Newspaper Page Text
t i it iTun i.r.iUf-, i,l ,finiinil Aim TWriHMfflfatlafcfl liw'ii Miinfirnr itiB' I ' m ay IUkPJ H W Wlf WtVIV Pw The Denims Mercantile Go Jf. A, KIN3KTEAR & OO. ? .MlOn t'r)f IptliHM wref wllr oiiiruindd by oonipcimt Pharmacist ihty or tilylit. MfiOrorty Building - GOLD AVE. Kodol (1tlfTSr l fl.UlmtM AN I CO.) Groceries and Hardware HAT, G-BAINT AND FLOUB. Senfoctiunory, fruit, Cigars and Tobaccos lA1!(H:tWt OlVfW it. Mail Onii,-t .IWJSft'" Jl A "TBI 0 liiU'Biile n ml Itoinil Dt'nler In Dlaftsts what you cat. ItarUflclatly liBttJiofool nod nidi Htttura Hi 8trenilionltig Bud recou ril.-Htin..hft PtdlMISted (lltfMtlVO Of. Ran". ltttnnlntpU1lcovcrc)(llRMt-1 ROtnna ton e, jno oinur proirarauuu CRD approach It In ctllelericy. It In ntnntly rollovo and iterinanontly cures Dyspepsia, ItitllKentlon, IlMrtburu, Iffatulonce, Bour Blotnnoh, Nausea, gJckllondaelie.aa-UralKln.G'rntnps.nnd nUotliOprcKUlUcjflintwrfectdlccstlon. tv iparsd by e. C DsWltt A Co.. Chieauo, i, i'. nvnoN If "WAS A HEAL DUEL. TWO DANISH OFFI0En3 FOUQHT 11 out with BnoADtwonos. Tli t'nrlou. Conflict Toolt t'lrtee tie laro nn Audience In n nyintmlnm In WnshlnKlan In n llnllitlnit Which AUJulnnl tliw I'ulld station. "I have llgtired In iille n iiuuibor or vnrlod t'vtilitH during over n tiunwr nr n wntuw or Hell vii iiuwtmHr rojier torlnl lire." ux)IIiimI nn oM iiBWwpr wrltur to n Hitir witoiier. "but I novor liot III bill uiif Unci v npii t wim to it nulKli, it ml lit ilit limliiiico I tofor to It wiih to n niilib. I uftKiiro you. I wna only nn oiiloolti-r. It U true, but I now mm rtKiro lir ftinved rh Ulitrm of (IhIIdii kUA upii h Itrulmvlil. '"i'Mi k ouu uf the Uravmt tarn I cvur kiiBW," imld Ut-ncntl Ittwcorntts, jwlntltig out ltU lnitptK!tor 8ttml, A tlmr a Ducat. "I mv tiliu coolly rasa nlniOfit iwiuiii iIuhiIi to pwform a duty. 'Vhixv on lht tmiuo duly bad fnllou iH'fiio IiIh and lio lind to tuu tbu eautlut of it Uimiiwud num. kuta, but bo Old It." The Vfoitla wtv pUn to JrtlUM It. Ullmaro Wbllt on tt visit to "Old Uodtty'H" army at Mui'trooHusfo. wbo locortlti tlumi In fits "I'lunaim! Ito!- It'lllolH." Uunuml llofmt)it rt'fHiTwl to I)tt CAt'N bttlmvlot' nt ili Imitle of tuba, Tbi' liwjwttor gfnirnl hnil olmorvoJ that n rajdiiuM'i or Uouuml Hiaaloy'a illvUluu waa about to lie orartvlioliuotl by n iniioli lnwr rorco of tbo uubluy. "Itltlo oli aud warn Hiaultty at oii," mid lloHtt'niiui it I) went iciioiicd tbo danger. An aoi-o on tiro and mrcpt Willi litilloi lay 1iHvmii bltii nnd tbu tiiBimwxl rflfjliiuuii. Iitiont glaueotl at it and aakli "(Juiiorul. I liavo a wlfo and cUll dron." "You knew that when yon caino horu," nnswt'rwl Itonporam coolly. "I'll roi Kir," aaltl Uucnt, moving bit borse forwanl. "Htny a moment. Wo must tnako sure of Iblfl." Bold thn Rtincral. begin ning to write dlaiKttobm, tbo paper ivstlng on ,thu potttniet of tils middle. Uf wroto Unco: (tavo ouo to pnob of throo ortlortlus nnd nont them of? at In tarrnlii of about (to yards ovor tbo bul let awopt lluM. Thau ho bolted at if mmjB,m,m. if UtfBtyws Nabobs GqqI That smalt ache or pain of weakness is the fltt wind" that directs your attention to the necessity of purifying your blood by taking Hood's Sarsapa rllla. Then your whole body receives good,, for the purified blood goes tingling to every organ. It Is the great remedy for all ages and both sexes. Dyapopsla " Compllaftd wM ttvtr And hkfaty Imibtt, I suffered for ytt from dytptpslA, 'with stvtte pilnt. Hcefs SAHipArilU nude me ttrentf And fietrty." J, B. Emctlcn, Auburn, Me, 0LD AND POULTRY IN Sl-USON. d to any psrtnf lh "'. K 1 mm' m i itrtnt ihrtii I icnntit trt Mm urn., t tM.n.i .t-tiih.iv ntmin il tt ' Uttcnl, who bad Boon ovcry OilO of tbo was noorly 'JO yi-nr a8o. but I have , otilsrliea Ml "Mum or dosparntidy nut fnrffotiL'it it wounded. Without a word ho pluimi'd "At tb tlrao tboru was a gymnasium ou Louisiana avonuo. between Ninth i and Tohtb a I runt. The ttutldliiR nd ( Intnliiif mm Dm nlil cnittrnt cUitrdllOUSC. ij'WUlANNIOAN & ITtKNHlA", Proprietor iwlies, Wines and Ibiskies. ...Oouttuvtio-rrtuil IiniiortcU CicnrH... - UtsrnlnK. Now Mexico I S; ROBINSON'S Grocery and Confectionery! fcAWiE AND PAKOf GROCERIES TMI OdHnol It ltt In lb fonnirr- OUR BTOOlv OF CANDIES If lh Ihtrtil Mt HtNlikt. -TIIE FIN'liST ASSORTMENT OF SWEETMEATS IN IlEMING WpoiH uhrnyn Open, nml OrdorH I'roinptly Flllcil IMnu Street HENRY MEYER Fresh Fish and Ovsters in Season l unrunttie mv CuatomerH antisfnotion. GOLD AVKUI Win. I.elBor D10MING, N. M ft" l. JISMII II" ag C.f i r Y nKi-- 'm., nil .11 riTnaninrn rs RIDERS S J. II. AHIhoii AIM m Our SpooinHios nro: Fuir Troatmont, Polltt Altvntion. Tho Budt Liquors nnd Cignrs obtnirmblu. Oool, Quiet and PloaBttn Club Uoorn, Tho Boat Limolt in Southern Now Mexico. I ou cold Ueg and Inittlodlboor mi ways on draught. LEFFLER & ALLISON, Props. . i W. P. TOSSELL, Tin- KoIIhIiI Watchmaker and Jeweler. KOTAJlMttlllll) lBU.'t. rni WHMtn vroiK ir.Kinsl y r r . utttjMml in snd wnrrsillcd. -A JUL UUUH A JUa'KJSSUNTED JOHN OORBETT, MANUPACTUIIKIt OP SODA WATER. Iliailei iu Kb atitl Bottled Bcox tin' tmllci' sintlou. Ouo ovpiiIrb I was liivltwl by a frlfiid, who was a furmor iu'Wupiipor man. Iiitt nftfrwanl a imtuiit attormiy, aud who nlK) artod its tho rtmldtnit UiinUh consul, to ntiond tho syui- nasluui to wltuoss a swortl conduit. In widen two of bin friends wm to tnfco part. I waa told that turn' or four otburs Would bo pnweut. nnd tho itnii- bat woald bo IhUht llvi-ly. 1 roalliod that part of It fully, to my wmiploto wtUsfni'ttop. "M ltb the otbirs. three lu'wspopsr writ I'M. il oiinplo of niintu nail n rouplt' of illortlUK mon. wo got to tin- Kym uaslum about l) o'clock, but wi-n told that tbo t'omlmt would not tnko .meo utilll tht' grmnaslutn pIskswi had tiesn dlBiulsstMl. as II tt-as tK'.'Irul thnt tho onlooltora shonld lw as fow as pmslblo. Into' tho llrit, ran tho gantlet In stiff, ty, i;ot to Htanloy and siivt-d tho reel-iiii-iit, but ids eloUivit were torn by ndn'o balls, aud lilti horao rccolvotl a morliil wound. Cnuae nml lifted. Bovcrnl yoara ngo tbo Inmates of a small, respectable dwelling house in Phlliidolptitn (Jlsoovori'tl upon the white washed wall of ouo of the rooms tho WionooB of a human face, which faded and rctuniml ngitlu. Tin- uclglititirs enme In to clew the wonder. Other fitettt nppoan'd and vanished. Crowds thronged the bouse and street, and no- ' counts of (lie mystary were printed In I the dally paptuu Tt ftus to no purpose Hint sclent I lie mn Insisted thai the llgurm wore en used by moldy growths which en me and went with the datupuesii and that tho likeness to the human face was l Imaginary. The house was pronounced ttf lltil lit tilt If. I St I tit ltfl I Ml tint tl Mil I Ins "None of us had tiny Idea as to wbo ' tT,a ,, , ,i rf i . ... ill- Si... I tliVI If Sir MMHMIV MUVf M tVMWMt IVI the partlcIpaitM would be or the par- f tlenlar reason for It. but wo were tuld that It was desired that wo should bo nroscnt to see that everything was con ducted properly. I'rtml this we Inferred that there wns it stoke or something ni Issue, and we were to bo tho Judges as well an referees, as It were. "At It) o'clock two carriages nrrlved, In ouch of which was a single occupant. each having a sword, whnt Is common ly liiinwn as a bronflsword. like that which ineii-nf-wurs men nave, iney hntl but little to ray. nnd In a fow min utes they were properly ttttlred III the gymnasium stilta and niitiounccti tnni they wore ready Tor the bnttlo. "I had seen some professional brand sword combats and rather lookwl for some heavy work, but In less than a minute wn all realised that ibure seem ed to be more earnestness nlioitt the coinlmt tbnti was customary In meet- lugs of professionals, It nmttered not how large the stakes were. "Tho men wore the customary wlro uoad covering, and It was well they did So. otherwise there would liavo en Otle nr two bond scattered nbotit ou the ttoor. for tho fight was fnst and furious. At the expiration of ten min utes these was n halt called so thnt u torrlblp gosh on the sword arm of one of the combatants could be bnmlngcd by n physician wbo conveniently drop ped In. "Then the fighters started In hammer and tongs at each other, and In 12 mln titoa one or the men wns lying on tho floor with a lorrlble gash In his shoul der and u rnp on his head which sound otl so loud that It was heard In tho po lice stntlou adjoining. The clothing of tho men wns a, fully covered with blood as If they had been pnlutud with It. "Thnt ended It. Hoth men bad re ceived at least a wounds, and tho victor roll In a faint In loss than a minute after he was declared tho con queror. My friend, an bslutlf of tho participants, thanked us for our at-tudsin-p. nnd wo loft after seeing tho men lifted Into csriiagss and taken nwoy. "it wns sevcml weolts bofotit we knew to n cerinluty whnt It all meant and were not told tlmii until both mon had fully rtM-overed. It trausplrotl thnt tho p:irtlelKiiits wore both Danish olU Cora: thai they had tittarretud In New York In regnid to nn oltlclnl uinttur, nnd that a i-liallMige istssed and wns odtoptMl. ami that alt Lue tlstalU of tho BOttltwioui lisd been loft to tbu Danish oousut. aud tlmt the whqle party of u bad luuacoutly presided over a real dlioJ. "The strange part of It was that It took place within sound of tho police stntWn-"-Washington liar. Urivri-itl. 'I'll ii null llrnnbt The larui- miijoiiiy of ItiiHslnns of the orthodox fitlib will not puss a rhiirch or shrlue In the street without uncovering their bends and crossing themselves. Trnvtvers have seen In-loxk-aled men who wure Htnggerlug along observe this ceremony, and In tho case of those who were too help lessly ruddled to walk home the friend or relative who has accompanied a tinny cdmontilou In a sledce or drosky hns, whlleliotdli)g til tti In the vehlllo with otie luiud. performed Mr lilui tho sign of the eniNH with the other when passlug a sacred place. AIimiidI Crliiihinl rlect. "llurc." wild the stutmuinu who had bciJd toiiipomry chairnum of Hie con TtitlUou, "Vd like to kuow what kind of a W ymi'ro running anyway," "WIy," the editor asw). "wlmt'a wrongT' "III $uur ncoottut of tbo praoaodlngi yon liavo not oueo rsfonwl to my speecil as 'a ringing address!'" Gtilcngo Tlmvs-Hortild. anardsd Ainver. Ootrox jiow would you llko to be a rich man 111:'.' me? Uetsnnx-Pd like to bo rich. In itliinapidlH Jmui-nl In Egypt tho custom Ufor l'rlnccssti to hide their biauiy hy covonnp the lowor part of tho facet with a veil. In America the bonuty of many of our women tc hidden because cl tbe weakness nnd sickness pecu liar to tl'ie sex If tln Egypt inn custom pre vnllcd in this country, tunny an ftorcrs would bo glad to cover tlioit j r o in a t ti r c wrlnklcn, their aunkonclicoks tholr ttuncnttlty couipluxlon, from tho oyca of the world with tho veil of the Orient. v Ay leicis emele Hes!afr brlnna out a woman's trno beauty, It innkus her strung nnd well In those nrgntiK upon which her wholo ccrem! lioallh tlvtinds. Il con t-i-ts all nicn- atrtinl disorders. It stops tho drains of Lettcorrhaia. It restores the womb to Its proper place. It retnovea the cni'ses of ltendncho, backache and nervousness. It takes the poor, do bilitntod, weak, linggnrtl, fading woman and puts her n feot again, insking her fuea beautiful by tnaktnji ncr body well. Druggist sell It for II a bottl. Sentl foronrfrM book far vremwi Ths Bradflcld ItCKttUtor Co. Atlanta, Ga Sold by J. A, KIKHEAh & CO. n mm I mom t&Ttvt'm ri rum HfiU fcf 4.1 n;tM, UrsHcl.i. 'Ili-riiin llnliy In Itiirii " Hvery oinau loks forwanl with foe Inns of liidtfor limbic Joy lu the ue um tnButiiotis event n her llfo, comparod wiih winoii ai outers tinio into insiuniu ounce, li.itt rnud iti,(l littpi y she will be whi-u her precious I hIh- i.i-kiIi-h on hvr litesst hotv shuuI the omiie i "Mothrrl' Aud yet br liappy antic tloii o( this emit Is ( hmded "lib u H ivin.s or the twin unit ilitiiu't-r id Ih ortlesl, so Unit It U 1oim bsiIiIo to nvnid tho fsellng ot ooutiaul drentl xhleh nrerps ovorhvr. Tho dsnuerntid sut faring ntteiiihtiit upon being n iiioiln- cull be entirely pit-venlfd, so Hint tho coming or Hie little stronger need out he looked furwiird to with feur tin trembling, its In so often the esse. Kvety womiiu who rutins this t aorr oait oiitui uhIitlrl v free ii wilusblo u nil mtritotlv dltle l-oik I'tititled "lliifuri- Hsby I iiiirn. nv Bciuiing her inline and Diicin i the Jlrsdlb-ld lleuulMt' r coiuiibo, Mlnntu, fin. Ihlnhnnk eniitnlun price- liirnrmittlnii in nil wuineii, nnd r.c in should full in Rend for It IImmTi lltli tnr. Ilnr III i tti. hwi IriluUi. ttwi' njfiini. wilfTfirll t'l'tnTt. ltli Tlia No llhont. fun I d Foal Hint, A. naval olllcer who held a civil em ployment at Itlmde Island during tho American wnr of independence and who was of it remarkably spare, skelc tonlllts figure was stopped by a sen tinel lato ouo iilclit on his return from a visit aud shut up lu the sentry box, tho soldier declaring thnt ho stiooiti re main there until his olllcer came his rounds at 12 o'clock. "My icooil fellow." said Mr. W , "I have told yon who I am. and I really think you ought to take my worn." "It Will liot do," replied the soldier. I am by no means satisfied." Then, taklnir from hi nocket n iuitr- tcr of n dollar and presenting It, "Will that satisfy your "Why. yesi I think it win." "Ami now that I mil released, pray tell toe why you detained mo nt your po?" "1 nimrohoitiled you." sold the soldier, "ns a deserter from the churchyard." Mirror. HpllntrrlttR the flpenUrr'. Dealt. When Sittmurl .l.ttandall was spanker of tbe house he proved himself an ar tistic and selontlfle desk spllntercr. During the Forty-fourth i-otiRress,wlien Hip electoral vote wns counted nnd Mr. Ilnyos was ilerhmil pivitldeot. Mr. Ilandall iwourted the top of his desk out of shape three limes. Km ploy, -es of the wtpltol who (Jo the repairing of fur- nltnre assert that there never has boon a sptHtker wbo did not. lea re the desk al the olofo or a session in nun con dition, but thnt Mr. Heed nmweded III splintering It tame effectively than ttuy other speaker.- I'ltr-burg Dispatch. ill 1W 1EXICB i Improvement- Company owNun or Tint- t DEMIUG T0WK81 RESIDENCE LOTS Low Price and Efwy Terms Tht above Compntty dc.lrcs to call the attention of UlBie seeking Homes lu tho Bouthwcitto '! LWi ut,'ter opportunity tau b follhd than fiMiK0,0rant Co.,N. M. s. PIBLD, Agent, DittiiNa, New Mbxico. t - -nr . II IMPORTANT GATEWAYS 4i B.Y. McKSVBS, Uiiilci! Slates Court Wsslouor Notary Public ANDOOHVlftAMOSB. Olllfio K. 7, rinefiU 1)' thine. ?l.M. Attvti miMi'lTctia wanti:i i r.vuv. fl.ifor '! Hi..iif tin- ri.iu, piin If uml IIHMMIt, CI'Wl.illrliu.l nr Ii C iim-iiI uOSM-UllllitullKtidf 1 1"- ttiir t l-i-Hrll TIk time wan witiieti In tte- i-aii. of n ii frntl.s th l'iISilh 1.1-nrriil M ir'i UM un-pusi. in ikihoiuiii, m ii n Am' rimn ir'i'i "i mni-iw. in u and PASBEUO-BB B23K"T.IOS Tlio tllrcot tlirongti lino from Arignnu uml Now Mexico lo all holulrt iiilllonorlli.onstitiiilHmiilituiat. Low itltltmlo. I'orrout iiiBpniror fcotvlcc. Tliiougli uiir. No luy r vera, lntofit pnturu Ptilluiuii l)ttr Ail H)eKi. Ilniulsoine now olinlf ttiir, ROittn free. Spootl, siiftJiy. oninrqn oomlilia-il. For iinriioultua utltlreas II. V. ai liynli!ri', a, V. P. & . a. It. W. OtlrtlH, i'.P, & 1, A. El lns.., IVtss. ij I'tte,,, 'ivxaa. 18. I'. TLIINKIt, 0. I'. A T.A., DAMjAB, TKXA8. ' "NO TROUBL1I TO ANSWER QUESTIONS." hi imp. will. Mi'tiwbl. , ..ii il i. rt-rk ut :hr Ohm U wllS i t-M. unit. 'i t'.i- i"iii 0(1111111' hi llii- rill , f Wmnll llur,.-' d-r av 'ii'.. Iirlmlnl ,lf,nliil I Ifll'rvi Ul:ul, I11 iiiriuii iil iliii'n jne-li, m mi III. fimt Uk ikmiI. I .n- pi-lei Big pmSi. I'fipln lil. I'riiln ii.H 11 1 'roil II ira.ur un"SUiiii nri)iai,, tiutm n- ah mt.P.T. thirl or, Kf' ., Mar liiMirm.n IlldK . hlcagu WAN' tl.ofl- In 1 wii THt HTWOUTIIX I'EII. t.1.1. Ul Hlftl,.r .llr hiivsliMli I.. IlilltMrltf rimnll. Il It umliilr nffln ictrr nt In Iim-. Kulmt .imLln IKOi. rmrn uirAirufv. i.i.i.piif.uiiiiiii4im, nn inrin, hh ftHllllV Moilll ! ' STA. lUllr. Iinu.. t!.i(. . ?lf iliHciilMai' iImitIui. Hi rbrrl K 1'ff.t., Ut. l. cutsszo- Kl 8NVRHAI tsi went cumiuclH- .1 In MULL OURNHOf . .AI1KNT. PIRE INSURANCE ! I ll(iirfm tM.tinji for tin frlil uoiwtlie isiinl, IIKM1NU, M5W MMX100 1 ItlCUAMI.l: AH8A1.8. I' Hl enp'r, hl s,(M Sooi.l Ujr until rrwlrs liromivl mi.iiiluu lltft prlee M tor Uulllon. Ogder) A&ay 60., Uao lOlii M iicmiir.t iiin. MEXICAN 6BNTR4L Railway i Tfy a Delightful Ihvlgorator t tktti yotMc b$ taking iftHp to Old Mexico. Oitli (Hi or udilit'BH tlio uiitlbrBlctictl for full tmrtlotilnrs. A. I10FFMAH, Q.P.A., Mexico City- W, D, HURDOOK, A.O.P.A., Mexico Cllj I). J, KUIIH, Corn'l Agt., El Paso, Texts. ROUTE DOUBLE yS&E SLEEPER ano a'liAiN Hisuvioia, to DAILY tIJW.ti Miol.iAKliMlMtl! ru iiioiiikiiilt 4rm.ripleJlil'frniirpoilt AmiKICA'f. UIIIMtKiSIIN I ATI . I'ASIIION A1AUAZINP. THE DESIGNER Published Monthly WITH HANDSOME COLORED PLATES. AWO IU4JiTnATI Tim cuLnniurmii Standard Patterns Tlio only reliable patterns, because tlley allow seams. Subscription Prlco: $1.00 a year. 10 cents for single copies. CANVASSERS WANTED F0I1 THIS PUBLICATION. Liberal cash oommltilon. Write for ample copy and terms to Subtorlp. Hon Department, THE DESIGNED 3a Wrtt HUt Ma New York city tUtiintrfi Ud Atlanta, Washington, fKbw York, Cinciflfiat and" All eAsreau olnco. SJx6rtat Tini nl& Molt iijjai'b 86ivaoq. Only Um Iluuniaf TUrottgh Bleepor to iU 01$ of Mffii'i liimtlpiiTiek,lsiifkilrri,..isllOoitii All fliA Yoai KOlilld SlltllBllsioCnllftlHttHlttlil MXtr.n Colnts. '' iwuuu Tfcrsngh Bills of IUui via "Saaett Kesu" sal Morgaa Una of Stumorl sail front Mow York aad all Voint Bust aad Wet, I'or lsrsrmiloii Mil on sjtsou ef .rtUrsw T. tt. ItUMTi Uew'i Ainl, Rll'Mn, Vim. K..K. fllilllKK, ill t'Mn T.IB" 0. 11. naswoifrii, uci A) tiiWtncM m. Tin only UssHUinlniSolMTrsIm hrosah to KsHr.Olileso mi hi. Louis WllhMit Chtn ' I'UIjIjIIIAN PAfiACU 8LRRIIHO OAlfS RUN DAILY rromillpsit.iitoslri!i TorsdSj Moxiao, Now Mexico, Arizona : aiirl GaHfornia, See that your Uokots road, "Via the AtoliUon.Thpeka and Bsnta Pe Itnlltts Kor ltfstin4ln rpsstdlng ti,wnllinr, n.,rall t-n otsddtiit W.4. HI. A0!, 0. P. .nd T A., n' MOUPII1UK, Orinsl A'gift 01 C.,no3 WORTH IUetAinr,tinu?i T