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I I I P.T.A. NOTES DENNISON—Mrs. Francis Eisen man was elected president at a recent meeting of the P'rA of St Mary’s school, Dennison. Also elected were Anthony Ren, vice president, and David Wright, treas urer. Room awards were won by Sis ter Marie Bernadette in the ele mentary school and Sister Joseph Inez in the high school. The meet ing was opened by the Rev. Hugh Gilbert, pastor of Immaculate Con ception church, after which the teachers were introduced to the parents Plans for the coming year were formulated. NEW LEXINGTON—The next meeting of the PTA of St. Rose parish. New Lexington, is slated for Oct. 21. At the last meeting, held recently in the school hall, the following newly elected offi cers were installed: Mrs. Aloysius Beshara, presi dent Mrs. George Horn, vice president Mrs. Emil Hecker, secretary and Mrs. Arthur Chute, treasurer. The following committees were named for the coming year: program: Mrs. Rbnald T. Shoup, assisted by Sister M. Rosalie, principal, and Mrs. Robert G. Tague, and Mrs. Mell G. Under wood, Jr. First Friday Breaklast: Mrs. Allen Koonts. assisted by Mrs. PLATING All Kinds Chroma. Silver. Copper. Brass and other finisher FRANKLIN PLATING & POLISHING 830 S. Sixth St. AD. 3842 Here eandwich is just as important as a whole dinner. 11-13-11 W. broad st. j, 'll em.YTMncs. OHIO Where your share? fho next payehack you cash how much will you keep for yoor •elf? Will you spend every penny or will you retain a amall portion for all the things you’ll want in the future? Ev en with all the monthly bill* and obligation a a part of that payeheck belongs to you. Start saving your abate now! At Buckeye, you enjoy the added protection of insured savings. BUCKEYE FfDEHl unset ms ism moeMfflM mwM -.Mtaeew t*. MM Sinco 1890 First Mortgage Loans insured Savings Safe Deposit Boxes Walter C. Kropp, Pres Sam Gordon and Mrs. Ralph Conrad. Finance. Mr and Mrs. Vern Sorahan assisted by Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. Art Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McIUroy and Mr. and Mrs. Vince Hankinson. Hospitality: Mrs Alonzo Wai tors, assisted by Mrs. Mary C. Harrison and Mrs. Joseph Cu man. ZANESVILLE—Mrs. C. B. Sous ley, president of the PTA of St Thomas parish, Zanesville, named the following committees at a re cent meeting at the school: Bud get and finance Eugene De Temple, Mrs. F. Burger, Mrs. J. Mahle. John Bintz health, Mrs. William Wolfe, Mrs. Chris Baum hospitality. Miss Mary Dulan, Mrs. J. Bintz, Mrs. Paul Snider. Mrs. Roy Koechlin legislation, Mrs. B. J. O’Leary membership. Mrs. Curtis Sousley magazine, Mrs. Harry Core procedure and by laws, John Rericha program, Mrs. Paul Brasseur L. E. Hillis, pub licity—bulletin. Mrs. John Bintz press, Mrs. Russell Cooper, radio. Mrs. Howard Kendrick head room mother. Mrs. William Grosenberg. Parent and family education, Mrs. Jack Mahle welfare, Mrs Paul Snider, Mrs. Roy Koechlin, cafeteria. Mrs. Denzil Hammers historian. Mrs. Ray Dusenberry safety, J. William Imlay recrea tion, noontime, 7th and 8th grade dancing, Mrs. Vincent McIntire, Mrs. J. O’Leary, Mrs. T. J. Killeen telephone, Mrs. Thomas Raymond, Jr. representative, NCCW, Mrs. R. I. ♦Herman repre sentative council. Miss Mary Du lan, teacher Mrs. Robert McNee ly, parent music, Sister M. Fran cis Raphael. O. P. nominating. Mrs. John Bintz, chairman: J. Wil liam Imley Mrs. Howard Ken drick. The monthly meetings of the PTA of Corpus Christi church, Columbus, have been changed from Sunday afternoon to the second Friday of each month. Next scheduled meeting is Fri day, Oct. 10, at 7:30 p. m. Sunday, Oct. 12. the PTA will sponsor a pork dinner for the benefit of the athletic teams. Committee members are: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. John Dolby, Mr. and Mrs. George Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. William Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Harry French. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammerstein. and Mr. and Mrs. John Wittenmeier. I RAT AT DOERSAM'S The PTA of St. Mary’s parish, Columbus, will meet Thursday, Oct. 9 in the school hall at 8 p. m. Movies will be shown and re freshments will be served. LANCASTER Albert Steiner. Jr., is president of the PTA of St. Mary's parish, Lancaster. Other officers are Carl Robb, vice-presi dent Mrs. Joseph Ehrler, secre tary and Mrs. Eleanor Evans, treasurer. -------------------o------------------ TIMES Classified Ads will give you maximum results at a mini mum of cost. BLUE VALLEY BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER That's Why Millions Use It GREEN CAB CO. ADams 4141 PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE ROBERTS' PLUMBING COMPANY PLUMBING & STEAM FITTING 1574 E. Main St. FA. 2146 Columbus, Ohio FRANKLIN FEDERAL I SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION The Experience—Dependability—Integrity of General Maintenance & Engineering Co. 1231 McKinley Avenue, Columbus I, Ohio To Recommend How to Improve Appearance and Reduce Maintenance Expense Schools Churches Parish Houses Etc. Phone RA. 8456 Colled or Write Us For Free Inspection Suggestions Estimates No Obligation CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 2^% Walter Zuber Vice Pres. YOU CAN HAVE The second annual school lunch workshop will be held Mon., Oct. 13, at Christ the King School, 2777 E. Livingston avenue, Columbus.. Principal speaker will be Oscar Beyer, area field supervisor, Unit ed States Department of Agricul Installation of newly elected of ficers will be the main business when the Catholic Big Sisters As sociation of Columbus holds its first dinner meeting of the Fall Season Tuesday, Oct. 7. It will be held at the Columbus Maenner chor, 966 S. High street. To be Installed are Frances Per ry, president, and Hazel Curran, vice-president. They will be assist ed by Florence Voelker, secretary, and Edna Mantz, treasurer, both of whom are serving their second term in office. After a brief account of past summer events of the organization, plans for future activities will be discussed. LONDON The annual home coming. a highlight of parish so cial activities of St. Patrick’s church, London, in past years, has been revived and will be held this year on Wednesday, Oct. 15. The affair uill be held on the convent grounds on State Routes 42 and 142. MILLERSBURG Members of the Altar-Rosary Society of St. Peter's church. Millersburg, have voted to sponsor a spaghetti din ner sometime in October. The ac tion was taken at the first meeting of the group which was held re cently in the church hall. At the meeting, lunch was serv ed by a committee consisting of Mrs. Bertha Bernard. Mrs. Lena Kendall and Mrs. John Richey. LONDON New officers have been chosen to head the Altar Rosary Society of St. Patrick’s church. London, which has been reactivated after a lapse of sev eral years. They are: Mrs. James Kaveney. presi dent Mrs. Alfred Langen. vice president and Mrs. Jacob Ben haus, secretary-treasurer. MILLERSBURG Members of the Altar-Rosary Society of St. Pe ter’s church. Millersburg, who at tended the recent Deanery meeting at Dennison were Mrs. William Straits, Mrs. Cecil Artzner, Mrs. Edward Miller and Mrs. Josephine Hess. COSHOCTON The following officers were re-elected to serve during the coming year at a meeting of the Northern Dean ery, DCCW. held recently in Im maculate Conception church hall, Dennison: Jean Fondriest, Dover, presi dent Mrs. Mary Wade. Newark, vice-president Mrs. J. J. Mur phy. Dennison, secretary Mrs. Joseph Dete, Newark, treasurer. Speakers at the meeting in cluded the Rev. William Kap pes, Diocesan Consultant for the Committee Cooperating with Catholic Charities The Right Rev. Msgr. John W. Kerrigan, pastor of Sacred Heart church. Coshocton and Mrs. David Tow ell. Chillicothe, Diocesan Chair man for Catholic Charities. Opening prayer was given by the Rev. Ralph Dermody, pastor of St. Therese church, Wain wright, and the address of wel come was given by the Rev. Hugh Gilbert, pastor of Immac H's almost a cinch This SANDAL Will Fit You! and you will love its drossy low heel! Ten Slightly Higher The above pattern is in lovely hlack suede and nylon mesh. Many other patterns and colors to choose from. Plan 2nd Annual School Luncheon Workshop Getting ready for the second annual school luncheon workshop which opens here Oct. 13, are Mrs. Mary Frederick, cook at Christ the King Victor Warken, state supervisor of community distribution and Mrs. Ruth Kline, cook at Christ the King. ture. while Harold Bolin, of the U.S.D.A. will demonstrate the prep aration of hams, chickens and oth er meats. He will be assisted by Miss Jeanette Hampton who will discuss menu planning. Sister Rose Cloe, C.S.F., will speak on “What Of Interest To Women By Our Correspondents ulate Conception church, Denni son. Hostess councils [or the meet ing were Immaculate Concep tion. Dennison St. Paul the Apostle. Midvale and St. Pat rick, Mineral City. $EW PHILADELPHIA The Glee Club of Sacred Heart church. New Philadelphia, augmented by ten new members, will appear on its first radio broadcast Sunday, Oct. 12, over WGER. It will be sponsored by the Knights of Co lumbus. Plans are also being laid for a concert to be held next month in Zanesville. JOHNSTOWN New officers for the coming year at the Church of Ascension. Johns town, Altai Rosary Society, were elected at the first Fall meeting recently. They are: Mrs. Robert Pat ton. president Mrs. Peter Mc Garvey, vice-president Howard Myers, secretary-treasurer Har ry Lloyd, religious activities Er nest DeRemer, social activities Wilbur Smith, PTA Paul Mills, international e I a i o ns and Veronica Bourgiors, Catholic charities. A social and get-together for members of the parish is plan ned for Tuesday, Oct. 7, in the church basement. DOVER Gerry Baio was chos en president when the St. Maria Goretti Study club met recently. Kathleen Murray was chosen sec retary-treasurer and Barbara Mun jas as reporter. The Altar-Rosary Society and PCCW of Corpus Christi church. Columbus, will hold its annual tea for all the women of the parish and their friends Sunday, Oct. 5, at 2 p.m. at the church. The Rev. George T. Wolz, S.T.D., of St. Charles college, will be guest speaker at the church serv ices which will close with Sol emn Benediction. Eleanor Orf and Mrs. Theo dore Griensenbrock have been appointed chairmen of the tea which will be held in the social hall following church services. They will be assisted by the fol lowing committee chairmen: Mrs. Otto Feldmeirer, Mrs. Raymond Scholl. Mrs. George Ferris, Mrs Flora Heslop, Mrs. Paul McCarley, Mrs. William Bighouse. Mrs. Leo Hoffman and Mrs. Paul Breitfeller. Presiding at the tables will be Mrs. Clovis Schall, Mrs. Frank Feist, Mrs. John Welch and Mrs. Frank Beikelman. The next meeting of the Al tar-Rosary Society will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the social hall. The regular monthly meeting of St. Elizabeth’s Auxiliary No. 3 Knights of St. John will be held Wednesday, Oct. 8. at 581 S. High street, Columbus. Nomination of officers for the coming year will take place. Mrs. Betty Scheibcl is chairman and Mrs. Catherine Sachs is co chairman of the refreshment and entertainment committees. Atate Street Store Onlyl YOUR SIZE MUST BE HERE! SIZE.S AAAA ...5toll AAA .. .4% to 11 AA ..........4 to 11 A..............4 to 11 B..........3h» toll RITCHEY BROS. 200 E. State St. TX’iiri” 1374 Grandview Ave. THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1952 the School Lunch Program Means to Children.” Among the groups who have been invited to attend are: pastors two Sisters from each school in the Diocese P.T.A. members, anr cooks and lunch room managers. JOHNSTOWN Mrs. Frank Paige was chosen delegate of the Church of the Ascension, Johnstown, to the DCCW con vention in Columbus in October. The members of the PCCW and the Altar-Rosary Society of St. Catharine s church. Columbus, will attend Mass and receive Holy Com munion Sunday, Oct. 5, at the 7:30 a m. Mass. The regular monthly meeting will be held Wednesday, Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. in the school hall. Mrs. D. Bush is in charge of the social hour which will follow. Wednesday, Oct. 15, has been reserved at the Shrine of the Little Flower, Reynoldsburg, for the members to attend a day of rec ollection, beginning at 9:30 a m. and closing at 2:30 p.m. o------------------- Catholic Library Unit Plans First Meeting Of Year The Columbus Unit of the Catholic Library Association will hold its first meeting of the school year at the Pontifical College Josephinum on Saturday, Oct. 11, at 2 p. m. Reverend Anthony Kleinschmitt, librarian at the Josephinum, will give an illustrat ed talk—A summary of Six Weeks In Europe. The Koberger Bible, printed in Germany in 1483 W'll he on display and a member of the library Staff will give a short talk about the bible. The National conference of the Catholic Library Association will be held in Columbus at the Desh ler-Wallick Hotel April 1953. There will be a social hour and the Josephinum Choir will enter tain. Club Schedules Mixer The Newman Graduate and Alumni Association will open its fall program Friday evening, Oct. 3, with an open house and mixer at the Catholic Student Center. 1946 Iuka Avenue, beginning at 8:00 P. M. Joseph John is the so cial chairman for this year. All graduate students and alumni are invited to come. BLOUSES SKIRTS Mynette Half Size Marie Dressier Dresses WEILBACHER'S 464 S. Fourth Stroat Columbus, Ohio AD. 5761 Monday Hours, 8:30 A.M.—9P.M Tuesday thru Saturday 8:30 A. M. 5:30 P. M. FREE PARKING IN REAR Famed (JiriMopher To Appear Friday At Local College The College of St Mary of the Springs Columbus, will the Reverend James Kellci of the Christophers in its Little Theatre Friday, Oct 10. at 8 15 p. m. Father Keller u ill show hr three latest half-hour movies Atomic Energy Can Be a files ing,'’ "Television Is V hat You Make It and Government Is Your Business." He will also speak on the Chris topher idea: the urgent need of getting more people to qualify and competence into the important spheres of influence Adm’r- ion i free and the public is cordially in vited. --------o-------------Ontario, Information Cla** On An information class for non Catholics taught by the Rev Mi chael Nugent, pastor, is currently being held every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at St. Peters church. Millers burg. The class lasts for one hour and is open to all interested per sons. No. 248—Swank throeberod Lamp Table 27 high Limed Oak or Silver Fox finish L'nioue »he*vng arrangement. $39.95 CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET Canadian Paulist Priests Conduct Pulpit Dialogues MARION A series of pulpit dialogues was conducted in St. Mary Church Monday through Fri day, Sept. 22 26. by the Rev Ed ward Gleason C.S.P.. and the Rev. James B. Corbett. C.S.P. This form of instruction is an approach to religious questions with both priests in the sanctuary at the same time but occupying dif ferent pulpits. One speaker ad vances the current objections and popular difficulties encountered by the non-Catholic in the understand ing- of the Catholic teaching, and the other explains the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding the subject treated. Both priests are from Toronto, Canada and belong to the Paulist Fathers. Topics presented included "Can You Live With Christ? ", How Do You Select a Church'* 'What Happens to You After Death? and What Does Marriage Mean to You?". LISBON—NC) Nearly 1000 Portuguese couples became par ents for the twelfth time in 1951. Echenrode’s Furniture Store Observes Anniversary Sale Forty-eight years of service to Columbus and Central Ohio home makers is the record established by the Echenrode Furniture company of Columbus. From a modest two room beginning to the three-building oper ation of today is the achievement which good furniture has accom plished. This popular home furnishings firm, of which J. W. Echenrode is president, and E. Echenrode is vice-president, is located at 236 S. High street. Echenrode’s specializes in quality furniture and carries many na tionally advertised lines such as Kroehler, Mengel, Hotpoint. Bigelow and others. As a service to its customers, Echenrode’s offer free delivery in central Ohio and as always, carry all of their own accounts. As a special feature of the 48th anniversary sale which is now in progress. Echenrode’s are giving away free an outstanding and very unusual bedroom suite. This exquisite group, which includes a huge 72” dresser, large chest on-chest. full sized bed and night stand together with a Simmons Beautyrest box spring and mattress, would retail for over S1000.00. There is no obligation connected with receiving this suite Simply visit the store and register anytime before Oct. 13.—Adv. ibies No 245 -Beaubiul Limed Oak End Table Lower Shelf for added Added beauty. Sister M. Corona To Observe Silver Jubilee Monday Sister M. Corona of St. Francis hospital. Columbus, will celebrate the 25th anniversary of her relig ious profession as a member of the Sisters of the Poor of St. Francis Monday. Oct. 6 The Rev. Baldwin Shulte, O.F.M., of Peoria. DI., will offer the jubilee High Mass on that day in the hos pital chapel at 9 a m. The Rev. James Kulp. Diocesan Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, will deliver the sermon. Sister Corona, formerly of Brooklyn. N. Y., has served for the past four years as supervisor of the department of surgery at St. Francis. Quality Diamonds 41 Reasonable Prices Convenient Payment Plan Available 71 E. Gay Street LANE by Imokors of famous LANK Co4or CHosfsl $39.95 JiR OR 1 No. 247 —bophiaticaled Step Table I—mod Oak or Sii-ei Fox finish COMPANY SOUTH HIGH AT RICH STREET MAin 1991 Store Hour*, Monday 12:30 to 9 P. M.—Other Days 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. Free Parking at Rear of Store No 248 -Massive modem Corner Table Perfect lor modern sectional furn.ture. Famoua Lane timah tn Limed Oak Also $64.00