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6 See the Hanna Dealer in Your Commu nity Swiss Missionary Expelled By Chinese Communists HONG KONG —NO- Another foreign missionary has been expir ed by the Chinese communists. He is Father Adolph Lenz, a Swiss priest of the Bethlehem Foreign Mission Society. The 45-year-old priest had been In his mission of K’oshan Man churia for 19 years. Up to the time of his expulsion had had very little trouble with the communists. The order of expulsion seems to have come from above, possibly the provincial authorities. Ten days before leaving he was called in daily for questioning by the local court Finally he was told that he was being expelled for mistreat T. M. SHEEDY PAVING CONTRACTOR Asphalt and Concrete Spraying Driveways 428 Nail.ton St. AD 4882 THB ■ANNA PAINT MFG. OMPANY 95 W. long Street itthkugn or TH»5 CIANT PATNTM ing people and for “manufacturing rumors.” Three Red guards accom panied him all the way to Tientsin. The attack on Tsitsihar mission started five years ago with the ar rest and imprisonment of the Bish op his priests, some religious and lay people. Recently the various missionaries have been expelled as their prison terms came to an end. There are four Swiss Fathers left in Tsitsihar and one Dutch Father in prison. There are six more Bethlehem Mission Society Fathers in Harbin. -------------------o.....—--------- Polish Communists Arrest 5 Priests LONDON (RNS) The Chan cellor of the Roman Catholic Arch diocese of Cracow and four priests of his staff have been arrested as part of an “espionage organization working for a foreign country,” the Warsaw Radio announced. The Polish Communist station identified the Chancellor as the Rev. Boleslaw Przydyszewski. It said the organization, led by the priests, had been liquidated. But it added that an investigation was continuing. Warsaw Radio said $36,000 in American money, five kilograms of gold coins and “much foreign currency" was found in the cellars of the archbishop's palace. (The Archdiocese of Cracow has no archbishop at present. It is un der the jurisdiction of Cardinal elect Stefan Wyszynski, Primate of Poland. Adam Cardinal Sapieha was Archbishop of Cracow until his death in July. 1951. No succes sor has as yet been appointed by the Vatican.) Those arrested “took advantage of their Church offices in their anti-Polish activities," the radio station said. The four priests arrested with the Chancellor were named as Fa thers Wit Brzycki, Jan Pochopien, Josef Lelito and Jan Szymanek. HOLY ROSARY PARISH MIESSE Prescription Pharmacy W» rnn*l«t«ntlr «t«wk lh« l«t»1 drui. 1414 E. Main rr. YOU CAN HAVE The Experience—Dependability—Integrity of General Maintenance & Engineering Co. 1231 McKinley Avenue, Columbus I, Ohio To Recommend How to Improve Appearance and Reduce Maintenance Expense Schools Churches Parish Houses. Etc. Phone RA. 8456 Collect or Write Us For Free Inspection Suggestions Estimates No Obligation Since 1890 First Mortgage Loans Insured Savings Safe Deposit Boxes CRANKLIN FEDERAL OmMIMM BAVIN OS and loan association Walter C. Kropp, Pres Waller Zuber Vice Pres. MACHINERY Woodworking Metal Working Sheet Metal Working Contractors’ Homecraft Machinery Equipment Full line of Motors. Osborne & Sexton Machinery Co. N. Fourth A Russell Sts. MA. S203 COLUMBUS U OHIO Delaware S: Service A Repairs tor All Makes of Cars U. S. Royal Tiros Hill Austin Buick Delaware Ohio Flowers by Gibson Delaware Milk Co. 27 N. Union Phone 311 CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 2'/2% The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage to the different lines of business Robineon-Ilanrahan Funeral Directors 1 Phone* 2348- 2187 Delaware Cor. Winter A Franklin, Delaware The Peoples Store. Delaware L. Jk Jk4kA.Ak Jkdkdk AA 4 PERPETUAL NOVENA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Every Tuesday 7:30 p.m. St. Christopher’s Church Grandview A Ida Acting as Bishop of a mission territory of 22,000 square miles— most of it dense jungle—among 20,000 white people and Indians— many of whom are headhunters—is not easy work. That’s the opinion of Bishop Can dido Rada of Pinara, Ecuador, a member of the order of the Sales ians of Don Bosco, who was a Co lumbus visitor last week. Bishop Rada, who is in the Unit ed States to collect funds for his mission, was accompanied by a strange partner—a human head shrunken to the size of a baseball. Only th* Males The head was the product of savage headhunters from the un civilized portions of his mission areas. “The Jibaros (headhunters),” the Bishop explained, “always cut off the heads of their enemies, but only the males.” “They then clean the' skin and cut it away from the skull. The lips are then sewed together and the head is boiled for five hours in a solution of water and juices from herbs. “At the same time round stones are boiled and, while very hot, are applied to the skin of the head. It shrinks to about one-sixth of its former size.” However, the Bishop was quick to point out that the headhunting practice is not carried on by the more civilized Indians in the mis sions themselves. 58 Years of Work The area of which Bishop Rada is spiritual head encompasses about 20,000 square miles along the watershed of the Amazon River Gifts Of US GI s Help Build Kor’n Orphanage PUSAN. KOREA “Dona tions from American military personnel financed the construc tion of a new orphanage here," reports Father Joseph W. Con nors, Maryknoll Missioner from Pittsfield. Mass. "Bishop John (’hoi of Taiku recently blessed the two story concrete building and dedicated it to St. Teresa. Delegates from the U.N. Relief Group, the Korean government, and the U.S. Army attended the ceremony. Christmas is not an historical event like the Battle of the Marne something that hap pened once and will not happen again. Christ mas is s o in e thing that must hap pen over 9V and over again N if the world is to have peace. In Bethlehem, mp. k God became T, flesh (,(! ask Mbit aF ed Mail thin I the .1 II I I give Him a hu man nature with which He could pray, teach, suffer and redeem the world. That union of God and man was the first Bethle hem. In the continuing Bethle hem, the angels of grace ask each of us if we, like another Mary, will give to Our Lord our own human nature, so that He may so possess it as the truth of our minds, the love of our hearts, the fire of our bodies. Not of course that we would he united to Jesus as closely as the human nature He took from Mary, but that we would never theless he made partakers of His Divine nature through grace and be in the truest sense of the word “Other Christ’s”. It can readily he seen that it does not profit the world to have Christ born in Bethlehem unless He is also born in our hearts. The Son of God became Man that we might be adopted sons of God. If the redemption of our twen tieth century war-wrecked world is to be wrought out. that Spirit which dwelt in Jesus, that com plete merging of His human will with the will of His Father, that passionate love tor all men and all peoples must become our common inheritance and our in most possession. Gracious indeed it is on this anniversary of the birth of our Saviour to be kind to our friends by giving them gifts, but there is no real Christmas until we bring gifts to Babe Himself —the gift of ourselves expressed In sacrifice. He does not want what we HAVE He wants what we ARE. Rut He cannot live in us unless we empty ourselves of our selfishness and egotism. Oth erwise we are like the inn at Bethlehem—so full of the world -....... ....... -------------the ■F W^NFNFNFNF'W'NFNF’UT NS THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1952 Converting Headhunters Not Easy, Says Bishop bounding with Peru. His order, the Salesians, has been working among the 20,000 Indians and Ecuadorans there for some 58 years. “We now have come 30 priests, nine brothers and 35 sisters labor ing there." the Bishop said. “We have set up 31 schools for hoys and girls, which now have an attend ance of about 2100 pupils.” “Five hundred twenty of them are boarding students, whom we bring to live in the mission villages to isolate them from pagan influ ences. We must pay their parents a substantial amount for that priv ilege.” Bishop Rada, who is a native of Chile but has spent most of his life in Ecuador, said one of the biggest obstacles in his mission area is its enormous size. Long Journey “We must ride four days on horseback to get from the last town in Ecuador to our first mission village.” the Bishop said. "This includes crossing the Andes and a great plain.” Besides other difficulties, mis sion work in Ecuador includes the natural dangers of the jungle wild animals, snakes and so on. One of the most frightening of God Love You For Real Christmas, Christ Must Be Born .... ........ by Bibhop Fi In Our Hearts lion J. Sheen--------------- there is no room for Him. On this Christmas He can enter only the empty places like the aban doned stables. Would you empty yourself of a substantial sacrifice to the poor missions of the world in order to bring to them the love of Je sus and Mary? We want you to have a Merry Christmas, but we also know’ that we cannot be merry so long as we are like an inn. Give your egotism a glori ous self-defeat by a sacrifice. Cut out this paragraph, clip your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most Reverend Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 109 East 38th Street. New York 16, New' York, or your Diocesan Director, the Rev. James Kulp. 248 E. Town street, Columbus, Ohio. These people will have a mer ry Christmas. GOD LOVE YOU to B.O. who sold coffee and rolls to her fellow workers and sent their money $(10) to the Mis sions GOD LOVE YOU to E.A.W. who sent $28.17 to the Missions in thanksgiving to God for His blessings and in repara tion for his sins GOD LOVE YOU to M.A.P., 10, whose muf fins at the County Fair won a blue ribbon and an award of $2 which she has sent to the Mis sions GOD LOVE YOU to R.A.C. "We arc in the bakery business and the doughnuts were very low in production so 1 promised that we would give one cent for every dozen we would make. Since we made 1.355 doz ens enclosed is a check for $13.55" GOD LOVE YOU to M.M.F. "This check ($6.00) represents 5c a day set aside in the name of my husband as a birthday gift” GOD LOVE YOU to Mr. and Mrs. C.Z. for $10 which they^acrificed by buy ing lower priced shoes. PAY OLUMBU GAY MONEY TO LEND TO WORTHY HOME SEEKERS Jan daal with an aid financial In ■tttutlon with aver 47 yeara af hnme fin ancing acpcriaKca. Let u« eaglet you with a lew-coat lean at -arrent rates. Z AD. 5810 AD. 6342 K. B. Wild. Pre*. O. M. Teangman. Sec*y. Bishop Candido Rada of Pinara, Ecuador (right above) shows a strange-looking object to th* R*v. James Kulp, Diocesan Director of th* Society for th* Propagation of th* Faith. It's a shrunken human head, the work of savage headhunters of Bishop Rada's Amazon Rivkr Mission in Ecuador. these is a 6 in. long fish which the natives call Pirana. the Bish op commented. It will not attack men or animals until it sees blood, then it is a maddened killer. "I once, saw a crocodile wounded by a bullet,” Bishop Rada said. “Within three minutes a school of Pirana had left nothing but its bones. The water actually seemed to be boiling from the rapid snap ping of their jaws.” Bishop Rada’s order, the Sales ians, was founded by Don Bosco of Turin, Italy, some 70 years ago. It now has 17,000 members, most of whom are engaged in education and mission work in South Amer ica. “Before the war.” Bishop Rada Ex-Ambassador’s Book Used In Attack On Bishops LONDON The Polish Com munist press and radio are using a new book written by Stanton Griffis, former U.S. ambassador to Poland, as the basis for sharp at tacks on the Roman Catholic hierarchy. Communist organs quoted Mr. Griffis as saying in the book, Ly ing In State,” that while in War saw he often acted as intermediary to convey messages from high Church officials to the Vatican. The Communist organs charged that the Polish bishops were il legally communicating with foreign powers, thus violating the princi ples of the 1950 Church-State agreement. Trybuna Ludu. official organ of the Polish Politburo and the gov ernment. declared that “we shall not tolerate this state of affairs." (In New York, Doubleday & Co., publisher of the book, said it con tained a passage in which Mr. Grif fis said he “occasionally acted as secret messenger and mailman for letters to the Holy See from the high Catholic dignitaries fighting for their very lives in Poland.” (A Doubleday spokesman added that in “Lying in State.” Mr. Grif fis repeated a judgment he form ed while in Poland. Mr. Griffis said that “whether you are Catho lie, Protestant, Jewish or of any other faith, you must realize that the great hope for a democratic Poland lies in maintaining the strength and power of the Catholic Church in Poland.”) said, “we received much help from Europeans. Now we must turn to the United States. Because we have been working among the Jibaros for such a relatively short period of time, it will probably be three or four more generations before we gain many native vocations. “We need your spiritual and financial help.” -----------------o----------------- British Catholics Report Big Gains LONDON (RNS) Roman Ca tholic Church membership in Eng land and Wales increased 40,700 during the past year to bring the total to 2,878,400, according to es timates in the Catholic Directory for 1953. There are now 2.895 Catholic churches, 28 more than a year ago. Private chapels increased by eight to reach a total oi 918. Some 206 new schools were opened during the year. The 2,125 Catholic schools now serve 536.288 pupils. Adult conversions for the year totaled 11.360, a gain of 350 over last year's figure. Baptisms, mar riages. secular priests, priests in religious orders and seminary stu dents all showed increases over previous figures. -----------------o----------------- Duquesne Plans Expansion PITTSBURGH (NC) A $13, 000,000 development program for Duquesne University was announc ed at its diamond jubilee home coming celebration here in Syria Mosque. Father Vernon F. Galla gher. S.Sp president said the university will build seven new campus buildings. Hammond THE HERMAN FALTER PACKING CO PORK AND BEEF PRODUCTS Greenlawn Avenue COLLMBLS, OHIO A Complete Line of Religious Articles The Catholic Church Goods M. I. QUINN J. J. QUINN 182 K. STATE STREET AnAM$ 4716 COLUMBUS, OHIO For Used Cars or Trucks contact BERNARD O'DOWD, 1352 W 5th KI 6882 JOE TOEPFNER, INC. Central Ohio largest Studebaker Dealer For a New Studebaker contact DAN CONROY, GA 2970 UN 4157 Complete line of Studebaker Trucks Says Catholics Were Robbed Of School Aid MELBOURNE, Australia—(NC) —Australian Catholics “have been robbed of millions” by the with holding of state aid to the schools, but they w ill not ask “a penny res titution” if governments tteat them with justice in the future. Archbishop Daniel Mannix of Melbourne made this statement in an address here in which he also expressed the hope that relief would come in his own time. The Archbishop who is 88 years old. referred to the fact that “The Australian Labor Party for the first time in its existence has committed itself, on paper at all events, to do justice to private schools, Catholic and non-Catholic.” “It is about time it was done,” he added. “I hope that the other party which shares responsibility with the Labor Party, will be of the same mind.” The Archbishop was critical of the “very small measure of relief in the matter of education,” pro posed by the federal government. However he said, “something has been done, and a principle has been acknowledged.” Referring to “the dreadful injustice that Ca tholics have suffered for three quarters of a century,” the Arch bishop added: “If the Sisters, and Brothers teaching in Catholic schools were to go on strike tomorrow and re frained from teaching, what would result? If our children sought ad mittance to the state schools, cha os would result as there is insuf ficient accommodation and too few teachers in the State schools even for state school children. The State Parliament would perhaps then realize the position as it had never realized it before." -----------------o---------------- READ THE TIMES WANT ADS. STILL TIME! You still have tune to request our beautiful Gift Card, telling a friend or loved one that you are hav ing Mass offered by a Near East missionary at Christmas or that you have given a sacred article to a poor chapel in their own names. With the three color card, we send one bearing pressed flowers from the Crib of Our Lord at Bethlehem. Write in now. “7------------ New Sees Made In South India MADRAS, India (NC) The creation by the Holy See of two new Dioceses in South India hag been announced here. One to be known as the Diocese Tanjore, will consist of territory detaches from the present Diocese of St. Thomas of Mylapore. The other, the Diocese of of Vellore, will consist of territory detached from the Archdiocese of Madres. The remainder of the diocese of Mylapore and the Archdiocese of Madres will form a single ecclesias. tical territory to be known as the Archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore. -----------------o Redemptorist Fathers Celebrate Jubilee NEW YORK (NC) Gold en Jubilee of the Redemptorist missions in Puerto Rico is being celebrated this week. Announcement of observances was made here by tlfe New York Province of the Redemptorist Fa thers which has given two Bishops, two hundred priests and as many Lay Brothers to the missions in Puerto Rico during the past 50 years. rnrr Delivery and Mailinc FKEC Beautiful Gift Wrapping For A Beautiful SELECTION OF GIFTS and COURTEOUS SERVICE Helaa Brehm, Owner GIFT SHOP 1271 ttrendvlew Ave. KI. 4973 Cuttemer Parklnf In Rear Mattrems Made Into Innersprings CALL Mattresses Made to Order & Rebuilt Feather Renovating & Upholstering. OHIO RIDDIN6CO TRENOR MOTOR SALES Dodge Plymouth Used Cars Trucks 3241 N. High Street, Columbus, LA. 1115 The Solemn Midnight Mass will be offered at the Crib in Bethlehem by the Archbishop of Jerusalem for ail our benefactors, as will tea others Masses by grateful Near East missionaries. GEORGE YOURS? Can you adopt George, a seminarian in his first year at the Syrian Seminary of Charfe in Lebanon? It will cost $100 yearly for each of the six years of his training. You may give this in any installments. What a proud boast will be yours—to have made ma terially possible the march to the altar of this poor but good young man. You can make no greater Christmas gift. December 13 is the feast of St. Lucy, patroness of all with eys trouble. Why not make a gift in her honor to the orphanage of the Sisters of Charity in Jerusalem, where we have so many blind children. ETERNAL LIGHT Hour after hour the Sanctuary Lamp bums be fore Our Eucharistic King in humble Near East chapels. One costs $15. It can be given as a me morial of your loved ones. It will protest your love always for the Blessed Sacrament It will be the gold of your love, like the gift of one of the Three Kings. We need so many sacred articles for these chapels. Why not write for “HOW CAN 1 HELP?" From the poor of Jerusalem come urgent pleas foe help at Christmas. Then there are hundreds of thousands of refugees, homeless on their fifth Christmas! Toor etringleae gift will bind them by tie* of love. WHITE CHRISTMAS! Christmas will be white for our poor outcast lep ers. But it will not be pretty white. Please do add a mile to our DAMIEN LEPER FUND for the many lepers we have at Green Gardens, Shertallay, India. There the Assisian Sisters of Mary Immaculate and Father Joseph Thomas, the chaplain, hope to make these afflicted ones happy on the Lord’s Birthday. We have not room for all of them. Hundreds of NEEDIEST CASES at Christmas and Just not enourk funds to help them all—hundreds of orphans, poor, bomeiem! Pteaaa think of them. MARY AND GABRIEL Two weeks more and we shall celebrate again the greatest day in human history, when the Good News of the Angel Gabriel to Our Lady eame true —’That which shall be born of Thee will be our Emmanuel, God with us!" We have a Sister Mary Gabriel, a novice with the Sisters of the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Can you adopt her, giving $300 over two years? Make your last will (»ods will by remembering Christ’s poor and the Near East missions. You will be paid compound interest in heaven. FATHER LEON'S CHILDREN On Christinas morning Father Leon will be giv ing Holy Communion to his orphan lota. First h* will tell them to remember their Near East friends in the moments that the Lord Jesus rests tai the manger of their innocent hearts To think that only $10 will support an orphan child at Father Leon’S orphanage In Kena. Egypt. Even a dollar monthly for ORPHANS BREAD does wonders. fi/Uear £ast (Dtsstonsjafi