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CLASSIFIED ADS Phone AD 5195 DO 4259 AD 5196 20c PER LINE DEADLINE FRL NOON Lot* for Sale •t Blocks from Christ The King. WRY wait and look back on what could have done? Look ahead. KINGSGATE JAMES RD SOUTH Ground Floor Prices EV. 7121 LANDLORDS--------- The Catholic Times will run your four line Classified Ad free if your house may be rented to couples with child ren. AD. 5195. 48 PASSENGER SCHOOL BL’S, low mileage, excellent tires, first-line coach, $695.00. Also suitable for athletic de partment or CYO club. Photo and data to interested parishes upon request. Write C.J.S.. Box 636, Columbus 16, Ohio. WORTHINGTON FOODS. INC. Makers ef Choplets: Specialty Foods *56 N. High Worthington FR 2-5359 WOCHERS Surgical Supplies. Hospital beds and wheel chairs for ule or rent. 201 East Broad Street. MA 1435 WBNS and WELD Central Ohio’s only CBS Outlet 33 N. HIGH ST._____ AD 9265 SCH1RTZINGER DRAPERIES Drapery Materials. Lamps. Gift* 4610 N. High JE 9111 WHY pay more? Naw, used spinets, studios, grands.Stone. 751 N. High. OHIO MIDLAND LIGHT AND POWER CO. Electric Service _____ Canal W inehester, Ohio SERVEL GAR REFRIGERATOR STAYS SILENT LASTS LONGER See Newaet Model at THE GAS CO. Your Sealtest Ice Cream Dealers THE TELLINGS ICE CREAM DEALERS 246 E. Town St. AD 2171 DESKS—OFFICE FURNITURE urgently needed. Will pay rash. AD. 5337. Independent Supply o.. 245 FL Long. Curtis and Nichols Business Service Mimeograph, Notary. Mailing Service 867 Mt. Vernon FE-4302 FE-1419 MATERNITY MODES 1*29 Lane Shopping Center KI 7387 3*84 E. Broad (Miracle M’le) DO 9388 OFFICE SUPPLIES' Filing Cabinets Desks Chairs STATE OFFICE SUPPLY AD. 2125 44 S. 3rd St. Columbus POLAROID CAMERAS AND FILMS We rent Cameras and Projectors 47 E. Long St. AD 29*1 JAY'S FARM SERVICE ANIMAL AND PET FEEDS 1843 Denon* Ave. JE 1525 ROS BUSINESS RC-30 ANNOUNCEMENTS AUCTIONS Leslie Hines Everybody’s Auctioneer. Complete Insurance. Real Estate. 198 E. Water St. Ph. 9178. Chiropractors DR. H. FREDERICK OGDEN 84t6 W. 2nd Phon* 3746 Drug Store* RIEDER PHARMACY Cor. Church and Arch Phon* 29-900 CHILLICOTHE SOUTH END PHARMACY 331 S. Paint Chillicothe ERDMANN’S PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Chillicothe, Ohio 535 Church St. Phone 20-688 Five A Ten Cent Stores S. S. KRESGE 43 N. Paint St. Phone 8767 Fruit Farms 3. LEO HIRSCH FRUIT FARM Wuntingten Pike PH- 33-33* Furniture Kingston Home Equipment Co. Fngidaira Appliances RCA Television Toll Kingston 7*11 Grocer* FRANK J. .HUNN MEATS ANO GROCERIES Fro* Delivery Dial 22(8 32 S. Paint St. CHILLICOTHE. OHIO Gragg's Country Store. Bainbridge. O. Specialists in Good Eggs and Country Pro duce. Hand Made White Oak Baskets of all kinds. Phone Bainbridge. Hardware You’ll do better at PIERCE & TODD HARDWARE E. Main St. Phone *13* Milliner* NEW YORK HAT MOP 2ed P*. ROSE CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, INC. ______ 280 N. Front Street CHRISTMAS PETS FOR SALE CHRISTMAS PUPPIES. TERRORS, TOY COLLIES. MIXED COCKERS. WII I io Y PUPPIES IM MEDIATELY AND FIND HOMES FOR OLDER DOGS. Pl PPYLAND. FA. 4441. Where to Dina I Here a sandwich i* just a* important as a whole dinner. DOERSAM'S Information 9 COLUMBUS. OHIO WHITEHALL CAB DO 5212 Serving Whitehall & Bexley 11-13-15 W. BROAD 8T. SENECA HOTEL E. Broad and Grant Vve., Columbus For your next get-together try us. Tom Carrol I. President LEM’S RESTAURANT CHINESE and AMERICAN FOODS Sea Food, Chicken, Carry-out Serv. 33 E. Town-st (off High) MA 0167 Instruction 19 BUSTIN BEAUTY SCHOOL MARINELLO SYSTEM Enroll now for Jan. and Feb. clas»e« 5*8 E. Broad St. MA. 2*60 Barber Shops JOHNNY’S BARBER SHOP Open 8 to 6. Closed Wednesdays. 900 Mohawk DI 2175 BILL’S BARBER SHOP 22nd and Main St. MAIN OAKWOOD BARBER SHOP 1186 E Main St.____________ Beauty Shops PEACOCK BEAUTY SHOP 1*5 Dakota AD 4931 SPECIAL Machine or ro Machine!*** Wave up Cold Waves $5 up ESTHER REES BEAUTY SHOP WA 0123 1419 Cleveland Open Evenings Building Maintenance Window Fans. Roofing and Siding. Ex terior Painting. WESTGATE MAINTENANCE 2518 W. Broad RA 3387 Jeweler* WARD AND WARD JEWELERS Diamonds Watches Jewelry Budget terms to suit your purs*. 24 E. Second St. Chillicothe Plumbing and Heating RC-3 MADRU Plumbing k Heating PHONE 20-066 195 S. Mulberry Chillicothe WOODYARD PLUMBING Phone 5886 464 Mill St. Chillicothe Real Estate R. L. CLICK—REALTOR. Brokerage. Ap praisals. Phone 23-424. 8646. Service Station* ROBINETT’8 SERVICE STATION 200 E. 2nd Phone *54* Electrical Contractors FUNERAL DIRECTORS RC-6 Electrical Contracting and Repair BOWERS ELECTRIC CO. FAWCETT'S The Home of Service AMBULANCE 25-366 Chillicothe, Ohio INFORMATION RC9 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHILLICOTHE, OHIO Complete Outfitters for the Entire Family MAYFAIRS CHILLICOTHE, OHIO Attend Your MAJESTIC THEATRE IN CHILLICOTHE For the Best in Entertainment AUTO and WINDOW GLASS REPLACED GRADY-GLASS 54 W. Water St. Corry Out In the East End DEMMLERS HEER CARRY OUT 1079 E. Livingston Ave. W« deliver. FA. 043* CEMENT CEMENT WORK Sidewalks and Driveways a Specialty FHA Terms Belfiore Constr. Co.. KL 1798: GA6138 Chimney Repairing CHIMNEY A BRICK REPAIR Tuckpointing. House* or apartments. Cement porches A walks. Ross or Mackey FE 1845_________________________________ CHIMNEY REPAIRING tuck pointing walls and buildings pointed, block laying complete building maintenance. Free eat. Loring A Rathburn. RA 9194: RA 03*5. Contractor* FAST ELECTRIC COMPANY 1099 Sullivant Ave MA 0842 FRANK A. DAVIS A SON 1973 Lockbourne Rd ■Electrical work” JESS HOWARD ELEC. CO. Electric Contracting and Appliance* 201 Poth Road DO. 2709 Drug Store* BIRNIE'S DRUG STORE The Rexall Store 577 High St. Worthington FR. 25301 Home Improvement CLINTON-POWELL CO., INC. Floor coverings and finishings. Wall Tile. 59 Frambes JE 5428 Hospital* 16 Employment Agencies (Licensed) HUFF PERSONNEL SERVICE We have splendid positions for all kinds of office help, both experienced and 79 E. STATE ST. AD 1SS0 CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 561 S. 17th-»t FA 2193 Insurance DEWEY C. BLACK Complete Ineurance and Bonds S3 E. Broad St. AD 4219 American National Insurance Co. R. Q. WILLISS, General Agent 1167 E. Broad St. FA 2434 Jeweler* NATIONALLY adv. diamonds, watches, appliances. NO MONEY DOWN. JOSEF'S IX Laundries RELIABLE LAUNDRY A DRY CLEANING “Rely en Reliable” «an« Ave. FA 434 Lock Service BOB 8 KEY SERVICE Keys Locks -Repairs Installations JE. 5759 3238 N. High JE. 2780 Painting Decorating BELSON1ZE—Instead of painting. Covers all types of wail. Free Dem. A estimate. MODERN ROOFING CO. MA 8738 Interior and Exterior Decorator HOMER NOTHSTINE 1419 Summit St. t^59 PAPER-HANGING and painting, exterior and interior. Work guaranteed. Cal) James R. King. FA. 81*8 after 6 p, m. Let me do your decorating. Free est. I nt. and Ext. Tinting, Enameling, Kem tone, varnishing and glazing, paper clean ing. Walla washed. Old floors refinished. No job too big or too mall. Wm. Rack ham. DI-3749. Plumbing Heating Plumbing and Heating DANA 8. BROWNING HOME DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phon* 9276 261 RIVERSIDE STREET CHILLICOTHE OHIO BEVERLY SHOP 11 N. Paint Ph. 29-65* McCarthy Hotel CHAS. H. MCCARTHY. Owner 4. Manager CHILLICOTHE atuaye lomtthinf new style value moderate price U 8. Paint Ckilllaath* WARNER HOTEL Chillicothe’s Finest COFFEE SHOP BAR 29 N. PAINT ST. PHONE 2143 Fin* Paints Sine* 1*03 There I* Nothing Finer Then STROMBERG-CARLSON TELEVISION Venetian Blinds GERLING'S 9 W. 2nd St. Phone 29956 Chillicothe FRED’S Radio & Appliances Apex Gibson Emerson Television FRED C. GINTHER 17 S. Paint Phon* 6756 Chillicothe You never realize how fortunate you are until you enter a gift shop and see how many things your friends haven’t serft you. THE CATHOLIC TIMES OELGOETZ CO. Mechanical Contractor E»L 1914 Our Business Service Built LA 4222 Columbus ,Ohio Plumbing and Mill Supplies Smelter* end Refiner* Caulking Lead Wiping and Body Solder Babbitt Zinc COLUMBUS METAL CO 459 Parton* AD. 8772 Columbus, O. Photographer* Petty Child Portraiture 120* West Fifth Ave. Klngtweed 8131 Highest Ovelify —Sensibly Petted Roofing Siding SIDING, roofing, spout, v., combination storm windows, screens and door*. Coun try and Town Improvement Co 528 Parsons Ave. EV 1234 JUDY ROOFING A FURNACE REPAIR CO. 384 8. 3rd St. MA. 3472 Sewing Machine Service SINGER SEWING CENTER All makes of sewing machines and vacuum cleaners repaired. Free pickup and delivery service 90 N. High St. 19 E. State St. MA. 7849 MA. 6884 Service Stations GETREU SUMCR-SERVICE Texaco Products. Lee Getreu, Owner. Livingston-Kelton. FA 01! Watch Repair Prompt Export Watch, Clerk and Repair. DEINLEIN 49 N. High AD. Hauling and Expresisng BINKLEY Moving A Storage 1JS4 Windsor Ave. U1 Low Cost Moving Anywhere U.S.A. AJAX-ATLAS VAN LINES Low Cost Storage Rates— Local Moving Teletype CL- 3433 Top soil, fill dirt, crushed ravel, gravel. High lift loading bulldozing yard grading. COLVIN GRAVEL PIT AO 7659 KI Rooms Furnished Bely Rn.ary pariah, near bun line. Stoddart Ave. Newly furnished fro room, suitable for 1 or 2 employed you: ladies. Privileges if desired. EV. *1 after 5 p. m. 1191 Bedrnom for business man. Kitchen privi leges if desired. FA. 32*3. Will share home with 1 er 2 Cl business or professional girls. LL'. Wanted Real Estate We Have the Buyers—AND the Financ ing. List Your Singles. Apartment, Bus Properties with us. CALL MA 5531 foi Prompt Service. THE GUARANTEE. TITLE A TRUST CO 22 W. Gay Est. 18919 WILL BUY Serond Mortgage, JO. 5 or PO Box *47, Hilltop Sts., Colum 4. Ohio. Real Estate for Sale FOR HOMES NORTH CALL ROBERT E. LYONS WITH RONNER INC., REALTORS 5HS LA 3*34 JE 1235 Oak St. FE-3269 M. A. G1RE A CO Sales of residential and income property. 60 E Broad St. FL 2453 421 Putnam Ave. RC 9a Where to Dine THE SANDWICH SHOP 25* E. Main Ph. 733* RC 18a Tractors for Sale CAREY TRACTOR SALES 338 Eastern Ave. Ford Ph. 23-243 Whether you are buying or sell ing, a Times want ad will suit your Ph. 6846 purpose. ORGI W Hl «gitOT Serving Central Ohio alnce 1*23 22 E. Gay St. MA. 23*8 LU 5440 Funeral Director* 629 MAIN STREET W. J. HECK CO. General Contractors Zanesville L. A. Emmert "Since 1912" Refrigeration A Electric Appliance Sales A Service 34 S. 3rd St. Phone 3-6015 Zanesville Bohn & Kern Mfg. & Supply Co. Plumbing A Heating Supplies 50 S. Third St. Zaneaville Radio Service Appliances Repaired ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. GEORGE t. SMITH 111 Galigher St. Zanesville. O., Ph. 3-7336 Electrical Wiring Maintenance Commercial Industrial Residential LAWRENCE ELECTRIC West Main at Luck Av*. Phon* 2-9393 Wiring Fixtures Appliance Repairs USE BORDENS Homogenized Milk lc Quart Over Regular Milk Call 2206 BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES READY MIXED CONCRETE SAND AND GRAVEL Adams Bros. Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTING Muskingum Ave. Phone 266 ZANESVILLE. OHIO Tony Rosta's Restaurant 167 Underwood Zanesville Casino Restaurant The finest place to eat on on Route 40 424 Market St. Phon* 21 Zanesville, Ohio WESTERN REALTY "For th* Beet in Real E*tate" 32*7 «\_Rroad Ri RA *7 73 GATEWAY REALTY Realtor* 37*6 W. Broad RA 4495 Exchange—Reel Eitaf* 64 Thv Hilltop Real Mtate Man EXCHANGE BUY SELL SUBURBAN CITY O. H. CRAFT 2**1 W Broad St. KA 8443 Builder* 1 Bldrt' Supplies___65 HUNTING LICENSES Shell* Hunting Supplies SCHALL HARDWARE 18*5 E. Livingston Ave. EV 3228 _______Automatic Heat 65c Jim Favret Wm. Favret Joe Irwin A. Plageman K. Foley Williamson Favret Furnace Co. AD. 5211 55 E. Goodale Columbus, Ohio FURNACES COAL OIL GAS Sales and Service Kramer Heating Co. FA 1274 1498 E. Long St. BOILERS Radios, Repairs, Rent 73c "To Re Awured of the Beat" GEORGE A WHITTAKER JR Service and Sa)** FA 4392 Coal Yard* 76b Grading Excavating Coal REIS BROS. MA. 1458 510 FURNACE ST. OLLAM & JAHN QUALITY COAL AND FEEDS 497 S. Central RA. 1722 Dependable Coal Prompt Service Jim Roberts Coal Co. DO 1411 2980 E. 5th Ave. PARKS COAL COMPANY 396 W. Mound Street Power Lawn Mower* 77d Parker lawn eweepers. Tero and Whirlwind power mowera. R. E. WOODIN SALES TO. MA. 1914 273 E. Spring 8t. Flowers, Plants, Tree* 79 TRIANGLE GARDENS LINES BROTHERS Complete Landscape Service Member Col*. Landscape A»»n. 1349 W. Lane Ave. KI 3331 Food Mart* 80a her Quality Food Shop OHIO GIANT MARKET 1960 North Fourth St. Open 7 day* a week HAPS MARKET Fresh Meat, Fruit, Veg. Open til 7:30 PM Daily and Sat. 9-1 on Sun. 479 W. 6th UN 1992 Z-6 Keck Funeral Home The Funeral Home Beautiful" H. L. Byers, Funeral Director Ambulance ZANESVILLE. OHIO Information Z-9 MUTUAL FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN CURRENT DIVIDEND 2% Each Savings Account Insured to $10,000 ________ ______ Mutual Federal Building 14 S Fifth Street ART COYLE’S MEN’S SHOP RAY COYLE. Owner Phona 2-4641 ZANESVILLE, OHIO USE Irvin Meadow-Gold Dairy Product* MILK ICE CREAM Phone 2-2709 Zanesville Business Announcement* Z-30 Beverages Popsi-C’ola and Old Colony Beverage* CLAY CITY BEVERAGE. INC. 33* N. 6th St. Phone 2-0682 WRIGHT VESS COLA BOTTLING CO. 1840 W. Main PH. 8-2112 Cleaner* and Dyer* DLSENBERRY CLEANERS 517 Underwood Ph. 3-3502 Chinaware—Glassware China Glaa* Gift* FOWLER-BOLIN CO. 310 Main St. Zaneavilla, O. Drug Store* SHIRLEY’S PHARMACY TERRACE PQJNT 1808 Dre»den Road Phone 2-6471 Floor Sanding—Finishing FLOOR SANDING PH 3-9154 Finishing G. J. Hoover Heating and Plumbing HOOVER HEATING A PLUMBING Specialist* in Steam and Hot Water Plumbing Inxtallation and Repairing Estimate* Given 15*1 4 Putnam Av. PH 2-1*91 Insurance FINAN INSURANCE AGENCY Firat Trust Bldg. PH. 2-6265 19 5 1 E 7 RICH STREET MARKET 1124 Eaat Rich St. ELDON’S MARKET 12*1 Oak St. COMO MARKED High St. LA 11 Wanted to Buy 12 Diamonds Old Gold HEISE & HOLZER. INC. E. BROAD ST. SUITE 6W BEN'S WASTE MATERIAL CO Wc Buy PAPER RAGS. METAL A IRON Quick Pick-up Service 1151 5 E. Merritt 9 A. SCRAP IRON Ask for Prices BEFORE SELLING 8. L. GRUNSTELN 4 3 8. HIGH ST. 108 ga ma Auto Service—Repair* 87c COLUMBLS AUTO RADIATOR CO Radiator Repairing Boll Out Cleon Out AD. 3839 E. SPRING ST. DANIELS BUICK Year North End Buick Dealer 3415 N Hub LL 3554 N. P. KERNS DE SOTO PLYMOUTH 3197.N. High LA 5122. LA 3111 Auto Part*—Accessories AUTO SEAT COVERS—All Cars. 33.95 up BEAVER AUTO STORES Used Cars for Sale 90 For a cheap, used ear 850 to $435. Come to Fay’s Auto Sales 2401 Cleveland Av*. Joe FOR A NEW STUDEBAKER CONTACT DAN CONROY GA 2970 FOR A FINER USED UN 4157 CAR N s E E E Bernard O’DOWD Av«. 1352 W. Sth KI. 6822 Inc. NIW STUDiBAKIR TRUCKS COMPLETE LINE OF USED TRUCKS A. Keller & Son DAIRY DO. 2411 Sale and Pure Milk For Babies Hamfan A Fox Doeorators *29 Park Phone 3-7771 Rhone 4071 Z9a Where to Dine P. M. CAFE Fine Foods & Beverages 817 Putnam Phone 20259 Zanesville "MODERATION IS A FULL LIFE" Flood's Bar and Grill WINES. LIQUORS "Beer at Its Best" TASTY FOODS SANDWICHES 430 Market Ph. 4691 ZS9 Wanted Real Estate ERNEST D. WATSON, Realtor Will Sell Your Real Estate Call Zanesville 3-8306 TIMES Classified Ads will give you maximum results at a mini mum of cost. Z-65c Automatic Heat HARMER HEATING CO. Waterbury Furnaeea 1927 Norwood Blvd. Dial 3-72ee "Heating is our business" Kessler Heating Co. Seborn Ave. Ph. 2-7398 Z'73c Television PLUMMER RADIO SERVICE TELEVISION Installation and Servie* Home and Auto Rad io Repairs 3*2 N. 7th Ph. 2-2486 Z-76b COAL YARDS RED ASH PEACOCK COAL Treated Stoker. 31c: Nut. 30c: Lump. 33c Furnace Lump, 32c. ZANE COAL CO. PH. 2-9276 Witchie Buick Co. 1265 W Main St. Zanesville Phone 24679 Fred J. Witchie. Owner Bob Miller 8. Son Your DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer 334 Hocking Insurance Agency 1101 Greenwood Ph. 2-7193 or 2-6162 Paint Contractor*_______ R. L. FULKERSON & SON Painting Contractor* Ph. 3-71X8 647 Putnam Ave. Dial 2-3663 _________ ZANESVILLE_____________ O S Sterling Service Quaker Stet* Product* Phone 2-0444 Putnam Zanesville Accessories Z-87h Auto Parts ROSS AUTO PARTS 1038-46 SHARON AVE. Zanesville, Ohio _______ ____ ___• Christmas Dolls Are Fun To Make Children love »oft, cuddly doll*—the kind they can drag around, throw around, even smash, without breaking. If such an item is on your list for Christmas, why not make it yourself? Start now, because the time is shorter than you think. Make i or left-over dress maierial which can be washed with other items in the family laundry, says Winifred S. Carter, who directs the House hold Information Service for Proc ter & Gamble. Then it will be no problem for Mothers to keep the toys clean Use a pattern, or make up your own. As long as the doll has a head, arms and legs, it will make some child happy. But for your own fun and satisfaction, you’ll give it a face, hair, and clothes. Mouths and eyes can be embroid ered or painted with fabric paint, and if yarn hair is sewed directly 6652 Electrical Contractor Industrial. Cnmmareial. Farm an* Reaidvne* Wiring PHONE 3953 71* Harding Ave. Lancaster JOIN YOUR FRIENDS FOR LUNCH AT IS ALY'S City Transfer "Our la Moving” Phone 2193 545 E. Chaatnut Laneaater Mt. Pleasant Greenhouse Formerly Acton Fleral Ca. "Flowers for al occasions" Phone 522 12* S Ml. Pleasant Lancaster Charlie Macioci A Sons Selected Fruit and Produce Warehouse—Cor. Fair and Harrison Phene 1797 Lancaster "W« are as near as your telephone" Try a Times Want Ad for prompt retu’ts. DEAN A BARRY PAINT IMPERIAL WALLPAPER The Fairfield Paint & Oil Co. Phone 4700 Lancaster Ziesler Tree Experts All Type., of Tree Service Shrub & Lawn Work Landscaping Our Insurant* Protec's You Baltimore Rd. 2656 ______BAKER-Phone Typewriter Co. Home ef Royal Typewriter* and Allen Adding Machine* 108 N. Columbus Lancaster Phone 2633 W Lancaster Modern Floor and Wall Co. Linoleum Carpete Ceramic Til* Rubber Asphalt Wallpaper Paint Plastic Tile 223 E. Main St. Phone 4441 Leneaater 87c Auto Service—Repair* RICHARD G. SMITH, D.O. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon 215 N. Broad St. Phon* 790 W Lancaster GEO. B. SHAW ELECTRIC CO. 647 E. Main St. Phone 2783 Lancaster “Eeerjihmg foe the Home" 331 N. Colambve Lancaster i of cotton chambray, or sheeting, into the scalp, it will prevent the doll from becoming bald when it is dragged cave-man fashion. Be original about hair color. Left over yarn of blue, green, purple, as well as yellow’ and brown, makes very acceptable hair, adds fun to the appearance of the dbll and fancy to the child’s imagination. Mrs. Carter advises washing cloth toys in warm water and a gentle soap or detergent like Ivory or Dreft. If you add them to the family laundry, tie the dolls or the toys in a pillow case before put ting them in the washer. (ANS) LANCASTER BUYERS' GUIDE Information |»-9 MAUGER'S SEA FOODS For the Best of Sea Foods A Really Tasty Meal 111 E. Mein BL Phen* 711 LANCASTER, OHIO BININGER'S Phene 1464 ~JOHN~fTkREIDLEr” Shoes of Distinction Phone M7J 203 W. Main St. LANCASTER, OHIO LYENDECKER Sob io Service Station Broad A Chestnut Phone 3190 Lancaster F. W. Woodward Groceries, Meats, Fruits, Vegetables Birds Eye Frozen Foods Fifth and Maple Free Delivery LANCASTER, OHIO BAST END WINE SHOP ‘‘We Cover Lancaster Like the Dew" THIMMES BROS. Quality Meats k Groceries 351 S. Columbus Lancaster Phono 809 THE CLOCK GOOD FOOD LIQUORS 118 E. Main St. Funeral Director* L4 James H. Sheridan Sons Funeral Director* 222 South Columbus Street Lancaster. Ohio TEI F.PHQNE to.W Where to Dine L-9 jn-KAR RESTAURANT 1549 N Columbae St. Fhnne 351 Bu*ine*s Announcement* L-30 LEWIS MOTOR SALES G.M.C. Trucks Sales A Service 13*3 E. Main Phon* 4124 Appliance* WESTINGHOUSE SALES A SEBVIC1 Appliance Center 165 W. Mulberry Phone A* Beauty Shops BETTY’S BEAUTY SHOP Our long experience yoor Beauty Aa*at ance. 1191q W. Main Phon» 1*2. WILLIAMS PERMANENT WAVE SHOP Mr. and Mr*. Chas. Williams 115 W. Wheeling Ph, 1313-W CARRY OUT Lancaiter Wine Store 241 W. Main St.—Free Delievry Phone 2411W Paul Cooney. Prog. Home Purnithing Our policy is serving our cus tomers the Best Quality Furniture for less money. A Full Guarantee on everything we sell. Complete Home Furnishings Williams Furniture Mart Phong 3336 Cor. Sth k Maple St., Lancaster, Ohio Optometrist* Dr. J. W. McGonagle OPTOMETRIST Hours 9 AM to 5 PM Daily Evenings by Appointment 402 E. Mam St. Ph. 1302 Automobile Part* Accessori** QUALITY' AUTO PARTS Pedrick Piston Ring* Wagner Lockheed Brake Lin in* Borg-Warner Product* Complete Auto Patr* and Machine Shop Service Phone 701 410 N. Memorial Drive U*ed Car* for S*le L-90 Jack R. Kitzmiller USED CARS "The Good Used Car Wi»h New Car Reputation" Ail Make* and Model* Open Daily 8 A. M. til! 9 P- M. 218 W. Chestnut Phone 2388