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Newspaper Page Text
1 ANNOUNCEMENTS LggETHE W ANTED CLASSIFIED ADS Phone AD 5195 DO 4259 AD 5196 20c PER LINE DEADLINE FRI. NOON AU COLUMBUS ads are listed numerically according to the Classified Index. All ROSS COUNTY ads ar* lo cated in Ross County Classified Buyers' Guide and are preceded by the initials RC. All ZANESVILLE ads are lo cated in the ZanesvUle Classi fied Buyers Guide and the numerals are preceded by the initial Z. ANNOUNCEMENTS 6 Funeral Directors 8 Information 9a. Where to Din* EMPLOYMENT 12a Help Wanted—Male lob Help Wanted—Female 16 17 18 Employment Agencies Situation Wanted—Male Situation W’anted—Female EDUCATIONAL 19 Instruction BUSINESS SERVICE 30 Business Announcement* Advertisements under this classifica tion listed under sub-heading* ac cording to services advertised. Hauling and Expressing Hotels 44a Homes for Aged or Invalid* Room and Board 45a Rooms Unfurnished 45b. Rooms Furnished 45c Rooms for Housekeeping REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 69 63 64 66 40 45 Wanted Real Estate Real Estate for Sale Exchange Real Estate Builder—Builder Supplies 65a Appraising 65b Home Modernisation 65c Automatic Heat LIVESTOCK 71 Poultry and Supplies 71a Feed* 71b Dogs. Cats. Pets and Supplies MERCHANDISE 73b Piano Tuning and Repair 73c Radios. Repairs. Rentals 77d Power Lawnmowers 73e Television 77g Foundry Work 79 81 Flow-era—Plants—Trees Diamonds—Watches 80a Food Mart Wanted to Buy Miscellaneous for Sale 82 AUTOMOTIVE 87c Auto Service—Repair* 87 Automobile Parts—Accessories 88a Tractors for Sal* #0 Used Car* for Sai* Lots for Salo Blocks from Christ Th* King. Construction Materials CONCRETE BLOCKS Readv Mix Concrete—Sand and Gravel Brick and Tile—Building Materials BASIC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Phone 3-2178 Chillicothe O. E Mam St. Drug Stores RIEDER PHARMACY Cor. Church and Arch Phone 29-900 CH1LL1COTBB SOUTH END PHARMACY 331 S. Paint Chillicothe Electrical Contractor* DUFFY ELECTRIC CO Rebuiders of Electrical Machinery Power Construction Work Phone 3-2206 Electrical Contracting and Repair BOWERS ELECTRIC CO. 535 Church St. Phona 20-688 Five & Ton Cent Stores g. g. KRESGE 48 N. Paint St. yho»6 Fruit Farms J. LEO HIRSCH FRUIT FARM Huntington Pike P®. 21 Furniture Kingston Heme Equipment Ce. Frlgidaire Applianeaa RCA Television Tell Kingston 7811 Grocers FRANK J. HUNN MEATS AND GROCERIES Free Delivery Dial M88 82 I. Paint St. CHILLICOTHE. OHIO Hardwere Yoa’U do batter at PIERCE & TODD HARDWARE Phon* 8156 BUY For SALE PIANO. RABY GRAND Warfbed 4 or 5 rm. apt. near ehurch. Re*. Rent JE. 6425. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bedroom home, unfurnished. Holy Rosary parish preferred. EV. 8018. EXCELLENT CONDITION cu. ft. SERVEL Refrigerator. Reasonable. GA. 2427. income Tax Servlet FL 3613 LA 0355 WORTHINGTON FOODS. ING Makers of Choplets: Specialty Foods 656 N. High Worthington FR 2-5359 WOCHERS Surgical Supplies. Hospital beds and wheel chair* for sale or rent 201 East Broad Street. MA 1435 WBNS and WELD Central Ohio’a only CBS Outlet 88 N. HIGH ST AD 9266 SCHIRTZ1NGER URAPFRIES Drapery Material*. Lamp*. Gift* 4610 N. High JE9111 OHIO midland light and POWER CO. Electric Service Canal Winchester. Ohio SERVEL GAB REFRIGERATOR STAYS SILENT LASTS LONGER THE GAS CO. Your Seal lest Ice Cream Dealers THE TELLINGS ICE CREAM DEALERS 245 E. Town St. AD 2371 (turtle and Nichols Business Service Mimeograph, Notary. Mailing Service 867 Mt. Vernon FE-4802: FE-1419 Desks STATE OFFICE SUPPLY AD. 2125 S. 3rd St. Columbus ROSE CHEMICAL PRODUCTS, INC. 280 N. Front Street Where to Dine LEM’S RESTAURANT CHINESE and AMERICAN FOODS Sea Food, Chicken. Carry-out Scrv. 33 E rBwn,.i (off Hie hl_______ MA 0167 Help Wanted 12a WANTED: Catholic men and women to Kell the new Holy Trinity Bible pub lished by the Catholic Pres.. Liberal Com mission. Call at *6 S. 4th. Columbus, Ohm MIDDLE AGED COUPLE or woman to live, rent-free, with old couple in Coshoc ton, Ohio, as companion and general overseers. For information write S.M.H. 143 N. Fifth Street. 'Zanesville. Ohio. FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED Dependable housekeeper. Care of children. Prefer to live in. References. Phone AD. 3157 during day. you WHY wait and look back on what could have done 7 Look ahead. KINGSGATE JAMES RD SOUTH Ground Floor Price* EV. 7121 9 Information FOR RENT. Garag*. Seymour Ave. Near Holy Rosary. EV. 7617. BUSINESS m. FA. 2983 after 7 n. BOOKKEEPER AND 081 ICE CLERK. Call FT.. 4626 or EV. 4478 after 6 p.m. for appointment. Instruction It’s fun tn play the Acrordion or Guitar. Instrument* furnished tn beginners. CALBORN SCHOOL 244 E. State St. MA 2434 Milliners RC-30 NEW YORK RAT SHOP 76 W 2nd Ph 3426 Jewelers WARD AND WARD JEWELERS Diamonds Watches Jewelry Budget tar mi to suit your purs*. 24 K. Ssrond St. Chllhrothe Real Estate LLOYD LEEDOM, Realtor 36 N Paint St Dial 2-6874 Hug Cleaning Speakman Rug Cleaner* We slew Repair and Bind Rug* Two Phones 2-6567 or 3-0108 Service Stations ROBINETT’S SERVICE STATION 286 E. 2nd Phone 8548 INFORMATION RC-9 SEAT COVER SHOP Custom made to fit. Two hour ser vice. 40 pattern* to choose from. Complete auto upholstering. Conver tible tops. 515 EASTERN AVE. DIAL 2-0180 Twentieth Century Bowling Alley 79 2nd Phone 27-984 elseey* eomething new •6ylo value modsnrate price •8 8. Paint caiMieetti* THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHILLICOTHE, OHIO Attend Your MAJESTIC THEATRE IN CHILLICOTHE For the Beat in Entertainment DIRECTORY Barber Shop* OK BARBER SHOP 1845 Cleveland Ave JOHNNY’S HARBER SHOP Open 8 to 6. Closed Wedne»daya. 900 Mohawk DI 2176 BILL’S BARBER SHOP 22nd and Main St. MAIN OAKWOOD BARBER SHOP 1188 E Main Si. _________ Beauty Shops_________ PEACOCK BEAUTY SHOP 165 Dakota AD 4991 BUSTIN BEAUTY SCHOOL MARINELLO SYSTEM Enroll now for February class** 568 E. Broad St. MA.' ‘2666 SPECIAL Machine or -j rri Machincless Wave W-JU up Cold Waves $5 up ESTHER REES BEAUTY SHOP 0128 1419 Clev,eland wa MATERNITY MODES 1629 Lane Shopping Center Kl 7687 3684 E. Broad (Miracle Mile! DO 9338 POLAROID CAMERAS ANT FILMS We rent Camera* and Projector* 47 E. Long St, AD ”961 JAY’S FARM SERVICE ANIMAL AND PET FEEDS lennne Ave. .IE 1525 OFFICE SUPPLIES Faling Cabinets Chairs Open Evenings ______Building Maintenance Window ban*. Roofing and Siding tenor Painting. WESTGATE MAINTENANCE 2518 W Broad RA Carry Out In the f.asl End DEMMLER S BEER'CARRY OUT 1079 E. Livingston Ave We deliver FA. 0439 CEMENT CEMENT WORK Sidewalks and Driveways a Specialty FHA Terms Belfiore Constr. Co., KL 1798 GA67I Chimney Repairing CHIMNEY A BRICK REPAIR Tuckpoinling. House* or a part menu. Cement porche* A walks. Ross or Mackey EE 1845 CHIMNEY REPAIRING tuck pointing walls and buildings pointed, block laying complete building maintenance. Free eat. Loring A Rsthburn. RA 9194 RA 0365. Contractors OELGOETZ CO Contractor Mechanical 1014 Eat. Our Business LA 4222 Service Built Columbus ,01 FAST ELECTRIC COMPANY 1099 Sullivant Ave MA FRANK A. DAVIS & SON 1973 Lockbourne Rd "Electrical work” Hospitals CHILDREN S HOSPITAL 561 S. 17th-*t FA 2198 Insurance 19 DEWEY C. BLACK Complete Insurance and Bondi 66 E. Broad St. AD 4219 American National Insurance Co. R. Q. W1LLISS. General Agent 1167 E. Broad St. FA 24341 TERMITE SERVICE By Exlermital Process, free survey estimates. 884 Madison. Charles Dearth. Ph. 3-3255. Chillicothe, O. Complete Outfitters for the Entire Family MAYFAIRS CHILLICOTHE, OHIO HOME DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phon* 9276 261 RIVERSIDE STREET CHILLICOTHE. OHIO McCarthy Hotel chas. h. McCarthy Owner & Manager CHILLICOTHE WARNER HOTEL Chillicothe's Finest COFFEE SHOP 2# N. PAINT ST. Fine Paints Bine* 1946 There Is Nothing Finer Than a STROMBERG-CARLSON TELEVISION Venetian Blinds GERLING'S 9 W. 2nd St. Phone 29956 Chillicothe FRED’S Radio & Appliances Apex Gibson Emerson Television FRED C. GINTHER 17 S. Paint THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY trade Jewelers NATIONALLY adv. diamond., watches appliance*. NO MONEY DOWN. JOSEF'S 3 E STATE BT. AD 7863 Laundries RELIABLE LAUNDRY A DRY CLEANING "Rely on Reliable” 484 Parsons Ave. FA 1191 Lock Service BUBS KEY SERVICE Keys Locks -Repairs Installations JE. 5759 3238 N. High JE 2780 ______ Painting Decorating PAPER-HANGING and painting, exterior H. King FA. 8168 Let me do your decorating Fret est Int. and Ext. Tinting, Enamtling, Jiem tone varnishing and glaring, paper clean ing. Wall* washed. Old floors reftnished. No job too big or too mall. Win. Rack ham DI-3749 Roofing Siding SIDING, roofing, spout, 1., combination storm windows, screen* and door*. Coun try and Town Improvement Co 528 Parson* Ave. EV 1234 JUDY ROOFING A FURNACE REPAIR CO. 384 S. 3rd St. a ____ MA. 3472 Ex- Sewing Machine Service SINGER SEWING CENTER All makes of sewing machines and vacuum cleaners repaired. Free pickup and delivery service 90 N. High St. 19 E. State St. .3687 MA 7849________ MA 6884 ________ Service Stations___ GETKEU SUPER-SERVICE Texaco Products. Lee Getreu, Owner Livingston-Kelton. FA t)128 Watch Repair Prompt Expert Watch. Clock and Jewelry Repair. DEINLEIN 49 N. High_____________________ Hauling and Expremng 40 Low Cost Moving Anywhere U.S.A. AJAX-ATLAS VAN LINES Low Cost'Storage Rate*— Local Moving FL 3333 Teletype CL-160 Top soil, fill dirt, crushed ravel, bank gravel. High lift loading bulldozing and yard grading. COLVIN GRAVEL PIT Kl 0440 Real Estate for Sale 63 FOR HOMES NORTH CALL ROBER'I E. LYONS WITH BONNER INC.. REALTORS JE 5448 LA 3684 A. G1RE A CO. Sale* of residential and incoms property 60 E Rroad St.______________ GEORGE W. FRITSCHE. Realtor Serving Central Ohio since 1928 J**-'!Sl W ESTERN REALTY lor the Br«t in Real Estate" J267 W. Rroad St, RA 0773 421 Putnam Ave. and 629 MAIN STREET BAR PHONE 3144 50 S. Third St. Phone 6756 Chillicothe Where to Dine RC 9a THE SANDWICH 256 E. Main SHOP Ph. 7308 Tractors for Sale RC 88a CAREY TRACTOR SALES 668 Eastern Ave. Ford Ph. 25-245 i RENT GATEWAY realty Realtor* 5 W. Bread Builders A Bldrs' Supplies 65 LUMBER EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HOME FHA TERMS ON REMODELING Marble Cliff Lumber KI-7 07* 3239 .McKmky-Av KLO GLASS, PAINT HUNTING SUPPLIES BUILDERS HARDWARE SCHALL HARDWARE 19*5 Livingston Ave EV 31 Excavating Coal REIS BROS MA. 1458 510 FURNACE ST OLLAM A JAHN QUALITY COAL AND FEEDS 497 S. Centra) RA 1722 PARKS COAL COMPANY .'95 W Mound Street MUTUAL FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. CURRENT DIVIDEND 2% Each Savings Account Insured to 810.006 Mutual Federal Building. 14 S. Fifth Street ART COYLE’S MEN’S SHOP RAY COYLE. Owner JACK HEMMER ICE CREAM ZANESVILLE. OHIO W. J. HECK CO General Contractors Zanesville L. A. Emmert "Since 1912” Refrigeration 4 Electric Appliance Sale* Service 34 S. 3rd St Phone 3-6015 Zanesville Bohn & Kern Mfg. & Supply Co. Plumbing A Heating Supplies Zanesville Radio Service Appliances Repaired ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO GEORGE It. SMITH 111 Galigher St., Zanesville, O., Ph. 3-7836 Electrical Wiring Maintenance Commercial Industrial Residential LAWRENCE ELECTRIC West Main at Luck Ave. Phone 2-9393 Wiring Fixtures Appliance Repairs USE BORDENS Homogenized Milk 1c Quart Over Regular Milk Call 2206 BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES READY MIXED CONCRETE SAND AND GRAVEL Adams Bros. Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTING ZANESVILLE, OHIO USE Irvin Meadow-Gold Dairy Product* MILK ICE CREAM Phone 2-2709 FEBRUARY 22, 1952 ™*QUlCK RA 6495 GAS FURNACES COAL OIL Sales and Service Kramer Heating Co. FA 1274 1498 E. Long St. BOILERS Coal Yards 76b Dependable Coal Prompt Service Jim Roberts Coal Co DO 1411 2980 E 5th Ave. Grading 77d Power Lawn Mowers Parker lawn sweepers. loro and Whirlwind power mowera. R. E. WOODIN SALES CO. MA. 1914 273 E Spring St ELDON’S MARKET Delivery Service Open 8 AM-6 PM Dly Wed. til Noon 1291 Oak St. FA 1189 Funeral Directors Z-6 Keck Funeral Home The Funeral Home Beautiful" H. L., Byers, Funeral Director Ambulance ________ Z3NFSVU.I.E. OHIO__________ Z-9 Information Phone 2-4561 Zanes WRIGHT VESS COLA BOTTLING CO. 1840 W Main PH 8-2112 Pep»i-Cola and Old Colony Beverage CLAY CITY BEVERAGE, INC 336 N. 6th St. Phone 2-0682 Cleaners and Dyers DUSENBERRY CLEANERS 517 Underwood Ph. 3-6502 Chinaware—Glassware China Glass Gift* FOWLER BOLIN CO. in St Zanesville. O. Drug Stores FOGG'S CENTRAL DRUG STORE MARKET AT FIFTH ZANESVILLE, OHIO SHIRLEY'S PHARMACY TERRACE POINT 1808 Dresden Road Phone 2-5471 Floor Sanding—Finishing FLOOR SANDING PH 3-9154 Finishing G. J. Hoover Insurance FINAN INSURANCE AGENCY First Trust Bldg. PH. 2-4265 Hocking Insurance Agency 1101 Greenwood Ph. 2-7793 or 2-6762 Paint Contractors R. L. FULKERSON & SON Painting Contractors Ph. 3-7110 Hanifan A Fox Decorators 629 Park Phone 2-7771 PHOTOGRAPHER 266 Muskingum Av«. Phone ZANESVILLE, OHIO PICTURES IN THE HOME 12—JiS’s—83.56. SKENDER. Ph. 2-T762 LOST 1 w for Quality hood Shop OHIO GIANT MARKET 1940 North Fourth St. Open 7 day* a week HAP’S MARKET Frewh Meat Fruit. Veg Open til 7:3(1 PM Daily and Sat 9-1 on Sun 479 W UN 1M2 ____________ Complete Food Service Courteous service to *R al celling price* RICH STREET MARKET 1124 East Rich St COMO MA RKEi 3265 N High St. LA 1171 12 Wanted to Buy Diamonds Old Gold HEISE & HOLZER INC 8 E BROAD ST. SUITE 606 65c Automatic Heat Auto Service—Repairs 87c COLUMBI S AUTO RADIATOR CO Radiator Repairing Boil Out Clean Oat 336 E. SPRING ST 73c Radios, Repairs, Rent “To Be Assured n! the Best” GEORGE A. WHITTAKER JR. Service and Sale.FA 4092 AD 3839 danTelsbldk LU 3554 3415_N H•ch ’______________ IU VIDK’S DE SOTO PLYMOUTH 8197 N High LA 5122. LA 3113 Auto Parts—Accessories AUTO SEAT COVERS—All Care. «3.»5 op BEAVER AUTO STORES Whether ou are buying or self mg a Times want ad will suit your pm pose Celumbus Most Mndsrn Garag* Your Chevrolet Dealer 80a Food Marts 555 W. Broad St. FLETCHER 1555 Where to Dine Z9. P. M. CAFE Fine Foods & Beverages 817 Putnam Phone 20259 Zanesville MODERATION IS A FULL LIFE" Flood's Bar and Grill WINES. LIQUORS ’’Beer at Its Best” TASTY FOODS SANDWICHES 430 Market Ph. 469 Wanted Real Estate DWIGHT E. SMITH. Realtor 45 N. 4th St. Ph. 2-4255. 3-345« ERNEST D. WATSON, Realtor Will Sell Youi Real Estate Call Zanesville 3-8306 ilk Business Announcements Z-30 Beverages CLARENCE M. GOELZ REALTOR 921 Linden Ave. ZANE COAL CO Ph. 3-3576 Z-65c Automatic Heat Kessler Healing Co. 1114 Sehorn Ave Ph 2-7*98 Television Z-73c PLUMMER RADIO SERVICE TELEVISION Installation and Service Home and Auto Radio Repairs 362 N 7th Ph 2-2485 COAL YARDS ZJ6b RED ASH PEACOCK COAL Treated Stoker. 31e Nut. 30c: Lump. 33c Furnace Lump. 32c. PH 2-9276 Auto Service—Repairs 87c Witchie Buick Co. 1266 W Main SL Zanesville Phone 24b79 Fred J. Witchie, Owner Son Bob Miller & Dial 2-3663 Putnam Ave. 647 ZANESVILLE O S Sterling Service Queker State Products Phone 2-0444 Putnam Z*n**ville 334 Accessories Z-87h Auto Parts ROSS AUTO PARTS 1038-46 SHARON AVE Zanesville, Ohio For Used Cars or Trucks contact BERNARD O'DOWD, 1352 W 5th KI 6882 JOE TOEPFNER, INC Central Ohio’s largest Studebaker Dealer For a New Studebaker contact DAN CONROY, GA 2970 UN 4157 Complete line of Studebaker Trucks Beef LANCASTER, OHIO LYENDECKER Sohio Service Station Broad A Chestnut Phone 3190 Lancaster Z59 F. W. Woodward Electrical Contractor Industrial. Commercial, Far* and Residence Wiring PHONE 3952 716 Harding Are. Pork Veal ... Sausages J. FRED SCHMIDT PACKING CO. SINCE 1886 Brink Orange LANCASTER Leist Motor Sales NASH SALES & SERVICE 502 Lincoln Pheno 1129 Holland and Lent Beiers, GRAHAM EQUIPMENT CO. Adama Milla. Ohio Laneaater. Ohm Ph. Ilrnden A-3121 Lanraater 5275 EAST END WINE SHOP “We Cover Lancaster Like the Dew Phone 1464 L-9 Information JOHN P. KREIDLER Quality Meats Lancaster City Transfer "Our Business la Moving" Phone 2193 E. Chestnut Laneaater 845 Mt. Pleasant Greenhouse Formerly Acton Floral C*. "Flowers for alf occasions' Phone 522 8. Mt. Piaaaant Lancaster Charlie Macioci & Sons Selected Fruit and Produce Warehouse—Cor. Fair and Harrison Phene 1797 Lancaster "We are aa near a* year telephone” DEAN A BARRY PAINT IMPERIAL WALLPAPER The Fairfield Paint & Oil Co. Phone 4700 Dealer Your DeSoto-Plymoutb Lancaster BAKER Typewriter Co. Hom* of Royal Typewriter* and Allen Adding Machine* 108 N. Columbus Lancaster Phone 2633 W Lancaster Modern Floor and Wall Co. Linoleum Carpets Ceramie Til* Rubber Asphalt Wallpaper Paint Plastic Tile 123 E. Main St. Phen* 4441 Laneaster FRIENDLY Maytaq washer 9 SERVICE Ail makes expertly repaired, all work guaranteed, piek up and delivered. Maytag Rogers Co., Phone 5180. 9 LEASE Eeery thing for the Home” X. Ceiumsee Laneast* GEO. B. SHAW ELECTRIC CO 647 E. Main St. Phono 2713 Lancaster THIMMES BROS Shoes of Distinction 351 S. Columbus Groceries Lancaster Phone 847J 203 W. Main St. Phone 809 Funeral Directors L-6 James H. Sheridan Song Funeral Directors 222 South Columbus Street Lancaster,' Ohio TELEPHONE 416-W Where to Dine L4 JO-KAR RESTAURANT 1549 N. Columbus 8t. Phone 951 Business Announcements L-30 LEWIS MOTOR SALES G.M.C. Truck* Sales A Service 1393 E. Mam Phone 4184 Appliances WESTINGHOUSE SALES A SER VICI Appliance Center 155 W. Mulberry Phone 66 Beauty Shops BETTY’S BEAUTY SHOP Our long experience is your Beauty Asagr anee. 119’i W. Main Phone 162. CARRY OUT Lancaster Wine Store 241 W. Mam St.—Free Delievry Phone 2411W Paul Cooney. Prop. Optometrists Dr. J. W. McGonagle OPTOMETRIST Hours 9 AM to 5 PM Daily Evenings by Appointment 402 E. Main St. Ph. 1802 Automobile Parts Accessories QUALITY AUTO PARTS Pedrick Piston Rmga Wagner Lockheed Brake Lining Rorg-Warner Product* Complete Auto Patr* and Machine Shop Service Phone 701 410 N. Memorial Drive L-90 Used Cars for Sale Jack R. Kitzmiller USED CARS “The Good U**d Car With a New Car Reputation” AH Makes and Models Open Daily 8 A. M. till 9 1 218 W. Chestnut Phone 2388