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Be Loyal To Our Advertisers HITS T^S.P0! DIXIE IS MADE FRESH DAILY IN COLUMBUS EIGIN DELUXE 7 Jewels Sister Who Served Here Observes Golden Jubilee Sister Natalia, who was stationed at St. Francis hospital, Columbus, for 12 years recently celebrated the golden jubilee of her profes sion in the Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis at the headquarters of the congregation in Cincinnati. 1 7^00^ A native of Cincinnati, Sister Natalia is a sister of the late Archbishop Francis J. L. Beckman of Dubuque, la. -----------------o----------------- Nun Visits Dover Home Sister Maria Thecla Hisrich. teacher at Sacred Heart high school, Pittsburgh, returned there after spending Thanksgiving with her father, Henry Hisrich, of 411 Walnut street, Dover, and other relatives. CHEAPER l«a« Your LAUNDRY BUNDLE of up to 9 POUNDS Picked Up*- AAP WASHED—DRIED U||V and Delivered Aw ww Done all by itaelf—a TROY EXCLUSIVE! Bundles over lbs, same service, 10c pound! AD. 7231 our 100 Agencies THE WATCH WITH THE HEART THAT SEVER BREAKS y/s figin deluxe Jewels $49.75 ^57.50 71 E. Gay Street Columbus, Ohio Open Monday and Thursday evenings until Christmas Duncan Phyfe style cocktail table a top combined with genuine mahogany. Both useful and beautiful in your living room The size 36x19 and 17 high........... Mersman tables n washing ti -a hn a® TROY Every new Elgin, end only Elgin, has the Dura Power Mainspring guar anteed to never break. Prices include Federel To* $1.00 DOWN Reserves Your Choice gleaming glass your rooms. Like costume jewelry keep your home in up-to-the-minute fashion, with smart mahogany finish, on our floor for you to see. modest price. 24” touches of they come are here to add STORE HOURS-MONDAY AND THURSDAY 12:30 TO 9 There will be an entertainment and singing of Christmas carols. Refreshments will be served by the mothers of the 5th and 6th grade students. An exchange of gifts will follow the program The PTA of Holy Family parish, Columbus, will sponsor a euchre party in the school basement Fri day. Dec. 7, at 8 p. m. The party is under the direction Insure Your Furniture House Automobile CALL Pauline R. Joyce MA. 3566 20 South Third St. Columbus Sheraton style pembroke table. fresh, sparkling beauty to in brilliant new styles to All in genuine mahogany These and other fine Mersman tables are We are sure they will please as will the Pageant Of Christmas Customs Scheduled For Deanery Meeting Discussing plans for the quarterly meeting of the Central Deanery, Columbus Council of Catholic Women, are, left to right, Mrs. Charles Hagerty, Mrs. J. Harold Breen, Miss Wilma Cassady, and Mrs. Robert R. Richards. P.T.A. NOTES The five deanery PTA chairmen will meet with the diocesan PTA consultant, the Rev. Paul O’Dea, and the diocesan PTA chairman. Mrs. Henry C. Hayes, at a luncheon in the Seneca Hotel, Saturday, Dec. 8, at 1 p. m., to discuss plans for the coming year. Deanery representatives attend ing the meeting will be: Mrs. Char les Casagram, New Philadelphia, northern deanery Mrs. C. H. Glov er, New Lexington, eastern dean ery Mrs. Lowell Armstrong, Chil licothe, southern deanery Mrs. Barbara Bany, Delaware, western deanery and Mrs. J. E. O’Leary, Worthington, central deanery. The mothers of the 6th grade pu pils of Holy Rosary parochial school will be hostesses at the Christmas luncheon to be given Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 1 p. m. in the school hall. A Christmas party will follow the short business meeting of the St. Mary’s parish PTA Thursday, Dec. 13, at 8 p. m. in the school hall. of the chairman, Mrs. David Wei ner. She will be assisted by Mrs. Mary Landry and Mrs. Charles Ca hill. Members of the PTA of St. Fran cis parish. Columbus, will hold a meeting Wednesday, Dec. 12. at 8 p. m. in the school hall. Over 100 pupils will participate in the Christmas program presented at this time. Mrs. Gallagher and Mrs. Unrue arc in charge of the hostesses. o----------------the To Give Retreat The Rev. Louis G. Weitzman, S. J. will conduct the final wom en’s retreat of 1951 at Lay Retreat House, St. Therese Shrine, 5277 E. Broad street, Columbus, Dec. 14-16. Professor of sociology at Xavier university, Cincinnati, Father Weitzman has given retreats in more than 60 Dioceses in the U.S. and Canada. He has taken grad uate studies at St Louis univer sity, the University of Chicago, Ber lin University, and the Catholic University of America, where he received a Doctor of Philosophy degree. iimiFirni iiBisim thus 261/2xl6x27 high, opens to 26¥2x36. One useful drawer. A dream beside your chair or as a pair to go with your sofa............................................ wnf OTHER DAYS 9:30 TO 5:30 THE CATHOLIC.TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7 19 5 1 95 The impact of Christmas on the cultures of many nations of the world will be dramatically shown at the quarterly meeting of the Central Deanery, Columbus Coun til of Catholic Women, Sunday, Dec. 9. at 2 m. in St. Christopher Parish auditorium, Columbus. Mrs. Alexander J. Glockner of Holy Name parish, Columbus, will preside at the business meeting of the group. After the meeting the demonstration of contributions by foreign lands to our celebration of Christmas will be presented under the direction of Mrs. August C. Mahr of Our Lady of Victory par ish, Columbus, Central Deanery chairman of the International Re lations committee. The program will be in the form of a playlet depicting a typical ses sion of a study clu on interna tional relations in which the Christmas customs of various na tions will be discussed by the fol lowing members: Holland—Miss Antoinette Low ery and Mrs. A. Vandekerkhoff of Holy Name parish, Columbus Italy—Mrs. Robert R. Richards of Sts. Simon and Jude parish. West Jefferson, and Mrs. S. Pre sutti of St. Agatha parish, Colum bus Germany—Mrs. Charles Hagerty of Our Lady of Peace parish, Co lumbus, and Miss Use Grat, Euro pean exchange student living here England—Mrs. Howard Huntz inger of Our Lady of Peace parish and Miss Annie McEwan of New man Hall, Columbus Austria—Miss Gertrude Fries of Vienna, a student of St. Mary of Springs Academy, and Miss Wilma Cassady of Holy Rosary parish, Columbus. Miss Jan Vitans of Latvia, now living in Cathedral parish, and Mrs. Richard H. Deibcl of Corpus Christi parish. Columbus, will de scribe Christmas in a concentra tion camp. Mrs. John Bennett of St. Francis parish and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mahr of Our Lady of Victory parish, both of Columbus, will com plete the cast. After the program there will be Benedictiqp in St. Christopher church. Music during the social hour will be provided by Mrs. Frank X. Zang, pianist, and Miss Edna War ner, violinist, oi St. Christopher parish. The president of St. Christopher parish council, Mrs. J. Harold Breen, will be assisted in her du ties as general chairman by Mrs. Edward W. Hoffman, chairman of the deanery meeting Mrs. Joseph Strelka, co-chairman: Mrs. John Flanagan, reception, and Mrs. Em mett O’Hara, decorations. -----------------o-----------------Delegate Fireworks, used chiefly on the Fourth of July in thp northern part of the United States, come into their own at Christmas and New Year’s in much of the South. Span ish and French colonists of Florida and Louisiana are credited with having established the southern practice prior to 1776. Duncan Phyfe style cocktail table. with single pedestal base. Beautiful mahogany with glass top. Size is 36x20 and 16Vi inchs high................. J. ^/FURNITURE COMPANY SOUTH HIGH AT RICH Of Interest To IT omen By Our Correspondents The PCCW of St. Michael's par- the meeting over to Mrs Paul ish. Worthington, will install new officers at their Dec. 11 meeting. They are: Mrs Theodore Casey, president Mrs. Terence McNa mara, vice president Mrs. John Popp, secretary Mrs. Harry Brink* man, treasurer and Mrs. Eva Le Fever, historian. A Christmas party with ex change of gifts will be the high light of the regular monthly meeting of St. Elizabeth's Auxil iary No. 3, of the Ladies’ Aux iliary. Knights of St. John, Dec. 12, at 581 S. High street, Co lumbus. The refreshment and enter tainment committee is in charge of the officers of the Auxiliary with Mrs. Mildred Schafhausen, chairman, and Mrs. Catherine Hausberger, co-chairman. GROVEPORT—The *dies of St. Marys' parish are planning a euchre party to be held in the Town Hall, Groveport, on Saturday evening, Dec. 8. Mrs. Floyd Pettibone and Mrs. Albert Alspach are chairman and co-chairmen respectively. They are being assisted by: Mrs. Dewey Shumaker, Mrs. Arthur Hay, Mrs. Joe Scanlon, Mrs. Martin Scanlon, Mrs. Carl Baum, Mr. Herman Schick and Mr. Albert Alspach. ZANESVILLE The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Knights of St. John will receive Holy Commun ion in a body at the 8:30 Mass in St. Nicholas church. The Rev. Linus J. Dury, chaplain of the group, will celebrate the Mass. Following the Mass the group will have breakfast at the Casino restaurant. Mrs. E. Dusenber ry is chairman. A pot luck supper and gift ex change will be held on Thursday, Dec." 20, in the church hall. COSHOCTON—The next meeting of the parish Council of Sacred Heart church will be held Monday evening, Jan. 28, in the school hall. At the group’s last meeting. Miss Antoinette Lowry of Columbus showed pictures of and described her Holy Year pilgrimage. Miss Mary McGrady, president of the parish council, welcomed the guests and members and turned Pope Names Delegates For Care of Emigrants VATICAN CITY—(NC)His Holi ness Pope Pius XII has established a new office to deal with emigrants and named Msgr. Emilio Rossi to head it. The new office is called that of for Emigration’’ and is dependent on the Sacred Consist orial Congregation. Monsignor Ros si is a member of the Congrega tion. His task will be to further spiritual assistance to emigrants of all countries. The Monsignor re cently represented the Vatican as an observer at the International Emigration Conference in Na ples. Rectangular top OO00 MA. 1991 Johnson who introduced the speaker. Guests from out of town were Mrs. Joseph R. Padden, Canton the Misses Mary and Helena Mc Manus, Mary Boland and Antoin ette Lowry. Tea was served during the social hour. Mrs. Carence Dolick and Mrs. Albert Royer presided at the table. Arrangements were in charge of Mrs. Francis Weaver, program chairman, assisted by Mrs. Paul Johnson and Miss Geneva Scheerer. Two new groups of “Friends of St. Rita s” have been organized, it was announced this week One is Group No. 15, eompriring sus taining members, header4 by Miss Evelyn Snider. 2885 Neil avenue, Columbus. The other is Group No. 17, headed by Mrs. A. D. Austin of 1106 W. Sell avenue, Columbus, and comprising eight active members: Miss Kathleen Dodd, Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald, Mrs. Harold Jones. Mrs. Thomas Mc Cann, Mrs. Robert Seipel, Miss Nancy Spitler and Mrs. George Thomas. The next quarterly report will take place at St. Rita’s Home for the Aged and Infirm Dec. 11 at 8 p. m., when a Christmas party will be given for residents of the home. Officials of the organiza tion asked that gifts from “Friends of St Rita’s” be sent to the home at 1451 E. Broad street by Dec. 11. WAINWRIGHT The recent meeting of the Altar Society of St. Therese’s parish was held in the parish hall with Mrs. Cecil Migoni in charge. Mrs. Peter Berlindis and Miss Josephine Berlindis were chosen to be in charge of the flower com mittee for the next six months. A canned goods shower will be held by the group for the Sisters of St. Mary’s, Dennison. The so ciety will hold its annual Christ mas party on the same day. The chairman of the party will be Mrs. Alex Bonvechio, Jr., as sisted by Mrs. Joseph Bonelli, Mrs. Angela Pasquinella. Mrs. Louis Berlindis, Mrs. Charles Migoni, Mrs. Steve Gorneck, Mrs. Richard Beamer and Mrs. John Perko. During the meeting, lunch was served by Mrs. Maddalena Cciarini, Mrs. Steve Gorneck, Mrs. Louis Caravati, Sr., and Mrs. Caravati, Jr. The Freshman Class Mothers of the Aquinas Mothers' Club sponsored a luncheon and games party Wednesday. Dec. 5, at 1:15 p. m. in the scho- cafeteria. Mrs. M. L. Ort was the chairman and Mrs. Agatha McBerty, co chairman. KENTON—The annual Christ mas party of the parish council of Immaculate Conception church will be held Dec. 13, at 7 p. m. A cov ered dish supper will be served. The business meeting is in charge of Mary L. Black, president Following the meeting a play will be given by the members of the parish CYO and Christmas carols will be sung by all. A collection will be taken for a needy family and the program will end with a gift exchange. The Newman Mothers club of Ohio State University will enter tain with its first monthly lunch ton Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 1 p. m. in Newman Hall, 1496 Iuka avenue. Columbus. Mrs. John P. Egenton has been appointed chairman and Mrs. R. M. Pulskamp, co-chairman. The St. George Auxiliary No. 65 of the Knights of St. John install ed the following officers at a re cent meeting: Mrs. Lile Roberts, president Mrs. Johanna Saving, past presi dent Mrs. Helen Korbel. 1st vice president Mrs. Catherine Gilmore, 2nd vice-president Mrs. Anne Belle, recording secretary Mrs. Genevieve Burr, financial secre tary Miss Florence Eiber, treasur er Miss Grace Budd, messenger Mrs. Theresa Huter and Mrs. Eliz abeth Garner, sentinels Mrs. An na Harwick, district delegate: Miss Florence Eilber. pianist and three trustees. Mrs. Ruth Naegle. Mrs. Eleanor Olson and Mrs. Matilda Paulus. Mrs. Jennie Schrantz and Mrs. Josephine Hartman acted as grand messengers. rhe 'eadeest fo cede for FURNITURE WALLS AND WOODWORK HUDSON-HIGH HARDWARE (C. A. KAELTN-15-PROP) 2556 N. HICH ST. LA 8332 Give a ring W, Deliver SUPERIOR 5 BUSSES arr~ -T~TTT\ America** Fluent School js Traosportation Equipment HERCULES BODY SALES COMPANY I COLUMBUS, O. 2700 E. Main DO. 2719 POSTON STORAGE & VAN MOVING Local and Long Distance 7 W. Dodridge LA. 1177 Columbus PLATING All Kinds Chraat, Silver, G&pper. Brane and other finish.. FRANKLIN PLATING & POLISHING «3» S. Sixth St. AD. M« ADAMS 7857 The Hayden Press Printers 21 West Main St. Columbus. Ohio Reasonable Prices Spring* Retempcred and Rearched Broken Parts Quick]* Replaced Main 25S2 J. J. Pu.kar COLUMBUS AUTO SPRING CO. SALES SERVICE 553 West Rich Street COLUMBUS. OHIO We can replace the damaged aafety glaaa in your car while you wait. We have in stock Pittsburgh Dupiate Salary Plata Glaaa and PittsNirgh Duolite Safety Window Glaaa in all eizas. fiat or curved, to fit any make of car. No need to waate a lot of time on your replace meat job, just bring your car in today. PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS COMPANY UEJ 324 E. 2nd Ave. UN. 4136 ORDER CHRISTMAS CAKES and CANDY NOW Canes Fish Rings Ribbon Nut Glaces Fine Chocolate* Open EVERY DAY and SUNDAY ’Til MIDNITE Esn 1867 -JL WHERE CLEANLINESS »S NtXT TO GOOOLINESS'/ ____________________ _____ 201 S. HIGH AD. 5647 HOTEL ROOSEVELT A good address in the Nation's Capital, combining comfort and convenience. Transient and residential. lcXJOULPj Wa make reservations for Hotel Lincoln in New York— another Maria Kramer Hotel. from WASHINGTON D. C. MT. VERNON Com pli menu LYNDE’S MARKET Mt. Vernon, Ohio