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Newspaper Page Text
WANTED PRIEST'S HOUSEKEEPER Write Department LA, PO Box 636, Columbus 16, Ohio. State age and experience. CLASSIFIED ADS Phone AD 5195 DO 4259 AD 5196 20c PER LINE DEADLINE FR1. NOON Information OLD AGE PENSIGNER desires room and board in University, Southeast or Grandview districts. KJ. 6655. Private Investigations and Collection*. Radius 30 mile* of Mt. Vernon. Ohio. RIGGS SERVICE BUREAU O Box 741 Mt. Vernon. Ohio CARPENTER, DECORATING. PLASTER ING, and all types of property repair*. Reliable Reasonable. ART1SAN MAINTAINENCE CO.AD-_«« STOP!»HOP AT I AY'S AUTO SALES For An Honest Deal 842 W. Mound St.MA. 8798 WORTHINGTON FOODS, INC. Maker* of Choplets: Specialty Food* 656 N. High Worthington FR 2-5359 WOUHEKS Surgical Supplies. Hospital beds and wheel chair* for sale or rent. 201 East Broad Street. MA 1436 SCH1RTZINGER DRAPERIES Drapery Material*. Ijmpi Gift* 4610 n. High_____________________ awn OHIO MIDLAND LIGHT AND POWER CO Electric Service Canal Wineheater. Ohio Your Sealtest Ice Cream Dealer* THE TELLINGS ICE CREAM DEALERS 245 E. Town St. AD 2171 OFFICE SUPPLIES Filing Cabinets Chairs Desks STATE OFFICE SUPPLY AD. 2125 44 S. 3rd St Columbus WBNS and WELD Central Ohio’* only CBS Outlet 8 N. HIGH ST- AD 9266 POLAROID CAMERAS AND FILMS We rent Camera* and Projector* 47 E. Long St. AD 2961 JAY'S FARM SERVICE ANIMAL AND PET FEEDS 1843 Denune Av*. JE 1525 Where to Dine LEM’S RESTAURANT CHINESE and AMERICAN FOODS Sea Food, Chicken, Carry-oot Serv. S8 E- Town-it (off High) MA 01S7 Help Wanted CATHOLIC GIRI, to help with small chil dren and housework. Evenings or Satur day. Corpus Christi parish. GA. 9363. WANTED: We have need for a Catholic girl for general office duties, able to type, etc. 5day week with hospitalization and other benefits. Opportunity for advance ment. Emplojer is a Catholic organization. Apply Box 6.36, Columbus 16, O, Attention GC. HOISEKEEPEK WANTED For 2 employed ladies, no laundery. Must be good cook. Room, board and $25 per week. References required. Write AW PO Box 636. Columbus 16, O, BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS RC-30 Construction Materials CONCRETE BLOCKS Ready Mix Concrete—Sand and Gravel Brick and Tile—Building Material* BASIC CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Phone 8-2172 Chillicothe O. E Main St. Drug Stores The Central Pharmacy Dial 26-986, Chillicothe DRUGS SUNDRIES PHYSICIANS' SUPPLIES RIEDER PHARMACY Cor. Church and Arch Phone 29-900 CHILLICOTHE SOUTH END PHARMACY 331 S. Paint _____ Electrical Contractors DUFFY ELECTRIC CO. Rebuiders ol Electrical Machinery Power Construction Work Phone 3-2206 lectrical Contracting and Kepait BOWERS ELECTRIC CO. S86 Church St Phone 20-688 ______ Fruit Farms ______ LEO HIRSCH FRUIT FARM Huntington Pike P" Grocers FRANK J. HUNN MEATS ANO GROCERIES Fro* Delivery Dial 2268 12 S. Paint St. CHILLICOTHE. OHIO Hardware You'll do better at PIERCE & TODD HARDWARE U K. Mam St. Phone 616* A ANTED, HOUSEKEEPER. Laundry •ent. Afternoon* off. Maintenance and **1*ry Mr*. Chapman MA. 4691 _______ Situation Wanted______18 WANTED Job a* b«hv *itter. 27 year old reliable Catholic girl. DI. 19*6. Instruction 19 It’* fun to play the Accordion or Guitar Instruments furnished to beginner* 244 E. State St. MA 2434 _________ »TAI BORN SCHOOI Piano Tuning Special $1750 *1*0 Opera? Vocal and Piano Lessons. WA. 1181. Berber Shops JOHNNY’S BARBER SHOP Open 8 to S. Cloaed Wednesdays. 900 Mohawk DI 2176 Beauty Shops SPECIAL Machin* or rry Machineles* Wave 4s5.DU Op Cold Waves $5 up ESTHER REES BEAUTY SHOP 0128 1419 Cleveland WA Th* National Detective Bureau MURRAY F. SEYLER UN. 6038 5 E. Long St.AD. 6642 Open Evenings Building Maintenance HOLIDAY WINES FREE Home Delivery FL. 3075 W i n e* Beer Mass W i ties— V ermou th LA SALLE WINE STORES 53 K. Spring. Open Evening*. 244 S. High Driving Park Carry-Out Champagne, beer, wine, narty favors. Open 11 to 11. 1615 E. Livingston. EV 6300. KNOST CARRY-OUT Large Park ink Area 4967 N High St. at Rathbone In tbe East End DEMM LEICS BEER CARRY OUT 1079 E. Livingston Ave We deliver PA 438 CEMENT CONCRETE and Block Work. AU kind*. Basements, Porches, Sidewalks Steps. Garage. Evenings. .IE 8885 Chimney Repairing CHIMNBY A BRICK REPAIR Tuckpointing. House* or apartment*. Cement porch** 4 walk*. Flow or Mackey FF 1«45_________________________________ Contractors OELGOETZ CO. iMechanical Contractor Esv 1914 Our Business Service Built LA 4222 Columbus .Ohio FRANK A. DAVIS & SON 1973 Lockbourne Rd “Electrical work” FAST ELECTRIC COMPANY 1099 Suliivant Ave MA 0842 Contractors Equipment ALBAN EQUIPMENT CO Air Compress. Sand Blasting Paint] Sprav Equip 820 W illi*ms UN 202 7. CONKLIN’S DRIVE-IN Sandwiches, Soft Drink* Short Order* 1726 Jackson Pike GA. 0252 CHILLICOTHE 8=UKS Insurance JOHN J. BROWN Insurance Agency CHILLICOTHE 73 W. MAIN PH 27346 WEISENBERGER INSURANCE SERVICE General Insurance and Bonds Phone 3-2264 7 Union Block Chillicothe 15 W. 2nd St. Jewelers WARD AND WARD JEWELERS Diamonds Watches Jewelry Budget terms to suit your pure* 24 E. Second St. Chillicothe Real Estate LLOYD LEEDOM, Realtor 3# N Paint St Dial 2-0876 Service Stations ROBINETT’S SERVICE STATION 20S E. 2nd Phone 6546 INFORMATION RC-9 SEAT COVER SHOP Custom made to fit. Two hour »er eice. 40 pattern* to choose from Complete auto upholstering. Conver tible tops. 518 EASTERN AVE. DIAL 2-0180 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CHILLICOTHE OHIO Complete Outfitters for the Entire Family MAYFAIRS CHILLICOTHE. OHIO HOME DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 9276 261 RIVERSIDE STREET CHILLICOTHE, OHIO Farm Equipment BOLT FARM EQUIPMENT INDUSTRIAL FARM EQUIPMENT OBETZ. FORD TRACTORS DI 4414 Hearing Aids BBLTONE World’* ioremo*t hearing aid 41 W. Gay (Street ievcl) FL. 586 CHILDREN S HOSPITAL 661 S. 17th-*t _________FA 2198________ Insurance DEWEY C. BLACK Complete Insurance nd Bond* 44 B. Broad St. AD 4219 American National insurance Co. Q. WILLISS. General Agent 1167 Rrn*d St FA 2484 Jewelers Key* Locks -Repair* Installation* JE 57S» S23R N High IE 2780 ______ Meat Packers BERGER MEAT, INC. Wholesale and Retail. 224 Fornnf-rd Del GA 8651 Nursing Home Hamilton Park Nursing Home 24-hr. nursing care, quiet, restful 43 Hamilton Pk FL. 3161 Ex- Window hans. Roofing and Siding terior Painting. WESTGATE MAINTENANCE 2518 W Broad RA Painting Decorating PAPER-HANGING and painting, exterior and interior. Work guaranteed Call Jame* King FA 8168 8887 Plaster Repair CITY PLASTER REPAIRS HAROLD SCHLUEB GA. I46i “Dn it right" Free EatimatPR Plating QUALITY PLATING CO. GA. 1591 Electro-galvanizing—Gov’t Spec*. Automatic Prod Zinc and Hard Chrome Plumbing & Heating The J. A. MYERS CO. Your Plumbing A Heating Contractor. 2491 Summit, JE-1146. Lane Center KI-7743. Printing SUPERIOR PRINTING CO. Commercial and Job Printing Rear 470 Miller-av EV 7566 Roofing Siding JUDY ROOFING 4 FURNACE REPAIR CO. 384 S 3rd St. A 3472 SIDING, roofing, spoutix^, combination storm window*, screens and door*. Coun try and Town Improvement Co 628 Parsons Ave________________ EV 1234 Sanitariums Community Hospital, Dr. Gtty* Hulett 24-Hr. Nursing Service 11 Souder Ave AD 1418 Service Stations GETREU SUPER-SERVICE Texaco Product*. Lee Getreu. Owner. ivingMon-Kdion FA 0128 Steel Stairs Bockrye Wi-e A Iron Co.. Ornamental Iron. Wire Guards, Fire Escapes 203 S. Gift. R. G. Jenkins. Pres. MA. 1816. Drive In 1’he turns listed here deserve to be remembered when you are dix tributing your patronage »n these different lines of business. The Elberfeld-Chillicothe Company CHILLICOTHE, OHIO USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Bookkeeping Machine, Portable Typewriter, Cash Registers, Add ing Machine. All in excellent condition For information write FREDS AUTO SUPPLY 32 W. Main St. Chillicothe, Ohio Twentieth Century Bowling Alley 7# E 2nd Phone 27-884 McCarthy Hotel CHAS MCCARTHY Owner & Manager CHILLICOTHE WARNER HOTEL Chillicothe’s Finest COFFEE SHOP BAR 2» N. PAINT ST 2144 oPHONE Fine Paints Mm* l»ee There 1* Nothing Finer Than a STROMBERG-CARLSON TELEVISION Venetian Blinds GERLING'S W. 2nd St. Phene 29956 Chillicothe Where to Dine RC 9a THE SANDWICH SHOP 256 E. Main Ph 7355 Tractors for Sale RC 88a CAREY TRACTOR SALES •8 Eastern Ave. Ford Ph. 28-245 Travel Service Tours and Cruises “KAUDERER” Travel Service 12 N. 3rd St Watch Repair Prompt Expert Watch. Clock end Jewelry Repair. DELNLELN 49 N. High 788 HOMER W MILLER. JEWELER "33 Year* in North Columbu*” 2925 N High St.LA. 4617 NATIONALLY adv. diamond*, waicho*. appliance*. NO MONEY DOWN. JOSEF'S 8 E SI A IF ST AD 76S9 Laundries RELIABLE LAUNDRY 4 DRY CLEANING "Rely on Reliable" DIRECTORY 484 Parson* Ave FA Top sou, ftn dirf, crushed ravel, bank gravel. High lift loading: bulldozing and yard grading. COLVIN GRAVE! PIT 1)81 Lightning Protection ARTHUR PICKLES. Lightning Rod* LA sori—if no *n* .all FR 2-6534 Lock Service BUB’S KEY SERVICE For Men Arrow Shirts Nunn-Bush Jarman W THE CATHOLIC TIMES, I f) A V MJ'EMRER 12 1952 AD (484 Hauling and Expressing 40 BINKLEY MOVING AND STORAGE Windsor Ave 1 N. 18(4 MOVING? CALL FLeteher 3333 AJAX VAX MJMA STORAGE CO. °AK Teletype CL. 169 KI (440 WANTED TO RENT Employed woman desire* 1 room eff. apt. in Holy Ro«*ry Parish. Reference*. FA 2885 Furnished Rooms 45b NT( F. SLEEPING ROOM for employed la dy. Near 2 bus line*. Reasonable. GA. 9642. Mouses For Rent IN WAUSAU, WISCONSIN Four room* and bath. Available by spring. Mr*. Eric Hints*. 121 Sturgeon Eddy Rd.. Wauwau. Wisconsin. W idow a ill ehare good home with emplo,. ed ouple Referenrev Write AB. PO Box 343. Col’* 14. Real Estate For Sale BUY With Confidence John J. Donley 8161 Room 323 MA LYLE REALTY 4699 N. High Ope Reel Bstate for Salo IN THE PARISH OF YOUR CHOICE 1 block from Holy Ro»«r» at $15 Fairwood Ave. 3 bedroom* & sleeping porrh. Wire cut brick. Go* heat. Garage. Fenced yard FE. 5264. r.DWARD N. WOOD All type* of real estate FL 4177 172 N (th JJt. GEORGE W. fKltSCHE, Realtor Serving Central Ohio sine* 1928 22 E G»v St. MA 2368 LU 644h GATEWAY REALTY Realtor* 27(5 W. Broad St. COMBS BROTHERS SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Women i Red Cross Shoes ZANESVILLE, OHIO •MODERATION IS A FULL LIFE" Flood's Bar and Grill WINES LIQUORS "Beer at Its Best” TASTY FOODS SANDWICHES 430 Market Ph. 4691 Radio Service Appliances Repaired ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. GEORGE SMITH 111 Galigher St.. Zanesville. O.. Ph. 3-7836 Electrical Wiring Maintenance Commercial Industrial Residential JACK HEMMER ICE CREAM ___ ZANESVILLE, OHIO W. J. HECK CO. General Contractors Zanesville V 1L *A9$OOA'TlC^^_ AfZE SFOMSoei^S I ’bESBARCUJpisiRlCTOF COLUMBIA 14,cdo,coo_ /-RAY FILMS WERE TAKEN IN THE UAJlTED STAT^ JO. 8359 'ZANESVILLE “X7 Funeral Directors The Mader-Peoples Funeral Homes 421 Putnam Ave. 810 Forest Ave. Phone 2-4551 Arthur A. Bryan Kenneth O. Bolin Wendell Suope Information Z-9 THE STORE WHERE Your Credit Is As Good As Your Cash! COME IN! OPEN AN ACCOUNT. MUTUAL FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. CURRENT DIVIDEND 2% Each Saving* Account Insured to flO.OOO Mutual Federal Building 14 S. Fifth Street Esther Corp Beauty Salon 4? 8th St. Phone 3-7208 Zanesville THE CAMERA SHOP “Everything Photographic 620 Market St Phone 2-7302 Children Little Yankee Edwards Bohn & Kern Mfg & Supply Co. Plumbing A Heating Supplies 60 S. Third St. Zanesville BUILDERS' SUPPLIES READY MIXED CONCRETE SAND AND GRAVEL Adams Bros. luc. GENERAL CONTRACTING Muskingum Ave. Phone 2(8 TELEVISION Mattison Silver Rocket 630 Chassis Raior-Sharp Edse-to-Edge Focus Finest in TV DISTRIBUTED BY L. A. EMMERT Since 1912 34 S Third St Phon* 3-6(15 Zanesville Ohio IT PAYS TO USE THE. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS. 1 /KILLS MORE PEOPLE IN THE UAJiTEP states imam ALL OTHER INFECTIOUS OF THE Money Raised byth£ SALE OF CWR6TM4S seals Remains nd THE STATE WHERE CONTRIBUTED. Builders A Bldrs Supplies 45 LUMBER 2x4x10. Only 40c EVERYTHING FOR YOUR HOME PHA TERMS ON REMODELING Marble Cliff Lumber 3239 M-Kinle-.-A» K 1*844 SHOTGUN SHELLS HUNTING LICENSES BUILDERS HARDWARE SCHALL HARDWARE 8 l.ivingfon Av* EV 8228 Automatic Meat FURNACES GAS COAL OIL Sales and Service Kramer Heating Co. A 1274 1498 E. Long St. BOILERS Coal Yard* 74b Grading Excavating Coal REIS BROS MA. 1458 510 FURNACE ST. USE BORDENS Homogenized Milk lc Quart Over Eeguiai Milk Call 2206 ZANESVILLE. OHIO Come in and be "fitted by an Experienced Corsetiere WEAVER ALTERATION & CORSET SHOPPE Two doors below Starrs. ARTWIL 430 Main St. Johnston's Restaurant “Famous for Chicken” w MAIN ANO RIOGt DIAL BOB'S Maysville Supermarket South Zanesville, Ohio BUILDING BLOCKS BRIKt RETE-DL NSTONE D! N BRICK-STEPPING STONES ALL COLORS ZANESVILLE BRIKCRETE PHILO PHONE 4-4375 Business Announcements Z-30 Beverage*. WRIGHT VESS COLA BOTTLING CO. 1840 W Main PH. 8-2112 i n a w a e—Glassware China Glass Gift* FOWLER BOLIN O. 310 Main St. Zanesville, O. Cleaners and Dyers OUSENBERRY Super-Zone Cleaners 517 Underwood Ph. 3-66(2 Drug Store* FOGG'S CENTRAL DRUG STORE MARKET AT FIFTH ZANESVILLE, OHIO SHIRLEY’S PHARMACY 1 EKHACE POINT 1808 Dreaden Road ’’hone 2-6471 Furnaces MAZAIR FURNACE CO. 813 Federal Ave. Ph. 2-11(5 Insurance FINAN INSURANCE AGENCY First Trust Bldg.______________ PH 2-6265 Hocking Insurance Agency 1101 Greenwood Ph 2-7793 or 2-6762 Paint Contractors R. L. FULKERSON & SON Painting Contractor* Ph 8-7110 Hanifan Fox Decorator* 62« Park Pheae 2-7771 Television Z-73c PLUMMER RADIO SERVICE TELEVISION Installation and Service Home and Auto Radio Repair* 1(2 N 7ih Ph ?48* COAL YARDS Z-76b RED ASH PEACOCK COAL Treated Stoker. 31c: Nut 30c Lump 43c Furnace Lump. 32c. ZANE CO Al CO PH 2-9276 Auto Service—Repairs 87c Witchie Buick Co. 1265 W Main St Zanesville Phone 24670 Fred Witchie Owner O S Sterling Service Quaker State Products Phono 2-0444 884 Putnam Zane*ville M. L. Cottingham, Inc. Authorized Ford Sales Service 17-23 South Third Phone 2-6353 Zanesville Leo McLaughlin Chas Dtilan Market Tire & Supply U. S. TIRES BATTERIES SINCLAIR PRODUCTS Phone 2830 Cor. Sixth 4 South. Zaneavtll*. O. PARKS COAL COMPANY 8M W Mound Street Dependable Coal Prompt Service Jim Roberts Coal Co. DO. 1411 2980 E. 5th Ave. Power Lawn Mowers 77d P*rk«r lawn *we*per. F*r* and Whirlwind power utewcra. B. E WOODIN SALES CO MA 1914 278 E Spring St ■Food Marti 80a For Quality Food Shop OHIO GIANT MARKET 1950 North Fourth St. Onen 7 dav* week Complete Fooo oerviee Courteous •erviee te all—•» ceiling price* RICH STREET MARKET 1124 Ftest Rich St. MAP’S MARKEJ Fresh Meat. Fruit. Veg Open til 7:30 PM Daily and Sat (-1 on Sun 478 W 6th UN 1—2 COMO MARKE'i 1246 N High St LA 117) Wanted to Buy 82 Diamonds Old Gold HEISE & HOLZER INC 8 E FtROAD ST_____________ SUITE 806 Auto Service—Repairs 87c CAPITAL CITY MOTORS, tec ’Yoor friendly downtown Mereury dealer*' »l F. Broad—Sal*, a Sor* AD. 8116 Undercoating a Specialty KAUFMAN MOTOR, INC. KL 33D N High KL. »3H COLI MBI S AUTO RADIATOR CO Radiator Repairing Beil Oat Clean Out New and rebuilt Radiator, foe nrn.t rar* 33* E SPRING ST AD 883S DANIELS BL'ICh Tear North End Boiek Dealer 84)6 N High LU *554 WP KERNS DE SOTO PLYMOUTH 319- eh 4 -12? LA 811 Auto Part*—Accetsorie* AUTO SEAT COVERS—All Car* 96 or BEAVER AUTO STORES For Hig'. Class Baked Goods Call DONALDSON BAKING CO. WA 8117 OR 111* 155* N HIGH ST FAAXWAAMAA $ F.E.CRAVES feFEHCEB 169 MtHOWHU'. 5831 Johnny SHOWALTER Motor* Home of DE SOTO PLYMOUTH 117-19 W. Chestnut St. Phone 5b “JOHN P. KREIDLEFr Shoes of Distinction Phone 847J 203 W Main St. LANCASTER, OHIO LYENDECKER Sohio Service Station Broad A Chestnut Phone 3190 Lancaster City Transfer “Our Butineee 1* Moving* Phone 2193 445 B. ChestnBl Lancaster Mt. Pleasant Greenhouse Formerly Acton Flora' Co “Flowers for aF octasions” Phone 522 12( S. Mt. Pleasant Lancaster Charlie Macioci ft Sons Selected fruit and Produce Warehouse—Cor Fair and Harrison Phone 1717 Lancaater **Wt are as oeai a* your telephone* DEAN A BARRY PAINT IMPERIAL WALLPAPER The Fairfield Paint ft Oil Co. Ebooe 4700 Lancaster Lancaster Modern Floor and Wall Co. Linoleum Carpet* Ceramic Til* Rubber Asphalt Wallpaper Paint Plaatie Tile 221 E Mair St Phone 4441 Lancaster ............ 1 1 “£ver?C/ung for tho Home'* 261 N. Colambuo Lancaster TIMES Classified Ads will give vol maximum results at a mini mum of cost. Commereial Portrait Framoa Photograph* Phone 1388 BEXLEY Pharmacy Prescriptions Main at Castingham BEXLEY Flanagan Williamson AD. 5211 Goodale Columbus, 0 Celembe* Moat Modem Garage lour Informatia i L-9 BEITER & FLEGE Lancaster, Ohio The Rexall Store PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Chevrolet Dealer 555 W. Broad SL FLETCHER 1555 LANCASTER BUYERS' GUIDE Fairfield Federal Savings and Loan TOI SAVINGS INSURED LOANS GN REAL ESTATB EAST END WINE SHOP “We Cover Lancaster Like the Dew" ___ Phon* 1444 BAKER Typewriter Co. Home of Rovoi typewriter* and Allen Adding Machine* 108 N. Columbus Lancaster Phone 2633 W GEO7B. SHAW ELECTRIC CO. 447 E Main St. Phone 2783 Lancaster THIMMES BROS. Quality Meats & Grocenea 3S1 S. Columbus Lancaster Phone 809 Funeral Director*L-4 James H. Sheridan Sons Funeral Directors 222 aoutb Columbus Street l-ancavter Ohic TELEPHONE 419-W Where to Dino L«9 JO-KAK KES I AL RANT 1549 N. Columbu* St. Phone 951 Business Announcement* L-30 Appliances WESTINGHOUSE SALES 4 SERVICE Appliance Center 156 W. Mulberry Pbone 66 Beauty Shops BETTY’S BEAUTY SHOP Our long experience la your Beauty Assug. ante 119’j W Main "'hone 162 CARRY OUT Lancaster Wine Store 241 W Main SL—Free Delievry Phone 2411W______Paol Cooney -era- Automobile Parts Accessories QUALITY AUTO PARTS Pedrick Platon Kings Wagner Lockheed Brake Lining Borg-Warner Product* Complete Aute Patr* •nd Machine Shor Service Phone 701 410 N Memorial Drive Wanted—Real Estate L-59 DAVID A. MACIOCI Realtor C-anplet* Real Estate Service Office 4696 Residence 1682 601 W. W heeling Lancaater LANCASTER, OHIO Kodak Supphet Printing and Developing 135 S. Broad St.