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Local Nun Is Dietitian At Famed Mayo Clinic A Columbus Sister of the Holy Cross congregation left last week for the Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minn., where she will serve a one year internship as dietition. She is Sister Mary Agnes Anne. .■* LOUNGE CHAIR 1 PIECE SUITE daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts of St. Catharine’s parish, Columbus. Sister Agnes Anne, who entered the convent five years ago, was graduated this year, from St. Mary’s college. South Bend, Jnd., with a degree in nutrition and chemistry. BUYING A NEW CAR? e will finance it for you. $4.00 Per Hundred Per Year No red tape No hidden charges Let us explain this NEW LOW COST Finance Service on New Cars & Trucks Lowest Insurance Rates Give us a call We can save you The Arthur J. McCann Agency 233 S. High St. Columbus, Ohio AD 1915 DO 8987 money for that look of luxury at an Economy Price ^personality group 3 PIECE SECTIONAL SOFA SELECT the furniture that expresses your individual taste... does the most for your living room, whatever its size or shape I Make your choice from this assortment of very livable furniture ... choose from the newest, most luxurious of fabrics! The Kroehier Personality Group features a new style designed for today’s living ... soft, relaxing com fort with strong, sturdy construction. See these outstand ing values now! FURNITURE COMPANY South High at Rich A FURNITURE STORE SINCE 1904 FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE STORE HOURS Mondays 12.30 to 9 P. M. Othar Day* 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. First Negro to Graduate First woman, as well as first Negro, to graduate from the appren ticeship bindery program at the Catholic University of America, Mrs. Greta B. Draper receives her certificate of completion of the four year program and has been registered as an apprentice by the Ap prentice Council of the District of Columbia. Presenting the certificate is Gino J. Simi, director of apprenticeship, and looking on is Eugene Willging, university librarian. Mrs. Draper is a graduate student in library science at the university. (NC Photos) Cardinal Offers Requiem NEW YORK—(NC)—His Emin ence Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, offered a Solemn Pontifical Mass in St. Patrick’s Cathedral here for John P. O'Brien. Mayor of New York City from 1932-34. Mr. O'Brien died here (Sept. 22) at the age of 78. LUXURIOUS MODERN HALF SOFA YA. SttN Mvog/rf MA. 1»»1 PTA NOTES St. Mary's, Columbus The Rev. Bennett C. Applegate, acting superintendent of parochial schools, will speak at the meeting on Thursday. Oct. 11, at 8 p. m. in the school hall. Mothers of the senior class of St. Mary’s high school will serve refreshments in the social hour after the meeting. St. Vincent de Paul's, Mt. Vernon New officers, elected at the Sept. 25 meeting, are: Albert Pietrange lo, president John Patrick, vice president Mrs. Elaine Mayhew, secretary, and John Allerding, treasurer. Speakers at the year’s first meet ing were the Rev. Eugene F. Dunn, pastor, and Sister Sarah Ann, prin cipal of the school. St. Christopher's, Columbus The Right Rev. Msgr. Roland T. Winel will speak at the first meet ing Sunday, Oct. 7, at 3 p. m. in the school hall. Mrs. Austin Lucas, president, will welcome new members to the organization and preside at the business meeting. New officer’s for the coming year include: Mrs. A. G. Cashbaugh, vice president Dr. Jacob Moses, secretary Arch B. Tripier, treasurer Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Buttress, social chairmen, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Glass, program and publicity chairmen. In charge of the social hour will be Mrs. Charles Limeberger and Mrs. Louis Bonaventura, co-chair men, assisted by Charles Lime berger and Mrs. Joseph Penzone. St. Ladislaus', Columbus A talk on juvenile delinquency will highlight the monthly meeting Thursday, Oct. 11, at 8 p. m. in the school hall. Speaker will be Miss Mabel Ferree, probation of ficer of Juvenile court. New officers this year are: Mrs. Frank MacDonald, president Mrs. Ruth Chevallard, vice president Mrs. Harold Hirschman, secretary, and Mrs. George Scurlock, treasur er. St. Francis of Assisi's, Columbus The next meeting will take place Wednesday. Oct. 10, at 8 p. m. in the school hall. The Sisters will be in their class rooms beginning at 7:30 p. m. meet the parents who wish to spect the rooms. ---------------—o—--------- THE CATHOLIC TIM ES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1951 Of Interest To II omen By Our Correspondent* Mist Mary McGrady was elected president of Sacred Heart Parish Council of Catholic Women. Co shocton. at a meeting on Sept. 24. Also elected were: Mrs. Ma-y K. Royer, vice president Mrs. Mabyl Young, secretary, and Mrs. Vin cent P. Quill, treasurer. The Right Rev. Msgr. John W. Kerrigan, pastor, spoke to the group on lay retreats. take The next meeting will place Oct. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Malone will describe their recent trip to Mexico at the next meeting of the Parish Council of Cath olic Women of Christ the King church, Columbus. Thursday, Oct. 11, at 8 p. m. in the parish recre ation center. Mrs. C. B. Robinson will be in charge of the serving of re freshments. New officers will officiate at the next meeting of the St. Thomas* Parish Council of Catholic Women, Zanesville, Friday evening, Oct. 5, in the school hall. They are: Mrs. R. I. Herman, president Mrs. Har ry Core, vice president Miss Alice Keller, secretary, and Mrs. Geor gianna Hall, treasurer. Chairmen of standing commit tees are: Mrs. Frank Snyder, pub licity Miss Mary McCarthy, hos pitality Miss Mary Dulan. pro gram: Mrs. Patrick Flood, religious activities: Mrs. J. Mahle, social action Mrs. B. J. O’Leary, Cath olic Charities, and Mrs. O. A. Kin kade, international relations. Mrs. John Finan has been named chairman of the annual Lenten book review series, with Mrs. George Aitken co-chairman. (Marie Mattingly, Correspondent) The Parish Council of Catholic Women of St. Agatha’s parish, Columbus, enjoyed a pot-luck supper at the latest meeting on Oct. 3. The committee included Mrs. G. M. Sharp, chairman Mrs. R. E. Mathews, co-chairman, and Mrs. Walter ZUigard, Mrs. Wil liam McGrath, Mrs. Robert Lape, Mrs. Franlf Callahan, and Mrs. Thom as Edmundson. Stephen Bowser, Mrs. A Day of Recollection for the women of the parish is scheduled for Oct. 9 at St. Therese’s shrine. In charge of reservations is Mrs. James O. Watson (KI. 5334). Recently elected officers of the St. Therese Altar society, Wain wright. are: Mrs. Cecil Migoni. president: Miss Josephine Berlen dis, re-elected vice piesident Miss Jean Berlendis, re-elected secre tary, and Mrs. Alex Bonvechio, Sr., treasurer. The committee in charge of re freshments at last week's meeting included Mrs. Pete Berlendis, Mrs. Charles Migoni, Mrs. Ed Varalli, and Mrs. Guy Sciarini. (Albina Sciarini, Correspondent) The St Monica’s Altar sodality of St. Augustine’s church. Co lumbus, will meet in the school hall Thursday, Oct. 11, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Mary Herbert will he chairman of the social hour fol lowing the meeting, with Mrs. Charlotte Guitner co-chairman. Lay Retreats i. to in- Priest Sentenced MUNICH- (NO- The Rev. Zyg milnt Kaczynski, Minister of Edu cation in the Polish Government in Exile in London during World War II, has been given a ten-year pris on sentence, according to Ostatnie Wiadomosci, a Polish refugee pa per published in Western Ger many. (Father Kaczynski, a leader of the Polish Christian Labor Party before the war, has been held in prison for several years.) 1951 Oct. 5-7 ...... ................. Women 12-14 Men 19-21 ..... ..... ................ Men 26-28 ..... ....................Women Nev. 1-4 Men 9-11 ....... ....................Women 16-18 .................. Men 30-Dec. 2 ....................Women Dec. 7-9 ................... Men 14-16 ..... ....................Women 1952 Jan. 25-27 ..............................Men Feb. 16-17 Men LAY RETREAT HOUSE St. Therese Shrine 5277 E. Broad Street New Kyoto Bishop KYOTO, Japan—(NC)—The Most Rev. Paul Furuya has been conse crated at the cathedral here as the first Bishop of the newly erected Diocese of Kyoto. Bishop Furuya had been Perfect of the former Kyoto Prefecture Apostolic. You'll Want to (Own This Book THE ASCENT TO TRUTH Thomas Merton $3.50 The author of THE SEVEN STOREY MOUNTAIN and THE WATERS OF SILOE has added a third major effort which may well take its place among the most moving spiritual documents of our time. The spiritual problems of modern man are treated sympathetically by Father Merton who presents a brilliant exposition of the doc trines of St. John of the Cross, the 16th century theo logian, mystic and poet. The Ascent to Truth is a journey toward the truth. highest summit of knowledge to ultimate Mail orders carefully handled REUGKMJS ART ^PRAYER BOOKS •. ROSARIES GREETING CARDS Opposite MAIN Mothers of eighth-grade pupils at Holy Rosary school. Commbus. will be in (barge of the first month ly luncheon sponsored by the Altar society. Tuesday, Oct 9, at 1 p.m The public is invited to the luncheon. Mrs. John Dunkle, publicity chairman, will be in charge of the next meeting of the St. Catharine's Parish Council of Catholic Women. ■Columbus. Wednesday, Oct. 10 in the school cafeteria. Assisting her will be Mrs. Fred Kuhn, Mrs. William Postleuaite, Mrs. Joseph Van Heyde, and Mrs. J. Fred Schmidt. Marjorie Sill is president of the B.V.M. sodality of Sacred Heart parish. New Philadelphia^ as a result of the elections held Sept. 24. Other officers elected were: Anna Hagerman, vice president, and Ann Wills, secretary-treasur er. Tentative plans were discussed for a study club sponsored by the sodality. (Helen Dexter, Cor respondent) Nomination of officers for the coming year will take place at the next monthly meeting of St. Elizabeth’s Auxiliary, Knights of St. John. Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 581 S. High street, Columbus. In charge of the entertainment and refreshment committee are Mrs. Catherine Sachs, chairman, -and Mrs, Betty Scheibel, co chairman. -o- Married Fifty Years Mr. and Mrs. John Eberts of 3! East Welch avenue, Columbus, will celebrate the golden jubilee of their marriage Wednesday, Oct. 10, at a high Mass at 9 a. m. in St. Leo s church. There will be “open house" for the couple at Saxon hell, 323 Woodrow’avenue, on the same day from 2 to 4 p. m. and from 7 to 10 p. m. Married Oct. 10. 1901, in St. Peter's church, Wheelersburg, they have six children: Richard, Robert. Howard. Mrs. Margaret Dorn, Mrs. Rosemary Theodn. and Mrs. Frances Baehr. They also have 24 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Prelate Pledges Aid for Needy MONTREAL. Que—(NC—Arch bishop Paul Emile Leger of Mon1 real has declared on two recent public occasions that he will nnf rest until provision has been made for every needy person in his dio cese. He renewed this pledge before the Professional Association of In dustrialists at their eighth annual meeting here. A few days previous ly he made the same declaration when he blessed the work of 500 volunteer workmen and industrial contributors starting the construc tion of a 50-pavillion Foyer de la Charite (Fireside of Charity) for the destitute of Montreal. TWO DISTINCTIVE XX PALE & Washington Brewary CULTIVATED BY LIVING OYSTERS IN THE SEA AT PRICES WITHIN YOUR REACH EXQUISITE tOLORS NECKLACES CAREFULLY MATCHED AND GRADUATED EARRINGS AND RINGS TO MATCH WE HAVE A PARTICULARLY FINE SELECTION FOR WHICH YOU ONE OF OUR OUTSTANDING VALUES AS LOW $4.95 EACH AS (TAX INC.) •ECKSTEIN JEWELERS UN. 1161 NOW FEATURING THE DE LUXE G-E "EIGHT" AREALLY GOOD BUY! if $3 XeV pov’**’* oh«r do*” More than 2,700,000 G-E Refrigerators have been in use for 10 years or longer! HOERITILE’S 1894 PARSONS AVE. GA. 2195 GA. 2196 Authorized Dealer GENERAL^ ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS OCTOBER SPECIAL For Month of October Only YOU CAN NOW AFFORD TO OWN TREASURED Cultured Pearls Exceptional HAVE WAITED Values Ideal For Christmas Gifts (Use Our Layaway Plan) 7i e. cay st. 1 -A- Mboel NCS-8 ROOMY—More than 8 eu ft of refrigerated storage space ...Full 14 sq ft of shelf area... Plenty for large families. DE LUXE—Packed with work saving, trouble-saving conven iences Deep fruit and vegetable drawers Deep meat drawer Stainless steel freezer .. New alumi num shelves. Space Maker REFRIGERATOR