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Be Loyal To Our Advertisers 1930 •1!printin6 ca 455 E. MAIN ST. AD.-485I A Comp ete Pt'ntina Serfice LOOSE LEAF DEVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES FILING EQUIPMENT FAVORS AND NOVELTIES NITSCHKE BROS. STATIONERS PRINTERS 3? East Gay 8tr*»t COLUMBUS. OBIO PAOLETTI'S RESTAURANT 53 S. 3RD ST. COLUMBUS Well-known for Good Food and Pleasant Atmosphere Open a. m. te m. Complete Bar Service Closed Sundays COLUMBU SAVINGS AND LOAN 48 W. GAY ST ADems 5957 C. J. LANG COMPANY General Contractors 551 South Fifth St. COLUMBUS, OHIO The Knights of Columbus Club NOW HAVE A number of NICE OUTSIDE ROOMS with and without bath at very REASONABLE RATES ALSO THE BALLROOM is now available for Dances, Parties and Banquets. For Information Phono Ma. 4451 Before Easier we must send cheering aid to the Sisters who guard our little ones in snd out of the Holy Land. The SIS TERS OF CHARITY have foundling “CRIBS” in four places there. THESE ARE ONLY FOUR GROUPS OUT OF THIRTY-TWO, INCLUD ING CLOISTERED CARMELS. WHICH WE HELF MONTHLY. SINCE THEY DEPEND ENTIRELY ON US TO TIDE THEM OVER THESE HARD TIMES, WE BEG THAT YOU WILL CONSOLE THEIR GRATE FUL HEARTS. ANY GIFT, $1, $10, $100, IS DEEPLY APPRECIATED. NOT MANY ANGELS When we appealed for Father Cherubim’s dream of building a little ehapel near Vythri in South India, all too few “angels” answered his plea. Can you help to give him $350, which will be the fulfillment of his dream for a House of God for his poor converts? “LENTEN BOUQUET’: The Crucifix and a Statue of the Sor rowful Mother can be given to a little Near East Mission chapel for onlv fiftv-five dollars. Your bou quet? “EVER BURNING”: The Sanctuary Lamp, always burning before the Blessed Sacrament, ean be given to a Near East chapel for $15. ________ HOODED CLOUDS The hooded clouds like friar* tell their beads in drops of rain. Do you know that devotion to Our Lady of Fatima is really devotion to her Rosary? Write for “HEAD LINES IN HEAVEN”, when you send vour offering towards the SHRINE CHAPEL OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA, which we hope to build in India this year. The Time of Your Life By Father Hafford The Saint Of The Week St. Matthias comes into focus next Monday. He was known in tradition as one of the 72 disciples who prepared the people along the way for the visit of Christ during His public life. According to scrip ture St. Matthias was selected by the power of the Holy Spirit after the Ascension to take the place left by Judas. We have it on the au thority of some of the early saints that Matthias was a great one for mortification and many of his ser mons taught the lesson of bodily penance to his converts. He is a proper patron for Lent. WhyMsw* FARM BUREAU UFE INSURANCE That’s often the feeling of new discover ers of Farm Bureau Life’s many exceptional insurance plans. Low in cost, flexible to fit different family situ ations, they are winning thousands of new friends every year. Investigate this "easy” way of enjoying real security. Call BILL RAUSCH (Member of Holy Rosary Parish) FA. 4560 MA. 4431 1780 Mooberry St. Columbus FARM BUREAU LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY We Must Help ThemI The SISTERS OF TRK APOSTLES have their little orphanage at Beth lehem. The SISTERS OF ST. ANN have one in the hometown of Our Lady’s Mother. Then there are the LADIES OF NAZA RETH with their free maternity tent hospital. "STABAT MATER”: "At the Cross her Station keeping, stood that mournful Mother weeping." Can you give fifty dollars for a special set of the Stations of the Cross? “NEAREST TO GOD’’: In Purga tory at this moment there is a soul waiting for one more Mass. Have a Near East priest offer this. SISTER MARY OF FATIMA la Just eighteen and beginning her novi tiat with the Sisters of the Destitute at Chungamvely, India. Can you make her your adopted daughter, giving the $300 needed for her two years' training, in any installments you wish? BROTHER FRANCIS FACCINI is training for the missionary priest hood at St. Cyril’s Seminary in the shadow of the pyramids of Egypt. In four years he hopes to be a priest, bringing Christ to the poor of Egypt along the Nile. Can you make him your adopted eon, giving the $400 needed to make his priesthood materially possible? OUR DOLLAR-A-MONTH CLUBS: This month all money received for the BASILIANS, our School Club, goes to poor Bishop Naamo for deso late Khabour, Syria: donations for chapel furnishings and altar linens of the MONICA GUILD go to the humble chapels of Bishop Chamy in Hauran deposits in MARY’S BANK go to the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Dekouane, Lebanon ORPHAN’S BREAD helps the orphans of the Sisters of Perpetual Help at Marmarita: the poor lepers under the care of Father Joseph Thomas at Shertallay, India, will receive help from the DAMIEN LEPER FUND. Please do not forget the few pennies a day that make a dollar a month during Lent. LENTEN MOVIE Lovely Bethlehem, happy Naza reth, sorrowful Jerusalem, all the holy Shrines of Our Blessed Lord's life, can be seen in our 16 MM. film. Your parish, school and friends will want to see It Why not write us for information? The small rental fee of $6 goes for our work among the homeless exiles of Palestine. Please do comfort them. INSURANCE FOR ETERNITY: “Never a cent to the throne of God, though millions we may claim never a cent to plead for us save the pennies in His name.” You can remember the Near East Missions In your will and live ever after in the grateful Masses and prayers. Or you may wish to know about our ''SUSPENSE CARD” whereby thirty GREGORIAN MASSES can be offered after your death. “CHAPEL OF THE MONTH CLUB": NO, we cannot build a House of God each month in the Near East. One costs $2,000 and we have ap peals for forty chapels. But you can help us a long way by giving even a mite to our new Club. 12ear£ast(Dissions Francis Cardinal Spellman, President MUmr. Thiswise l. McMahan, Nat'l Sec'ty Very See. Andrew Rogoalt Mogr. Joseph F. Connally Wm. Kader Dvnn Send all conwnvnleatioM lot Catholic Tkar East COtlfm Aseochdoa dSO Uxin^son Av* at 46* St. New York 17, N Y. 40 Days and 40 Nights You may be saving a bit of mon ey during Lent, so we may as well help you spend it—or invest it— rightly. Why don’t you try to assist the Missions with the money you save by keeping the spirit of mor tification this year? Charity is a grand way to win God’s favor and by offering your charity to the Missions you will actually share your spiritual wealth with persons who have not even heard of Christ. The plight of missionary brothers, sisters, and priests ought to appeal to your spirit of sacrifice. Flying Corks From The Pop House “Turning the other cheek re quires a firm will, not just a swivel neck.” Dark Dab When the priest makes the Sign of the Cross with ashes on your forehead he says: “Remember man that thou art dust sad unto dust thou shalt return.” Keep that thought in front of you all during Lent and you will be on the right trade. Getting Tough Many of you have been asking the question: “What will the movie people do to get cash customers away from free television?” Variety, Feb. 6th, carries the an swer as given by producer-direc tor William Wyler: “It is not the business of the motion picture in dustry to be the guardians of chil dren. That’s the job of parents.” Pictures are going to be “adult”, and that means realistic. A Christopher Song I don’t know the history of ONE LITTLE CANDLE as done by Fred Waring for Decca, but it really sounds like a Christopher song. It is a beautiful piece of work, and it could be played with profit once a week until the record is worn out. The other side is equally Cath olic: THE TIME IS NOW. It may not make the juke boxes, but with proper appreciation it should sell a million platters. Three cheers for someone and hats off to Fred. Proportion Most rich relatives are just rel atively rich. Decent Disks And Suitable Songs ONE LITTLE CANDLE (Decca) Fred Waring. WHEEL OF FORTUNE (Mercury) Bobby Wayne. WISHIN’ (Decca) Russ Morgan (Mercury) Eddy Howard. MOTHER AT YOUR FEET IS KNEELING (Victor) Dennis Day, (London) B. Wayne. COME WHAT MAY (Victor) The Four Tunes THE SINKING OF THE ENTER PRISE (Mercury) Win Stracke WHERE I MAY LIVE WITH MY LOVE (M.G.M) Tommy Edwards BLUE TANGO (Mercury) Dick Hay man. o------------------ Seven Win Poetry Honors Seven poets, junior grade, grace the halls of Holy Family High School, Columbus. This was made known this week when the National Poetry Association dis closed that their verses had been chosen for inclusion in the High School Poetry Anthology of 1952. The bards are Angela Castel iarin, Kay Knipfer, Jeanne Davis, and Bonnie Schirtzinger, juniors and Catherine Bernard, Eileen Lillis, and William Frost, sopho mores. o---------------- Portsmouth Schools Hold Enthronement Ceremony Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at St. Mary’s grade and high schools, Portsmouth, was renewed early this month when the Rev. Julius Kiinec of St. Mary’s Church led the students in the act of consecration. Father Kiinec spoke op the sig nificance of the enthronement as an act of love and gratitude to Our Lord. By J. MURRAY SLFPT WEARING Hl$ SPECTACLES, SO THAT THE MOMENT ME AWOKE ME COULD WRITE OUT THE MUSIC THAT AouRf0 FROM HIM/ e-3 ", v Ltv* from Roller Skates, Ruth Sawyer, Vik ing Press, New York, 186p. A refreshing, rapidly moving book about ten-year-old Lucinda, this is an account of a child’s im pression of big New York in the “nineties.” In general, it is a delightful and heartening tale of a lass her liberation from her sympathetic superiors and her dis covering herself the charge of an understanding teacher. Unusual incidents are many, varied, and in teresting. The knowledge, how ever, of literary classics that the effervescent child has is hardly conceivable. This is the one nega tive aspect of an otherwise credi ble book. BUT Little-Known Facts for Catholics THE CATOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 2, 1952 Fleming Crew Alice Gall and have combined their efforts and the results are very interesting stories about small forest creatures for the young ones. How these small creatures provide for them selves and their offspring is told in a delightful story form that can be easily understood. To add to the enjoyment Else Bostelmsnn drew illustrations which corres pond to the text. K.A. The SecrM Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett, illustrated by Nora S. Unwin, J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia and New York, 1949. The magical spell cast by this tale is the reason for its perpetual popularity. The three children who skip through the pages solve every problem by themselves, and this, of course, pleases the readers. Surely Mother and Grandma read this delightful story, and now you have a chance, too. The illustra tions depict the mood perfectly, and, although few in number, they are well spaced. Children will love the antics of Dickon and his pels. Money well spent! B.A.M. L.H. Zanesville POW Seen ZANESVILLE—A recent Asso ciated Press wirephoto from a Communist prison camp at Chan song, North Korea showed Pfc. John Whitlinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whitlinger of this city. Whitlinger attended St. Thomas’ school and was a member of St. Thomas church. His sister, June, is a member of the WAC. -E :s mm mt. mc.wc mw* MAFfiA, PORTUGAL built by Fing John Vaca FRANCISCAN CONt/SNT has 755fit frontbye &■ 15. co a men were employed daily on its construction between 17/7^750. 7t is no\N a MILITARY ACADIMY. 1 ii 1 h||| ~v^ OUR LAOY WITH THE GOLDIN MORSI" MHEKVKD IN ALTdrriNC BAVARIA. RSPrtZ SKNTiNC CHARLES VI PRISgNTlMG TUC CROWN OF FRANCE 1NE INFANT JgSUS If ft OF KXJO GOLD &■ CMTIf ft 1400. Paris AS av Wf. oFFtaro JW A MILLION NA/UtS (f 5bO.OOO) 1 rr' rff^a This $560 ft pinnacle tn BRAT IL'S ORGAN MOUNTAINS I is called ptpo of plus *F/A/G£je OF GOD* Catholic Press Develops Catholic Leaders THEY READ ARE THEY WHO LEAO. JT WHERE THEY LEAO IDS ON WHAT THEY READ^J & "^E Catholic LiteraW- This Catholic Proas month display at St. Jarno* the Last School, Columbus, is designed to stress the formation of lay leaders through reading Catholic literature. Shown with the Rev. John E. Byrne, C.PP.S. and Sister Michael Joseph, O.P., are two interested pupils: Frances Gill and William Schirtzinger. The display Includes Catholic books, newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets. -------Library Notes------ “Secret Garden” Still Green After Numerous Reprintings All The Year Round by Alice Gall and Fleming University Press, 1945. From tho Department of Library Science College of St. Mery of the Springs .......— Crew, Oxford 2nd printing, Sons of the Volsungs, Hosford, Dorothy, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1949. This narrative, adapted from the poem entitled “Sigurd the Vol sung,” by William Morris, is the enchanting tale of the legendary Volsungs. Beginning with the reign of King Volsung, the story takes us through the glories and defeats experienced by the King and his heroic descendants. It cul minates in the birth of Sigurd and his awakening of Brynhild. From the outset of the book, the reader is captivated by the charming style and adventurous spirit. ^^■Boan ifl L.A.S. Some Free Materials Have trouble stretching the dol lar from one purchase to another? A Miss and Her Money should of fer some good advice on the mat ter of the budget, by Marion Stevens stresses the value money, under topics ing and saving. No charge for the advice. Write to The Life Insurance, 60 Street, New York 17, It is written Eberly who and use of such as earn- Institute of East 42nd New York. With summer in the near future, learn the story of cotton. Nelson Jackson tells it in an unusual way in Cotton, The Commodity of a Thousand Uses, yours, free of charge. The Warren Featherbone Company, Three Oaks, Michigan, carries this, and is only too glad to send it to you! M.B.S. High Schoolers Invited To Sample College Day Prospective college students from diocesan high schools will be guests of the College of St. Mary of the Springs on Friday, February 22, for a typical “around the clock’’ day with St. Mary’s girls. Guests will attend regular classes and have lunch with the college stu dents. Each guest will have a personal ly planned program according to her expressed vocational interests. Members of the Press Board will act as hostesses for the day. Note Catholic College Club Plans Mardi Gras Parly Tuesday, Feb. 26th A Mardi Gras party sponsored by the French Club of Saint Mary of the Springs College will be held on Tuesday, February 28. in the College Hall Lounge. Mary Cath erine Zang, president of the club, and Mary Virginia Botkin, vice president. are co-chairmen Nilda Irizarry is publicity chairman. This costume party will be run in accordance with the true spirit of the Mardi Gras of old It has traditionally been celebrated on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Lent, to afford a last chance for celebration and merriment before the penitential season. The games and entertainment co-chairmen are Linda Saulino and Barbara Stark, both seniors, committee will include the members of the French Mary Catherine Baer and Jane Taylor. Three freshmen, Jane Burkhart, Marie Camara, and Pa tricia Fallon, will be initiated into the club by helping to plan and decorate. Miss Mary Flood, Mrs. John Re richa. Larry Davis, Maurice Hoffer and John Stevens were named as a board of directors to map the pro grams and supervise the new youth center activities and the young peo ple are expected to elect their own officers soon to cooperate in plan ning the activities. This project was suggested by the Rev. Robert W. Harwick, prin cipal of Rosecrans High School the Rev. Linus J. Dury, pastor of St. Nicholas’ parish, and the Rev. John Ryan, 0. P., director of youth activities in St. Thomas parish. o------------------ PARIS—(NO French Catho lics have addressed to the United Nations General Assembly another reminder that only the interna tionalization of Jerusalem can guarantee the safety of the Holy Places and insure free access to the faithful. Press Month Three Holy Family High School (Columbus) students are shown taking advantage of the school's display marking February as Cath olic Press month. They are, left to right: Jim Coughlin, Mary Ann Conway, and Mary Welker. _______________ ELECTRIC MOTOR OILS E. P. Gear Lubricants Extreme Temperature Lubricants McGLAUGHLIN OIL CO. 3750 Livingston Ave. DO. 2518 PHYSICIANS’ SUPPLIES Wendt-Bristol Co. TRUSSES SUPPORTS BELTS i EXPERT FITTERS Naw Fitting Room* on Fir»t Float “Th* Proscription Store of Columbu*" •W* Have It" E. Stat* St. 731 No. Hiah St ▲D. S10S MA. 31S3 WE DELIVER Call RAY SCHOLL for COAL High Grade Coal Priced Right GA. 3504 805 Woodrow GA. 2787 “PLEASED TO HEAT YOU” College Press Unit Promotes Catholic Papers, Periodicals The Press Board of the College of St. Mary of the Spring! is celebrating Catholic Press Month with a project to encourage the student body to promote subscrip tions to Catholic periodicals by their familea and friends. Posters and tn exhibit of sample Catholic periodicals are on display in the foyer o( Erskine Hall. Members of the Press Board also are conducting a survey to deter mine the number and kinds of periodicals both Catholic and secular, regularly received by the families of college and academy students. Their other Club, Mary Program Tot Begin Friday, Feb. 22nd Beginning February 22 and con tinuing each Friday night thereaft er, a special program for the Cath olic youth of Zanesville will be held in the Knights of Columbus hall. Plans for the project were out lined at a meeting of parents of both the St. Thomas' and St. Nich olas’ parishes on February 11. On February 14 seven new mem bers were initiated into the work of the Press Board at a party tn Sansbury Hall The new mem bers are Carol Renner of Dayton, Lillian Koschak, of Cleveland, Kay Holzbach of Salem. Ohio, Margaret Zindil, Colleen Coady, Patricia Fallon, and Mary Weber, all of Co lumbus. ------------------o----------------- CYO Slates Discussions NEW PHILADELPHIA Meet ings of the Sacred Heart parish CYO will feature explanations and discussions of the Sacraments, it was announced this week. Bap tism will be the topic at the Feb. 28 meeting, of which Eileeen Mat tevi, Norma Cencil, and Ann Wills will be in charge. A Mardi Gras social party will take place Feb. 25. -------------------o------------------ Girl Scouts Advance NEW PHILADELPHIA Eight Brownies became members of Girl Scout Troop No. 10 at an investi ture ceremony in Sacred Heart parish hall this week. They were: Sandra Huff, Barbara and Patty Smigel, Delores Fanti, Mary Kay Fishel, Barbara Sei bold, Semple, and Eleanor Guests at the ceremony the mothers of the girls. Patricia Nadeau, included For High Class Bakad Goods Call Clark's Bakery Inc WA. Sil? OR III! IMS N. HIGH ST. "Put Your Duds tn Our Suds" Liles Laundry 1611 Woat Rich St. o------------------ Zanesville Youth AD. 1466 Kochheistr Hardware Hardware and bouoowarea for tho hom* and fans. 113 W. Main St. Phon* IM CIRCLKVILLK DEFENBAUGH FUNERAL HOME Circleville 151 C. Main St. Phene 411 -................................ ..... ■............................................ ................ ......................... Circleville Fast Freeze Food Locker p. i. Gsxrrtn Ownor and Oporator 161 Kdlsen AveM Circleville, O. 1404 W. Brood HOLY ROSARY PARISH MIESSE Prescription Pharmacy W« eontiauntljr stock th* latoot drag* 14M E. Mala YB- Courteous Service ADems 5747 HARRIS, OPTICIANS 106 Bast Broad ft. COLUMBUS. OHIO HOT FUDGE SUNDAE Italy’s SUPERIOR BUSSES America’* Fine«t School Tranaportatioa Equipment HERCULES BODY SALES COMPANY COLUMBUS. O. 2700 E. Main DO. 2719 Each Account Insured Up To $10,000 NORTH HIGH SAVING & LOAN CO. IMS N. Rich at Fifth Avo. UN. S734 UN. 14*1 Richard E. Riloy, Proa. Bach B. Dads. Bee. Open Saturday S to 13 A. Keller & Son DAIRY DO. 2418 Safe and Pure Milk For Babies I •II Buyers' ClIXlCVlIlC Guide THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK "Whoro S«rrie* Prodommata*" 107 W. Main St. Phene 62 ardcvillo ISALY'S Circleville, Ohio GOELLER'S PAINT STORE 219 E. Me’n Circleville LINDEN Hudson Cleaners 2-Hour Service 2301 Cleveland LA 3112 LA 12111 FURNACES GAS COAL OIL Cut Flowers Potted Plants Funeral Designs Our Specialty Linden Florists Louis De Sant.ii. Prop 314S DwiM La 1331 SALES AND SERVICE GAS CONVERSION BURNERS GUTTERS SPOUTING TINNING CALL FOR FREE SURVEY PIT^TTH FURNACE AND UUSILn SHEET METAL CO. F.H.A. TERMS 3 Years te Pay LA. »»34 19(1 E. Budsen HILLTOP oiT SEILLERS c*r... o. The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage in the different lines of business. BEER A WINE CARRY OUT HETTLNGERS MARKET 3446 Sullivant RA 0387 MOVING Hilltop Van & Storage Co. STORAGE COLUMBUS, OHIO FL. 1597 RA. 1107 1 Goodyear Tiros & Batteries Expert Lubrication BILL SPIRES SHELL SERVICE W. Broad St. at Powell RA. 0125