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The differ* ence between American world policy and Rus sian world poli cy u this: America be lives in Europe first hence the Marshall Plan. Russia believes in Asia first hence the war in Korea, the conquest of China and Tibet. We are not the least interested in politics, but we are tremendous ly interested in peace and the sal vation of souls. From this point of view, we believe Russia Is right in stressing Asia first. Asia has 1/3 of the earth's surface and 2 3 of the earth's population. Lenin once said: “The shortest route to Paris passes through Peking** By this he meant that whatever happens to Asia, happens to Europe. HOLY ROSARY PARISH MIESSE Proscription Pharmacy W. eana»t»ntly atoek tha lataat 4ruga 1«»« B. Main ft 44S4 COLUMBIA savings] AND LOAN 41 W. GAY ST. The Hammond Organ Fra4«eaa argaa af aatkagral ••■W afceratM* W Mr aAaa. Over 1S.SM afcwrakaa 114 0 SO AD 8T. MA. 441 Maa, A Da««M OMaaaa God Love You--------------------- By Saving Asia, JTe Can Save Europe And Even America Delaware S: Service A Repeira fur All Make* ef Care U. $ Repel Tire* Bill Austin Buick Delaware Ohio Flowers by Gibson 1 Shen,. M4« —7117 A Delaware U A. A A. A. JK JkJBkJKJ? Delaware Milk Co. 27 N Union Phone 311 Vraa Dalivarr W MadieaJ Maeda OSBORNES' PHARMACY im Grand’U- A*a. KI *114 KI 4441 Fn-Village s most compute food market TARPY'S om APEX MARKET •We DELIVER* 2114 Arhoften Ave. KI 4937 KI $424 by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen------------------- If Stalin would destroy Europe by destrovmg Asia it is true from a missionary point of view that by saving Asia we save Europe and even America Over half the population of Asia is earning less than a $100 a year. That income is decreasing under Communism! Europe has received billions and billions of dollars for the Marshall Plan can not the Holy Father find thousands and thousands of dollars for the Worldmission Plan to build schools, heal the sick, cure the lepers, house the aged and educate young and old in the moral life of Christ? Last year the per capita con tribution of all the Catholics of the world to the Holy Father’a Missions was the unbelievably low sum of 2 cents two cents per man, woman and child’. In the United States hundreds of thousands could do without a luxury, or send a raise in salary, or the equivalent of a hairdo, or what is spent on cigarettes and cocktails a year. There is no charity like spread ing the Faith and saving souls One soul is wnrih more than the universe! God Love You to E.D who had saved $29 toward the plane fare for a trip hut thought the Blessed Mother could use the money to better advantage for the Missions .... God Love You to who writes. “We have all been looking forward to a raise in pay in the army and now that it is here, I want to offer my first month's increase ($14 25) tn the Holy Fathers Missions” God Love You to Mrs. A L. whn sent $5 to the Missions to represent the candy she will not eat for a year in thanksgiving foi recovery from serious illness God Love You to Mrs. V.C. for $153. the monthly check from her Mis sion Club. God Love You to L. who writes, “I am 14 years old and do not have a job. hut I would like to send some ($5) of my baby-sitting money which ordinarilv I would have spent on little things." Pin your .sacrifice to this column and mail to the Most Reverend Fulton .1 Sheen National Director. Society for the Propagation of the Faith or to your Diocesan Director, the Reverend James Kulp, 246 Eaat Town Street (olumbtis 15, Ohio. MACHINERY Woodworking Metal Working Sheet Metal Working Contractors’ Homecraft Machinery Equipment Full line of Motors Osborne & Sexton Machinery Co. N. Pavrth A Rueeell Sts. MA. 5201 COLUMBUS 16, OHIO The firms bated here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage to the different lines of business Rohinaon-Hanrahan Funeral Directors Car. Winter A Franklin, Delaware ■fswwcWF’wrqpwrviFwr▼ ye New Agency Loans Monev To Emigrants wj The Peoples Store Delaware W A. Jk Aufe ASKJk TRI-VILLACE Be*, Rrhnlldmi General K pan Boulevard Service & Sales 1*07 GtandHa* A*a KI. UM KI. »Stl 34 Hour Haa» duty Wracket Service Penniless Refugees Get Aid From Migrant LoenFund Jtiet Established In Rome ROME—(NC)—The International Catholic Migrant Loan Fund has just been established in the inter est of refugees emigrating to for eign countries. The foundation is designed to assist refugees—in the wide sense of the term-wishing to “establish themselves in new homes outside of their present country of resi dence or temporary stay." It will operate only through “recognized national or international Catholic agencies, approved by their re spective hierarchies, engaged in the emigration of migrants and refugees. Chief purpose of the fund is to assist individual refugees who may be able to obtain visas for various countries, by providing their transportation on a loan basis. Ixians will be repaid to the fund through national or interna tional agencies in the countries of destination. The ?und Is non profit and its resources will continue to be used for its main purpose by the organizations composing It, namely the International Catholic Migration Commission and War Relief Services- National Catholic Welfare Conference. Supplements PICMMf How the fund will function was explained by Msgr. Andrew P. Landi. its general sc etary. He said that in addition to the larger group migrations which continue Io hr handled by PR MME (Provision al Intergovernmental Committee nf the Movement of Migiants from Europe), there are many thousands of persons who remain as individ uals These may be the dependents of refugees aheady established abroad, or other individuals not embraced in the work of PR MME. Such a person may have friends nr other relatives in a country to which he wishes to go, Monsignor Landi said and he may he able to obtain a visa but may lack the funds necessary for the voyage. He may also then apply, not to the general headquarters hut to the na tional agency in the country where he is. for a loan covering his ex pensex Monsignor Landi explained the relation of the problem and the people in whose interest this funa has heen established to the PH MME operation. PICMMF! he said, works on a governmental lev el and transports migrants in larg er groups free of charge. It cares for persons whom the various gov ernments have selected and chos en as eligible for immigration to their respective countries The Migrant Loan Fund is intended to assist those individuals who for one reason or another have not heen included in this arrangement chEVROLET 0»4eafc«« I■f MmI Madera Gar«ga Tour Chtrrnltl DmIo 555 W. Hroitd Si. FLETCHER 185S "Servicing tha frl-Village Area* Patrick Ruddy & Son Plumbing Service Quality Plumbing Fixture* f14 W let K! U1S KI 1411 Arlington's Friendly Pharmacy KEMPER'S PHARMACY 2064 Arlington Ave. KI. 2644 ARLINGTON and TRIAlLLAGE Radio Equipped Our New Phone CABS MA 6895 Sarvlpg Arlington and Grandview rails te and tram folumhn. KINGSWOOD LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. 1 100 Graiulv iew Ave. “Everything fot Home Remodeling KI. 1113 Dealer for Sherwin Williams Paints KI. 1113 This represents an increase nf 9 2 per cent fnr the past year, and an increase of 57 per cent as com pared with the total Catholic popu lation in this country five years ago. Adult baptisms numbered 12.178 last year, as compared with only 4,048 in 1947, Catechumens still ■»»....,i i»-.n .»i ■uni. —-Q................ India's Poor House CALCUTTA, India—(NC) A home for the poor formerly oper ated by the Calcutta City Corpor ation haa been turned over to the Sisters nf Mercy It has accommo dations for 80 people. Americanism Award Rev. William J. Monster, Du buque archdiocesan dlrectot of Catholic Charities, former Navy Chaplain who accompanied Byrd to the South Pole admires the plaque of the Amvets annual Americanism award which he re ceived at the Amvots national convention, held In Grand Rap ids, Mich. Father Monster has been addressing civic, fraternal and veterans groups on the ne cessity of religious tolerance. (NC Photos). No Waiting Throe Barbers Grandview Barber Shop KI IMS lee KMelte Bay Lilley UH W Sth C. KlSelfa HOL1C TiMIB, FRIDAY, 0 CTO I 3, 19 5 2 Bishops Ousted By Reds Pale and haggard, two missionary Bishops who have spent many years In Chine have arrived in Hong Kong, ousted by the Communists following their imprisonment. At the left Is Bishop Edward J. Galvin, 69, o Hanyang, China, Irish-born founder of the Society of St. Colum ban, as he arrived in “free" territory. Right photo, Bishop John O'Shea, of Kanchow, a Vincentian and native of Deep River, Conn., broken in health, is confined to a hospital in Hong Kong, following seven months of cruel imprisonment in Red China. He served 31 years in the China missions. Bishop Galvin spent 40 years there. (NC Photos) Japanese Catholic Population Cains 57 Per Cent In 5 Years 12.178 Adult Baptism* Last Year Bring* Total Church Mpmbprship To 157,241 Prieets Number 973 TOKYO—(NC) -Catholics In Ja pan numbered 171,785 on last June 30, or 14.544 more than the total of 157.241 on the same date last year, according to official statis tics released here hy Archbishop Maximilian de Furstrnherg. Papal Internuncio to Japan under instruction now number 28, 356. nearly three times the total of 10,788 five years ago. There are 978 priests in Japan today, 213 Japanese and 760 for eigners, the statistics disclosed. In 1947, priests numbered only 478— 164 Japanese and 314 foreigners. Other mission personnel at pres present include 146 Japanese and 122 foreign Brothers, along with 1.951 Japanese and 918 foreign S»'ters. The distribution of Catholics and Catechumens in the various dio cese, vicariates apostolic and pre fectures apostolic is as follows: Tokyo 20.398 4.329 Nagasaki 67.328 503 Fukuoka Osaka 13.174 5.691 Sendai 6,955 2.287 Yokohama ....................... 11,217 2,917 Kyoto 7.601 3.006 Hiroshima .......... 6.769 1.808 Sapporo 6,650 1.093 Kagoshima 986 320 Miyazaki 3.379 728 Nagoya 3.64,3 945 Niigata 3.580 1.957 Shikoku 1.7.38 427 Urawa 3.771 1,028 Legion Of Mary Floods Parish VI’ilh Converts Catholics Catechumens TOTAL 171,785 28.358 FUKUOKA, Japan (NC) When Father Edward Wilkinson, Irish-horn secular priest from Aus tralia, inaugurated the Legion of Mary in his parish here he really “started something,” The Legionaries queried the 140,000 people living within the boundaries of the parish for pros pective catechumens and came back with so many of them that the pastor had to write to the Bish op asking for a curate to help the work of instruction. Catholic Premier Establishes Fund For India's Needy TRIVANDRUM, India (NC)—A relief fund has been set up here by A. J. John. Catholic Prime Minister of Travancore-Cochin, to bring aid to thousands of unem ployed and starving in this area. Among the contributors to the fund have been Indian Premier Jawaharlal Nehru and the local Indian prince It is estimated that almost a half million people in South India are unemployed. Prin cipal causes has been a slump in the coir (rope) industry. Stories of want have reached here from other parts of India. A prolonged drought has created a food shortage in Madras state. Meanwhile devasting floods have ravaged Assam, India’s eastmost province, and caused famine there. THI CAT Reds Release Two Spanish Nuns In China Sentenced To Prison On Charges Of ‘Murdering 1600 Orphan Children' HONG KONG—(NC)—Two Span ish nuns nf the Sisters of Mercy of Berritz. who were sentenced to prison terms by a Chinese com munist court in Wuhu last Christ mas Eve for "killing 1.600 children in their orphanage,” have been re leased and depbrted over the Hong Kong border. The nuns are 55-year-old Sister Mercedes Isasi of Bilbao, and Sis ter Teresa Elorduy of Munguia, 41. Release of the nuns emphasized the complete insincerity of the communist officials in the charges they make against the missionaries and the true purpose of the cam paign of vilification. The Spanish nuns were arrested in August, 1951, after a public ac cusation meeting had condemned them “in absentia" of being re sponsible for the deaths of aban doned infants in the orphanage Numerous other "accusation meet ings” have been staged throughout China to blacken the missionaries’ reputation, in accordance with in structions issued hy the commun ist central government. The Sisters were held incom municadn in prison During Octo ber Sister Isasi became seriously ill. The doctor told the prison of ficials that the nuns required bet ter food than was served the jail or they would die. Fearing he would he held personally responsi ble for the death of the nuns, the doctor insisted that food be brought lo them from the mission. Thereafter the Sisters daily receiv ed not only European food, hut al so the Holy Eucharist, which was concealed in the food. On Dec. 24, the Sisters of Mercy were led chained and roped to gether through the streets of Wuhu to the city court where Sis ter Isasi was sentenced to four years' imprisonment, and Sister Elorduy to three. On their return to jail, the nuns were placed in the same cell. Pre viously each Sister had been w atch ed by a woman spy who was put in the cells to report on them. They were given the clothes of jail employees to wash and mend. 14.596 1.317 The nuns were apparently in good health when they reached Hong Kong Four foreign Sisters of their Congregation are still working in Wuhu. One is able to run a dispensary for the poor. RUC 5idng that makes ruga a* they were when new BINDING REPAIRING LAYING SER ING SEWING GUARANTEED MOTHPROOFING RAINS 506 Cline St. GA 8395 COLUMBUS. OHIO Your Family Deserves Aaeeont with gro.e* aatety ot e»et 47 rear*. Start a Saving* Account now. th* .eearlty e a etaadily crewing Sa-inga ™PAlfeft€ADca •0 It. ad. 5310 AD. 4342 R. R. Wild. Proa. O. Teengwan. Se* A Complete Line of Religious Articles The Catholic Church Goods M. B. QUINN J. J. QUINN 112 B. STATE STRUT A"AM$ 4716 COLUMBUS, OHIO For Used Cars or Trucks contact BERNARD O'DOWD, 1352 W 5th KI 6882 JOE TOEPFNER, INC. Central Ohio's largest Studebaker Dealer For a New Studebaker contact DAN CONROY, GA 2970 UN 4157 Complete line of Studebaker Trucks Red Chinese Torture Leaves Marks On Ousted Missioners HONG KONG (NC) Five mis sionaries ousted two weeks ago by the Chinese communists are still trying to recuperate her? from the brutal torture inflicted on them during their long imprisonment. The ousted priests are the Revs. Maurice Kavanagh, Irish Vincen tian, and Joseph Schyns. Ulric Le brun. Albert Van Lierde and Karel De Ryck, all Belgian Immaculate Heart of Mary Fathers. They were arrested in the mass seizure of mis sionaries in Peking on July 25. 1951. The release of these priests has now emptied the Verbist House in Peking, which was turned into a jail for foreign and Chinese priests in the middle of last year. Twenty or more Religious w ere held there at one time. The missionaries were forced to remain sleepless for weeks on end, deprived of food and drink, and constantly molested by their guards. Some were physi cally abused to the point of com plete collapse. The maltreatment began within the first week of their detention, to force them to admit that they w'ere “spies” and “secret agents." Fifty-three-year-old Father De Ryck conjectured that he spent 20 days without sleep. Father Kavanagh, his arms tied behind his back, was forced to re main standing for four days with out moving. Four times Father Kavanagh fell unconscious during his interrogations. His legs, still scarred to his knees, were open and running sores from kicks and long weeks of standing. Fathers De Ryck, Van Lierde and Lebrun were beaten more than 10 times each with leather straps, ropes, and sticks and clubbed on rnrr ©olivary and Mailing rKtt B.autifvl Gift Wrapping For A Beautiful SELECTION OF GIFTS and COURTEOUS SERVICE Malta Srtkia. Owaai GIFT SHOR 1271 Broadview Ave, KI. 4973 e»rlila| in R«*r the head with revolver butte. Each of the three priests was given "an airplane ride." Sticks were tied be tween their knees and elbows. Then they were suspended on a pole. When Father Lebrun cried out under this treatment the guards stuffed rags into his mouth. Father Van Lierde's hands became powerless for months. Unable to lift them to his mouth, he was forc ed to eat like an anima). Today, a year late, his arms and legs still bear scars from the ropes. o Illness Downs Missionary KYOTO—(NC) The Rev. Leo Steinbach, M.M., whose pioneer work in the social and village apos tolate has been widely reported in the Catholic Press, has been forc ed by ill health to retire from ac tive duty, He is now en route to a tubercular the Unit ed States. ------------------o-............. Tokyo Prelate To U.S. TOKYO—(NC)—Archbishop Pet er Tatsua Doi of Tokyo will leave here by air Sunday, Oct. B, for the United States, en route to Rome. This will be his first visit to the United States, and his first to Rome since he became head of the Tokyo archdiocese in 1938. CUSTOM BUILT Venetian Blinds LOVELY FLOWER: On October 3 we honored St. Therese of the Child Jesus and on that day also we sent our appeal for members of the Near East Missions. Membership offerings for this Holy Father’s Mission Aid are atrinfless gifts to help our neediest cases. For $1 you can enroll individually, for $5 you enroll the whole family. In return, the Holy Father gives rich indulgences. EVERY MEMBER GET A MEMBER. ORPHANS UN ISRAEL This month we are sending food packages for the children tn our Catholic orphanages in that part of Palestine called Israel. We want them to arrive by Christmas to ahow that we are always thinking of our little children tn the land of Christ. Can you give $10 for one? NOTE THE “480": A friend writes in to tell us that our address 1g not always clear at the foot of this bating of God’s Want Ads. Well, we are at 480 Lexington Avenue, New York, and we would like you to write in for “How Can I Help?", the leaflet which tells our needs. LITTLE POOR MAN Even the non-CathoHc world Is devoted to St. Francis of Aasiai, feasted on Oetober 4th. Father Leon Poggi, a Franciscan Father, haa gathered score* of little tots into hia orphans’ home in far off Kona, Egypt. Re begs ns to ask dear friends for $7 to support one for month. Perhaps you will be inspired to do this by the Little Poor Man. OUR LADY OF FATIMA: Now that our appeal for her Shrine in India, under her greatest modem title, is finished, following our desire to build a Shrine Chapel of Our Lady of Fatima tn each of our Near East Mission countries, we begin our appeal for another blessed Shnno tn Adigrat. Ethiopia. Won you help us to realize this dream by send ing your mite? “HAVE PITY, AT~LEAST~Yoij, MY FRIENDS” How often this cry must rise to earth from the suffering souls in Purgatory. There may he a lone soul there without anyone to pray for him. Why not arrange now to have the Gregorian Masses offered for thirty consecutive days during November by a grateful Near East missionary? You. too. may be the same situation after your death, so when you write us. ask about the practice of holding your Gregorian Mass offerings tn suspense for yourself. ADOPT JACOB: Jacob really means James. This young man haa five years to go before. God willing, he will ascend the holy altar as a priest. He needs $500 for his expenses. If you wish to make him your very own pnest, you can pay this sum In any installments over these five years. Here le another daughter of Our Lady’s Rosary. Her name is Sister Raymond. Another flower of Palestine's womanhood, she is rich in grace but poor in this world’s goods. We mast give her Our Lady’s Dowry, for her two years* training will eost S3R0. If you wish to make her your adopted daughter, you may give this snm in monthly Installments ever two years. We have no doubt that God will be pleased, for Sister will extend Hi* King dom among His ever beloved poor. You will be proud that yen have eneh a ehoeen daughter and Sister Raymond will be praying every day to the Lord for an American friend who shows forth Our Lady’s love through her. (^LT2earSst(Dissions Mvgr. THmm* J- MWMeheo. Mort Sec'ly Vary Nov. Aadrew tegeah N*v. S»**» 9. ?«jhv *ev. Wm. Koller bvoo t*«4 *N wiwvwieenawi *e Gtthokc Tktr WbKm« Ametotton 4M UrtagH* Av* e* 44* K Now Buy direct rr-f'.... frsm the men □22^4^4*0 ofecturer and 5 A V E The II 5 new ROLL-A Si ill A HEAD Vene ti ai-fq !!|-J^tian blind. All SdjLzbaWmetgl from to bottom. ®Steel er glum fiHinum I a s i I /^■w vour eof’ I ton or plastic I tape in colors. INSTAL LED FREEI Special prices to distributors and contractors. COLUMBUS VENETIAN BLIND MFB. CO. 62« Karr St. MAin 4S»3 TRENOR MOTOR SALES Dodge Plymouth Used Cars Trucks 3241 N. High Sfrpef, Columbus, LA. 111S OUR LADY'S FEAST Tbit is a picture of Sister Bernard, a novice with the Sister* of the Rosar? in Palestine. The treat St. Bernard, after whom she is named, has been justly called "the songster of Mary," for heauti* ful indeed are his writings about Our Lady. On Oetober 7 we commemorate Our Lady’s Rosary. Can we do it In any better way than to help Sister Bernard of the Rosary? She will need 5300 for her two years* training. After that abe will go off into some deaert village, live in a mud hut hardly to be dignified as a con vent, and bring God’s love to little chil dren. Can you make her your own adopt ed daughter? Oar Lady will surely love you for it. Y*rt 17, N. Y.