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■W, TRENOR MOTOR SALES Dodge Plymouth Used Cars Trucks 3241 N. High Street, Columbus, LA. 1115 Three Reasons—Why You Should Save Here HEADQUARTERS FOR NATIONALLY ADVERTISED HOME FURNISHINGS SPEND WISELY Call experience. Paid. Convenient—centrally located. 60 E. Broad St. -PA&&6AD0 Braad St. AD. 5810 AD. 6342 «. a. wild. r™. o. a. TorxcM.s. a~r. THE HERMAN FALTER PACKING CO. PORK AND BEEF PRODUCTS Greenlawn Avenue COLUMBUS, OHIO Fire-Proof Construction, Inc. QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS 880 W. Third Avenue UN. 1126 UN.1127 NO SHOES IN THE WORLD LIKE THESE! COMFORT THAT CAN'T BE COPIED Wright Areh Preserver, shoes for mon Selby Areh Proserver, Styl-eez end Ground-Gripper for wm.«b Specialized fitting service. We Specialize in All Sizes of Stoker Coal for Domestic and Steam Purposes The Big Mountain Coal Company GA. 1112 ROBERTS7 PLUMBING COMPANY PLUMBING & STEAM FITTING 1574 E. Main St. FA. 2146 Columbus, Ohio KI. 1136 For Estimates on all Your Lumber Needs SPECIAL MILLWORK FINE INTERIORS CABINET WORK V sw'’ SHOES A.D.7443 44 E. Broad Street Largest Retail lard in City Quality Coal and Coke Complete Home Furnisher* EASY TERMS FRIENDLY SERVICE Nelson FURNITURE CO. Main and Fourth, Columbus "G/asses that Satisfy" OHIO STATE OPTICAL CO. Complete Manufacturing Facilities Prompt Repair Service Artificial Eyes Fitted Glass or Plastic MA. 3697 146 East State St. COLUMBUS, OHIO ... ......... THE GRANDVIEW LUMBER CO 1401 Goodale STORM SASH STORM DOORS INSULATION 4 I -J1 4 K. of C. in Marion Sponsor Memorial For Five,W ho Died MARION Memorial services for members whose deaths occur red during the year were conduct ed at a meeting of Marlon Council. Knights of Columbus, last week. The memorial address was givAi by the Rev. Robert Von Kaenel, pastor of Si. Mary Church. Piqua, and a member of the local conn cil. Presiding for the ritual were Francis McDaniel, grand knight: Charles Simonis, deputy grand knight: Robert Murphy, chancel lor George Baron, warden, and John Mahoney, recorder. A talk also was given by the Very Rev. William J. Spickerman, V. F.. pastor of St. Mary Church. Members who died during the year are: Charles McDonough, Benjamin Ransome. John Von Kaenel, Maurice O'Connor and Henry Yochem. The eulogy for Mr. McDonough was given by Thomas E. Andrews. Benjamin Ransome by Joseph Dunn, John Von Kaenel by Michael O’Brien, Maurice O’Con nor by Floyd Comely and Henry Yochem by L. A. Axe. Aovena Devotions to Infant Jesus of Prague ST. LADISLAUS' CHURCH COLUMBUS EVERY WEDNESDAY 7:30 St. Ladinlaua la located at 277 Raab Avenue and within easy walking: dis tance of th* Pareena Avenue hue and the So. Rirh Street bu». Planning Diocesan Television Series While a TV camera records the session, Right Rev. Msgr. Roland T. Winel, secretary to Bishop Ready, and Edward Brunson, Station Manager of W8NS-TV, discuss the television series to be presented over that station under the auspices of the Diocese of Columbus on four successive Sundays, beginning Dec. 9, from 2:30 until 3 p. m. Msgr. Winel is in charge of the series, designed to emphasize the true mean ing of the Advent-Christmas cycle. MENTOR. O. t\C) By switch ing hours the local school board has forced Catholics to suspend af ter school hours religion classes in Mentor public schools. By a vole of 3 to 2. the school board restricted the use oi school buildings for religious instruction to ‘’after 6 p. m.” Since pupils are spread over a v ide area and Men tor has no public transportation system, the ruling made the hold ing of classes impossible. The result was that St. Mary’s parish, which has no school and .ihich had sponsored religion class 's for Catholics attending the pub ic schools, abandoned plans to re sume (he classes this term. The school board s president. Dr. R. M. Fagan, said the reason for the boards action was that Prot estant children “felt left out-’ be cause no classes were held for them. Protestants last year failed to take advantage of a school board invitation that they also hold re ligious classes in the schools after school hours. —----------------o------------------ II RS II ill Ansiver Italian Appeal NEW YORK—(NO—An urgent appeal from Rome lor assistance for victims of the Po River valley flood victims in Italy has been re ceived here at the headquarters of War Relief Services National Catholic Weilar Conference. The U. S. relief agency has urg ed parishes throughout the nation currently engaged in the WRS— N.C.W.C. Thanksgiving clothing campaign to speed up work in col lecting and shipping of materials in order to meet the urgency ol the Italian situation. SAVE 25-752 i On nationally'known tools, hardware, housewares, chino, lawnfurnituro, lawn and garden tools. These LOW, LOW Prices are Possible Only by Quick Turnovers’ DRIVE A LITTLE-SAVE A LOT BARGAIN BARN 3481 West BROAD ST. OPED 7 DATS A WEEK 9 TO 9 THE CATHOLIC TIMES. FRIDAY. DEGE E 7 1951 I ital Role of Music In Church Stressed At Convention Here The vital role ol music in the hie of the Church was undciscored in Columbus last week when several hundred Catholic music teachei assembled lor a meeting ol (he Ohio unit of the National Cath ulic Music Education Association. Bishop Ready celebrated Pontifi cal Mass in St. Joseph Cathedral last Friday to open the convention. Alter the Mass he reminded the teachers that congregational sing ing should be the ordinary prac tice, not an extraordinary oc currence. Retelling to the singing of the Mass by 700 school children, he said it was only what the Hol. Father had stressed in his recent (11 io School Board I ses Trick To End Religion Classes W- encyclical on the liturgy, “Medi ator Dei.” He suggested to the children that thev sing in church on Sun day when the choir sings, setting a good example for the rest of the congregation. In his sermon at the Mass, the Very Rev. James J. McLarney, O P. of St. Joseph Priory, Somer set. pointed out that while the pur pose of the -on vent ion was to “make better music teachers oi Catholics,-’ “we come here with a more fundamental purpose to make better Catholics of our music teachers.” Father McLarney urged the teachers to “sing and understand the Lord in the unspotted way." “It we would perfect praise in the mouths of babes,-’ he told them, “we must become ourselves little children, or we cannot enter into that kingdom where the harmonies ol angels are hushed at the Mag nificat of an Immaculate Queen.” the finest beer ever brewed CIAIH RICH TASTE RICH COLUMBUS’ MOST MODERN filtfWEIty RUC Sizing that makes rugs as they were when new BINDING REPAIRING LAYING SERG1NG SEWING GUARANTEED MOTHPROOFING RAINS 506 Cline St. GA 8395 COLUMBUS, OHIO Foreign New* 7 ieker 7 ape A n*u law has been enacted in Czechoslovakia which formally ex presses the determination of the Reds to make all chools verse the communist regime The "closed shop-’ principle wax approved by the Church, declares Father Thom as Fitzgerald, national chaplain of the Association of Catholic Trade Unionists in England. He said that the Medieval guilds were run on the closed shop principle and no body could practice his craft un less he belonged to the appropriate guild The wife of Sir Ronert Biooke Popham, British air mar hal, has been received into the Church. He is a Prote«tan» The Bishop of Barcelona, Spain, ha* asked for the construction of new housing to accommodate pil grims to the International Eucha ristic Congress ne*t May. and says that the homes can be- turned over to needy families after the con gress ... A nun famed over the world as a pioneer in child guid ance has died in Gia gow at the age of 75. She was Sister Marie Hilda, handicapped by deafness throughout life and the founder of one of Scotland’s first child guidance clinics Two students have been condemned to d^ath and all schools conducted by nuns have been attacked in a Red trial in Warsaw The Red General Nam II of North Korea is still silent about the fate of missionarie taken prisoner in the summer of 1950 Pope Pius XII has blessed the "Campaign for Souls’’ of the Diocese of San Diego. -It is a di ocesan-wide effort to obtain con verts Pope Pius XII praised the United Nations Food and Agri culture Organization (FAO) sav ing that it gives the world a great lesson in courage-’ The remains of Blessed Pius will find their final resting place beneath the al tar of the Chapel of the Presents tion. the second on the left side of St. Peter's Basilica after the ban tistry f. The Diocese of Wol longong has been established in Australia with Bishop Thomas Mc Cabe as its first Ordinary Re ligious books seized by the Czech Reds will he sold abroad to pro vide money for their regime The Sacrament of Confirmation was administered to 304 Korean prisoners of war on a recent visit by Bishop George M. Carroll of the Pyongyang Vicariate. They had been drafted info the Red army Chinese prisoners are report ed throwing over communism and are pleading not to be sent back to Red China from prisoner of war camps in Korea The Medical Mission Sisters are opening a new novitiate in India. They now have five hospitals in India and Pakistan A diocesan Family Rosary Cru sade in Melbourne, Australia, was climaxed by the attendance of 80.000 at a Rosary demonstration HARRY WELLNITZ Concrete & Cinder Building Units 4”-6” 8”-12” sizes STEEL SASH 231 N. Princeton RA 2-2641 1930 X--. 4* V -7 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED C. w. PFEF1ERLE Optwmefriwt 1H4S Parsonx GA See the Hanna Dealer in Your Commu* nity HANNA PAINT MFG. COMPANY 95 W. Ixinit Street ATTHESIGS OF THF GIANT PAINTt* PERPETUAL NOVENA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Every Tuesday 7:30 p.m. St. Christopher’s Church Grandview & Ida Ambulance PREPRINTING COL 455 £. MAIN ST. AD.-483I ftff' COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE AD 3943 AD 5999 Mav They Rest In Peace KORN Theodore 70. of 1057 Gratn street. Zanesville, Nov 28. St. Nicholas church Survivors his wife Fffie a son a daughter and two sisters. MICHAEL, Chester, of ChHh cothe, Nov. 30. St. Mary s church. MARCH Miss Clara, 72, nf 798 E. Main street, Columbus Dec. 1, St. John the Evangelist church. Survivors: a brother and an aunt. KIR VEN. Frank, 58. of 366 Oak land Park avenue, Columbus, Dec. 1, Immaculate Conception church Survivors: his wife, Arema a bro ther and sister. KARSHNER Walter. 59, of 1120 E. 21st avenue. Columbus, Dec. 1, St. Patrick's church. Survivors: his wife. Anne two daughters: one brother and a sister. KELLY. Miss Ruth, 55, of 422 E. 5th avenue, Lancaster, Nov. 29. St. Mary’s church. Survivors: her sis ter. CUNNINGHAM, Mrs. Mary. 44. of 1324 Goodale boulevard, Colum bus. Dec. 1, St. John the Baptist church. Survivor*: her husband Frank: a son and a daughter. WAHI., Aloysius. 56. of 1809 Mt. Vernon road. Newark, Dec. 1. St Francis de Sale': church. Survivors: his wife Hilda a son and three sisters. O LEARY. Mrs. Daniel, of Chilli cothe. Nov. 28. St. Peter’s church. MILLER. August. 46. of 454 Thurman avenue. Columbus. Nov. 30. St. Lens church Survivors: his wife. Rose: three sisters and six brothers. ENZ. Mrs. Margaret. 92. of 1412 E. Hudson street Columbus, Dec. 3, St. Augustine’s church Sur vivors: two sons, four daughters, a brother and sister. McNAMEE. John. 90. of 413G S. 3rd street. Columbus. Nov. 29. Holy Cross church. Survivors: two niec es and a nephew. HANGS. Edward. 69. of 288 Church street, Chillicothe. Nov. 28. St. Peter's church. Survivors: Communists are ordered to seize control of the British laboi patty with Troian Hoi-r tac tics, the London Daily Worker says. 1/CIIV l\ I HOMELIKE .n 24 E. Third Ave. Columbus, Ohio GA S909 Office two sisters, a brother and two nieces and nephews PORKONE. Jacob. 881 Sunbury road, Columbus, Nov 28 Holy Cross church. Survivors: two daughters and a son. UNITED REFRIGERATOR SERVICE 581 W. Town St. MA. 4231 Frigidaire and T)ler Refrigeration Equipment Sales and Service T. M. SHEEDY PAVING CONTRACTOR Asphalt and Concrete Spraying Driveways 42* Seihten Si. AD. 4552 MAEDER-QUINT C*U fcL, l«2» Frr«b Flwen .. Furt JUh.ery I STtMMft 1H5 N. HtSH ST. $175 Per Month and Up is starting salary for graduates oi the only authorized Comp tometer School Columbus. Short inexpensive course of in dividual instruction day or evening classes. Free lifetime employment through any of our 150 schools. The Comptometer School MA. 2670 S11 Hartman Theater Bldg. MELCHER FUNERAL HOME PORTSMOUTH, O. AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT 1417 Offnere Street Dial 2-3191 FUNERAL HOME 2333 N. HIGH ST. AT PATTERSON UN. 6371 Ambulance NEW 1951 CADILLAC AMBULANCE NOW IN SERVICE 405 E. TOWN ST., COLUMBUS FUNERAL PARLORS 1068 SO. HIGH ST. PHONE GA. 3011 Formerly Arthur H. Maeder A Co. Just North of Greenlawn Ave. EST. 1870 LEO F. HAAG FUNERAL HOME GA. 4569 McNAMARA FUNERAL HOME A Catholic funeral Home Upholding Calholip Ideals, Following Catholic Principles WILLIAM J. SIMONS ILXLRAL HUME 1188 SOUTH HIGH STREET (Gates and High Street) COLUMBUS UN SS GA 8169 Residence