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Ramsey Named President Edward A. Ramsey, member of St Michael’s parish, Worthington, last week was elected president of the Columbus Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. He is a partner in the firm of Ramsey and Croce and was archi tect for a number of churches and schools in the Diocese. The Playhouse 21 21-lnch TV Console Here, for the first time at this low price, is Magnavox quality 21" console TV. Powerful Long-Distance Chassis makes telecasting stations seem miles doser. Magnascope Big Picture System with 21-inch Screen slanted to cast roomlight re flections to the floor. Exclusive Magnascope opti cally-filtered screen is slant ed to prevent glare and pro duce life-like contrast. Big 12-inch speaker is slant ed upward to better distrib ute high-fidelity sound. Magnavox All-Channel UHF Tuner may be readily installed within the chassis. Magnavox fine-furniture cabinet in white oak finish, $359.50 In Mahogany Finish, $339.50. Hoermle’s GA. 2195 GA. 2196 1894 Parsons Ave. •erm sight srrmtouMD MTTWBW MAGNAVOX GA. 3504 -r GA. 3193 St. Mary Classes End Today After Yuletide Activities Classes at the College of St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus, will close today (Friday, December 19) at 4:15 p.m. following a week of Christmas activities. On Tuesday afternoon the Social Service Committee, under the co- chairmenship of Miss Jane Cisle and Miss Margot Holden, sponsor ed a party for the children of St. Vincent’s Orphanage. The Merry Masquers presented a skit and Santa Claus was a popular visitor. The College Glee Club, under the direction of Mrs. Grace Thomp son Edmister, presented its annual Carol Concert in the Little Theater on Tuesday evening. This year’s concert featured several innova tions, among them, harp solos by Mrs. Marilyn Moulton a carol of which the words were written by Miss Mary Catherine Zang and the music by Miss Mary Weil bacher, both senior students and a dance interpretation of Gregori an Chant Christmas Music by a group of students under the direc tion of Miss Mary Jo Feak. Climaxing the season’s activi ties at the college was the program of Ye Olde English Revels held in the Colonial Room under the direc tion of Miss Barbara Lee Chase on Thursday evening after the formal dinner. -----------------o-----------------written Vatican Publishes New Edition Of Roman Missal VATICAN CITY (Radio, NC) —A new edition of the Missale Ro manum—the Roman Missal has been published by the Vatican Printing Office. The first copy of the new edition was presented to His Holiness Pope Pius XII. The text of the rubrics and for mulas remain unchanged in the new missal, with rare exceptions. However, the Psalms in prepara tion for the Mass of Thanksgiving, as well as those for the Requiem Mass, follow the new version. ENTERTAINING EDUCATIONAL Hi** 7-SCEHI MtU ONLY 35c 3 for »1.00 VHW-MA$rfg STiatCSCOFf ONLY SJOO Columbus Photo Supply Co. 62 E. Gay St. Columbus, Ohio Call RAY SCHOLL for COAL High Grade Coal Priced Right 805 Woodrow GA. 2787 “PLEASED TO HEAT YOU* L. A. WIRTHMAN & SONS 606 636 Par gone Ave. Naw Truck Parts Used Trucks Bought and Sold ’52 FORD Buy The Economy Run Winner CHOICE OF 6 CYL. OR. CYL. MOTOR Three Transmissions, Seven Body Styles and Twelve Colors WATSON-FORD Open Evenings 1288 N. High St. Columbus, O. UN. 2118 Your Friendly Ford Dealer GA. 2194 Christmas Story Aired Over WOSU By Newman Club A series of five radio programs portraying the Christmas story were presented by members of the Newman Club of the Ohio State University between the fifteenth and nineteenth of December on the program “Morning Meditations”, aired over WOSU at 8:30 a.m. The series began with the bet rothal of the Virgin Mary and Joseph, included the Annuncia tion, and ended with the story of the Nativity. Points usually over looked at the Christmas Season are presented in an interesting and factual style. Newman Club members partic ipating in the broadcasts were Jane Cummins, Rita Nolan, James Garland, Thomas Showalter, James Noonan, and Donald Davis. -----------------o---------------- Pilgrims Form Long Lines To View St. Xavier’s Body GOA, Portuguese India (Ra dio, NC) Pilgrims filed past the exposed remains of St. Francis Xavier in the Cathedral here, at the rate of 25 persons per minute. From six o’clock in the morning until late at night, people line up one behind the other to pray at the coffin containing the Saint’s body and to touch religious objects to relics of the great missionary. SLittle-Known Zr said to haue On Sunday evening, December 21, St. Mary of the Spring* Acedemy will present a Cantata-Pageant for women's voices. In "A Christmas Triptych," written by Sister M. Denise, Mainville, O.P., has combined the Academy 60 voice glee club and the 21 voice verso choir tolling the story of the Netlvlty of Our Lord. A serie* of tebleaux form th* beckground picture* depicting th* progression of the scene* so beautifully set down by the Gospel writer*. Sister M. Helene, O.P., of th* Department of Mus|e, |s directing the choral interpretation with Miss Josephine VandeKerkhoff accompanying at the piano-organ. The Verse Choir is under the direction of Mi*, Patricia Kern. The entire production I* being staged under the direction of Sister Elizabeth Seton, O.P. Th* Cantata-Pageant will be held in the Little Theatre, Erskine Hall, at 8:00 p. m. There will be matinee performance on Saturday, December 20, at 2:30, to which all Religious are invited. Th* picture show* soloists for Cantata-Pageant Reading from left to right—top row: Jayne Tubb* Cecilia Green, Maridell Driggs front row Judith Lorenz, Agatha Zang end Patricia Warren. School Boards Seek End Of Amish Controversy HARRISBURG, Pa. School boards in Lancaster County’s Am ish sections recommended in a 5,000-word formal brief filed with the State Justice Department here that Pennsylvania grant special permits to “plain sects” parents to take their children out of school at the age of 14. The brief was the latest move toward finding a solution of the long-standing dispute that has seen many Amish parents jailed on tru ancy charges in recent years. It was filed by six law firms on be half of the school districts concern ed. o---------------- Book Week Poster Award CHICAGO, Dec. 12 (NC) —Jo Ann Picola of Mundelein College here was awarded first prize of $25 in a poster contest sponsored by the Catholic Library Associa tion, it has been announced. Miss Picola’s design, chosen from entries submitted by the art departments of Chicago’s Catholic women’s col leges, will become the official national poster for Catholic Book Week 1953. Second prize was awarded Barbara Baynes also of Mundelein College and third prize to Moira Boyne of Rosary College, River Forest, III. -----------------o---------------- READ THE TIMES WANT ADS. TRANGE BUT TR U Facts for Catholics By M. j. MURRAY cmnw*- im. Jernardo Arturo de CONVERTED 40.000JDVsJ TK ADams 1547 Merino (1355-1906) kad ike uhgue distinction of holdinff in turn, the three highest offices in the Dominican, ‘Xfyoubhc PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL. ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT of the Republic and Finally. 400 YtARS DEFOftC TkCY CAMS INTO GFHCRAL use LEONARDO DA VlNCI DESIGNED THIS BOQiNG MACHINE WCO4 SELF-CENTERING CHUCKS. Fig TREE T'"— (Chap 11 .V. 15)i THE LILY OF THE VALUEV (Chap 11. V. THE DOVE (Chap 11. V-14) AND TK GARDEN OF NUTS (Chap !V. Vio) SEWING MACHINES SALES & SERVICE AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR DOMESTIC AND NEW HOME Electric Sewing Machines in Port ables, Consoles and Desks. We Service, Repair and Electrify ill makes of Sewing Machines NEEDLES FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD MACHINES FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY ALL WORK GUARANTEED AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES Louie Stadlmayr—Owner Established 1911 "where sewing 'ichines are a business not a sideline” LOUIE'S SEWING MACHINE SHOP 923 Sullivant Ave. THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER ID, 1952 Appear In St. Mary Of The Springs Cantata Juvenile Delinr v'. r'J.4 4-1 St. Mary’s South Grad Wins Springs English Contest Winners of first and second prizes in a writing contest open to the seventy-five members of the freshman class at the College of St. Mary of the Springs, Columbus, have been announced by the Eng lish Department. They are Miss Kathleen Herder ick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph A. Herderick, 624 Wilson Av enue, and Miss Use Graf of Sin gen, Germany, currently residing with Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Williams, at 712 S. Third Street. Both students were graduated last June from St. Mary’s High School, south end. Members of the English Department screened the entries and the Reverend Urban Nagle, O P., judged the finalists. The subject assigned was “Why Magazines Make Good Christmas Presents.? 1- Ohio (xiurt Of I TOLEDO (NC) With juve nile delinquency cases in Lucas County bounding to a new all-time high in the records of the court. L. Wallace Hoffman, Juvenile Court director, has made some interest ing observations on the family scene in the United States, as he has had the cpportunity to view it. Where the court handled about 800 cases in the whole of 1937, it handled more than 2,000 cases in the first 10 months of 1952. There will be a continued increase in ju venile delinquency beyond 1955, the court official predicted. Among Mr. Hoffman’s observa tions were these: Three boys involved in traffic cases had the family cars five con secutive nights four of them school nights. None of the parents knew where their sons were going when they left the house, and none, according to the court, knew the next day where their sons had been Mr. Hoffman chides parents for yielding to pestering. A home, he says, can’t be run according to teen age standards. The court has been confronting parents who allow under age chil dren to use the car and who per mit use of the car after the li cense has been revoked. “When parents disrespect the law, what can you expect of the kids?” Census figures show^ said Mr. Hoffman, that the number of em ployed high school youths holding jobs in 1952 is five times greater than the number at work in 1940. One result is, he said, that 16- and (17-year-olds are buying their own cars, 8 partial explanation for the rise in traffic cases, contributing also to the breakdown in parental control. Mr. Hoffman’s experience is with working youth who have “terrific entertainment bills” and contribute very little to the family. Some par ents, he said, excuse this, saying the boys deserve a “last fling” be fore entering military service. More pre-teen-agers are appear ing in the Juvenile Court of Lucas county. Before 1945, said Mr. Hoff man, a case involving children un der 13 years was a “rarity.” Now 10,- 11- and 12-year-olds appear in court regularly. Mr. Hoffman has found obscene photos and literature on some boys appearing before him. He said he doesn’t know if this is a cause or result of delinquency. “But it all New Book Tries To Stump The Youngsters PATERSON. N. J., —(NC)—Des igned to stump puzzle fans between the ages of 10 and 14 a new 52-page book called “Puzzle and Quiz Book-1 has been published here by St. 0----------------Anthony’s Pole Is Named Archbishop VATICAN CITY (Radio, NC) —Bishop Joseph Gawlina, Ordinary for Poles in Exile, has been pro moted to the rank of Archbishop by His Holiness Pope Pius XII. Guild. The book is the work of Father Damien Anthony Wenzel. O.F.M., former editor of the “National Ca tholic Almanac.” It is filled with picture puzzles, scrambled letter stumpers, crossword puzzles and other sticklers. ------Library Notes----- ‘Korean Ernie Pyle Pens Tribute To UN Soldier From the Department of Library Science College of St. Mery of the Springs Th* Tundra World, by Theodora C. Stonewell-F 1 e e Little, Brown, and Co., 1952. Interested in the world about you? If you are there is no doubt that you will enjoy the intriguing Arctic as described by the author. Rosamund, a naturalist, travels to the Tundra World with her fellow workers to observe the numerous species of Arctic birds how they nest and raise their young before their great flight south. The story behind the hardships and dangers of this untraveled world provide adventure and excitement to the reader who accompanies these naturalists on their amazing jour ney. The reader who shares these experiences will learn to appreci ate and thrill at the mysteries of the Tundra World in all of its beauty. AL. The Flying Trunk, by Hans Christian Andersen, translated by Lydia Jensen Scott, Foresman, and Co., New York, 1951. This book is a collection of twenty-four tales, both folk and original, which have an appeal for children and adults alike. It in cludes old favorites such as “The Wild Swan,” “The Steadfast Tin Soldier,” “Thumbelisa,” and “The Ugly Duckling.” This last, we are told, was inspired by the author’s own life. Andersen was a keen ob server of life, and we find a subtle form of satire in some of his stor ies. Th* Flying Trunk is a treasure to the story teller, who does his best with tales that are short, sim plified, and that reach a climax quickly. Each tale has been en hanced with quaint illustrations by Renate Goetz. E.F. A Hole I* To Dig, by Ruth Krauss Harper and Brothers, New York. 1952. If a clever book is what you have been looking for, then look no more! At first glance, this lit- PHYSICIANS’ SUPPLIES Wendt-Bristol Co. TRUSSES SUPPORTS BELTS EXPERT FITTERS N»w Fitting Room. on Fir.t Floor "Tbo Proscription Store of Colcrmbu.” "W» Ha*o It" E. State St. AD. «10» 721 No. High St ML 81M WE DELIVER tie volume may seem quite child ish and elementary. However, it is in these two traits that the clever ness and charm of the book lie. Because definitions are given as any child would voice them, the book tends towards the humorous side. “A dream is to look at the night and see things” is a quaint and sweet way of describing that state of unconsciousness. The pic tures by Maurice Sendak are line drawings of children at their best —and worst. In every respect, this is the book to entertain youngsters and adults, alike: in fact, it is prob able that the older set may enjoy it even more. M.B.S. Friday—Th* Arapaho Indian, by Anderson, A M. Wheeler Publish ing Co., 1951. The story of Vash, a brave little Indian boy, who finds a new home with a white man, holds many thrills for boys and girls. Vash, later named Friday, returns to his own tribe and becomes a chosen leader of the braves. However, he remains loyal to the white man and does all in his power to estab lish peace in the land of the West. Jack Merryweather has provided this book of the American Adven ture Series with numerous, action filled illustrations. Where to your share? Th* Mat pgyeback you eub bow much will you keep fee yotrr tlfl Will You uency Rising, ical Declares spend every penny or will yon retain small portion for all the things you’ll want in the future 7 Ev en with all the monthly bills and obligations part of that payehoek belongs to you. Start saving your share now! At Bnekeye. you enjoy the added protection of insured saving*. BUCKEYE FEDERAL mvw« see less aosoanea asw p. mwm* *. adds fuel to the fire,” he said. If the youth isn’t rehabilitated, Mr. Hoffman said, he may become a professional criminal, costing the government and its citizens thou sands of dollars. First responsibility in preventive work rests with the parents, said Mr Hoffman, adding that religion ranks close to parental control as a delinquency deterrent. His rec ords, over a four-year period, show ed that 90 per cent of the young sters dealt with did not attend church regularly. Church-going, too, he explained, depends largely on parental ex ESTABLISHED IN 1890 GRIFFIN Owner and Operator 161 Edison Ave„ Circleville, O. DEFENBAUGH FUNERAL HOME Circleville 151 E. Mein St. Phone 411 ................... SEILLERS «*r»‘ 111 v Department Store ample. Parents, be said, should ac company their children to church. Co-operation with the youth work must come also from such programs as those carried on the CYO. He said more playgrounds Fergus Theibert Donald J. Kramer The Guarantee, Title & Trust Co. 22 W. Gay St. Columbus, O. Est. 1899 MA. 5531 Circleville Fast Freeze Food Locker F. J. are needed, and that more use might be made of recreational facilities of schools. The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when vou are distributing vour patronzge in the different lines of business. "Put Your Duds in Our Suds" Liles Laundry 1011 Wwt Tieb St AD. 1466 Fire-Proof Construction, Inc. QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS 880 W. Third Avenue UN. 1126 UN.1127 ROBERTS' PLUMBING COMPANY PLUMBING & STEAM FITTING 1574 E. Main St. FA. 2146 Columbus, Ohio MORTGAGE LOANS FHA and Conventional Improvement Loans Bernard C. Lang Gen’l Mgr. Millions of Foot of Lumber Church Cabinets Pews Panelwork McNally Lumber Co. 2034 Leonard Ave. FA. 2158 SPECIAL MILLWORK TO YOUR ORDER Circleville I Buyers' Guide THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK “Where Service Predonamatee*' 107 W. Main St. Phone 62 Circleville GOELLER'S PAINT STORE 219 E. Main Circleville LINDEN Hudson Cleaners 2Hour Service 2301 Cleveland LA 3112 LA 12111 HILLTOP Cut Flowers Potted Plants Funeral Designs Our Specialty Linden Florists Louie De Santia. Prop. 214S Denona La 1881 MOVING Hilltop Van & Storage Co. STORAGE COLUMBUS OHIO FL. 1597 RA 1107 Goodyear Tires & Batteries Expert Lubrication BILL SPIRES SHELL SERVICE W. Broad St. at Powell RA 0125 TODAY ... IS THE DAY Start your savings account now Open an account for any amount Add as you desire. Each individual account insured up to 810.000 by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation 2H% current rate 214% Central Ohio Federal Savings 78 South Third Street Between Broad and State