Newspaper Page Text
H'm :, 'if 'fa Professional cakds. iitawiii imi mil wiiiiiiiiii' urn rtniM!WMrtff AttommV ate. Law. hml OtfrBaakriaMUti' Pwilr,X.. ... ii i ii inilTTWlir ni mm i i.- r- 1-" - Beetlair in III Pt ftrMtkti. - ATTURNRY AT IA.W ollvrOi y,rfewUei BtwKC, CoLlW Hieim, IMbIok" Milter L'liy. BOONX tt KXBLETT, , Attorneys & Counselloru tit Law, ' Divans, h. it, di)iLVtnc(Tr(M.M. ' T.r.Nint, ar, k.aiwKim. OONWAY Ai HAWKINS, knuiacyu ve uuuubuiiuih ut Aian, liter CUT, Hew M-alee. f(Mt AnmUoa ilntutll healetii eatraet w iv nr mv A. S. HAniiLBOB, AT TOHNKV AT L,AW- aimuuy, HewMMit. WAL?RB. Q DINKY, Notary t-ubllo, Jl4ce frith Bink ot Dining. baa-lac H, fcfei ' RODNEY G. OLARKK, Notary Xublio. Tjpaerrilinr, ftoaa it BaiMaahle Rain, Oemler, Xear Mexico OR. 5, U 0AS2&L3, ScIkIIc Physician and Surgeon, - Xapaclel tttmtlon. titan tothtoale iIImu aa .ilitaiae of wointrt tad chlldrro. time aad tee ' disc attoud door norib ot tint alora, BILYRtt AVBHUX, bsm.NU.H.U. DEMING LODGE DIRECTORY, OXMtNOLODan NO. 19, A. T. A.M. RflirComiounleile drat Tbartdiy In etih ni i a p. m., i mhtoii uaii. krethera eardUlhr larlled le Ulead. CiMlUai. o. raxRiaarwK, secretary. IUTB AS SENTINELS, THB THICK WORKIO HV ORIMlHAUS IN AN OHIO PfttBON, s PKMINQ CHArTEK, MO. S.K.A.M. ll.itlir Coarocetlaa attend Thtridtr la eaah neath at l p.m.. la Maieala Hilt, earalf( .suEuiuacgia.4ir in Til. a. ' C&tlf4eai,.B, !. Kb, raxxtxeTO, Secretary. BKIMO CO0NCIL.MO. I, . B. K. Iteralir Ac.tnblr third ThandtT la atth tiaal IX a la ktaioale Mall. VlilUaj Txee.R. Rinrti, T, I K, JSo. rxaixrir, Kterdn tUOROSTT COMHAHDBRT,MOH,K.T, SriUr CoacUr featta Tkarittr la. iiiU, t p.u. itlim la VMoaU Ua.ll, UU Tiiiuof Kaigau ituptar hi' n, Iiuhxx Hau,X,C Kb. r JHiuarov, aUwtdif. KCTK ORAPTXK NO. 0, O. IS 0. Waiti tiirr Bttl anil third Tuatda In aeh aata it Mulo llall, at 0 e'claek. TUItlni aaiixtt tfiiij luviiod. . . Mm. A luu, Warier Xta I UM. UctUI i'KKUOTOHi Ha7 nxMixaLonoK. mo.o, i.o.o.r. Maata ararr Moodajr anlot at I a'tlak tl S. r. Hall. Ylaliloji ONtkara cordiaiir ifTiu 41, A La, n. v. J. tl. ffoa, Hae. ARAU ttKHRKAIl l.OJIOK XO. 11 TUiUtJ a. VhU trarr ead tad fairth Tkatid J ak naaiv.aia o cisx p. la a., r. uan. Koa Horxtxi, K. Mill Out Hooan. Hi. nniiiiio i nnm. xn. ao.K.r. Vaau aar Brat andlklld Taailala CMtla Hall. ClatkUlock, cam. T.A.CKa, S. It. . VlalUac Kolfkia a!t,aawl I, P. Iwon, 0. 9. uaninu i,ijiuk. nw. t.a.w, v. ti. . hi aoli amftf it tad Ihlrd VTadaaadar at aaal. laasm tl a., r. uin. i;aiierr wtiKaaaacatojut iKii&a J. A. Miaomr, M T6i. A. Ciaa, leatotdar. VLOMDA aVODQF. MO. 4, YT, , Waata ararr iaeond aud fourth Ttaidar la K. V, Hall, tiiiuij sotarifsa careiau iinua. iXO, C'uiui.C. 0, tf, J.Titu, Clark. bKMIHO COUHCIt, Ma. 1, O. O, in., at K., hall. Ipadal Anaaahllaa Xralit AiMtoblr dtat flalurdaj la aetk uaath aiasaup. n.,ai a., r. sail, op. Mid wbarmar oala taalraa, loitln U O. A'a.alwajawalcaaia. a, 0, wB, U, O, u, n. ran ar. u. a. r. T1MNRK CUE.T0HK VIMAL rXOOr. Mtl for rnbtlaaltaa. Vnllad Btataa taad Offlea, Laa Cratai, K. . 0Ht Whifj THivmI Kah Sir Wnatw laa af tha AprrauuU of fcivilta 'tirhiU T1ar 8w4 ITk-tir Ctt Lura-A art7 A ftorr told by W. R. Hyus, m old Oblo ahrrlff. lllMtntM Iko lnflllr of edralQRla. ftyawalff of Ouya- hot oouatv (or mvmm 7Hi ma w (aMd ft third or fourth omtHoa for ths fiflfice ffir (La mmsoH tMt t8 ttotUBlr jtl la OUvtlkad ytu to old mA dilti( dated bt tho WAtefalDg of tka TO ct 80 prltcaera Ka mor ef ft Jos tbaa tv ctirad to keen. Wfel'i fcs vu tUl In nbftrge a aotorloti ettata! md4 Fo Ur ntia At) ociuj wee cobtjm ad ntrfjcd (a lean ttna f lm $arlosueat la Uui Oklo puBlteMry. At ttiat tlm tba Mil ttM owua( kal Sheriff Bjurt was oomU4 to ftfaaw M3tb ooavtotea leM Mi UN Mt Mil. Tin tliM ff HT&d is IM eoaatr baKi- lag, md tb filit foikvrls lip ecu vlellofl of Fostur iie rrast to bod mob n(lr mpptt, wtatiUIng lo gat wp auly the oxt t&sraliiB ud take th ttro priaxxiera to th UBlUry. Atxmt aldftlskt hi avrrtka wlik a tHxi. Il ? trcrsMlstt flolffttlr lind wm ooa tlaccl tbftt ttofibU was totvlsg ta Uw laH. "Tbm' aoaetblBg wrosg ui jAll." be Mid to hla wife, "and I'll M Foafef is abect ready M itx I'm mlfiir down ttatri to look wound. Dtawibx blBMir. at tint ft reToiroc into hU pookit aad HolUly trst down to tbc cblrf lallw'A toaa b taa first ficcr. Ata Abrtas, hla dtjntr. itm gaArtUax tha door. " wbkt'i tas Biattr" tama adthisa Wbnt'i trroBK tn j&ll)" rcttaratd tbo Msrlff. "KotblBir." rtnllod Abnwt. "UaTm't yott btawt tM aom en tATTif" fti&ed Ryan. "How. and tbay Aia't ba wotkiBK, or va hmta cm, u i'te bea laying flyaa vu torpioioM ana imeeea at tefitlTtlr at tb jail door. Tbtra traa no nolM except an oeoadoaat csoro of obo ox tbe prisoner "Abo." Mid i:yaa. "I'm certala Fa ter aad hla pal are p to aiUohltf. bun feidlna II ta ar bcanal alt alahl. and I'm solns to tnoak In two tfera un it their coll and llttea." lie owned the jail door BolnleMur aad crept through tho jail nntll ta true 8Bdr Fottea'a cell. Ue bad not ua4e the ellabtiat aolee. Of that ha tm oer tats. Lis breathed rrtalarlyaad with aa little colts aa poulble, aad ha eonld eot detect a aXiC which Indicated that aa effort itaa batng made to aaw tha eellhara. Kererthtlen. ha ooald eot xet rid of hit esapleloa aad renalaed thera Mrfaotlr onlet mtil S o'clock. lhea be weat to hreaktaat, called ft akMir aad. nUclnit the bandesffa aad tec lroaa oa Voeter aad hla confederate, yretred to take tkeea to Colas few oa m earlr trala. "Ai eooa aa va IfATe,' aald the aaerlff to Abrarna, "70a Kerch the oall aad telegraph ma tbe rtsalt at Colnm bua." When Columbna vraa roaehod a boat tioca, thtatneaaagowae handed to Byaut rcttad two doa ftsa Ala tvra In rati. Aaaiia. Ilran handed the telesrnra to the prlaoucri, and irbea they read it thejr laeabed. "xoa tee. boya tbat ycrn nay ba cretty foxy, bat yon couldn't beat the old man.' aald tbe aherlff. 'That'a risht." aald Foiteri "bnt vrbat made yon coxae Into the jail hut sight aud ty ao long? Who put yon oar1 Nobody," aatwered nyan. "I jost aneaitdit. Dot how did yea know I waa thoreT Did you hear me?" "mt a aonnd. You made a oaict saeak for aoou ft Us moo," aald Jro ter'a pal. Tbea bow did you Kbcr x waa there!" Mraleted the abtrlff. "How. aeo here. Jlr. Ilyaa." re&llM FoJtar. "We're In for a long Una. and If yoa will pat a good word ia ictr oa we'll tell you onr eecret." Much iMtmtcmidoM ao gttat earaWTa pewreta ee aatea rfee. ttf are ft wbeU Mdflae Hood's eatet, eitrart ready, at- mum mjt V(Bt,alTrn aat- EacTlllatt taMoryi prtTfBt a eV4 1 1 1 Wk hySsdMfca, )B&Me, eoMUfastiee. at. He, xm otif nu to wit who nan &ttitrim. Tbe pregretilT ladle ot Weitfleld, fBd.lMuadaHrromaa' KdlUon"ot the WeitBtld Rtiti. bearing date of Aotll J, IMS, The paper f filled with roatttr of lotereettn women, aad we notice the following from a eemeptftident, which tha adltori printed reallitng that It trU upon a matter of rllal ImporUnce to their aaxi Tbe bait fetnedjr far I croup, coldi and bronebltli that I hate htea Able to find I Chamberlilo'i Ceiirh aa . a m a a a . . tieutur. ror raaiuy ute it aa no equal, I gladly recommend It." IS and (!) oent bottle for tale by J, Pi BrrooJ drugtiit, Tfha Maalatama Ra.apaaad, A welcome hit ef newai Tbe Meat. xuma hotel at LaaVogae Hot Bering, H. ti ha been re-opened. Vlilter to tbl famou rnott may now preeur aumpiuou accommouauena at renoa. able Price. Tbe MentexDm can CO 3 fertably prerlde for terelal huadred uetti. Laa veta Hot BDrlnira Ii oa of tha few real r latlifactory Itocky Ueuata In . ... . ..... 1 rtcorit. 11 naa every tMtaiuiia right altitude, a perfect climate, attract ire eurroundlnge. medicinal watr and amnle onnortunltr for racrtatlnn. I The Ideal place fer a vacation outing. umiua-irip eictirixvt ucicau eneaie. inquire 01 local agent nanta re twuie. II kkes;care House ( Ceratr Hirer Ata. rue at Koti (JonTtniantly Lwfe4 cf A17 teiitbOit; um k3". t iRAiiint&xl rreyritfnil. RIP VAN WINKLE. gadar CUaomra Ama4htaai laaMara hm AiVaet gtia CeUMaMal tif. Joe Jeffereea call atteatiea to aa la tereetlag faot reaardiag KlTaaWla kit, tlyi "There ii rata IfiBcaRtiltv fa Etta Taa Wlakle which la eetdeta etltklaed. foeelbly none e yea ever aetlced it Indeed, I will etafea that satU reoeata ly the fact aeTtaT oeearred to J wltk aayferoe. Well, yoa eeald ao I wlU tell yoa. It U tkUi ftlp Vaa Winkle u the euy feerte la the clar who (peak Eagllak with a ellghtly brokea Datek aoceat. All of tha other ekamter are obllgtd to coo teat theta teina wiwj ordinary wall. "ll aegatar taa aKeel rerAtlats rah aa be dote la broltea aeoeaH bl all the ether eharaoteni were r.o at tempt a diateet there weald ha each a Tarlaty ef aeoeat that ta effeet woald be laonegraoaa acta rtdlealeafl. All tot feeling aad aeatlmeat ef the play wtmld .9 loa to hU polyglot attempt at dla Itot "Smranl yrsra tso a mss csssstd to play Nick Veddef came co at reheanal r. . ..... ana com m snow 10 mm in ina nroaaiii 1 , lowDntek aeoeat. I atopped blra all ss ' oaoe, but ia hla owa deftnee he x I gaaraatiaa xalaa, OlAl-aedl I Ou.rBtlBritrletlnna at Naw Orlaaci I hare been withdrawn and the Houtbern Paclfle company i now running both Meat. Olaaa Raaia Kataa Raaateahl f aa, "inft wf Gommercial Hotel JOHS 8-Atfl ft Wiyif, ?ra' aaiMMfaUA.H.Thaaar4a eeroaiTB airor etaiaaa a. m e e Tha CawaanUI "III ba Madittad I (raV 4 tl(,iit;l, Tatmi-tl.tfl ar Ur. akiiA.ji-&AUiuaai4,M.AAAaiai a 1. I ""WT'r "U dau'hlar whan ramvartav frnin an atuck nf ferer, wa a great aufferer THE DEM Nil HUUSt. . I.. .1. - I L I 1.,. ,1 I. . . I ' " I i?m psiu in 111 vkk anu u,, nriiaa Louden drover, ot Bardl, Uy. "Af lar 1 - - i. - .a . 11.- t.L outanybaneflt ehe tried one battle ef t.liambertala' Pain Halm, and It baa given entire relief," Chambtrlala'e Tata Bain i alto a cirUlo cur ter rheumatlim. Qold by J, P, Byron. MRS. II I.OOLUKS, rrailUH, NICE FURNISHED ROOMS ST TBE Jl(JXTOXWgKK. ailter Ats. SHI0 H. M. " 'fiat Nick Voider woald talk that way, wouldn't he. if Kip Vaa Wlakl I I. I j I I " 'Tea,' X reMled, 'ha WOOtd, but yoa aoo paaieagar ouaioaia utqi ioa tntu'tH'L' AaA an iSntibi the man popular winter route, new uritan na FRENCH LOUIE DIH1M6 HALL! yRSKCH LOUIS, t-aar. FIR8T.CLASS DIN1KQ HALL. Freth Uytra In every atyle. UTAH tbe Dellcacie of Ih aeaion to oratr at men nionaoie rate. taoaght aafry uamaoaable. Ont tbl ealy lllaatratea the point that many Malaga apparently illogical meat bocone oa tbe (tag to eeoure effect fey lnpur lag the imagtaatioa. Absolute reall woald bo fatal. Under certain oondl tleaa It t the aeeeceity ef draraatio art to make tbe impoeelbla aeem real." Mlmaucte Wlaeeewlii. ibaken ff tbe yellow plague and I now Corner of Gold Are., ahd l'lna St ready to offer tbe traveler her muni be pltallly. Tbl 1 on of tbe moit inter a one saio tbe Creacent City, French Restaurant, galoiaaat ttt. UaedncatMl people aometlmeo hava a hsoPT snack la ooalng to tbe poiak litre, for example, u a ivory rrom we DoatOQ Ueraldt Daa aad Jttoee, aeltfaer of them ttotea farernditioa, were partaera ia an oater aria wblca it la needleaa to apeotry, baa mornlBt a oattomcr called to eetUo a email bill aad after baadltsg ova tha moaey aaked for a receipt. Xeee reUrea a taa privacy or a aee room and after a lone delay rt tamed witk a allp ef paper, oa which were written taeee word! "We've got onr pay. Ma aad Daa." Applatu. A friend having declared in Mr. Bid don' hearing that applauao wa necea TTaalad la Trade, Heuie of ilx reome, plaetcred and pa pered, two letat well at door- In eountr at, tewn ia Logan, county, Colorado. Alto 200 acre of arood land nar rame town. Want imall ranch near Demlnr with aherpt mutt be pUnty of water and good heuie, Addteai, doom I, lllok block, Trinidad, Col. 1113 graxeiVT t cm., Praae Best Eating Housb in Deming rI8B 0TBTBK8 IX BVEIT BTTLS. t All tka Dallaatlaa al Ika aaaaaa U attar at aiaai iaaaaiff rawa. WoBHaia Ddildixo, DEMINQ K. Y. RESTAURANT FO- KIKQ, Proprietor. Tetter, Solt-Tlhet-m and Cctema. ImI.HI. It.lllni. MM.M,.UtM. In .1. dent to tnete dueuea, iainatantly allayed by applying Chamberlalu'a Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very 'bad. caeca . ri ... ni i7at-, have been permanently cured by it. n ' U1,,BB """"b it equally emoieni ror ncning puea ana nlmtle. nit bltce a rarorite remedy ror eore ch-nrxd hand, chilblain, froit and chronlo aore eyea, 33 ct. per box. Mr. f! it' Ceaytiaa Powder, are jtut what a horo neodx when in bad oondltion. Tonic, blood pnrlfler and vermifuge, They are not food but Ovetora In every atyla aad all ihb aauraciee 01 na ac aoa to ardor. Open at all houn-UAT and N10HT ..V. i! tv It save them confl. rnod cine and the beet in nee to nut 0 , " a -vaa -"---' '-"" a1,0 m'Xrt I ? t'r' M Tonsoria! Artist aaal aVI a t,M t la . I . T . T give 0 breath, Arutotlo belloved tbat tbe proper age for marriage waa BT year for a tnaa aad 10 for n woman. There 1 more Catarrh In tbl Mellon af the country than alt other dUeaiet put together, and until the laat few vaara waa aunpott d to be Incurable. For a great many year doctor pronounced a local dlieaae,and preicrlbed local ramedtee. and by conatautly falling to euro with local treatment, proueunced It Incurable. Science haa proven catarrh te be a constitutional dlteaae, and there for require conttltutlonal treatment. Hall' Catarrh Cure, manufactared by F. J. Cheney C Toledo, Ohio, ie the only xenttltullonal cure on the market' It la taken internally In doia from ten Bold by J. P. Hyren, Drugglet. The oalj Oatarad Varhar la Danlaa'. Uaxhta Balldlaf. OOLD ATBMUB, )'' 44r'4'b$f tAfa&b OLD AND NSW"MmO:i Improvement P ! DEwnra towitsite Com any .-owjta er tub I BUSIKESS S RESIDENCE LOTS lev Mtanltajftnii aaal(pSaaaafiaxwaajal The above Cempaey detlrei te call the attealtet ef thee eeekldg Heme in ue soataweti to the rat taat ae V4lT enpenuBiiy ecane fevad tkaa Daxnte, ortat coH if, k I W. H. HUDSOIT, Agt, DxitiKa, New MkxIc. EVERYBODY TAKES THEv--t--J Texas Pacific and e 4 d Iron Mountain Route 1 , , . ,10. 1 . a i Chlottiro, St, Loufs, Kew Orleans, Hew York, Washington, Philadelphia, Kansas City and AXiX. VOTXTB 3AS2J. .... . . a l- .1 rVJBir llecauie It I tbe inofieit, ita equipment 1 auperior. it VV ll V fr haa tbo brit ictderyi It haa courteou and polite trainmem v a a m lt cennectlona can be depended upob, ll hae the reputa tlon of being tbe mwt popular line In the oUtb, The are a few of tbe reeartn wby people prertr u. ir you wien iroa carua, i r uj iiuriuai" i'.nu.u to frelabt or patieoger bulnee, apply to E. P. ToaatB, O. P, AT. Agent, . It. F. D.RBHintaa, h. t. r. r. a., j.i raao, aexaa. mm Jour U. Lawn, T. P. A., Auttln, Text, W. P. TOSSELL, the Itellabla Watchmaker and Jeweler. MTAfcLlBtllCD lass. THIWTY.8EVCNTH YEAtj, f f f 4- VORUO-WIDE CIRCUUTION. Twenty Paces; Wcckly;Illastrat cl ; SlntM-agMeBtC TO MlNlHB MtM. TKXKX BOLtJUtS TXK tsax, romAn, BWni WVr-a rrvatwa . MUIM IHT) WIERHF10 PRESS, . j SSO Markkt St., 8m Fa-wciec?, C. MERRIMAN, BARBER. iShavInjr, 10c. Hair-cnttlatr, 25o. Shop on Qold Ave. Wanted-An Idea t a, 10 Btr !, Ht tTamUaai araAMia. Wba ae aaoaa) aiawala ttJae aa paaMil "fvXwkT 8 h. aaw. I. drop. U a It net. air.ctly I naltkar kare ntar tkere and none of TOO I "a " u.. .u,,.v.. . a am ai ita awaow aa baelneaa," aald Foeter, "bnt we knew ytm. ibt oaer one nunorea aouare von ware wfitcilBKU and anew tbat if for any eaae it ran to cure, nena rer Tire Wanted to give you the allp w. circular and teitlmonlal. Addre, P SAMUEL BURNSIDE VV A0B1T FIRE INSURANCE I ! Rapr'aaaata leailar far'Jsa aad daattiUe eaaipialaa, OBMtXO, . MIW XIZICO SSXSSrJS. ALL GOODS A3 REPitSSEN'TBD MEXICAN CENTRAL Where the Sun Shines Always MEXICO. Tourist Resort-Pleasure or Travel! Call on or addreat llto undarglgned for fall pftrtlottlars, H0PPM1K, 6.M., Mtild Cltf. V. D, HOIDOCfa Mlllt. Ct(y. I.E. COKfOlT. Cta'l IJI..EI Ptit.Ttiu. Halle I beieey titan that l"red W dl.d aatlca or laumlnn la naVa daal ftra D. Y. KeAerte, U. B. Caort Cannl March If, MM, itc taitcaer, nl.ra haa ronr a, u . r. . rt. !..( r t 1 1 4, VJaariBT ca aviau, w, Hald by druggleti, 11c. Uall'e Family Pill are tkeknt. at hi affiea la Ii.mloa;. H. atnaa Catardar, Ihalth day al U.j, ISM, on tlubar tailor aevllutloa Ho. m, tat tha S. X. ii et iictlon Me. SI la Tp, Na. 11 B. K HO. 11 W. Larnr ainteistui. at Dtcla . ai arte, at DiojIdj, MiH.,ilaill art aiaciiitw g af Itadaan. N. U. ll aaraaa aa ltneaaMt 0. sj-jeia . . . . , . Talamtataa et VI. MaiioD.M. U. Kim. Oouoxic, tlatialar. vartinearaaa tm raaiinjrerrratloa. ..(,. .I.... , nM.. t . ,7..... . 1 1 ' March It. ItM. t, BaibAeuauie, Rarlitar, da t.HK; inai a naiin. a DritiUAi eovr or waitn ia aaram altaehad, waa bt tat poitad laa eoneplcaqaa plat ia or omaa ror a parian or imwr !iimi paiiau aain non Martk, ItM Had aald nolle on Bun. uoLmue, Wtrtlta far rablleattaa, lajplcaota place Cefd.i. Ihar. iha lata dtr of aufuift, alrao that the (allonlar naa ti aattla' Jul Blad aoUea of n e loUntl.a to raak aaai nraorin attpporaoiniaeiaiD), aaa igai aaia proalfllltMraadaUlorab, T. MeK.7.1. U, a. imiuioaar, aiiiaminr. It. M,,aa Her tin Laror ahutieaara wha aaa woald have to axreie taore thaa or dlaary or keaaaa vlgllaaee. Mow, the Ml ia ran oc rata, aaa jtu ram, aaviag beea kiUed so often by way or amaa aaeat fee tas prtaosere, are timid. Rate 116 meat vve med aome of oar ueai w.w ta rrtl raaaaaaala, ataupps every Bigbt ,jaa acattmwi ie AtthUtl-nof tbe year a eold la very ta front 01 uiacau. una raw ica rtaj 1 ... , ... ,,. SaffalLr'of laftataX V,,"' ! "M4, .?"! Shrevepor fc would allow one of tu 10 iwa lUBm "-- u4.-.h,a...M.M,e.- mhiU tb niW wnrlfotL ftUi Hm a drttd dlmut, poumdIie Wo know of -r-- - - . ' , " I iiA aa.. aa aaaal.!. a. J kaaatM aaeiaa a liaee nav iaM MftH MHrl I DV Qieltr If Rl4 J l UI V bVUlU W lat T.T"' TZTJ.CrrJLZ-ti than CbemberleU'a Cough Rem.dy. Y ran, w.U, wbea you eaeaRea into ne last eight w. didn't hear yon, bat taenia did. isey eoamptrea ana we aalt. Whoa yea left, the rat. returned, . a . . a .a . r ' . . 1 a, . but it waa too Ute men, oaa we game nsDy tnouianu wne nave uetu 11 ior era. up." eoldaand la grippe we have never yet Tbe raoorda cf eoeaty eommliatoflere earned of a elngle caie hating reiulied .t. .1... ti.. i. t.. . m.1, In nneumon i Perann who have weak rftlem waaa ttkV lu.g or have r...ont. fear an attack ot THOMAS HUDSON, KAOTIOAXi LUMnRR. Aid a JSaia. APJBR UAHOIE3S. All order la my line of bullae. resells prompt, pertonai attention. will en bate ueed It quite and it baa rriAv.V-- aiwaya girn entire eatlfactleB.-Oola- YlOKSbttrg, rah.Ind. Ter. Chief. aiwaya gt remedy that il Tbla la koawo to by the only a erlaln New Orleans. Shop on Gold Avenue, next doer north efBlackitaltk'nkop, DEftlNQ, NBW MBXICO, -TO- Jaokson, ffi-rteaaaUrW. Meridian, Ui, Ohftttnooga, Atlanta a itria viai beiur aaaLa.aaBaiarai ofaiaatatdBatrrMo.tmtartha E.U W W. U 11 Caatt Ootorol tl ; a, IV 18 IB ,an. jibi iiibu n iipvsa. c, iibi,, n,., Vrtdb Wlalare, t lladaaa, N H., Ljaaaa tlr AIIII,OIAIII Ttk, ItH, tin Later MowaataidBatrrMo.K h, n, H n a.,M.a-vc,n ipaia n. 11 it. b nanea the rsllotrliif wltnatMi Uprnta alt eei unaaa, raamenca open snq caiiiraiion at. land, tt amti K. llptatt. et IHatler, H , af Kadioa. H. M., aad r. adit. M. al. . .... ...... . u..o. JUtletir. ft lBN MaarCH llt iaTaVIJ, Kttel0r I'ublUftUow. ajatau4 VWVe B aVaa a tuitl At tale ITatlc la httaW tltea that Iha tall-le aawaa amuar an aiaa none ar aia lataition 10 MiVe laal proof In loppo'l tit hla claim, a" S lit! eai proor i aa naa barora n, y HtKatat, B.Ooaitf'amHlaalaaar. at lumlnr. N. II.. aa Mr Tib, te, tin joieak Mania who tatda nat.w snw e, ten f t the W. W, M ffo. WTa tail. K. B t. ll ni Iha fnllaHlaa wllaataae l eroteklatoatlaaosi raildaau apart aid aalitnt 6a of, aald land, tlti t n Kshlataa, Jal aa Kacb, U a, fcterrllf and Jaeeph hMati, an i iaBatar Ft, ai, a ir. souaaao, auiiaiar. oee calling for two doe rat trap "3- TJ, tnd M eJni ,,M, ,',. ana a omee w mi poiaw. i itwan j w.oa. erntItt. la the proKKmtlng attorney 'a offloe 1 aa i ' " wntlMcul HUla ri Ohio Ve I raa HodanL for aldlns and abettlni the The old NATIONAL INTELLIGENT attempted aeeepe of oertaia prmotiera o 1 CuR, pubiuueu in rrainiDgtoa uty, u. I the treca Mae coanty jail or vnj n. altheueb In IU 071b year, appear 1 bog county, atate ef Ohio." TWa Uultl young and fflky in IU 10 pig euwgo never te w twa (rtlh frora tha modotypo each ieBQnta euaewa wtpiwi ,1'"!-' I Wek. Ited hot autl-roonopoly. 8ndl WBHiTr oapiw wiwoat I (an nm ran(l fn. (hn, mnnihl ..1,, .., AND AahoTilla ' Olnotnnatl. KetrYork, ANB TO ALVyPalNTa NORTH NORTH-EAST BOJtH-EAST. Hatbewson & Orchard, LAKU VALLBV, N. M. Adaalalalraiar'e KelUe. Kotlta la clvete that Ih eodar,lrat', fhoaaa IS. Rahtsaon. tail oa Jaaoary II, I Ha. 4al appoutad.adnlitlalrilor ot tha t,tt ot te Jtlit W, Uelatar. daeaaaad. All pftaoea hr taa alalia cealaituid eaute tra rttalrad to pre a5t the aama.dtilr terlead, talthla eaa rear from He Oaw sf eifd (ppaiatataat, iba Una allowed br Uw ftw ta ataaaatallaa at iacb tlalau. aad H paoiatMaai lw ftw ta MataataUaa at iacb tlalau. aai ttf ttitw&t fta etatateila. eeeh eaeaa .atada aad proTi-n, ii miHi ifoaaiaa 10 attaw are . " Adailalatrataf nf at TiediHkw- ejrieln demifd,! lag a bear tag. C'levelaad IMUt. A ataaafaiaale. I elea't npfteee," aaM tbe wlie, "tbat yea mailed theee lerteM I st "No,'aald Jeka tmeerfally, "feat I lid tfceee yea gave tee laa. wf. tf dter." SomtllmM Del Icy aad hoee go liaad la head, ClBdnnatl Oeatmereul Appeal, . Dsrlag the tatt year no fewer Ikm tn.noa achool eblldrea were MBeal M awlm by iBimuee. ewployed by aba I Iitades acho4i 8wlsmb? weoetatloat. Tha aemxiwt Iroa tiad. at SwaaSaa, BagUmd, ll in tkta that i,8 plate, ar a -.-r:. m..M taMliamBUI eal4All Im mnkiaaaWaUBaiB. 1 flMVn'MaV Wt?aMaPPW aaVkal Wt arwaBBaaawaagmai to National IntelllgeacrPub,Oo, Waah Injton, D. 0. FAST TIME, CLOSE CONNECTIONS, THROUGH SLEEPERS, After bearing &;' frUadttoatlBually praUtng CbataharlalB'e Oolle, Ckoltra aad Darrka ltatdy. Cartlt Fleck of Aoabilm. dailfttrata, jpUtebatad a battle of It for .alt owa ue and I now a en- tnueiaaiiB' or r " wonoariui wore a anyone caa be, The 99 and 80 ent all. far tale by J, p, uyren, diuggltt. Aaaual Statamant or the Daltad BUteil Hraaak ertka Raal laaatanee Com, aeay ef iitarpoalf aeiaag, ate - , - eeaaaeraiia, 4007, Call en your mauit Ticket farther Arint Information, or addreeei for T.H HUNT.T-e.-. OAUAB.TKXA0. W, BTOUa, A 0 P. A-, NEW OnLKAH. LA 00 H SMITH. e.4 HtW ORLKANB, LA ffyMt, ,. .,,, til, a-,,,.. w gihoa .W1MI.M I uuaar.tol ('iSrafftft'at. OLP ABB WBW.WXXtCO RAXOS AKD CAT- TLB OOMPAKT. Vaara. naata. ai itinera ad al ria;aatal la, eeathweettn "Wit feiteAe, ..veatlag tfrw JKitlr aw JT Hall, Express and Stage Use ear tear hen taaar..aukM. Lr U vall.f dtllr aa arrital 01 uaiaa. rer Hiiiiaara 1 a Ctataua, lla;a caaaatllac with traue aa A.T. A8.r.R.X.ttaaaak State Ore Sampling Co. BRMTXK, COLORADO Oald. Silver, Lead aid Caapar Orta vftUm .tatilad aal uathalad la (he bait adraaltf. With aaodatn atlllt tad atathiaer; air Jaalim.i lata a aa hllmar Mean Beta thai laaiat Oarlnar aiparieaca la the BMtkat allM La akla l Ika klakaat H.a far all atUkaUhl ote,. Writ foroar afaraata. Bak," ..aa aaairait at rear er ror piieee aaa lateraaaueat BiAtbi A MOMMIH4, rrapriahor HaX.HABBtSa Watokisi Ms mi Jewelry ttptUtL Alio Plat Xngravtof, at frtte'. 'SunsetmRonte" DOUBLE DAILY SLEEPER AND TKAIN 8KKVIC. TO Atlante Washington, Hew York, Cincinnati ANB ALU lABTgWK OlTUli Superb aaal Oimo and Moat Superb Sarvis. "Sunset Limited,, .WthtrTathkliiyutfwla,Bdp'f Wxirlyee 9ltre, rvseewtlU tIM. with fJ (he. Bathe at o,-ell Udl.Tcaa Caryilh iadlaa' taald la atieadeaat, aaahlair thatria hatwaaa Ban rtaoelaaaaad Maw Orlaana la IBheara, Only Wna Running Through Blaopfer to tho Oitjr of Metlodi 111 fVtei Vautaa tlntinrt. Tkrtigk Sill f Udlxg tti',rt.E1?" 'JLV f " aal-rrm jaeW aaianflaaf).w vm Rtcariiaa Tlakat en Bale fre4 mil Caa)i , . lanaa aai fntihw. rr lafaiMiUea tail aa uat ar addrate T. g. KtVXT, Caea'l A taat, . 0, BICgrtlLL, airaaa, imaw, a a a, , Xiraaa,teu4. 0. 8. The GRIA ewMal o BBaaaaaamaaBj T TRUNK LINE; rn w (fa Ta ealy Uee raaalef (elli Trail Arek I Kiaad City, Ohleage aa.BLUile Wltliat Okiag. I?ULIjM AN lALAOSS flLRKflNO ?A) MUM UAlIiY '7 , . friaaUpuuullelU ta T3Kxt. AadKiv ttet that year tfefcabj ri,"Via tie AUM, toPaka ni t tb l , ..-.-. .hi.i. k. ',1 v-.. rtftt M.TBWAMJanUrtM,wwrf "!TW' ' W,i.alUCK,e3 .Real 7? Aj, Ttvfiaai aaa tee. O