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8 This VTeek’ji Game* Friday, Oct. 3 Columbus St Charles at Columbus Columbus Aquinas at Columbus Columbus St. Mary at Wooster. Newark St Francis at Junction City. Dover St. Joseph at Ashtabula Har bor. Portsmouth Notre Datne at Chesa peake. Saturday, Oct. 4 Glouster att Zanesville Rosechant. Columbus Rosary at Marion St Mary.1 Next eek\ Games Friday, Oct. 10 Columbus St. Charles vs, Columbus Rosary. Columbus Aquinas at Columbus Columbus St. Mary at Marion St. Man Newark St. Francis at South Zanes ville (4 p. m.t Dover St. Joseph at Warren St. Mary. Portsmouth Norte Dame at Waverly. Saturday, Oct. 11 Ohio Deaf at Zanesville Roeecranx. Tuscarawas at Dennison St. Mary. Lastt W eek'a Results Columbus St. Charlee 26, Ironton 6. Hamilton Catholic 37, Columbus Rosary 6. Columbus East 26. Columbus Aquinas 6. Hillsboro 45, Portsmouth Notre Dame 0. Columbus St. Mary 6. Lancaster BIS 0. Lima St. Rose 25. Marion St. Mary 12. Dennison St. Mary 26. Norwalk St. Paul 12. S. Zanesville 51. Newark St. Francis 6. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE THE TIMES ADVERTISERS. DAN CONNOR INSURANCE SERVICE FIRE—Al TOMOBILE—LIABILITY FL. 1531 .... LA. 8061 SUPERIOR BUSSES .L. America's Finest School Transportation Equipment HERCULES BODY SALES COMPANY COLUMBUS O. 2700 E. Main DO. 2719 Williamson ». 521 Courteous Service ADams 5747 HARRIS, OPTICIANS 106 East Broad St COLUMBUS. OHIO Beef Pork SPORTQ LANT O On DIOCESAN ATHLETES Boosters for Rosecrans High in Zanesville are all hepped up over their football team which has tak en two straight games by good margins They are at the same time singing the praises of Coach Dick Mattingly who is doing a won derful job with the Bishops in all sports. In the case of Coach Mat tingly it's a story of “local boy making good”. Dick was a gradu ate of St. Thomas High school of Zanesville where he starred in bas ketball. He had nevei played foot ball before entering Muskingum college but for four years was an outstanding player with his college team He took over the helm at Rosecrans when St. Thomas— where he was the head coach— was merged with St. Nicholas high in 19%. The lust year the school sported a six man team and then gradu ated into the eleven man style. In this, the second year of “big time” play, Dicks team is showing signs of good coaching and as these signs appear the team is gradually get ting followers—and that in itself is a feat. Those who know foot ball and Zanesville are aware of the tremendous power of the Lash high squads and the place they have in the eyes of the Y bridge city fans. Keep up the good work, Dick The talked of football in New Lexington at St. Aloysius became a reality a few weeks ago. The Blue Knights, after a few uncer tain hours, came out with a 6 man team which seems to be holding its own. Though the schedule is lined with so-called "practice” games the team has been doing quite well with such foes as Junction City, Jacktown and Frazeysburg The lack of equip ment problem was solved by the action of a couple of grand fel lows of the city who love foot ball—that's real spirit Inci dentally, the first alumni game ever to be played is on the St. Al basketball schedule. Grade School Slate* Presentation League Del. 9 St. Mary vs Corpus Christi at St. John Ort 9 St Christopher vs St. John at Goodale No. 1. Ort. 9 Immaculate Conception vs Sacred Heart at Whetstone. Ort. 9 Victory vs St. Catherine at St. Catherine. Assumption League Oct. 7 St. Jjidislaus vs St. Agatha at Southview. Oct 9 St. Franeia va St. Alnvaius at Goodair N'n 2. Ort 9 St Peter va St. More Mag. Helen st W'ctgat.. Ort 7 Holy Name vs SI Augustine at Till tie. Visitation League Oi'l 7 St. Vincent vs St. Dominic at Wolfe. Oct. 7- St. Thomas vs Christ the King at. St. Catherine. Ort. 7-—Patrick vs Holy Family (Goodale No. 1.) Oct. 9 Our Lady of Peers vs St. Leri (Smithview.) "Put Your Duds in Our Suds" Liles Laundry 1011 West 'lich St. AD. 1466 OAK RIDGE SANATORIUM GREEN SPRINGS, OHIO, tor Diagnosis—TUBERCULOSIS—Treatment REASONAHI.E RATES—I.RADLATE NURSES IHE REV. I AIMER I EO I. OONAHOE IN ATTENDANCE PAI 1 HOLMES,’ MO., Medicsl Director JOHN J. t.EDERT. M.D Resident Physician: ALEX O. JOHNSON, Pres snd Gsn'l Mgr lull Information on Request A II I N U S "The Beer Your Daddy Drank" August Wagner Breweries, Inc. ma 4411 Columbus, Ohio MA. 4411 QNTROSE BR 1 QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS 880 W. Third Avenue UN. 1126 UN.1127 "Glasses Sausages SINCE 1886 Fire-Proof Construction, Inc. that Satisfy" OHIO STATE OPTICAL CO. Complete Manufacturing Facilities Prompt Refrair Service Artificial Eyes Fitted Glass or Plastic MA. 3697 146 East State St. COLUMBUS, OHIO 11 i Linden high school field in Columbus will be the site of the weekend’s top high school football game for Diocesan teams as St. Charles Mike Grannan was the big gun for the Cardinals, scoring two touchdow ns as St. Charles rolled to a 13-0 halftime lead and an easy win. Jack Baumann and Dan Ran km tallied the other two TD’s while Mike Colley added the two conversions. Vaughn’s six-pointer for Ironton was the Tigers’ first score of the season and also the first time St. Charles' goal-line has been crossed. Zanesville Rosecrans, the Di ocese’s only other undefeated team, will meet Glouster tomorrow Wily Frank Leahy, the Notre Dame coach, has been renowned for his pessimism, even in the na tional championship days at South Bend. But veter an experts who visited the gold-dome campus at the outset of the training season came away with the idea that Leahy is sincere in his fears this fail. It is true that Notre Dame has fewer experienced players this year and, in fact, its smallest squad tn modern history 46 men It is true, too that the Irish now have entered one of the heaviest schcd tiles they have ever faced Expert coaching, peerless spir it and exceptional psychological factors can be added to the phys ical assets of the Leahy squad. Some real stars of the team will be worked hard both on offense and defense, and a couple of key injuries could be devastating Hopes arc pinned on Johnny Latt net a junior who might become th? best all round backfield stai in the country. Pair him with Fullback Neil Worden, another junior, and you have the nucleus for a hack field that should he as good as last year’s, or better Line experience and weight are somewhat lacking and Leahy coni, plains that the squad is shy on ov all speed. We’re confident, however, that the Irish will make things interest ing for each and all. and win their full share of games UNITED REFRIGERATOR SERVICE 581 W. Town St MA. 4231 Frigidaire and Tyler Refrigeration Equipment Sales and Service unbeaten Carolians seek their fourth straight against a good Linden McKinley squad tonight. St. Charles copped its third straight last week, drubbing Ironton 26-6 while Linden grabbed its second straight, edging North 6-0. -----------------On the Ball------------ Grid Prospects Bright At Ohio's 3 Catholic Colleges night at Zanesville Municipal Stad ium after being idle last week. The Bishops have won two in a row and will be favored to make it three tomorrow. After hitting the win column for thr first time last week Columbus St. Mary will travel to Wooster to night, meeting the local public high squad. Last week, for the third time this season, the Rams tallied only one TD but this time if was good for a 6 0 win over Lancaster BIS. Ry Liide W. Rlackbourn (Marquette University Football Coach) Ry the time you read this Notre Dame will have played Pennsylvania and, possibly Texas. Those two rough, tough opening games undoubtedly will de termine the pattern of the Irish season. You have the advantage of knowing results at which we now can only guess. You can look for the University of Detroit to have one of the most improved teams in the country The Titans have gained a host of transfers from San Francisco, St. Bonaventure and Navy, and they are eligible Among them and remember the name’ is St. Bona's brilliant forward passing quartet hark. Ted Marchibroda. Coach Dutch Clark has only 1) lettermen, but the transfers are solving his personnel problems. At Marquette we are depending Io a considerable extent on sopho mores (33 of them), and they're a spirited lot Our losses were sei ions and ran hardly he compen sated by the returning veteran: and newcomers. The schedule is tough all the way. That sounds like a sad story, but actually we feel that our kids can make a good showing. Keep youi eyes, often sively, on Halfback Ron Drzewiecki and. defensively, on End Hosea Sims Defeated but twice in three years. Eddie Kluska’s Xavier Muv keteers have suffered some severe manpower losses but again have high hopes There's fine backfield talent in Boh Judd. Dick DeCorps, Joe Degaro, Fred Heimkreiter and Frank Milostan Dayton has lost but seven men from its Salad Bowl squad of last season and is ready for the races Coach Joe Gavin is shy of depth and experienced guards, but otherwise appears well set The Flyers should he going places They've been experiment ing with the single wing at John Carroll, hut now are back in “T” formation With 27 lettermen, the Blue JStreaks look for brighter things Coach Herb Eisele asks you to remember Quarterback Tony Kedzior, a transfer from Annapo Ils. Walters SH( )ES 44 EAST BROAD ST. ESTABLISHED 1893 Our shoes deserve your inspection, and invite comparison Wright ARCH PRESERVER and WINTHROP shoes for men Selby ARCH PRESERVER, STYLE-EEZ, and GROUND GRIPPER shoes for women. WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON PROPER FITTINGS ______________ HE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1 9 5 2________________________________________ Rosary, Aquinas Spend Another Hot Day On Gridiron Unbeaten St. Charles Meets Linden In Week’s op Game Rosecrans’ Bishops Seek 3rd Win The scoring came on a pass from Al Bucilla to Bernie Vogel. Columbus Aquinas will still be looking for its first victory to night when the Terriers meet Co lumbus South High on the Bull dog’s own gridiron. Al Zabvn ik scored the Terriers’ Ione TD in last, week’s 26-6 loss to East on a nine yard pass from Bob Fa gan. After being drubbed 37-6 by Hamilton Catholic’s unbeaten Rams last week Columbus Rosary will trek to Marion tomorrow night to meet a St. Mary squad which drop ped its second decision of the sea son to Lima St. Rose by a 25-12 count. Rosary averted a shut-out in the last quarter when Johnny Noll smashed over from the four. Half back Claude Chaney tallied four oi the Rams’ TD’s. Dan Merchant tallied both of St. Mary's TD’s in the loss to St. Rose A Bobby Watkins Bill Petersen This is the first of a series on the Catholic players on the Ohio State university football team When Ohio State's Buckeyes shoot for their second straight Big Ten victory Saturday against Purdue two Catholic’ playersAwhose careers thus far have been distinctly different—are certain to see plenty of action The first is Bill Petersen, a senior who is back at the Buckeye school for a final shot at football glory. Bill came to Ohio State in 1949 as a heralded quarterback from Cleveland Cathedral Latin's state champion team of 1948. In 1950. however, not finding Wes Fesler’s single wing to his liking, Pete switched to John Carroll university in his native Cleveland. He was never able to play there, since his Air National Guard unit was activated and sent to Lockbourne Air Force Base near Columbus. He was discharged the summer of ’51, re entered school, and is ready to go again after sitting out a year. A 6’ 1”. 200 pounder, Peterson is currently the Buck’s punter, is still battling for the quarterback job and is doing well at line backing. Catholic player No. is scintillating Bobby Watkins, a sophomore sensation whose rise to prominence has almost been phenommal. A native of New Bedford, Mass., Bobby came to Ohio State in '51. un heralded and unknown, and spent his freshman year as a Jay Vee fallback Bobby was "discovered” in spring drills and was installed as the Bucks’ top right halfhack in Woody Hayes' split-T formation He was by far the “big man" in the Scarlet's mtra-squad game which ended spring practice. A stocky 192-pounder, Bobby will probably start at offensive right halfhack against Wisconsin. HEADQUARTERS FOR PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS Check your needs for coming Football Season. Complete stock of Goll. Tennis Fishing Equipment BECK AND ALBANESE AD. 2887 SPORTING GOODS Sth and LONG TWO DISTINCTIVE BEERS XX PALE & NOCH EINS Washington Brewery UN. 1161 HILLS CAB MAin 13-13 Safe Courteous Service No Charge for Extra Passengers O HILLS MGR Kga* i Aquinas and Rosary were the only high school football teams from Columbus which didn't enter the win column in last week end's games. Pictured in the photo at left gaining yardage in a losing cause against Columbus East is Bill Henry, 170-lb. junior full back from Aquinas (45). Other Terrier players pictured are left end Frank Golden (62) and halfback Bob Tiberi (37). The Tigers whipped Aquinas 26-6 The photo above catches a bit of action in the Rosary-Hamilton Catholic game. No. 64 is Hamilton's Claude Chaney whom Rosary couldn't catch all afternoon. He tallied four touchdowns as the Rams walloped the Crusaders 37-6. No. 12 is Rosary's Carl Noll and No. 55 is William Blaise. After whipping Mt. Gilead in the opener the Irish have now drop ped two in a row. St. Rose hopped into a 13 6 first quarter lead and was never headed. Newark St. Francis' six-man team will trek to Junction City to night in quest of its second Tri County league win. Boh Franks tallied the only Green Wave touchdowm in last week's 51-6 loss to South Zanesville. Newark had previously whipped Frazeysburg 44-6 in its first league game. Although several of the Diocesan teams age finding the 1952 season pretty difficult, Portsmouth Notre Dame is undoubtedly having the roughest time of all. The Titans are still looking for that first score with last week's 45-0 drub bing at the hands of llillsboro be ing added to previous 18-0 and 72-0 shutouts. ND advanced past the 50 yard line only twice in the Hills boro game. Watkins, Petersen Help Rucks Fantin Scores Three Johnny Fantin, Dennison St. Mary's ace back, scored three touchdowns and two conversions last week as the Blue Waves upset previously unbeaten Norwalk St. Paul, 28-12. It brought his point total for the year to seven TD’s and 42 points. A Paul Cush to Neil Putnam pass accounted for the other score. Dennison has an open date this week but will meet Ironton St. Joseph next Saturday. WITH I, Oak & 6th ■■■k He per Rend Ad* Be Loyal To Our Advertisers TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY COLUMBUS Piano Tuning Special $3.56 also Opera. Vocel and Piano Lessons. WA. 1181. For the BEST in Television Service call Superior Television Service. Er. 4141. Room for rent—Holy Rosary Parish. Near hue line. FA. 6314 after 5:30 p. m. Furnished room with a carage, in Holy Rosary Parish. 4 blocks from ehurch, near 2 bus lines. For single gentleman. FA. 3612. Portsmouth Call C. H. ADAMS with The Southern Ohio Realty Co.. to help solve your Real Estate Problems, Phone 23651 or West Portsmouth 2257 1139 9th St. Portsmouth. Ohio Real Estate For Sale For Sale: Sugarcreek Hotel. Sugarcreek. Ohio. Good business established. Con tains 12 rooms upstairs. Barroom with Dl and D2 licenses, newly remodeled din ing room, seating capacity of 89 per» sons, modern kitchen, lobby, fully equip ed poolroom, barber shop, steam heat, an# garage. Equipment will sell for $15.nno and the building for $15,900. The building can be rented for $100. monthly or bought on land contract at 4% in terest. If interested, write or see Mr. J. F. DeBois at Sugarcreek. ZANESVILLE Come in and be fitted by an Experienced Corsetiere WEAVER ALTERATION & CORSET SHOPPE Two doors below Starrs. TELEVISION REPAIR Prompt, Courteous Service WE SATISFY ALL MAKES ALL HOURS JE. 3536 Fischer ROOFING, SIDING and GUTTERS We will give you honoat service art any ot the above work, either NEW or REPAIR. The cost will surprise you——EASY TERMS! GOFF & SONS EV. 7479 DAY OR EVE. EV. 7478 PORTSMOUTH Ss k CLASSIFIED Ilk SECTI0K ill 40UUKI p. o e*» AMBULANCE SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE BUILDING MATERIALS Pat's Tru-Line Blox PRE-CAST CONCRETE CO Dial 2-8331 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT Office equipment for your inspection snd selection in our ne« Annex, $36 Sixth. Stapleton's 829 Sixth. Phone 3-2731. E. H. RUSSELL GLASS CO. 1106 Gallia St. PORTSMOUTH, OHIO "Give Us a Break” 0208 COAL Quick Service Coal Co. ALL SIZES -r QUALITY COALS 10th a Hatchins Su Dial 3-3711 Painting Decorating PAINTING Inside and Out Steaming off paper. Patch plaster. Floor Fin. O. M. Gr eon wood. Ph. 4-SSSf WASHER REPAIR Mart Glynn Ph. 2-3021 ALL MAKES WASHERS repaired. AU sites wringer rolls. 409 Park A»e-, New Boston. Phone Boa. 39-W. STEWART’S ORIGINAL CUT RATE DRUG STORE Drugs A Prescriptions 994 GALLIA PH. M47 PORTSMOUTH, OHIO IDEAL MILK CO. PORTSMOUTH DIAL 3-»51 KIRBY'S FLOWERS 1 GALLIA AT FINDLAY STREETS 3-2661 Portsmouth, Ohio The Style Cantor of Portsmouth The CHiiens Saving and Loan Association Company 505 ChNhcotha ♦. Portsmouth, O. "Insured Safety" for your Savings Monthly Reduction Mortgage Loans