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P.T.A. NOTES St. Leos PTA will have its an nual Christmas party Sunday, Dc 14, at 8 m. Spooks Beckman of LW TV will be master of cere monies. Mi and Mrs. Eduard Roes are chairman of the affair The sixth grade mothers will be in charge of refreshments, with Mis. Frank Reis as chairman The fourth in its series of monthly meetings will be held at 8 o’clock Tuesday, Dec. 16, by by St.. John Evangelist PTA in Columbus in the school hall. As has been the custom in the past the school children will present their annual Christmas pageant. Students of the four upper grades will participate under the guidance of the Sisters. Antici pating the largest attendance so far th-is year, the fifth grade mothers under the chairmanship Paul Gallagher, Mgr of Mrs. Wendelin Sigrist and as sisted by Mrs. Reichert and Mrs. Moore have charge of refresh ments following the meeting. On Sunday, Dec. 14, St. Aloysius P.T.A. will meet at the Knights of ColiTmbus Club Rooms at 2596*2 West Broad. A short business meet ing will be followed at 3 p. m. by the annual Christmas pageant pre sented by all the pupils of St. Aloy. si us School, first through the eighth grades. During the business meet ing a movie will be shown for the children in auditorium. -----------------o---------------- Newman Club Entertains St. V. Orphans Tonight The Newman Club of Ohio State University will hold its traditional Christmas party for the orphans of St. Vincent’s tonight. Dec. 12, at 7:30 p. m. at the orphanage. Each member selects one or phan. buys a gift, and spends the entire evening with the "adopted for-an-evening” child. About 65 orphans will partici pate in the party. Stained Glass Windows Built by Craftsmen Restoring of present windows to a sound condition is our specialty CL KUS ABT GLASS CO Call or Write WEILBACHER'S 464 South Fourth Street Columbus, Ohio Open Monday* 8:30 A. M. to 9 P. M. Tuesday thru baturday 8:30 A. 5:30 FREE PARKING IN REAR Free Delivery of Medical Need* OSBORNES' PHARMACY 1205 Grandview Ave. KI 0114 Ki 4662 I'n-Vtllage's most complete food, market TARPY'S oni APEX MARKET “WE DELIVER" 2140 Tremont Center KI 4937 KI 8424 tor Estimate W. Morrill Ave., Columbus 7, Ohio 28 Phone GArfield 4377 AD. 5761 TRI-VILLAGE Bod* Rebuilding General pair Boulevard Service & Sales 1407 Grandview Ave KI. 1400 KI. 8333 24 Hour Heavy Duty Wrecker Service & Drinking Is Seen As Chief Cause Of Marital Woes ST. LOUIS (NC) A study of some 7,000 marriage cases in a midwest diocese has convinced Fa ther John Thomas. S.J., that some common ideas about reasons for marriage breakdown need re vision. Father Thomas is assistant di rector of the Jesuit Fathers’ Insti tute of Social Order here and his findings appear in an article in the December issue of Social Order, the institute's magazine. Top contributing causes of trou ble in the marriages studied are ranked by Father Thomas as fol lows: drinking, 29.8%: adultery. 24.8' irresponsibility. 12.4% temperaments, 12.1% in-laws, 7.2% sex. 5.4% mental. 3% re ligion. 2.9% money, 8%. and un classified. 1.7% Father Thomas points out that incompatibility is 'not a major cause of family breakups. He com ments that two persons cannot be expected to be “compatible by na ture” and expresses belief that “clash of temperaments” would be a more fitting term than “incom patibility.” Drinking and adultery are in volved in 55% of the cases, Father Thomas points out. These causes coupled with irresponsibility and temperaments, he sible for 80% of the 7.000 cases. says,-are respon thc breakups in the cases involv In his study of ing adultery as the cause. Father Thomas says he found the husband to be the transgressor in four out of five cases. -----------------o---------------- Novena Slated \l Carmel The annual pre-Christmas no vena in honor of the Infant Jesus will begin Tuesday in the chapel of the Discalced Carmelite Nuns, 2065 Barton PL. Columbus, Devo tions will be held daily at 4 p. and will end Christmas Eve. Rev. Mother Prioress has Bounced. Provide Refreshments At PT A Meeting Entertainment and refreshment* will be provided by the men of the parish Corpus Christi parish, Columbus, holds its Christmas meeting tonight, Friday, beginning at 7:30 p. m. in the social hall. The Rev. Francis Schweitzer, assistant pastor, will discuss "Religion in Our Schools— a Vital Asset." The school band, under the direction of Leo Hall, will present a Christmas program of music and a community sing will follow. Serving on the refreshment committee (above) are, left io right: Edwin Adolph, Leo Voit, Lee Dunbar, Richard Deibel, Jack Gray, James Wiltshire, Harry French and Robert Turner. The alumnae oi St. Mary of the Springs Academy. Columbus, have scheduled their annual Christmas party for 3 p.m. Sunday (Dec. 14) in the social hall. Mary Lou Brown is chairman. Assisting her will be: Sharon Moloney. Marian Nie man, Barbara Schaefer. Alice Wahlenmaier and Mary Lee Wag enbrenner. Hostesses will be Thomas Brosmer. Mrs. John fy. Barbara Chase, Mrs. John son. Mrs. Robert Leister, Mrs. vin Roland. Mrs. John Straub, bara Sugar, Mrs. Richard White. Mrs. Jerry Winkle and Mrs. Nor man Zoog. m„ the an- -----------------o----------------- Let a Times Classified dispose of those no-longer-needed-items. ON AUTO INSURANCE Carefitl drivers get protection at “select risk’’ rates. A Io Z eover age. nonassessable. Fair, friendly claim service in 48 states and Can ada. Call BILL RAUSCH (Member of Holy Rosary Parish) FA. 4560 MA 4431 1780 Mooberry St. Columbu* FARM BUREAU MUTUAL Auromobile Insurance Co. HOMf Of fICt: COLUMBUS, OHIO BUYERS GUIDE "Servicing the In-Village Area' Patrick Ruddy & Son Plumbing Service Quality Plumbing Fixture* 1834 W let KI 1218 Ki 1613 Arlington’s Friendly Pharmacy KEMPER'S PHARMACY 2064 Arlington Ave. KL 2644 ARLINGTON and TRI-VILLAGE Radio Equipped Our New Phone CABS MA 6895 Serving Arlington and Grandview Calle to and from Columbu. KINGSWOOD LUMBER & SUPPLY CO 1 LOO Grandview Ave. “Everything for Home Remodeling KI. 1113 Dealer for Sherwin Williams Paints KI. 1113 E _£AJ 0 LIC TIM E S I D_A Y. DECEMBER 12 1952 __________ ... ,r- when the PTA of Of Interest To •By Our Correspondents Mrs. Duf Hut- Mer Bar- Mrs. Fergus Theibert is in charge of reservations. Each mem ber is requested »o bring a toy for the orphans. Next meeting of the Altar and Rosary Society of Immaculate Conception parish, Columbus, has been changed to next Wed nesday, Dec. 17, at 8 p.m., in the school hall. Ladies are asked to bring canned goods and toys to be given to the Sisters of the Sick Poor for distribution. Mrs. T. J. Flood, chairman of international relations of the So ciety, will introduce two fore going exchange students from Ohio State university. Mrs. R. M. Pulskamp, in charge of the eve ning’s social program, has asked the following ladies to assist her: Miss Helen Fariscbon, Mrs. J. D. Seelig, Mrs. A. E. Luckhaupt, Mrs. John Waidner. Mrs. Edward Alten. Mrs. C. R. Applegate, Mrs. L. Bidwell, Mrs. John Bachman, Mrs. Gilbert Bailey. Mrs. W. A. Brungs. Mrs. Fred Calvert. Mrs. Sam Compton, Mrs. Leslie Cox, Mrs. Paul Davis, Mrs. W. M. Dittoe. Mrs. John Donley. Mrs. E. C. Dunnick. Mrs. D. D. Dunham, Mrs. S. A. Durbin. Mrs. John Dugan, Mrs J. P. Duffy, Mrs. Ralph Eal. Mrs. William Eal, Mrs. Wilfred Eberhart, Mrs. Charles Egelhoff. Mrs. Jerry Enright, Mrs. R. H. Fathbruck ner, Mrs. Paul Fisher, Mrs. Hel en Forriter, Mrs. W. L. Furney. Mrs. Loretta Fletcher, Mrs. M. H. Galbraith, dorf, Mrs. F. T. Gunyille, Mrs. Arthur Higgins. Mrs. E. V. Hindes, Mrs. Chas. Hurrell, Mary C. Hamill, Mrs. Karl Irwin. Mrs. Laurence Irwin. Mrs. Howard Kenny. Mrs. D. E. King, Mrs. A H. Klee, Mrs. Leo Kletzly, Mrs. Anna Klinger, Mrs. Frank Kronenberger. Mrs. Edw. Langford. Mrs. W. T. Lew is. Mrs. E. Lind. Mrs. William Gils B. Gould, Mrs. W. Mrs. Milton Hays, Heasley, Mrs. Jas. Mrs. J. J. Mahoney. Mrs. R. A. Mahoney, Mrs. John Mora, Mrs. Savino Mara, Mrs. Robert Mc Cauley, Mrs. Robert McFadden, Mrs. Mary McGinty. Mrs. J. P. McMillen. Mrs. Ralph Metzger. Mrs. Howard Meyer. Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. M. L. Mullay, Mar garet McDonnell, Mrs. H. N. Nillssen, Mrs John Navin. Mrs. John O’Neil. Mrs. Nora O'Leary, Mrs. J. J. Quinn, Mrs. S. E. Ryan. Mrs. Ernest Stord and Mrs. Mar garet Welsh The Altar Society of St. James the Less church. Columbus, will meet Wednesday. Dec. 17. at 8 p. m. in the School Hall. Members are requested to bring a 50c Christmas gift for distribution to the old folks homes. Refreshments and en tertainment are being planned by Guild I. Officers installed at the Novem ber meeting include Mrs. Mary De Ville, president: Mrs. Laurine Mc Nally. vice-president Mrs. Mildred Zeller, treasurer, and Mrs. Eileen Eyerman, secretary. Committee chairmen are Mrs. St. Mary PCCW Officers New officer* of the Parish Council of St. Mary Church, Chilli cothe, are, left to right, sitting: Mr* Joseph C. Shilder, vice-presi dent Mr*. Donald Robbins, secretary and Mrs. Charles H. McCarthy, chairman of the library committee. Standing are Mr*. William New ton, president Rev. Raphael D. Rodgers, pastor and Mr*. William Galvin, who was guest speaker at the last meeting of the group. Fish Dinner ST. VINCENTS ORPHANAGE Friday, Dec. 19 (Prepared By Kit Carson) 5:30 To 8 P. Kelton and Main #1.25-Per Person-81.25 Children 81.00 French Catholics Gel Afternoon Mass Privilege PARIS—Pope Pius XII has au thorized the celebration of after noon Mass in France on certain days for an experimental period of one year. The privilege was given in re to a request from Catholic workers through the Assembly of French Cardinals and Archbishops Many workers who labor on morning shifts and others who live great distances from their jobs have been unable to attend Mass and the Sacraments over a long pe. riod They will now be able to go to Mass in the afternoons of every first Friday of the month, feast days and days of public prayer. Although valid for one year. Church sources said the authori zation would be renewed if the clergy i equested it. Women Ellen McGovern. Religious Activi ties Mrs Kathryn Glaser Catho lie Charities Mrs. John Melvin, International Relations Mrs. Ches ter Croce. P.T.A. Mrs. Emily Hen nessey, Public Relations. Mrs. Thomas McBride. Sick and Vigil Mrs Frank Cua. Clothing, and Mrs. Betty Bruce. Membership. DENNISON Next Commun ion Sunday for Altar Society and Parish Council of Immaculate Conception church, Dennison, will be Dec. 21. A Holy Hour will be held from 3-4 p.m. the same day. Next business meeting of the groups will be Tuesday. Jan. 6. with Mrs. Jerry Burdette serv ing as chairman of the lunch committee. The ladies have also been invited to attend a Jan. 27 meeting of the Altar Society of St. Therese church, Wainwright. Those wishing to attend should ’phone Mrs. Carme Galbraith. At the last meeting of the group. Mrs. Frank De Guiliano and Mrs. Charles Hayes uere named chairmen of a commit tee making Christmas baskets for the needy Awards were won by Mrs. Rose Tomasina and Mrs. Martha Civello. The Rev. Hugh Gilbert, pastor, presided al the meeting. The Parish Council of St. Mary's church. Columbus, has scheduled a clothing drive for the Popes. Storeroom for this Sunday. Dec. 14. Containers will be placed in the rear of the church for contri butions. Clothing of all descriptions for children of all ages will be accept ed. Cash donations will also be ap preciated. JOHNSTOWN A Parish Christmas Party lor the mem bers of the Church of the Ascen sion, Johnstown. 0.. will be giv en in the church basement Sun day evening. Dec. 21. A pot luck dinner will be served and gifts will be distributed to all chil dren 12 years of age and young er. St. Mary s Altar Society (Grove port! will hold its regular meeting Tuesday. Dec. 16. the Parish Hall at 8 p. m. Following the business meeting there will be the annual Christmas party and gift exchange. Mrs. Ed Dyer. Mrs. James Fagan. Mrs. Jo seph Fenner. Mrs. Frank Fenster maker. Mrs. Louis Haines and Mrs. Emil Heunch will be in charge of the program. A Christmas gift exchange and party will follow the regular monthly meeting of the Altar Society and Diocesan Council of Catholic Women of St. Thomas the Apostle parish. Columbus, on Wednesday. Dec. 17. Officers of both groups will be hostesses. New officers of the Altar Society of Holy Rosary parish. Columbus, are: Mrs. James Uhl. president Mrs. Martha Greenawald, vice-pres ident and Mrs. Stephen B. Lance man, secretary-treas u e Mrs. Langeman was re-elected. NEW LEXINGTON-r-The first quarterly Executive Board meet ing of the Eastern Deanery, Council of Catholic Women will be held Monday, Dec. 15, at 7 p.m. at the home of the presi dent, Mrs. C. L. Chute. 118 S. Jackson St.. New Lexington. A few mintues will be afford ed each Deanery chairman for discussing plans and activities of their respective committees. The December meeting of St. Christopher s Parish Council of Ca tholic Women will be held on Tues day, December 16. immediately following the Novena services After the business session Mrs. Edward Huffman, program chair man, will introduce the girls of the eighth grade who will present a program of Christmas carols and poems prepared under the super vision of the school principal, Sis ter Rose Carmellita. In keeping with the holiday spir it of helping others, small gifts will be brought by the members for distribution to women at the Co lumbus State School Mrs. Joseph Gaupdieri. chairman of Catholic Charities, will direct this project assisted by her co-chairmen, Mrs. Robert Kendall and Mrs. Elmer Bene. Refreshments will be served by Mrs Charles Basham and her com mittee and a social period will con. elude the evening's entertainment. ||, Of Interest To Women DOVER—Invitations to their an nual Christmas party have been mailed by the officers of St. Jo sephs Council of Catholic Women. Scheduled for Dec 18, entertain ment will be provided by St. An thony, Blessed Martin, Loyola and Regina Study Clubs. £roup singing of Christmas Car ols will be led by the Mana Goretti Study Club. Members of the committee are: Miss Jean Fondriest, Mrs. George Spiker. Mrs. Richard Dunham. Mrs. Martin Rini, Mrs. Casper Contmi and Mrs, Philip Czerpak. warm-toned Daystrom Sunnywood si S1TA50 I No Waiting Three Berber* Grandview Barber Shop KI ISM lee Ridelfe Bay Ulley (327 W ktb Bidetfe BLUE VALLEY BUTTER IS GOOD BUTTER That's Why Millions Use It For compact living, gate-leg set in san SOUTH HIGH AT RICH MAin 1991 Stort Hour*, Monday 12:30 to 9 P. M.—Other Day* 9:30 to 5:30 P. M. Free Parking at Raar of Store Daystrom’s ebony Coloramic A' FT on.ooJ I jy tatf? and four chaws Sun-golden, natural-groin wood is styled with contemporary grace. Two dine cozily, or whisk up the leaves for six. Daystrom'* easy-core features, of course: Daystromite wood-grained Wonder Top, in choice of four colors, resists heat, hard knocks and stain*. Sunlight-styled lattice-back choirs upholstered in chot^B of *hrefl wipe-clean fabric*, 11 decorator-biended colors. “at home" wherever you dine table, four chairs (also in chrome) Airy, open grace of this creation by Karl Kipp gives feeling of spaciousness. Styled for versatility, this multi-purpose dining furniture opens a whole new field of room settings in the living, dining and play areas of your home. Daystromite Wonder Top In wood-grained chartreuse, yellow, limed oak, gray. Foam rubber cushions covered in choice of textured, eosy-to-clean patterns and decorator colors. •'9,Exclu»*ve Daystrom process magnetically bonds color to steel. Rich finish is durable, like the steel itself I FURNITURE COMPANY SOUTH HIGH AT RICH MAin 1991 Store Hour*, Monday 12:30 to 9 P.M. Other Dey* 9:30 te 5:30 P.M. Free Parking at Rear of Store.