Newspaper Page Text
u It ts c V"IHVM)BV4tWVI iUIU Ui I HQ I UUII1T 5? ' v accor curr 1 It SI rS I H Vvlierciu collected, and shall bo dlstribut achschotf district of the county wording to the scholastic census for the currut year." It !i substantially lb No a tha IIIuUlo school bill which etusedso much dlicutslon during the kotsleu of a fomor legislature rtud upon wMch a compromise was llnully cirrctcd. It k not bItevI that Ibe bill cau be jpMedaUblsetto8. The prr-ont kw ohw to b -t(fctory to sub- or the NemUr of tlit leghlstur and It U Ilk, ly to rMla ea tit ttute book unite- ru'efioia aivlHOB or Grant cotMtty the creation ot Summit county aro subject of many discussions among tlio member of tbo lclslattirr,. and tltcro ro not a few outsiders who take a band occasionally In tbo arguments pro and con. 'I ha advocates of tbo crsallon of tbo nw counties aro confident tbat they will be able to obtain tho dcitred legls htlnn before the 'close of tbo session, but they do not appear to be In any hur ry to set the bill through. Tbo oppon ents of dlriotou claim that they have a majority In the homo committee on coun tit, but this can bo deterinlucd wlUi more certainty nfter the bills bate been Introduced and referred to this commit tee, The -yjinmltteo In now composed of seven members, both members from Grant county being on tho committee as at present constituted. When the com mittee was first appointed Hepreaeota live Mahoney was named as n member and Hepresentailve Crlttman was left off, Subsequently bo was added to the com mittee so thsl now both sides have a rep iMontatlre on the conuulttto from Grant county, llpme bill No. 22, which was Introduc td by Itspresentatlvo Mulholland for the eUvlelos of Valencia and IUrnalllin rdim. jW the creation of L,uuinilt couuty, uses referred to the house commit. won counties and couuty lines, V, was Mrodueed on Tuesday, but a motion was saado yesterday morning for the with clrawai of the bill from ibe house, but the motion wsti loot, and tbo bill will how bare to UK It changes with lb committee, The Grant county bill has fcot yaVbeen Introduced, but may coino tip at any time. There Is some talk of ibe Introduction of a General county bill which. wll provide for tbo division ol any of the counties of the territory un der certain restriction. An accurate outline of tbo bill can net bo obtained af, this time, but it will provide that wheu a Majority of the legal voters of any part of any county In this territory, not ex ceeding' In area one half of the area of ibe old county, shall peUtlcn tbo board of county commissioners for Ibe creation of a new county, the board of county eoinfedMlouer shall cause to bo submit' ted to the voterrof the entire county at a general election, If such an election Is to bo held wtlbln a year front tho time the petltlou I fade and if a general tltctton Is not to b held within that time, then n special election filial! bo called for the purpose of verting ott tho HUrMlon of division, A majority of all the vrn of a county vollnjf ut such ti Hciion shall be required to divide a touaty, Such a bill Is favored by eotno if ta member of the leg Mature, but Wbeiher a majority of the inemeers wouM to for suck a meatus ie rathar teutoftib . . Tfc governor liss not yet n lit aoat Intern for territorial officials to to wscll, or If be ha, the eniiNoll lisjL mM m Hum, There are litdtVatlS Ing, o iln:a, m ami iffgr. : lots shlnga 'the iSMfi justice.1 lsxicbydenljiuds Jfimu. 'will bo no- neTda?rnljput two montba omilheTsnot where th a futil dfinTiiominfttcd and listened to tho eTpry obtbe crlmo as told by a, freighter wuo nan ucen maUIus regular trips be tween HI Paeo and White OaUs for ten years, Tho placo Is right bcildo the publlo road and is marked by a "dpaalau uajrsor." onooftbo remaikablo feat nres of thla muroer Is that tho bodloa of the victims havo uevcr bssu recovered. 1 1'nao Tlnm, Air II jr. Patrick Connelly, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Connelly, of this city, died at the home of bis parents yeslorday afternoon of apendlcltlt. sped 11 veers and fl months. KuneraJorvices cqnjljttf(U'X ITev. If. w, llnnkrmcycr, wcro hold this nflcrnnon at '1 o'clock at tbo Uom. liit: cemetery, where interment was hnd. Tho DomliiKl'ubllu schools, were doted this afternoon out of respect for do ceased, who was n regular attendant, aud the school children attended tha funora sorvlcra In a body. Tho IIkaiii.ioh r ex tends aympathy to the bereaved parents. In avt Itm!illcu, On last Monday President Jfnx of tho Now Mexican Printing Co., nt Saii ta e auuounced tbiit "a chnco bnvlnp tnkon placo In tbo ownership of tho cap ital Btoelt of the Now Mexican Printing comtiany. tho nubUcnttom, of the until company, namely the Dally New Meal- can, mo weeuiy Mexican Review and tho tipaiilth 131 Kucva Mellcano. will iicrcatter ndvornto the nrlnc hits of ilm national tepubltcan party aud attppott tlio platform adopted by tho Iiopubllcan national convontlnn ut bt, Louie. CHKroMttnaul t'hureh. Jn tho morning the pastor will speak on Condition!) necessary to a aucceesful Ohurcb. Th subject for tho ovenlng: will be: Our duly not always measured by cur auuiiy. The ovenlng service begins nt7;80. All aro welcome, N, W. Ilnkemeyer, I'astor. ItttrLlit. 1,1st of letters remnliilu uncalled for in mo Homing i: u. ror the week end Ing January S3, 1807. 1111110 , llljll Vsabftl Cnrbo Haul p Carmotid Pllan It Deartloft Walter (1) UoomIos Mlgel HanesMroBadoy Johnson WJ Junes J It Jeincnte .lunn LechugaLlus Morris Mr HAaAit Hoiwuoh, P. M. lltnfileis Cniinot lie Cured by local nppllratloHfc as they cannot reach the dlgeaned portion ut the car. i nor is oniy one way in cure uoarness unit mat is uy coustuuiionai remedies. Dcafncia Is cauiod hy on lullamed con dition of the mucous lltilnp of the t'.usUclilnti tube, When this tnho get lullamed you have n rnmblltiif sound or Imperfect hoiirinjr, and when It la entire- It' Flflllill llnrtfhftMft ll Dili roaiilt. nr.,1 .... lei the lutlnmmatlon can bn taken out and thin tube restored to Its noruml run. ditlon, bearing will be destroyed for VAM llllin miiiiii ant lf (nit nrn nm.iin.l I... catarrh, which is nothing but an Inllatn- en I'uiiiiiiinu hi me iiiiicuus sunaces, v win At ra On T7iiHr1e-j.,t Brttf riievt fif llArtfiiAftu iVaiisuul lit .aiMbt,! that cniinot be cured by Hall's Catarrh uuri. ncnu lor circuiiire, irea. r, J. Oiiknkt Co., IVtlsdo, 0, ..vatG toiicoHiriiurchato a )V1 nTJHliornrf I JlibTlhaV j-urdlo n very iluo Of buel- Bold by DrtiffgUts, 70q. liair Fan"! fills are the best. I'or HHt. Two eotltiffn, fetir rooms each, north Water lu Iwth hUtif; Fai nt l!!lt. iimuor inrornu i cm. tin amir VftilVilinTi orwaxjwlll loavo to-mor- bunch of a trood buslnoss i anu repairing lino nt t tint riff llnithe blacksmith fW.1li.i Uemlngljodgo No. 12, A. P. & A.M. moets noxt Thursday ovenlng at U o'clock. Hnnk Carr and 8. Wisher imvo leased their claim at Cooka Peak to parties in Colorado. The Collectors notice of sale of pro perty for delinquent iwtn appeura in thla Issue, , Prank Thurmond has purchased "00 head nt cattlo and will range thora at tho Jackson ranch, ? Borne of tho plauk sldo walks In town should receive Immediate attention In the way of repairs. The Ladies aoclety of tho Congrega tional Church met Wednesday afternoon wlthMrs.P.P.MudBo. Prod Penning.. In now holding down tho putltlon tif uutti'ugcrat the Weotern Ulilotlfrat;fuIUtfs - - The latest repurts In railroad matters would Indicate tbut Demlng Is ouon tu havo a new line Smith. The lack of un agent nt Florida station works n luinblilp on tho lieavy ohippors of oro from Cooks Peak. On nccount of shortuge of tncks and bad roads the mines In Cooks Peak wore lying Id! onrly In tbo week The local ludge Knights of Pythias will Install new odlcero at their regular meeting next Tuesday night. A musical club has beou organized In this city nnd tho flint meeting will bo held ou9 wcok from tomorrow, Tho Bt. Anthopy sanitarium nnd hospital was dedicated at I.ns Vegas last Thursday with excrclees suitable to tho occasion. Thieves broko Into J. P. Dyron's drug stora Isnt Saturday night and got away with about $100 worth uf "property, Tho robbers aro still at large, Tho 'Hirds Nest Saloon" at the Graphic mine, Ilndlsy, Is doing n good butlliess aud tbo attraction Is tuuu to reach even na far as Lake Valley, Borne of tho Doming mcrcha.its nro now tolling granulated sugar, made from tlio sugar beet, grown lu this territory aud rcllucd at tbo Eddy refinery. The Inez mine at Cooka Peak will eoon begin to produco again, Mr. A fichuta Intending to put quite n force of men at work tamo tlmo next week. The young folks nt Cooks Peak gaVO n dance lutt Prlday night ut the school houss and a supper was given by the uiaaicr of ceremonies, Mr. It. George William nowon, otiicrwiae unown ns "Navejn Will," has been eouflued to his hotmo this week with it serious at tack of pneumonia, but is now cuuvalos cotit, A bad break lu tho water plpen of the Denting Land and Water Co. on Pino street has canted much Inconvenience to tho traveling publio during th past week, Tbo petition which havo I ion cir culated, favoring tho division of Oratit County, havo nllrcndy received over 1200 signatures aud thero are more to follow, , Judge Joaoph Iloono of thla city and Thomas Hclllu, nf Silver City, are candl ibttes for tho appointment or District Attorney for tho t-ountlosof Grant aud Sierra. Tho mandolin club mot last Baturdnv evening at Mm. 12. K, Durdlck's and or ganized with MUn Qrant us Instructor. Refreshments were Dorved uud nil enjoy ed a pleasant evening. Governor Thornton has Issued quar antine proclamation forbidding the trans portation throush nr Into the territory of cattle from California nnd Arizona ex cept by rail nr for Imhwdlalb Slaughter. AuJerie'B sud Wo emu have mad a Mi)KMlNO, WBW MKXICO. . . 1 fSg4l!ll"f Mrlk at Apck camp SMut is miles from tfepar. The or, klclt run high In silver and about 0 In gold, will be shipped ifrfit Demlhg sampUr, ' Tho Bemlng JLWemry Club met last Mouday night ,t (V rrtkknce of P. P, Hudge, iUv f'tm 4ed were Mother CfoveV Mymn The oxer Cites were (edwltji soUctlou by this mandolin clab ... ... i. .. . . "JjUHV' nail M a lawn anil nnt JwklngwlljfWhem,outhat bo left I Pl Sm.M cecoa ia the town of r.ord4wg ynd' Is compelled to drink ic6mmrt6tdlary slopa" like othtr "Potr"LmuIw ball, ring and knife 1ewr "nter tained tho multltudo nt the different saloons lu towu Wednesday ulght, The gcnllemnnly tor Is ft master of th art and parts his hair iu tho middle, all of which Is "no dream." People going east via the Sunset Limited reaching Now Orlcau nt 7:00 a, iu., havo the prlvltego of Inking either tho morulng or ovenlng train out of Hint place, thus offering to those who with, an opportunity or taking In tbo historic old Crerccut City. A Hnymondifc Wiiltcomb train con sisting of six cars, carrying pooplo from Boston and New York, passed through Doming last week cnrouio to California over tho Southern Pacific. These ax ourslons will be run quite frequently during tho balnnco of the winter senton. Two young gentlemen In town, both of whom by tho way.arokttlclly tcmporate, deslro the owner of a ccrtBlu windmill with a peculiar wall, to properly oil the same, to (bat they will not hav to ruth through the street in the centre of the ulgbt to ttoslst att.lmnglnary niau In dis tress, This Is mi the dead, People coming down from Sliver City bound ror 121 Pkro will bo glad to learn that tbo . Unutbcrn Pacific lis, a -but frolgbt leaving here almost every even ing for KJ Pino at VAO local time, Very neiiucntly Ihore aro extra frclnh'n bo ni ilnwnilutU.,tu.iiiioiiotm'r6T'ftTll8 permits can no owaitieu rrom U. u.iios wortb, agent 8, P. Co. Thero will bo a camo cock fight nt MorencI, Arizona, next Bimdtiy'nnd Jag, S. Pelder, of Silver City, patted through yesterday with several chicken coops, filled with owl of very hliih deureo which he will throw Into tho pit ou a purse of es&O n side. Silver City vs. Morenct. Tho result Is anxiously await ed by the resident of CI rnut County. Tho HiiAW.iaiiT iicltuowlcdfs (ho ro calpt of a copy of Council 11111 No, 0, en titled An net to provide for the compen sation of Clerks of Districts Cmuts, County officers and other purposes, also a copy of Council Dill Mo. 12, el.'ltlcd, att act relating to candidates ncd voters at election. These tills were Introduced by Seuator A. II. Pall ot Grant and Dona Ana, In Ulahop Kemlrlck'a quarterly review, which la just out, he states thnt llov. Geo. Solhy, formorly prl'iclpnl of the Demlug Publlo School , will be ordained to tho priesthood nt Las Vugas, Pobuary it, In this review is an Interesting nr tide on lil Paso nnd vicinity, by Itov. 13, 11. J. Andrews, formerly Hector o,' Bt. l.uico's uiiurch In this city, now assistant Hector or Bt. Clomoiit's at El Paso. Mrs. P, P. Mttdgo gavo an Informal parly nt her home last evening to n few rrlemis, 'ihos present wore Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. (Jiilney.Mr, and Mrs. J. E, Irvine, Mr, and Mrs. John Corbctl, Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Merrill, MUts Hodgdon, Nordhaus, Adams, Allen, Schlafly, Cong dou, Beeley.IJuttiflde, Pctteynnd Messrs. N. A, Weals, N. 11. llalloy, 0. N. Pettey, t'liny jturutcK, Ulirl llnlthel, Prank Nordnnus, Hugh Williams, George l.eliler, j,yall, Meyer and Androws, Tho Preacott, Arkona (burhr, relates tho following In regard to n meteor secu iu that occtloni "Wednesday ulght laat, about B;!J0 o'clock, Dirk Tea who Uvea In the gulch just east of Whipple, stood In front of his residence when his attention wan drawn to a largo bright ball of light In the northeru sky which seemed to ad vance rapidly lu a southerly dlroclloni on It came, growing bigger and brighter, un til It sailed over Mr. Tea's head with the whirring sound of n dock nf birds and apparently dropped from view In the gulch on th other aide of the hill from Tea's bout As soon as the fuinw disap pears, Mr, Tea will ro over nml look for the aerolite, which ho believe to be a large one, probably weighing a ton or tupro," HiicliUn' Arnica Halve. Th best unite In the world for nuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, suit rheum, fever sores, tettor, cttnnped hands, chilblains, earns, and all skin cfupilonn, and posi tively cure pits a, or no pay required, It Is ffunrantoed to ulv uerfect rntlsfao Hon or money refunded, Price SO cents: Dr box; PortalebrJ.P llvrmii drutr. m tint ntmm wimi nmfi, V) k ta tie uftift im m WWa XtMetr, ol Vki Wee, kh w ey, Sprlnf suits to otrfer ai Noed- FreJi lb et drWd hMnitt ictr d at St', 8im Hourrinx h la ewn from tit N A N rc!, , HtwMlWwd hm mi bacon at Henry Meyer'. MAri.oH Shanmi waa a vkltor la the city WeilaeteWy, Hat alckla otgwr t town at Piekfc man Meal Co, II. II. Kiudkr went tip to Silver City n today's teala. HtventeeH pound of sugar for f 1.00 a.1 aitlA'ttt V CoUacroH CttAa. Brahkoh was tu the city WedaeiHky, Por Karden, flower and grass eeda go iu j,jx Msnouoy s, Ko Mnpr vfsltd In El PiSJ-tlm Ulfly part of the week. Go to G. N, Pclley's fur thn latest styles n spring suHfl, Mu, A.TKTzt.Ari'ltln tho city from Williams, ArUooa. Now lot children's aehool shots Jutt nrn mu u i piuuau o ttou. Maiitih Mifl.i.r.M was a visitor in tho metropolis Tustday, Purnithed ronma nnd bnard, Enquire or jure. tr. it. .'lurrin. IVai.teh Itiuoui'iiii.D returned yea terday from the east. l?iirt of our Snrlnt: stock of Da by, Mlssca and Lntiioa Bhoco Imve nrrlvctl. OtirpHcea ou tlioso goods nro rcnsontiblo. TlioLltitlaucr Mercantile Oo, Wiu.iam Kii.nuuK, marshal of Bltver , was in town yesterday, Fresh slock of Perry's Harden and flow er seeds at J, A. Mahotiey's. "Oaii" Coswat, of Silver City, wastn ou too streets ot tho metropolis Wcducs day. Graip time by tho forelock and get some of that heavy underwear nt Petley's. t'oi.. J. P-jMcOnouTV Is taking In the Bights at tho Territorial capital this Week. Latest styles In rent aulw mado to order nt Nordhaus &, Bon. Cou P. It, Smith returned Tuesday eveulng from n busluena trlti Into Mexico, Pettey. tbo (ten! furnisher, ts offer I nir aitonlshliitt bareulus lu winter uuderwear, Olio. Mnvcu went over to Lake Val ley tho front cud nf tho week on a buol new trip. Iliiod ' Pills nre eaty to tnlto, ensy to nncrate. Cura ludlucstlon, headuche. S3 cenis, Mvlkh IIakriks. the leading black a in I tli of Port (.'iimniliia. M In llie cltv I la lmmft 411 . I iriw i Hilw 1 1 n Till ml M Don't forcet that Ilrnwu its HoDklns bus n larcn stouk uf nuceniware In decorated China and fancy novelties. Jcuon Joanfit lloo.ti; was in Bllver City scvernl days this week on legal btminccs. WALTElt WALL-IB will Holl yon IjUJlllllllt for $1!0 line M, Bpotcuaii. Mns Hekht NaiiDUACS returned last week from Itcswell, whoro sho had beeu vlaltlng relatives. The winter season will soon bo ovor and fir this reason am ottering all heavy underwear at a orrat sacrifice Come and eet a uood thing for very little money, G, N. Pottoy D, C. HouAnr, of Bllver City, was In town Wednesday and kit yesterday for Santa Po aud Cripple Creek. You can be wll when your blood Is rich, pure and nourishing. Iliiod's Sar saparilln makes tho wood rich ami puro and mires all blood diseases, restoring health ana vigor. P. K. Wtmas, the popular manager of the Corhett &Wymau sampler, mado business trip to Bcpar this wok, A hacking cough Is not only annoying to others, but is unmrerous to the Hereon who hnn It. Uno Mlnuto Cough Curo will iiiilcKiy put nu eiui to it. J. I". Jiy ron, druggist. C. II. liowmt) nnd wife, of Boston, passed through on tha Bliuset Limited lutt Tuesday night for California. We aro making eapcchUIy low prlaoH ou Olotliitu; no wo mint to rctluco our winter Block buforo our Sjirttig Roodfl wrrlro. Tlio Llndnticr Meroanlilo Oo. Col. 0, ILKituM, who Is for the pre sent stationed nt Lordtburg, callsd on his many friends In this city early In the week, DoWitra witch Hazel Halve Is nn nn tlseptlc, soothing nnd bmili' t; upinkatlo'i for burns, scalds, cuts, brli!", rtc, and cures piles like mnglc, It Instantly inpu pain, i, i , iyron, iiruggisi, Mns, CtiAB, Lim arrived Tuesday from Tucson, Arrlzona, and Is stopping a few days with her mother, Mrs, Catherine Williams. ' Telltr, eczema nnd nil similar skin troubles aro uured by the use of Do Witt's Witch Iluzel Balve. It soothes ut once, aud restores the tissues to theJr natural oomiition, ami never mils to cure piles. J. P. by ron, druggist, Mns. P. It. Smith nnd Mis Deele Ken- drlck returned yesterday from California. Mrs. Smith accompanied Col. Smith to Banta Pa same day, Many Uvea of usefulness havo been cut shott by neglect to break tip nn or dlnary cold. Pneumonia, brmichltls nnd oven cnuntimtulou can he averted bv tho prompt tito of Uno Minute Cough Curo, J, P. Dyron, druggist, Coi- Joux II, llkiir.K, commlsMloner ot emigration ot the Mongolian Empire, passed through frout Nognle Monday en route to Albuquerque, T bey nre Lo Utile vml hahllv know ruiture taking thtm. They, tause tie) 8 c Lirery Stable. rtitn ij Bran, Ntlv k Alfftlfe Wmy. -m THtMi at Hitii Tnwks kundled Willi mre. MORSES SOLD tnm usNsrsnstesM nr pw L U M B E fit. Doors & Windows. or $90 pmv M , Terms Spot Cash. griping, yet they act ituloklv and meet thoroughly. Much are the famriu little puis Known a JKJWlH's Little Karly Miners, Mm Ml ta hItp. s-rest In w&uHa. J. P, llyfrti, druggist. Wm.J, 'Anuruh and mother from New Jrsey, arrived last Kutur- day and are stopping a few day al Judge Beawan Field's. They will bo from here to California. FLOORING. ORILING. Mil). I NO MMrt M1M13NHION 1A1MU1SK ftir JI2) Mier Af . Hunt cash. Ht WAIl'JiH WALLI8, 0. M, PoiUKEIi, W. L. JiOKSOS, J, W. Kr,i;iif(0 and Hicuahd lluiiaox wrspu- scugors on last Bunday's train from San ta I'V, they took tho Bllver City train satsio day for their homes It) northern Grant county. Mnnv niillttcat sneakers, clorrvitiftn. singers and others who tiso tho voice excessively, rely tiion Ono Mlnuto Cough Curo to prevent htisklness and laryngitis. Its value as a preventive Is oufy culialed bv Us nnwer to afford lu- Htnntnueous relief. J. P. Dyrofi, druggist. Otto L. TIicr, representlnrf' the BStita Fe ATcw Mexlton, called at tho llKAt- LitiiiTOfllco lo-dsy, Mr, WIcc recently moved to Banta Po from Illinois. Ito Is nu experienced uewapaper man and Is a very pleasant geutloman. Tlio lust week we received about fifteen now styles of Outing Fliumol. OotuO Htul look at tucni. 'Ilicy aro tbo nowcet pBttoriiB out Tho Lltuluucr Jlcrcnntllc Oo. David Flkibujian, formerly In tho employ of 0. Wormier & Co. of this city mid now with tbo Arizona Copper Co., putaed through Wedncfday on the Southern Pacific. Mr. Plalshmuit will stop ou his return trip to tea his uuiny friends lu this city. Cho'ihs conMlnntlon Is a liatufu! dls ngrcenblo nnd llio-nhortetiliu; difllcully It iliriiiiirc tho ntstum. causes link headache, bad breath ami potions tho blood. H cms bo readily ovcrcomu by DoWllfs Little Knrly HUora. These little pllle nro great regulators. J. P, llyroii, druggist. H J5Ictric Blttr h hwIMm ni4 for any sen. butMrke more fetirr- languid eahaM fMfWmvlt,wheN Hie Uv.r l tnrntil mA kfmU .J ,L need of a touio and aJUwuve hi fH, A prompt Ueot this wMebti has iku averted long aud (terhaia fatal UIWm fnvsra. Jim mnitli-liMi will iuv .u. ly In couatrc44R tmd fwelag tb sys tem from the malarial Betoa, HM aoSe, IndlBMtlori, conHlailoi. dbuletK Vlnlil to K eetrlo it llian. fVul. cents per ottl at J, 3. Ryrea's kutr stars. STATEMENT OF CONDITION of THE BANK OF DUE, AT ovMi-n. "iiKrTTnffirrrwTiv'tm; At the rtonn tt Ititsln.M Junwnrjr 4, t HBT, AOrrtlrilunllitg i:imc, Time and ml'miiint ilhlUiiul of nine iorcHl from uinUrliltitpr()SI. ItUROUnOKH. ltsns nd nitronnU,.. ,0l,0.(a IIOpl. OtcrifrsfK, ,., VA,"t MnM H.t. ft"wh, fwurbl nnd Clalm.....J,saj.79 hrnliure, anil flxiurw....... Vi'S?Z Aiminm on donoli with punk ei.tsa 31 CatU on ImuU In hank rsuil... . .0) Total rionrc 10O.wH.00 MAlllMTU!. I .lock nalil In e,W1 00 iniuriiii rrna'" :- n-'i1"" inillvld'Mi (icmin "xyiy.-" lii-innnl mlipcntinotilepiult s.lti q) lUl H Mill. lUflV'M 1 lftiA4 Toisi iitiimi isa.aM.ra ToUl.Uakllltlct..... IM.OU.W Tirtllorjr lit New MMltn, counir nf wram, i 1, Leu II. Iinwe, rlilr or.lM sUofMiamwt baiik, ilomlcinBly weor tint .Hii Iki uifinent It trU4 to tha fait ot my liiittvrloilirs and bcllf I , IrfiU. II, llIU)W.H,Cahlir. Siitwrtltirit anil mora to botor. ma tliti till ilajr i - - ta i. ui.BUU.r;, ,i-,. ... Wimall flcwnr, HaUtf I'nbllr. Correct Attcit i Joiik Cnnnrrr, Jil'tt V. IITIWS .1 Director.. Th U. S. Gov't Report thw Ryl Baking Vysfer Bttfchr to mil Hurt, Notice of l'nl.llcrttlon. In Urn Iil.lrkil.'oatHiIlhil'hlfil Jntlliilnl Ilia tries of ibo'icrritary oi ntw iiexico, wiiuin am lor '10 lionuij iiraiu, Tel ilurjr at NSW Unzlco, Waftted-An M V-BL PASO RUBBER STAMP CO., B. R. WILt.tS.MM, Mgr, mwmn mum xaus to ;oibxx an imm mm. Seats, bho1U, BjUm, ChecVa, Sgn, !k aai Iak.rs4s-.sll eoUors-IaMW Ink Md all Xta ef HimjMm. 8001 23 !rts:oMBkck, EL FAN, rtxil THE DEMiNS HOUSE. M113.M U.COU.ISfl, rroiWr. sNICE FURNISNEB KNttS KV TUB JIWHT OR tVEKK. Silver Ave,, DUBUNO, K,M. WRECK OF A SLCDDInO PART!. About Thl-rty To ung raopU Are MaHJ ftrl Injnrit M4ljr. na.iwnA, Art., Htfiva .'AWW tw o'clrot Monday iilchtaBlf diu;riy tci SO person from Tyrone am ft mo w Haarry at Petnbertoti. TM tA4, kewesj and pleasaro Beekeni were rffseitilsatiit1 CO fct to tho bottout ol tho ftmyim, where they lay l one frr4 saaes.' Twenty persotM wneo badly ltrd, M soon a the tiaw reached TytetM a spe(4 train was l4 cwt aud all th dociors , ' town conveyed to tt sm. The prry was meetly m-uU wp eC yeUK Mcwle, CllrU aud boy, with tjjeJ CsJ LffA WxCvtA nl J if from their wouttS, iwy ht Stwief ot mow. The ntereary theiM bet km aoro, addiitf to the h&rftw of Mm bfttaatrophe. ' , The followlnf Is a paHIM list of tW' Itijurvd tat aro badly hurt t Alice HA den, Jesslo Stone, Etajicne OrawfOM,' Wlltlaut Joue and Howard Teiu4OM. Much l:iagcmtil. ' At.tooma, Pn., Jan. 27, The resort of an accident to a slelglujr party Rear Tyrono were ranoh oxBKnerated, Th party cousltlng of 1H person, down a 6-foot embanlcmcut aaei yosnjr ladles were allxhtly InjarwL were able to walk to their home. fell two Albtrt Mnilatier, ... ) ... Tim MiadsteiuUiil. Allwrt I.lwluupr, li lurch; nolinriltlintaiult In Held at Unu wniiumiJ aunin.t him la Hi lll.lrlcl Ojurt ut llio 'lliir.l Ju uTclal DUirtii ot tlia Tcrrliurr of Kuw Mexico wlililtl aid fur (Itaiit Oounljr tiy (lie oalil Teriitorj of Kr ilealoii lilallitllf, to rcrurcr lbs uni iif stu b4w. lioilsr, (' awl asttlii.i tin ata uanii'iamai u.e rata wiunijr ut iiraut nir in tnt lVJ, fill nn.l imiA, tnfntliot wllit ims Ml lui-auui u, (jw.w iitfiiar! uiirivi. anv fim ti nixrernt 7rnuniniiilro(lolnltt tliat tiuii jfi enter sonr apwaraiiin Ic -alii mil on or Mors Ilia tint iU u: !. ' ret of aM iourt i.inim.-ucliiifinili,Smi ii tha lam xlnirllis Uth liar df Uai, A. I), ia'J7, iodmant it dnfctllt tlmroln lli 1 fanilarH "alnn iron, . (I If.... MM (L A liiiik. JL II. IlilttABSi, . , ... Attornar fur l'lalntld. AwrM HllHut IkMMfs WwM' Fi Dlt CREAM BAKIN6 POWDfR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crap Crm ofTsilsr Powder. rr Ireui Ammonia, Alum or any otliirsitulkram 49 Yun iht $tM4tii RETURNING! TO fRISON ALONE. AlUrt MiMi SUilnff JV to rW Ml Oniylrit aR. SnixwATKR, MIuh., Jan, 87, A sU cldedly unlqno phae of prisoa hfe km Jast devolopod beret. Ia Jnue, 189ftf Albert Wauae was eetttewed trim EMeATH eonuty for lit for warder in h ecosdl lfree. On yeeltkm ol Uk trial' juilgo and Jary Qovetor Neke T4o ward eoMtttad tVs term to U yea sad Blase was patoleit In Jatte, 1W6, esnyTrmii belna; fesutd fer Mat et farM near Bin Earth City, lie took UU jnwoJ tke folio wtof Oeejr by rwa-r alac away. ' Bovoral days so Wardest WeJfer M-1 celvod a letter from hlin from OrliM in which he ofiorcd to retorts to prkon voluntarily. Transport attaa wa htm aad he la now eu roate for aeUt water, Bnnccotnpaitlcd. He h mi yoM, I few goodtlme nllownnc, y4 f servo. -M-1 I HIO NECK 18 BROKEN. ' rromUent 1arIoiiv tli Tlcttrn at m I'oeulhti- AeettltMt rt IHhtut. Dr.KVRK, Jan, 37. Sit llotrt Stewart llo lu a hospital ia this olty oleee to death, tho malt of a most' peculiar 4 ddcut, Ills neck Is broken, aud that keJ must die, la almost a certainty. Mf was found Monday morning at IM9 Fifth street, where he fell, frartoeT hi skull at thn ba ot the Wain a4; breakluit the vertebrae. I! t a very prominent man, oonaected with a Mfi intarauno society ot Edlnbmrgh, was In Denver for a lire insurance oesvi pany, Por tome time after hte artirtw lit this ooniilry three year ae, a waei travolins; companion for Jaiae A. Marf bonr, tho New York banker, Km W a wild and four ohlMrttt, who r4.1a a' U ladle street, KdlwUet. " t$4tra4 At Sw,' MMIuhr, MiimiD, Jm, ?,-TK Alfonso, ilie Infant kin e-inbrated throaarkout tkk yeeeerday wlhmore or m wmf. ti Sn4f IMiwr, WAaittMiiTOM, Ja. ST.rHemitiM U ieaator Oeorxe ot MIseMaa- W taaik imptoved, attd If m tasBta irf will be tsa U a fovr ar j o