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hurch Grant Ave. and Naghten St., Columbus, Sunday, October 5 In accordance with an age-old tra dition in the Dominican Order, his solemn manner. Included in the solemn exercises at St. Patricks Sunday will be the procession of children and the dis tribution of blessed m. The sermon will by the Rev. Thomas O P. of St. Patricks services will conclude with Bene diction of the Most Blessed Sacra ment. be preached C. McGowan. Church. The At the solemn Mass at 10:30 a. m. Sunday, the sermon will be de livered by the Rev. L. A. Rvan, OP. 501 Eaton Avenue 281 W Mound St MEMORIAL CO* MAin 2726 28 W. Morrill Ave. Former Athletic Office, knipluve Enter* Convent Mary Doone, a former employe of the Diocesan Elementally Ath recenv|y for Stella became a postulant at thev mother George J. Igel and Company, Inc Crone Service—Excavating COLUMBUS 8, OHIO RALPH J. KRAMER. SR. Largest Retail I ard in City Quality Coal and Coke We Specialize in All Sizes of The Big Mountain Coal Company GA. 1112 You deserve the best DAVID DAVIES Genuine Baby Beef ALL OVER OHIO DAVID DAVIES COLUMBUS, OHIO 900-904 W. MOUND ST. (NORTHEAST CORNER CALVART CEMETERT) OPEN SUNDAYS 1:30-5:30 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Monuments Markers Mausoleums s «. *7'» •.mi W£ W Alfi hi imhf Y., where she ol Penance and Christian Charity. Miss Doone is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Michael J. Doone. 72 E. Lakeview avenue. Columbus, and is a graduate of the Sacred Ro*arv High Set* Mii*N'h1 The annual musical show of Rosary high school. Colunibus— “Sweethearts” by Victor Herirerf— will be presented in the school auditorium Nov. 11. 13 and The show will be directed by Sister M. Justine, the music by Sister Justa and the dancing by Martha Blocker.' MAin 6601 RICHARD D. KRAMER YALE COAL COMPANY AD. 1277 Columbus, Ohio MONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION COLUMBUS ART tubful atU lunn?' indoMS Built by Craftsmen Restoring of present windows te a sound condition is our specialty CURTIS AR I Call or Write for Estimate GA. 4377 »5000°° Per Person! Family 0110Policy $125° lnsures Entire Family For Yeors Individual Policy $6.25 3 Yrs Cancer Diphtheria Scarlet Fever Smallpox Protection from these diseases may be added At Small Extra Cost CALL US FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AD. 1915 The Arthur J. McCann Agency Complete Insurance Service AD. 1915 233 S. High St. FR. 4-3112 Columbus 7, Ohio 1 Bishop Galvin. Founder Of St. Columban Society, Mas In China 441 Year* HONG KONG (NC)— A labor worn prelate who founded a far flung missionary society to aid the China missions and labored there himself for almost a lifetime is to day looking sadly at the Chinese frontier which for him has a "Not Welcome”. sign. He is Bishop Edward J. Galvin, founder of the St. Columban For eign Mission Society and a mission ary in China I01 almost 40 years 'when he was expelled by the hi nese communists. Approaching his 7(Jth birthday. Bishop Galvin has been in China most of crowned there by yang lor to his service in China, hr was for three years an assistant in Holy Rosary parish, Brooklyn. 1912. He his years since his missionary career serving as Bishop of Han the past 25 years. Prioi (1) He obstructed the schismatic “independent church” movement (2) He established the “reaction ary” Legion of Mary in his diocese: (3) He said "antipathetic” things about the regime: (4i He “disobey ed” the Red laws, and (5) He had destroyed the property of the "peo ple.” A native of Kilmurry. County Cork. Ireland. Bisnop Galvin Vas ordained in 1909 alter completing studies at famed Maynooth Semi nary. In 1912 he went to China. Returning to Ireland (or a rest, he begged students, priests and Bishops for I he formation of a mis sionary society to aid the China missions. His zeal attracted follow ers and in 1917 Pope Benedict XV blessed the new venture and plac ed the missionary society under the patronage of St, Columban. Ireland’s missionary saint. In 1918. 17 students gathered in an ivy covered residence at Dalgan Park. County Galway, to begin their stud ies at the first seminary of the new society. World-Wide Today the Columban Fathers have spread to many parts of the globe. The society numbers 600 priests ano 200 students. In the United States alone it numbers al most 100 priests and is active in six archdioceses and five dioceses. The Columbans also have mission posts in Korea. Japan, the Philip pines, Burma, the Fiji Islands. Aus tralia, New Zealand, Peru, Chile and Argentina. It was Bishop Galvin himself who established the Columban Fa thers in the United States. He was also the founder and first editor of The Far East, the society's month ly magazine in the U.S. Bishop Galvin was likewise instrumental in founding the Missionary Sisters of St. Columban who are active in the United States, China, the Phil ippines and Burma. Health Officials WASHINGTON (NC) Dr. Yves Biraud. director of the Di vision of Epidemiological Services of the World Health Organization has praised the “World Survey ol Catholic Leprosy Work.” recently published by the Mission Press in Techny. III. He cited its “highly significant figures concerning the distribu tion” of Hansen's disease (leprosy), in a letter received here by the survey's author. Raphael Brown. Red Chinese 2,000th Jesuit Hid Farewell mis con- pub low cur and Dr. Biraud added that “the sions and clergy might plav a siderable pari in enlightening lie opinion in respect to the contagiousness ol leprosy, the ability of the incipient cases, therefore the desirability of replac ing compulsory segregation by vol untary treatment in open clinics.’’ Commendations of the surveys usefulness to leprosy experts have also been received horn the presi dent and the medical director ol the Leonard Wood Memorial (American Leprosy Foundation), the chief of the Division of Inter national Health of the Public Health Service, and the general secretary of the (Protestant) Amer ican Leprosy Missions. Q....................... ... ...... DUBUQUE, Iowa (NC) In an ad for the De Luxe Motel on Highway 20, west of Dubuque, the proprietors. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burkart, promise to give 10 per cent of a guest’s room rent to Mt. St. Bernard Seminary from September 15 to Mav 15 if the guest brings the advertisement mentions it when registering. Fleet In CANDIES PASTRIES Family Style A Restaurant fi K. 201 S. High AD. 5047 Open Every Day TUI Midnit* Aluminum Custom Bu James Fuchs WASHINGTON (NC) A Ca tholic mother advocating standards of morality and decency in televi sion won plaudits at a Congres sional Committee hearing here At the same session an American Civil Liberties Union spokesman, who opposed even a voluntary de cency code set up by the industry, was told by a Congressman his po sition was untenable.” Mrs. Winfield D. Smart, mother of seven and past president of the St. James Parish Council of Ca thclic women of Falls Church, Va.. reported that a survey ‘showed an almost universal dissatisfac tion on the part of the parents with the general quality of TV pro grams which children were view Little Change A second survey, after a decency code was put into effect by the National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters, she said, indicated that enactment of the TV code had very little influence on the type of for children, shown between 7 p. m. daily.” “If the industry cannot police itself under the provisions of the NARTB Code, then I would be among the first to do all within my power to encourage more drastic measures—even legislation which would compel television to remain within accepted standards of mor ality and decency.” Herbert Monte I^evy ol the Amer ican Civil Liberties Union said the union is strongly opposed to any controls beyond those existing now under Federal license The volun tary code set up by the industry itself he declared, will ‘violate freedom of the the people of this country.” This code, setting up detailed broadcasting standards, is sub scribed to by 91 of 107 TV stations throughout the country and the four TV networks. Matter of Taste attempts to set a standard of for the entire nation, which cannot be done,” Mr. Levy •it just maintained. Representative Harris of Arkan sas, the subcommittee chairman, asked Mr. Levy if the civil liber ties union laid down any principles lor its members to conform to. The ACLU spokesman said the on ly principle spelled out was that no one could be a member if he be- THE at O I S FRIDAY OCTOBER 8 1 9 5 2 Among those bidding farewell to the Rev. Joseph 0. Riordan, S.J., (center) 2,000th Jesuit to complete the theological course at Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md., are the Rev. John V. Matthews, S.J., (right) the 1,000th priest trained there and professor of'Dog matic Theology at Woodstock for the past 24 years, and Rev. Joseph F. Murphy. S.J., college rector. (NC Photos) TV Survey By Catholic Parents Highly Praised longed to a communist or other subversive organization. 'I hen, countered Representative Klein, the ACLU has voluntarily adopted a guiding principle. V hv sh uld it oppose other groups vol untarily. adopting a principles—groups I consider your posit ’enable,” Representative told Mr. Lew. pressive” by Reps. Klein. Harris and Joseph P. 0 Han a of Minnesota I he Congressman show ed special interest in plans reported by Mrs hoi it programs ottered particularly those the hours of 5 and of Mr. Joseph Glaser (above) Detroit, who was chosen national president of the National Confer ence of Catholic Charities, at the 28th annual meet/ng just held in Cleveland. He succeeds Mon signor Eugene A. Loftus, Direc tor of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Buffalo. (NC Photos) Doors and Windows FACTORY TO YOU PRICE. Free Estimates. LU. 3085 Women She said the NCCW to model its survey on the Church one, making spot checks in cities and other com munities in various parts of the country. WASHINGTON (NC)—About 70 per cent of the major U.S. cities and more than half of the 2.400 ■incorporated communities in and Catholic Wo subsidiary and at to take steps to keep rent control in their areas where conditions wan anted reten tion. Controls were to end in many communities alter Sept. 30 unless the local governing body or a pop ular referendum said a substantial housing shortage existed and that controls should be kept. Solemn Requiem High Mass was sung Monday in the Mother House of the Sisters of Divine Provi dence. Allison Park. Pa., for Sister M. Anastasia Bambeck, Mr. and Mrs. William Dover, who died Sept. Beds Air Plan To Seize Rule In Australia leading Comm uniat Organ Outline* Tactic* Of Impending Revolution SYDNEY. Australia—(SC)—The Catholic press here has given wide publicity to revelations of what are called the tactics to be adopted by the Communist Party in its aim to seize control of Australia. The tactics are outlined in an article by Aarons, secretary oi the Party’s New South Wales Committee, in the Communist Re view. which describes itself as “the organ of theory and practice of the Party." The magazine is regarded a the leading communist publica tion in this country. According to the article, the Communist Party policy in Aus' traiia at the present stage is based on the following three points. 1 To force the federal Liberal Party Government oi Prime Minis ter G. Menzies out of office, Using every form oi struggle—the economic strike, the political strike, petition tions. public mt meetinss and i 2. Io split the Australian Labor Party, (which, like the British l^a bor Partj, ha- left-wing elements, though probably to a less degree1 and create a United Front with the Left Wing on the basis oi Marxism Leninism. 3. To secure the election of a federal luiboi Government, and then immediately work to secure its fall so that its place might be taken by a "people s government In other words, the Australian (ommunist Party aims to repeat w hat happened in Hungary. Czechoslovakia and other Central European countries. nor mal defense rental areas have vol until next Apr. 30. according to the l^ast July the oi Catholic Men men urged their filiated groups The Communist Review made no secret of the fact that its first bid for power will be in New South Males. Nor was its program pre senter as a long-range one, as in dicated in the concluding para giaph of Aaron s article: "Our fu ture is not a far-away dream that may happen for our children, or our children’s children: it is right Indiana Plav er*. (oarhe* Attend Pre-Game Ma** Twenty Catholic players and three coaches of the Indiana Uni versity football team attended Mass and received Holy Commun ion Saturday morning at St. Jo seph s Cathedral before the team s game with Ohio State. Five non Catholic members of the team accompanied the group to Mass. The group included head coach Bernie Crimmans and assist ants Bob Maddock and Mickey Con nolly. 1952 O------ Dies At Convent daughter of Bam beck of St. Joseph’s Anastasia A former student at school in Dover, Sister had served her community in a teaching capacity for the past 25 years. Her last teaching appoint ment was St. Walburga s school in Pittsburgh. Besides her parents. Sister Anas tasia is survived by a brother, James, of Rt. 2. Dover. Burial was at Providence Hts. Cemetery Allison Park. in Q--------------------------- .Dick Connor To Adtlre** Luncheon Chib Today J. D. (Dick) Connor, prominent Columbus Catholic lawyer, will be the mam speaker at the second Fall meeting of the Catholic Men s Luncheon Club today Friday. Oct. 3. at 12 noon at the Virginia hotel. The club regularly meets the first Friday of every month. The Rev. William Kappes is moderator and L. T. Murnane is president. -------------------o----------------- 10.000 Catholic Men Meet CORDOBa. Argentina (NO— About 10.000 participants gathered here for 'the eighth national as sembly of Catholic Action 5 oung Men at which His Eminence An tonio Cardinal Caggiano, Bishop of Rosario, presided. PATERSON. N. J.—(NO—Fran ciscans of the Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus this week-end will mark the 50th anniversary of their province, second largest in the world wide order. AOLETTI'S RESTAURANT 52 S. 3RD ST. COLUMBVS Pleasant Atmoapbera Complata Hat Samet Cloaad Sundays Marion Oct. 3-5 .. Women Oct. 10-12'. ....Men Oct. 17-19 Men Oct. 24-26 Women Oct. 30-Nov. 2 Men Nov 7-9 Women Nov. 14-16 Men Nov. 21-23 Women Dec. 6-8 Men Dec. 12-14 Women LAY RETREAT HOUSE St. Therete Shrine 5277 E. Broad Street Let a Times Classified dispose ol those no-longer-needed-items. Kirkpatrick Funeral Home Wa»hington C. H. 8-5(71 New Holland 4351 ••COURTEOUS ERVICE" Each Account Insured Up To $10,000 NORTH HIGH SAVING & LOAN CO. im N Rich at Fifth -.»• UN. 3734 UN 1432 Soundness or* the background on which our initifufion wai founded, end on which it hoi continued to grow through the yeart. All Account* Insured I to $10,000 21% CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE BPM SAVINGS S LOAN ASSN. 51 f. MY St Ordainrd Deacon In X(‘u oi k Rites MARION Terance Tobin, son of Mrs Clara Tobin and the late Mauricr Tobin, as one of -even Conventual Franciscans ordained ax deacons recently in the chapel nf St Anthony-on-the udson Rensselaer. N. Y A graduate of St. Mary high school here, he took his novitiate at the Franciscan Seminary at An gola Ind. He continued his stud ies at Our Lady of arey Seminary at Carey before entering St. An thony-on-the-Hudson for the past two summers he studied at Catho lic University in Washington. D.C. He will be ordained in May next A brother, Robert Tobin, is studying at Maryknoll Seminary. Bedford. Mass and a sister. Mar jorie. is Sister Moira of the Sisters of Chanty an instructor of music in Resurrection Parish. Cincin nati POSTON STORAGE 4 VAN MOVING Local and Long Distance 77 S. Gift FL. 4587 Columbus Ambulance COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE AD 3943 AD 5999 READ THE TIMES WANT ADS T. M. SHEEDY PAVING CONTRACTOR Asphalt and Concroto Spraying Driveways 423 N«il«l«n St AD LxperierLced in Catholic runerals otter CONSCIENTIOUS AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE KELLY A Catholic Funeral Home pholding Catholic Ideal*, Following Catholic Principles 24 E. Third Ave. jixi 5888 Columbus, Ohio wlN 8500 NEW CADILLAC AMBULANCE NOW IN SERVICE «SSJ HARRY WELINITZ Concrete A. Cinder Building Units 4”-6”-8”12” sizes STEEL SASH 23) N. Princeton RA 2-2641 H. J. NIEMAN THE SHADE MAH Since 1920 Columbur Quality Shade Shop Dopnnt Cashable W inoow Shades Custom Venetian 8hnd« Draper? Kimch Tracers* Rods. Pleater Pine and Tape 1182 E Mam Street FA 3163 THESE FLNERAL DIRECTORS Vom',*1 2333 N. HIGH ST. AT PATTERSON UN. 6371 MELCHER FUNERAL HOME PORTSMOUTH, 0. AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT 1417 Offnwrw Street Dial 2-3191 WILLIAM J. SIMONS FUNERAL HOME 1188 SOUTH HIGH STREET (Gates and High Street) GA 5909 GA 8169 Office Residence COLUMBUS McNAMARA FUNERAL HOME Ambulance 405 I. TOWN ST., COLUMBUS A Satisfied Customer n on Asset. Satisfied Customers are OUR Best ASSETS, for more than 27 Years we have been rendering the best possible services of the least possible Expense. SMS 1177 West Sth An., Columbui, Ohia Phan. UN 1233 Pbon. UN 5477 Pnrata Ambulance Prirate Parking Area l.imaurinet for Veddingt HOMf-LIKE Dial GArfield 3011 Ambulance Service Successor io ARTHUR H. MAEDER & CO. HNB8 S. HIGH ST. Just nerth of LEO F. HAAG FUNERAL HOME GA. 4569 1134 J.trer 8t