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Image provided by: Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH
Newspaper Page Text
WANTED JANITOR for Catholic Church in a small town near Columbus Write MM, in care of Catholic Timas, P. O. Box 636, Columbus 16, Ohio CLASSIFIED ADS Phone AD 5195 DO 4259 AD 5196 20c PER LINE DEADLINE FR1 NOON IIS E. Wei.heimer Rd. I.A STOP! SHOP AT FAY’8 AUTO SA For An Hone.t Deal 11? W Moniid -I MA The National Detective Bureau MURRAY SEYLER UN. S03h .» E. I.»HK St. All. WOK I HIM. I ON KIIIIW, IM lahar. of Choplets: :pecialty Food, 466 N. High WVCHERS Surgical Supplies Hosi beds and wheel chair, for sale or i 801 East Broad Street. MA 1436 FK\II GAR RI It. ER A I OR THE GAS CO SCH1RTZINGER 6610 N High ______ Jl, OHIO MIDLAND LIGHT AND Win THE TELLINGS ICE “Office supplies Filing Cabinets Desks Chairs STATE OFFICE SUPPLY AD. 2125 44 S. 3rd St wBNS and WELD Central Ohio’, only CBS Ontlet 3 N HIGH ST AD 9246 POLAROID CAMERAS AN^ FILMS S'! E. Long St 1843 Dennn, Ave. JE 1523 Where fa Dine 9a LEM’S RESTAURANT CHINESE and AMERICAN FOODS Sea Food, Chicken, Carry-out Serv. 13 ItaTfi-M off ph MA 0167 Reliable porter and niglii. watchman. Salary. LA. 0700. Houeekeener wanted. Good athohe h*»ma. Live in LA. 0700. HOUSEKEEPER W ANTED Rni 630, (olumbii* We deliv BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS RC-30 Construction Materials Brick and Tile—Building Materials BASIC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Phone 3-2172 Chillicothe O. E Main St. Drug Stores The Central Pharmacy Dial 26-986, Chillicothe DRUGS SUNDRIES PHYSICIANS' SUPPLIES RIEDER PHARMACY Cor. Church end Arch Phone 29-900 CHILLICOTHE SOUTH END PHARMACY 331 S. Paint CHILLICOTHE Chillicothe Electrical Contractors Rebuiders of Electrical Machinery Power Construction Work Phone 3-2206 Elecmeal Contracting and Repaw BOWERS ELECTRIC CO. 636 Church St. Fhona 20-663 Fruit Farms LEO HIRSCH FRUIT FARM P.b. P"- Grocers FRANK J. HUNN MEATS AND GROCERIES Free Delivery CHILLICOTHE, OHIO Hardware PIERCE & TODD HARDWARE MA allied Priest's Housekeeper 9 Information It’a fun 19 Instruction te St. MA 2434 CALRORN school W-—--------—___ f-W Z DIRECTORY M———----- Barber Shops OK BARBER SHOP OH NN .Mohaw DI Beauty Shops SPECIAL Maeb^W." $3.50 Cold Waves $5 up ESTHER REES BEAUTY SHOP WA 0123 Columbus ______Building Maintenance Window Fans Roofing and Sidm Ab 2961 JAY’S FARM 'SERVICE ANIMAL AND PET FEEDS FREE Home Delivery Wine*— Rwr-Mim W ir hr. Help Wanted 12 RMAN’S S A n CARRY-OI.T PARTIES. BFER WINE DEMMLER’S REER Insurance JOHN J. BROWN Insurance Agency CHILLICOTHE 73 CONCRETE BLOCKS W. MAIN PH 27346 Vi EISENBERG ER INSURANCE SERVICE General Insurance and Bonds Phone 3-2264 7 Union Block Chillicothe 15 W 2nd St. Jewelers WARD AND WARD JEWELERS Diamonds Watches Jewelry E Service Stations ROBINETTS SERVICE STATION 294 E. 2nd Phene 6646 INFORMATION RC-9 543 E. High Milk DUFFY ELECTRIC CO Chillicothe's Finest SEAT COVER SHOP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHILUCOTHE. OHIO Complete Outfitters for the Entire Family MAYFAIRS CHILLICOTHE. OHIO Twentieth Century Bowling Alley TERMITE SERVICE Mtimatet 2. Chai Ph. 24-428, Chillicothe, O. SIM lain St. Fhona THE WANTED BOB'S KEY FA 0439 2780 Key. Locke -Kepi Chillicothe Real Estate LLOYD LEEDOM, Realtor PRIEST'S HOUSEKEEPER Write Department LA, PO Box 636, Columbus 16, Ohio. State age and experience. CEMENT Meat Packers CONCRETE Chimney Repairing CHIMNEY A BRICK REPAIR pointing Hou»ee or a par tn OELGOETZ CO Mechanical Contractor Our Business Service Built LA 4222 Columbus ,Ohic FRANK A. DAVIS & SON 1099 MA. Blasting 29 Drive In CONKLIN S DRIVE IN Farm Equipment Hearing Aids W nrld'i ______Hospitals______ CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL Insurance DEWET C. BLACK lei, Innaranr, nd Band, Rroad Jewelers HOMER W RA 8687 Carry Out High JOSEF'S The Elberfeld-Chillicothe Company CHILIJCOTHE, OHIO USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Bookkeeping Machine, Portable Typewriter, Cash Registers, Add ing Machine. All in excellent condition For information write FREDS AUTO SUPPLY 32 W. Main St. Chillicothe, Ohio HOME DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 9276 261 RIVERSIDE STREET CHILLICOTHE. OHIO McCarthy Hotel CHAS. H. MCCARTHY Owner & Manager CHILLICOTHE WARNER HOTEL COFFEE SHOP BAR HER. Who Mari Contractors Nursing Home Hamilton Park Nureing Han Painting Decorating 1S MA ms Contractors Equipment ENT KECK CHAPEL 421 Putnam Ave. Ph. 2-4551 Ab 7669 Laundries REI.l ABLE LAUNDRY A on Reliable" 1191 Lightning Protection ARTHI PICKLES. Liihtnii 52 Briarwond Ave. 36 Y LA. Sdl.t—if na an. call FR Lock Service For Men Arrow Shirts Nunn Bush Jarman PHONE 3144 PAINT ST Fine Paints Nothing Finer Than a STROMBERG CARLSON TELEVISION Venetian Blinds GERLING'S W. 2nd St. Phow 29954 ClwUicotb* Where to Dine RC 9a I’HF SANDWICH SHOP 266 E. Maia Ph 7846 Tractors for Sale RC 88a CAREY TRACTOR SALES 698 Eaetero Av*. Ford Pb 26444 Information 620 Market St Reefing Stdtng Sanitariums Sewing Machine Service SINGER SEWING CENTER makes of sewing machines vacuum cleaners repaired oickup and deliverv service 90 N. High St Plating Steel Stairs and Hard K ZANESVILLE Funeral Directors Z-6 Mader-Peoples Funeral Homes Wendell Swope Kenneth O Bolin Arthur A Bryan A NEW SEASON A NEW REASON To Open An Account Clothing For Men! Women! Children!—On Credit! S26MAIN ST MUTUAL FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. CURRENT DIVIDEND 2% Esther Corp Beauty Salon Zanesville 49 8th St. Phone 3-7201 THE CAMERA SHOP Everyth i n Ph olograph i COMBS BROTHERS SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Women 5 Red Cross ZANESVILLE, OHIO JACK HEMMER ICE CREAM ZANESVILLE. OHIO ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. SMITH Ph. 3-7336 TELEVISION Silver Rocket 68 Sharp Edge-to- Edge DISTRIBUTED RY L. A. EMMERT Phone 36tla TWO MINUTE'S TO ONE D.S T. FINDS FRED AND CAROLINE AVERY PREPARING FOR THE RIGORS OF THE FAST BEFORE SIX ©CLOCK MASS. E FIFTH STREET CHAPEL 23 South Fifth Street Ph. 3-1232 Phone 2-7302 MOVING? AJAX All and A 6884 A 7849 Service Stations KITSCH Children Little Yankee Edwards BUILDERS' SUPPLIES READY MIXED CONCRETE SAND AND GRAVEL Adams Bros. Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTING Bohn & Kern Mfg. & Supply Co. Plumbing A Heating Supplies USE BORDENS Homogenized Milk lc Quart Over Regulai Milk Call 2206 ZANF.SVILLF OHIO 8181 Hauling and Expressing 40 1 SSI Flood's Bar and Grill ARTWIL 430 Main St. Johnston's Restaurant BOB'S Maysville Supermarket South Zanesville, Ohio BUILDING BLOCKS ZANESVILLE BRIKCRETE PHILO PHONE 4-4375 Business Announcements Z-30 Man FOU LER BOLIN O. M.u v Zane. o Cleaners and Dyers DUSENBERRY Ph. I4.41 Drug Stores FOGG'S CENTRAL DRUG STORE .MARKET Al FIFTH ZANESVILLE. OHIO SHIRLEY’S PHARMACY 1FRRACI Furnaces MAZAIR FURNACE CO Insurance Hocking Insurance Paint Contractors R. FULKERSON & SON DWIGH'l E. SMITH. Realtor Television Z-73c PLUMMER RADIO SERVICE Ph Z-76b COAL YARDS RED ASH PEACOCK COAL Stoker. Me: Not. 30c Lump. 43e ZANT CO Al CO Auto Service—Repairs 17c Witchie Buick Co Phono 14*it O S Sterling Service Quaker State Products M. L. Cottingham, Inc. Authorized Phone 2 6353 Ira Mi-l augh Market Tire & Supply PRII|V IS O Automotive-Wholesale 87M EMIL MILLER Be Loy BUY IN THE PARISH OF YOUR CHOICE CHRIST THE KING PARISH 43 Buttler-Stewart DO 2496 FA 8339 LA 8719 ROREItl RO Builders 8 Bldrs’ Supplies 45 Mar bl SHERWIN-WILLIAMS OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT BUILDERS HARDWARE SCHALI IlkRBVIARE 65c Kramer Healing Co. 1274 1498 E. Long BOILERS Jim Roberts l«»al Co. BUYERS' GUIDE BEITER & FLEGE Lancaster, Ohio The Hexall Store PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST EAST END WINE SHOP We Cover Lancaster Like the Dew Phone 1464 JOHN P. KREIDLER Phone I47J LANCASTER, OHIO LYENDECKER Sohio Service Stetion Broad 4 Chestnut Phone 3190 Lancaster City Transfer Bus Phone 2193 Z-59 Wanted Real Estate ChMteel E CENTRAL REALTY CO Mt. Pleasant Greenhouse Flowers for ab oc Phone 522 Charlie Macioci & Sons Phon, 1797 PH 2-9276 Product DEAN 4 BARRY PAINT IMPERIAL WALLPAPER Phone 4700 Per trait al To Our Advertisers MmHH, 1184 9 Excavating Coal REIS BROS MA. 1458 510 FURNACE ST 4NR »»N REAL RSI 1 BAKER Typewriter Co. Co. The Fairfield Paint & Oil Lancaster Lancaster Modern Floor and Wall Co 108 N. Columbus Phone 2633 W GEO. B. SHAW Sf. 203 W Main ELECTRIC CO 647 E. Main St. BINKLEY 77d E 3nu8L Me RICH STREET MARKET II 1:69 PM .79 W Sth CUMO MARKE'i 12 Wanted to Buy Diamonds Old Gold HEISE & HOLZER INC BROAD ST SUITE 604 MOTORS COLUMBUS AUTO RADIATOR CO. KAUFMAN MOTOR, INC. LF |SS4 Hieh A Sit.’ LA Kill Auto Parts—Accessories AUTO SEAT COV FR4— A 1 Care KF A V FR Af’TO FTCIBl1 MT. VERNON 76b Coal Yards Compliment* LYNDE'S MARKET Mt. Vernon, Ohio LANCASTERE2W8O J*hnny SHOWALTER Motor* Homo of DE SOTO PLYMOUTH 117-19 W. Chestnut St. Phone 5* Fairfield Federal Infor matio Phone 2713 THIMMES BROS Quality Meats A Groceries 351 S. Columbus Lancaster Phone 809 Funeral Directors James H. Sheridan Sone Funeral Directors L4 Where to Dine Phon. Business Announcements L-30 Appliances Appliance Center ilb.rrv Phon, 46 Beauty Shops BETTY’S BEAUTY SHOP "h.n. 162 CARRY OUT Lancaster Wine Store 241 W Mam St.—Free Delievry Automobile Parts Accessories QLALITY AUTO PAJITS Pedriek Pieton Rings Lockheed Rra.e Lining -g-W .rner Product, Phone 701 Wanted—Real Estate L-59 DAVID A. MACIOCI Realtor LANCASTER, OHIO Reeidence IMS rmrtiaf 18* 8. Broad St.