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The Hammond Organ
erodoc*. ar«an «an« *f eathartral
ovahty hi eharehaa at *n? eta*.
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Daaraa Chiaua
Says Catholic Example
Led To His Conversion
land's most noted converts credits
the good lives and example of
Catholic Religious and laymen
with first turning his thoughts to
wards the Church.
He is Hendrik Pieter Marchant,
former Minister of Education. Now
83. Mr Marchant tells the story of
his conversion 17 years ago. in a
newly-published book called, “How
I Came Into the Church”.
Bishop Emmet M. Walsh, Coadjutor
of Youngstown, will observe the
silver jubilee of his episcopal con
secration by offering up a Mass in
St. Peter's Basilica in Rome on
September 8.
Summit St n«*r Bndcon
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this child needs:
13 year old
football and
Tho flair for
Charlie I* a typical
likes baseball,
the bicycle ho rides,
art he has is something ho doesn't
complain about either. Most of
all, though, Charlie likes the idea
of a foster homo with a Mom and
Dad like other fellows have. Is it
asking too much a little affec
tion and acceptance in a
home? Perhaps YOUR home
be good news for Charlie?
Foster parents whose primary purpose in
ing for children should be love for them
a desire to help others.
Foster parents who are recommended by their
Pastor as good Catholics
3. Foster parents who are people of good charac
ter, as attested to by references of their own
4. A home with a foster (athci and foster mother
5. A home with adequate child space for one
more child, it needn’t be extremely large.
The Bureau will pa. board fm children in fostci
homes, and pay the clothing gnd
medical expenses.
246 EAST TOWN ST. MA. 5891
Urgo India Lift Taxrw
hi Seven Years Since IJ Day
Tokyo Catholics Have Tripled
More Than 2000 Converted To Faith In One Year
Churches Rebuilt: New Parishes Started
By Rev. Patrick O'Connor
Society of St. Columban
(Correspondent N.C.W.C.
TOKYO On August 15 it will
be seven years since Emperor
Hirohito broke the news of Jap
an’s defeat to his dumbfounded
subjects. His voice, secretly re
corded on the previous night, was
broadcast from Tokyo, the shatter
ed capital of an exhausted country.
In Tokyo today you see evidence
of the historic changes that the
past seven years have brought to
Japan. One significant change is
in the Catholic population here.
August 15, 1945. there were
about 8,000 Catholic® in Tokyo To
day there are about 20,000 Since
1945 more than 10.000 Japanese
adults have become Catholics in
this archdiocese. Natural increase
and the return of refugees have
added another 2.000 or more.
It is estimated that more than
2.000 adults became Catholics in
Tokyo during the 12 months end
ing June 30, 1952 This is mpre
than the total conversion for all
Japan in an average pre-war
In 1945 there were 19 parishes
in Tokyo metropolitan area. Elev
en of the churches had heen de-
Religious Stamp
Collection Fills
Five-Fool Shelf
post office emplnypp who takes a
busman's holiday by collecting
stamps. Albert E. Tabler of Ham
ilton has a five-foot shelf of stamp
albums covering religious subjects.
He spends hundreds of hours in
his spare time doing research on
the life of Christ and the lives of
the Saints to provide descriptive
texts for his religious collection.
His “Life of Christ” group, part
of it mounted for public exhibi
tion. includes stamps from a dozen
nations. They show the Nativity,
the Worship of the Magi, the
Flight into Egypt, the Crucifixion,
the Descent from the Cross, and
a score of other incidents from the
Annunciation to the Ascension.
This collection, along with his
albums of stamps picturing Saints
—each with a biographical sketch
typed under it has won him
prominence in the Collectors of
Stamps on Religion. The inter
national society has about 500
members, including His Eminence
Francis Cardinal Spellman, Arch
bishop of New York.
hi Religion* hiMtihitioii*
A strong plea tn exempt religious
institutions from taxation was
made in the Indian Parliament
I‘ Chacko, Malahar Catholic
member, said that religious insti
tutions will have to stop educa
tional and charitable activities if
they are taxed Foreign mission
arms working here will he hard
hit. with harm for the country, he
$750,000 For India
ican relief group-, including War
Relief Services National Catholic
Welfare Conference, contributed
$75().(MM) in voluntary aid for In
dia during the year ending June
ColonSo*' Moat Mmt»m Garay*
lour Chovroloi llfalfr
555 W. Broad St.
stroyed or badly damaged. Since
then. Archbishop Peter Tatsuo
Doi has opened nine new parish
es. Twelve new parish churches
have been built, nine by the arch
diocese, one each by the Jesuits,
the Friars Minor Conventual and
the Columban Esthers. Some of
these replace churches destroyed
during the wartime bombings
others are for new parishes Some
parishes, including the cathedral
parish, still use temporary build
Ten new communities of priests
and nine of Sisters have opened
houses in Tokyo since 1945. Some
are for language students who
will work elsewhere in Japan
The people seen along the Tokyo
streets today are far better cloth
ed and fed than they were in the
battered, scorched Tokyo of 1945
Economic conditions are not easy,
but they amount to real prosperity
compared with seven years ago.
Millions who fled from the
bombings of 1945 have long since
returned to Tokyo, which now’ has
an estimated 7.000,000 residents.
Many new buildings have arisen,
but vacant lots, where tall weeds
have overgrown the twisted debris,
are still numerous.
This year, for the first time,
the Aug 15 anniversary finds
Japan a sovereign nation again.
Name Prelate
For Far East
Mission Area
"TanciisranB Revive Work
In New Guinea, Ruined
By Occupation In War
SYDNEY. Australia (NC)
Appointment of an Australian
Franciscan missionary as Prefect
Apostolic of the newly revived
Prefecture Apostolic of Aitape in
New Guinea has been announced
by the Sacred Congregation for
the Propagation of the Faith.
He is the Rev. Ignatius Doggett,
O E M., superior of the Franciscan
Missionary Fathers in New Guinea,
whose new jurisdiction will cover
the most northerly area of New
Guinea, touching on the border of
Dutch New Guinea.
During the war, 50 years of mis
sionary development in Central
New- Guinea was swept away and
at least half the mission personnel
were killed or died in Japanese
concentration camps. However,
since 1948. when Father Ignatius
led the first hand of Australian
Franciscans to New Guinea, much
of what w»s lost during the war
has been regained.
Father Ignatius original group
of seven has grown to 17 priests,
two lay Brothers, five Franciscan
Sisters and three Australian lay
men working as auxiliaries Mean
while, houses, churches, schools
and dispensaries have heen re
established and the natives are
again being instructed in the
Faith A line of mission stations
now extends from the Wapi
Mountains to the flats of the upper
reaches of the Sepik River.
Born in Sydney, Father Ignatius,
who is 44. attended the novitiate
al Killarney. Ireland, and was or
dained in Rome after having stud
led there and at the University of
Louvain in Belgium Returning Io
Australia early in 1934, ho was as
signed to various teaching and
mission posts and later appointed
Superior of the Franciscan Noviti
ate at Maryfields. Campbelltown
and director of the Morning Star
Roys’ Home al Mornington. Vic
toria When the Australian Fran
ciscans were constituted as an in
dependent province in 1940. Fa
ther Ignatius became one of the
first Australian counselors of the
CSMC Speakers
Among tho speakers at tho
15th notional convontion of tho
Catholic Students Mission Cru
sade, to bo hold at Notro Dame,
Ind., August 21-24, are: Flor
ence Reynolds, of TCA, and Wil
liam Young, of the Food end
A I u I ture Administration.
They will speak on the Tech
nical Assistance Program of the
United Notions. (NC Photos)
Your Family Deserves
Account with proved oafat of o»a»
•S rear.. Start Baring* Aceeani now
th* aocurtty ot a *t*adily growing Baring*
*0 I. Broad St. AD. 5810 AD. 6342
B. ■. Wil A Praa. O. M. Yoeegatan. tee’y
A World Of Difference
There's world of difference between this starving Korean baby
and the bouncing American baby in the picture on the wall. Both the
age, the waif was left at the Maryknoll Sisters' back door at
Pusan, Korea, one of hundreds of such "back door babies" cared for
at the Maryknoll Clinic there. The waif was baptized Joey. Sister
Agnus Therese, M.D., of Philadelphia, is showing the poor waif the
picture of her niece. After several months of special feeding, little
Joey now rivals his American counterpart. (NC Photos)
Priest Describes 240 Tortured
Days As Prisoner In Red Cliina
story of how a Canadian mission
ary survived 240 days of almost
incredible torture in a Chinese
communist prison has been related
The mission?!’, the Rev Eugene
Lauzon. S.J., liberated two months
age, asked for a new assignment.
He has left Hong Kong for the
Philippines, where he will work
among the Chinese population
The story of his arrest and im
prisonment was detailed in letters
to his mother, Mrs. Marcel Lauzon
of Falher, Alberta, and his Jesuit
superiors at provincial headquar
ters here. The account was pub
lished here in The Ensign, Na
tional Canadian Catholic weekly.
Father Lauzon related that com
munist troops took over the mis
sion he founded at Chaochuangsisi
and turned the Church into a com
bination dormitory and prison. He
was kept under surveillance for a
year and a half and then allowed
to go to Fenghsien. the district
capital, where he was arrested on
September 4, 1951.
23 In One Cell
Father Lauzon said he was as
signed to a prison cell with 23 oth
er prisoners
‘‘The bonds that held me cut me
unbearably I forced myself to
think of Our Lord on the Cross
1 kept saying: ‘I must suffer some
thing for Him. hold out another
hour After five hours of this tor
ment 1 believed I would die: my
hands were black, had swollen to
double size and ran with blood I
cried out Io the guards After an
eternity they loosed my bonds and
I blacked out.”
During 18 months, Fathei Lau
zon said he spiritually prepared
14 prisoners before then execu
tion He said that during the
nights, after lights out he regu
larly conducted catechism classes.
“We never had waler with
which to wash, nor, needless to
say. to shave.” the missioner re
later!. “At night our cell was lit
hy a smoky lamp that spread a
cloud of greasy film in six
months ue all looked like chim
neysweeps. In all that time the on
|y bathing was when our heads
were shaved Then there was the
vermin fleas and lice. They
crawled through one’s clothing.
But, being bound, there was not
any opportunity even to scratch.
“The food was hlsck bread and
water After five or six months of
TH* m»H grolou* hotel at th* gateway
ie northern Michigan and Canada In
the heart el America great automotive
center TSO new outside room*, every
room with bath Ample hotel parking
tpoco Air-conditioned lounge, coffee
shop, dining room and boilroam.
this menu scurvy took over. saw
three die, swollen and black. It
wasn't nice to see Our room was
the size of a small bedroom. We
were 23 when 1 arrived, then 35.
One night 54 of us were packed
in. was forbidden to he on one’s
hack—that took too much room
We lay head to foot, 54 of us. side
by side like sardines in a tin.”
Beaten With Billies
Father Lauzon said for the least
infraction of rules “we were beat
en with rifle butts or billies” and
deprived of food for three or four
“After 240 days.” Father Lauzon
said, “the physical suffering was
secondary to the excruciating mor
al suffering. No Mass, no Com
munion. no breviary. I said my
Rosary at least dozen times a
day. The 10 prisoners who had
heen converted were a great com
fort to me.”
Father Lauzon said he was
brought before a district court last
February 23. a knotted rope
about his neck He was charged
with espionage “a Canadian
slave of Americans because mis
sionaries’ funds came in care of
an American bank in Hong Kong.
“I was asked: ‘Why did Truman
send you money*’’ It was useless
to tell them that the money came
from that bank only as a measure
of international exchange not
from Truman but from Canadian
benefactors Then I was shown
photos of a wireless set with which
I was supposed In have sent mes
sages to Americans That day was
especially nen e w racking
Throe weeks later. Father Lau
zon said the prison chief announc
ed he was tn gn free The mis
sioner recalled “He told me: ’Go
back to your mission, continue
your work. The government ac
cords freedom of religion through
out the nation Then they put the
handcuffs on again and the rope
about my neck. At Fenghsien I
was released and told to leave the
country the next morning.”
A week later Father Lauzon was
in Hong Kong, a free man.
understanding alone is the cause
of the apparent difficulties in
reconciling science and religion,
said Canon Georges Lemaitre,
a professor of the Catholic Uni
versify in Louvain and member of
the Pontifical Academy of Science
it nr
Enough evi
dence has sift
ed through the
Bamboo Cur
tain to indi
cate that the
Reds have
three major
fears 1. e
Blessed Moth
er 2. The Holy
Father 3. Mar
y s and
Those who are looking for the
Divine in religion can find it by
seeing what Satan's cohorts in
China hate most. First, the
Blessed Mother. These Com
munists who know nothing about
Christianity threaten everyone
who belongs to the Legion of
Mary. No man hates the mother
of Buddha nor even the mother
of a Hitler. Why then the hat
red of Mary? Because she is
the Mother of God. The Com
munists are wiser than bigots.
The latter spread lies about the
Church and State, but the Devil
knows where to attack name
ly the Mother of Christ and the
Mother of Christians.
The second great fear of the
Communists is the Holy Father.
Hence they organized an “Inde
pendent” Church, promised re
lease from prison if the mission
aries would deny the Holy Fath
er. tried to bribe one Bishop to
become the “new Pope.” As
one Communist newspaper put
it “If you cannnt reform your
Church, we will destroy it.” The
Reds know very well a Body
cannot exist without a Head,
and that if the Church were
without its Vicar, it would be
come as disorganized in doctrine
as the many sects. The Reds
never heard of Christ's w’ords
to Peter “Thou art the Rock,”
hut Satan is telling them.
The final fear of the Reds is
saints and martyrs. They have
put a stop to Masses in Shanghai
for Father Beda Chang who died
God Love You---------------
Mary, Pope And Martyrs
Top Red China's "Hate List’
——. by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen —.
a martyr they have placed
guards at his grave to stop visit
ors coming to pray they asked
the Bishop if he intended to
canonize Father Chang and told
him he would he held respons
ible for any miracles worked
through his intercession. Holi
ness is fixation in goodness it
is Saints the Communists fear,
not Liberals or anti-Communists.
Cut out this column, pin your
sacrifice to it and send it to
the Most Reverend Fulton J.
Sheen, National Director of The
Society for the Propagation of
the Faith or your Diocesan Di
rector. Reverend James Kulp,
248 East Town Street, Columbus,
U.S. Bishop To Speak
OTTAWA (NC) A U.S. pre
late. Bishop Bryan J. McEntegart
of Ogdensburg, will address a
massed rally of Holy Name
Societies in the Ottawa Arch
diocese here October 5.
3241 N. High Street, Columbus, LA. 1115
There i» a »aymg that the bell summons others to church but never
goes there itself. But is this true of the little sanctuary bell, with
which the server heralds the arrival of Our Emmanuel on the altar at
For the Shrine Chapel of Our Lady of Fatima, now rising among the
blind and homeless in the charge of the Sisters of the Destitute at
Alwaye, India, we shall need such a lovely bell, costing $20. Perhaps
you will want to give this, or have some part in this lovely Shrine of
Our Lady under her greatest modem title. We hope to complete the
lund belore August ends. Won't you add a mite?
THAT AUGUST DOLLAR which you give to one of our seven Mission
Clubs will be rare gold for these causes: MARY’S BANK will go to the
dear Sisters of Charity on the island of Santorino, off the coast of
Greece***ORPHAN‘S BREAD goes to Father Henry Ayrout, S.J., for
his tote of Egypt***The dollars for the BAS1L1ANS must again go to
the schools of Father Ornes In Iraq'**The poor outcasts at Shertallay,
India, will know the soothing balm ol our DAMIEN LEPER FUND***
All members give to the MONICA GUILD for the furnishing of poor
chapels will be precious to Bishop Katcho of lraq***Your dollar for
the CHRYSOSTOMS to support young men for the priesthood goes
with others to 25 seminaries***And even a dollar for the CHAPEL-OF
THE-MONTH CLUB is like a stone added to a humble cathedral***
Sizing that makes ruga
as they were when new
506 Cline St. GA 8395
Dodge Plymou^ Used Cars
have just opened for us a little ma
ternity hospital In the desert wasta
of Jordan. There poor mothers,
who might otherwise die, are
brought back to health and the
give the world lovely little chil
dren like this one. The mothers
have nothing, nor have the Sisters,
so we must help this work of God.
The Church treasures a real moth
er and Mary, Health of the Sick,
smiles on her. How much these
dear Sisters, w'ho ask nothing for
themselves, could do with a ten
dollar ift. Won’t you think of
AUGUST IS THE MONTH of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Sister
Pauline, a novice of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Travancore, India, la
dear to that Heart. Can you make her your adopted daughter and give
the $300 she needs for her two years’ training. How Mary will lore
**"Tbe Basilian Slaters of Jugoslavia are still hoping that kind
friends of the Near East will not forget them. Forced from their
homes by sad events all too near the Iron Curtain, they ask us to help
them start their religious life again. Any gift—$1. $10, $100—will do
much***Nagal Bakatra is a little village on the Nile In Egypt. Poor
Rlabop Ghattas begs us for $2,000 for a chapel-school among its almost
forgotten people. We are putting a real prayer on this appeal***From
our people In Israel come additional requests for food packages, costing
$10. One is really wonderful for these needy. Won’t you help?
PERHAPS YOU ARE THINKING of donating a lovely sacred article
to a needy mission chapel in the Near East. Why not write in for
“HOW CAN I HELP?" Then you may wish information on the
GREGORIAN MASSES, offered for thirty days for a dear departed
one. Mass offerings are the only support of our missionaries.
(t'llear Bst (DissionsA
Frond* Cardinol tpdlmon.
M«er. Thoma* J. McMahon. Ncrt'l toc'hf Vory Rev. Andrew Rogoth
Rev. Rotor ff. Tuohy Rev. Wm. Kailor Dunn
tend a)! cemmvnicaliont to
Catholic Tiear BaM LDtlfatt AModadoa
Lexington Ave. o’ 46th It. New York 17, N Y.