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IT PAYS TO USB TMB TIMIS CLASSIFIED ADS. POSTON STORAGE A VAN MOVING Local and Long Distance 7W. Dodridg* LA. 1177 Columbus SUPERIOR BUSSES America'* Fineet Rchael Tranaportatisn Bqaipmenl HERCULES BODY SALES COMPANY COLUMBUS. O. 2700 I. Main DO. 2719 "Put Your Duds in Our Suds" Liles Laundry 1*11 Wart ’tich BL AD. 1466 For High Clast Baked Deed* Call DONALDSON BAKING CO. WA 3117 OR 3118 US* N. SIGH ST. laaare Tear Fnmiture Honea Antomeblla CALL Pauline R. Joyce MA. 3544 BmUi ThtH I*. Calaabea •A. 1193 ESTABLISHED IN 1800 ADams 1547 Catholic Youth To Observe USA Week WASHINGTON—(NO 'Unity, Sanctity, Action’ is the theme for National Catholic Youth Week, to be observed Oct. 10 to 26, it was announced here today. “The theme,” says the Youth Department. National Catholic Welfare Conference, sponsor of the observance, “was chosen to characterise the contribution of Catholic youth to the nation and the elements that combine to make that contribution a valuable one: “U—Unity. Although there is a variety in the names and approach es of the programs organizations and movements, there is a basic unity of purpose the development of leaders citizens for Heaven and the United States, and a com mon set of ideals. "S—Sanctity. The core of Cath olic youth programs is the striving for goodness and holiness develop ment of character and education for adherence to lav God's law and the laws of the nation, slate and community. "A—Action The unity and sanc tity of these young Americans must necessarily express them selves in action. Therefore, we find Catholic youth groups partici pating in Civil Defense projects, blood donor campaigns, assistance to the needy at home and abroad. But the great contribution is: lead ership for good in the •community.” BLUE VALLEY BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER That Why Million* Ute It Call RAY SCHOLL for COAL High Grade Coal Priced Right GA. 3504 805 Woodrow GA. 2787 "PLEASED TO HEAT YOU” Fire-Proof Construction, Inc. QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS 880 W. Third Avenue UN. 1126 UN.1127 L. A. WIRTHMAN & SONS 606 636 Parsons Ave, New Truck Part* Used Trucks Bought and Sold Millions of Feet of Lumber Church Cabinets Pews Panelwork McNally Lumber Co. 2034 Leonard Ave. PA. 2151 SPECIAL MILLWORK TO YOUR ORDIR SEWING MACHINES SALES,& SERVICE Aurweeizie ocaih re* N«W HOM* €’•rHie.Sawing Mochinet In Portablet.'CMMtlef 4 OmS* WftDUS SO* AU HOUSEHOLD MACMINtf fttt SICK-US AND DfUVHY AU WOK GUAIANTfED AMSU FAKING MCHITlES lavie S»edlmev*r— fs'ot’ »*ed 4411 "«hrre teu iKf mochinet dr* hw«ine«« i»t a ndrline LOUIE’S SEWING MACHINE SHOP 23 SUUIVANT AV I. ’52 FORD Buy The Economy Run Winner CHOICE OF 6 CYL. OR. 8 CYL. MOTOR Three Transmissions, Seven Body Styles and Twelve Colors WATSON-FORD Open Evenings 1288 N. High St. Columbus, O. UN. 2118 Your Friendly Ford Dealer ^^^^■■■■■■■UUHHUUHUUHUHHHRUUHMIHHHUHRMi Jf *f 4 i ST LOUIS, Mo (NT) Falge History GA. 2194 Bernard C. Lang Gen’l Mgr. Archbishop Muench called the view that separation of Church and State was intended tn keep Gnd out of American »life and schools a falsification of history." He said that the principle does not stand above the view that “the child is on earth to know and to love God, His works of creation, and His means of salvation, His goodness and mercy, His justice and His charity.” “It is fatal for the education of a child if education is religious at home and unreligious in the school,” Archbishop Muench as serted. “Our youthful generation SLittl.-Known By M. j. MURRAY a A w House ooMitne of Chillicothe Fet* To See Football Again D»Ir gates of two leading Catholic or ganizations applauded a declara tion here that the American prin ciple of separation of Church and State was never intended “to keep God out of American life, and still less out of the education of youth.” The statement was contained in a message received from Arch bishop Aloisius J. Muench of Far go, ND., at present serving as Papal Nuncio to Germany It was read at the opening of the 97th national convention of the Catho lie Central Verein of America and the 36th annual convention of the National Catholic Women’s Union. Both bodies met here simultane oualy for five-day sessions. For th* third consecutiv* year, patient* at the Chillicothe Veteran* hospital will be entertained by weekly football games between member* of the Catholic Elementary Football League of Columbu*. Presented by the Rev. Richard F. Dodd, Director of Elementary School Athletics in cooperation with the Columbu* Committoe of the National Catholic Community Service, the first gome I* slated for Sunday, Sept. 14, at 1:30 p. m. It will send Corpus Christi against St. James the Loss. A band, directed by Leo Hall of 11 IS Studer avenue, Columbu*, will feature the half-time activities. Says Church-State Separation Never Meant To Exclude God Archbishop Muench said if should be remembered that the private religious school “laid the foundations of our American Re public,” while the public school did not exist then, “its actual be ginnings going back only to the middle of the last century, long after our system of democratic government had been firmly estab lished in unity and strength. He listed the effects of the anti Christian morality as follows: “No fixed policies in domestic and foreign affairs floundering about in judicial decisions in the TRANGE BUT TRU Facts (or Catholics CepmtUl mt WCWC HfwUrtw. xT*r! Priests LWcyV '^Titear CONFESSIONS in the i ^P^-^QNFESSI^IALIS (Confess ionarChair)-a UK usfD Uiw AND jCs"*- Roman fjtftt^^lTUAL. I®?® OLDEST tie Commons, r' Jjl- existing chair^-^ w ST ANTHONY'S, RQDLb seator British PARLIAMENT, DESTROYED W GERMANff -MDS, WAS DESIGNED BY A CATHOLIC, YJELBY NEW BUILDING TO RISE ON ITS RU/NE HAS ALSO 1 A CATHOLIC DESIGNER. SIR GILES A GILBERT scorr. THESE ARE BACK TO SCHOOL DAYS Along with the trip to the Dentist, the Shoe Store and the Department Store to get ready for school be sure to drop in the Cathedral Book Shop. Students going out of town may want a Statue or Re ligious Picture for their rooms. A student's Bible, a daily Missal, a Rosary, a medal and chain all have an important place in student life. And there are books. Reading habits are developed in the school years. Our shop has the books te inspire, nour ish and entertain. MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY HANDLED RELIGIOUS ART PRAYER BOOKS ROSARIES BOOKS GREETING CARDS THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1952 ~T must not become schizophrenic— a generation of split minds and split characters." “Modern seculanstic thinking, alien to all Christian thinking on life and its ultimate purpose, has twisted the principle of Church and State to ends that cannot but spell disaster for our nation,” the Archbishop went on to warn. “The shameful things that are happening before our eyes." he said, make it evident that we need to return to basic American prin ciples in education if we are to survive in freedom. Among these is the most important of all: the right of parents to the education of their children. This right lies at the very heart of our democra cy. Once that is denied, or even weakened, democracy is in grave peril." highest courts of the land, weird standards touching on modesty and purity in the press and on the screen, in print and in picture gross and shameful violations of the law of God in marital rela tions dishonesty and corruption nn high and low levels in the gov ernment faithlessness and traitor ous conduct of men and women under the oath of loyalty to their countries and, worst of all, con fusion in the minds of youth as to norms of right and wrong In his message, Archbishop Muench made a special plea to the National Catholic Women’s Un ion, which numbers more than 100.000 members, to undertake a special program of prayer and good works to promote religious vocations. He pointed out that there is an ever-increasing need for priests and Sisters and appeal ed to the women to help recruit and encourage vocations. The------------------ Political \ote Flying Corks From The Pop House “When parents are working on the late shift, their children ap parently are shiftless Assignments I'ljaB Right now I am thinking about the task ahead for most of you ind it is spelled “homework If you think you don't like it gne a thought tn how your parents dread ed the word last year. Why don’t you catch wise and take care of your assignments without having the whole neighborhood in on th* project? Do the stuff yourself, and earn the mark you get. Try tn clean up the deal as soon as vnu can after school is out. It is part of that day's work, and doesn’t have to be started after midnight Get it out of the way and relax. Wild Horse Your tongue has a network of muscles to control it but still it must be a case of mind over mus cle My Pal Some parent* are getting alarm ed abnut their children's friends, especially the one whn is consid ered the best friend Many of fhe letters 1 have on my desk right now raise the cry “What to do? Well. I think it is a sad state of affairs when you permit yourself to be run by another of your own age Sure there are some people you like better than others, but don't let them think your thoughts Katholikentag (ximmemoralcfs Turks Defeat VIENNA (NC) Catholic youths from many European countries will commemorate, here the historic battle which 269 years ago, saved not only Vienna hut all of Central Europe from falling into the hands of the Turks. The commemoration will be the outstanding event of the Catholic Youth Week which takes place in connection with the Austrian Kath olikentag (Catholics’ Day) from Sept. 7 to 14 It was on Sept. 12 1683, that the Austrian imperial army, com manded by Charles. Duke of Lor raine, and assisted by Polish troops under King Jan Sobieski, won the famous battle of the Kah lenberg a hill overlooking the Danube valley and the city of Vi enna Contingent* from practically every Christian nation of Europe took part the battle and it is hoped that the “army’ of young Catholics assembled to celebrate that famous victory will be simi larly composed. On the afternoon of Sept. 11 the young people will gather on the Kahlenherg where the Duke of Ixirraine had his headquarters on the eve of the battle. They will hear there a lecture in all of the languages represented at the gath ering and will then march to the nearby Leopoldsberg where an open-air evening Mass will be cel ebrated in front of the commemor ative church there. Hook Display Slated Another event of the Katho likentag. the first to be held in Austria since 1933, will be a Ca tholic hook exhibition giving a comprehensive picture of the Ger man language Catholic book pub lications since 1945 In three sections Austrian. Swiss and West German, the works of native Ca tholic authors as well as German translations of foreign books will be on view. Time Life BY FATBEB GABBIEL BAFFOBD The Saint Of The Week Tuesday will be the anniversary of the great Jesuit, St. Peter Clav er. He died three hundred years ago. but still remains very close to the heart of every Negro Dur ing forty years of his life he bap tized over three hundred thousand Negro slaves in Columbia. His father was a successful Spanish farmer, hut he never had a har vest like that. Remember when you put your "X" before your fivnrite candi date. you are putting America nn the spot Fall Cleanup teem Right now as you plan to pitch in and do a good mb don’t fail to get the right start. Get to Confession soon, and get rid of the other unsightly stuff you picked up with your Summer tan A mind can’t do its best work if some thing on your conscience is hold ing hack the grace of God The quality of your Confession is un to you. but the Holy Spirit will give you all the help you need for you, and for heaven’s sake don’t make plans with them that ought to originate in the minds of your parents. Two immaturities lead to double trouble. A pal who gets you into trouble is a pil. Sad Slate The trouble with much high level thinking is that sometimes it is not very high and not always is it on the level. Thought For The Weak If you are going steady with grace you are safe. HOT FUDGE SUNDAE Isaly's Novena Devotions to Infant Jesus of Prague ST. LADISLAUS' CHURCH COLUMBUS EVERY WEDNESDAY 7:30 St. Ladulatm t» Inrated at Iff Bee* A-enue and i* within ea»» wallrinc d'» tanre of th. Paraona Aran** the 8o. High Straat baa. ''Glasses that Satisfy" OHIO STATE OPTICAL CO. Complete Manufacturing Facilities Prompt Repair Service Artificial Eyes Fitted Glass or Plastic MA. 3697 146 East State St. COLUMBUS, OHIO ------Library Notes----- Martyred Priest's Supreme Sacrifice Related In Book Frem the Deeertment ef Library Science Coll*g* ef St. Mary of th* Spring* FOR ADULTS— Our Lady Fn’ Fa’her Maxi milian Kolbe, Friar Minor Conven tual. by Maria Winowska Translat ed by Therese Plumereau West minster. Maryland. Neuman Pre**, 1952 Father Maximilian Kolbe (Ray mond )had one burning desire—to save ALL souls. To realize his am bition he dedicated himself to the IMMACULATE with an allegi ance unlimited. At the age of 10 years, Raymond’s heart was cap tured by the Mother of God who appeared to him—from that time he was filled with an unsalable desire for martyrdom His life was spent in suffering tuberculosis, enemy occupation, concentration camps all were known to him This book ends with his supreme sacrifice—the gift of his life for another—a man who was condemn ed to die in the concentration camp whose sorrow was very great because he was leaving his wife and children The results of this sacrifice were evident before long in the camp itelf The cell where the priest had been became a chapel of fervor—prayers were an swered from cell to cell instead of the usual profanations It was be yond the comprehension of the jailers. Father Maximilian went to his God on the Feast of the As sumption his mother took him home on one of her most beautiful feasts. This book will certainly bring us all closer to 'Father Kolbe’s IMMACULATE. Bread from Henven by Henriet ta Buckmaster. New York. Ran dom House C1952. A child and a young man walk ed into a New Enland village one spring day—no one knew who they were or where they came from. The child has no arms—no one knows how this happened—but the kindness he receives changes him from a sad child to an eager one clamoring for help—for the new arms which ha\e been promised to him. The older hoy, Karel, whn was only 19. seemed older because of his suffering Miss Buckmaster philosophize' a great dea through out the story. She teaches us here that taking and giving are a part of each other—no individual holds a prerogative on uffenng or seek ing or longing because such things are universal. Although the book i erious. it ends on a happv note —the pure of heart can conquer just about every obstacle. This novel must be read carefully hut you will gain much from a careful study of it. Miss Buckmaster was born in Cleveland but spent most of her life in New York In 1945 she re ceived the Obioana Award for her book "Deep River." Circleville Circleville Fast Freeze Food Locker P. J. GRIFFIN Owner an* Overate* Edison Ave., Circleville, O. DEFENBAUGH FUNERAL HOME Circleville 151 8. Main St. Phen* 411 LA 3112 LA 12111 HILLTOP SEILLERS Department Store 34M W. Bread Cel e. O The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are diatributing your patronage in the different lines of business. Goodyear Tires A Batteries 7 FOR CHILDREN— A Small Child’s Bible, by Fela gie Doane. New York. Oxford Uni versity Press, 1946 This beautiful book bears th» imprimatur of Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York. Although the Bible stories have been retold in very simple language, the feeling of the origin al text has been carefully preserv ed. The colorful pictures, too. have kept the spirit of Biblical times. They serve to introduce the chil dren to the greatest tales of both the old and new testaments. Par ents and teachers will use this book again and again they will even use it to refresh their own memories. Since both text and pic tures have both been carefully checked by authorities in Biblical literature, we feel that a copy of this wonderful book should be in every Catholic home. It will be treasured through the sears—the child of six will love it—and so will the older children in the fam ily. Jesu Son of Mary by Fulton J. Sheen Illustrated by Rafaello Bu soni New York. Declan McMul len (C1947) Bishop Sheen always tells story well In this tiny book, he brings the greatest stor of all times to little children—told so simply and clearly that they will all love it DRINK a*soft drink made from real oranges I Buyers' Guide THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK S«rr:c« Pr«4oMin*t*«’' 167 W. Main St. Phone 62 Circleville GOELLER'S PAINT STORE 219 i. Main Circleville LINDEN Hudson Cleaners 2-Hour Service 2301 Cleveland Cut Flowers Potted Plant* FuneraJ Designs Our Specialty Linden Florists Lou la De San tie. Prop 2140 Denone La |jji SHOPPERS' GUIDE MOVING Hilltop Van & Storage Co. STORAGE COLUMBUS. OHIO FL. 1597 RA. 1107 Schmelzer’s Shade Co. Venetian & Cloth Blinds Made to Order Full line Travis & Curtain Rods 2383 W. Broad St. A. 7211 BILL SPIRES SHELL SERVICE W. Breed St. at Powell RA. 0125 SCHMELZER'S RESTAURANT 3171 W. BROAD ST. “For food at its best” ALL THE MIXED AND POPULAR DRINKS Expert Lubrication