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o ( 1 KWAGOOOTOWN faUXHK CI1TAIILT 1ETTEK WW thrill m AWi IMwIvimI I CttM llHs4fc:Hs) ftfsV 1tHl. H ee,, "HOW'S Wrt, M wajwr) with tkl ttNM hwt year," h to twia Mf h dart, i tbe wsek liv tw HkAMWMT MyMwUfryaad the hwvr ata ft stew, If w eTcrloeVrd myem H was) Halafeatlaaal m4 w will var JwrfHK tasr vfewt In imr am "' nai(i., Wrsrly alt r-eepOBtlcil M rtMWfMlly, (Mill ?itH (11,0 WT tw fltilos. w fntmrt (L mar. aa l Mti wood which dcnoto coti- Wtiewmt ami T4)rlty- Jolly, gaml Mrm-vf ! X, H. (Bllty-Tlelet utislrifM, both fH - "ini nrm iiiinnii. riiHiiiJira Vitrv favorably whU that of lost year, In splto Of tH feVCt that kit vi-ar. dm nri-nnnt i.f .i. i...- . .... .r mm niniw political Coil Vul) t IUUM HIIU kilrfiv wai nlmve tho nvcrsuo. Tim HumhbiIiio rritrlptlun have somewhat curuiwtt inuiucw, iml now that ell lines at ontu and Bi further fear or yellow tyver I look for a my henlthy fiicrcano. lUllroail nirnltiRi havo boon cm tho In erostso for tho pnt year, owIhb largely to favorable crops and ionrrasofl impor tations. It fa to be lioiici tlmf. ini iin. tton of affair will kcop steadily on the iiwiiruTrni'mi, ior raurfciatis nnvo boon Trrjr (niv iBiirii mo iirioriri or com mereo aailtholr fa Hum moans Uri)ly the falltira uf other kituts of bualiiois, mill tie irsa. I.lnilsusr Mercantile Civ-Our trade la wfiier iimu a year oro. l'ot. with the tock we carry, wo ought to iln double the unioutil of business, which, however, we can not expect unless our govern ment opens our mints to tho free colnair of ellver, which would start up our bile iitiiio nun giro employment lo ttiOII mhos or men. Mary K. Collin, Demlnc Houso llusl hut It mot oi guild tut lust spring and v inter. Aly busluess Is better In the winter nonius, l'..t I' I. ..I... T1...I .- 1. 11 rEte tonu Is dulleri hut my taxori nnd in)- wit are nun suarp. who auuwi, naroer i una that in uunueis ror trio put four months somowhat better thau lust cur. J. w Coryell, carpenter Much belter. jast year no uubiiicss at nil, Albfitl Llndauer, livery stablo Havo eon la biulnas only n short time, but . mm IUIIY IDUBUVUi 11, Faust, gunsmith Ihislness la gcu J. Ij. Ferguon,furnIturo My business f this year Is such nn Iniproveineulovcr mk year mat more is no comparicou U'here seems to be moro mouoy In clrcu Mtiou aan no lout uccounts. J. 0. Thomas, druggist I find busi ness iu ihitniug us gaud and fur bette than most towus Us size In tho stale. W. II. Korff. (Wllooii-. llimliii'in. nn Finn pared with this time last year, Is all right, Jlavs ho kick coming. 1 nut making waff and consider Ihut Is good enough w mtf irao iiicso units. Fsesl Kandell, restaurant Business Is very Mtisraciory. N. A, iJollch, merchant A decided Jmpfovemciitln business sluco Januiiry 1 it. . Jscksnn, mauhlntstllavo just marieu ir uusiness uero ana am nut position yet to suto bow times are. Seaman Field Dettei by 10 to -JC per inn. n iiiio incrensiu prices last year helped tbocnttlo men very materially. this year has not only put thorn out of debt but nil havo something ahead for com for la una Mxurles, una not a fow havo something nvur that they "would like to put Into yearling heifers" Tho ure rump while not on n boom, Mill they are paying to work, and the minor lis n much mora gonial faco than he Jiad last year. UurMlmbres (rluuils nro generally happy, und while not Vun derblltn or Uoubts, still there Is uot ono among them who would not scorn nn alliance of their daughters with tho beg card so called "noblemen of Europe." with these classes all prospering It fol lows as a matter of course that tho mer chants should ho prosperous olid mcot their friends with a huppysmllo. Tho Iiesltli.seeker who has been wlso enough ftwhej w pts,t4si lislsty, wvm, urn mmow m, Hi tmms 01 WRfl H0 Wt KM.' When Hawaii shall tv ln stsmeied ftt VHtm M4o fetWtrt Ht UArtnA Jswtklsry know Mm htfeeriti mr ht antiST IMS eoSMSIMKIO WHHS tights which thy ornt extfolso wlihftwi cmlK Hsklcr the law hy mtin jwwer wv ensii nave times uan how, W. I). ToMl . lwelrlSTv fall ttul. mas kk ay o-thlrcl beWet ikH ll wm m year up to this time. Jima fmeMHW. meats and ernes el iWlusss k m great deal Iwttor t-lMut It wm last yeart decidedly so. . K, H. Matthews, tailor VoIiik of bUstnt'M AlMut the nmr, with teHden uytoacheaner Krnde. As yet no a4 vac In plecs goods) while etwh whole tai iiotise claims mat toey iavo aniiei. iiHteu n o orosoeriiv or ine mi a tiv lav log Iu enormous stocks on which, while tney last, prices win uot oe uuvancrtli i'iicii one inrrntens a rise on uie surtax tuck. In the nieantima wo will stitch slonu slowly and to nrotect ourslve nnd our customers we will stay by the man uiai is isst to aiivsRce price anil then jump tn the one who, from what ever rnuse, begins to sell cheapest, and thus at tern nt to secure fur ourselves and our customers snmo little show In the bttttio fur prosperity. J. 11. Ilsgen, physician So far at col lections nro concerned, they are muh easier man a yenr ago. fJorbett & wvman.assavera Tho mln Intr nullonlc tor Orauitoinitv Is better to day than It tins been for manv vesrs. While thero Is not much silver mining, owing to low prlco of silver, prices for irau ttnu copper are goon, i no usys or wild-cat speculation lire past and thete Is more pood solid productive work going on In Grant county Mny than over ueioie. unvis & HlnKs. b ncRsmttli -Wn rn well sallsflcd with business aud the out- look. I. Drown, acent Wells Fareo A iron oral Improvement. PAinuri jjurnsmo uoi ect nns are easier and money items to bo moro p rntlful. Walter II. Gulncy. assistant cashier Hank of uniting--It compares more limn fuvnrably with last year, for tho rcaiou that cattle, tho nrlnclnal industry of this ?ocilnri,nro commanding better prices man ior yearn past! alio mo nu raurn io price in icnii nnu copper ores has had some effect upon us In this sec- z .Hon. With the probability of prices on theso productions being maintained, wo see no reason for our community to despair of tho future, as in tho worst t nes the pcoplo of the west havo benn Co j on in race, jieming hub stub unruly held her own nt least. John & II Qrnss. Commercial Hotel Not having been In business In Doming n yenr, cannot compare Hints now with that of last year, but will ( - - that we nro perfectly satisfied with tho business we havo done slnro opening the Commercial Hotel, uur transciont undo is very gooti. J, A. Mnhoney, furniture and hard ware-1 find mil to an Improvement In business this fall over last year. Tho surrounding country In morn prosperous, consequently our uusiness uas increased, Wo nro carrylna- a lanrer stuck than n year ago and nro reaching out farther for business. Tracy & Ilanntgnn, wines and liquors Ihinlnets has boon better lu tho lust threo or lour months man a year ngo. W. It. Merrill, lumber yard lluilneas is ono tniru oetter, nut proms era no greater, on account of increased cost of muterlal, Collections nro hard to tiiiiko CInrk St Co, procerus-Our business I satisfactory in every partluular. J. It. Hodgdon, Postoflleo Dullness Is nuoui mo snme. i sou no tiuiorcnco. .TOWI AID oourax, tn select this as hli stopping place shares wiiu an in mo general gnou reeling nnu forgets to brood over his misfortunes, W, J. Wsmol, groceries 1 dud It much betteranil am selling many moro good in a general Hue thau last season at thin time. Hut I Hud collodions to bo vary slow s4 money very hard to got, with jirosweot of selling a largo qiiuutlty of goods and mailing very slow collections. 0. W. Loftier, manager W. U. Tolo grapk C'o.Dusluess has been on the In. crease. Not a great dfel In the lelo graph business, but enoi'gh to show times are better. May Hold & Ho' eaddlery nnd harness Husltiess lias advanced no per nnnt on K, C Gallup and Frnxlor saddles. Money Is comlug In mora readily; every bmly seems to have n little cash now. Wm. Hermann, joweler It seems to tno a grmt deal better lu my line, I do moro work, Mrt.H.A.Goie, Dank Hulldlngholel- My uusiness it increasing uvervciny. Cbns. Merrlinau, barberMy buslneso lias Improved over one-hnlf since this time lost year. I have added una of Kochs hydraulic chairs and nin eui)loy log a first class barber. F.Woemt,Bt.Jomes Hotel Trnnsclent trade Is on the Increase; buslcesa Is Im proving. J, Ehrmann, saddlery and hnrness- My sale are increasing etery day. I urn well sallined with the outlook. . John Deckert. German bear bull Times nro ccttlnir butler and innnev steams mure plentiful. My btislneas is good, II, It. Kidder, merchandise About the tame. I'leuty room for improve triiut. The Deming Mercantile Oor-Duiluess H MseUtedly better than last year, M. IWftckwell, dentist I was not here Mt vt?r. hat since coeilnir to Deinlnu sereral woHths past, biisiuess has been MMMHiy oti we increase. Jit. Jtoowe. attorney The nnmtsed ftf ptotfierlty tinder the MoKlnley MsmlnlssfAtlnn has not reached Deming at she full tide. Vet business conditions in bWf than they were a year niro, Owr merchaHt are doing fairly weil, caMse Mnglng fair prices, cattle men h MaMed to pay off oh) scores) some MMiHity fer real nreoerty m& rsocnes, nV swsMrfsl okUook ta liHttvl tono HhltuM am sata unwftril sssMle. t'rofes ssajsaa) is by it srH are hs-ldlug sjmsi sm im mmmi naMciauy, fitirjirlin lnrly. A most ciiioynble surnrlso wnt nr ratised fur Miss Klla Ulifney Inst Mon day evening by a number of her friends, umier tno icauorsmp or jstrs. juini tor belt. Mls Ella wan Invited to n drive by Mm. Homiiuu Field, and wlitlo tho two were absent tho homo of .Mr, and Mrs. Waller Uulney was Invndod by the lolly party, who took posseislon. About 0 o'clock Miss Gulney returned nnd was, to nay the lenst,dumbfouudod,but quickly recovered nnd noted the part rf hostess In n most ncroenblo nnd chnrmtnc man ner. Refreshments, Including Icocrenm sad cako, chlckeu salad, coffee. Ho., wero served and lo which ample Jubilee irns dnno. Thoso present were Mesdamrs John Corhett. H. Field, N. A. Denis nnd J. H. Irvine, and Mltsea Marks, Good- follow, Allen, Duruslde anil Ilodgdou, Letter Met. List of letters remntnlng uncalled tor In the Doming V. U. for tho week end Ing November 10, 1807; Marcos Aberta, I'edro Delnrdo, Ncal 1 1 .. i .. nt, ....... il i i Corlls, .loso CabaUero (2), W J Davidson, U 11 Franklin, Q Gonzales, Mario llnlitnn, Marsellun ilernamlea. Jerry lilies, Maria itiKiriguss, Mr u wmors. Saiiah IIooodo.v, I, M. ' ' Mt-rlliiK of Hlueklinlilers. The annual meellnu of the stockhuld ers of tliu Dulldlne nud Loan association of Deming, for the election of officers for tho ruining yenr, will bo held on Fri day. December 10, lfi'J7. VmhI (mii I'Htyllt TlMitkBdlviHg stlKt. Co iWH-Utstk 0. How beut the sWewalk t Order ynur HMsig far 0. H. Mosworth hi home ataln, 8. C. K. efitertsthsMetit December H. Lend a htlsting hand to the Ore hoys. Car oats Jurt received by Clrk k C. The leckstt block I iwrg ieflatd tHeaeosj telle good oysters M Vhi a can. U 8, Xarsfeat Foraker wa in towH torfay, Henry Moeecran wss a DcnlswvlsUor JiO'ft'Wsy See ToseeM'a Hne ot frtlrorwarc jut received, Car of eastern canned sroods. ittst In. Holiday goods will soon be on display iu all tho stores, Don't fall to give u every heiri Item you can think of. Jams Haanlgan was a visitor to Bllvur City last Saturday, 0. II, Ward, the optician, went up to Silver City Sunday. Judge Dooun Is doing business at Hie county seat this week. The HKAbl.MKT docs good printtnc "uecnuso we know how." Charllo I'entce end Mlln Williams have returned from California. Miss Minnie Zelldoo Is again nt the Itarvoy IIouso In this city. Tom Ncal, the cnttlo shipper, returned from California this week. Firs apparatus wo must have, sooner or later. Let's got a move on. uinrK i:o, mis week received a car of California canned goods. A. J, Clark returned from Southern California on Monday's train, Car eastern canned goods Just received ty tue Homing Mercantile t;o. Miles Hawkins, of Ilndlsy, was a via I tor to the county seat Monday, Frank Peters hat been taking In the sights at Silver City tills week. Fresh welnerwotst nnd hcadcheeso nr rives at Btensnn's on Thuisdsya. District court procecdloge will bo found on the first page of this lisua. II, F. Harris, the Jeweler, Is tuffortng from a severo attack of rheumatism. John Phillips went to Hepar on last nights tralu, Ills stay Is uncertain. Turkey shooting will take placo on the ranch of Honry Myers, next Bunday. Hood's pills nro tho fnvorila family camaruc, easy to take, easy to oporaie. George K. Tucker and wife, of Clinton Mo., are guests at the Commercial hotel Mrs. J. A, Long rot u mod Bunday from a month's vlilt to her old home lu Hills boro. Nowt. Dnllch Is nurslngan uiiploasaut pet these days a felon, on hit right hand, Mrs, W. l' Bmlth, Is building an ndobo addition to her residence on Sliver avenue. Tho weather from now on promises to bo llko so mo subscribers accounts "un settled." It. W. Mnrtln and crow took tho S. P. railroad officials to Lordsburg Monday evening. Harry and Con Whltchlll nnd families, from the Mlmbrce, wero lu tho city on Motidny, Mrs, 11. A. Oslo will furnish rruests board. If desirod. In bank building, upstairs. J. C. Thomas went down to El Paso Wednesday to purchase his line of hull day goods. Dennis Peoples, of Cook's Peak, was taking In tho sights of tho metropolis (Ills week. Car California canned goods expected to arrive tomorrow. I lie Deming Mer cantilo Co. Purchnso n ticket to the hand boys' dance, Thanksgiving night, whethoryou nttend or not. II. II, Kidder went tip to Silver Cliy tills afternoon tn look Uftora case before tho district court. People who are supposed to bo on the dhady side of life now take tho sunny sldo of tho street. II. II. Wheolock, representing the Simmons hardware company of Bt Louis, wus lu town this week. It . ItVeMi mmm .iiiJ..J iii WU mhh m m j4si .Wk, but Is ess she IHiWJ tKft4 $W t9Wftf A- rf's twit tMrhi hf Iven e)tr hsff Mm MMsfs, WN will sake h iMfMWip in the wml Out 4fMfsM tA fat times t4 low fc tini If a mom is) thrown out of hVs job he sWesf not hiee Bswek, W. 0. PofUrftsW. the teotwilar drg- fM t IsasWtHy, casri down Sttndsy od WfM'lasiiBlsjti toKI rseotiN buetnet, The IWIliUrlss tHrkev rooeta too nigh hit tic HfcMlJlctit force thh) year. Thai k'wsalJsktMM we ars short on, ItMi week purchseed frotst Mm QUI 4 New Mexko Improve tnent efcy ret 8, 7, 0 and 0 in block 87. J. W, Fwieet W th'hi city I said to he insklHg W rweellent record m foremen o( the -gimA kry at Silver City this week, IoW,skHe h4 the fora AnKorof Id rljjWi anil bdly smsihed lhl week While VHtteadlng machinery at Cooks 1'caK, , These jealous girls. "Miss M say wheft sfce'tstkes down her hair it reaches tho flour' "it does If she happens to drop It." MIm Collin I at homo this week on a visit with her mother. Mrs. M. E. Collins. She wHl eH Mhirlladley school next .Monday. , Mrs, Peai hat accepted n position In K. A. Dollci's ctoro. Hhe will be able to keep nn eye on Jctso all tho time hereafter. Mrs. J. P, Byron wee In El Paso this week purchasing good for tho holiday trade, She was accompanied by Mrs. N. A. Deals. Sam llndauer, of Sliver City, hat re turned from the east, wharo ho wont to purchase goods for the llrm ot Llndauer As Iiurnshio, M, J. Cox, or Cook's Peak, left for F.l Paso Wednesday on business. Ho tnny extend hi trip to St Louis nud Chicago before returning. T. A. Carr has gone to the City of Mex ico, for u two weeks' vacllon, Ed Lylo of Ban Marclal will be on duty durlug Mr. Carr's absence Mils lleesle'HItchcock, who ha been attending school In this city for the past two months, returned to her homo In San Marclnl ydterdsy, Demembci- tho cntortalnment to be given by tho Society of Christian En-d-avor, Friday ovenlng, Deo 0. Full particulars next week. Mist Lena Zolldore, who has bean In charge of the lunch counter ut the depot, icft for lllncon today. Miss Florence Doming tnkes her placo here. The Ilr.Ani.ioiiT hat n palf of spec tacles, found by Morris Nordhnuse, Cwnor can havo samo by proving prop erty and paving for this notice, Johnny tllsmla tho popular cluck clerk nt tlin' depot, Is happy as a clsm at high tide this weak. Another Item In tliln issi'in will explain tho reason. Carl ToMoil has severed his connec tlou with tile B. P. Co. and gone tn Knn sas City, wfiero ho will study reiouchlug nnd finish his course In photography, It Is amar.lng how ninny consumptives are trnvi'llng weitward at this season ot tho year, Fully a scorn wero at the depot ono day this week botweou trains. Dlood is life nnd upon purity and vital ity of the blood denonds tho hoalth of Die whole system. Exiirrtcucc proves Hoods SuriMparllla to bo tho best blood purfler. The young ladles ot the Hnrvoy House gavn a social nance tfaiiiruey nt that famous hostlery. About ton couples were present and a most enjoyablo ovon Ing was passed. Wonder If Guy Pottey has nn Interest lu the culinary department tot the Har vey HnusoT' Ills visits to tho kitchen nro pretty regular and often, Some attraction, turol V, E, Ikiley had an cxcltlnir exper ience with a rnttlesnako whllo at the mines uoar Gago this week, lialloy left that country with alacrity, leaving hit tnakeshlp In possession. Assistant Secretnry of War Melklejohn nnd party pasiod Ihrotigh Doming Bun day, on mute for Washington. Tho party had been on a tour ot Inspection of tho Paclfio coait defenses. Through the kindness ol Mr. J, field, linger tho HcAPMnitT Is favored with late newspaper from the City of Mexico. Mr. Iteldllngrr has started a soda factory in that cty arid a doing well, Mrt.M, Ai iloyant la at Mrs. Gale's. Bhe i Introducing the now fad from the esM-lateetet sn4eMSiy, itrwtk H4ialril by all." Just M mm mW stritw Ui hrkk MIm of Re Mrflll, t4m the- iHMrvMi el T, Mi ftVrffsn, will he buraeet) WtkUow are Ut i. lee loi e brick wW ha the tmH. u of thnlH Jamoa Hotel, having ptiK'haeeil the interest o H. K, Taylor, A My wsHress ha been eagsted and tte hotel will be run a a HrteHi'h, The pisasaat smite asm fttewart' fae wm net eaaaeit hy a Jokolel, bat by ike "subaMMitlsl facts," just served upon tho labia at Mrs, (tele's, at the popular baaK bulMlag kMei, The IXaatoad A cattle eompsny has I.OCO head of cattle w the way from Mexltoto Deming wheace they will be shipped to Formosa, Cel. They are expected to arrive Rmiday or Monday, Thirty gsmbllac llcenacs have bee Issued Im Grant county tlace the new kw went Into effect. The amnat rcsHtesl e these llccuten, nt tW eseh, Is f dOfl, all ot which goes Into the county school fund. A blotter wllh an advertisement of yourbuetneH printed or it will make a nlca New! cars present to your cus tomers. Wo havo just 0,060 In stock, Bend in your order, First come takes the lot. Edward Frsnkel, a health-seeker from Chicago, Is stopping nt the Commercial hotol, Mr. Frank e I is city editor of the Ehcnpost, one of tho Inrseit nnd tnit Influential German papers published In that city. J, B. Headrlck, who I doing jury duty ut Silver City, saya the other Dom ing hoys put up it job on him when tho district attorney rule" vssrd him in Span ish again, nt the time of his examlnetlon touching hla quullfkatiou as juror. A little girl tried to tell her mother ot the subject of the Bunday ichool lesson nnd accomplished It after tills fsshtum "Let littlo children come to supper and put bibs on them uot, for of such there is nothing lu tho kingdom ot heaven," Pliny Durdlok takes tho cake for blcyclorldlug lu this country. Vestordsy lie left CarpenterVrnnch,t Sapello, nt Ooclock aud arrived here nt 5 p. iu ho Imr delayed an hour en route. Tho dlstnnco Is 80 miles, and over a rough territory, Uronkow Mitchell, owner of tho stago line nud continctor for tho mall roulo between Florida nnd Cooks, who ha been seriously III In Demlag for several weeks has returned to Cooks nlmoit restored to health. Ills many friends gave htm n hearty wolcomo upon hi arrival thero. W. T. Dretton, of Nashvllio, Tenn., arrived last Saturday and took the remains of hie brother to Tenuesso for Interment. Mr. Ur at ton wlihostoextond thnnks to the many friends who rendered acts of hlnduess lo his brother during tho last hours of bis nines and who assisted in tho last sad rites. Wo believe that a stand-pipe Is tho only feasible method ot providing Dem I n sr wllh adequate fire rtotertlon. The cost It not no grrat ns It gouerally I mag Inrd, snl wo believe that If our lire bote would Kike hold of a movimcut to ra'se funds for f.tich a purpose with their usual energy, that ft could bo uccom pllshcd, Dr. E. L. Cassels and family havo returned to Deming utter an extended visit through Colorado, Kansas, Okla homn nnd other points, covering a period of tlx months. Mrs. Caisel' health was considerably Improved until reaching Kansas whorosho contracted tho malaria fover, from the effects of which tho Is slowly recovering. General Paiscoger Agent W. J. lilack, ot the Btnta Fe, received a letter tho other day that was a corker, It said: "Alter trying remedies for rheumatism for over thirty years without rollof, I was in tho wreck of your passenger trains, at Emporln, and I was so well in ten seconds aflor ho first shock that I jumped out of the enr window aud havo had no rheumatism bIbco. How much do I owe you?" The Christian Endeavor Society ot Deming hat conferred c boon upon tho town hy having tho pluuo nt tho opera hnuso tuned. The Boclcty Intends to give a musical and literary entertainment there nn the third of December, Sev eral cantatas and solos am on tho program and ns It Is Intended tn make the eutor talnmont llrst class In every respect, the tuning of tho plana was determined upon. H, E. Jackson, tho gunsmith, met with a most pulutul accldotit yottcrdar morn ing, Ho was trying lo remove tho cylinder rod from a loaded revolver when tho weapon was discharged. Tho bullet IIWIuSj WTVI HJH S MIVI SISWnW mwa im fwyweata t Ml tkft4 tt. k; fttfMI lN(i WflU JWWW4HHl Msertrtt 7e,atalessra thai MfN wiay TesnK. Tetiaf w w reaftaf wNaf ly T4 Santa Y la afl rossfaw a eoMfwil tr ff Iseatlag see re a ate ka la feed hwftas, Last wrk others eawte froai the geami oAee of the eowimay N the loa atjent to the effect that la the faeww the rod will mi sell hay ar grata to Bat tle shippers. Hntae time since Dealag Merehant protested ua(at Ihle jftae ttee of the road aad the recent order I the result. la the fature Deinlatr mer ehant will tttefly feed for the cattle brought here for salpiHeat, The ouetowi of cowittelliag aaplli la or public school to write compositions has, according to the Albuquerque Dem ocrat, brought forth a future novelist ef rare prcmlee, A little . yest-old girl brought la the following coMpoeitloaf "Once there was a young msn and a young lady and they loved sack other very much and te tkey get married, Ami thea they were very unhappy be cause God never sent them any little children. And the yontig man went off to the wars and wss gone fnttr years, and when he returned hi wife had four nice little children, Thus wa true love re- wsrded," The china tea set raffled by Mr. FreyoeJ last Baturdny night nt Agee k Helling' drug store, was won by W. II, Kllburn, tho luck) number being thrown by Mr'. Chaa. Mctrgcr, tho result of which seems to bo painfully disappointing to the lady, Prom nil reports Itseemt that Mrs. Met- ger hasn't much lore or our popular City Marshal and when tho rftflle took place ho happened to be abnent, Mis. Metrger volunteering to shako the dice for him, wllh the rcmKrk: "Lot me chako fo, hum, I'll ace dnl ha dond vln it." Thus we nro reminded, "Venccsucc Is mlne.eayeth the Lord." UrnutCouuty Democrat. Otto Bchoen rich of this city, private tutor lu the famlly-of Otto Mergentha ler, was admitted to practice as an attor ney at Bilvcr City, court this week. His examination was hlgnly creditable. Mr. Schoonrlch graduated from tho Haiti moro City College In 1804, winning a pruo for seholarshlp. LasUsprlng ho ornduatrd.from the University of Marv. land receiving tho degree of fjnchclorot, lie is a young goniiemsn or plena not BcWil nualltlea and ability which will undotibtettty brlnir hi in success In his chosen profesilon, For tho presont air. Bciioeunoii will not practice, Accident at Conk's l'eak, Dy tho fall of a mass ot limestone In tho main shaft of tho Leadvlllo mine nt Cook's Peak, Monday, Edward Miller re colved painful wuuuds, nud only by r unit's breath escaped being crushed to death. At the time of the accident Mr. Miller was working In the shaft and without an Instant's warning a huge block four feet ,.ldo. six feet Ions nud foot thick toppled over from tho sldo Of tno siihii, live reet irom mo uuitoin. Ilcforohe could avoid the deadly avn laucbo it threw hi in urostrato nirnlnst the opposite side of (ho shaft, nnd In Its downward course, tore tho scalp from tho loft sldo of tho skull from n point i n r CO luciicu iiuovo tno ear, ami toro mat organ almost off. Had bo fallen throe Inches nearer tho detached mass he would have bein killed Instantly. , tiiunncd only for a moment, he rrgnliied conciouincs mm caiicu ior iirip unci was ciliated tip the ladder to thn stir faro and taken to the home of William Cotton, ot (he firm of Cotton & MoDan Icl, owners ot the mine, Hero his wounds were dressed temporarily. Mouuwhllo, U, B. McDuuiel secured a tenm and wagon from II. Mitchell, owner of tho stage line, nnd thn wounded mau, with Mrs. Miller, was brought to Deming and to the St. James hotel Bovcral atltchca wero re quired to bring tho turn scalp to place. Tho drlvo to Deming, twenty eight mllen, was accomplished In less than threo hours, probably the quickest tlmo over made between these points. Mr. Miller It a highly respected resident of Cook, with which camp ho hat been Identified for more than live years, Ho In Interested In several claim thero. Mr. Miller's condition today was so much Improved that ha was able to taka ouU donr exercise. Ho expect to roturu to tho Peak Monday, Tim ffptclnl iCillllim. It t a pleasure to announce that local business men hnvo tiulformally Indorsed tho forthcoming special Illustrated edi tion to be issued in the interest of Cook's Peak mining camp. Darning and tho contiguous neighborhood, They heartily second tho efforts of tho operators at Cook to publish to the world tho ro sourco aud possibilities of the richest and mist promising lead-bearing terri tory In thn country. In this the mer chant of Deming not only assist a dis trict that I a liberal patron of the town) they see also in a publication of such scope a rich opportunity to bring to the notice of investors and health-soekms overywhero the mlvsntagcs offered by Deming na n trading center and place of residence, and ot the magnificent terri tory turmundlng It, especially ad plod to grazing and gardening, PR BAKING MOST PERFECT. MADE. Apuw Grape Ciestn t Tartar BWitr. ft jpstn Aitatwfiis, Akaw or awy other slutaftssT . 40 Ymm tfM 9tUaW, ielai Nfttirwtf Asjswy. Oa Moaday the effkhtk) of the fsaata- Fs aaa Boutbern raclne rallroatie ar tlved la leailagia their arivate ean. Fhe ylsH was miMie by sgreemeat Ut ar- raage for a joiat agency at this ptrfai. and after coniullatloa It was tWcMeA. that It would be lo the advaatafleof both, companies to tua the tiatloa u aster oaa management, and It was so arranged, the Hnllthrrn PnclfiU to take full eharsa flr January 1. All the preMut employe ef me iwo compauienwui ue won csrea iorr miner uero or oisvwucre. Ihe meeting proved a most en;arablft ono to too official nnu all were well pleased with their visit and tho Hisaaer in which the-business was transacted. Those composing thh potty were: B. P. CoJr A Fillmore, maoasrert H. J,giuiill,tfperliileiideit motive power; j;pes itatiuoipii, division auperiHieuueiit. Santa Fo Co. J, J, Frey, Rianageri H. u, miidge, generni superiuirnoeai) J on Plavcr. superintendent motive newer: G, 0. Hholee, uperlntendrat telegraphr and J. H. Hurley, illvltlon superintend' dent.- Immediately after the conference the Santa Fe officials proceeded to Silver City on a tour of laspectloa and the Southern Pacific people went weet. Notice of Safe. In M.trlct Court of lh Tblrt JndkW INs Itlct ot ill rrrllrr nt Nw Maxlto, rltllec wlililn And Jot lli co iinjy of drstit a Cksnttrr. Hranilin Hsldr . A, 0. Potter. I Wkntst, hy Hist rerliln Anal dtcri In tbsm rrrjr, made snd enlcrnl nl neorit In Mitt court In ineftutiTi' riiiiuru warr on )iiv isin imy in jn oml,A. O. Ml, II r t)tdifil, iUlidd suit ilmrvtl lhl unle the dttrndml, A , 0. 1'otlrr, dn pay nnto Ilia aald rotr.plalnint, taiman Klald. wllhln ninety dsya Irom and alter Iho dalt of said Ana) fmre, ih iiimol Hire hundred wh illycrn dnllara and tta cent, txlnx iiiln'l tialanil luterril, and ihe tnrlhrr aunt nf.ltilrtr li dollara and eere nly-nna cent toraollcHsrs feet, belnj Ihe enrn lolal ot lour bundled and three dollara and eighty oa tenia, legelSer wllk Ihe toils iitllila rau.e to b taxed, lhat Ihe prop erly aud iraleatateln eahl flnal detmand herein atler deitrlbtd, lie sold for lh payment it hM iiime, luterent, totls sod toil of Mia. And whereat, the defendant, A, 0. Toiler, hae Hoi paid aald ume ao dcttrd la tw sle, nor ay. nor 'either tf Idem, nor any part Iherrof, ata wliereaa, by aald final decree (he tindcielftieS wm appointed s tomrolailoner ot said toirt to suhe aaiu aaie. m wmtw, ovr. Ihpfcforr, I herrtij sire nolle that unaVr anil by tinie ot tali anal ilttiee, I e)lll, ontmt uiday.ltieimtiday.of. DecemUr, A, 1). IFB7. mt if ot I'J o tlnck (noon), wfure lbs ret door of Ihe Klr,t Naljonal Hank bill Win (now occuplfd by Ihe Hank of lewlng) M t llrmlnff, ennntynf tlrant and TeiHtoryof Xew Mexico, toll (iirraali In hand al public auetlos le tho hlslienl bidder, iho eatd proerly i reel eiate, io wilt, ,Thoe certain parcel ol lanii belna numbered lis alx ami tetm. tetiwrlliely, In block liumkereil thirteen, Is Ike town ot lleea lot, lu th county uf (Irant and Territory of lee jlcxlco, ioKther hIIIi all uiiemauiaand appurt-' nancea Iberennlo beloiivlns or In any Mite aeser UlnliiR. WiLTsa II. tfciKxr, .. . . ComsiUelontr. First pnbllcatlnn, Korambar IB, 1)7. NOTICE OP SALE. In the DbtrlrtConrtol HmTliInt Jndlclal Dis trict of Iho Trirltory of New Mexico, litlnc wllhln snd lor tho county ol Uranlln Chancery, t. It. Andrawaj ii. t no, u. Albert l.lndnuer) Wliarea,by that cerialn Anal decree In tlisn- rerr. made and entered ol record In (aid couil In i euovu enuueu reoeeunine vim unroi uniy, 11. IBIT. It nil onloied. dlndd and ilecrenl lhat nnleta rani (leirmiani, Albert Llndauer, do the ebovuenll! A ynj uhiu lite veiu iwtiipieinntii, n tl.Anuivn,, wllhln tiluely daye from and alter the dnl ol aald flnal decree, Ihe aum oi eartn liktidred aud thrr-fl ilallar and eishly Bis ctnle (ttag.tiii), on account, aa tollvwst 'lb aim of (lie hundred dollara. principal, one hundred and rUiy-lhre dollar and i Inhiy-on cents Interval, and fitly dnllan, aolk llor'alee, loce'.twr wllh th coele ol thlauuaoia b jaicd, lhat tho prrmliea and properly lu aald flnal decree and herelualter dmcrlbed, be nolrt for tho payment ot isle mni, Inti reet, com anil enil.til te e. And. tt hereae. Ihe eald defendant. Albert IJndsiier, liaa not paid aald aumeaoa. creed to twuald. nor any. nor either tit them, cor suy Mt thereof, and tvhereaa. by eald Initf it tree, tho underilgned vra appnlnttd as comrnls alouir nl said court to make mid sale, Now, therefore, J,'!'.;!" nolle ikst end and by virtue of esld final decree, I will on utday, the Ulli tlayof llecerjiUr, A. H. ISST, at the bone nt ele ten o clock, befor Ihe front door ol Ihel'lui Rational Hanh building (now oeeu--pied by Ihe. Hank 1 1 Detains) at Ihe town ol Dent ins, county ol tlrant and Territory of He Msil cu7 ll for rob In hand at puhllo auction loth Mutest ami beat bidder III aald properly and prrmuea. io-wiii iu nimuHni qorer 01 im northeenl quarter oleaclion Ihlrly (N), towsfhl Ir actea ol land, together hIUi the Mnemente. htedf. tuenty.lhre (SB)ontli, runs. jus ) we ot New Mexico principal nierldUn. Wing forty amenta and apputlenantt thereunto WkUle! ir in any wl aeptrlalnln, illuat about tfr- fourths ol mile eatlwitrd (rem the lownof l. ins, In th county of (Irani aua Territory ot jw JUilco. snd alto ono rioubl farm najron, on stn- fl spr(i wason snd, harness, th lichen f nrnllnrs md ell (armlne; Inola mti lupl. inouta u4d la connsttlon with aald pretrueee. Thomas h. Ilie-ua, Uouimleelouir, Pint publication, NofrniUr IV, IW7, Boys' Knee -AKD- Long Pants A Inrgftr vnrloty than ever shown bofore. Tf yon will compare oar clothing with any otlior make you will Mini that the word OIIKAP l not written nil over the garments'. We mII good 0001)8 nt reaRoimble prices Htitl wKrrHiit every Hrllule te kw worth what you jmy for It. . eVShH0t?Hill exeBexeXrewBBVSPvPBSexexexexeMa Wo are In reor'nt of n new ootulgn Hient of fifty L-fllea' Oupes, the very latest etyles mi m tws aHko, They are mostly of th better,, quality but we nr mIUhjc thetN nt prices that any lady em afferd te have a tiew one for the heWdaya... Kvery $1 puroliaso oniltjca you to ft obanoo in a rafflu for two BICYOLEB, to be given away Jan. 3,18S Holiday Goods ! We have ordered the Largest and Finest Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS ever brought to Deming, The goods will an ive in between EIGHT or TEN days, and we ask you to call and inspect them before mak ing your purchases. . . jj The Lindauer Mercantile G6.