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Be Loyal To Our Advertisers See the Hanna Dealer in Your Commu nity THE HANNA PAINT MFG. COMPANY 95 W. Long Street AT TH e SIGN OF THE GIANT PAINTER PERPETUAL NOVENA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Every Tuesday 7:30 p.m. St. Christopher’s Church Grandview A Ida TRENOR MOTOR SALES Dodge Plymouth Used Cars Trucks 3241 N. High Street, Columbus, LA. 1115 TODAY ... IS THE DAY Start your savings account now. Open an account for any amount. Add as you desire. Each individual account insured up to $10,000 by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation. 214% current rate 216% You’ll find the best at 4 W". Wkv ta.ii! COME IN TODAY and 9—.this and other: great Support Of Catholic Press Is Called Matter Of (conscience JACKSON HEIGHTS. N. Y. (NG)—A Catholic press must be maintained in the United States for the same reasons of conscience that the Catholic school system must be maintained, James F. Kane, executive secretary of the Catholic Press Association declar ed in a statement. “If we had to rely on the gener al press for complete and correct information on the Catholic Church, we would not have all the information we need, to know how to lead truly Catholic ’lives,” Mr. Kane said. But all the work and sacrifice that goes into the Catholic press would be in vain, he assert ed, without readers. He re called how St. Au-justine, at the moment of his conversion, heard a voice in a singsong chant say: “Take up and read,” and called up on all Catholics “for your own sakes and for the sake ol the Cath olic press to take up and read.” Pointing out that "even the best and most representative news papers will not give you either news on matters of great moment to Catholics or editorial positions grounded on Catholic teaching or even on right principles of human reason.” Mr. Kane -.aid that “even the best general aewspapers are secularistic” and are "generally I Central Ohio Federal Savings 71 South Third Street Between Broad and State HOERMLE S A REFRIGERATOR A FOOD FREEZER Model NH-10 G-E Refrigerators! New! Space Maker Door Shelves! Redi-Cube ice trays! New Rolla-Drawers! E morally neutral” though few are actually “anti-Catholic.” The CPA official explained that the Catholic Press covers four ma jor fields oi publications: news papers, magazines, pamphlets and books. In the United dates, he said, there are some 114 diocesan news papers and about 34 Catholic news papers published in foreign lan guages, making in round figures about 150 Catholic papers with a combined circulation of more than four million. Despite the small number of Catholic newspapers, in compari son to the 1,773 daily newspapers and 8.500 weeklies, Catholic news papers have grown in circulation since World War II and have in creased in number, said Mr. Kane. Since last May five new Catholic papers have been started, he add ed. “More important our news papers have greatly improved in the last five years both in cover age, in context and in appearance,” he said. He quoted a typograph ic expert as saying: “Of the Catholic newspapers I saw, none of them could be considered typo graphically bad and the aver age, of those I looked at, was bet ter made up than the average large metropolitan daily.” Mr. Kane emphasized that only the Catholic press “since the 1920’s” has been warning of the “menace of godless communism.” The Catholic press “warned again and again of the true nature of the revolution,” he said. “It is too bad for our Church and our country that the Catholic press went unheeded.” Cardinal Plans To Say Mass In 3 Eastern Rites ERNAKULAM. India—(NO—His Eminence Eugene Cardinal Tisser ant, Secretary of the Sacred Con gregation for the Oriental Church, is expected to celebrate Mass in three different rites during his vis it to India this year, it has been learned here. The Cardinal is scheduled to come to India to participate in cel ebrations commemorating the 19th centenary of the arrival of St. Thomas the Apostle in India and the fourth centenary of the death of St. Francis Xavier, apostle of the Orient. The Cardinal is expected to arrive here on December 20. As part of the celebrations on the Indian subcontinent the body of St. Francis Xavier will be sol emnly exposed for veneration at Goa, Portuguese India. Cardinal Tisserant belongs to the Latin Rite. However, information reaching here states that he is now familiarizing himself with the rub rics of the Mars in the Syro-Mala bar and the Syro Malankara rites. A large number of mdian Catholics belong to these rites. 10.3-CU-FT REFRIGERATOR FOOD FREEZER COMBINATION AS LITTLE AS $r.oo The top compartment is a real food freezer that keeps frozen foods at zero temperature as long as one year. The bottom compart ment is a big refrigerator that keeps foods fresh and never needs defrosting! PER WEEK ■Her down payment Both compartments are separately insulated, sep arately refrigerated, sepa rately controlled! Butter Conditioner! G-E sealed-in refriger ating system! HOERHILE’S 1894 PARSONS AVE. GA. 2195-2196 Grade School Pupils’ Music Fete Planned Elementary school children of the Central Deanery will be seen and heard in their annual music festival Sunday, March 23, at 3 p.m. in the Hartman Theater, Co lumbus. Theme of this year s festival will be the 1950 message of the U. S. Hierarchy: “The Child. Citizen of Two Worlds.” In choral singing and group danc ing the children will trace their lives from the learning of their first prayers, through the liturgical cycle of the Church and the secu lar life of the social being, to the grand finale when they «recognize God as the center of all life and sing the hymn, “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name.” Approximately 450 children will be chosen from grades three to eight in the schools of the deanery to take part in the festival. The same pageant will be pro duced in each of the other four deaneries of the Diocese. Train Wreck Is Responsible For Church Blessing PORT BARRE, La., There is a direct connection between a freight train wreck and St. Mary’s Church here that was blessed re cently by Bishop Jules B. Jean mard of Lafayette. This independent negro parish was erected a little more than a year ago and the Rev. Austin Uhachere was named pastor. There was very little cash toward the building of a church. However, a carload of cement was part of the train that was wrecked 14 miles from Port Barre. After the wreck the cement was bought for the proverbial song. Labor given by mentbers of the parish, and other gifts made pos sible the erection and furnishing of this 90 by 30-foot church with a seating capacity of 320, at a cost of $18,000. o------------------ New Lexington CYO Unit Meets With New Officers NEW LEXINGTON—The Junior CYO of St. Rose parish met recent ly with the following new officers officiating: Dick Dreese, president Dolly Stiers, vice president Anna Hammond, secretary and Jack Nash, treasurer. New' committee chairmen are: Neil Fisher, spiritual, Theresa Mar ket, social: Dick Wollcnburg. ath letic, and Eileen Nash, publicity. ATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 "1? Get New Posts Reunion Held Hi* Holinas* Pop* Piu* XII this w**k named Bishop Thomas K. Gor man (upper left), of Reno, Nev., Titular Bishop of Rhesus end Co adjutor with the right of succes sion of Bishop Joseph L. Lynch of Dallas, Texas. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Burke (upper right) of Buffalo has been named Bishop of Buffalo. Monsignor Joseph Me Shea (at left), Secretary of the Apostolic Delegation, Washington, has been named Titular Bishop of Mina and Auxiliary to Archbishop John F. O'Hara, C.S.C., of Philadel phia. These new Episcopal appoint ments were made known this week by His Excellency Archbishop Am leto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic delegate to the United States. You Helped Her Onlv one of thousands of DPs brought to the United States titrough th* efforts of the Amer ican Bishops, this little girl from Lithuania clings to her father upon arrival in New York. There War Relief Services—N. C. W. C., sped her on her way to her new home. The $5,000,000 fund appeal on behalf of the Bishops' Emer gency Relief Committee and War Relief Services will enable the work for expellees and refugees to continue. o------------------Rome. To Hold Winter Formal Announcement is being made for the winter formal of Theta Kappa Phi, 227 E. 15th Ave. The event is being held at the new Ohio State University Catholic Center, 1946 Iuka Ave., on Saturday, Feb. 23, from 9 to 12 p. m. The Collegians Orchestra will play. Guests will include Very Rev. Msgr. Gilbert Schmenk, of the Col lege of the Josephinum, Worthing ton Rev. James McEwan, Chaplain of Ohio State University and Theta Kappa Phi: Mrs. H. Sanford, house mother, and Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Mahr, Professor of German at Ohio State University. Q------------- End Of Trail For Indian Believed Last Of Tribe SANTA BARBARA (NC) Affectionately known as Tio Tomas (Uncle Tom), Tomas Ygnacio de Aquino, 80, believed to be the last full-blooded Indian of the Canali no tribe w-ho were settled here 166 years ago when the Franciscan missioners founded Mission Santa Barbara, has died here. Tio Tomas had been ill for the last year with a heart ailment. He was born in 1871 and never mar ried. He spent the last days of his life with a nephew, Paul Gar cia. A Requiem Mass was offered for him in Our Lady of Sorrows Church and he was buried in Cal vary Cemetery. "A COMPLETE SERVICE" Real Estate Sales-Mt'g. Loans Improvement Loans Title Ins. Call Fergus Theibert for Details. The Guarantee, Title & Trust Co. 22 W. Gay St Columbus, O. Est. 1899 MA. 5531 THE HERMAN FALTER PACKING CO. PORK AND BEEF PRODUCTS Greenlawn Avenue COLUMBUS, OHIO For Converts At Cathedral A reunion of the converts who were received into the Church at St. Joseph Cathedral, Columbus, between Oct. 1, 1950 and Dec. 31, 1951 was held in the Cathedral Rectory Wednesday evening, Feb. 13. As explained in the invitation mailed to each convert by the Ca thedral priests, the meeting was held “to let you know you are not forgotten once you have been bap tized as Catholics, to offer you the opportunity of asking questions which may have come to your mind since your conversion, and to give you the chance to meet or renew acquaintances with fellow con verts.” After the more than 50 people had the opportunity to meet one another, they received a short in struction on the necessity of know ing the priests of their own parish and the obligation of joining their parish societies. The converts then spent an hour asking the Cathedral priests ques tions. after which color films of the Sacrifice of the Mass were shown and explained. The meet ing ended with a social half hour and refreshments. The group found the evening so instructive that plans are being formed for it to meet three or four times a year. The Cathedral priests hope next year to band their 1952 converts into a similar group for further study. -------------o------------------ Fr. Litzinger Given Degree By Dominicans A well known Dominican priest and native of Somerset was honor ed by his order early this month when he received the biretta and ring of a Master of Sacred The ology. He is the Very Rev. Charles I. Litzinger, O.P., Professor of philosophy at the Dominican House of Philosophy, St. Rose Pri ory, Springfield, Ky., where the ceremony took place, and profes sor of theology at Ursuline College, Louisville. The honor, which dates back to the time of St. Thomas Aquinas, is conferred by the Dominican Or der on its own members. It sig nifies that the recipient has been outstanding in teaching, profound in doctrine, and exact in religious observance. It is the highest aca demic degree bestowed by the Or der of Preachers. Father Litzinger, who formerly was prior of the Dominican House of Studies at Washington, D.C., was born Aug. 5, 1901, in Somerset the oldest of 13 children. He entered the Dominican Order in 1920 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1927 by Archbishop Michael J. Curley of Baltimore. Father Litzinger took additional studies at Manhattan College in New York and at the Angelicum On the occasion of his investi ture as Master of Sacred Theology he received congratulations from many clerical and lay friends, in cluding Archbishop Amleto Cicog nani, Apostolic Delegate to the U.S., and the Very Rev. T. S. Mc Dermott, O.P., Provincial of the Province of St. Joseph, of which Father Litzinger is a member. Among those present at the cere mony were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Litzinger. and four of his sisters who are member of the Dominican Sisters of St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus. o------------------ Name Book Week Chairmen The Rev Anthony Kleinschmidt, librarian*at the Josephinum Col lege, and Mrs. Virginia Wilshire of the Clintonville branch of the Co lumbus Public Library, have been named co-chairmen for Catholic Book Week sponsored by the Co lumbus Unit, Catholic Library As sociation. HARRY WELINITZ Concrete & Cinder Building Units 4”-6”-8”-12” sizes STEEL 8ASH 231 N. Princeton RA 2-2641 EssssGaBnasssssaeaBssHBSxaBani BROSMER’S Sommit St. near Hodson Our Home-made Chocolate* are the best. Buy them tn bulk or packed for eifta. Try our Home made Ice Cream too, you’ll like it. RUC Sizing that makes rugs as they were when new BINDING REPAIRING LAYING SERGING SEWING GUARANTEED MOTHPROOFING RAINS 506 Cline St. GA 8395 COLUMBUS. OHIO Diocese Resettles 12 DP’s In Week Twelve European displaced per sons, uprooted from their homes by World War II or excluded from them by the Iron Curtain, arrived in the Columbus Diocese last week, where they have been guar anteed homes and jobs Sponsored by War Relief Ser vices-National Catholic Welfare Conference, and received at Colum bus by the Catholic Welfare Bur eau, the arrivals included: Istvan Horvath, 60, and his wife, Margit, a Hungarian couple. Wasyl Lytus, 28. his wife, Pela gia, and their 8-months-old daugh ter Lucie, Ukrainians. Johann Streil and his wife and child, Germans Nikolai Frank and nis wife. Hel ene, and their stepson Alvert Leg zdins. Germans from Latvia Borgaslav Lecki, 27-year-old Hungarian student who will attend classes at Ohio State University. IMI HIGH $T. fleven T»/*fr**AW COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE 3 T. M. SHEEDY PAVING CONTRACTOR Asphalt and Concrete Spraying Driveways 428 Neihton St AD. MSJ $175 Per Month end Up is starting salary for graduates of the only authorized Comp tometer School in Columbus Short inexpensive course of in dividual instruction in day or evening classes. Free lifetime employment through any of our 150 schools. The Comptometer School MA. 2670 511 Hartman Theater Bldg. UNITED REFRIGERATOR SERVICE 581 W. Town St. MA. 4231 Frigidaire and Tyler Refrigeration Equipment Sales and Service RALPH J. KRAMER. SR. RICHARD KRAMER YALE COAL COMPANY AD. 1277 281 W Mound St Columbus, Ohio ROOFING. SIDING and GUTTERS We will give you honest service on any of the above work, either NEW or REPAIR. The cost will surprise you—EASY TERMS! GOFF & SONS EV. 7478 OAY OR EVE. EV. 7478 In Time of Neea THESE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Experienced tn Catholic Funerals offer CONSCIENTIOUS AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE LEO F. HAAG FUNERAL HOME GA. 4569 T1S4 Jaeger St. McNAMARA FUNERAL HOME A Catholic Funeral Home Lpholding Catholic Ideals, Following Catholic Principles 24 E. Third Ave. I I KI -888 Columbus, Ohio VlM 8500 HOME-LIKE MAEDER-QUINT FUNERAL PARLORS 1048 SO. HIGH ST. PHONE GA. 3011 Formerly Arthur H. Maeder & Co. Just North of Greenlawn Ave. EST 1870 NEW 405 TOWN ST., COLUMBUS A Satisfied Customer is an Asset. Satisfied Customers are OUR Best ASSETS, for more than 27 Years we have been rendering the best possible services at the least possible Expense. 1177 West Sth Ave./ Columbus, Ohio Phone UN 1233 Phone UN 5477 Private Ambulance Private Parking Area Limousines for Weddings