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Hungarian Regime Shuts Down Third Seminary Within A Year VIENNA (N The Hungarian enmmunist regime has forced Bis hnp Rertalan Badalik of Vesprem to close his diocesan seminary ac cording to reports reaching here. The Veszprem seminary is the third to be closed by the Reds with in the past year. Last fall they compelled the seminary at Hejce to close and merge with that of Eger. This spring the Kalocsa archdiocesan seminary was closed and the students transferred to the seminary of Szeged. It is believed the closing of the Veszprem seminary was a reprisal for the students there observing the third anniversary of the im prisonment of His Eminence Josef Cardinal Mindszenty by praying for his release. The imprisoned Primate of Hungary was formerly Bishop of Veszprem. When Red police learned of the prayers for the Cardinal’s release they arrested eight seminarians and compelled Bishop Badalik to close the seminary. Most of the other seminarians were not permitted to continue their priestly studies else where. The Kalocsa seminary is that of Archbishop Josef Groesz of Kal ocsa who was imprisoned by the Reds after a spurious ••trial’’ a year ago. The closing of three more semin aries this year in addition to those of religious orders shut down by the regime in 1950 has seriously reduced the Church sr facilities for training new priests. Yhe long- NEW BUCKEYE LAKE with with attraction* Swimming, boating, fishing, tennis, golf, cycl ing Speel_ boating Cabin cruiser Movie? Dancing prizes day Buffet. BREAKERS HOTEL—1 not) outside room: hath, double bed from SS. twin beds from S10— running water from IS.SO single, S4.50 double. Resarvations— Columbus Office: ADems 2511 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM term development will be a short age of priests, an objective the Communists are pursuing. Reports on the closing of Vesz prem seminary follow news that the Red regime has set up two spurious “seminaries” to train “in structors” for Catholic youth. These “instructors” are reportedly being trained by “patriotic priests” in a Marxist-oriented catechism. Church liturgy and the details of parish work. It is expected they will replace- “non-patriotic” priests as "religious instructors” in schools and will he assigned to “assist” in parish work. Meanwhile at least ten more priests have been arrested by the Hungarian Reds in recent months. Four are from the Gyoer diocese, three from Szombathely. two from Veszprem and one from Eger. The official Hungarian press and radio recently charged a Budapest priest with “misusing” his rectory by teaching religion to youths who gathered there for sports activities. The priest was identified as Father Galambos. “These sports meetings,” one Red paper stated, “so innocent to all appearances, constitute a viola tion of the Church-state agreement because they are designed to evade the pact. _The table tennis matches have been turned into illegal relig ious classes. These sport gather ings serve to recruit to religious lessons children who have not been registered for such lessons by their parents.” Bakery Fresh Bread Rolls Cake Pastries SYSTEM BAKERY At The Park Entrance E. C. (Ed) Plank, Prop. Photo content, FaHuIour Thum- SIX MILIS EAST OF SANDUSKY ON LAKE ERIE I. M. SCHNEIDER. PRES, k GEN. MGR. SUNDAY MASSES IN CHAPEL 7 AND 11 A. M. YOU'RE SAFE! when you pay by bank check In the first place, you need not carry sizeable sums of cash with you, risking loss or theft—and secondly, you will have receipts for bills you pay by check and can always prove payment! Why take unnecessary chances with money, when this safe and sound plan is available? Just call at this bank and say:—“I wish to open a new cheeking account.” It takes but a few minutes, and will be a valuable aid in paying money and managing income in a systematic and business-like way. May we serve you? Natio Federal Depoatt faatrremrr Up to for Each Depositor The Rev. Clement B. Teipe, third from left, front row, for 37 years pastor of St. Luke's Church, Danvillle, observed the golden jubilee of his ordination to priesthood June 29. Bishop Ready pre sided at the jubilee Mass which was followed in the evening by a public reception in the Danville High School auditorium. Among the clergy present for the day's festivities were, front row, left to right: The Rev, Aurelius Nickel, O.F.M., Cap., of the Josephinum the Rev. Eugene Dunn, pastor of St. Vincent's Church, Mt. Vernon, who recently marked his silver jubilee Fr. Teipe Bishop Ready the Rev. Robert Schuer, chaplain of Mercy hospital, Mt. Vernon the Rev. Walter C. Durbin, O.P., of Madiera. Holy Na me Men To Hold Outing Second row: the Right Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Coleman, of Belle- An all-day outing will be held Sunday at St. Vincent's House. Groveport, for the the Corpus Christi parish, bus. Holy Name Society. Mission men of Colum- Schnei General chairman Frank der has asked that all men bring their sons along. He said transpor tation would be available to all those reporting to the church by 12 noon. Committee heads for the func tion include: Jack Krause. Max Bender, Paul Cluse, George Rohr. William Cur ran. Leo Dunbar. William Burkey and Jack Hammel. -------------------o----------------- Times Classified Ads get results. RESTAURANT 52 S. 3RD ST. COLUMBUS Well-known for flood Fond and Pleasant Atmoaphare Open a. m. tn 9 p. m. Complete Bar Service Closed Snndeya MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, ULY 11.1952 At Fr. Clement Teipe s Golden Jubilee Celebration Another controversy over public and private education erupted at an information session attended by a thousand delegates during the convention. It saw Charles P. Taft. Ohio gubernatorial candidate, reply to charges by Mrs. Agnes E. Meyer that “clerical politicians” are seek ing to “force our people to support sectarian schools whose rapid in crease would destroy our secular schools and tear our nation into irreconciliable factions.” At the end of Mrs. Meyer’s speech Mr. Taft, brother of Sen ator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, look the floor and said he completely disagreed with her. The audience appeared divided on whether to agree with Mr. Tait or Mrs. Meyer, with a slight edge going to Mr. Taft who said the relig ious efforts of parochial schools make up “a thoroughly sound ob jective and the public schools should not only recognize the val idity of the objective, but help stimulate the churches into doing k. “Not One Penny To Catholic School Children,” NEA Cries DETROIT i.NC)—Delegates to the National Education Association convention here applauded vigor ously when a speaker declared that a “public-school-only” resolution said in effect it is “better to have no Federal aid at all than to give one penny to non-pubhc school pupils.” They then passed the resolution, which urged that public funds go exclusively to publicly controlled and tax-supported schools. James E. Conlon from Rhode Island had sought to warn the con\ ention against adopting the resolution say ing it was “inconsistent with the non-sectanan charter of the NEA ’. Pointing out that the Supreme Court has upheld the legality of spending public funds for auxiliary school services, he said “safeguard ing the sepai ation of church and state does not require opposition to tax-supported bus rides and other school welfare services given to non-public school pupils.” Taft Replies Australian Cardinal In U. S ... M*. A I His Eminence Norman Cardinal Gilroy (right) of Sydney, Aus tralia now visiting in the United States, is shown at the office of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association in New York, greeted by Msgr. Thomas J. McMahon (left), secretary of the CNEWA. En route home from the Barcelona Eucharistic Congress, the Cardinal also visited Chicage and the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind. (NC Photos) vue, Ky. Third row: the Rev. Julian Schaeffer, pastor of St. Mary's Church, Lancaster the Right Rev. Msgr. John W. Kerrigan, V.F., pastor of Sacred Heart Church, Coshocton the Right Rev. Msg'. John J. Murphy, chaplain of Our Lady of academy, Granville the Right Rev. Msgr. Herbert F. Hillenmeyer, Ft. Thomas, Ky. the Rev. Harold A. Laubacher, Willowick. Fourth row: the Rev. Hubert Rubeck, administrator of St. Luke's Church the Right Rev. Msgr. Roland T. Winel, Chancellor of the Diocese the Rev. Richard Grosser, pastor of Blessed Sac rament Church, Newark and, the Rev. James Carroll, secretary to Bishop Ready, a good technical job in accomplish ing it.” “Is it not somewhat shocking to realize that those basic elements in the good life which the West has achieved are substantially un taught in our public schools to day?” Mr. Taft asked. Football More Important The decision to omit “the basic question of religion” in public schools to avoid controversy, he said, has led “to the opposite ex treme which has made religion an extra-curricular activity, Certainly not as important usually as foot ball or basketball.” 0-------------------- Fete Canadian Missionaries CAP DE LA MADELEINE. Que. —(NC)—One hundred fifty young Canadian missionaries, represent ing 30 religious communities, were honored at a departure ceremony here. Irish Tribunal Exhumes Bodx Of Matt Talbot DUBLIN (Radio. NC) An official report on the recent ex humation of the body of Matt Tal bot was issued here by the arch diocesan tribunal appointed to open the cause for the beatification of the Dublin-born servant of God. The report disclosed that the re mains of the saintly day laborer, w ho died in 1925 after a life of pen ance and voluntary poverty, were in skeleton form The remains were in a burial shroud which ap peared to be a Franciscan habit. In the coffin also were three chains, two large medals, two crucifixes and portion of a large Rosary beads. Mrs. Meyer, writer-lecturer and wife of chairman of the board of the Washington Post, said “cleri cal politicians are taking advantage of the mental confusion of our postwar era to regain their ancient privilege of controlling education.” “I need hardly tell members of the National Education Associa tion who are in daily touch with tensions, conflicts and open ani mosities created by the parochial school what a barrier it is to com munity reorganization and to the everyday friendly, peaceful rela tions of the Catholic and non-Cath olic population,” she declared. “The parochial schools try to teach democracy,” she went on. "but no human being can blindly accept authority in one area of life and become self-reliant in day to day decisions in the field of morals, politics and economics If it (Catholic teaching in parochial schools) is authoritarian tn theolo gy, it can never hope to produce creative minds in other cultural areas.” --------------------o-------------------- Matt Talbot, a one-time alcohol ic, was a daily communicant when he died. During the last 12 years of his life he mortified himself by wearing concealed chains on his arms and legs. At the graie. the party found a wreath of fresh flowers bearing the inscription of ’he Matt Talbot League and the words. “Deo Gra tias.” When the remains were tak en from the grave'they were plac ed in a new coffin and carried in procession to the chapel. Also brought to the chapel tn a separate box were the old coffin, pieces of clay found in it what remained of the shroud, and the chains, medals and crucifixes. The new coffin w as borne in pro cession to a vault, where it was placed in another larger and stronger oak coffin which bore a brass plate with the inscription. "The Servant of God Matthew Tal bot.” For Quick Results Use Want Ads Lav Retreats 1952 July 14-16 .......... Women July 17-20 ........ .............. Men July 22-24 ........... Men July 25-27 ............ .............Women Aug. 1-3 .............. ...................Men Aug. 8-10 ............ ...................Men Aug. 15-17 Men Aug. 22-24 .......... .............Women Aug. 29-31 .......... .......... Women Sept 5-7 .............. ............. Men Sept. 12-14 ......... .......... Women Sept. 19-21 .......... ................ Men Sept. 26-28 .......... ............... Men Oct. 3-5 ................ .......... Women LAY RETREAT HOUSE St. Theresa Shrine 5277 E. Broad Street Where is your Solons Charge Russians W ith Katxn Killings WASHINGTON NC) The slaughter of 15 000 Polish officers. 12 years ago 4 000 of them in Katyn forest df western Russia, was biamr-d nffirall or. u a W 'ho report of Congressional committee Rep Ray J. Madden of Indiana was chairman of the committee which conducted a six month in vestigation into the Spring 1940 massacre and which reported it “may well have been a blueprint for Korea The committee urged the House to forward its report to the United Nations for appropriate action against Russia in the UN General Assembly and before the World Court. It also recommended that the President instruct the U.S. delegation to the UN to seek an international commission to in vestigate “other mass murders and crimes against humanity.” During its inquiry, the com mittee heard 81 witnesses and re ceived depositions from 100 others. The committee said there is a “striking similarity between what happened In Katyn and the events now taking place in Korea.” It was stressed that "identical evasions by the Soviets tp the Polish government while the Poles were searching for their 15.000 missing officer’- in 1941 appeal again in the delaying tactics now being used by the communists in Korea’ The report said 8 000 Americans have been listed as atrocity victims in Korea and an estimated 60.000 south Koreans still are missing. The bodies of the 4.000 Polish officers were found by German" the Katyn forest tn 1943 Other missing officers were found buried elsewhere in Russia. The com mittee said there can be no doubt this massacre wa- a calculated plot to eliminate all Polish leaders who subsequently would have op posed the Soviets plan for com munizing Poland’ Edmundites To Assemble WINOOSKI PARK Vt.—(NC) The Society of St. Edmunds gen oral chapter will begin July 15 at St. Michael’s College here. Twenty two members of the society repre. senting houses of the society in the United States anada. Eng land and France, will attend /n Time of Area COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE rrS share? Th* cash ill self •very penny or will you Mil pay chad you how much you keep for your- retain a entail portion (or all the thinss you’ll want in the future? Ev en with all the monthly Kilis and obligations a nart of that paycheck heJonje to you. Start taring your ahare now I At Buckeye, you enjoy he added protection of insured savings. BUCKEYE FEDERAL mvugs us loss sssonino* FUNERAL HOME A Catholic Funeral Home Upholding Catholic ideal?, Following Catholic Principle* 24 E. Third Ave. i iki 5888 Columbus, Ohio wIN 8500 in 5909 ho^uki NEW CADILLAC AMBULANCE NOW IN SERVICE AU 3943 405 I. TOWN ST., COLUMBUS A Satisfied Customer is an Asset. Satisfied Customers are OUR Best ASSETS, for more than 27 Years we have been rendering the best possible services at the least possible Expense. SMS 1177 West ith At.., Col.mhut, Oh'. Phon. UN 1233 Phon. UN 5477 Print!. Ambulance Pritata Parking Area Limousines for Veddings MAEDER-QUINT Within the Financial Means of Any Family FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1870 Dial WilJ you epenO Ambulance Service Successor io GArfield 3011 3 Archbishop Says That Moscow Reds Equal Tito Reds COLOGNE. Germany (NC) Archbishop Aloysius Stepinac can see no difference between Moscow communism and Tito communism, insofar as the religious question is concerned. The Archbishop, now strictly confined to his native village of Krasic. made this clear to a Ger man reporter for “Rhetnischer Merkur”, Erich B. Kusch, who visit ed the Archbishop in Krasic and asked him to define the difference between communism of the bolshe vist (Moscow) brand and Yugoslav communism “As for me, there is. in the re ligious question, no difference be tween the communism of the Com inform and that of the Titoist brand,” the Archbishop was quoted as saying. “The ideas advocated by (Alfred) Rosenberg in his book, ‘Myth of the 20th Century’, have to be considered identical with those of communism.” Regarding his “trial” before a Tito court, the German reporter quoted the Archbishop as follows: “My conscience is clear. I can stand before my God. I shall al ways uphold the rights of the Church and of my Faith—if neces sary. with my life There is noth ing 1 have to fear, if God stands by my side.” Discussing the proposal made to him. at the time of his conditional release from prison last year, to leave Yugoslavia and go abroad, the Archbishop told the corres pondent I shall always remain where I have been placed by God and where my duty obliges me to stay. I shall never leave the faith ful placed under my spiritual care.” The Knights of Columbus Club NOW HAVE A number of NICE OUTSIDE ROOMS with and without bath at very REASONABLE RATES ALSO THE BALLROOM is now available for Dances, Parties and Banquets. For Information Phone MA. 4451 THESE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Experienced tn Catholic Funerals offer CONSCIENTIOUS AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE McNAMARA Funeral Parlors ARTHUR H. MAEDER A CO. 1068 S. HIGH ST. Just north of Greenlawn Av. LEO F. HAAG FUNERAL HOME GA. 4569 UM Jatcer St