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By J. MURRAY For High Class Baked Goods Call Clark's Bakery Inc WA. 3117 OR 3111 1SS0 N. HIGH ST. PARTS A SERVICE S4-HOUK WRECKING BHYIO J. W. WATSON CO. 1288 North Hivh St. UN 2118 WA 8010 kill* There's a DINerma B«t Half He Prlae ■M tar T**r**K w *«*. by R«fY RwaefR Courteous Service AD*m* 5747 HARRIS OPTICIANS 106 last Broad St COLUMBUS, OHIO NIKLAS BROS. FLOORS Laying Refinishing Hardwood Asphalt Tile Linoleum I Residential and Commercial Service LA. 0321 GA. 6600 HOT FUME SHNOAE Italy's BUT Little-Known Facti* For Catholics ©spyn* ht tML XC WC N*«* a*r*«M. .......... -............................ VWERE ART NO BLAtOAATl TOMBS IN BRETON CHURCHES. sSISl CONDITIONS OF HlN A*F 1 TteErn[ft w sWf rst. Vffts* NoN Conft it is i k km OLDEST SCULPTURE IN 11™ CENT IF] UJHO CATHEDRAL.SWEDEN,tS Kf A GIANT FIGURE EMBRACING A Iff COLUMN )N THE CRYPT SUBJ1CT 4M UNKNOWN. IT IS THOUGHT TO A unique commemoration of Samson/ ossuAJtirs n.iir. mm me PtrscRvsD 'III ifti* THE BONES all It! REMOVED from the CRAVES. XT 9 5 Century 1 a ms IX- A BPtVAPH 1 *u*Y skives, and sourced, SURRERT K|l RIVIOLWB RRTt INSURED Planned Security There is no guesswork tn the security offered your sav ings with us—Competent management plus insured Savings up to $10,000 on each account is your assurance of Safety This extra protection costs you nothing. DOLLAR FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. 51 I. GAY ST. —AD. 3148 BLUE VALLEY BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER Thi’i FJty Millions Uss The Hammond Organ aalit Circleville Z: Kochheiser Hardwire Hardware and houaewaree for the home and farm. Ill W. Main 8t. Phone 1H CIRCLEVILLE defenbaugh FUNERAL HOME Circlcvill* HI I. M*in St Phon* 411 Circleville Fast Freeze Food Locker r. i. griffin Owner and Operator 161 Iditan Ava., Circleville, O. in church** *4 aar aim. Ont lt,Rtt Ort*n. Write 114 I. BROAD ST. MA. 141 Maa* A Deegan Chlmoa TWO DISTINCTIVE BEERS XX PALE & NOCH EINS Washington Brewery UN. 1161 THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK “Where Service Predominate*” 107 W. Main St. Phon* 62 Circlavilla ISALY'S Circleville, Ohio GOELLER'S PAINT STORE 219 f. Main Circlevilla Mt. Vernon School |p Junior Civics Club Receives Charter The St. Vincent's Junior Civics club of St. Vincent de Paul school, Mt. Vernon, has received its offi cial charter from the Commission on American Citizenship in Wash ington, D.C., it was announced this week. Pupils of the eighth grade or ganized the unit and elected Hen ry Curtis president. Other officers elected were: Sigmund Brzezicki, vice president Barbara Omlor, recording secretary James Meier, corresponding secretary, and Ron nie Richards, sergeant-at-arms. The St. Vincent’s unit is one of more than 1.400 Catholic Civics clubs sponsored by the Commission on American Citizenship of the Catholic University of America. Through monthly projects on a community level, these young citi zens learn in a concrete way the meaning of Christian social living based on principles of justice and charity. o Young Journalists Asked to Consider Catholic Careers The Press Board of the College of St. Mary of the Springs last Monday heard James M. Shea, asso ciate editor of the Catholic Times, underscore the needs of the Cath olic Press. Guests at the meeting were staff members of three college publica tions: Spring Times, the newspa per The Tower, literary quarterly, and Fontes, the yearbook. According to'Mr. Shea, “Not all aspiring Catholic journalists should enter the Catholic Press—just the best ones.” Girl Scout Troop Honors Former Leaders at Party Girl Scouts of Troop 285 of Im maculate Conception parish, Co lumbus, held an appreciation party recently for their past leader, Mrs. Joseph R. Stecher and co-leader Mrs. William H. Burton. The event took place in the home of Mrs. Charles Gilbert, and gifts were pre sented by Miss Iris Bradley, pres ent leader. A recent project of the group was the collection of canned foods to give to the Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor for distribution to their patients. o------------------ Clirintophers Set Contest For High School Students NEW YORK—(NO—A contest for high school students involving 27 prizes totalling $2,000 has been announced by The Christophers. The contest-will run until Febru ary 1, 1952, and is open to all boys and girls of any race, color or creed in any high school in the United States, the announcement stated. There will be one $500 prize two for $200 four for $100 eight for $50 and 12 for $25. Entries should be addressed to Christophers Teen Age Contest, 18 East 48th St., New York 17, N.Y. Each entry may be written in any form the contestant desires, such as a letter, composi tion or essay. ------------------o -------ture, C.S.M.C. Meets Aug. 21 CINCINNATI—(NC) The 15th national convention of the Cath olic Students’ Mission Crusade will be held at the University of Notre Dame Aug. 21 to 24, 1952, it has been announced here by Msgr. Ed ward A. Freking, national secre tary. Ginr.r Morgan welcome* her friend* and customer* GINGER'S ALTHEN BEAUTY SALON Permanent* S' to $20 225S W. Broad St. KA. 2133 Schmelzer’s Shade Co. Venetian & Cloth Blinds Made to Order Full line Travis.& Curtain Rods 2283 W. Broad St. RA. 7214 Goodyear Tires & Batteries THE .CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY. DECE 7irl« Wield Soldering Irons If To Make Own Advent WreathsII Junior class project at St. Joseph academy, Columbus, at the beginning of Advent was the making of Advent wreaths for the students’ homes. The young women, whose power should nev er be underestimated, brought soldering irons, aluminum wire, pliers and cutters, empty tin cans, evergreens, purple ribbon, and candles. From the tin cans they cut strips, bent them to form candle sockets, and solder e:’ the sockets to th wire, which formed the frame for the wreath. The Time of Your Life By Father Haff ord Th* Feast of th* W**k Saturday is the feast of the Im maculate Conception which means that it is the great holy day of ob ligation in the United States. Mary Immaculate is the patroness of our untry. That is one of the reasons that the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is being built on the grounds of the Catholic University of America at Washington, D. C. Saturday we ought to pray to Mary that she becomes better known in America so that religious bigotry will be a thing of the past. Of course, you will try to receive Holy Communion on her feast, and again on the next day just for good measure. Quiet Holy Man Working A person who sleeps through a sermon has as little imagination as the preacher. Write Away If you have heard of the Chris topher Teen-Age Contest and have done nothing about it, you ought to be called a name other than Christopher. There are Two Thou sand Dollars to be given as prizes, and some of that slightly green stuff could be yours. The subject matter is the why and how of pre paring for a career with a purpose. Address your questions to CHRIS TOPHER TEENAGE CONTEST, 18 East 48th Street, New York 17, N.Y. You always wanted to write to somebody in New York and here is your chance. The prize money is not nearly as important a the good you will get out of thinking out your essay. It is bound to help you shape your fu and that is all we can do for the present. Flying Cork* From the Pop House “His married brother says the only thing in the house he can call his own is the towel marked ‘His’ and she won’t let him use it.’’ Start When You Stop That may sound like double talk, but it is the suggestion of a lady Call RAY SCHOLL for COAL High Grade Coal Priced Right GA. 3504 805 Woodrow GA. 2787 “PLEASED TO HEAT YOU” HILLTOP Itsu tJe. b.-tter ct| SEILLERS Department Store 24M W. Broad Col’a.. O. SHOPPERS GUIDE BEER A WINE CARRY OUT HETTINGERS MARKET 3446 Sullivant RA 0317 MOVING Hilltop Van & Storage Co. STORAGE COLUMBUS, OHIO FL. 1597 RA. 1107 RA. 1143 RA. 1144 Philip McDonald & Sayre Lumber & Coal Co. N. Eur«k« Av*, and P«nn«. R. R. BILL SPIRES SHELL SERVICE W. Broad St. at Pow*ll RA. 0125 SCHMELZER'S RESTAURANT 3178 W. BROAD ST. “For food at its best" ALL THE MIXED AND POPULAR DRINKS Expert Lubrication reathsll her of the prevailing color scheme]-*- in Purgatory. Smart gal she won’t| Sham* Or, Us Envy is nothing more than an active chunk of remorse. These are new: E 7 19 5 1 Martin. STARDUST (Decca) tin. I LOAN CO. Grady Mar- THE SKATERS WALTZ (Victor) I Warren NEVER (Victor) Dennis Day (Capitol) Jan Garber TRUMPET MAMBO (Victor) Luis Arcaraz CRY (Decca) Paul Chapman. LISTEN TO THE MOCKING BIRD (MGM) Arthur Smith SILENT NIGHT (Capitol) Les Paul, Mary Ford. THE CHRISTMAS STORY (Vic tor) Phil Regan (Columbia) Doris Day. Previously reviewed, but repeat ed for your guidance: DOWN YONDER on Capitol, Mercury and Victor COLD COLD HEART on Capitol, Mercury, Dec ca and Victor AND SO TO SLEEP AGAIN on Mercury, Columbia, Capitol and Decca JEALOUSY on Columbia SHRIMP BOATS on Co lumbia SOLITAIRE on Columbia and Capitol and BLUE VELVET on Columbia and Capitol. THE SKATERS WALTZ mentioned above is a RCA Victor Collector’s Issue. Add Sammy Kaye’s CHRIST MAS SERENADE to last week’s list. It is a ten inch Columbia LP and has all the old 'avorites. CL 6196. An Eyaful A person is not blinded by tears Cut Flowers Potted Plants Funeral Designs Our Specialty Linden Florists Louia De Santis. Prop. 2140 Dentin* Ua 1331 Hudson Cleaners 2*Hour Service 2301 Cleveland LA 3112 LA 12111 School Uniform* I Replace Gowns I ALBANY. N. Y.-fNC)—Vincen II tian Institute girli will wear their II school uniforms to the Junior II Prom December 28 to protest ex- II tremes in evening dresses that bor-1 der on the immodest I A large majority of the 123 jun-1 ion voted for the action, according I to The Evangelist, Albany diocesan I newspaper, after hearing the insti-ll tute’s principal, Msgr. Edward I Maginn. cite His Holiness Pope I Pius XII’s appeal to Christian worn-1 anhood to work to offset the mod-1 ern day tide of immodesty. I The school uniform consists of I la blue jumper, white blouse, and I I light blue ribbon tie. Girls from I I other schools attending the proml I also will wear their regulation uni-1 I forms or school dresses. i I ... -............ o-------------------- I I Bishop Stresses I Christmas Feast's I (Religious Nature I Three juniors shown above at work are, left to right: Mary Gib- TOLEDO—fNO—Bishop George| J. Rehnng of Toledo has given im-| son of St. Mary Magdalene par- (p^ t0 «Keep chrigt chnst-| ish, Columbus Laura Guerin of mas” movement adopted by the To-| St. Michael’s, Worthington, and |ledo Deanery Council of Catholic Joan King of St. Mary Magda- |Men. lene’s. Written on the black “Anyone.” said the Bishop, “who| board above them is a reminder is sincerely convinced of the claims of the Christian meaning of Ad- of Jeaus Christ and therefore firm-| vent, taken from the Collect of ly believes in the Divinity of Jesus| the Mass of Advent’s First Sun- (Christ must recognize the insipid| day: “Stir up Thy power, we be- (features of many Christmas cele-l seech Thee, O Lord, and brations moreover they must be I come .” (shocked by the revelry and excess-1 es of al) kinds that occur on thisl day or in anticipation of it.” The Toledo Deanery Council of Catholic Men’s program includes a poster contest in the schools: parish bulletin, newspaper, radio and bill who wrote in today about helping| J^d publicity distribution of to keep calm when one has to wait| 5 Christmas for a traffic light to change. Too| automobile stickers promotion of many people just beat their gumsp™1* Christmas song programs at Thiel parish cribs, and a communitv car ol festival December 23 in Ursu line Auditorium. moaning about being delated. Thisl* in rrIU good soul says that she slips in ar Hail Mary or two and keeps calm and the Souls collect a bit ofL help. I guess the red light reminds|B.V.M. ha\c to spend any time down yon-| Twelve students of the College der because she got mad when the|°f St. Mary of the Springs were light was against her. As a matter] scheduled to be received into the of fact, a light isn't the only thing| Sodality of the Blessed Virgin that is against us. Mar? Thursday, Dec. 6, at 7 p. m. Annth.r Stamn I R?V Bennett C. Applegate, w u u ~, n,..* I acting superintendent of schools. X! |w« pr«cb th. Mnm. non-Ca have the idea that] A, Pschedulcd tw WMk the only time we try to influence ,h(. rec tio„ dt 19 stud.nts into PUblw opinion by writing to the|t|]e RMarv Confra„r„j,y. ,n papers or to radio or TV stations sociation p|edgcd t0 r«.ile 15 de. when we object to what has beenlcades of ftosary each week, said. I wonder if there isn some-1______________________________ thing to that? What we really] ought to do is to send a few pats on| when he can see God’s providence back to the editor, program direc-|in every warm drop. tor or whoever it is that has been| THOUGHT FOR THE WEAK— doing a good piece of work. It] Doing the best you can today does would be a good idea to write to| not exempt you from doing better the magazines too. We are not pho-| tomorrow._____________________ tographic equipment, so let's notF be negative. Won’t you write today to let the persons who are shaping your life know that you think they are doing a good job? Sodality Receives College Students college ?iuaenu PHYSICIANS’ SUPPLIES If endt-liristol Co. TRUSSES SUPPORTS BELTS EXPERT FITTERS New Fitting Rooms on First Floor '*Tbe Prescription Store of "We Have It” E. State St. 721 AD. $108 Colombas" V /O Up To |10,000 International Concert Orchestra] UN. 3734 i:n. in NEVER BEFORE (MGM) Franl R‘ch,r,‘ Ope’7s.^“a"’’to i’ NORTH HIGH SAVING & jq n,th at Fifth Ave. RESTAURANT 52 S. 3RD ST. COLL’MBLS Wall-known for Good Food and Pleasant Atmoarberc Open a. m. te 9 p. m. Complete Bar Kerrie* Closed Sunday* -THE SAFEST PLACE FOR YOU* BABY TO SIT” YOU« BABY DESERVES TH! BEST Phone for Home D*awMtrauon No ObU*tion •AMC-TENOA SA LIS AGENCY Net $old F. WEBER Yew B«bM-T«nae Me* 240 N. ARDMORE RD. EV 1169 ARLINGTON and TRI-VILLAGE Radio Equipped Our New Phone CABS MA 6895 Ser»inr Arlinrton and Grandview Call* to and from Colambu* LINDEN Coal and Hardware Supplies EBNER COAL & SUPPLY 1843 Denune Ave. JE 5407 The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage in the different lines of business. loose leaf device* OFFICE SUPPLIES FILING EQUIPMENT FAVORS AND NOVRLTIES I At Junior Prom NITSCHKE BROS. STATIONIRS e PRINTIRS 3? East Gay Street COLUMBUS. OHIO BROSMER’S Homo-mado Ch«*niata» are the But them hi bulk or Melted for Our heat. rifts Try our Home made lee Cream too, you’ll like it. GREEN CAB CO. ADams 4141 PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE MONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION COLUMBUS ART MEMORIAL CO A in 272S 900-904 W. MOUND ST (NORTVEABT CORNER CALVARY CEMETERY) OPEN SUNDAYS 1:30-5:30 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Monuments Markers Mausoleums You UN. 7149 Locations: 2076 Ariinytea 4332 N, High 1950 N. 4th No. Hirh St MA. 3153 WE DELIVER Decent Disks and Suitable Songs (jaBaMaMSSSaSBiaTaraaagagSSSSS IF YOU CATCH A LITTLE| 00/ PAID ON SAVINGS COLD (Victor) Dinah Shore-Tony| Each Account Insured 1257 W. Sth Ave Office LUMBER MILLWORK ROOFING INSULATION PLYWOOD BUSES FOR CHARTER WANTED----------- TO RENT 5 or 6 Room House FA. 9828 Three Children and Parents deserve the best DAVID DAVIES Genuine Baby Beef ALL OVER OHIO DAVID DAVIES COLUMBUS, OHIO THE HOUSE OF TREASURES WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY 1580 NORTH HIGH STREET WO.E4M COLUMBUS 1, OHIO PRECISION REPAIRING Baked good* made with skill and care beyond compare KI 3814 JE 9698 KL 2212 FA 7244 KI 6336 KI 8229 Keep Your Crowd Together Modern Equipment Courteous Driver* Reesonebla Rates For All Occasions Charter Lake Shore System Buses *Tht Finett in Bus Transportation" LAKE SHORE SYSTEM 714 East Broad Street Call ADams *310 or MAin 5172 JhsL 5th Ave LUMBER WAI nut 4631 347 I. FIFTH AVE. In Time of Need THESE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Experienced in Catholic Funerals offer CONSCIENTIOUS AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE A Satisfied Customer is an Asset. Satisfied Customers are OUR Best ASSETS, for more than 27 Years we have been rendering the best possible services at the least possible Expense. 1177 Weet Sth Aw., Columba*, Ohio Phoaa UN 1233 UN **77 Prtrate 4mba(anca Private Parking Area Limousines for V adding*