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10 them fi the Sin were thr All th* Biihopt of Austria, the country's President, Theodore Koerner and members of the government attended coremonies of ♦ho Austrian Katholikentag. In left photo, Tyroleans in native costumes participate in the monster Youth Roily in Vienna City Hall Square. The votive church of Vienna is in the background. Right photo, Pro 7 Japs Become OEM Priests In I nusiial Rite •ature of the was the fact had begun s at least 21 to interrupt rvicr during The seven of order men in Japan. OHIO BEDDING CO VAKSO*$ __________________ PERPETUAL NOVENA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Every Tuesday 7:30 pjn. St. Christopher’s Church Grandview A Ida "A COMPLETE SERVICE" Real Estate Sales-Mt'g. Loans Improvement Loans Title ins. Call Fergus Theibert lor Details The Guarantee, Title & Trust Co. 22 W. Gay St. Columbus, O. Est 1899 MA 5531 TODAY ... IS THE DAY start your savings account tuw Open an account for any imount Add as vou desire. Lach individual account insuied up to SI0.000 by the Federal having* A Loan Insurance Corporation. current rata 2’/A% Central Ohio Federal Savings 78 Seuth Third Street Between Bread and State THE HERMAN FALTER PACKING CO Stressing The Freedom And Dignity Of Man' During recent months, those known Io have been arrested in elude Father Prajner chancellor of the Wloclawek Diocese Father Kowalski, O.S.B., of Tyniec wrell known authority on the liturgy and Father Adamczyk, rector of Katowice cathedral, taken into custody for the "crime" of not de claring to government authorities an American dollar he received in the Sunday collection. Also recently arrested was Father Slomkowski, former rector of the Catholic University in Lub lin. whose brother, a layman, also Mattresses Made Into Innersprings Matfrraara Made Io Order A Rehulil Feather Renovating CALL GA. 2463 A Upholstering. COLUMBUS, omo I 11 1* Steps I Drive To Discredit ‘Reactionary' Priests And Biiihl Up Confidence In ‘Patriots' LONDON (NC) Increasing numbers of diocesan and order priests are being secretly arrested hy the Security Police in common ist Poland, informed sources here disclose fessor Mauer, leader of Austrian Catholic Action speaks to the as sembled thousands. His Eminence Theodore Cardinal Innitzer, Arch bishop of Vienna and Papal Legate, is seated behind the speaker. "Freedom and Dignity of Man" was the theme of the Katholikentag. (NC Photos) was taken into custody. In July, Mother Benigna, of the Congrega tion of the Holy Family of Nazar eth, wax arrested in connection with the case of Bishop zeslav Kaczmarek of Kielce, who is still in prison. The apparent aim ol the com munist regime is to throw' fear into the clergy and force them to become subservient to its aims. However, in Warsaw, a recent conference of the so-called priests' commission in connection with the Union of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy, drew not more than a score of “patriotic" priests. The conference debated ways in which the clergy could be mobil ized behind the government's pro grams. At a subsequent meeting in the Polish capital, clerical and lay workers of the state-controlled “Caritas,” a special appeal was drafted calling for the fullest pos sible participation of all “pro gressive” Catholics in the National Front. Polish Catholics have been alert ed to attempts by the “progress ives” of “Caritas” to bring about full communist control of the edu cation and training of the young, and against propaganda which por trays the Church as an enemy of progress and the cause of the calamities which have befallen Pol and in the course of centuries. One medium of this propaganda is the Ksiadz. Obywatel (Priest Cit izen), published by the “patriotic” priests of Warsaw. A recent ar tide stated “Only now, in the pres ent communist constitution is there apparent a truly Christian text The Constitution of the Polish Peo ple's Republic has taken from Pol and's history whatever was most noble and progressive, therefore whateier was Christian not only in form but in spirit.” Noted Belgian Pope Pius Xll has reminded us that if we really want Even in our terrible times, Christen dom, if united and hr U M»gr. Honor* Van Waeyen berghe, rector of Louvain Uni versity, Belgium, arriving in the United States by plane. Louvain University is sponsoring the establishment of th* first coloni al university in the Belgian Con go. Th* Monsignor came her* to discuss the problems of founding th* new university with rectors of Catholic universities in the United States. He will visit Washington, Providence, Boston and Quebec, where he will pre side at a meeting of rectors of Catholic universities (NC Photos) Be Loyal To Our Advertisers LOOSI LEAF DEVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES FILING EQUIPMENT FAVORS AND NOVELTIES NITSCHKE BROS. STATIONERS PRINTERS 37 Ha.t Gay S|r*«t COLUMBUS. OHIO THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1952 active, is strong enough to huild a new world. The first task is to protect what we have -to hold back the Com munist barbarians. Therefore the Holt Father ap proves of preparedness of de tenses against atheist military ag gression. he occasion chosen by. the Pope for his new condemnation ot pacificism strikes me as specially significant. He was speaking to the delegates of Pax Christi. Pax Christi “The Peace of Christ”—is a world -wide crusade of prayer for peace. But the Holy Father made plain that prayer alone is not enough Prayer must emerge in Christian thinking and Christian living. That means action for justice and charily action emanating from a soul properly disposed, and an intellect judging rightly. Therefore, to these men and women who pray tor peace and what right-thinking person does not.’ Pope Pius said: “Those who, although peaceful, are attacked, have both the right and duty to defend Ihemsclves No state or group of states may quiet ly accept political slavery and eco nomic rum They must assure the common defense ot the common good ot their peoples,” At this point, it seems to me, the Holy Father is asking the pacifists Io make a sacrifice fcr peace It 's a sacrifice most difficult lor some admirable people to make. The Pope is asking the pacifists to sacrifice their personal opinion because it is in error, and to ac ccpt instead one ol the truths which the Holy See has repeatedly st re si’il That truth was set forth long ago by St. Thomas Aquinas He said that although the Christian soul hales violence and is dispos ed to turn the olhei cheek, never theless the Christian sometimes ha.- the duty of using force to put down unjust attack tor his own good, for society's good, and for the good even ot the aggressor. Are the pacifists prepared to sacrifice their error? Will they face the fact that a Christian war riors defense of'justice is a prayer most acceptable to God'.’ There are others from whom the Pope a ks sacrifices. He says we must stop nursing pas grievances against this nation 01 that. We ca n all search our hi arts to see whet he any such ancors lurk there. them up. sayi the Pope. CHECKER CAS ELECTRIC May They Rest In Peace V RITTER. Helen. 45. 370 Bellows avenue. Chillicothe. Sept. 20. St. Peter church. Survivors: her hus band. Robert F. her parents, a daughter, a son, a sister and two brothers. KENNEDY, Mary Helen, 71, 444 S. 22nd street. Columbus. Sept. 23, St. John the Evangelist church. Survivors: a son. two brothers and a daughter. ADOLPH, Elizabeth C„ 57. 708 Kossuth street. Columbus. Sept. 23, St. John the Evangelist church. Survivors: her mother, a daughter and a son. LEONARDUZZI. Enrico E., 854 Gibbard avenue. Columbus. Sept. 21. St. Peter church. Survivors: two daughters, two sisters, two bro thers and his mother. GOETZ. Gustavus F„ 89, 502 Oakland Park avenue, Columbus, Sept. 20. Immaculate Conception church. Survivors: his wife. Eliz abeth two sisters and two bro thers. FRIDICH, Edmund. 68. 586 Lil ley avenue. Columbus, Sept. 19, Ho ly Rosary church. Survivors: his wife, Elizabeth a son, three daugh ters, a brother, a sister and 12 grandchildren. BESOZZ1, Alexander, 59, 1149 Trenton avenue. Dennison, Sept. 20, Immaculate Conception church. Survivors: his wife. Gina a daugh ter, a son, a grandson, a brother and two sisters. As Matters Stand------------------------ Joe Breig Says: Peace For The Doing Only thus can we create the atmos phere in v( hica a firm peace is possible. There must hr no blam ing of present generations lor sins of their fathers. Hatred between nations, said the Holy Father, “is always an absurd, cruel injustice, unworthy of man.” of course it is It is as absurd and cruel as hating a son because his father did us an injustice. It is of a piece with the ignorance and ungodliness of a Kentucky mountain feud. The Holy Father invites us to stop being petty, mean, suspicious and resentful. He invites us in stead to be big with the big mind edness and the big-heartedness ol the children of God. smallness? Are we willing to give up the sour and sinful luxury of being hateful, and instead be love full and trustful? Finally, the Holy Father promised all the strength and prayers of the Church to those who strive for the unity of Europe, which is the heart of the unity of Christendom. From his position as spiritual lather, he stretched forth his hands to all nations and begged them to see themselves for what they are—members of the family ol nations, all brothers under the Fatherhood of Gcd. That way lies peace. In that union lies the strength that can preserve Christendom, and put down the atheist aggressors, and restore the world. Are we manly enough and womanly enough to walk that way? THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CLUB Now catering to Banquets Parties Luncheon Clubs Ballroom Now Available For Dances For Information Phono MA. 4451 Set the Hanna Dealer in Your Commu nity TO* HANNA PAINT MF(b. COMPANY 95 W. Long Street IT T1IIIGN OF THE GIANT PAINTER CAHANEY, John T.. 73. 13584 Cherrylawn avenue, Detroit. Mich.. Sept. 15. Immaculate Conception church, Dennison. Survivors: his wife. Alice two daughters, two grandchildren, a brother, three nephews and a niece. METZER, Frank, 82, 81’* W. Liberty street. Columbus, Sept. 22, St. Mary church. Survivors: his wife, Florence a brother and a sister. McCORMICK, Gertrude F., 1040 Palmer road, Columbus, Sept. 23. St. Christopher church. Survivors: her husband. Nelson her mother and a daughter. CLEARY. Anna Mary, 81. 653 S. Wayne avenue, Columbus, Sept. 21, St. Aloysius church. Survivors: a son. a daughter, five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. ALBERT. Frank T.. 80. 730 Bel lows avenue, Columbus, Sept. 21. Holy Family church. Survivors: his wife. Rose a son and four grandchildren. BUYERS' DOLANS Clothing A Shoes 59 s. 3rd St. Newark, O. Service Intervitr The Park National Bank OF NEWARK O. D. HOLLAR & SON Plumbing and Healing 62 West Church Street Office Phone 2583-—Rea Phone 5052 GOOD SERVICE AT A FAIR PRICE Genuine Parte BATTERIES 87.60 (INSTALLED IN COL’NTT) Walker and Battat Phone 6616 107 E. Mein St. Newark BEST BUT IN USED CARS TRADE WITH THE ROE EMERSON STORE CLOTHES—HATS—FURNISHINGS SHOES 11 ”8“ Went Side Sunare, Newark The Lada Store aa Well a* Dad’a Ted's Jewelry Newark 7 Union St. Phon* 49242 Sawyer's Market Quality Food* 393 E Mem Newark, Ohio W w ALTMEYER 4 SHELL SERVICE Swanks Market OPEN SUNDAYS Phone 32151 45 Granville Newark Insured Deposits THE NEWARK TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporal CEMENT BRICK r»ND BLOCK USFD I I’MRl a MA1BERGER. Louella, 61, Frank Jin Park West. Columbus, Sept. 24, Holy Rosary church. AMANN. George O., 65. 606 S. Wayne avenue, Columbus, Sept. 25, St. Aloysius church. Survivors: his wife, Catherine two sons, two grandchildren and a nephew. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY o Corner Forty and Daniel Ave., Phone *864 ____________ Newark, Ohio_____________ VAULTS CESSPOOLS SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT Myers anti Son 63802 NEWARK 2261 SERVICE STATIONS HERTZ DRIVE-UR-SELF SYSTEM Phone 9087 PEARSON'S MARATHON SERVICE CENTER FIFTH AND CHURCH STREETS Newark’s Finest Service Center! SWEEPER REPAIR A. B. VOORHEES PHONE 91793—61 POPLAR AVENUE SW EEPERS------ PARTS AND SERVICE LABOR AND PARTS GUARANTEED FREE INSPECTION YA( I CM I.EANERS AS FOLLOWS Airway Kirby Apex Premier Hee Vae General Elertne Cadillar Reaina Elertrelux Royal Eureka Sinter Hamilton Rrarh Universal Hoover We»tingtreu!» Kenmore Electro Hygiene Rebuilt Sweeper*—Almost Like New At a Wonderful Saving! PHARMACIST N PRESCRIPTIONS Save at Penney* J. C. Penney Co., Inc. Everything to Wear E. PARK PLACE NEWARK The P. Smith Sons Lumber Co. Building Materials Yard and Office Sk-kk South Serond Street NEWARK. OHIO 1. 0.1. P. Estahb.hed lk6k IT PAYS TO USE THE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS. TOM STEVENS 4 AND BUILDING HATF.R1AIA S. (TEDO) 5 L0EWEND1CK & SONS LINNV1LI.E ROAD PHONE 6164 A. A. A. dk A. dk A. dk dk For Your Car Needs BEAVER AUTO STORE 6246 E. Main St. Phone 4466 NEWARK OHIO When You Mani GOOD Furniture—Go to CARLILE'S WmI Main at Areade Annex BURKE. Joseph P.. 82, 80 S. 8th street. Columbus, Sept. 21, St. Patrick church. Survivors: several nieces and nephews. McGONAGLE, Patrick A., 50, D« troit, Mich., Sept. 19, St, Joseph's Priory, Somerset. Survivors: a bro ther and three sisters. EGAN-RYAN FUNERAL SERVICE BROAD St. at CLEVELAND Ara. jK Our 91at Year Semnf Um Cathnlrt famihae at Central Okie. Now Parking Let AMBULANCES £2 MA. 6665 MA. 6666 EWARK GUDE CLASSIFIED SECTION Mr per line SEPTIC TANKS Pre-Cast Concrete SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE AND CINDER BLOCKS W. L. MATTOX “Tht Start That It Diffarant’* FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES Sam Alban 57-59 W. Main St. Newark BORDEN'S Dairy & Ice Cream Co. Phone 4053 Leo Reichert Complete Insurance Service Tel *M7 42 S. (th St. Newark THE HUB The Busy Store Men's and Boys' Clothing NEWARK, OHIO The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage lu the different lines of business. Arcade Drug Store 33 N. 3rd St. Newark “Where you are always welcome’ EGAN Funeral Home Ambulance Service Phon* 3580 132 W. Church Newark s± THE Newark Asphalt Co. Builders Of ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PHONE S072 Poplar Ave. Newark, O SCOTT'S "Home Furnishers For Over a Century” t. PARK PLACE PH 68C3 The John J. Carroll Store Newark NORTH PARK FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Ph. 6234 1237 Mt. Vernon Ave. NEWARK TERMITE CONTROL Your home u a precious possession Protect it with our scientific treatment. Free inspections and estimates within 100 mile area. 16 years actual experience All work fully guaranteed 8 Maholm St. Phone 4450 or 52941 NEWARK SHEET METAL Roofing Spouting Heating 24-Hour Service 141 Everett Ave. Phone 3397 MATESICH DIST. AGENCY Budweiser Wiedemann's Red Top Gibson's Wine Newark, Ohio Zanoevtlle, Ohio CURRAN MOTOR CO., INC. Cadillac Oldsmobile Reo Truck Sales and Sennet 102-108 East Main St. Newark, Ohio