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8 Flaesf la CANDIES ead PASTRIES Family Style Restaurant 201 S. High AD. 5047 Open Every Daj Till MUdnito FROMM and SICHEL •«c Sole Ditlnbufort LUS«.Ji,' New York, N Y Chwofo, M. Son Francisco, Col. Courteous Service ADams 5747 HARRIS, OPTICIANS 106 East Broad St. COLUMBUS, OHIO J' BE SAFE WITH HEADQUARTERS FOR PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS Basketball Uniforms, Converse Shoes Guns. Shells, Hunting Clothes BECK AND ALBANESE AD. 2887 SPORTING GOODS Sth and LONG TWO DISTINCTIVE BEERS XX PALE & NOCH EINS Washington Brewary UN. 1161 OAK RIDGE SANATORIUM GREEN SPRINGS, OHIO, for Diagnosis—TUBERCUL0S1S—Treatment REASONABLE RATES—GRADUATE NURSES THE REV. FATHER LEO I. DONAHOE IN ATTENDANCE PAI M. HOLMES. M.D., Medial Director JOHN J. GEDERT. MD Resident Phvucian: ALEX O. JOHNSON. Pre*, and Gan’l Mar Full Information on Request A I N U S “The Beer Your Daddy Drank” August Wagner Breweries, Inc. MA. 4411 Columbus, Ohio MA 4411 Finneran ||, Oak & 6th Sts. Sinclair Gasoline. also (fop rust and cartesian in your & Fischer Beef .. Pork Veal .. Sausages J. FRED SCHMIDT PACKING CO. SINCE use ROOFING. SIDING and GUTTERS We will give you honest service on any of the above work, either NEW or REPAIR. The cost will surprise you—EASY TERMS! GOFF & SONS EV. 7478 DAY OR EVE. EV. 7478 HILLS CAB MAin 13-13 Safe Courteous Service No Charge for Extra Passengers O. HILLS. MGR ADams 0208 ,|| In The Catholic Times Game Of The Week! Forward Gene Nangle (21) of Rosecrans and two teammates, Tom Bramlish (left) and Hank Weigelt (right), watch helplessly as Center Jack Baumann (12) drops in a first quarter bunny shot for St. Charles in last week's Times' "Spotlight Game." Rosecrans won, 58-47. IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE THE TIMES ADVERTISERS. LOOSE LEA! DEVICES OFFICE SUPPLIES FILING EQUIPMENT FAVORS AND NOVELTIES NITSCHKE BROS. STATIONERS PRINTERS 37 East Gay Street COLUMBUS. OHIO 23 Gain Varsity Monagranis Al Rosary Banquet Twenty-three players, including eight senior s, eight juniors, five soph o o e s. and two freshmen, were awarded var sity letters at the annual football banquet of Rosary high school, Co lumbus. held Tuesday at the school Main speaker was the Rev. Vin cent Mooney, diocesan director of the Catholic \outh Organization Receiving letters were: Varsity SENIORS Luke .1 Noll Stolz. Seifert, Walker, Blaise, Kuskowski, Eishbaugh JUNIORS: Trant, Me Gonagie, Wilhelm. C. Noll, Dur bin. Gibson, Snyder. Kennedy SOPHOMORES Connor. Eshelman, Dunbar Cardwell, Brown. FRESH MEN, Laufersweiler. Molhca. Reserves JUNIORS: Venitti, Rohletter. Spires, Hughes. Lalley. SOPHOMORES: Snoddy Whit ten mire, Franz, Martin. Christ. FRESHMEN: Hughes, Sphar. Golden, Boley Wilhelm, Gang loff, Kasson. RUC Sizing that makes rugs as they were when new BINDING REPAIRING LAYING SERGING SEWING GUARANTEED MOTHPROOFING RAINS 506 Cline St. GA 8395 COLUMBUS, OHIO THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1952 Rosecrans Ruins Cardinals’ Opener Aided by 26 points from the foul line, the Bishops of Zanesville Rosecrans chalked up their second win in three games last Friday night by edging Columbus St. Charles 58-47. Zanesville, bouncing back from the 80-54 defeat handed them by Glenford, was paced by forward Gene Nangle who counted 19 points. This runs his three game total to 69. Center Curtis Sousley, who had scored only four points so far this season, hit nine of 13 charity tosses and added two field This is the first in a series of "Spotlight Games" to be cover ed this season by the Times' sports staff. Each week the Times will cover what it believes to be the most important Cath olic High School game in the diocese. Watch for your team. goals for 13 points. Sharp shoot ing Hank Weigelt finished with 17, including eight of 12 foul shots. The Carolians, looking at times as though they were still on the football field, committeed 46 per sonal fouls during the loosely play ed game. It was their first start of the year and the first time in several seasons they had dropped their opening assignment. Dan Rankin and Orlando Iacoboni pac ed the prepsters’ attack with nine points each. In the reserve contest, coach Bun Caskin's little Bishops remain ed unbeaten and handed the St. Charles seconds their first loss in two years, as They pulled out a 26-24 win. Superior over-all height enabled Rosecrans to get plenty of rebounds in the "game of the week." Here, Tom Bramlish grabs a loose ball out of the grasp of Cardinal Dan Rankin. Looking on are Gor don Sousley (14) and Gene Nangle (21) of Rosecrans and Mike Grannan (7) of St. Charles. This Week’s Games Friday, Dec. 12 oiumhus Aradrmy at Columbia St. Charlo* nlumhu* West al nlumhu* Aquina. Coahorton Sacred Heart at Glcnmont Ironton St. Joseph at hillicothr CC Somerset Holy Trinity at Mt. Vernon St. Vincent Lima St. Roar at Marion St. Mary Saturday, Dec. 13 nlumhu* Hnly Family at nlumhu* Rosary tat K of Cl Naw Lexington St. Aloyaiua at Zanesville Rn*erran* Corning at Lancaatrr fit. Mary Ohio Deaf at Columbus St. Mary Utica at Newark St. Francis Next Week’s Games Monday, Dec. 15 Plaaaantville at Lanccater St Mary Tuesday, Dec. 16 Columbus Holy Family at Somerset Holy Trinity Coshocton Sacred Heart at Mt. Ver non St. Vincent Manon SI. Mary at Fostoria St. Wen delin Alumni at Columbus St. Mary lat Aquinas! London at Columbus Rn.sry (al K of Cl Dennison St. Mary at onotton Val ley DOVER Dover St. Joseph’s 1953 football squad will be led by Ralph McIntyre, hard-running hall back McIntyre was unanimously voted captaincy of the team at the annual banquet sponsored by the Rambler Athletic Association. Coach Joe Drotovich, who led the Rams to three victories in eight games last fall, awarded letters to 11 seniors, six juniors and three sophomores. Seniors were: Jerry Platz, Ronnie Weigand, Bobby Chadrue. Ted Valentine. John Bambeck, Russ Mullady, Paul Roberts, Jack Dapoz, Don Yosick, Terry Cappozeila and Jerry Campo. Dick Devney, Ralph McIntyre, Louis Rizzonelli, Andy Yosick, Bill Baker and Joe Lab were junior letter winners with Tom Wise, Norm Recla and Orset Zuchegno getting first awards as sophomores. u' ..........a. .......... lj1.,:."!1 jfi.!. "n-.1." ELECTRIC For Reconversion Large Stock Motor* and Control* EQUIPMENT Infra-Red System* Electric Power Equipment Co. 57 E. CHESTNUT ST. Write Gene Nangle (21), 6-1 senior forward, accounted for a half of Rosecrans' field goals in the Bishops' win over St. Charles last week. Here he drops in one of his eight fielders as Jack Baumann (12) and Ted Wolfe of St. Charles try futilely to block the shot. Nangle finished with 19 points, running his three-game total to 69. All Columbus elementary schools planning to have an entry in the girls' basketball league are asked to have a representative at a coaches' meeting Monday, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m. at 246 E. Town street. -------------------o------------------- It Pays To Use The Classifieds! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY COLUMBUS WANTED Someone to take care of 2 children. Live in. North in St. James the Less Parish. LU. 3040. CUSTOM BUILT Venetian Blinds Buy direct from the man ufacturer and SAVE The new ROLL-A HEAD Vene tian blind. All metal from top to bottom. Steel or alum inum slats with your choice of cot ton or plastic ■tape in colors. INSTAL LED FREE! to distributors Special prices and contractors. COLUMBUS VENETIAN BLIND MFG. CO. 626 Kerr St. MAin 6593 MONEY FOR YOUR CHURCH GROUP Here is a plan that is being used successfully by many groups to make money for their church and charities. This plan makes it possible for you to redeem Dixie Margarine cartons for cash. It will pay you to write today for com plete information. THE CAPITAL CITY PRODUCTS CO Columbus. Ohio UN 1131 AUTO KEYS FOR MOST CARS One for Ignition and Door* On* for Trunk Allens Mobile Lock Shop RES. RA. 4838 428 LARCOMB AVE. COLUMBUS 4, OHIO The Fifth Quarter Not strictly in the line of this column is the following paragraph but it is strictly in the line of sports. We a great big hearty bunch of congratulations for MR. PAUL HORNUNG and his COLUM BUS DISPATCH COLUMN of last Thursday. December 5. Brother Paul, whose left hand column "In the Press &ox" hugs the rail of the Columbus Dispatch, should get a vote for the bravest (or one of the bravest) columnists of the year. He defied a tremendous number of college coaches and actually drove home a point that is being forgotten today by a great number Complete Line Of Fruit and Berry Wines Imported and Domestic FEATURING The Delightful Dessert Win* From Holland VANDER FLIP A New Taste Sensation In Raspberry Cherry' CO CQ Black Currant Sth The World'* Most Renowned Vermouth* MARTINI & ROSSI Sweet Or Extra Dry $2.71 NOILLY PRAT DRY $2.81 Other Imported Vermouths From $2.39 CLASSIFIED SECTION jl 2*e per line Send A.H- Tn JU P. O Bm Colombo- 18 AMBULANCE SERVICE AMBULANCE SERVICE Mart Glynn Ph. 2-3021 BUILDING MATERIALS Pat's Tru-Line Blox PRE-CAST CONCRETE CO. Dial 2-8331 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT Office equipment for jnur inspection and selection in our new Annex, 83$ Sixth. Stapleton'* 829 Sixth. Phone 3-2731. Painting Decorating PAINTING Inside and Out Steaminc off paper. Patch plaster. Floor Fin. O. M. Greenwood. Ph. 4-S947 3-2661 of so-called sportsmen. Paul’s par agraph, “Why pick on Notre Dame”, was a very sensible and very fine example of good sports manship. If you didn’t read it, the paragraph was of the opinion that Notre Dame wasn’t so awful for employing the so-called “Sucker shift” against S. California or any other school. He mentions the fact that Michigan State and other teams employ a shift but no one gets upset about It We’d like to quote part of his comments. The last part went this way: “But because Notre Dame did it, it’s a national controversy and charges of violating the ‘spirit’ of a rule are being leveled. Such ap parently is the price the Irish pay for their great grid tradition and success. "One of Notre Dame's jersey colors is green and every now and then the same shows up around the edges of rival institutions—the 'green' of envy that is." IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME Coma and look at 271 S. Broadleigh Rd. We are moving out of state. The house is 4 years old, brick, center hall plan. Large liv. rm., dining rm., screened porch, den, recr, rm. Four bedrooms, P/2 baths, full basement, gas heat, dble. gar. V/2 blocks to St. Catharine's school. Price $29,900. Call Mrs. Jones. DO. 5373 Demmlers' Carry Out 1079 E. Livingston FREE DELIVERY FA. 0439 BEER WINE MIXERS PARTY SNACKS We Feature Gift Packaging For that bottle for your host and the friends that you wish to remember. ALL POPULAR MIXES, BITTER'S ETC. EDDIES' HOLIDAY SPECIAL By Direct Import Leonard Kreusch Rhine and Mosel Wines $1.72 And Lp REALLY LOW PRICED HOLIDAY CHEER EGG NOG $2.85 5th TOM & JERRY 41.00 Complete Line Of Liqueurs and Cordials America's Finest WINES From California CHRISTIAN BROS. SI.52 From New York State TAYLOR’S $1.53 Complete Assortment Dessert and Table Wines ALL IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC BEERS AND ALES ALL POPULAR DOMESTIC WINES Roma Widmers Virginia Dare Sparkling Burgundy Petri Meiers Mogen David DuBonnet Gibsons—Paradise—Honeywood—Champagne and Many Others Our Motto: SERVICE—COURTESY and QUALITY MERCHANDISE PORTSMOUTH WASHER REPAIR ALL MAKES WASHERS repaired. AU *ize« wringer roll*. 409 Park Ave., New Boston. Phone Bos. 29-W STEWART’S ORIGINAL CUT RATE DRUG STORE Drugs 4 Prescriptions 984 GALLIA PH 2447 PORTSMOUTH. OHIO IDEAL MILK CO. PORTSMOUTH DIAL 3-2951 E. H. RUSSELL GLASS CO. 1106 Gallia St. PORTSMOUTH. OHIO “Give Us a Break” KIRBY'S FLOWERS GALLIA AT FINDLAY STREETS Portsmouth, Ohio The Style Center of Portsmouth The Citizens Saving and Loan Association Company 505 Chillicothe St. Portsmouth, 0. "Insured Safety" for your Savings Monthly Reduction Mortgage Loans INSURED