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US THE HEART OF THE CITY LETS PRAY IMta ••eel mr Hl in. uh ff.ina.TziM '..■'i? I iS« io. By the PuWiahen of MY LITTLE MISSAL Ji II fall e»l»r, It ta fu-o ro/or dtligbtful illu»trotio»i, oaty. to-read taxt 25 i Here Exclusively fjkl III EGAN-RYAN FUNERAL SERVICE BROAD St. .1 CLEVELAND tn. FIRST PRAYERS FOR LITTLE CATHOLICS A book of basic prayers for the pre-school, pri mary child, including the Our Father, Hail Mary, Sign of the Cross, and Grace before and after meals. Our 91*t Year Servin* th* Citholi* famili** Central Ohio. New Parking Let AMBULANCES MA. 6665 MA. 6666 hard cover taktl rough ba* ditug thoroughly approved by had ing aducatori Order from your dealer or from the CATECHETICAL GUILD Educational Society 147 East Fifth St., St. Paul I, Mina. the smartest topper ol the season e that’s the collar, high rising adjustable button sleeves. The praise winning short story 464 South Fourth Street Columbus, Ohio Pope Calls World To Return To Christ To Avoid Disaster Rome To Set Pattern For All Other Dioceses In Plan For Mighty Reawakening Of Christendom VATICAN CITY His Holiness Pope Pius XH nas called for a “mighty reawakening” to save a world threatened with disaster. The Sovereign Pontiff said it is the duty of every man of good will to “re-examine, with a courage worthy of the great moments of human history, what he can and must do personally, as his own contri bution to the saving power of God, in order to help a world which is started, as it is today, on the road to ruin.” His Holiness warned that there persists "a general condition which, We do not hesitate to say, may ex plode at any moment.” He said the origin of this condition is to be sought “in the religious luke-warm ness of so many, in the low moral tone of public and private life, in systematic efforts to poison sim ple minds.” He added that poison is administered to these minds “af ter their understanding of true liberty has, so to speak, been drug ged.” The Pope was speaking by radio to the people of Rome, but he was calling upon them to take the lead, saying the pattern they set in his own diocese “shall be immediately imitated in other dioceses, near and far, so that Our eyes shall see not only cities, but nations, con tinents, the entire human race re turn to Christ.” A Definite Plan It was clearly evident that the Pontiff has a definite plan in mind for the great rejuvenation of the world. He did not give details. But he said he entrusted its execu tion to his Cardinal Vicar for Rome, His Eminence* Clemente Cardinal Micara. The Pope chose this time, he said, because it was the eve of the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, com memorating the Blessed Virgin’s intervention in a “century of ra tionalistic aberration and religious depression.” He called Our Lady’s apparition “an irresistible sum mons back to the supernatural and the first step back towards pro gressive, religious renascence.” It is not known what further steps may be taken. But in Vatican circles it is expected that the na ture of the campaign will be re vealed in the spiritual crusade be ing opened in Rome by the Rev. Riccardo Lombardi, noted Italian Jesuit preacher, which was arrang ed in connection with the Pope’s address. It also remains to be seen what Cardinal Micara will direct for Rome's faithful as a first step and an example for the rest of the world. Be Loyal To Our Advertisers Mandarin coat little P,„a. $35M WEILBACHERS Monday Hours: 8:30 A. M.—9 P. M. Tuesday thru Saturday: 8:30 A. M.—5:30 P. M. FREE PARKING IN REAR AD. 5761 Action Now The Holy Father called for ac tion, and at once. “Let the hand, then, be put to the plow,” he said. “May God, Who desires it so much, move you may the nobility of the undertaking attract you may its ur gency stimulate you may the jus tifiable fear of the terrible future, which would result from a culpable indolence, vanquish every hesita tion and determine every will.” The Bishop of Rome called upon his people to “receive with a noble spirit of dedication the holy charge which your Shepherd and Father today entrusts to you: to launch a mighty reawakening of thought and action.” Repeatedly, His Holiness remind ed of the need for determined ac tion now. “Now is the time, beloved chil drfen,” he said, “now is the time to take decisive steps and shake off this fatal lethargy!” Again, he said: “It is an entire world which must be rebuilt from its foundations, transformed from savage to human from human to divine, that is to say, according to the Heart of God Scores Lethargy “Let it be very clear, beloved sons, that the root of modern evils and of their baneful consequence is not, as in pre-Christian times or in regions yet pagan, invincible ig norance of the eternal destiny of man and of the principal means of attaining it rather it is lethargy of the spirit, weakness of the will, and coldness of the heart. “Men, infected by such con tagion, try, as if in justification, to cloak themselves with the dark ness of the past and seek an ex cuse in errors, both old and new. It is necessary, therefore, to act upon their wills.” Saying that those who are fast asleep must be wakened those who are apprehensive must be en couraged, and those who are con fused must be guided, His Holiness said that, by taking the lead in “this regenerating and saving ac tion,” Rome, through the example of her people, as well as by reason of the Chair of Truth, “shall re- live her centuries-old mission of spiritual teacher of peoples.” Pope Pius said that, as “We ac cept the heavy cross of the Pon tificate” because it was the will of God, “so also do We now bow to the arduous duty of being, in so far as Our weak strength per mits, the herald of a better world willed by God.” LIPPERT, Clarence, 64. 1730 S. Fourth street, Columbus, Feb. 14, St. Ladislaus church. KLOPF, Mrs. Catherine, 74. 386 E. Markison avenue, Columbus, Feb. 13, St. I^o church. Survivors: her husband, Martin one daughter, one son, and a sister. SHERIDAN, Miss Mary, 92, 431 E. Gay street, Columbus, Feb. 12, St. Joseph cathedral. Survivors: two nieces and a nephew. SNIDER, Charles. 82, 1329 Ash land avenue, Zanesville, Feb. 12, St. Thomas church. WOLFLE, John, 73, 1049 Weiant avenue, Newark, Feb. 12, St. Fran cis de Sales church. Survivors: five sons and a daughter. KUHNHEIM, Mrs. Mayme, 74. 308 Reinhard avenue, Columbus, Feb. 11, St. Mary church. Survivors: two stepdaughters. COAKLEY, Mrs. Henry, 25, 343 Locust street, Lancaster, Feb. 13, St. Mary church. Survivors: her husband, Henry three daughters, her parents, seven brothers and five sisters. TRITSCHLER. Fred. 66, 1021 King avenue, Columbus, Feb. 15, St. Christopher church. Survivors: his wife, Helen one brother. WEAVER, Mrs. Tcnnie, 89, Etna, Feb. 14, St. Patrick church. Surviv ors: one son, three grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. FINNEMAN. Mrs. Margaret, 91, 676 S. 22nd street, Columbus. Feb. .15, St. John church. Survivors: three sons. KULP. Charles, 78, 671 Stewart avenue. Columbus, Feb. 14, Corpus Christi church. Survivors: one daughter, two sons, a brother, and two sisters. LASCORE, Charles. 47, 310 W. Church street, Newark. Feb. 14, St. Francis de Sales church. Survivors: his wife, Esther two brothers and two sisters. Priest Offers Ten Rules To Curb Divorce CHICAGO (NC) Ten rules for the husband and wife who wish to achieve a happy marriage were offered here yesterday by the Rev. John A. O’Brien. University of Notre Dame lecturer and noted au thor. Speaking on “A Happy Mar riage” at the Mercy Foundation Forum in Mercy High School, Fa ther O’Brien listed the rules as fol lows: 1. Thou shait make thy promise of mutual love and loyalty a vow to God, binding until death. 2. Thou shait abstain from the angry word which wounds more deeply than the sword. 3. Thou shait respect the person ality of thy mate and not seek to dominate or tyrannize. 4. Thou shait allow no in-law to interfere with the running of thy home. 5. Thou shait abstain from drink where alcohol is a danger to either party. 6. Thou shait make a family bud get and observe it. 7. 'Jhou shait eschew pettiness, nagging, selfishness, jealousy and false pride. 8. Thou shait grow in considera tion and love each day and share thy interests and pleasures to a maximum. 9. Thou shait love thy children as God’s supreme gift and rear them to be good citizens with a sense of honor, tolerance and fair play. 10. Thou shait kneel together in prayer each night, knowing that the family that prays together stays together. Father O’Brien also recommend ed a law requiring all couples con templating marriage to complete a premarital course consisting of 12 lectures as a prerequisite for the purchase of a marriage license, pointing out that such a law would greatly curb divorce which is “wrecking one out of every three marriages.” Before receiving a driver’s license, the priest explain ed, the applicant must be properly trained and he must prove his com petence by passing a test. The sta bility of the home is no less im portant than safety on the high way, he said. ------------o Special Envoy Represents Pope At Funeral Of King LONDON (NC) As Envoy Extraordinary of His Holiness Pope Pius XII, Archbishop Paolo Giobbe, Papal Internuncio to the Nether lands, attended the state funeral for King George VI of Britain. The Archbishop walked in the funeral procession together with representatives of most countries of the world, among them Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Konrad Ad enauer, Chancellor of Germany, and Georgi N. Zarubin. Soviet Am bassador in London, who was the official representative of the Mos cow government. May They Rest In Peace BENNETT, Arthur, 44, 1371 Sha ron avenue, Zanesville, Feb. St. Thomas church. Survivors: his wife. Myrtle three brothers and one sister. WOLFINGER, Mrs. Georg,e 73, 185 E. Allen street. Lancaster, Feb. 18, St. Mary church. Survivors: her husband George three sons and six daughters. BURGOON. Mrs. Agnas, 81. 706‘i S. Ninth street, Columbus, Feb. 18, St. Patrick church Junc tion City. Survivors: one son and three daughters. ALTMAN, Mrs. Lena. 74, 1282 lx)ckbourne avenue, Columbus, Feb. 18 Corpus Christi church. Sur vivors: her husband, John a son and a daughter. O’NEIL, James E., Marion. Feb. 12. St. Mary church. Survivors: his wife Helen and six children. GUALTIERI, William, 15, 345 Woods avenue, Newark, Feb. 16, St. Francis de Sales church. Surviv ors: his parents three sisters, and a brother. GRACE, Mrs. Harriet, 73. 826 N. Second street, Dennison, Feb. 9, Immaculate Conception church. Survivors: a brother, Erwin. COTTRILL, Mrs. Katherine, 78. New Straitsville, Feb. 15. St. Au gustine church. Survivors: her hus band, Guy several nieces and nep hews. e------------------ -O-------------------- Brother Of Fr. McEniry Dies In Ireland Feb. 10 The death of Thomas McEniry, 75, at his home in Ballyvista, Coun ty Tipperary, Ireland, on Feb. 10, was reported here this week by his brother, the Rev. E. C. McEniry, O.P., former chaplain at Mt. Car mel Hospital. Mr. McEniry was the oldest of a family of nine brothers and one sister. Father McEniry, now assistant pastor of St. Dominic’s Church, De troit, also taught at Aquinas High School. Columbus. ARLINGTON and TRI-VILLAGE Radio Equipped Our New Phone CABS MA 6895 Sarvin. ArUnrton and Grandview Call* to and from Columbus BUYERS' DOLANS Clothing & Shoes 59 S. 3rd St. Newark, O. TRADE WITH THE ROE EMERSON STORE CLOTHES—HATS—FURNISHINGS SHOES 11 “S” Went Sid* Square, Newark The Lad'a Store as Well aa Dad'* Ted's Jewelry Newark 7 Union St. Phone 49242 Sawyer's Market Quality Foods 393 E. Main Newark, Ohio ALTMEYER Service Station "Marathon Cat Gas" Granville & 6th Newark Insured Deposits THE NEWARK TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation jr nr'V CEMENT BRICK AND BLOCK USED LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS S G. (TEDO) LOEWENDICK & SONS LINNVII.LF, ROAD PHONE 6164 COMPLETE LOCK AND KFT SERVICE For Your Car Needs BEAVER AUTO STORE 62-66 E. Main St. Phone 4466 NEWARK, OHIO When You Want GOOD Furniture—Go to CARLILE'S West Main at Arcad* Annas 57-59 W. Main St. Newark vwwwvwwwwwwww EGAN Funeral Home Ambulance Service Phone 3580 132 W. Church Newark HORNER'S NEWARK PAINT CO. Distributor* DEAN and BARRY High Grad* Paint* Practical Paint* for AU Purpose* Imperia) Washabl* Wallpaper S8 W. Church St. Phen* W»4 Newark Ohio Plan CWV Lenten Rosary Broadcast Shown planning details of the Rosary program to be broadcast over Station WHKC, Columbus, in Lent, are, left to right, Budd Sweeney, chief announcer of WHKC James H. King, commander of Our Lady of Fatima Post, CWV and John B. Moses, program director of WHKC. The 15-minute program is scheduled to be heard at 10*15 p. m. five nights a week, Monday to Friday, throughout Lent. The program will be sponsored by the Catholic War Veterans posts of Columbus. NEWARK CLASSIFIED SECTION 20c per line Qerd A 4 P. O. Bel 636 Columbus 18, O BEAUTY SHOPS Eulo Mae's ‘S' Featuring Rocket Wave, the new cold wave as seen on television "Sharp Com ments." Eula Mae Stockdale 483 Maple Ave. Ph. 6886 Open Evenings! REAL ESTATE Real Estate—Insurance n W Main Phone 43ot SEPTIC TANKS Pre-Cant Concrete SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE AND CINDER BLOCKS W. L. MATTOX Corner Forry and Daniel Ave., Phone 8864 Newark, Ohio SERVICE STATIONS HERTZ DRIVE-UR-SELF SYSTEM Phone 9087 PEARSON'S MARATHON SERVICE CENTER FIFTH AND CHURCH STREETS Newark's Finest Service Center! USED CARS We Are Open Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat. Eve.—7-« P. M. Gibson Motors Dodite Plymouth Town-Country Intersection—Utica, O. WASHER REPAIR A. B. VOORHEES Washing Machine Sweeper Service Hl Poplar Axetme Phone 91793 Swanks Market OPEN SUNDAYS Phone 32151 45 Granville Newark The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage in the different lines of business. 4 THE HUB 4 The Busy Store 4 Men's and Boys' Clothing 4 dWVVWWVW^^WWVkWt “The Store That It Different” FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES NEWARK, OHIO 4mhmh_hh GUIDE WANTED TO BUY Old Banjo Clocks Call Markham at BUCKEYE OIL CO. Phone 3939 121 East Main Street Newark, Ohio Your Friendly Neighborhood Grocer 25th YEAR C. O. FRUSH 129 Rose Hill Avenue The P. Smith Sons Lumber Co. Building Materials Yard and Office •5-85 South Second Street NEWARK. OHIO L.O.L.P. Established IM* Service Intercity The Park National Bank OF NEWARK Whether it is services or mer chandise you seek, it will pay tn re member the Times advertisers. BORDEN'S Dairy & Ice Cream Co. Phone 4053 Leo Reichert Complete Insurance Service Tel. S8«7 42 8. 6th St. Newark ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS la Oar Bnainaaa The Black Top Co. Phon* 8972 Newark. Ohio Arcade Drug Store 33 N. 3rd St. Newark “Where you are always welcome" Dixie Coal Yard Coal for every heating purpose Phone 6020 •1 Stanberry St. Newark. O. George W. Arensberg PHARMACIST 176 Hudson Av... N.wark, Ohio SPECIALIZING IN PRESCRIPTIONS NEWARK TERMITE CONTROL Your home is a precious possession. Protect it with our scientific treatment. Free inspections and estimates within 100 mile area. 16 years actual experience All work fully guaranteed Maholm St. Phone 4450 or 52941 NEWARK SHEET METAL Roofing Spouting Heating 24-Hour Service 141 Everett Ave. Phone 3397 MATESICH DIST. AGENCY Budweiser Wiedemann's Red Top Gibson's Wine Newark, Ohio Zanesville, Ohio