)WMlt 1REAT REDUCTION IN PRICED Tat 011 IWeU A Sfseeialty, fiilvw AVwut, MMIXQ, NEW UlXlttO