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The selection: First Team Nine Players Named To Second Annual Catholic All-Star Team Seven League Members Represented On First Team Only Two Repeaters From Last Season The second annual All-Central-1 Catholic League basketball team was announced this week with seven of the eight league mem bers placing at least one player on the first team. Champion Marion St. Mary's and Columbus Rosary were the only schools to have more than one player selected. They each placed two. Nine players were named to the teams because of the close vote by the coaches. Marion’s Dick Gunder and Lancaster St. Mary’s Harry Fitzpatrick drew the highest totals and the nod as co-captains. Only repeaters from last year are Ritter and Moeller. Ritter ad vanced from last season’s second team to a first string post this year. Player School Po*. Jim Kilbury Marion St. Mary Paul Swank Newark St. Francis Frit* Ritter Cols. Rosary Fitzpatrick (CC) Lane. St. Mary Ken Miller Springfield CC Joe Gilmore Coh. Rosary Dick Gunder (CC) Marion St. Mary BLUE VALLEY BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER That's Why Millions Use It PARTS & SERVICE Open 7 a.m. ’til 12 midnight Monday through Saturday 34-HOUR WRECKING SERVICE J. w. WATSON CO. 1288 North High St. UN 2118 WA 6tl0 ELECTRIC For Reconversion Large Stock Motors and Controls EQUIPMENT Infra-Red Systems Electric Power Equipment Co. «7 B. CHESTNUT ST. Where is your share? The next paycheck you cash bow much will you keep for your self Will you spend every penny or will you retain a email portion for al) the things you'll want in the future 1 Ev en with all the monthly bills and obligations a part of that paycheck belongs io you. Start saving your share now I At Buckeye, you enjoy the added protection of insured savings. BUCKEYE FEDERAL unau tow ittocinioi Mt it Wiuxeei saw Ed Plank Cols. St. Charles Sal Nocera Cole. Holy Family Second Team Bob Branke (CC) Cols. St. Mary Dave Rempe Lane. St. Mary John Widrig Newark St. Fryscis Jim Finnegan Marion St. Mary Carl Moeller Cols. St. Mary Orlando laco (CC) Cols. St. Charite Joe Reed Cols. St. Mary Jim Schwartz Cols. Rosary Honorable Mention: Tom Miller and Dick DeShetler, St. Charles T. Gualieteri, Holy Family D. Messerly, Lancaster R. McPom mell, Springfield Mike Anderson, Marion A Sforza, Newark. o----------------- ELEMENTARY LEAGUES Results CORONATION St. Agatha'*_ 12 Imm. Concep._ 22 1mm. Concep.. 25 Holy Name ___ 4 Standings CORONATION &F.F.GRAVES teFENCESg Inhure Your Furniture House Automobile CALL Pauline R. Joyce MA. 3566 20 South Third St. Columbus H. J. NIEMAN THE SHADE MAN Since 1920 Columbus* Quality Shade Shop Dupont Washable Window Shades Custom Venetian Hlinds Drapery Kirsch Traverse Rods, Pleai.r Pins and Tape 1182 E. Main Street FA. 3163 OAK RIDGE SANATORIUM GREEN SPRINGS, OHIO, for Diagnosis—TUBERCULOSIS—Treatment REASONABLE RATES—GRADUATE NURSES THE REV. FATHER LEO 1. DONAHOE IN ATTENDANCE PAUL M. HOI,MEM. M.U., Medical Director JOHN J. GEDERT, M.D Resident Physician: ALEX O. JOHNSON, Pres, and Gen’I. Mgr. Full Information on Request HILLS CAB MAin 13-13 Safe Courteous Service No Charge for Extra Passengers 0. B. HILLS, MGR ...... .. r- .. U ■I.IWM. ■............~.................. A Complete Line of Religious Articles The Catholic Church Goods M. E. QUINN J. J. QUINN 182 E. STATE STREET ADAMS 4716 COLUMBUS, OHIO y' St. Francis* ___ St. Leo’* ._____ 10 14 Corpus Christi 26 St. Mary Magd’s 14 St. Ladislaus’ .. 14 St. Dominic's 9 O. L. Victory_ St. Catharine’s 10 2 VISIT moN Holy Rosary __ 67 St. Vincent's 24 St. Mary’s ___ 31 St. Francis' __ 14 O. L. Victory 35 St. Augustine’s AS8U1 PTION St. Ladislaus’ 24 St. Thomas’ __ 14 St. Cyprian’s 88 Cathedral_____ 4 St. Dominic’s —_ 25 SL» John’s____ 11 Sacred Heart 2 PRESE? Corpus Christi TATION 0 St. Agatha’s 23 St. Aloysius’__ 21 St. Michael’* 15 St. Mary Magds. 19 St. Christopher’s O. L. Peace__ 14 12 W St. Dominic’* __ St. Ladislaus’ ___ _______ 6 _______ 6 0 0 Corpus Christi __ 5 1 O. L. Victory ___ 1 4 2 St. Vincent’*___ _______ 4 2 Imm. Conception _______ 2 3 St, Catharine's_________ 2 4 St. Leo’s ..... .......... St. Mary Magd’s. _______ 2 _______ 1 5 St. Agatha's ........_______ 1 5 St. Francis’____ _______ 0 6 VISITATION Holy Family___ ___ __ 5 0 St. Catharine's _________ 5 0 O. L. Victory St. Peter’s _____ 5 ■2 2 _______ 4 St. Mary's ________ 3 8 St. Augustine’s ________ 2 4 Holy Rosary .L_________ 2 4 St. Francis’_____ ________ 1 6 St. Vincent’s ___ _______ 0 6 PRESENTATION Imm. Conception —_ ____ 6 0 St. Agatha’s ___ ______ 6 0 St. Patrick’* ___ o Holy Name___ ________ 4 3 St. Aloysius’ ________ 3 8 St. Michael’s _______ 3 3 St, Mary Magd’s. St. Christopher's _____ 1 _______ e 6 O. L. Peace ________0 7 ASSUMPTION St, Cyprian’s __ _______ 6 0 St. Ladislaus’ ..... .... ... 6 1 Sacred Heart _______ 4 2 St. Thomas'_____ _______ 4 2 St. Leo's___ _______3 3 St. John's 4 St. Dominic’s ZZZZ. 2 4 Corpus Chriiiti _________ 1 6 Cathedral ___ ___ ______ 0 6 Immaculate Conception and St. Agatha's will tangle in a feature game this Saturday, at Aquinas Gymnasium, with the winner taking first place in the loop standings. Both teams will go into the game undefeated. The Assumption league finds front running St. Cyprian's meeting St. Thomas in the third game of the day at St. Charles Gymnas ium. JU Marion St. Mary's eagers, in their first year in the Central Cath olic League, rolled over seven opponents to sweep to the league title undefeated. The Irish compiled art overall record of 18 wins and a sin gle loss in regular season play. Their only defeat came at the hands of Aquinas', Columbus, a Class A team. Vlethodist College Lauds Catholic U. Baskethallers WASHINGTON (NC) Ran dalph-Macon College, of Ashland, Va., one of the oldest Methodist colleges in America, likes to en gage in athletic events with teams from the Catholic University of America. A letter from Hugh Ste phens, Randolph-Macon athletic di rector, to Edmund LaFond, C.U. athletics director, speaks of Coach Abe Rosenfield and his basketball team as follows: "Coach Rosenfield and his boys are indeed to be congratulated by their fine display of hard play and sportsmanship. Never once did Coach or squad member complain about anything. It is certainly un fortunate that we can’t have more games like this in college athletics today.” o--------------- Won’t Drop Foolball Now Says Fordham President NEW YORK (NC) The full athletic program at Fordham Uni versity, including football, will be continued as long as the teams are properly supported, the Very Rev. Lawrence J. McGinley, S. J., president, told 1,000 members of the alumni association at the Biltmore Hotel. Marion St. Mai Second Tourne' Marion St. Mary’s, winner of 19 games against one loss since the season opened, will engage in its second tournament foe tonight on the Otterbein boards at Wester ville. Game time is 7:30 p.m. for the Irish, winners of their first tourney trial Monday, 66-22 over Holy Family, and champs of the Central Catholic League. The top-seeded Marion five, which advanced to the finals of last season’s district tournament before bowing to Ashley, disposed of Holy Family easily but for Lan caster St. Mary it was a different story as the Fairfield Countians bowed to Worthington 56 to 48. Worthington kept Lancaster’s tall sophomore center, Harry Fitz- Foul Contest Finals Sei The finals of the annual foul shooting contest will be held on th same day as the final game of the grade school tournament, it was announced last week by the Rev. Richard Dodd. Eliminations will be held in each league on Saturday, March 1. The league winners will compete in the finals. Entry blanks for the swimming meet will be sent out within the next week to the team representa tives. Sixteen teams will compete in the meet. Be Loyal To Our Advertisers PRLMLR SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION SERVICE and SAFETY ar* important considerations in selecting a depository for your Savings we offer friendly service, sound man agement and careful plan ning. CURRENT 1 O/ DIVIDEND /X /O RATE “x All 4cce*nts lasered Up ft $10,000. AD. 3141 Bl EAST GAY INSURED THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1952 Marion St. Mary's Takes CCL Crown Hinger Gets Same Results At Mount Vernon And South Bend Ralph Hinger Part of the credit for Notre Dame University’s good basketball record the last two seasons must go to a high school coach of the Co lumbus Diocese. Three year* ago Ralph Hing er, present coach of Mt. Ver non St. Vincent high, gave the •y Cagers Play Game Tonight Patrick, bottled up for three peri ods and he fouled out in the fourth to dash any chance they might have had. Curtain rings down on regular season play this weekend with three games scheduled. Catholic Central, Chillicothe, will meet Columbus Rosary on the K of floor tonight, home court for the Crusader*. Also tonight, Springfield Central Catholic is at Aquinas’. Saturday, Rosary will close out with a game at New Lexington against a tough St. Aloysius’ squad. Draw For Tournament Drawings for the elementary school basketball tournament will be held on March 2 at 2:15 P. M., at the grade school of fice. The tournament will begin the week of March 2. Each team taking part in the tournament must have a list of their players with their numbers, in the of fice as soon as possible. Jack Ryan, manager of the tourna ment, announced that the of ficials who worked during the regular season will handle the tournament games. High School Tip-Offs COSHOCTON SACRED HEART cagers wound up their home sea son recently with a 74 58 verdict over Bladensburg to pull to a 10-6 record on the season. They were scheduled to play Cambridge St Benedict in the finale. 8 8 MARION ST. MARY’S, third ranked among state Class teams, won the championship of the Cen tral Catholic League by swirling past seven straight opponents. Ov erall, they posted an 18-1 record, the only loss to a Class A school. The Irish’s center, Dick Gunder, added to his new CCL scoring rec ord in getting 25 points in the CCL finale against Springfield CC. He finished with 146 points for seven contests to outstrip the 108 of last season by Lancaster St. Mary’s Tom Abbott in eight games. e ST CHARLES’ RESERVES “pick ed up” the varsity (which failed to defend its CCL crown) by going un defeated in seven league games to take the League’s reserve title. MT. VERNON ST. VINCENT’S Virg Blakely probably set a new Knox County scoring record for sophomores when he pumped 437 points through the nets for the sea Ison. That’s in 22 games. The champs, pictured above, are, left to right, front row: Dick Gunder, Dave Smith, the Very Rev. Msgr. William J. Spickerman (Pastor of St. Mary's), Dan Merchant, and Jim Finnegan second row: Jack O'Keefe, Larry Ryan, Jasper Tinnerello, Don Shoemaker, Jim Irvin (manager), Roy Robbins (Coach), Pete Huber (manager), Pat O'Connor, Mike Anderson, Jim Kilbury, and Jack McNamara. South Bend freshmen basket bailers their first taste of col lege court play. The then ND freshman coach has since been busy cooking up good records at St, Vincent’s, but he still gets a warm glow reading sport page accounts of his former pro teges, now members of the Irish varsity. Streaks Ride High Ralph would probably rather dwell upon the fine teams with which he has been blessed at St. Vincent’s the last two seasons, however. The Blue Streaks engineered a ten-game winning streak last sea son, climaxed by the Knox County League championship. Their record was 19-7 in Ralph's first year on the sidelines. This year they sported a 17-4 slate, in cluding nine straight victories on the tail end of the regular season. That's 36-11 for two seasons —not bad for a first try. Winning the county crown didn’t make the Streaks popular, though. After the furore over the Exempt ed Village and Parochial school tournaments, the league heads de clined to let St. Vincent’s enter the county tournament. And this year found them NOT a member of the league. Has The Right Formula Championships have trailed the 24-year-oId Hinger wherever he has gone. While in his senior year at St. Philip’s high, Chicago—where he was born his team won the Chi cago city basketball championship, defeating the public school champs in Chicago Stadium. With the Ft. Bragg (North Caro lina) post basketball team, he help ed win the 7th Arm court crown and the Oliver General Hospital tournament, being named to the latter all-tourney team. After shedding the khaki, Ralph entered Notre Dame in 1946, earn mg three letters in basketball. He was graduated in 1950 with a B.S. in Physical Education. W here Effort Counts “An athtlete gets as much out of sports as he’s willing to put into them," is his coaching philosophy. From the results the Blue Streaks have been getting, it’s ap parent they must have adopted his slogan. One of his lads of last sea son, Jim Feeney, broke all Knox County scoring records. No particular gripes about pres ent day sports, says Ralph. He en tered coaching because it’s an ‘‘ex cellent way to keep in close con tact with sports” after one’s play ing days are over. H*'s in a pleasant rut about basketball. It's hi* favorite sport to watch, to play and to coach. Married more than a year now, he and his wife, Marianne, have made St. Vincent’s parish their home and if Blue Streak fandom has its way, it will be a permanent arrangement. o----------------- St. Bonaventure Drops 1952 Football Program OLEAN, N. Y. (NC) St. Bonaventure University here has suspended intercollegiate football for 1952, but left the door open for resumption of the sport on a de-emphasized basis in future years. “Problems arising from ever increasing 4|sts every depart ment and steadily declining in come, as well as the national emergency, have at last compelled us to face the inevitable,” the university president said in an nouncing the suspension. C.Y.O. Results St. Leo's 28 Holy Name 21 St. Agatha's 30 St. Cyprian's 28 St. Aloysius 40 St. Catharine's 19 1mm. Concep, 27 St. Charles’ 24 St. Mary Mag 45 O. L. Victory 20 Corpus Christi 41 St. Thomas’ 37 Stending* The Fifth Quarter W 1mm. Conception 6 0 St. Mary Magd’s ____ 4 2 St. Charles’ .. 4 St. Agatha’s 4 2 O. L. Victory 8 2 St. Aloysius’ _____ 3 2 St. Thomas* ......... 3 2 Holy Name _______ 3 3 St. Cyprian’s —._______ 8 3 St. Leo’s .. 2 3 Corpus Christi 1 4 St. Catharine’s 1 5 St. Michael's _________ 0 & The Sportlight On Diocesan Catholic Youth If any of our readers happen to know of a debating society in search of members, let us know—we think we have a cou ple of good candidates who will bring their own topic for discus sion. We found them in the per sons of Millard Snively. coach of St. Augustine’s boys, and Bob O’Mahoney, who fills the same job at St. Patrick’s and their topic is whether there is any thing to that old saying about the “Luck of the Irish”. Their opinions were a bit differ ent when they discussed this point at the monthly meeting of the Ele mentary Coaches Association last week. The subject came up when the coeches were discussing the drawing for the Grade school tour nament. Mr. Snively wondered if an absent school could have another person draw for it on March 2nd, the date of the drawings. If so, he favored Mr. O'Mahoney, if St. Au gustine's had to have a sub, and though he didn't come right out and say it, the other coaches could tell immediately that the name was the thing that enticed him. But Mr. O'Mahoney, although willing, didn't quite agree with Mr. Snively'* point. "I'm not so sure about the luck of the Irish," he smiled, “af ter last week's game." Then every one recalled that St. Pat's had play ed Immaculate Conception in a top Presentation league contest and— of course they lost. The fact remains, though, that St. Augustine’s will be represent ed- when the drawings take place and Mr. Snively will see to that —and we applaud him for it. In fact we’d like to commend both the above named gentlemen and a good number of others who play a very important part in this Elementary school program. Both Millard and Bob give their valuable time and if you’ll check the records you’ll find that they both are very busy men—and don’t expect much out of it. That’s the case in many of the schools and we wish it were 100 per cent that way. The Pastor’s big problem is to find the right kind of leadership for his boys, the kind that is based on the individual’s love of the work and his desire to give of himself tor a worthwhile work. Yes, we've really discovered that this is quite a problem and we're beginning to appreciate mor* end more th* men who volunteer their time and go all the way in doing it. If we ar* going to keep our grade school program fulfilling it* pur pose it's going to be through these men. While we’re on the point of this meeting we’d like to give a good word for the necessity at good attendance at them. A lot of individuals often think that meetings are a waste of time, but that isn’t always so. Just to give an example—the other evening we discussed the idea of the weight limit in lootball and we brought across the point to a few that the weight limit was necessary. We showed that even though perhaps the present lim it outlaws a few lads in the eighth grade, it still covers the greater number of boys and the fact that those heavy boys don’t get the experience that might help them in high school doesn’t enter into the question for the purpose of the program is not that at all. The same nay with the coming swimming meet—the problem of the legitimate breast stroke was talked about. It might have eliminated some difficulty in the future if all of the teams in the meet had been represent ed. Th* Grad* School Treck end Field Meet which was last held in 1941 is on th* docket for the spring sport calendar. If is held, it will be in let* Mey. Central Catholic Nines Set Apr. 2 Diamond Opener Baseball is more than a month away but the Central Catholic League this week announced its diamond schedule for this year. The four member Columbus schools will play six games includ ing a home-and-home series with each of the other tlree. First contests are slated for Wednesday, April 2 and the season closes, Wednesday, May 14—weath er permitting. The games will start at 3:30 p. m. St. Charles’ is de fending champ. The schedule: Wednesday. April Holy Family at Rosary High. St. Charles at St. Mary. Wednesday, April 9 Rosary High at St. Mary. Holy Family at St. Charles. Wednesday. April IS St. Charles at Rosary High. St. Mary at Holy Family. Wednesday, April 23 Rosary High at Holy Family. St. Mary at St. Charles. Wednesday. May 7 St. Mary at Rosary High. St. Charles at Holy Family. Wednesday, May 14 Rosary Hitch at St. Charles Holy Family at St. Mary. -----------------------O----------------------- Play For Missions Varsity and reserve teams of Our Lady of Victory and Immacu late Conception grade schools will meet on the former’s court Friday, Feb. 22, at 2 p. m. in a special GA. 2193 BE SAFE WITH Oak & 6th St*. AWNINGS CANVAS AND ALUMNIUM Awning*. Door Cover* and Patio*. Robbitt Awning 1515 10 St. BUSINESS EQUIPMENT ADDING MACHINES far male and rent. Manual and electrie model*. Ph. 3-2731 STAPLETONJS _839 6th BUILDING MATERIALS FULL LINE BUILDING MATERIALS For reasonable price*. Quality Product* and Good S*rvire *ee The HAAS LUM BER CO. Peebles, Ohio. Phone 52 Pat's Tru-Line Blox PRE-CAST CONCRETE CO. Dial 2-8331 COAL Floyd Powell Coal Blork. tile, brick, cement. *eptic tank*. Minford. Ohio. Hr*n. 1693-Y. FARM EQUIPMENT SPRINGFIELD—(warden tractor* 2 and 3 H.P. on display at Holman Cycle Shop, 1541 Gallia. Phone 3-3891. TIMES Classified Ads will give you maximum results at a mini mum of cost. event for the benefit of the mission under the sponsorship of the Holy Childhood Mission Club of Our Lady of Victory School. CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE ADoms 5195 20c per tine TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY MEET THE SALES FORCE John E. Moore, Phone 49193 Ray Shannon. Phone 41400 John Danford, Phone 91173 Polly Roberts, Phone 53001 Charlie Wade. Phone 5753 JRW----REAL ESTATE F. W. MamSt_ Neuarkjl f’tvwx- COLUMBUS WANTED. Married man for cemetery and general utility work—$250 par month. Write giving experience and reference*. Box 836, Col’s. 16, 0. BUY With Confidence SELL John J. Donley JE 8994 LU 1631 LYLE REALTY 4699 N. High Open 9-9 I N U S A ur Daddy Drank” “The Beer Y August Wagner Breweries, Inc. MA. 4411 Columbus, Ohio MA. 4411 HEADQUARTERS FOR PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS Check your needs for coming Baseball and Softball Season. Complete stock of Golf, Tennis, Fishing Equipment BECK AND ALBANESE AD. 2887 SPORTING GOODS 5th and LONG George J. Igel and Company, Inc. Crane Service—Excavating 501 Eaton Avenue MAin 6601 COLUMBUS 8, OHIO A. WIRTHMAN & SONS 606 636 Parsons Ave. New Truck Parts Used Trucks Bought and Sold GA. 2194 CAVALIER COAL City i Products! Corporation FORMEKLY CITY ICC FUEL CO. TWO DISTINCTIVE BEERS XX PALE & NOCH EINS Washington Brewery UN. 1161 i SINCLAIR GASOLINES ANTI-GUM ANTI-RUST ANTI-KNOCK 4 //o /wee FINNERAN & FISCHER PORTSMOUTH CLASSIFIED SECTION 20e per line Send Tn 4 P. O. Bex 636 Columbus 16. O 4 4 4 4' ADame 0208 I PLUMBING & HEATING FOR BETTER PLUMBING—In your home call Henrv Meyer. __1920 Gallia st. Dial 3 3731. DELONG PLUMBING C6. 1667 Grant at Franklin 3-4631 or Sub. 2183 REAL ESTATE C. KILCOYNE REALTOR 1806 Waller St. ORIGINAL CUT RATE DRUG STORE PORTSMOUTH. OHIO IDEAL MILK CO. PORTSMOUTH DIAL 3-2951 E. H. RUSSELL GLASS CO. 1100 Galli* St. PORTSMOUTH. OHIO "Give Us a Break”