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2 Chaplains Needed WASHINGTON (NC) Sixty five priests are needed to fill chap lain vacancies in inactivated Na tional Guard units, according to officials of the Department of De fense here. Currently 61 priest chaplains, none of whom are in Korea, are serving with activated Guard units. CHEVROLET Ce'uabu* Molt Modern Garage Tour Chevrolet Dealer 555 Broad St. FLETCHER 1555 I If. RELIGIOUS ART PRAYE I A 20 5 tAST BROAD STREET unit* five cooking economical, durable! Exposes Tito's (Continued from Page 1) in the woods, or theirs in Zagreb? Is it at all possible to serve two masters? That cannot be accord ing to Catholic morals, the law of the nations and common sense. We could not ignore the authority here, even if it were Ustasha .” Was Archbishop Stepinac a “col laborator” with the nazis when, in 1942, he drew their ire with the following trenchant words: “All nations and all races have their or igin from God. Every nation and every race on the face of the earth today has a right to live and to be treated as equals in a manner be fitting human dignity. Everyone, without exception, whether they he gypsies or Negroes from Africa or white Europeans, whether they be detested Jews or haughty Ary ans, everybody possesses the same right to say: Our Father Who art in Heaven. And that is why the Catholic Church has always con demned. as she condemns today, every injustice, and every violence committed in the name of class or race or nationality. It is not per mitted to exterminate gypsies and Jews because they are considered to be of an inferior race.” Because of this and scores of similar statements which incurred the wrath of Pavelic and Hitler, the Holy See was petitioned three times by the nazis and the Ustashi to remove the Archbishop from his See. It is ironic that the present dictator of Yugoslavia shares Hit ler’s view about Archbishop Ste panic. To the charge of Tito that Arch bishop Stephanie caused the “forc ible conversion” of Orthodox peo ple to the Catholic faith, there is abundant documentation testifying to the Archbishop’s protest to the Croatian war time regime that “on- 10 Gift Suggestions FOR CHRISTMAS Gifts for every name on your Christmas List are now on display at the shop. We are listing ten items to give you some idea of available variety and price range. Come in while stocks are ample and avoid disappointment. Individually framed prints of Old World Masters ....................... ............ $ 5.00 Medal and Chain for Men in Service .............. ............. 3.00 Hand Carved Statue of Blessed Mother ................ .............. 17.50 Hand carved miniature Crib Set ............. ............. 3.00 21-pc. Nativity Set, hand decorated ....................... ............. 15.00 Imitation of Christ (gift odition) ............ 2.50 Bible, genuine leather cover ............... ............. Rosary, black indestructable ............. ............. 2.50 Student's Rosary, colored glass ............. .............. 1.00 Rosary, rock crystal with sterling chain and Crucifix .......... .............. 10.00 TO FIT YOUR BUDGET STEWARDESS RANGE OF course, it's electric I Chock full of wonderful tea tures! Full-size electric range with lots of storage space! All at a budget price! with waist-high nuperbrotler' A Thrift Cwtef—built-in, six quart size! N»-S*uin Ovan Vant—traps grease and oven vapors, saves kitchen walls and curtains! GA. 2195 Com* in todayl Left talk about a General Electric Range for your homel HOERHILE'S PRAYER BOOKS ROSARIES GREETING CARDS BOOKS GREI Opposite The Cathedral /, Opposite G-E Speed-Coofa'ng MAIN $229’5 Only ijoo 1894 PARSONS AVE, Authorized dealer GENERAL^ ELECTRIC RANGES ®°wn A0.r GA. 2196 It Is a matter structions from forced conversions and cautioned against the use of schismatic churches or furnishings unless they had been 1-------- property of the Catholic Church. leased” 8.50 in piLon for his faith, is also re-1 Ohio politics.” our people grow up with a of reverence and dedication mighty God." All 13 members of the Board of Regents, among them Protestants. Catholics and Jews, joined in the formal statement of policy. It was adopted after several months of discussion. Their suggested prayer al start of each school day was: mighty God, we acknowledge dependence upon Thee, and we beg I Thy blessings upon us. our parents, our teachers and our country." Favorable reactions to the Reg ents’ recommendation came from clergymen in New York State. However, Joseph Lewis, president of the Freethinkers of America, is sued a statement threatening legal action where the proposal is put into effect. And Arthur Cromwell nf Pultneyville, NY., self styled free-thinker and father of Mrs. Vashti McCollum, said the Regents disregarded the Supreme Court's McCollum decision This decision, resulting from leg al action brought hy Mrs McCol lum against the Champaign (III.) school hoard, held that religion might not be taught on school prop erty. Mr. Cromwell said the Regents'’ LANCASTER -A new chapel and a baptistry will be added to St. Mary’s church here in a program of alterations that also will include restoration of the exterior of the 1 building to its original appearance. The baptistry will be added to ROMM and SlCHEl, Inc THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FiRIDAY, DECEMBE Lies I Bigotry I Holy Name ly those could be received into the) (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) Church who, without having been|Mr Taft his |arge vote in Ohio.”| tifical Mass in St. Joseph Cathedral subjected to force of any kind.I Mr siiarpe said his cfeunh civic I Saturday morning, opening the p.. 2 I- A V x-.y-.M rxf kmr nii-rt I I free will, after having become con vinced in their own mind that the Catholic Church Church.” might be converted of their ownl league opposed the injection of the |one-day convention. is the only true religious issue into the campaign.] “No Catholic is a Catholic for Mr. Stoneburner’s letter to his I himself alone.” he said. “Christian fellow minister said ‘it should be [solidarity has so knitted his soul iknown that Mr. Joseph Ferguson, [with the souls ot those with whom RnmlC0JnnrUmn»H lwb° is running against Senator |he lives that his individual life Rome condemned IRobfrt A Taft -s ^oman cath- [necessarily acts and reacts on olic." |them.” “Knowing the efforts of the I The thought that we incessant formerlv thePonian Catholic Church to get an |^’belp or hinder the Church in her y ■official representative to the Vati- niisiion of salvation and sanctifica can and its efforts to get public aid t*on be an incentive, Msgr. for parochial schools,” it added, «i| O’Donnell continued, to give to Further evidence of Archbishop Stepinac’s unequivocal opposition to forcible conversion of any per son or fact that on July 16, 1941, he sent his delegate, Canon Loncar, to the Croatian minister of justice pro-) Congressman, Edward Breen, is) begin to have a tangible notion of testing against any use of violence)Roman Catholic and that he favors)the’ life and mission of the Church in bringing about conversions. [public aid for parochial schools.” jhe interests of the Church Ithought it equitable to pass this in-l^r. 1,vcs thc'J, PUr?t°Sf’ r'grou^^fu^ishcd^by Thc^™«Uon on t0 bat it is I J™ Jour Of course you know that our[as an active vital member that we The claim of Tito that religious) In addition to the atatement of [become our interests, her sorrows freedom exists in Yugoslavia today) religious affiliations of the various) our sorrows, her struggles our hardly squares with the evidence [candidates, Dr. Lamb identified a) struggles, her triumphs our tri at hand. Is religion free in a coun-|telegram sent out to Protestant)umphs.” try where every Catholic charity)pastors urging them to get out the| Msgr. O’Donnell pointed out that has been suppressed, where the) Protestant vote. |“our value as a soldier of Christ, Catholic Press has been practically) This lejegram was finanCed Drlour worth as a member of Christ’s wiped out, where soldiers are not amb said bv a corporation kr own| church depends upon our own permitted to go to church? as lhe SpirjtuaI Mobilization, of sanctity of life.” “The power of our Is religion free in a country I which the Rev. James J. Fifield,| Sood ®xamPle- lhe sincerity of our where hundreds of priests are land Jr of Los Angeles is the head Dr |prayers our untirin2 work for His guishing in underground prisons a^b sajd Fifield sent a check! church are a11 strengthened and where thousands of Sisters have|for somp $2 700 to pav for 3 44al suPported by the power of grace‘ been expelled from their convents.l tclcgrams th’at were Mnt out We labor these days then to make then arrested and cynically dasst-l described Spiritual Mobilization asl ?urs'lve! m”re cap*b.le °f P.romo1 fled as "vagrants” wtth no visible! composed „f aboul 17 000 Pr„lcst I mg among dll men this kingdom ot means of supportand sentenced Io I minlslcrs ,nd hc didn.t knowl forced labor on the roads and in |. ia™n„ In outlining the nature of the the mines? how many laymen to mobilize the National Councj| of Catholic Men I spii itual forces of the church, and| me, LirUv VatSar’c Does “freedom of religion ex-| presumably the Protestant church I Mr W,,rk Quoted the Holy bathers let in a land where men who nro-l esumaDly ine rrotestant cnurcn.l statement that “Your contribution ist in a land where men uno pro i for purposes of stemming the en-|lo thp pausp of christ wiH hp in fess their religious convictions are| proaphmpnf nf rnmmnnicm fa« I1.0 ine tause 01 vnr,sl W1H De in broken on the rack of nsyeholoEi-l croachn\ent of oommuni!sm. ias-|f]irPCt proportion to the strength ca Im lure’ psychologt 1 and collecttvism of your o» n federation,” and the No amount of nronacanda bvl Dr /'tonoburne- told the Sen-| statement of the American Bishops Tito or hit•minion-can .Re-the ators,tbat “background motiva- ]as( April fha( ..Never before fact that there is persecution of| °n 101 hlS lp,ter bis the history of the Church has the u Ju pprsptunon 011 ministers was the pre occupation! necd for N(TM been ereater” the Church in Migoslavia-a per- Protes(anfs fpp| ovpf proposals sccution that remains bitter. wide-| ,. ,1 VVO,K poiniea out inai anui spread and murderous regardlessbend a C-S. rhplomat.c representa- ation with NCCM does not mean of attempts hy Tito's apologists to| lve to ?e.VatJCa? and t0 cx ,end|‘ joining another organization,” but explain it away. So long as this)t0 paro ’hia| schools certain things) that it does afford reliable infer situation obtains the words of| no.w ^nJoyed on,y bV ,he publicl mation on current issues, repre Au hbishop Stepinac throw a clari-p chools mentation on national committees, fving light on the real situation in Yugoslavia: “I do not want to leave the pris on until every Bishop, every priest. I -0- I..1VOI.K” I 3 VCII""'1""*"1’""'. ((nt1 n 11 pel from Pzipp 111 u Spokesmen for the New Citv Board nf Education expressed I approval of the Regents' proposal tr onuniieo nom rage u cern was felt. He was asked why| n. more vital than ever before thatlu uu r. I homes. During the first ten VVCI ui-iutt ho had nnt inriinrmd into Mr hnrnn.l schools.‘ Dr. Lamb said he has been head! and the opportunity to “make Cath of the Ohio Council of Churches! olic Action a true instrument of for 32 years “and 1 have never! the Bishops.” ,.riJ known a time when the religious) 0----------------- every layman who is now suffering I issue was not very prominent ini VI7/’ Werner—Hazen Werner is the first 11 name on the list—but I understand hy telephone conversation from| S Eversull that most of the wording) of that telegram came from Fi-| field." Identifying the names of those) who signed the telegram. Dr. Lamb| told Senator Monroney: “Hazen G.| I Werner, is Bishop of he Methodist Church of Ohio Arthur Clippinger| I is Bishop oi the United Evangelical| Church Henry W. Hobson is Bish-| op of the Southern Diocese of the| Episcopal Church Joseph H. Lloyd| is a was, head tion prominent Congregational minister) of Cleveland, A Waid Applegate) is probably the most outstanding) 11 suggestion “is onlv a plan to boot' leg religion into the schools underl the guise of fighting Commun ism.” In New York the State Constitu tion bars teaching nf religion the public schools, but it is said the Scriptures arc read at many schools. pastor in Youngstown, whol I think, at that time at the! I of the Ohio Baptist Conven-I I Miles H. Krumbine is a very I maker clergyman in Ohio ArnoldF 1 E Klick is a very prominent cler gyman of the Evangelical Reform cd Church I incoln Long is an outstanding clergyman from the Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati, and he is the man who engineered all this as a member of the Board of this Spiritual Mobilization Phil Porter is an Episcopal minister of A State Education DepartmentL spokesman uM mdondnal school I”'1""- J"" hav' lol1 boards would make the final deci-l‘V0U wlw I am, sion on adopting the Regents'! plan Race Bigotry Lancaster Church |[n (j. Echoes Plans Additions. Exterior Renewal Over Africa NEW YORK—(NC)—“Every re port of racial discrimination here echoes all over the vast continent of Africa,” the Rev. Richard C. Lawlor, S.J., told members of the Catholic Interracial Council and the Catholic Laymen’s Union at the north aide of the church the Itheir Communion breakfast here. nW chapel, to be built on the I south side near the entrance, v ill "Not on,y your Prayers and I tributtons but also what you do accommodate mothers and small I about race prejudice are most tm childicn during servic es I portant for the future of the The Rev Julian .1 Schaefer, pas I Church in Africa.” Father Lawlor tor. said that porches nt brick with I declared. -.tone pillat s also will be construct An associate editor of America, ed over both north and south doorlthe Jesuit is also an authority on entrances I mission work in Africa. There, he The exterior of the 87-year-oldI declared, communists are making church will be sand-blasted, point effective use of news of race prej ed, and sealed. |udice in the United States. Christian Brother^ CALIFORNIA $•)» H»w York, N Y O HI S"- frowoee C»l 1 I yv Mr. Stoneburner was reminded! ___ ____ that he had limply said Mr. Eersu ,,.„m ",H .nl'hn'±Jr",n’,h^',''„..... I I 1 I ’a “"‘land plar-ed (hem under his stand on the two issues about which so much con-| sen'll br had no' inqu,rpd int0 Mr‘ re £*H©f the present year (1951) the Atls,,ns s,and on these issues. Fhe| I.pau to Al-| minister replied that he had not lthp^ v |'n9lJ red' and because “I thought w|jj|e 01 I had sufficient ground to presume| that he would follow a line.” I „mj| hpmp5 „r lnslllu,ion,careOuter I I iPturncd 173 to their own ,, I two thirds of these children came Asked ri would not have been f,om Franklin mintv anrl nnP. Mg to ascertain Mr Ferguson s ,h|rr| frnm thp n.hAS in thP views on the issues before «endmg othpr col,ntlps of the Diocese, nev out the letter, Mr. Stoneburner tipa||v evprv rish Phed that “perhaps that wou!dL the Diocese was represented in have been better procedure. |(hf phUdren who undpr .. In his testimony Dr. I amb said| •A) |*hat “the wording of that telegram| "|came to me through Dr. Eversull.|’ °l" Ml was slightly changed hy| monthsBu removed 150 children from own homes into foster care it returned 138 children to own homes. Approximately ‘137s’ 19 5 1 7 Putnam, New ESA lead, Is Catholic SPRINGFIELD. Mass. (NC)— Roget Lowell Putnam, who has tak en office as Economic Stabilization Administrator in Washington ’o lead the fight against inflation, was received into the Catholic Church in England in 1344, while serving a Lieutenant Commander in the as bilitics to the Body of the Church Have money for Christmas 1952 ironderfid best loved for the future! Fw the anchanUd peasant... thrilling beauty, supetb lasts, •verlasting accuracy... and you know the distinctive Hamilton you give today will be just as precious for all the days to come. It’s a MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ‘225 U S. Navy. This was disclosed here by his wife, Mrs. Caroline Jenkins Pu nam. a direct descendant nf Charles Carroll. Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence The Putnams have six children. One of them is Mother Caioltne Putn-’m. a Religious of the Sacred Heart. Mr. Putnam succeeds Eric John ston as ESA head. Christmas [|lub Join our CHRISTMAS CLUB now! 'grand and glorious feeling” to receive a check just in time for the holidays and substantial year-end expense ... and YOU can have that happy experience next year if you join our 1952 Christmas Club now and SAVE. Just corhe in, select the amount you wish to save and place your name on this care-free, thrifty list of systematic savers. You’ll find that this is the best way to meet the problem posed by unusual Christmas money demands each year I The OhicfNational Bank Federal Deposit Insurance Up to $10,DM for Each Depositor BUDGET TERMS 49 N. High St New Canon Law School Set VATICAN CITY—(NC)—A MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION LOMNH 17 jewels. 4 diamonds. 14K wh. gold case. 18K gold numerals, dots. jewels I8K natural gold case I8K (bid nutkeis end Julies 17 jewels. Natural gold Mled case niwr dial. Columbus, Ohio USE OUR DIVIDED PAYMENT PLAN new practical school of Canon Law on Religious has been established here by the Sacred Congregation of the Affairs of Religion. It will be devoted to specialized training in applying Canon Law to the af fairs of Religious and in the pro cedures of the Congregation in making these applications. ...IAURII 17 jewels. 14K natural gold Black numerals Md 18K gold dots. i...B«Y» 17 jewels, Natl gold Bllad ease. UK gold aumerals on sUtti (Ml 17 jewels. Natural w ft white gold-ltiUd. ISK gold fiiwah, dots. 17 jewels Niti gold* W tilled «». JBK gold numeuis and dots. 66 grnat laclutM T» AD. 9484