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Read the Times Want Ada. WISE .“SX, Ge»aine CBRAMIC TtLB far walla Mui fleer*. WM» aalaetHni *f marble 39 1. TOWN IT. AO. 1772 F.E. GRAVES FENCES 149 McDowell AD. 5794 For High Clast Baked Good* Call DONALDSON BAKING CO. wa am or ma IMS N. HIGH ST. tneere I oar Fnmltere Henea Aatomakils CALL Pauline R. Joyce MA. 3544 See* Third It. Catena bea BEXLEY Pharmacy Prescriptions Main at Cottingham BEXLEY GA. 3193 ESTABLISHED IN 1890 Emett, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1952 2 00. A fantasy with a touch of “Eng lish” charm. The reader is al most able to smell the British woodlands and see the famous fog, as he, or she, accompanies Nellie, the “rusty old engine’’ on her adventures. Although the things she does are not sub stantiated well enough for the Call RAY SCHOLL for COAL High Grade Coal Prices! Right GA. 3504 805 Woodrow GA. 2787 "PLEASED TO HEAT YOU” L. A. WIRTHMAN & SONS 606 636 Parsons Ave. Naw Truck Part* U»ad Truck* Bought and Sold 2034 Leonard Ave.— FA. 2151 SPECIAL MILLWORK TO YOUR ORDER SEWING MACHINES SALES & SERVICE AD am. 1547 someone like you Tea, someone hko you would make a wonderful Mommy, a grand Dad dy for someone like Timmy or any of his little friends at St. Vin cent's. Timmy isn't quite three, but ether little tots in his group—from these children need: Catholics. AUTHOSIZIO MAIM FO» OOMMOC 4 NCW HOMS SawMf lx {tlmto W. Ivhh, taear 4 tf Sawing MadiMM MSOtES FO* All HOUSEHOLD MACHMtf PICK-UP AND DtUVHY AU WOK GUARANTEED AMhE MIKING MOUTHS Lav* S»a4imaw—Ownajti t»ie6i'”a4 4*11 “«Xa»a inf machine. bu""U) nor 'a sideline'' LOU IE’S SEWING MACHINE SHOE »3 SUllWANT AVf. c* I two to six years—still know what it means to welt in line for Sister to get to them for a little hug ... a bit of extra attention. Trouble is, it's se long in between those hugs Sister het so meny to take cere of. It isn't that these little ones would go without there's always St. Vincent's—but, it's so pice, such a warm and comfortable feeling to have a Mommy all your own, all day long a Daddy to •wing you high in the air when ho comes home after world You aoo what we mean, don't you, when we oey: "Thet' whet Timmy, Tommy, Donna and Debbie need someone like you ."f 1. Foster parents whose primary purpose in caring for children should be a love for them and a desire to help others. 1. Foster parents who are recommended by their Pastor as good 8. Foster parents who are people of good character, as attested to by references of their own selection. 4 A home with both a foster-father and foster-mother. 8 A home with adequate space for youngsters. It needn’t be extremely large. The Catholic Welfare Bureau will pay board for children in foster homes and pay the clothing and medical expenses. The CATHOLIC WELFARE Bureau 244 BAST TOWN ST. MA. M91 Library Notes-------- Catholicism, Roman Empire Are Motif For New Novel The Sinner of Saint Ambrose by Robert Reynolds, Bobba-Mer rill Co., New York, 443 pages, 33.75. Thia historical novel fella of the fall of Rome and of a man’s strug gle to save his beloved Empire Gregory Julian realized too late that only a close relationship with God could save Rome, but not too late to save his own soul. He was a power in the empire at the same time the Great St. Ambrose was the power of the Catholic Church, and it was through Ambrose’s words to Gregory, “Your sin be mine. You are my sinner.’’ that Gregory found God but not before his spirit was “sick to death’’ with his own personal tragedies and the horrible sufferings of the Ro man people brought on by their amoral living. This is an excellent story of a man’s agonized search for Christ and the deep mysteries of his soul which he must solve before he can find Him, Mr. Ray nolds has also filled his novel with dramatic portryals of Roman customs and Roman people as they wander through the muck of their deeds. PH. New World For Nellie, Written and illustrated by Rowland Prom the Deportment of Library Science 11 College of It. Mary ot the Spring* 1 GA. 2194 Bernard C. Lan® Gen’l Mgr. Millions of Paet of Lumbar Church Cabinats Paw® Panelwork McNally Lumber Co. older reader, the book would b* ideal bedtime story material The drawings wilj fascinate the tots, for they are delicate and humerous at the same time The colors are attractive and, coupled with the thoughts of the author, make (pr an unusual volume. The Peculiar Miss Pickett by Nancy Julian. Drawings by Donald E. Cooke. Philadelphia, Winston, 1951. 1.50. In this day of "baby sitters," the peculiar Miss Pickett should be a great success. She brings with her- to her jobs, ax “baby sitter” the most wonderful ex periences Bobby and Carol be come the envy of all their neigh bors. She can fill the bathtub with out moving from the kitchen open the windows by just looking at them—change milk into wond erful chocolate malts and straw berry sodas. She was just down right mysterious. There has never been another book like this since “Mary Poppins.’’ Get it as soon as possible—the small children will love it—and you will want to read it to them so that you can enjoy it over and over again. The Small Miracle, by Paul Galhco Garden City, Doubleday, 1952. $1.50. A delightful story uith charm ing illustrations by Reisie Lonette. This was first published in Good Housekeeping under the title “Never take “no” for an answer.” It is about a small boy, Pepino, with enormous eyes and big ears who had been left an orphan. He had one possession, Violetta, a dust-colored little donkey with a Mona Lisa smile. When Violette became ill, he was panic stricken. How the small miracle is brought about that solves his problems is told with sympathy and warmth. You cannot afford to miss this little book—be sure to add it to your Christmas list this year. All the above books are current ly available at the Cathedral Bonk shop, 205 East Rrond street, Col umbus, Ma. 5981. o-----------—— Messenger® Of Truth QUEBEC—(NC)—Catholics must be messengers of the truth the world so badly needs, Archbishop Maurice Roy of Quebec declared at the last session of the Pax Romana Congress here. By |. MURRAY 88 __ I Okt dtrkldancers of v wAo foe Ctrituries fiAVe performed annually on Corpus Christi tiAst ire formed SACRAMENT OF mt TR! CATHOLIC TIMES Pope Declares Aviation Can Foster Peace May Help To Break Down International Barrier®, Pontiff Advises Flyer® CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy—(Ra dio, NC)—Civil aviation was hailed by His Holiness Pope Pius XII as an institution that can help to fore stall conflicts between nations by strengthening mutual understand ing. The Pontiff gave an audience to delegates from 50 countries *nd seven worldwide organizations at tending the conference of Inter r.itional Civil Aviation Organiza tion in Rome. He told them that international aviation belongs among those institutions which may be used to serve the highest needs of the human personality and its moral and religious devel opment. “It is for this reason,” Pope Pius said, "that the Church is tn terested in your labors, encour ages them, and hopes that they may contribute to fortifying the climate of mutual understanding in international relations.” Declaring that aviation helps to eliminate barriers, between peo nies. the Pope said that every thing tending to foster internation al development of aviation should be encouraged He reminded his audience that a “proper environ ment and climate’’ are needed to bring into play the forces of unity and goodwill in the world and that “the church knows her spiritual message finds a sharper and more profound echo in a peaceful at mosphere." o------------------- Philippine Notable Dons Church Habit MANILA (NC) A son of Rehabilitation Finance Corporation chairman Placido Mapa was among four postulants who donned the re ligious habit of the Christian Bro thers st ceremonies in the congre gation’s novitiate at Baguio. He was Dionisio Mapa. now Rro ther Anthony Bonaventure, a high school graduate of the De La Salle College in Manila. The new Christian Brothers form the second group of Filipino boys to join the order of Christian Brothers since the founding of the Baguio novitiate last year. Aesops ^-'ivMaoL or MANKINDS FALL IN KXN, IS GLEfSSO in ™'S ancunt STATUE AT NfTTUNO, ITALY, WHERE THE INFANT OFFERS A I F«UIT TO Hi® I MOTHER. A BIBLE for every CATHOLIC CATHOLIC BIBLE WEEK Sept. 28 To Oct. 5 B? sure to visit The Shop during CATHOLIC BIBLE WEEK. See our specially arranged Bible exhibit. animal (. FABLES. HUNTING XX ANO calendar, occupations FORM AN UNUSUAL DECORATION nHftLV’-'V tROft THE TYMPANUM k?L$t ursin CHURCH, RwaWB fiance pm. Opposite UH BROAD STRUT MAIN 8981 IT Ttii® porhojl of ST DOMINIC (Died liaO is reconstructed, from a recent X examxnatton of hie coffin, in, Bologna,. EXPERTS WKRE A8LF TO S0SU A couPLtrr aicturf or STATURE AND FEATURES. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8, 19 5 2 The Bishop Comes To Tea ROME (NO The Sacred Congregation of Rites is carrying on a simultaneous study of the causes of a mother and daughter for beatification. They are Sisters Celine Borzecka and Hedwig Borzecka, who togeth er founder the Sisters of the Res urrection st the end of the last century. Sister Cehne died in Poland in 1913. at the age of R0. outliving her daughter, Sister Hedwig, who at 43 died in Rome, by slightly more than seven years. Born In eastern Poland in 1833. of a wealthy family, as Celine Chludzinska, Sister Celine was married to Joseph Borzecka at the age of 20. Of her four children, two died shortly after birth, the other two were Celine, who later married, and Hedwig, who was to join her in founding the Sisters of the Resurrection. In 1869 her husband suftered a stroke, and died in 1874. Mrs. Borzecka left Vienna, where she had taken her husband for med ical care, and with her daughters headed for Rome. The Rev. Peter Semenenko, then superior general of the Resurrection Fathers, who had long been looking for a woman with deep spiritual life to found a community of women as a coun terpart of his order, felt that Mrs. Borzecka was such a u’oman. While interested in the proposal Mrs. Borzecka thought that her duty to her daughters came first. Only seven years later, when Ce line was married and Hedwig de- Enterx Xaveriuns Peul E. Rubaduo, above, *on of Mr. end Mr*. Chari** I. Rub* du*, 27 N, M*y *v*nu*, Colum bus, i« one of 41 candidate* for the Xaverian Brother* who en tered the Sacred Heart Novitiate, Fort Monroe, Va„ recently. He i* o graduate of Holy Family grade and high school*. After completing two year* of training, he will enter the Xavor ian College, Silver Spring, Md., on affiliate of th* Catholic Uni versity of America. Gtr AMM'SD -WOTNIWO -ntt etsr »*m you, »ft also flow PM »*e* STEMBER li”,” Vi Stembar Flowart JS»* M. HIGH ST. KLONDIKE ISM Stembars State 1T1* N. HIGH ST. OPPOSITE NEW OHIO VN1ON G/JF. to -k Bishop Themas K. German called at It. Teresa's Home in Fert Worth, Toxas, te meet some of the youngest members ot his tleek, and the children insisted that he remain for a "tea” of doughnuts and milk. Bishop German, who was named CeodiVtor to Bishop Joseph P. Lynch of Dallas earlier this year, called at the home in the course of his travels to become acquainted with hit spiritual charges in this im portant Toxas diocese. He has placed St Teresa's Home In the care of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word from Son Antonie, Toxas. (NC Photo) Holy See Studies Beatification Causes Of Mother, Daughter Two Nun®, Member® Of Wealthy Polish Family, Were Co-Founder® Of Resurrection Sisters 1T ’4 cided to assist her mother tn founding the new community, did Mrs Borzecka undertake the task She took up community life with her daughter and five other wo men. They opened a school for girls at which the religious instruc tor was a Monsicnor della Chiesa later Pope Benedict XV. The com munity soon spread to Poland, Bul garia and the United States. The U.S. foundation was set up in 1900 s' Chicago. Sister Celine twice went to the United States to visit the community, once in 1902 and again in 1909. On the first visit she was accompanied by her daughter, Sister Hedwig. The remains of both nuns are now buried under the chapel of the Resurrection convent at Kenty, near Cracow, Poland, The Sisters of the Resurrection number about 500 members in the United States with provincial head quarters at Chicago and Mount St. Joseph, N.Y. They are active in the archdioceses of Chicago, New York and Omaha, and the dioceses of Albany, Fargo, Fort Wayne, La Crosse, Lincoln and Mobile. Priest Helps War Wounded to Send ‘Talking’ Letters PUSAN. Korea (NC) State side relatives of patients aboard the Navy hospital ship “Repose” off Korea are getting to know the voice of the Reposes Catholic chaplain, the Rev. (Lt. Comdr.) Leonard F. White. Father White serves as a sort of master of ceremonies for bunk side recordings made by patients unable to write. The patients talk a letter home, after a brief intro duction by the Hartford diocesan priest. This disc recording project start ed in the Repose when she came back to the United States after a 18-month tour of duty in Korean waters Recorders were paid for out of welfare and recreation funds. NOT FUKE SOMME Italy's DRINK ,0 a soft drink made from re oranges The .............. .... ............... Time Life •T FATlfEK GABBIBL BAFFOBO Ths iaiM ®f ths Weak Millions of Franciscans are go ing to he happy Saturday on the feast of St Francis ot Assisi. The man whn showed the world how to love God was born in 1182 and went to God 122B but he did so much work in his short life thst most people think he lived a cen tury The secret of his life was that he loved God all over the place Our main trouble is that we are afraid to let ourselves go Don hold hack and he so stuffy about your love for God that you wilj end up by just liking Him snd never get around to love God. It Adds Ud The human touch brings in mon ey to an actor or panhandler. Make Like You Belon® Did you ever notice how some people act as though they didn’t belong in their school or parish? They hold back their loyalty think ing that they won’t be missed They give you thr impression that any day now they w ill be pulling out for greener pastures. Some of them go through life that way They never actually arrive at greener grass because they don’t do a thing to contribute to its cul tivation. They wh0 ire ir the know contribute their loyalty to the place where they belong and get a pack of wonderful memories nut of the stuff th*y do You don’t make friends tomorrov Tomor row’s friends are your pals of to day Give in. Flying Cerks From th* Pop Hous* "We’re back to radio at our house Dad won’t get our TV set fixed until November fifth Help W*nt*d Lr you are looking for the kind of course that will set you up for the future, here’s a hint. The boys who like the stuff ought to dig in to chemistry *nd the girls ought to perfect themselves in stenographic work. Right now* there is a great demand for experts in both these fields According to many reports that have come my way it seems as though the big thinkers fear that we shall run out of chemists Stenogs are able to state their price. Well there is the tip. Even As Y*u And I Some people are so progressive that it is a blessing to he normal To* Fr*« Sp«*ch Gossip can run down more peo ple than a drunken driver Quick Thinking This morning a piece of mail came along from a lady who runs a motel. She wanted a batch of copies of the Prayer for Travelers That’s what is called being on the beam She hopes that ’he aih olics who stop to spend the night will »ay the prayer and be off with God’s blessing The non-Ca tholics cannot help but be im pressed. and perhaps many of them will say the prayer, too. The bean Circleville Fast Freeie Food Locker F. J. GX1FFIN Owner aa* Operator Edison Ave., Circleville, 0 lit DEFENBAUGH FUNERAL HOME Circleville 151 E. Mam St. Phono 411 Hudson Cleaners 2-Hour Service 2301 Cleveland LA 3112 LA 12111 SEILLERS Department Stere Brea* Cal'a. O boys who coined the sentence: “Never under-estimate the power of a woman” really had something t^ere Signs th* Tim** When a man finds a steady stream of fellows walking back and forth in front of his place it’s eith*r a strike or a beautiful daughter. Theught F*r Th* ‘V**k Some “A” students take pain® and others just give them. MuakFtPcr® 10th Xavier university’s undefeated but once tied football team of 1951 was ranked 10th in the country by Dick Dunkel in his nationally syn dicated rating* last year. $7.50 Special Mechineless, Croquinol* or Cold Wave Spiral, $9.00 ALL INCLUDE HAIR-CUT Shamp**, Fin®*r W*v* Queen Beauty Salon SH W Coy at CoUmbo. 40 2*44 Modem Banting Semite ssi»eL»as hb dlOM 5*K*SOOO.' Or.tBE two*, Sansoi UeaarM !n-»l«i CMe» CuMMnti Umm v—km* Uue tineov Vim, W MM1 CVw«M cta» ADanm lies ■•B.MA4N CwwMmSEwA Of GOOOAlt 4 BUILDERS' HARDWARE ’sriakusrs- Sjtrj »*ex 9O CMfOS w»i«e »iwas s«*tixT ooc» cwc«i rk»tiHe’0s-WT»i *"W 1 *l*US *M»TVf*T ifr.jtE ONI »OTft xfthClM CM *tn (M»M HCt'VFN H»» '.mu 000* ’*ACl o *o»i a oot", »»nrrj a »«. 00 S Ci.Mf j*«otn iwn roiotn um mot Phon* AD am* 6019 Ml NO«TH HK»H TO BE SURE OF ETTING The VERY FINEST .CHOOSE JAEGER’S AT YOUR GROCERS J. W. JAEGER CO. Celotsbaa. Ohio Di»tribiitor» A* I *11 Buyers' Circleville Guide THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK uWhore Servte. Predominate**' 187 W. Main St. Pheno 42 Ctrele.file GOELLERS PAINT STORE n» a. M.m LINDEN Circleville Cut Flowers Potted Plants Funeral Designs Our Specialty Linden Florists Leuia Da Bantia Proc 1140 Demina La jsjj HILLTOP HSS MOVING Hilltop Van & Storage Co. STORAGE COLUMBUS. OHIO FL. 1597 RA 1107 Goodyear Tire* A Batteries Export Lubrication BILL SPIRES SHELL SERVICE W. Bread ft. at Powoll *A. 0125