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‘Theology Digesf To Appear In ’53 ST. LOUIS (NC) A magazine which will digest for both priests and laity outstanding theological writings from all parts of the world will be published three times a year at Saint Louis Uni versity School of Divinity, Saint Mary’s, Kans., according to the De cember issue of the Missouri Prov ince’s Jesuit Bulletin. The new magazine, to be called Theology Digest, will be published in January, April and October of each year, starting January of 1953. Articles will range the fields of fundamental theology, dogmatic theology, moral theology, ascetical theology, canon law, scripture, liturgy, and the history of the ology. T. M. SHEEDY PAVING CONTRACTOR Asphalt and Concrete Spraying Driveways 42S NMtetoe St. AD. SMI Dealer in Your Commo* n’ity HANNA PAINT MFC. COMPANY Since 1890 First Mortgage Loans Insured Sevings Safe Deposit Boxes 8QO Walter C. Kropp Pres. Woodworking Metal Working Sheet Metal Working Contractors’ Homecraft Machinery Equipment Full line of Motors. Osborne & Sexton Machinery Co. N. Fourth A Rusooll Sts. MA. 5203 COLUMBUS 16, OHIO Delaware S Service A Repel’’* for Alt Makes ef Care U. S. Royal Tires Bill Anitin Buick Delaware Ohio by Gibson Phonet 2348 2187 Delaware Delaware Milk Co. 27 N. Union Phone 311 Load War Relief Clothing Four students at St. Mary's high school, Columbus, ha I pad load clothing collected In the Bishops' Thanksgiving clothing drive for Korean War victims. The four, all seniors, are left to right: John Magaw, St. Mary Magdalene parish Ray Vatter, Corpus Christi parish George Wachinger, St. Leo Parish and Tom Morbitzer, Holy Cross parish. All are seniors. Aligned Teaching Poets NEW YORK. (NC) Respond ing to an SOS for lay teachers in Indian Missions, three men and one woman volunteered this month for teaching work among the Amer ican Indians. Enrolled in the Marquette League lay Apostolale for Ca tholic Indian Missions are Gertrude McSpiritt of New York. Charles L. McHarne-'S of Seattle. Harold M. Mayer of Benton Harbor. Mich., and Francis Kieffer, veteran lay volunteer in missionary work. HOLY ROSARY PARISH MIESSE Praacription Pharmacy 1888 E. Main YOU CAN HAVE The Expenence—Dependability—Integrity of General Maintenance & Engineering Co. 1231 McKinley Avenue, Columbus 8, Ohla To Recommend How to Improve Appearance and Reduce Maintenance Expense School* Churches Parish House*. Etc. Phone RA. 8456 Collect or Write U« For Free Inspection Suggestions Estimates No Obligation CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE ERANKLIN FEDERAL ||jg41 2h% MAIM SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IWWMMMMHMn------ Walter Zuber Vice Pres. MACHINERY The firms luted here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage to the different lines of business Robin sonHanrahan Funeral Directon Cor. Winter A Franklin, Delawere Delaware PERPETUAL NOVENA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Every Tuesday 7:30 p.m. St Christopher’s Church Grandview A Ida ------------God Love You Without Prince Of Peace, Peace Itself Is Impossible -----------by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen------------- A parable for the twentieth century Three Wise Men of the twentieth century in search of peace came e 1 e hem which is some times called the U.N. There they met Jo seph the chief engineer. Jo seph told them that peace came only to those who car ried the key of peace. The Wise Men opene es, each one saying he carried the secret. The first brought Gold or the power of money which can distribute food and cannon to other nations and thu* make which peace. to the modern ed their brief cas- the allies of democracy is the government of second Wise Man brought TTie frankincense or the modern sci ence which is chemistry. It ap peared as a hydrogen atom which, when split by a neutron, in turn splits other atoms until a bombing force is released that can wipe out life over large areas of the earth. The third Wise Man was a University Professor who brought a book entitled: “The Philosophy of Myrrh’’—a treatise on despair—-a way to live dan gerously without the supersti tion of religion and the myth of God. Receives The News Pictured in the library of his residence at Krasic, Yugoslavia, Archbishop Aloysius Stopinac of Zagreb Is shown in this radio photo on tho day he received notification that ho was one of the 24 nowly-craatod Card inals announced by Pope Pius XII. Tho Cardinal-designate it now confined by the Tito regime to his residence following hit re loate from prison a year ago. Ha hat stated that he does not plan to go to Rome to receive the Red Hat at the Consistory of January 12. (NC Photos) 67 THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1952 Diocesan Missions To Benefit From CCL Basketball Prevue All Eight Central Catholic Teams W ill Participate In Monday's Carnival At St. Charles A chance to help the home missions of the Diocese and to sec all the members of the Central Catholic Basketball League in action will be afforded Diocesan cage fans Monday evening, Dec. 22 at St. Charles gym, Columbus. The occasion is the first annual Central Catholic League prevue with all proceeds going to the 26 home missions of the Dio cese. Admission will be a donation and the mission unit of each school will be credited with the donations of fans from its school. Gym Donated Officers of Mission Crusade units will act as ushers and ticket takers at the affair. The use of the Card inal gymnasium has been donated by the St. Charles mission unit through the courtesy of the Rev. Edward F. Spiers, chairman of the Catholic High School Conference. Besides helping the missions, the prevue will give fans a possible line on the 1952-53 CCL race. So far. Lancaster St. Mary, Newark St. •Francis and St. Charles seem to he the teams to beat. Marion St. Mary, u'hich captured the champ ionship last year, has also develop ped quickly and can be counted on for a first division berth. Complete Schedule Monday’s prevue games will begin at 7:30 p.m. with each of the eight teams playing two six minute periods. First game will When Joseph was presented with the three gifts, he answered that they were not enough to enter Bethlehem or the U.N. of true peace. They protested, say ing: “What more is there in the world than Money, Power and a psychological release from the bogey of the supernatural? What could we possibly have forgotten to bring peace to the world oth er than freedom from want, free dom from weakness, freedom from fear?” Joseph whispered in the ear of the first Wise Man, and he looked sad. He in turn whisper ed into the ear of the second and the third and they all looked sad. Then they remembered: there was one thing that they had forgotten they had forgot ten the Mother and the Babe they would have the Peace with out the Prince of Petice, wealth without charity, power without humility, learning without truth. If you have read this column so far, you have read something that is dedicated to the peace of the world by bringing the Moth er and the Babe to China. Japan, India. Africa and the 614 mis sionary areas of the church throughout the world. The par able bids you to bring the an cient gifts with their ancient meaning to the Babe and the Mother: your gold, your frankin cense and your myrrh: your gold—• material offering your frankincense- -the offering with the intention of praising God as incense burns itself out to lift itself heavenwards your myrrh —myrrh was used for burial, hence your gift of sacrifice—-the giving to a point where it is a death to your selfishness and your pride and your egotism that you may live in Christ and Christ may live in you. GOD LOVE YOU to Mrs. T., who knitted an afghan and gave the entire sale price to the Mis sions for a Christmas gift GOD LOVE YOU to D. for $10 she promised the missions if she passed a Civil Service Ex amination GOD LOVE YOl to D.A.H. “Enclosed is $2 I have wandered off my diet four times in 10 days at a cost of 25c each time. 1 am doubling the amount and sending it to you for the Holy Father’s Missions. At your request and a $2 of fering to the Missions, we will send you a World Mission Rosary blessed by me. Send your myrrh, your in cense and your gold to the Most Reverend Fulton J. Sheen, Na tional Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, or your Diocesan Director, the Rev. James Kulp, 246 E. Town St., Columbus 15, O. WE pay COLUMBIA SAVINGS I AND 1 LOAN I 4B W. GAY ST. MONEY TO LEND TO WORTHY HOME SEEKERS Hare jaa deal with an aid financial in- •‘■I at It u tian with ever tl jaara of home fin- earing raperlenre. na aaaiat you with 40 Broad St. ft AD. 5810 AD. 6342 O. M. Yewngwan. Snc'y. pit Newark St. Francis against Springfield Catholic with the rest of the schedule running off as fol lows: 7.45 p. m.—Columbus Holy Fam ily v Lancaster St. Mary 8 p.m.— Columbus Rosary v Marion St. Mary 8:15 p. m—Columbus St. Mary v Columbus St. Charles 8:30 p. m.—loser of Holy Family Lan caster St. Mary game v loser of Newark St. Francis Springfield Catholic game 8:45 p. m.—loser of Rosary Marion St. Mary game v loser of Columbus St. Mary St. Charles game 9 p. m.—winner of Newark Springfield game v winner of Holy Family Lancaster game 9:15 p. m. w inner of Rosary Marion game v winner of St. Charles Columbus St. Mary game. Late Cardinal's Anli-Nazi Stand Hailed Bv Jews MUNICH (NC) The “Soci ety for Christian-Jew Cooperation” here has honored the memory of the late Cardinal Archbishop Faul haber of Munich for his battle against nazism. “For us Jews, Cardinal Faul haber will always remain the fight er for freedom and human dig nity,” said Dr. Singer, president of the senate. Declaring that the late Cardinal was one of the most out standing personalities in modern day religious life. Dr. Singer said that the courageous battle for his faith and human values had won him esteem and love far beyond denominational boundaries. The speakers particularly recall ed the Advent sermons of the late Cardinal in which he condemned the Nazi racial fanaticism of w’hich the Jews of Germany were the principal targets. Representatives of the Christian churches and of the Jewish con gregation attended the ceremony. Three Catholic Beneficiaries Ii CINCINNATI (NC -Three Ca tholic educational institutions will receive $50,000 each from the es late of Charles F. Williams, Cin cinnati business leader, who died September 11. A total of $334,500 will be dis tributed to nearly 40 institutions, most of them Catholic, under an entry of designation filed in Pro bate Court here. Under Mr. Will, iams’ will, his widow was request ed to leave the residue of his es tate to religious, charitable, educational institutions of choice. and her de The three $50,000 bequests signaled hy Mrs. Williams will go to Xavier University here the University of Notre Dame, and the Cathedral-Seminary fund, a current campaign for the expansion of St. Gregory’s Seminary and rebuild ing of the old St. Peter in Chains’ Cathedral here. Mrs Williams also directed that THE HERMAN FALTER PACKING CO The Catholic Church Goods M. 1. QUINN 182 E. STATE STREET Teamwork In The Philippines Sister M. Camillus of the Columban Sisters and her brother. Father James Lillis, also a Columban, check on this little Fiiipina's catechism lesson. They are both stationed in Ozamis City on tho Is land of Mindanao in tho Philippines. (NC Photos) Negro Priest Named Bishop BAY ST. LOUIS. Miss., —(NC)— Father Joseph Bowers. S.V.D., 42. a Negro priest-alumnus of St. Aug ustine's Seminary here, has been named Auxiliary Bishop of Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa by His Holiness Pope Pius XII. News of the appointment was cabled by the Divine Word Gener alate in Rome to Father William C. Bauer, S.V.D., provincial of the Southern American Province of the Divine Word. In his new post. Bishop-designate Bowers will assist Bishop Adolph A. Noser S.V.D., of Accra. Father Bowers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sheriff Bowers, was born on March 28, 1910 at Vielle Case, Dominica, West Indies. He en tered St. Augustine's Seminary in 1928 and graduated from the Jun ior College in 1931. He pronoun ced his perpetual vows in Septem ber, 1938 and was sent to Rome to complete his last year of theology. He was ordained in Rome on Jan uary 22, 1939. He was named a Gold Coast missioner a few months later, shortly after the Divine Word missionaries took over the West Africa mission territory. Institutions i Bequest $25,000 be given to the Jesuit Sem inary Aid Association for the sup port of Seminaries of Chicago, lo cated at nearby Milford, Ohio, diesel-en the Insti graduate Mr. Williams’ 73-foot gined boat was given to tutum school ducted cese. Divi Thomae, of scientific research con by the Cincinnati archdio- Any balance from the estate will go to St. Xavier High School. Cin cinnati. --------------------------O------------------------- Baroness' Book Chosen MILWAUKEE (NC) Where Love Is, God Is, a new book about the apostolate of the laity, will be the January selection of the Cath olic Literary Foundation, Louise Altmann, Foundation manager, an nounced today. The book is by Catherine de Hueck Doherty, best known as the founder of Friend ship House. PORK AND BEEF PRODUCTS Greenlawn Avenue COLUMBUS, OHIO A Complete Line of Religious Articles 1. COLUMBUS, OHIO For Used Cars or Trucks contact BERNARD O'DOWD, 1352 W 5th KI 6882 JOE TOEPFNER, INC. Central Ohio’s largest Studebaker Dealer For a New Studebaker contact DAN CONROY, GA 2970 UN 4157 Complete line of Studebaker Trucks J. QUINN AH AMS 4716 IT PAYS TO PATRONIZE THE TIMES ADVERTISERS. OHIO BIDDING CO. Let a Times Classified dispose ot those no-longer-necded-itema. rnrr Oelnerj and Mailing rKtE Reautifal Gift Wrapping W^WWWWWWWWW.WWWWWWWWW-, For A Beautiful SELECTION OF GIFTS and COURTEOUS SERVICE uiTusML 6/rr^ Helen Brehm. Owner A HAPPY AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS FROM OUR DEAR NEAR FAST POOR. FROM THE PRIESTS AND SISTERS WHO GUARD THEM LOVINGLY. THEIR SPECIAL THANKS WILL BE EX PRESSED IN THE SPECIAL MIDNIGHT MASS OFFERED AT THIS CRIB OF BETHLEHEM FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES BY THE ARCHBISHOP OF JERUSALEM AND LN TEN OTHER MASSES OFFERED THERE BY GRATEFUL MISSIONARIES. FIVE STICKS Do you know that the only rel ics of the Crib of the Little Babe of Bethlehem are five sticks of wood, preserved in the Church of St. Mary Major in Rome? While your Holy Mass so devoutly heard on Christmas Day will be a manger for His coming, can you give $10 for a stone in the Chapel of Our I.ady of Fatima, which we hope to build in far off Ethiopia, for His poor? GIFT SHOP 1271 Grandview Ave. KI. 6973 tomer Parkina In Rear The Hammond Organ Prwiam organ magic eatbadraJ eaality la ehorehoa of any Maa. O a !».»«« ehorehi Hammond N, ar CaD 114 K BROAD 8T. Maa, A Daaraa Chiaaoa Mattresses Mattresses Order & Rebuilt Made Into Inneripringi Made to CALL CA. 2463 Feather Renovating & Upholstering. PARSONS TRENOR MOTOR SALES Dodge Plymouth Used Cars Trucks 3241 N. High Street, Columbus, LA. 1115 Walters SHOES 44 EAST BROAD ST. ESTABLISHED 1893 Our shoes deserve your inspection, and invite comparison. Wright ARCH PRESERVER and WINTHROP shoes for men Selby ARCH PRESERVER, STYLE-EEZ, and GROUND GRIPPER shoes for women. WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON PROPER FITTINGS. Bethlehem 1952 LOVELY HANDS Think of those lovely hands of the Baby God, fondling His Moth er’s face. The hands of His priests bring Him to the world over and over again in the Mass. Can you adopt Michael, a student in the Seminary at Beit Jala, near Beth lehem. and give the $600 needed lor his six years’ training.. On Christmas Night he will be at the Crib praying, to have a benefactor. Will you make his hands lovely? WHAT IS MYRRH? One of the Three Kings left It at the feet of Jeaus in the Crib. It was an ointment used to anoint dead bodies— all too prophetic of Christ’s death on the Cross. Gold we can under stand—it is for a King, and King of the World the Little Babe was. Incense is for God—and God He was. But myrrh? Ah. this helps us to participate in the sacrifices of Our Saviour in His agony and on the Croat. You do this by your STRINGLESS GIFTS to poor Near Eaat missionaries. JESUS’ PICTURE The Babe in the Crib gives us a picture of God. Can you give $40 for a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for a humble chapel? TRUK MEANING? Christmas means Christ* Mm and we do need so many Mass offerings to support needy Near East miaeionarie*. YOUR STRAW It will ba visits to His Crib on Christmas morning. Warm the little bodies of our orphans by giv ing a mite for ORPHANS BREAD. We have all too many of them. I&llear Hst Olissionsjh Frwndt Cardinal Spa*mew, Fraataanf M«gr Vh.m«» J. McMahon. Atari Sar ty Very lav Andrww S^goah Petar F. tuohy Rev. Wm. KoHar Dam, Send .M cammunkahem ta-. 4M Uxingtaa Ave, at 46tfi S' Naw YoHt 17, N Y. FIRST ALTAR Our Lady's Pure Heart was His first Altar. We do need badly altars, costing $50. for chapela we have built. WHICH PILLOW? The Little Lord Jesus will find a pillow for his head in hearts made strong by sacrifice. The Christian Brothers at Cheren In Eritrea beg us for $100 at this time. Won’t you help them?