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10 HAIL MARY! Thou whose name all but adoring love may claim'. For Our Lady's Day, De cember Sth. we make our last appeal for help in completing her Shrine Chapei oi the Assumption in Amman, 45 miles east of Jerusalem. Perhaps you will want to add your mite. There are still sacred articles to be given for the sanctuary. Ten dollars will pay for a stone which will form part of this House of the Living Bread. Any gift, any amount will be deeply ap preciated by the poor of Amman. Why not make your gift a memorial to a Joved one departed? Mary will smile on you for this kindness. We do hope to obtain the six hundred dollars needed to complete the fund. If you cannot give it all. perhaps you and many others ean pay this tribute to Mary. Emmanuel This is what the prophets called Our Lord—“God with us!”. It is also the name of a young student for the priesthood at the Russian College in Rome. Emmanuel is just four years away from priesthood. He needs $400 to pay for his train ing. Can you adopt him. paying the amount over four years, in any sums you wish? SWADDLING CLOTHES Mary put these “vestments" on the Little Lord in the Manger. We must replace the tattered Mass vestments of poor missionaries from time to time, so that they may worthily appear before the Lord. Can you give $50 for a set? DEC. 7 MARIE-NOEL Mary and Noel, Christmas! This is the name of a young novice of the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary at Bikfaya, Leba non. Would you not like to make her your adopted daughter in Christ and give $150, needed for this year of her preparation to be a mission ary Sister? How ghe will bless you when she sings to Mary on Christ mas Day. THOSE CHRISTMAS CLUBS Why not Join our dollar-a-month clubs—the CHRYSOSTOMS, for our seminarians the BASILIANS, for our poor schools the MONICA GUILD, for our mission altars and sanctuaries ORPHAN'S BREAD, which helps us to feed hungry little mouths? Then you might wish to add a mile to our DAMIEN LEPER FUND for these poor outcasts or make a deposit in MARY’S BANK for our missionary sisters. These are investments in eternity. FONDLE FOUNDLINGS At Christmas we want to be spe cially good to the Sisters of Charity in Bethlehem, Jerusalem and Bei rut. We call their foundling hos pitals “CRIBS." Can you give $7 to one of these Cribs to support a lit tle tot for a whole month? Their angels see the Father’s Face. Ol K NEEDIEST Too numerous to mention are our neediest cases at Christmas. We have appeals from every country of the Near East Missions, from East ern Europe to India. Please do send a stringless gift for these poor. Ten dollars will purchase a food pack age for hungry mouths. WHAT GIFT WILL YOU BRING TO HIM? Have you thought of our beautiful three color GIFT CARD? We gladly send It to a friend or loved one. It will nay that you are having Mass offered at Christman by a needy missionary or that you have made a gift of a sacred article to a poor Near East Mission chapel, out of love and friendship. Let us do your Christmas shopping, or rather let the Lord of the poor do It. I INCENSE FOR GOD The censer with which the priest offers sweet incense to God at Solemn Mass and Benedic tion may be purchased for a Near East Mission Chapel for $20. By giving it, you take the place of one of the Three Kings at the Christ mas Crib. A CHAPEL A MONTH—IMPOSSIBLE? Right now we have before us forty appeals for chapels, and even If we could get a complete chapel donation of $2,000 each month. It would take us over three years to fill present appeals. That Is a great deal of money, and many of these appeals will have to go begging. But any amount, large or small, will help us to build God’s House. l£112ear £ast Olissionsj^l Francis Cardinal Spaliman, Pretidonf Ms*r Thawiae J. MsMahen, Nat'l »s«'ty Vary Rev. Andrew Rogoth Mtfr Joseph Connolly Rev. Wm. Koller Dunn tend all communication* io: Cathoik Tlear East LDelfare Association 4M Loainyton Ave of 44th Ji New York 17, N Y. Friday From 5 P. M. Fri Pope Assures Flood Victims Of Speedy Aid ROME—(NO—The Po Valley flood victims have been assured by His Holiness Pope Pius XII that everything possible is being done for “Our beloved sons and daugh ters.” The Pontiff’s message was broad cast directly from Castlegandolfo via Radio Vatican and the Italian radio as the crest of the flood rac ed toward the sea and in its wake the waters began slowly to recede in the most disastrous flood of Italy’s modern history The pope ordered the Pontifical Relief Commission to dispatch large quantities of food, medicines and blankets, and sent Msgr. Ferd inando Baldelli, commission pres ident, to supervise the operations. o--------,---------- Tennessee K. of C. Honors Local Man As Charter Knight An unexpected honor came to 83-year-old Daniel J. Casey of*St. Leo’s parish Co lumbus, recent ly, when he was invited to take part in the gold en jubilee cele bration of a a 11 a nooga, Christmas Cookies? Christmas BAZAAR DEC. 8, St. LADISLAUS New School Hall, 277 Reeb Avenue (S. High S. 4th St. Bus or the Parsons Ave. Bus) Tenn., Knights of o 1 u bus council. When the Fa ther Patrick J. Ryan Council decided to ob serve its 5 0th anniversary, of that Mr. Casey living charter Daniel J. Casey ficials discovered was one of four members of the council, and invit ed him to be one of the guests of honor at the observance. Mr. Casey went to Chattanooga shortly after coming from his na tive Tipperary, Ireland, to this country “many years ago.” A re tired boilermaker, he and Mrs. Ca sey have lived in Columbus for the past 28 years. They have five chil dren and 12 grandchildren. ------------------o----------------- Ohio Priest at College in India DACCA, East Pakistan -(NC)— St. Gregory’s College, the first and only Catholic college for men in East Pakistan, marks the latest venture in the field of education by the Holy Cross Fathers of the United States. The majority of the students now enrolled in the new college are Moslems. First president of the college is •the Rev. John J. Harrington, SC Among the priests assisting him is the Rev. Raymond Switalski, S C.. whose home is in St. Mary’s par ish, Portsmouth, Ohio. Like Old-fashioned Hare are homemade Christmas cookies that will give your holidays that ''old-fashioned'' and unforgettable tinge of delicious flavor and delightful color. You and your friends will never stop acclaiming the unique, Hungarian, Italian, Croatian, German, and American Christmas cook ies of every size and description featured at the CHRIST MAS BAZAAR in the brand new School Hall of ST. LADISLAUS PARISH. Besides these “oceans of Christmas cookies" you will be browsing amid the colorful background array of party games, warm lunches, wheels of fun, fancywork gifts, holi day ornaments, yes, even homemade Christmas candies all sparkling before your eyes. Wo heartily welcome you to attend the Saturday From 2 P. M. Sat THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1951 NuBI Blessed Virgin' Put in Turkey ISTANBUL, Turkey—(NC)—The last earthly abode of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the tomb of St. Mary Magdalene may have been located at the site of the ruins of Ephesus along the Aegean Sea in Turkey, according to Prof. Louis Massignon, French orientalist. Professor Massignon has just explored the Ephesus area, which lies about 40 miles southeast of Smyrna Last year he embraced the Melkite Rite in order to or ientalize himself as much as pos sible. He is a member of many archaeological and orientalists’ as sociations. Recently he the Orientalist Congress bul. attended at Istan- that the The savant believes Blessed Virgin Mary terminated her earthly life at Ephesus, to which she is said to have followed St. John the Apostle after the death of the Saviour. Ephesus pos- Foresters Slate Session In Columbus Dec. 8 anti 9 The Ohio State Court officers of the Catholic Order of Foresters will hold their semi-annual busi ness meeting at the Neil House, Columbus, Saturday, Dec. 8, and Sunday, Dec. 9. Thomas S. Burns of Cincinnati, State Chief Ranger, will preside, and Albert A. Horstman of Day ton, High Court Vice Chief Ranger, will take part in the sessions. Plans for the Foresters Ohio State convention, to be held in Colum bus next June, will be discussed. Youth Council Brings Christ to Marketplace gBt fmjk Groups from the Catholic Youth Council's Central Deanery unit cooperated to enter this float in the an nual CITIZEN Christmas parade, the only entry in the entire parade to strike a religious note. In back of the Nativity tableau is a group singing Christmas carols. The CYO Choristers and the CYO Play makers took part In planning and in staffing.the float, which was applauded by sidewalk watchers and television viewers. Although It was the third year the council joined in the parade, this was the first year it entered a float of its own. s Last Home by Scientist It was a church Virgin sesses the most ancient dedicated to Mary. the Blessed custom ir to erect a ancient church Christendom over the burial place a saint. Since we cannot speak of a “tomb” of Our Lady, who was assumed to heaven, the church at Ephesus was most likely built jver the site of her last earthly dwelling place, the professor reasons. It was because of this old Marian tradition that the third Ecumencial Council, which defined the Divine Matern ity of the Blessed Virgin Mary against the Nestorian heresy, was convoked at Ephesus in 431. Sister Catherine Emmerich, an Augustin ian Religious who died in 1824, claimed that she had a vision of the passing of the Blessed Virgin at Ephesus—a city completely un known to Sister Catherine, who had received no education. All this strongly suggests that Our Lady’s last abode on earth was at Ephes us, Professor Massignon con cludes. Concerning the tomb of St. Mary Magdalene, the professor has come to the conclusion that it is to be found under the entrance of a cave where seven Christian youths were buried alive during the persecu tions of the Roman Emperor Dec ius (249 251) for having refused to worship idols. Their feast is cele brated in the western ritual on July 27 and even the Koran cele brates the faith of these Martyrs. Another tradition holds that the Dormition shrine in Jerusalem marks the place where the Blessed Virgin died. -----------------o------------------ Si. Thomas Parish Plans Fall Festival on Dec. 15 St. Thomas’ church, Cassady and Fifth avenues, Columbus, will spon sor its annual fall festival Sat., Dec. 15, in the school hall begin ning with a supper at 6 p. m. Fea tures will include games and at tractive merchandise. Committee heads include Mrs. Henry Trapp, Mrs. Carl Raymer, Mrs. Anthony Schilling, and Mrs. Frank Baumbasch. Holy Name men will have charge of the games. —o .....— Aquinas Alumni Io Meet The Aquinas Alumni association will meet Monday, Dec. 10, at 7:30 p. m. in the Neil House, Columbus, to plan the organization’s annual New Year’s Eve party. George J. Igel is president of the association. Bill Stein is chair man of the committee for the event, and Larry Franks is ticket chairman. .——-----------o------———— Father Eichner Dies DAYTON, 0—(NC) The Rev. Charles Eichner, S.M., president of the University of Dayton from 1896 to 1902, when the school was known as St. Mary's, died Novem ber 21 at Mt. St. John, the provincial house of the Society of Mary near here. Fathei Eichner who, was born in Columbus, O., 90 years ago, studied and taught in France for 17 years. He had lived at Mt. St. John since his retire ment in 1940. FOX COAL CO. COAL -CINDERS LIMESTONE Driveway and Parking t.ot Grading PHONE 2032 108 W. Poplar Newark AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES, Inc. 11-15 S. 4th Newark, O. The WYETH-SCOTT Co Manufacturer! of Concrete Products Builder* Supplies NEWARK. OHIO Dixie Coal Yard Coal for every heating purpose Phone 6020 41 Stanberry St. Newark, O. Three Months I n Red Prison Kills Healthy Priest TOKYO (NC) Thre months in a communist prison was enough to kill one of Shanghai’s leading Chinese priests, according to ports reaching here. The name of the Sorbonne-edu cated priest was the latest to be in scribed on the lengthening roster of martyrs for the faith. "Put Your Duds in Our Suds" Liles Laundry 1011 Wert Rich St. AD. 1466 Insured CEMENT BRICK AND BLOCK USED LUMBER BUILDING MATERIALS AND S. G. (TEDO) LOEWEN DICK & SONS LINNVILLE ROAD PHONE 6164 ALTMEYER Service Station "Marathon Cat Gas" Granville & 6th Newark Sawyer's Market IN THE HEART OF THE CITY buyers NEWARK Deposits THE NEWARK TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Foods Quality Newark, Ohio 393 E. Main For Your Car Needs BEAVER AUTO STORE 62-64 E. Main St. Phone: 28232 NEWARK, OHIO **Th» Store That Diff^^rent,, FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES Sam Alban 57-59 W. Main St. Newark EGAN $ Funeral Home Ambulance Service Phone 3580 132 W. Church Newark George W. Arensberg PHARMACIST 176 Hudson A»a.. Newark. Ohio SPECIALIZING IN PRESCRIPTIONS Be Loyal To Our Advertisers MAKE RITCHEY Your Gift Slipper Headquarters Oh so comfortable RITCHEY BROS -ST- re- 46, he The Rev. Beda Chang, S.J., was robust and healthy when was imprisoned during the first week of August. But he died a veritable skeleton on Nov. 11 n the hands of the Red regime. Prison doctors reported to his Jesuit superiors that they were un able to diagnose the nature of Fa ther Chang’s illness. Your Friendly Neighborhood Grocer 25th YEAR C. O. FRUSH 129 Rose Hill Avenue DOLANS Clothing & Shoes 59 S. 3rd St. Newark, O. Ted's Jewelry Newark 7 Union St. Phone 49242 TRADE WITH THE ROE EMERSON Ritchey Bros, has an unusually fine line of slippers for the holi day season. Give the practical gift that’s always a favorite. STORE CLOTHES—HATS—FURNISHINGS SHOES 11 "S” West Side Square. Newark Ths Lad'a Store as Well as Dad’s Swanks Market OPEN SUNDAYS Phone 32151 45 Granville Newark THE HUB The Busy Store Men's and Boys' Clothing NEWARK, OHIO RUGG MOTORS PONTIAC SALES & SERVICE W. Main St. Newark. Ohio COMPLETK LOCK ANP KEY SKRVICK FINE SHOES “Shoes for Every Member of the Family^' 200 E. STATE ST. 1374 GRANDVIEW AVE. EG AN-RYAN FUNERAL SERVICE BROAD St. at CLEVELAND Ave. Our 91 st Year Barring ths Catholic fsmiliss ft Contra) Ohio. New Parking Lot AMBULANCES MA. 6665 MA. 6666 GUIDE Sorvies Interritr The Park National Bank OF NEWARK BORDEN'S Dairy & Ice Cream Co. Phone 4053 Leo Reichert Complete Insurance Service Tel. 6867 42 8. Sth St. Newark ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Is Our Busmen The Black Top Co. Phone 6072 Newark. Ohio Arcade Drug Store 33 N. 3rd St. Newark “Where you are always welcome’ The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage in the different lines MAIN AT Aread! Annas. Newark 141 Everett Ave. Newark, Ohio of business. Gebhart's Dairy Quality Paiteurned dairy product! Homogenixed milk with Vitamin added 442 Cedar Creat Ara. Newark, O Phone 42233 HORNER'S NEWARK PAINT CO. Distributor! DEAN and BARRY High Grade Painti Practical Painta for Al) Purposes Imperial Washable Wallpaper 38 W. Church St. Phone ISS4 Newark Ohio NEWARK SHEET METAL Roofing Spouting Heating 24-Hour Service MATESICH DIST. AGENCY Budweiser Wiedemann's Red Top Gibson's Wine Phone 3397 Zanesville, Ohio