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Newspaper Page Text
CLASSIFIED ADS Phone AD 5195 DO 4259 AD 5196 20c PER LINE DEADLINE FRl. NOON Information 9 Room—Eaat—Holy Rt»ary 3046 after stop: shop at favs ai to sales For An Honest Deal The National Detective Bur MURRAY F. SEYLER 66 OFFICE SUPPLIES Filing Cabinets Desks PEACOCK REALTY SHOP 165 Dakota AD 4961 BUSINESS WANTED 6642 WORTHINGTON FUUDS, INC. UN. SfXP 5 K. L«»nf St. A N. High Worthington FR 2-6359 WOCHERS Surgical Supplies. Hospital beds and wheel chairs for sale or rent. 201 East Broad Street. MA 1436 SER3 EL 4. AN REFRIGERATOR STAYS SILENT LASTS LONGER THE GAS CO SCH1R1ZINGER DRAPERIES Drapery Materials. Lamps. Gifu ♦610 N High JE Mill OHIO MIDLAND LIGHT AND POWER CO. Electric Service Canal Wincheater. Ohio Your Sealtest lee Cream Dealers THE TELLINGS ICE CREAM DEALERS 246 E. Town St. AD 2171 Winder 2518 W. Broad Chairs STATE OFFICE SUPPLY AD. 2125 44 S. 3rd St. Columbus WBNS and WELD Central Ohio's only CBS Outlet N HIGH ST. AD 9266 POLAROID CAMERAS AN'i FILMS We rent Cameras and Projectors 47 E. Long St. AD 2961 JAY’S FARM ERVICF. ANIMAL AND PET FEEDS 1843 Denune A»e..IE l.'»2.7 Where to Dine LEM’S RESTAURANT CHINESE and AMERICAN FOODS Sea Food, Chicken, Carry-out Serv Tnwn-tt (off MA 0167 HELP WANTED RC-30 ANNOUNCEMENTS Construction Materials CONCRETE BLOCKS Briek and Tile—Buildii BASIC Phone 8-2172 Chillicothe O. Mein Drug Stores PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION DRUGQIST Chillicothe. Ohio RIEDER PHARMACY Cor. Church and Arch Phone 29-900 CHILLICOTHE PHARMACY 331 S. Paint 0 Chillicothe Electrical Contractors DUFFY ELECTRIC CO Rebuiders of Electrical Machinerj Power Construction Work Phone 3-2206 Electrical Contracting and BOWERS ELECTRIC CO. 536 Church St. Phone 2"-688 Five A Ten Cent Stores 8. S. KRESGE 4t Phone 8767 N. Fruit Farms J. LEO HIRSCH FRUIT FA** Huntington Pike _____________ Grocers FRANK J. HUNN MKATS AHO GROCERIES Dial n8 PRIESTS HOUSEKEEPER Write Department LA, PO Box 636, Columbus 16, Ohio. State age and experience. SPECIAL Machine ot tfre. HachtneioM Wave *U.jU Cold Waves $5 up ESTHER REES BEAUTY SHOP 0128 1419 Cl ACKF.KMAN S SAW arry-olt PARTIES, BEER WINE 5225 N. High St. JE. 44 chi I help 8705. Reliable woman to care for dren occasionally and also with household duties. JE. HOUSEKEEPER. Mrs. Chapman. MA. 4591. Instruction It'a fan tn play the Accordion or Guitar. Tntitrnmenta fttrnlahed to beginners 144 £. State St. MA 2414 CAI-BORN SC WOO I DIRECTORY Barber Shops OK BARBER SHOP JOHNNY'S HARBER SHOP Open 8 to 4. Closed Wednesday*. ter Mnhawk DI 2115 Beauty Shops in the East End DEMMLER’S BEER CARRY OUT FA. 0459 CEMENT CONCRETE Jock Work. All Rae Chimney Repairing CHIMNEY A BRICK REPAIR Tuckptnnting. House* or apartn Contractors Hamil OELGOETZ CO Mechanical 1914 PAST ELS.(. I RIC COMPANY 1099 Snllivant Are MA 0642 Contractors' Equipment ALBAN EQI 1PMENT CO. nmprui. Sand Blaatint— 19 Rgnip. Drive In CONKLIN S DRIVE IN Sandwiches, Soft Drinks, Short Order* 1726 laekjon Pike kA 625 Farm Equipment DI 4414 ORET7 FORD TRACTORS Hearing Aid» BF.LTONE Hospitals CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL 561 8. Kth-st FA 2191 CHILLICOTHE XT Jewelers WARD AND WARD JEWELERS Diamonds Watches Jewelry Plumbing and Heating St. MADRU Plumbing & Heating PHONE 2 9066 195 S. Mulberry Chillicothe Real Estate LLOYD LEEDOM, Realtor Dial Service Stations ROBINETT’S SERVICE STATION 266 E 2nd Phan* 6544 INFORMATION RC-9 SOUTH END McCarthy Hotel Dairy Queen Store 8 N. High 543 E. Main Milk Quart* Malt* and SEAT COVER SHOP choose from. DIAL 2-0160 EASTERN AVE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHILLICOTHE. OHIO Complete Outfitters jor the Entire Family MAYFAIRS St. 12 S. Paint _________ CHILLICOTHE. OHIO Hardware You’ll do better at PIERCE & TODD HARDWARE CHILLICOTHE. OHIO Twentieth Century Bowling Alley E 2nd Phone 27-666 TERMITE SERVICE R. R. GRADY-GLASS ALTO ami WINDOW GLASS REPLACED 54 11 E. Main St. Phone 6166 W. Water St. Ph. 6846 Housecleaning Insurance DEWEY C. BLACK .nd Building Maintenance FREE Home Delivery FL. 3075 Winea—Beer—Ma»» Wines—Vermouth LA SALLE Wine Stores 53 E. Spring Open Evening. ?4 S. High Driving -Out Champagne, favora. Open 11 to »n. EV. 6300. CARRY-OUT arking Area R. Q. WILLTSS RA S6S7 Jewelers HOMER W MILLER. Lightning Protection AR I HLR PICKLES. Lightning Rods 1552 Briarwood Ave. 39 Years. Ex Lock Service BOB’S KEY SERV Rev* Lock* -Repair* In 8759 3238 N. High Meat Packers Nursing Home Ham Contractor Service Built Columbus .Ohio Our Business LA 4222 FRANK A. DAVIS & SON 1973 Lockbourne Rd 12 Help Wanted Painting Decorating Chillicothe Motors Inc. Latent Modern Body and Fender Repair 72 E. Water St. Chillicothe Saconti St USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Bookkeeping Machine, Portable Typewriter, Cash Registers, Add ing Machine. All in excellent condition For information write FREDS AUTO SUPPLY 32 W. Main St. Chillicothe, Ohio HOME DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 9276 261 RIVERSIDE STREET CHILLICOTHE. OHIO CHAS. H. MCCARTHY Owner & Manager CHILLICOTHE WARNER HOTEL Chillicothe's Finest COFFEE SHOP BAR 29 N. PAINT ST. Ruch ION ALLI adv. diamond*. watches, appliance* NO MONEY DOWN. JOSEF'S RELIABLE LAUNDRY A S Gift MOVING? rail FR. 2-6534. AJAX Old floori refin iwhed. DT-3749 I' APS R-H ANGI NG and paintinc. exterior Plating IS01 and Hard Chmm Automatic Prod Plumbing I Heating Your MYERS Printing ill*»r-a v Roofing Siding combination loora. Coun- PHONE 1141 Fine Paints There la Nothing Finer Than a STROMBERG-CARLSON TELEVISION Venetian Blinds GERLING'S 9 W. 2nd St a 29956 Where to Dine RC 9a THE SANDWICH SHOP 256 E. Main Ph. 7364 Tractors for Sale RC 88a CAREY TRACTOR SALES 688 Eaatarn An. Ford Ph. 25-246 THE TIMES SEPTEMBER School Supplies Sewing Machine Service SINGER SEWING CENTER All makes of sewing machines and vacuum cleaners repaired. Free pickup and delivery service 90 N. High St. 19 E. State St. MA 7849 MA 8884 Service Stations GETREl Steel Stairs Eacapaa 263 f’rr. MA 1»I6. Tours and Cruises “lyAUDERER” 12 N. 3rd St Room 323 High lilt "Rely on Reliable' MA 8161 Watch Repair AD. 9484 DF.INLEIN Hauling and Expresting 40 BINKLEY MOVING AND STORAGE Real Estate for Sale It n. OF YOUR CHOICE IN THE PARISH EAST floor plan. 2 hedrooma. NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION. BUTTLER-STEWART BUILDERS FA 8339 DO 2496 R»alt Bread Mt. BUY Huh CHRIST THE KING PARISH hot Buttler-Stewart DO 2196 KECK CHAPEL FIFTH STREET CHA 421 Putnam Ave. 23 South Fifth Street Ph. 2-4551 Ph. 3-1232 Information___ Z-9 MUTUAL FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. CURRENT DIVIDEND 2% nigral Building. 14 Radio Service Appliances Repair* ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO GEORGE SMITH Electrical Wiring Commercial Indui Phone 8497 Residential TELEVISION .Mat Ra Focui Edge-to- DISTRIBUTED P.Y L. A. EMMERT 34 S. St Phone 3-6615 Zaneaville. Ohio The firms listed here desene to be Remembered when you aie dib tributing your patronage in these ditferent lines of business. approx. 84666 vt. all FA 8339 LA 8719 ROBERT E LYONS wn RONNER INC- REALTORS Builders Bldrs' SuppIies LUMBER Marble Cliff Lumbe 6 1239 McKinley. Av SHERWIN-WILLIAMS OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT BUILDERS HARDWARE SCHALL HARDWARE 63 enter a gift many things shop and see how your friends haven’t sent you Write Funeral Directors Z-6 Mader-Peoples Funeral Homes Wendell B. Swope Kenneth 0. Bolin Arthur A. Bryan Bohn & Kern Mfg. & Supply Co. Plumbing A Heating Supplies 50 S. Third St. Zanesvi USE BORDENS Homogenized Milk lc Quart Over Regular Milk Call 2206 ZANESVILLE. OHIO BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES READY MIXED CONCRETE Adams WHEN THE ARCHBISHOP ASKED THE CATHOLIC WOMEN TO SHOW LEADERSHIP MRS. AVERY STARTED AT THE BOTTOM BY DISCIPLINING HER HUSBAND. Bros. Inc GENERAL CONTRACTING Phene Mitakingttm Aie. 6St FURNAi on Kramer Healing Lon 1274 1498 E BOILERS Grading Excavatinc Coal REIS BROS MA 1458 510 FURNACE ST. Power Lawn Mowers RICH STREET MARKET WANTED Furnished Apartment for 4 adults. MONEY FOR YOUR I CHURCH GROUP THE CAPITAL CITY PRODUCTS CO Columbus, Ohio UN. 1131 ZANESVILLE BS' Where to Dine Z-9a Casino Keslaurant The finest place to eat on i on Route 40 424 Market St. Phone 20295 Zanesville, Ohio Tony Rosta s Restaurant 167 Underwood Zanesville Business Announcements Z-30 Beverages WRIGHT VESS COLA BOTTLING 1(4(1 W Main TH S-2112 Chinaware—Glassware China Gias* Gifta FOWLER BOLIN O. 310 Main St. Zanesville. O. Cleaners and Dyers DUSENBERRY Suptr-Z.oric leaner* 517 Cnderwond Ph. 3-6*02 :l Drug Stores SHIRLEY’S PHARMACY TERRACE POINT ISAS Dresden Rnad ’’hor.e 2-6471 Insurance FINAN INSURANCE AGENCY First Trust Bldg. PH 2-5265 Hocking Insurance Agency 1101 Greenwood 1‘l, '’-779S or 2 ^6’ Paint Contractors R. L. FULKERSON & SON Paintinsr Contractors Ph. 8-711C Ranifan A Fes Deeerstors 626 Park Phene 2-7771 "MODERATION IS A FULL LIFE” Flood's Bar and Grill WINES I IQUOR«? “Beer at Its Best" TASTY FOODS SANDWICHES 430 Market Ph 4B91 Wanted Real Estate Z-59 DWIGHT E. SMITH. Realtor 45 N 4th St Ph 2-4255 3.3654 Television Z-73c PLUMMER R4DIO SERVICE TELEVISION Installation ard Servira Home and Sula Radio Repairs 362 N 7lh Ph 2-2486 COAL YARDS Z-76b RED ASH PEACOCK COAL Treated Stoker. 31c- Nut. 30e Lump. 33c Furnace Lump. 32c. ZANF COAl CO PH 2-9276 Auto Service—Repairs 87c Witchie Buick Co. 1265 tW Main St Zanmvills Phone 24679 Fred W itehie Ou net O S Sterling Service Quaker State Products Phone 2-1444 8S4 Patnan Zanaa-ille COMO MARKED Wanted to Buy 76b Old Gold Diamonds HEISE & Auto Service—Repairs 17c COLUMBUS AUTO RADIATOR CO KAUFMAN MOTOR, INC. Ffe. 77d ood Marts 80a graves^ FENCES /169 McDowell AD. 5796 Jo?. Tel. Parkway 5100 CINCINNAT Phone 1464 JOHN P. KREIDLER Phone I47J 203 W. Main St. LANCASTER, OHIO LYENDECKER Sohio Service Station Broad A Chestnut Phone 3190 Lancaster City Transfer Buaineei Phona 2193 E. Mt. Pleasant Greenhouse 'Flowers for ah oc Phone 522 Pleai Charlie Macioci & Sons and Prodm air and Ha DEAN A BARRY PAINT IMPERIAL WALLPAPER The Fairfield Paint & Oil Co. Phone 4700 Phene 4071 SIXTH AND WALNUT RIGHT IN THE HEART OF EVERYTHING HEADQUARTERS OF 8. P. O. E K S NO. 5 ROOMS RO6ER Lancaster Lancaster Modern Floor and Wall Co Laneaater 9 AUTO RADIATOR CO. Oat ah tin Beirk Dealer Auto Parts—- Accessories ALTO SEAT COVEO—All Cam «3 t» up Bl’AVER i'TO STORES’ I.e( a Times Classified dispose ef thase nolonRci needed items. The Knights of Columbus Club NOW HAVE A number of NICE OUTSIDE ROOMS with and without bath at very REASONABLE RATES ALSO THE BALLROOM is now available for Dances, Parties and Banquets. For Information Phone MA. 4451 Lk 8/ 1 LANCASTER BUYERS' GUIDE Informatic L-9 EAST END WINE SHOP We Like the Dew BAKER Type writer Co, H»«. nf Rum*) Typewr GEO. B. SHAW ELECTRIC CO. 647 E. Main St. Phone 2713 THIMMES BROS 351 S. Columbus Lancaster Phone 809 James IL Sheridan Sons Funeral Directors Where to Dine L-9 JO-KAR RESTAURANT 1549 N. elumbuB Ft. Phone 951 Business Announcements L-30 Sales A Service 1393 E. Main Phona 4124 Appliances WESTINGHOUSE SALES A SERVICE Appliance Center 155 W Mulberry Phone 46 Beauty Shops BETTY’S BEAUTY SHOP Our long experience i« tour Beaut* Asaar anee 1D»i Main ’hone 162 CARRY OUT Lancaster Wine Store 241 W. Main St.—Free Delievrv Phone 2411W Patil Loonev Pre*. Automobile Parts Accessories Ol \LiTY U TO PARTS MAUGER'S SEA FOODS For the Best of Sea Fc S12 E. Main St. LANCASTER, OHIO I N I N E R'S Groceries, .Meats, Fruits, Vt Birds I* ye Frozen Foo Fifth and Maple LANCASTER, OHIO 01 PATRONIZE IMES ADVERTISERS. ty Meal A Re Phone 781 Free Delivery