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10 k St* 4^ COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE ad 3943 Al) The hot lunch program at St. Mary school, Marion, opened recently in Moira hall after many months of planning, purchasing oh equipment and arranging of details carried out by parishioners. Sponsored as a parish project, the pupils ere served a balanced and nutritious meal at a minimum cost. Mrs. Martin J. Gass is manager end general manager, Mrs. Ellen Coulter is dietician and in charge of the kitchen, and Mrs. Charles McDonough is assistant. Women of THESE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Experienced in Catholic Funerals otter CONSCIENTIOUS AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE KELLY 2333 N. HIGH ST. AT PATTERSON Ambulance WILLIAM GA 5909 Office HOML LIKE Within th of GArfield 3011 NEW CADILLAC AMBULANCE NOW IN SERVICE 405 I. TOWN ST., COLUMBUS MAEDER-QUINT ic Financial Mean* Any Family FUNERAL SERVICE SINCE 1870 Dial Hot Lunch Program Inaugurated At St. Mary School ^N. O' a FUNERAL HOME UN. 6371 Ambulance SIMONS FUNERAL HOME 1188 SOUTH HIGH STREET (Gates and High Street) COLUMBUS McNAMARA FUNERAL HOME A Catholic Funeral Home Upholding Catholic Ideal*, Following Catholic -Principles 24 E. Third Ave. a lai 5888 Columbus, Ohio WlN 8500 GA 8169 Residence Funeral Parlor* Ambulance Service Successor to ARTHUR H. MAEDER & CO. 1068 S. HIGH ST. Just north of Greenlawn Av. LEO F. HAAG FUNERAL HOME GA. 4569 ills Js«es( at. A Satisfied Customer is on Asset. Satisfied Customers ore OUR Best ASSETS, for more than 27 Years we hove been rendering the best possible services ot the leost possible Expense. possible services ot the leost possible expense. som Phono UN 1238 Prteaie 4mbidanc« UN 6477 PrlrtWe Parking Aran I 5h._ M* 4 the parish serve as volunteers helping witTi the serving and other duties. Contributions from parish organizations and the local Knights of Columbus provided funds for equipping the kitchen and lunch room. Serving as a committee in setting up the program are Ralph Nicolosi and Mrs. William Simmons, co-chairmen, Bernard C. Mo loney, Mrs. Charles Osterholt, Mrs. H. A. Hertenstein, Mrs. Philip Brown, Mrs. Edward T. Huber, Mr. John J. Ryan and Mr. Joe O'Connor, Anglican Bishop Claims English Church Catholic LONDON (NC) .VJuth intei (*st was aroused here by the action of a leading Church of England (Anglican) theologian who ques tioned the accuracy ot the oath by which Queen Elizabeth will bind herself at her coronation “to main tain in the United Kingdom the Protestant reformed religion estab lished by law." Queen's Oath Preaching in Westminster Ab bey, where the coronation rites will take place next June, Dr. Ed win Morris, Anglican Bishop of Monmouth, declared that the. Church ol England is not a Prot estant church but is "the ancient Church of the land, reformed in deed, but Catholic still. Nowhere, in its constitution, he said, did the church describe itself as Protestant and hence the oath the young Queen will lake is inaccurate as it stands. Dr..Morris’ talk in Westminster Abbey, ancient London home of the Benedictine monks, now in state hands, contained claims con corning the Church of England which two Catholic priests here promptly contradicted. “Not once in any of its official formularies or documents. Dr. Morris said docs the Church ol England describe itself as Protest ant In all ot them it expresses or implies the claims to be the Catholic church in this land "’rhe Church ot England is no new body created by Henry VIII or Elizabeth 1. It is the ancient church of this land, reformed indeed but Catholic still. Our medieval ca thedrals and churches did not foi merly ‘belong to the Homan Cath olics.' They have always belonged to the Church of England." Catholics Reply The lust reply to Dr Morris came from Father George P. Dwy er, superior of the Catholic Mis sionary Society, who said: “When you change the worship, the teach WFF.F i marble WlUl 4 tile co. Genuine CERAMIC FILE for walla and floora. Wide selection of marble 539 E. TOWN ST AD. 1772 Kirkpatrick Funeral Home Washington C. H. 3-5671 New Holland 4351 “COURTEOUS ERVICE" THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1952 ing, the ruling authority of a church, it is juggling with words to pretend that there has been no essential change But in recent years the word Protestant seems to have become unpopular in certain circles in the Church oi England. And so Bishop Morris now denies that the Church of England is Protestant at all. The second Catholic answer came I rum Fathei Joseph Christie, who told a congregation at the Farm Side Catholic Church that “the mark of Catholicism is com munion with the See of Home.” Enforced on every monarch in the past several hundred years, the coronation oath is one of the last remaining vestiges of antiCatholic discrimination in the Constitution ot the British commonwealth. Il inflicts great hint on the many mil lions ol Catholics not only in Brit am itself, but throughout the Com monwealth. Past protests by Catholics and others have caused some minor modifications, but have had no ef led on the essential purport of the oath. It is now felt that any pro test against the wording must come rat het from the 25,000,000 Catholics in the Commonwealth than from the 5,000,000 inside Brit ain. -----------------o----------------- Insit Iler Ol Pope Faces Prosecution ROME (RNS)- A five year at tempt by the Italian government to prosecute a leading Communist Deputy yn charges of insulting the Roman Catholic Church and Pope Pius succeeded here when the Chambei of Deputies lilted his parliamentary immunity. The deputy, Luigi Longo, is one of the Italian Communist party's two vice secretaries. Charges against Signor Longo stem primarily from a cartoon pub lished in a magazine in 1947. The Pope was portrayed on the turret of a tank with a dollar sign around his neck, giving blessings to Pres ident Truman and other Western leaders kneeling before him and offering arms. The government’s victory in the Chamber came on a show of hands Only Communist and Left Wing So cialists opposed the motion to de prive Signor Longo of his im munity. -----------------o-----------I----- Read the Timas Classified Ads. W allstrip Wallpaper Remover NO STEAM NO FUSS NO MUSS NEVER A DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER Innixt on II allstrip Wallstrip is outstanding in the fact that it is the only one recommended to pene trate water mixed paints. See Your Local Hardware, Wallpaper or Paint Dealer WRIT! FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SUPERIOR PRODUCTS 859 Fairwood Ave. COLUMBUS 5, OHIO I am not by any means an inveterate e atre-goer, but I have seen my share of movies. The best picture I have ever seen is “The Miracle of Fatima." 1 speak in the overall sense, which is the on ly sense that makes complete sense. A show can not rationally be judged on a few factors, or some factors. It must be judged on all factors. You cannot intelligently say that a production is good merely be cause the plot is good, and or the directing is good, the acting good, the staging good, and so on. There is a whole view of life, in the light of which a person can rightly assess anything. Without that view, the assessment will be more or less in error, more or less inadequate. Does a movie serve God? Does it serve our fellowmen? Does it have its roots in love of God and love of neighbor? These are ques tions likely to draw derisive hoots. Yet. the fact remains that the reason for existence, the purpose of life, is to love and serve God and neighbor. If we miss or ignore that point, we simply bungle, blun der and waste ourselves. Is a movie good merely because it serves, or attempts to serve, God and man? Well, that is a very strong point in its favor but the serving ought to be done as expert ly as possible. The production of a movie is an art. It is for experts, exactly as is the directing of a symphony or chestra. The best is none too good tor'the service of God and man. As likely as not, there have been pictures which in one aspect or an other of expertness were superior to “The Miracle of Fatima.” I am not competent to decide such ques tions. I simply give it as my opinion that in the over all view, “The Mir acle of Fatima” is the best movie 1 have ever seen. I shall attempt to justify that statement. The plot is, shall we say, God s plot, it is concerned with that great fundamental, the happiness lorever, or the unhappiness for ever, of human beings. The conflict is the primal con Hid between God and Beelzebub, and between lhe Woman and Beel zebub. The suspense is the conse quence of the immense mystery of man’s freedom of choice. The very universe is involved in the thing, because the miracle is the colossal miracle of the sun, falling or appearing to fall, from lhe heavens. This once. Hollywood really has something colossal. The dramatic perils faced by the producers were enormous. In a hundred places, the slightest wrong .shading would have destroyed the success of the picture. There was no room tor mistakes, for ovei or -undei emphasis This was a movie that had to be just right all the way through, or end in the kind of a failure that makes an audience shrink. lhe vision of Dur Lady had to be handled with utmost delicacy. Her voice her inflections, her tone well. I should not like to be a di rector hunting for the voice of he Virgin. The movie had to be clear to those who are not Catholics, lhe scriptwriters laced the exacting task ot finding the precise re wordings here and there which would carry the message to every body in the least falsifying it. lhe three principal characters, aside from Our Lady, were chil dren Their roles would have been difficult enough lor the finest adult actors. Yet adults would not do. The producers, then, laced the frightening task of portraying in movie form the greatest event of ‘Bel.*) Ko»' Die* Al 90 WASHINGTON (NC) Mrs. Georgieanna Higgins, often refer red to as the “Betsy Ross of the Capitol." was buried here today in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, following High Mass in St. Gabriel's Church. Mrs Higgins who was 90. retired in 1945 altei 28 t'Hi I ei v ice a seamstress for the U.S. Senate, where her duties included the re pairing of wind upped flags that flew over the Capitol, -BACK AGAIN!------- Pickerel Dinner $|.25 Every Friday 6 P. M. K. of C. Dining Room State and Sixth Streets Columbus, Ohio —Matters Stand---------------- Joe Breig Says: The Best Movie I’ve Seen our time, and doing so mainly through the performance of thrac youngsters. They had to lay before the movie-going world God s personal message to mankind, delivered by lhe Mother of His Son. conveyed by three children, and scaled with a solar miracle. They succeeded. They succeeded admirably. This success, I think, is a greater success than “The Song of Bernadette". There isn't a touch anywhere in “The Miracle of Fatima” that goes wrong, or goes too far, or falls short. The public authorities of Portu gal are precisely as atheistic, over bearing and brutal as they were in real life at the time of the visions. The ecclesiastics are exactly as careful and as penetrating in their examination of the facts as they must be. The children suffer just as truthful children do suffer when taken for liars. The people are un critically devout, as simple folk are. And the picture escapes that pitfall of such dramas—silly pietis tics. Finally, it stands to do more than any other movie 1 can remem ber—and that is the ultimate test. DOLANS Clothing & Shoes 59 S. 3rd St. Newark, O. Denier GOOD SERVICE AT A FAIR PRICE BATTERIES 87.60 (INSTALLED IN COUNTY) Walker and Battat Phone 6616 107 E. Main St. Newark BEST BUT IN USED CARS Service Integrity The Park National Bank OF NEWARK TRADE WITH THE ROE EMERSON STORE CLOTHES—HATS—FURNISHINGS SHOES 11 “8” West Side Squs'e, Newark The Lad e Store as Well as Dad’* •Vo*»*siVaVe“«Ws"sV«V«VJ,«V»S “The .8iwe Thai Diffarent** FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES 57-59 W. Main St. Newark AV.VAVAV.VAWtVAW Ted's Jewelry Newark Phone 49242 7 Union St. Sawyer's Market Quality Food» Newark, Ohio 393 E Main ALTMEYER SHELL SERVICE The Most Powerful Gasoline Buckingham and Granville Sts k Cor. Swanks Market OPEN SUNDAYS Phone 32151 45 Granville Newark Insured THE NEWARK TRUST COMPANY Member federal Deposit Insurance Corporation CEMENT HRICK a.ND Kane To Resign Catholic Press Association Post FORT WAYNE. Ind. (NC) The resignation of James Kane, first full-time executive secretary of the Catholic Press Association of the United States, was announc ed at meetings of the executive board of the A. here. It is to be effective August 31. 1953. which will complete the three years of Mr. Kane’s agreement to serve. FIN THE HEART OF THE CITY NEWARK GUDE CLASSIFIED SECTION ('•lotnbus 1*. O SEPTIC TANKS Pre-Ca»t Concrete SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE AND CINDER BLOCKS W. L. MATTOX Corner lorry and Daniel Ave.. Phone 6864 Newark, Ohio SERVICE STATIONS HERTZ DRIVE-UR-SELF SYSTEM Phone 9087 PEARSON'S MARATHON SERVICE CENTER FIFTH AND CHURCH STREETS Newark’s Finest Service Center! SWEEPER REPAIR A. B. VOORHEES PHONE 91793 hl POPLAR AVENUE SWEEPERS-— PARTS AND SERVICE LABOR AND PARTS GUARANTEED VACUUM CLEANERS AS FOLLOWS Premier Regina Royal Singer Cadillac Electrolux Eureka Hamilton Hoover Beach Westinghouse Electro Hygiene Sweeper Parts All Makes Filters. Dust Bans, Switches, Cords and Plugs Hose. Save at Penney* J. C. Penney Co., Inc. Everything to IF'ear K. PARK NEW ARK PLACE The John J. Carroll Store Newark O. D. HOLLAR & SON Plumbing and Heating 4 62 West Church Street Office Phone 2383—Rea Phone 8082 TOM STEVENS Deposits BLOCK USED LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS S. G. (TEDO) LOEWENDICK & SONS LINNVILLE ROAD When You Want GOOD Furniture—Go to CARLILE'S 14! Everett Ave. 102-108 East Mein St. The announcement was made by Father Thomas Meehan, editor of Tbc New- World. Chicago, and C. P. A. president, who presided. The board accepted lhe resigna tion, submitted by Mr. Kane for business reasons, "most reluct antly,” giving the retiring execu tive secretary is “deep thanks” for his distinguishd service to the as sociation and to the w’hole Ca tholic press. Mr. Kane established the pres ent headquarters office of the Ca tholic Press Associatin’ in New York. EGAN-RYAN FUNERAL SERVICE BROAD St. at CLEVELAND Ave. Our 91st Year Serving ths Catholic families ef Central Ohio. New Parking Lot AMBULANCES BORDEN'S Dairy & Ice Cream Co. Phone 4053 Leo Reichert Complete Insurance Service Tel. 887 *2 S. 6th St. Newark PHARMACIST 178 Hudson Ave., Newark. Ohio SPECIALIZING IN PRESCRIPTIONS THE HUB The Busy Store Men's and Boys' Clothing NEWARK, OHIO Arcade Drug Store 33 N. 3rd St. Newark “Where you are always welcome’ You never realize how fortunate you are until you enter a gift shop and see how many things your friends haven’t sent you EGAN Funeral Home Ambulance Service Phone 3580 13? W. Church Newark The P. Smith Sons Lumber Co. Building Materials Yard and Office 66-85 South Second Street NEWARK OHIO L.O.L.P. Established 186* SCOTT'S "Home Furnishers For Over a Century" E. PARK PLACE PH. 8883 NORTH PARK FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Ph. 6234 1237 Mt. Vernon Ave, NEWARK TERMITE CONTROL Your home is a precious possession Protect it with our scientific treatment. Free inspections and estimates within 100 mile area. 16 years actual experience All work fully guaranteed 8 Maholm St. Phone 4450 or 5294F NEWARK SHEET METAL Roofing Spouting Heating 24-Hour Service MATESICH DIST. AGENCY Budweiser Wiedemann's Red Top Gibson's Wine Newark, Ohio Zaneiville, Ohio CURRAN MOTOR CO., INC Cadillac Oldsmobile Reo Truck Sales and Service Phona 3397 Newark, Ohio