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Lay Retreats 1951 Dec. 7-9 ...................... Men 14-1* ...__________ Wamen 1952 Jan. IMO ........ Women Jon. 25 27 „......... Mon Fob. 1617............................. Mon LAY RETRKAT HOUSE St. Theresa Shrine 5277 K. Broad Street ~*WAIBEL Commercial, Residential A Industrial Electric Contractor Licensed GA 7971 188 E Whittier GA 3493 ADELL MffiWS MtVM« AU IMAI BtVHLAAM LUNCHEON and SINNER- Since 1890 the Our Lord said: “It is bet ter to invite the poor to your table than the rich, for they have not the means to re turn the fa vor. We invite the poor to our God Lo 'e You table, and the God who lo ’es will reward them Osborne & Sexton Machinery Co. N. Fourth A Bussell Sts. MA. 5203 COLUMBUS 16, OHIO First Mortgage Loans Insured Savings Safe Deposit Boxes FRANKLIN federal IB90 _______ w*JHMaHaMBMaMn 4T MA,M savings and loan association ■ST Walter C. Kropp, Pres Walter M. Zuber, Vice Pres. YOU CAN HAVE The Experience—Dependability—Integrity of General Maintenance & Engineering Co. 1231 McKinley Avenue, Columbus 8, Ohio To Recommend How to Improve Appearance and Reduce Maintenance Expense Christmas is coming. In stead of buying Aunt Nell or Jimmie the flat iron holder or the ivory golf tee* buy them each a World Mission Rosary which ue will bless. You will help the missions and inspire them to pray for the five missionary con tinents represented in the five MACHINERY Woodworking Metal Working Sheet Metal Working Contractors’ Homecraft Machinery Equipment Full line of Motors. Schools Churches Parish Houses, Etc. Phone KA. 8456 Collect or Write Us For Free Inspection Suggextions Estimates No Obligation KilablitheX in 1890 McNally FENCES I I69M(DOM/ILI ST SMWMl CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE lumber co Millions of Feet of Lumber SPECIAL MILLWORK To Your Order Oftir 2 Robinaon-I lanrahan Funeral Directors Cor. Winter A Franklin, Delaware of Cars U. S. Royal Tiros Bill hitiin Buick Delaware, Ohio Chevrolet Cadillac the Know How" OK Used Cars •nd Used Trucks KEEFER CHEVROLET INC. Deiawars, Ohio Church Cabinet* rompl Servie. l*M l«a«*r* Ae*. T*l*eh« COLIIMRL'B. OHIO Delaware S IIII.HOHX 1 ii*ii a nee God Love A ou---------------- Christian Christmas Gifts? Bishop Sheen Has Formula by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen------------------- es Store Delaware Major Home Appliances 24 E. Wintgr Delaware Y our St Maytag Dealer Flowers by Gibson Phone* 2348 2187 Delaware Delaware Milk Co. 27 N. Union Phons 311 different colored decades. An of fering of two dollars with a re quest will bring you these beau tiful rosaries Simeon said a sword would pierce the heart of Our Lady. Wr believe that sword was our Blessed Lord Himself, who summoned His Mother to be the Queen of Mar tyrs at the Cross. In her name give up something, do without something that she may be bet ter known to the pagans of the world Have you ever com mitted a mortal sin? Then make reparation for it by making the sacrifice for the five million vic tims of leprosy throughout the world. Our missions want no gifts but sacrifices then both the giver and the receiver are blessed GOD LOVE YOU to Mr. and Mrs. R. B. the husband baby sits two nights a nmnth. while the wife does extra work in a bank to earn $7.63 to send the Holy Father's Missions saying. “We know of no other invest ment that will pay greater div idends” GOD LOVE YOU to the following for 'heir sacri- fices for the Holy Father’s Mis sions: to R. B. for $10 which was to be spent on a dress to Mrs. G. C. B. for $42 origin ally intended for a black purse to C.JB. for $5 saved by not buy ing a football ticket to P.E.B. who gave up a ^lass of beer ev ery night after work and sent $5 to B.B. for $3 saved by not or dering a steak dinner to Mrs. B.G. whose husband has been ill for four months, and despite the fact that she has five children, the oldest being eight years, sent $24.50 to B.G. who gave up cigars for a month and helped the Missions with $5 to Mr. and R.M.K. who disposed of a ring to send $100 to help spread the faith throughout the world. Pause for a second and think of what sacrifice you will make. In the past two years, accord ing to Free China official re ports, the Communists murdered ed 15,672,050 persons. One typ ical case was that of Judge Wu of Tenghsien, an opponent of Communism: all members of his generation who were related lo him were killed, and also all members of his parents’ and chil dren's generation. Pray for the missionaries and Catholics in China! Pray, too. for the conver sion of the Communist Chinese! GOD LOVE YOU to Esther, who makes her own breakfast over a hot plate, instead of stop ping at a drug store on her way to work—and saves fifteen cents a day for the Holy Father's Mis sions. Think of a little sacrifice you can make each day, like giv ing up cokes, or cigars, or taxis, in order to send the money to missionaries who have given up everything ... If you buy a Named Editor ROOFING. SIDING and GUTTERS Wa will five you honest service on any of the above work, either NEW or REPAIR. The cost will surprise you—EASY TERMSI GOFF & SONS EV. 7478 EV. 7478 0AY OR EVE. 0 ABC SEE FRANK CRAWFORD FOR GAS A ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND I TELEVISION STORE MA 6329 RES. LA 3810 llriak Orange Put CHRIST CHRISTMAS! A Complete Line of Religious Articles That Make Ideal Christmas Gifts CRIB SETS ROSARIES BIBLES MEDALS The Catholic Church Goods M. I. QUINN 182 E. STATE STRUT COLUMBUS, OHIO THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 19 5 1 Myles Gannon, new managing editor of The Catholic Light, Scranton, Fa., diocesan weekly, v ?.e apoointment ha* been an nounced by the Rev. Thome* J. Cawley, editor-in-chief. Mr. Gen non we* formerly secretary of the editorial board of the North Country Catholic, publication of the Ogdensburg, N. Y., diocese. He is a graduate of Fordham university end served three years In the Navy. (NC Photos) -...........- .... o-------------------- Sends Emergency Relief by Plane To Flood Victims NEW YORK—(NC)—War Relief Services. National Catholic Wel fare Conference has sent a plane with an emergency shipment of medicines, foodstuffs and blankets to the flood-stricken people of Italy's Po River valley. Trans World Airlines donated the use of one of its big stratoliners for the flight. The shipment included two bil lion Oxford units of penicillin 3.750 vials of streptomycin 500 vials of chloromycin a half mil ion units of multi purpose vita mins. 1,500 pounds of special pow dered milk for infants 2.000 pounds of other foodstuffs, and 2, 800 blankets. World Mission Rosary that has not on the box the name of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, you are not helping the missions, you are only help ing someone to make money who stole our idea. In 1951 Federal taxes in this country will amount to $42 for every man, woman and child in the country. Much of this money goes to provide us with military security: will you give an equal amount towards spiritual secur ity for every member of your famih and give it to the Holy Father's own “pet charity”, Worldmission Aid? Tear out this column, pin your family sacri fice to it and mail to the most Reverend Fulton .1. Sheen, Na tional Director of The Society for the Propagation of the aith, your Diocesan Director, Rever end James Kulp, 246 East Town Street, Columbus 15, Ohio. J. J. QUINN MO VIES Clip A"*1* th. Outfield Anieni Manhunt Bar.foet Mailman. Th* Basketball Fir. Th. Bright Victory (fnr m.rly Light. Out) Chriatma* Carol, A (British i Cyclone Fury Diae Jockey Elephant Scamped* Fixed Bayonet. Flying Leatherneck, G.L Jane Hell', Gateway (for merly Silent Bar rier*) Highly Dangeroua Hill* of Utah Honey eh tic Hons Kony Humean. Island t’ll N.’-er Forget You It', a Pig Country Jungle Manhunt South Th. ADAMS 4716 The According to Mr*. Hoyle Aero** th. Wide Mis souri American in Pari*. An Anne of the Indio* Bannerline Beha v. Yourself Blue Veil. The Bride of the Gorilla Callaway Went That- Calling Bulldog Drum mond (British) Capri (Italian Cave of Outlaw* Chicago Calling China Corsair Close to My Heart Clouded Yellow Craay Over Horae* Criminal Lawyer Crosswind* Cyrano de Bergerae Darling, How Could You 1 Elopement. Fahiola (English ver- I Girl Flame of Araby Force of Arm* Adventure* of Captain Fabian Angel with the Trum- The Headline (Britishi He Ran All (he Way Here Com. the Hug getts Highway MOI His Kind of Woman (Marriage Forbid dem Damaged Live* Dedee (French) Legion of Decency Classification this Utt and save it. A I—M.r.lly Unobjeetionabl* for General Kid from Amarillo Kon-Tiki Patronage Right Croaa Rocketship X-M Sky High Slaughter Trail Sdow Dog South r»f Caliente Stagecoach Driver 8 tarlift Start in My Croeen Sunny Side of th* Lady from Text* Leave It to th. Marina. Let Go Navy Longhorn, The Lost Continent Marie Carpet Molly tform.rly Gold berg*. The) Montana Desperado Navajo Oklahoma Just ire Purple Heart Diary Quo V.di* Red Badge of Courage. Street A II—Morally Unobjectionable For Adult* Fort Defiance Fourteen Hour. Gold Raider* Golden Girl Golden Horde, The Happy Go Lovely Havana Rose Here Come, the GroOm Hideout, The (formerly Small Voice. The) (British) Highwayman. The Home Town Story, Th* Hot Lead Iron Man. The 1 Want You Insurance Investigator Jim Thorpe—All Amer ican Journey Into Light Lady and the Bandit, The Dav the Earth Stood Still, Th* Dark Page, Th* Dead Woman's Kim, A Desert Fox, The Detective Story Diamond City British) Double Confession Double Dynamite Drums in the Deep Lady Pays Off. The Lavender Hill Mob, The (British! Lisbon Story, The Lovt Nest Man in the Saddle Man on the Run Med ium. The Meet Denny Wilson Mister Drake’s Duek Mob. Th. Mr. Belvidere Ring* the Bell Mr. Peek-A-Boo My Favorite Spy Never Trust a Gambler No Highway in the Sky On the Loose O Sole Mio (Italian) B—Morally Objectionable In Part Far All Hoodlum, The Hotrl Sahara House on Telegraph Hill Armored Car Robbery Assassin for Hire Rest of the Radmen Big Night, The Bird of Paradise Bitter Rice (Italian) Blackmailed Breaking Point, The all Me Mister Capture. The Casa Manana Cham of Circumstance Cimarron Kid. The Cloudburst Come Fill the Cup Crooked Way. Tha Cry Danger Danger Zone David and Bathsheba Destination Murder Family Secret, Th. Follow th. Sun Footlight Varietiea Force of Destiny (Itaf- Superman Meet, th* Mol. Men Tall Target Tank* Are Coming Thia la Korea Too Y'oung to Kias Tom Brown'* School Inside Straight Inside the Walls of Folsom Prison Kind Hearts and Cor onets Ladv Say* No. Th. I.'Affair. (French) Lemon Drop K id. The Let'a Mak. It Legal Light Touch. The Lilli Marlene Little Egypt "M“ Madeleine Magic Far* Man With Cloak, The A Gambling House Girl on th. Bridge, Th. Greet Missouri Raid, Guy Who Cam. Bark No Questions Asked Obsessed (British) On the Riviera Operation Pacific Outrage Pandora and the Fly ing Dutchman Day* (Britiah) Utah Wagon Train Valley of Fire Varieties on Parade Wanted Dead or Alive Week-End With Father Whip Hand, The W’histl. at Eaton Faile Whit. Line, The (Ital ian) Yes, Sir, Mr. Bone* You Never Can Tell Yukon Manhunt Painting the Cloud* with Sunshine Pardon My French People Against O'Hara Place in the Sun, A Red Mountain Racket, The Raging Tide. The Reunion in Reno Rhubarb River. The Roadblock Rodeo King and th* Senorita, The Saturday'* Hero Sea Hornet Second Woman, The (formerly Ellen) Silver City Sing With Me (Italian) So Long at the Fair Son of Dr. Jekyll St. Benny rhe Dip Strange Doo, Strip, The Submarin Command Ten Commandment*, The (Italian) Texas Carnival Tomorrow 1 Another Day Trial Without .lury Two Dollar Rc't Two Gala a Goy Two Tickets to Brw»4- Well. The Westward the Women When Worlds Collide Young Sacrifice (Brit ish) Payment on Dem* nd People Will Talk Pickup Pier 28 Pink String and Seal ing Wax Prehistoric Women Prowifr, The Quebec Raton Paas Roaring City Sa rumba Sikcond Fact Secret of Convict Lak*. The Showdown Sierra Passage Man with My Face, The Maniac* on Wheel* I British) Mating Season. Th. Meet Me After th. Show Millionaire for Christy, Mill on th. Po (Ital- Murder Without Crim* Mv Forbidden Past Mvstery at the Bur lesque No Place for Jennifer British) Small Back Room Smuggler’s Island Strangers on a Train Streetcar Named De- Strictly Dfahonorahta Taming of Dcrothyt The i British) Ten Tall Men 13th Letter, Tha Tokyo File 211 To the Victor Two of a Kind Under the Olive Tree (Italian I Underworld Story, The (formerly Whipped. The) Girl from Maxim's High School Girl Hoboes in Paradis* (French) Hollywood Burlesqu* Indi, Jungle Just a Rig (French) La Ronde French) Loiers of Verona, Th. (French) Mad Youth Manon (Fi Marie du (French) Merry Cha Mom and Dad (Side- the White raff ic Will Surrem (Scandals of Cloche merle) (French) French Whit* Cargo Unknown Man, The Valentino Vendetta Volcano (Italian) White Hell of Pita- Palu (Italian) th* Cvtdc "PwtwtiM. with FARM BUREAU ^INSURANCE 'h Did you know that 10*/. of your income invaifad In inturonca would protact the other 907. of your total income? There is a Farm Bureau insurance contract that will provide for all of your protection needs. For complete information about your insurance needs, write or call BILL RAUSCH (Member of Holy Rosary Parish) FA. 4M0 MA. 4431 1780 Mooberry St. Columbus Oh, Amelia (French) Paris Waltz, The i French) Pepe le Moko (French) Race Suicide Room Upstairs, The French) Royal Affair, A (French) Roxina, The Love Child (Czech) Scandals of Clochemer le (French Scandal. in the Mind of Desire) Its peds pie Girl (Fool A) French) Shu Shoulda Said No Wild Weed) Sideshow (Morn and Dad) Sinful Daughters Sinners* The (French) Sium of the F'athers, The $ki( Row (Confeseiona of a Vice Raron) Smashing the Vice Racket Soule »n Pawn Stolen Paradise (Ado lescence) Story of Bob and Sally, (French) Bachelor* (Ik F.t It Neuf ellba rea) (French) The Enemy No. 1) Orchids for Miss Blandish (British) Ways of Love (French Italian) Wench. The i French 1 When Love Calls (Ital ian I ReproMAfing FARM BUREAU MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMFANY FARM BUREAU MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY FARM BUREAU LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Home Offices Celvmbwt, Ohio Most Rev. John F. O'Hara WASHINGTON (NC) The most Rev. John F. O'Hara. SC., Bishop of Buffalo since 1945, has been named by His Holiness Pope Pius XII to be Archbishop of Phil adelphia. Succeeding Cardinal Dennis Dougherty, who died on May 31, 1951, he becomes the tenth Ordi nary, and fifth Archbishop, to ad minister the 143-year-old Pennsyl vania See. Announcement of the appoint ment was made by Archbishop Am leto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States. Archbishop O’Hara was presi dent of the University of Notre Dame and already internationally known. when he was elevated to the episcopate in 1940. At that time he was named Titular Bishop of Mylasa and Military Delegate (Auxiliary Bishop of the Army and Navy Diocese). He was named Bishop of Buffalo in March, 1945. Archbishop O’Hara is remember ed in the Diocese of Columbus as the companion of Bishop Ready on a trip to Japan at the request of the Holy See in 1946. They made a study of the condition of the Church in that country. Ordained in 1916, Archbishop O’Hara served as Prefect of Re ligion at the University of Notre Dame from 1917 until he was nam ed vice president in 1933. His re ligious bulletins and surveys were studied far beyond the limits of the campus. SEWING SALES AUams lb4Z of Buffalo Is Philadelphia Archbishop O’Hara established the Latin American course at Notre Dame, and arranged an ex change of students with South American universities. He found ed and was the first dean of the College of Commerce. Having spent his youth in South America where his father was a member of the American Consular Service, he retained a strong af fection for his Latin American neighbors. As a result he wag named a delegate by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to the Eighth Inter-American Congress in Lima, Peru, in 1938. The same president named him one of the 18 members of the Board of Visitora of the U. S. Naval Academy at An napolis. As Military Delegate Archbishop O'Hara visited many military posts in the United States. Speaking to some 12,000 Catholic sailors at the Sampson Naval Training Cen ter in Rochester in 1945, the then Bishop of Buffalo said: The serv ice of God and the service of coun try are so intertwined that we may say in all truth that no man may serve the one perfectly without serving the other.” As Archbishop of Philadelphia he will be the spiritual ruler of 1.070.692 Catholics. These are served by a total of 1,910 priesta. Miesse Pharmacy FE. 4484 KSC E. Main St. at Stoddard At*. INSULIN ELASTIC HOSE BIOLOGICALS PRESCRIPTIONS ELECTRIC MOTOR OILS E. P. Gear Lubricants Extreme Temperature Lubricants McGLAUGHLIN OIL CO. 3750 Livingston Ave. DO. 2518 LEE AND MALLORY MO Other* Of $7.SO Ha pry's Hat Shop 141 N HIGH NEAR LONG MACHINES & SERVICE AUTHORIZCO MAUR FOR DOMISHC A NfW HOMC tleetrk Sewih* Machin** In honabiM.'Comal** tkwhf W« Sarvic*, ReaaV 4 All Malte, ,f i^ring Mech-w, NEEDlfS FOR All HOUSEHOLD MACHIN!? HtH PKK-UP AND DfUVffY All WORK GUARANTEED AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES Lavi. Siadlmayer—Ownar, Etietli*h*d l»ll “telierr teicing machine* are a buxine** not a udeline'* LOUIE’S SEWING MACHINE SHOP 923 SULLIVANT AVf. OAK RIDGE SANATORIUM GREEN SPRINGS. OHIO, far Diagnosis—TUBERCULOSIS—Treatment REASONABLE RATES—GRADUATE NURSES THE REV. FATHER LEO I. DONAHOE IN ATTENDANCE PAI M. HOLMES, M.D., Mediral Dirrrior JOHN J. GEDERT. M.D. n: ALEX O. JOHNSON. Pr»«. and G.n'l. Mgr. Full Informatinn on Rrquert Mattreises Made Into Innersprings Mattresses Made to Order A Rebuilt Feather Renovating CALL CA. 2463 A Upholstering. OHIO REDDING CO. The Burkley and Son Company INSURANCE AND BONDS 145 N. High St. Columbus, Ohio AD. 3288 Cuttom Built i VENETIAN BLINDS Buv direct from tho man u factor ar and SAVE. The new ROLL A-HEAD Venetiae blind. Alt metal from top to bottom. Steel or aluminum slats with your choice of cot ton or plastic tape ta colors. INSTALL!® FREE! Special prices be distributors and contrac tor*. _____ Columbus Venetian Blind Co. HILLS CAB MAin 13-13 Safe Courteous Service No Charge for Extra Passengers O. B. H1LIS. MGR. MAin WiJ