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Newspaper Page Text
May They Rest In Peace RR0WN, Leo M., 58, Dearborn, Mich., Nov. 28, St. Patrick church, London. Survivors: his wife, abeth two sisters and four thers. bro 1412 HOFFMAN, F. George, 55, Oakwood avenue, Columbus, 29. Corpus Christi church. Surviv ors his wife. Mae a brother, two nieces and four nephews. SEBRIG. Grace. road, Columbus, Christi church, husband. Frank mother, three sisters and six grand children. CUTCHER, Ida Reinhard. 78. Ma ple Heights, O., Nov. 29. St. Au gustine church. Columbus. Surviv ors: a brother and several nieces and nephews. FIRTH, Samuel. 67. 566 Lancas ter road. Buckeye Lake, Nov. 30. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel church Survivors: his wife. Margaret two daughters and five brothers. THE BURKLEY & SON co. INSURANCE and BONDS SINCE 1897 Always At Your Service 145 N. High AD. 3288 Gift seekers see our -HGINS ELGIN ikt Lay-Away Now For Christmas OPEN MON. and THURS. EVENINGS 501 Eaton Avenue GUGLIELMI, Ralph. 66, Cleveland avenue, Columbus. 30, St. John the Baptist church. Survivors: his wife. Panfilia: four sons, two daughters, 13 grandchil dren, a brother and two sisters. George J. Igel and Company, Inc Crane Service—Excavating COLUMBUS 8, OHIO RALPH J. KRAMER. SR. -STEEPLEJACKS- Every Operation and Workman Fully Insured Specialists In ROOFING TUCKPOINTING SANDBLASTING WATERPROOFING PAINTING CAULKING WE GO ANYWHERE, ANYTIME HOWARD R. BURTON & SONS 2056 E. Fifth Ave. FA. 3054 Rosaries, Bibles, Medals Something For Every Member Of The Family De Mers RELIGIOUS GOODS 1662 E. Main St EV. 3048 2056 St. Zl LANDT, George K., 46. Louis. Mo., Nov. 29, Holy church, Columbus. Survivor and his mother. a son Mama O., 65 2, St. Thomas Survivors: his REYNEAU, Paul ronich, N. Y., Dec. church. Zanesville, wife, Margaret two 59, 1689 Refugee Nov. 29. Corpus Survivors her two sons, her BRESNAHAN, Mary Ann, 88 570 E. Main street. Chillicothe Dec. J. St. .Mary church. Survix ors: a son and four daughters. HARTER. Henry C., 21, 952 Franklin avenue. Columbus, Dec. 1. St. Patrick church. Survivors: his mother, stepfather and a bro ther. DeLOTELLE. William J., 79. 508 5th street. Portsmouth. Nov. 28. St. Mary church. Survivors: a son. a granddaughter, a brother and five sisters. MONTAVON. John B., 56. 1402 29, St. Mary church. Survivors: his wife, Mary his stepmother, a bro ther and four sisters. Dr. Kov Marshall atsoii's Tonight On December 1. 1949. the Ford Dealers of America did the un precedented in hiring a college professor to explain the line points of their new car to television view- Roy K. Marshall, formerly director of the Astronomy Department at is still working for the same spon sor and has established himself in the new medium as one who can explain the most scientific princi pies in language that any TV view er can understand. ‘‘Technical language,” Marshall, ‘‘should be when the subject, is being discuss ed among those xvho know it. I try to explain the functions and ad vantages of the various parts ol the Ford car in the same niannei in which I’d like to have an un familiar subject explained to me. I try not to make the mistake of underestimating the intelligence of In addition to explaining his sponsor’s product every Thursday exening on NBC-TV at 9:30 p. m. during the “Ford Theatre,'1 Dr. Marshall is educational director of television station WFILTV in Phil adelphia and conducts his ow show, “The Nature ot Thing: guest of Watson ford. 1281 High st, on the evening of Dei The publiu&is invited to hear meet Dr. Marshall at that tini When he started his telex work for the Ford Motor Com] Dr. Marshall was commuting a week from hrs other posit it But. the new medium soon took over most of his time and he had to resign from the I niversity. In establishing himself standing teacher Dr. Marshall al ways felt that he must first of all be a good entertainer. Me has car ried the same principle over to television and it has serxed him well. Adv. "why draw the line at in the Manger?’’ an RICHARD D. KRAMER Wt Now Have Added Fireplace Wood To Our Line Of Quality Fuels YALE COAL COMPANY AD. 1277 281 W Mound St Columbus, Ohio jik THE CATHOL iimali campaign to get merchantj to orate store xwindows in ways best exempli y the Christim sp of Christmas Its 1 a in pa i 4ii is receivu •k spread coo| oration Iroi chants. In t\in stores, dis china and si ver are built aroi the idea of ie “Honored Christmas.” Other stor ?s are choosi 1g th displays to how the sigilifica of trimming the Christmas li praying at the Christmas crib. oling the nt ws of Chris ’s bi and lighting the Christmas canc a z-a (.ard4 III ,S|) Illi MADRID -A campaign 1 or use of “Chris Jan Christ n as ca The Bulletin of tin in the choice of cards which were committed throughoir in previou ed not horseshoe. the Bulletin MAin 6601 National Legion Of Decency Lil CLASS A Section I (Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage) BATTLES OF CHIEF PONTIAC CATT1 .E TOWN—Warner’s LAST OF THE COMMANCHES SINGING Films STOOGE. CLASS A Section II (Morally PRICE Unobjectionable for Adults) ABOVE AND BEYOND MGM BABES IN BAGDAD CLASS (Morally Objection able in Part for All) MESA OF LOST WOMEN Realart Pictuics OBJECTION Suggestive s quence and situations. Governor Lausche and officials of the Catholic War Veterans State House in Columbus at the time the Governor proclaimed Dec. 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Com ception, as National Catholic War Veterans Day. Left to right are Chester J. Koch, Cleveland, public relations officer, department of Ohio John R. Tracey of Columbus, state welfare officer, depart of Ohio Gov. Lausche William J. Gill, of Cleveland, commander, department of Ohio and H. King, of Columbus, first vice-commander, department of Ohio radui chool tion fi■om the South Bent 1 Retreats 1953 Jan. 16-18 ................... Women Jan. 23-25 ..................... Men Feb. 6-8 ..................... Women Feb. 13-15 ....... ................ Men Feb. 2022 .................... Women Feb. 27-28 .................. Men Mar. 6-8 .... Women Mar. 13-15 Men LAY RETREAT HOUSE St. Therese Shrine 5277 E. Broad Street A. Keller & Son DAIRY DO. 2418 INSURANCE TO MEET YOUR NEEDS LITURGICAL ART CHRISTMAS CARDS Available for Grit hmt $1.00 like If yojr dealer it ’’out/1 'olunibans In Korea Hr 10.000 G.I. Confc .? CATECHETICAL C:uild [l47 1 Sth STREET, SAINT RAUL 1, MINN Whether you are the cause or the of an accident, ruin Sheehan Insurance Agency 145 N. High St. Columbus Pro fee your entire life feet yourself adequately in at all times' Call us now for complete details. Just dial MA. 1374. 804 Mt. Vernon Ave. Columbus, Ohio hi! 3.(100.000 ah el flrink HERE’S EVERYTHING YOU HAVE EVER WANTED IN A Manufactured B\ CLARITE of GREAT Columbus 3, Ohio Distributed By CANNON SALES CO 804 MT. VERNON AVE CHECK THESE FEATURES Benediction of the Blessed Sac ment will take place W ednesday, at 3 m. in the chapel of if Notre Dame Convent, ich St.. Columbus, by Rev. BUYING A NEW CAR? $4.00 PER HUNDRED PER YEAR No Red Tape No Hidden Charges NEW CARS Run battery down no lights, no radio a CLARITE Battery will revive itself in 60 seconds to start a car. A CLARITE Battery will completely re charge itself in 35 normal speeds time damage. Fulcher Spiritual Director bcrnacle Society Members ibcrnacle Society are ask- Si«ter Maura is the AND TRUCKS LOWEST INSl RANCE RATES The Arthur J. McCann Agency 233 South High Street AD. 1915 Columbus, Ohio PR. 4-3112 E E IHuitratod CtUlogua Religious Gifts your nomo & oddrosj SKYHALL sales co. HOT Isaly's H. J. NIEMAN THE SHADE MAN Shade* FA 3163 miles of driving at and again without may stand idle for long as a year, and Vehicle or machine months even as a CLARITE Battery will have enough en ergy for a quick start. The completely different CLARITE Bat tery costs less than a first grade battery yet OUTPERFORMS them all! CLARITE Battery ALONE dares to GUARANTEE FOR THREE YEARS the first full year, UNCONDITIONALLY! LAKES, Inc Mane Elvin Fulton Also Distributors for TEMPROTEX Permanent Anti-Freeze James L. Herlihy, Pies., Gen, Mgr. Jos. E. Ryan, Vice Pres. Dan F. Cannon, Secy.-Treas. FA. 5335