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Gelobt Jesus Customs brought to Ellis County, Kansas, by Russian German an cestors some 75 years ago, were preserved faithfully for a half A Blessed Christmas To All St. Ladislaus 227 Reeb Columbus, Ohio J. E. Brennan Plumbing KITCHENS AND APPLIANCES J? 683 E. 5th Ava. Columbus, Ohio rtf' & /Fr* century and are still observed in some homes. One of these was that on Christmas Eve the children, while awaiting the presents and goodies which the Christ Kindlein would bring, were visited by a lady dressed in white, with a blue girdle and veiled face. Alter her greeting. Gelobt sei Jesus Christus praised be Jesus Christ she would ask the youngest child to say a prayer, then inquire about 1he conduct of the older children. 11 the report was not good, some light punish ment was in store. Finally, she threw nuts on the floor and while the children scrambled for these. 1 the lady disappeared. -------------------4)................... .... There is still considerable debate as to whether sins result from ig norance or willfulness. THE CENTRAL BUILDING LOAN and SAVINGS CO. WALTER HEER, Sr., President MRS. J. M. GALLEN, Vice President JOSEPH C. LINK, Secretary Accounts Insured to $10,000 00 46 E. Gay Street AD. 3246 Columbus 15, 0. Chmfrrnaa Csneetviup We're wishing you a superlative Christmas the biggest, the mer riest, the very best ever! TRUCK-TRACTOR EQUIPMENT, Inc. E. E. SCHATZ 313 Neilston Street Columbus, Ohio IB IJI I The Christian tradition oi a candle binning in the window to welcome the wayfarer dates back to medieval times, but the candle s association with festivals observed at this time of year is much older. In the Roman world, candles were used for the Feast of Saturn, not only as a means of illumination but as gilts exchanged in token of cheerfulness and good will. The Jews burned candles to mark the Feast of Dedication and, therefore, it is not improbable that at the time of Christ’s birth, candles call times of Christ’s birth, candles were burning throughout Pales tine. In the Greek Church, Christ mas is called “The Feast of Lights.' One of the more popular sources of the candle-in-the-window tradi tion is told in Clement Moore's “The Noel Candle.” This is the story of a French mother and her two children. Their father, who was at war, is believed dead and they have lost their home and most of their possessions. However, they thank God that they art still with one another and therefore, at Christmas, they place a candle in 1068 S. High St. If I WMMf & I t|?ese facts’ th® xlde4.. Jit is the absence of religion v ^Wp *eft shortlv.» sister Jacob 'll THE CAT! OLIC TIMES CHRISTMAS SUPPLEMENT December 19, KOREAN MADONNA This Madonna from the brush of a young Korean artist, Mr. Unjoung Pai, painted in a happier day, typifies the strong Christian Faith among the youth there and their devotion to Our Blessed Mother, a fat confirmed toy G.I.'a and chaplains who are befriending them. Traditional Candle In The Window By Kathleen E. Sullivan A candle in the window at Christmas is one of our most significant traditions. God became man to lead His people through the darkness of life with the light of Faith. I'he candle symbolizes Christ its wick, the soul wax, faith the flame, divinity. IB do ',T'i .1 A the window of their barren room to give happiness to some forlorn and lonely passer-by. The candle has hardly been lit when a lonely ragged boy knocks at the door. They invited the boy to share their meager Christmas supper with them. In appreciation for the meal, the boy blesses the family and de parts. That same night the father returns. He tells how in searching for his family, a ragged boy had directed him to their door. That boy was the Christ Child. So they and their descendants burn a can dle in the window on Christmas eve to light the lonely Christ Child on His way. I'he Norwegians leave a candle burning in the window all night as a sign that any traveler is wel come for food and shelter. One member of the family keeps the Christmas eve vigil over the can dle to protect it from going out, but he is not supposed to touch it. In Ireland only one named Mary may put out the candle. In England, before the Reformation, the head of the house lit an enormous can die on Christmas eve and every night thereafter until the eve of the Epiphany. An interesting legend is inscrib ed on a plaque that hangs near lhe sacristy door of the Cathedral of Bayeux, in France, and is dated 1230. it tells how on Christmas morning that year a little choir boy, running to the sacristy with a lighted candle in his hand, tripp ed and fell into the well. All attempts to rescue him were in vain. His cries ceased and he was given up as dead. Gloom reigned over the Christmas festivities of the Norman city. Two days later, a watchman noticed a dim light JOHN QUINT and SONS FUNERAL HOME 1177 W. Sth Ava. UN. 1233 UN. 5477 We Wish You A Merry Christmas MAEDER-QUINT FUNERAL PARLORS 1952 some miles out at sea. It appeared to be floating on the water, sup ported by two white wings. Some fishermen saw it, too, and heard a child calling out, “Noel! Noel!” Then, to their amazement, they saw the choir boy of Bayeux stand ing safely on the beach, holding a lighted candle in his hand. When he fell, it was learned, he promised the Christ Child to be come a priest if he could be re turned safely to his mother. He told how he had been carried through the water into a beauti ful chapel where he saw the Christ Child surrounded by the Holy In nocents. Then the Christ Child restored him to safety. The miraculously saved child was dressed in pontifical robes and seated on the bishops throne the cathedral. From that time Bayeux has celebrated the festival of “the Child Bishop.” o—----------------- “Keep Christ In Christmas” "DIPIERO'S" 803 Package Store 803 WILSON AVE. Greetings and Best Wishes from Columbus Hardware Supplies, Inc. 54 E. Gay St. AD. 5249 A Very Merry I GA. 30)1 Christmas And 1 A Happy New Year s 5 CLEM S GRILL CLEM P. POCIUS, Prop. for Fine Foods k 51 S. Washington Ave. at k Oak St. Phone AD. 0681 Columbus, Ohio fc ZErf* ys* Z5*rz^ZS* A Season's Greetings for 52 WAYNE SCHOOL BUSES 1030 Jackson Pike