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AVE MARIA GRATIA PLENA DOMINLS TECUM Vol. 1, No. 47 500 From Diocesan Schools To Attend Two-Da y Session More than 500 sisters and priests from some 81 parochial schools in the Columbus Diocese will convene nt the College of St. Mary of the Springs for the Golden Jubilee Meeting of the principals and teachers of the dioces., Aug. 27 and 28. The two-day session is centered around the theme Recruiting for Christ.” The Rev. Paul Campbell, pastor of St. Lawrence Church. Pittsburgh, will deliver the sermon at 9 a. m. Wednesday. Aug. 27. at St. Joseph’s Cathedral. Father Campbell, dioce san consulter for the Pittsburgh Diocese is a vice president general of the Catholic Education Associa tion and editor of the Catholic Educator. The Speakers Prominent speakers who will ap pear on the two-day "’•ogram in clude Dr. Clyde Hissong, director of the Ohio State Department of Education the Rev. John Kennelly, pastor of St. Lawrence Church, Chi cago: the Rev. John O’Brien, pro fessor of religion at Notre Dame University, and Dr. Wilfred Eber hart. professor of English at Ohio State University. All are prominent educators. Dr. Hissong received his B.S. degree at Miami University, his master’s de gree at Teachers’ College. Colum bia University, and his PhD. from Ohio State University. A member of Phi Beta Kappa. Dr. Hissong was dean of Bowling Green State University’s College of Education from 1929 to 1952. He has written several books and many articles in the field of education. Father Kennelly is widely known for his interest and work in the field of vocations. For many years, he has participated in the voca tional institute held at Notre Dame University. Father O’Brien is professor of the philosophy of religion at Notre Dame and the author of a dozen works in the field of religion, phil osophy. and modern science. A graduate of Holy Cross College, St. Viator, the University of Chicago, the Catholic University of Amer ]7 Local Young Women Take Part In Religious Professions Seventeen young women from the Diocese of Columbus were among many participants in cere monies of reception and profession held at the motherhouses of four orders of religious recently. Four of the women were among 44 participants in ceremonies held at the chapel of the motherhouse of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis, Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, in Rochester, Minn. The ceremonies took place on the Feast of the Assumption, Aug. 15. The four women are: Sister M. Rose (Margaret Grif fin), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Helen T. Howard Elected I). Of I. National Regent Mr«. H«l«n T. Howard Mrs. Helen T. Howard, a member ©f Our Lady of Victory parish, Co lumbus. was elected national regent of the Daughters of Isabella at the group's convention in Toronto, Canada, recently. Mrs. Howard was unopposed for the post and w?as elected unanimously. Mrs. Howard will head the or ganization which includes 100,000 Catholic women in 700 circles, for a two-year term. She will have jur isdiction over all circles and will attend all the state conventions. For the past 13 years, Mrs. How ard has been national vice-regent of the D. of L. and for five years prior to that she served as Ohio state regent. The Howards reside at 1635 Glenn avenue in Grand new. Teachers, Principals, Will Meet For Golden Jubilee Convention ica, the National University of Mex ico and Oxford University, Eng land, he received his PhD. degree from the University of Illinois for his research work in psychology. Among his best-known works ere “The Faith of Millions.” the Truths Men Live By,” "Evolution of Religion,” “Pathways to Happi ness, “Courtship and Marriage,” and “Sharing the Faith.” He has lectured at a number of leading universities in the United States and in England. Dinner Meeting Dr. Eberhart is a graduate of John Carroll University in 1927. did graduate work at Ohio State Uni versity where he received his mas ter’s degree in 1930 and his PhD. in education in 1936. A special feature of the first day’s meeting, Aug. 27. will be the dinner of community supervisors at St. Mary of the Springs at 5:30 p. m. At this session, the Rev. Thomas Sabrey will discuss the dio cesan vocations program. Diocesan priests scheduled to speak are Fathers Edward Healey. F. Thomas Gallen. James Kulp and Robert Hardwick. Pastors, lay teachers, P.T.A. members and in terested parents are all cordially invited to attend all general ses sions. Exhibits of school books, sup plies. equipment and audio-visual aids will be open throughout both meeting days. Special exhibits em phasizing the anniversary theme and entitled “Now and Then” will depict the highlights of diocesan education in 1903 and 1952. Additional special displays in clude one of the school children's original work in last year’s dental hygiene health project, and exhib its of the*work of the Catholic Wei fare Bureau, the diocesan office of the Propagation of the Faith, the Columbus School Health Service, the Catholic Library Association, and the National Catholic Music Educator’s Association. The program proper is divided between general sessions and spe (Continued on Page 2) J. Griffin, of Circle, O., who pro nounced her final vows Sister M. Goretti (Rita Bendinelli), daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Rizzi Bendi nelli, of Portsmouth, who pro nounced her first vows and Miss Martha Banchy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Banchy, of Ports mouth. and Miss Francis Tannian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James K. Tannian, of Portsmouth, both of whom received the religious habit. Ten women participated in rites held in the chapel of the Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate, Joliet, Illinois, Aug. 12. Four Sis ters from the Diocese pronounced perpetual vows, two novice^ made their first profession and four postulants were admitted into the Novitiate. Those who made lifetime vows of poverty, chastity and obedience were Sister M. Clqophas (Dolores Doody), Sister M. Martha Ann (Elaine Schneider), Sister M. Shar on (Rosemary Kerscher) and Sister M. Timothy (Patricia Kossman). All four are graduates of St. Mary high school, Columbus. Sister Marie Bernadette (Pa tricia Coughlin), of St. Mary Mag dalene parish, Columbus, and Sis ter Paul Marie (Margery O'Dea), of St. Michael s parish, Worthing ton, made temporary vows. Receiving the brown habit and the white veil of the novices were Patricia Britt, now Sister M. An dre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Britt Ruth Greiner, now Sister Lawrence Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Grein er Patricia Ann Mitchell, nojy Sister M. Rene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell and Pa tricia O’Neill, now Sister M. Rose Daniel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Neill. All are from Co lumbus. Sister Mary Goretti (Betty Jones), of 1646 Harvard street, Co lumbus, professed temporary vows in the Negro order of the Oblates Sisters of Providence. The cere mony took place Aug. 15 at the temporary novitiate house in Bal timore, Md. Two women from Columbus were among those tating part in the ceremony of profession at the mother house of the Sisters of the Holy Cross at Notre Dame, Ind., Aug. 15. Making final vows was Sister Mary Agnes Ann (Roberts) while Sister Mary Vera (Packer) made her temporary vows. 1 W8I Father O'Brien Golden Jubilee Booklet Ready For Meeting Lists Accomplishments Of Diocesan School System For Past Half Century A special fifty-page souvenir pro gram for the forthcoming meeting of parochial teachers and princi pals will commemorate the 50-yoar record of progress in the Columbus diocesan school system. In a letter to Father Bennett Applegate, acting superintendent of diocesan schools. Bishop Mich ael J. Ready commends the pro gram and points out the signific ance of its story as one of the glor ies of Ohio as the state eeleorates the sesquicentennial of its admis sion into the Union. The program contains a brief history of Catholic education in this area before Columbus became a separate diocese and details the achievements of previous Bishons of Columbus—Rosecrans, Water son. Moeller, and Hartley—in es tablishing the school system of the diocese. Bishop Ready says in his letter: “We have the solemn duty of thanking God for the strong fai*h and intrepid courage of the pio neers who used the heritage of freedom to build on strong founda tions the blessed system of Cathol ic Education. Generations of sel wart fathers and mothers, of hone ful youth, of saintly Sisters, of de voted Pastors take their honored place in the panorama of faith and sacrifice which inspires us today.” Post-War Growth The accomplishments in the post war years in the diocese of Colum bus are brought out in the history which states: “From 1944 to 1951, the total school population increas ed from 14,138 to 18,444. Bishop Ready was keeping pace with (he population increase by establishing new parishes and schools and ap proving the expansion of classroom facilities in many long-established parishes. Five new schools -’’ere opened in Columbus proper. “Although the total school en rollment has increased by more than 30 per cent since Bishop Ready's installation in January 1945, the percentage of Catholic students in Catholic schools has been maintained. The teacher train ing records have shown a remark able improvement during the past four years. The parents are well organized in their ’parish units of the P.T.A.” During Bishop Ready’s inci'H bency, several historic develop ments in the field of education brought from the Bishop’s pen manv a forceful pastoral letter and public statement. Two are given special prominence in the report: the federal aid controversy and the threat of secularism. In full rectyv nition of the traditional Christian principle of the primary right and duty of parents in the education of their children, the Bishop enlisted the cooperation of parents through the organization in every parish of Parent Teacher Associations. The history also records the de velopment of the annual meeting from its beginning as a gathering of principals to its present all-em bracing scope as a stimulus to the professional-growth of all those en gaged in the work of Christian edu cation in the schools of the diocese. The historical research and writ ing for the program are the work of Dr. Anne B. Whitmer of the English Department at Ohio State University. o-------------- Mass For Mark Sullivan, Nationally Known Author WEST GROVE, Pa,—(NC) A requiem Mass was offered up in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary for Mark Sullivan, nationally-known newspa per columnist, author and editor, who died in the Chester County Hospital at the age of 77. The Catholic Times Columbus 16, Ohio, Friday, August 22, 1952 Father Campbell Dr. Hissong Says Enemy's Methods Can Defeat Him TORONTO (NC) Catholics must use in defense of religion the same media that has been used against their way of life. Bishop Henry J. O'Brien of Hartford, Conn, told 2110 delegates at Daugh ters of Isabella national convention. The Bishop spoke at a Solemn Pon tifical Mass in St. Michael’s Ca thedral. He reminded his listeners that the dominant “thought of this age is not Catholic, it is decidedly materialistic.” This is evident “from the little reaction manifested by the average Catholic ‘to the impact of pagan thought in action in our daily life,” Bishop O'Brien said. “Advantage must be taken ol the methods of publicity and education that have advanced the causes of so many systems threatening our v.,y of life, in advocacy of the principles and policies of Catholic ism, the Bishop said. The prelate pointed out that from the beginning it “was God’s inten tention that woman should be a full equal of man and (his doctrine is central in the leaching of the Church.” Women have realized the neces sity for entering into the work of solving social problems by propos ing Christian remedies, he declar ed. The Bishop added: “We turn to them when peace is so uncer tain. so fragile and frail, to take the lead in bringing all men to the real ization that war is merely destruct ive and suicidal. The BisWp urged the delegator, who represented 100.000 Daughters of Isabella in the United Sta‘°s Canada and the Philippines, “to be come increasingly conscious of what you can do in this most vital endeavor” for peace. He asked them to “devote yourselves ’in stintingly to bring home to those all around you the truth of our Holy Father's warning that unless the course of violence is checked and averted, such times lie o lore us in the world as we do not dare contemplate.” -----------------o------------- Solemn Requiem Mass Celebrated For Fr. Martin Solemn requiem Mass was celc brated Saturday in St. Stephen’s church. Hamilton, O.. for the Rev. Urban Paul Martin, a graduate of St. Charles College, Columbus. Fa ther Martin was killed in an auto accident Aug. 12, in Kweeokee, Va. Born Sept. 10, 1925 in Middle town, he attended high school at the Maryknoll Junior Seminary. Mt. Washington, Cincinnati, grad uating in 1943. He received his B.A. degree from St. Charles in 1947 and completed his studies for the priesthood at Mt. St. Mary of the West seminary in Norwood. In 1948, Father Martin joined the Home Missioners of America. He was assistant pastor at Sacred Heart church, Appalachia. Va. at the time of his death. Burial was in Glendale, 0. The Sacred Priesthood The experience of twenty centuries fully and gloriously reveals the power for good of the word of the priest. Being the faithful echo and rejcho of the -‘word of God" which “is living and effectual and more piercing than any two-edged sword,” it too reaches "unto the division of the soul and spirit” it awakens heroism of every kind, in every class and place, and inspires the self forgetting deeds of the most generous hearts. All the good that Chris tian civilization has brought in to the world is due, at least rad ically, to works of the Catholic priesthood. From th© Encyclical "Ad Catholici Sacerdotii" Of Pius XI (German Reds Aim To Form New Diocese Ml/mpt To Gain Control Of Sees In Three Cities Protestants Also Ruled FRANKFURT. Germany—(NC)— Red officials in the Soviet zone of Germany are understood to be con templating the forcible establish ment of an artificial dioce-e in eluding sections of three diocese, in that zone. 'lhe sees reported to be affected are Fulda, Osnabrueck and Pader born. The Soviet-zone sections of thes? dioceses are now undei the juris diction of Ordinaries i esiding in western Germany. The cornmun i.'ts have long insisted that the Bishops or their representatives could have access to them only by special permits. Within the last f?w weeks Bish op Adolf Bolte was expelled from the Thuringian distric4 of hi dio cese because he had v sited towns lor which the Red officials insisted his permit lacked validity. The Reds are now refusing i ev idence permits to priests not now raiding in the Sovie’ zone “ven though they may have been born there. The Red refusal is made on the pretext that these priests were “trained in western seminaries At the same time it is being made increasingly difficult for both Catholic and Protestant cler gymen in the Soviet zone to main tain contact with theii superiors in the West. In many instances they have even been refused pet mits to visit relatives in the west. The ordination of priests now ap pears to be impossible in the whole of the Soviet zone unless they are trained in the sole seminary thee It was recently inaugurated at Er furt after permisssion for its “stab lishment in Berlin was refused. The eighth annual Labor Day Mass will be held in St. Joseph's Cathedral, Labor Day, Sept. 1. In augurated by Bishop Ready in 1945, the Labor Day Mass observ ance in Columbus is one of the oldest in the country. It has em phasized the interest of the Church in economic life, the cause of the working man, and in promoting peaceful and just relations be tween labor and management. The bitterness attendant on the recent steel strike shows the need for much greater progress in the field of labor relations. Columbus is now witnessing a major strike and the Mass will serve to ask God's blessing on this community. COMPLETE PROGRAM See the Catholic Times next week for the complete progrem of the Labor Day observance. Members of the CIO, the AFL, and the railroad brotherhoods, and business men are serving on the committees in preparation for the Mass to which all are cordially in vited to attend. Meanwhile, the National Catho lic Welfare Conference issued a plea to dedicate Labor Day to “man’s dignity and man's brother hood." The Rev. R. A. McGowan is director of the department of social action which issued the plea. Plea For Harmony “May God Who made us as we are and Christ Who showed us our dignity and brotherhood help us to dedicate Labor Day to man's dignity and man's brotherhood,” the statement prays. “Labor Day should be Church Day for everybody,” the statement continues. “It is a kind of All American Social Justice Day. We are made in the image and like ness of God. We can think. We have will power. Christ our Lord came down to redeem us. If we do not carry our personal dignity into so important a part of our A MINK NCVSFAFta OtVIStOM OHIO STATS MUStU* COLUMBUS 10 OHIO OT Two Xeu Bishops To Be Consecrated At Buffalo. N.Y. BUFFALO, (NO—A double consecration ceremony for the Most Rev. Leo Smith and the Most Rev James J. Navagh has been scheduled here for Sept 24. Bishop-elect Smith will serve as Auxiliary of Buffalo and Bishop elect Navagh will become Auxili ary of Raleigh, N. C. Consecrator will be His Excel lency Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States. Co-consecra tors will be Bishop Raymond A. Kearney, Auxiliary of Brooklyn, and Bishop James H. Griffiths, Auxiliary of the Military Ordinan ate. Bishops-elect Smith and Navagh were classmates at Canisius Col lege here and w'ere ordained De cember, 1929. Since ordination their careers in the priesthood have been closely related and their elevations to the Hierarchy were announced within a few weeks of each other by the Holy See. 8th Annual Labor Day Mass To Be Celebrated life as our work, we are demean ed. “We also depend on one anoth er. We are extraordinarily im portant individuals but we are interdependent by our very na ture. That interdependence is en nobled by kinship we are chil dren of One Father, and we have an adopted son-ship through Christ our Brother. We are born to be brothers. We carry that over into our work or we are demeaned and so are others.” Enormous changes have taken place since the 80 s and 90 s “when Labor Day was in the process of becoming a holiday,” the state ment points out. 411 Workers Now In the early days, it is recalled, “labor” w'as a term used for man ual workers of the skilled trades and the so-called unskilled work (Continucd on Page 2) Summa Cum Laude Degree Awarded Fr. James Kraus The Rev. James K Kraus, a priest of the Columbus Diocese who was ordained a year ago, has been awarded a degree of Licenti ate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) “summa cum laude" from the Uni versity of Fribourg, Switzerland. The son oi Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kraus of Akron. Father Kraus was ordained Aug. 15, 1951, the Feast of the Assumption, by Bish op Ready. In July of 1950. he had been awarded a “magna cum laude” Bachelor of Sacred The ology (S B.) degree from the Uni m-sity of Fribourg. Fr. Kraus attended parochial grade and high schools in Akron and St. Charles college, Columbus, before entering Fribourg. He will take his final year in graduate studies at the Angelicum in Rome starting in October. St. Augustine Parish To Build New Church An artist's drawing of the projected new St Augustine Church by Louis F. Karlesberger, architect, under the direction of the Rev. Earl Holzapfel, pastor The location is Greenwich avenue and Hudson street. Seating capacity will be 650 and construction is expected to get underway sometime next year. Parish To Mark It’s Silver Jubilee With Festival Starting August 28th Parents Vi in Tax Relief In Australia Law VI low Deduction* For Education: \pplie* To Parochial Schools CANBERRA. Australia (NC) —Parents of children attending Catholic schools will benefit from income tax concessions under the new Federal budget outlined here by Treasurer Sir Arthur W. Fad den. The concessions provide for in come tax deductions of up to 50 pounds maximum for each depen dent child under 21 receiving full time education. The policy applies to children in Catholic and other denominational schools as well as to those in State schools. Referring to the concessions in his tyudget speech. Sir Arthur said: “Because of increasing costs of education, representations have been received from a wide cross section of the community for some relief on account of expenditure incurred by parents in educating their families. It is now proposed accordingly to allow parents a con cessional deduction for education expenses incurred up to a maxi mum of 50 pounds for each de pendent child under 21 years re ceiving full-time education. "This concession,” the treasurer added, “will commence to appiy on and from July 1, 1952, at an an nual cost to revenue of approxi mately 1.500,000 pounds.” o--------------- Pornography Seen As Great Danger In l.S. MADRID. Spam (NC) Re ports heard here that pornography is increasing in the United States and Canada brought a warning from Ecclesia, organ of Spanish Catholic Action, that it can prove an “enemy within" more to be feared than Communism. In an editorial Ecclesia praised the efforts of Catholics in both countries to stop “this plague in books, magazines and even in short stories for children.” Com menting upon the reports that cer tain U.S. courts have said such efforts are “unconstitutional and against the freedom of the press,” the magazine said: “Under such circumstances, and unless North America clears its house of such enemies, the trust of the Christian world in a youth which becomes perverted cannot be based on security or even hope, the more so when the authorities confess themselves to be power less, in evoking existing laws, to stop the catastrophe.” Ecclesia's praise of Catholic ef forts to combat immoral publica tions in the United States and Can ada referred specifically to pro nouncements made by the Hier archies of both countries. The magazine commended also efforts of the National Council of Catholic men in Washington, D. C„ of J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Fed eral Bureau of Investigation and of legislators in the two countries to curb attacks on public morals. PRAY GOD TO SEND LABORERS INTO THE HARVEST Prico Ten Cents $3.00 A Year 5 Parishioners of St. Augustin© Church, Linden, will celebrate the church's 25th birthday with a three day Silver Jubilee Festival start ing next Thursday, Aug. 28 on the church grounds, Greenwich and Loretta avenues. The celebration will also mark a quarter-century of the parish's tremendous growth which has re sulted in the need for a larger church and greater school facili ties. In commemoration of the event. Bishop Ready will preside at an 11 a m. Mass next Sunday, Aug. 24 A new addition to the school, completed last winter, increased the number of classrooms to 12, while construction of the new church with a seating capacity of 650 will probably start sometime next year. Building Campaign In a Silver Jubilee building cam paign launched last year, mem bers of the parish raised nearly $200,000 in pledges. At next week's Silver Jubilee Festival, the program, under the direction oi James Whitehead, general chairman will provide en tertainment for everyone, child ren and adults. A ferris-wheel, a merry-go-round, swings, a min iature train are set up to provide rides, in addition to games, prizes and refreshments A 1952 Chevro let tudor sedan will be on display. On the first day of the festival, Aug. 28. it yvill be 25 years to the day since the church was dedi cated by the late Most Rev. James J. Hartley. Bishop of the Columbus Diocese. The site for the church and school was purchased in 1920 by the Rev. Hugh Ewing, pastor of St. Peter's Church, Columbus. At that time, there was some doubt that there would be a need for another parish in the northeast section of the city, but when the new church and school were com pleted in 1927, the number of Catholic families in the new par ish had increased to 250. When the school was opened in Septem ber. 1927. some 172 students were enrolled in the eight grades. First pastor was the late Rev. Otto Guenther, appointed in September. 1926, and it was under his supervision that the church and school were planned and built. Father Guenther served till 1942 when he resigned because of ill health. The present pastor, the Rev. Earl Holtzapfel was appointed in July, 1942 Tremendous Growth Linden's growth, reaching tre mendous proportions since 1940 brought hundreds of new families into the parish. The school be came overcrowded and standing room only became the rule at many of the Masses. School enrollment this year will top the 600 mark including a record-smashing first grade of 140. This will give St. Augustine the largest enrollment of any elementary school in the Colum bus Diocese. Last year it was necessary to employ four lay teachers to assist the regular staff furnished b.v the Sisters of Notre Dame. So rapidly did the parish grow that two new parishes were es tablished from its original terri tory during the past five years. They are St. James the Less. Oak land Park avenue and St. Gabriel in East Linden near the AMVET subdivision. But even with this split, there are more than 1200 families St Augustine Parish.