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Dayton I niversity Chemical Society Honors Local Man The Dayton section of the Amer ican hemical Society recently pre sented its annual award to Robert Eberts as the “outstanding senior chemistry student” at the Univer sity of Dayton. Mr. Eberts is *4ie son of Mr. and Mrs Robert Alberts of 268 South wood avenue. Columbus, and is a grading of st Charles Preparatory ,8wx)l. Robert, a chemistry major, was' given the award because of his high scholastic standing and his interest and enthusiasm in chem istry’. He is now president of the Chemical Society of the University of Dayton In addition he is acting as a student instructor of a fresh man course at the university. Last year he was named a ‘"Dis tinguished Military Student’’ by the ROTC at Dayton, in which he is now serving as Cadet Captain. o------------------- IT PAYS TO USE THE TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS. 24 E. Third Ava. COMPLETE FUNERAL SERVICE AD 3913 AD 59‘,a HOMt-LIKf Within the hnonciol Means of Any Family FUNERAL BERVICZ SINCE 1170 Dial GArfiald 3011 Wallpaper Remover NO STEAM NO FUSS NO MUSS NEVER A DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER Insist on W ALESTRIP Wallstrip is outstanding in the fact that it is the only vie recommended to pene trate water i xed paints See Your Local Hardware, Wallpaper or Paint Dealer WRITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SUPERIOR PRODUCTS 859 Fairwood Ava. COLUMBUS 5, OHIO ■ie i Neeu THESE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Experienced tn Catholic Funerals otter CONSCIENTIOUS AND DEPENDABLE SERVICE McNamara FUNERAL HOME A Catholic Funeral Home L'pholding Catholic Ideals, Following Catholic Principle* Columbut, Ohio WlN 1500 NEW CADILLAC AMBULANCE NOW IN SERVICE 40J l. TOWN ST., COUUMIUJ MAEDER-QUINT Funeral Parlors Ambulance Service Suocetaor to Pbaaa UN 1131 ARTHUR H. MAEDER A CO. IMI S. HIGH ST. Juat north of Greenlew n Av. A Satisfied Customer Is on Asset. Satisfied Customers ars OUR Best ASSETS, for more than 27 Years we hove been rendering the host possible services ot the least possible Expense. As Matters Stand--------------- Joe Breig Says: Home Guard Of Christ “Are you for Christ?” The very air of the December night seemed electrical with the question. It was repeated over and over in winking of col ored lights, in the Ik the songs of car U o 11 e rs. in the laughter of chiL dren. “No,” said the JF Strangely Truthful Strang er with whom I bk had fallen into step, “1 don’t suppose 1 can o n e s tly say Christ not in the be. To claim that am for should be claiming too much, 1M that way would afraid.” I He pondered as we walked along, our footfalls muffled in snow. Presently he remarked, i ik i 5888 Phea* UN MTT PH*Mita ParWag Jraa "About the most I can say for myself is that I am for Christmas.” I did not speak, because I did not know what to say. I was study ing his statement. He glanced at me obliquely, waited, and finally asked, “Do you understand what I am trying to say? “I don’t know that I do.” I an swered. “1 hope—I very much hope —you are not telling me that you are for Christ in the Crib, but not for Christ on the Cross.’’ He considered my words for the space of ten steps. Then he observ ed, "That’s wonderfully well put. But no, it’s not what I mean. I'm glad to be able to say truthfully that it’s not what I mean. The trou ble is, I’m not at all sure that I myself know what I mean.” The Strangely Truthful Stranger stared straight before him, search ing his own mind, questioning his own soul. Presently he spoke, slow ly, “Am I for Christ in the Crib, but not for Christ on the Cross? No. I’m not one of those who re ject the substance of Christianity, while milking it greedily for all its sentiment, all its beauty, all the joy and justice and love and order and .security it produces. I’m not that kind. In fact, I don't much like that kind.” “Neither do I,” I told him. “But 1 like you. I like the kind you are. What kind is it?” He smiled. “I too like the kind I am,” he said. "If 1 didn't, I'd have to dislike almost everybody. Most people are that kind. Most of us are for Christmas, even if we arent’ for Christ. I don’t admire us specially, but I like us.” "But what kind is it?” I repeat ed. He pondered. “I’m trying to get it into words,” he said. “I haven’t succeeded yet. It’s not really that we are for Christmas but not for Christ. No. Maybe it’s like this— were for Christ at Christmas. We’re for Christ on Good Friday. We’re for Christ on all great oc casions. But we’re not for Christ dav in and day out. “We’re— The Strangely Truthful Stranger seized my arm and looked into my face in an a'gony of concentration and self analysis. "Wait,” he said. “I’m beginning to see myself more clearly. I'm not so much for Christ as I am against Christ's enemies. Oh. you can be sure I am what most of us are? "We’re the Home Guard. Were the last line of defense. We're List ditch troops. When we're forced to, ve lake the defensive But we net er take the offensive. We never go into action until the enemy is at the gate*. We re too comfortable confound us too comfortable! The Strangely Truthful Stranger dropped his hand from my arm and spoke in a softer tone. es. he said quietly, “that s the kind most of us aie. We sing and re ioice with Christ at Christmas sorrow in Holy Week And we hold out doggedly for Christ when His enemies invade. "We hold out for a year, a thou sand years it makes no diffei ence On the defensive, in the last stand, we are indestructible. But the moment the enemy pressure relaxes, we begin to take it easy again. We do not advance We thrust out no salients. I hat is the work of better Christians than we the work of saints.' The Stranger was silent a long time. At lasl he said. “We are not bold, not audacious, not aggressive. That is what is wrong with us. That is what is wrong with the world. But it is good to realize that in the final showdown, we are tin beatable That's bettei than noth ing. 1 suppose.” “Enormously bettei 1 told tn Strangely Truthful Stranger, and ue walked on through the merri ment and the unaggresxive but un conquerable holiness ol Christmas ________o——----------- Indian Bishop Consecrated MANGALORE. India (NC) Bishop Basil S. T. Peres has been consecrated here as oadjuloi Bihop of Mangaloie He was nam ed last August. The consecrating prelate. Bishop Victor R. Kernan dez ol Mangalore, was assisted by Bishop Aldo M. Patroni of Calicut, and Bishop Jacob Mendonca of Triehinopoly. Attending the rites were Bishops of seven other Sees. ’Copter Oirries Statue VILLA MARIA. Cordoba, At gen tins -(NO- A statue of Our Lady of Fatima was brought to the main plaza here by helicopter lor cere monies marking the laying of the cornerstone of a new church BACK AGAIN! Pickerel Dinner 6 P. M. K. of Dining Room Slate and Sixth Streets Columbus, Ohio Point i Britii Hint of the Madmen Bria Lugosi Meet* A Brooklyn Gorilla Rig Night, The Hird of Paradise Blackbeard ate RKO Hlackma ile! Call Mr (Hr it i»h I David and Bathnheba Deadline THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1952 Wjp—- $ l.. 1/4 Amazing Monsieur Fabre. The (French) Arctic Flight Assignment in Pari* Atomic Battle* Barbed Big Jim McLain Rlaxing Forest, The Blue Canadian Bonxo Goes to Col Carson City Cripple Creel Dead Man'* Traill Denver and Rio Magic Bo* Man in the The Grande, The Deeperadoe* Outpost West Montana Incident My Son John A II—Morally I'nehjectinnahf* Above and Beyond— MGM Actor* and 8 nok* lad Babe, Devil Because of You Beware, My Lovely Rig Sky, The Captain BlarY Jack Three, Th* Eight Iron Fighter. The Fourpoater. Franchise Af Fabian Affair in Trinidad Aladdin and Hi* |*mp Angel Face RKU Angel with th* Trumpet Assassin for Hir* April in Pari* W.r_ Girl on the Bridge, The F.arth. The (formerly 2000 Women Lilli Marlene Limelight Lion and the Horta, The Brigand, The Gold (British) Mister Loan Shark •M"" Macao Magic Far* Min With a Cloak, Women Th* The Crooked W'ay, Th* Randi). Th* (Italian) Behind Closed Shutter* I Italian 1 Blue Angel, The 1 German 1 ireiaaue) Bullet for Stefano 1 Italian) Carnival in Flandera Club de Femmee (French) Confession* of a Viw Baron (Skid Row) Da maged Good* (Mar riage Forbidden) Damaged Live* Dedee i French 1 Devil in the Flesh Duet to Dust Model and the Mar-, riage Broker, The Model*, Head St. Vincent’s Alumni Red Ranks In Italy Are Torn By Defections Just a bit more than two yoars ago several former students of St. Vincent's orphanage, Columbus, stopped in for a chat with the Very Rev. Monsignor George Mason, then chaplain at the school. After a bit of browsing around through old picture albums and reminiscing with Mother Ida, superior at the school, someone men tioned the possibility of forming a St. Vincent's Alumni group. The idea was nursed along for several weeks and then several former students went into action with the result that todty'~tfta Alumni Association of St. Vincent's is a growing venture. Charles A. Spahr (left above), 2205 E. Fifth-av, Cjfumbut president of the group and can be reached at EV. He urges all boys and girls who formerly attended St. V or some other member of the Alumni who know of any former students to Leonard Jones, pictured above, the group. City. Th* of Chief Realart Pie. Pon. •lumping JarkgM Junction City Jungle, The Kid From Broke Lady in the Iron Last of the Cot che*—Columbia Last Train From Bombay Lure of the Wilderm Ma and Pa to contact him e urges all thoso him. is troasuror of atiocia ntact i bmarine ■’Round /, The )g Angi King for the for W ill Rog^r*, Luder the Red Sea Kettle at n* We*1 White Sui Our Jdy of Fatima Park Row Pat and Mik* Quiet Man. Th* Raiders, The Red Mountain Ring, The Satan in Si.irtt (form- Th* erly titled Guest B—Morally Objectionable in House on Telegraph Hill Willie and Joe Back at the Front World in Hi* Arm* Yankee Buccaneer Adah* the Houee For Happy Time, Th* High Noon Holiday for Sinner* Horixon* West Hour of 18, Th* Ju»t Aero** th* Street Ju*t for You Lu»ty e Secret People Sellout. J"he Son of All BahaY ipider and the FIW Steel Trap Th* 7 Stranger in Between, Widow. Th* Thief. The Turning Point. Th* Untamed Frontier Untamed Women Wait Till the Sun Insid* Straight fnajde th* Wall* of Prison Island of Desire (for merly Saturday What Price Glory Woman of the North Country for AH Part Path of Hope (Italian) Payment on Demand People Will Talk Phone Cali from a Pickup Prowler, Th* Rancho Notorious Raahomon (Japan***) Raton Paas Rendexvou* With Monk Baroni S*' No, Th* fan* (French) Vega* Story, Th* in .1-00 Kid Tomorrow (French) Roaring City Room For One Mora Second Face Secret of Convict Lake, Shamed Westport International Film* Rhe'* Working Her Way Through College Bingin* in the Rais Sky I* Red, The Man With My Face, The Maniacs on Wheel* 1 British 1 Mating Season, The Mexa of Lost Women Rniall Hack Room Smuggler'* Inland Snow* of Kilimanjaro Strange Fascination Millionaire for Chriaty, Down Among the Mill on the Po Family Secret, Th* Father'* Dilemma Follow (he Sun Foot light Varieties Murder Without Crime v Forbidden Past Mv Wife* Best Friend Nigh) ma re in Red China Night without Ten Tall Men 18th Letter, Th* Thief of Damascus Thia Woman la Dan. gsroua Tokyo file 211 To the Victor Two of a Kind Under the Oliv* Tree Underworld Slory. The (formerly Whipped. Unknown Ma n. The Valentino Volcano (Italian) Voodoo Tiger Waterfront* Women We're Not Married Whit* Hell of Pits- Sleep the Groom Gun t'raay (formerly Deadly i* the Female) Guy Who Came Hack Half Breed. The Heilgat* He Ran AU the Way Highway 201 Hi* Kind of Woman Hoodlum. The Jennifer 1 British 1 No Question* Asked Obsessed On the Riviera One Rig Affair Operation Secret Outcast of the Island* Outlaw Women Pandora and th* Fly» ing Dutchman High School Girl Hohoe* in Paradise )French) Hollywood Burlesque House Next Door. Th* Indiscretion* ("Nouveau Lover'* Return (French) ■Mad Youth W Fighting the White Flagh Will Surrender Italian) All in the Mind) French Scandal, A iSeadai* of Cloche- French White Cargo Genius anil the Night ingfale. The iItalian) Germany, Year Zero (German Gagt (French) Girl from Maxim’*— Alexander horde Palu (Italian) Wild Heart. The (for merly Gy pay Blood) W ith a Song in My Heart W'nman in Question, The You for M* Room Upatair*. Th* Royal Affair, A i French) Rorin* The I41 Child (Caecht Savage Triangle i French) TMlamenii (French) It's AH in the Mind i Fool* at Desirs) It* Forever Spring- Juat a Rig Simple Girt i French) l.a Ronde tFrench) I.aluko Lover* of Verona. The Scarred (Italian) She Should* Said No (Wild Weed) Sideroad 1 Mom and Dadi Sinful Daughter* Sinners. The (French) Sink of the Fathers, The Manon drench) Mari* dn Port 1 French) Merry Cha** (Italian) Mi*« Julie (Swedish) Mom and Dad (Side road) My Life (formerly Kea- N*i» (French) Nine Bachelor* ill* Etaient N*uf Cellhat aire*) (French) No Greater Sin (Social Enemy No. 1) No Orchid* for Mias Blandish (British) Oh. Amelia (French) (French) Pana Nights 1 French) Pana Walts. Th* Pepe 1* Moko (French) Race Suicide Raven. Th* (French) Skid Row (Confession* of a V ice Ba mn 1 Smashing the Vie* Racket Soul* in Pawn Stolen Paradi** (Adolescence) Story of Bob and Sally, The 1 Houae Next Door The) Stroller*. The (French' Thrill That Kill*, The (Cocaine) Young and the Damn ed. The (Mexican Wages of Sin"—Real Life Drama Way* of Lee* (French Italian 1 Weneh Th* (French' When Love Call* tltal- Women Without Name* Italian) By Father Joseph J. Sullivan ROME (NC) Large defec tions have torn communist ranks in three south Italian towns. These defections occurred in It aly’s poorest regions where land reform as well as Marshal Plan public works have been in prog ress. Some 400 farm workers at San Severo, a heavily communist town north of Foggia. turned in their communist party and CGIL union cards to officials of the Christian Democratic party following allot ments of land to them in the land reform program. The CGIL (Gen eral Confederation of Italian work ers) is a communist-dominated un ion. Il here, reports that similar defec tions took place at two other South Italian towns. At Ascoli ^atriano, 60, and at Castellucio, 52 braccianti or farm laborers sur rendered their communist cards and asked for membership in the Christian Democratic organization. Tempo, a conservative daily Observers here state that the Red defections may indicate a gen ftrend among south Italy's Paul Gallacher. Mgr. The John J. Carroll Store Newark O. D. HOLLAR & SON Plumbing and Heating 62 West Church Street jMfles Phon* 2582—Rea Phan* 8M2 DOLANS Clothing & Shoos 59 $. 3rd St. Newark, O. TRADE WITH THE ROE EMERSON STORE CLOTHES—HATS—FURNISHINGS SHOES 11 “S’" Wwt Sid* Bqear*. N*wark The Lad'* Stor* a* Well a. Dad"* ZZaVWMVVWSAA/VWVVWWv "TA* Store TAat I* Ot/ferewrt” FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES S7-IS W. Maia St. Newark ,’VAVW/AV«WiVAVAV Ted's Jewelry Newark Swanks Market OPEN SUNQAYS Phono 32151 45 Granville Newark Insured farm workers, but they warn against a premature optimism. It was noted the south’s poverty is desperate and that the programs of land reform, public works, ir rigation. road building and home construction are of a long-range nature and cannot be expected to produce large-scale results immedi ately. Observers also point out that land reform is a difficult and per ilous project. The poor soil cannot produce much in the first years and perhaps the new tenants will be more dissatisfied than ever. But the defections from the Reds ranks are looked on as at least some heartening sign that the poor are recognizing the efforts made by the government to do some thing for them. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY ®NEWARK CLASSIFIED SECTION 2«c per Na* SEPTIC TANKS Pre-Ca»t Concrete SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE AND CINDER BLOCKS W. L. MATTOX Corner Forty and Daniel Ave.. Phone Udd Newark, Ohio SERVICE STATIONS HERTZ DRIVE-UR-SELF SYSTEM Phone 9087 PEARSON'S MARATHON SERVICE CENTER FIFTH AND CHURCH STREETS Newark’* Fin**t Servie* Center I SWEEPER REPAIR A. B. VOORHEES PHONE 91793 «1 POPLAR AVENUE SWEEPERS----- PARTS AND SERVICE LABOR AND PARTS GUARANTEED FREE INSPECTION VACUUM CLEANERS AS FOLLOWS Airway Kirby Apex Cadillac Phone 49142 7 Union St. Sawyer's Market Foods Quality Newark, Ohio 393 E. Mein ALTMEYER SHELL SERVICE Deposit* THE NEWARK TRUST COMPANY Member Federal Dapoait Insurant* Corporation CEMENT BRICK /.ND BLOCK USED LUMBER BUILDING AND S. G. (TEDO)_HATERIAIJI ____ k loewendickYsons LINN VILLE I, IAD When You Want GOOD Furniture—Go to CARLILE'S Wear Main at Arcade Aaa*x General Electric Regina Royal Beach Hamilton Hoover Ken more Weetinghou** Electro Hygiene Tank How, Sweeper Part* All Make* Filter*. Dust Bags, Switches, Cord* and Plug* The P. Smith Sons Lumber Co. Building Materials Yard and Office 44-85 Snath Second Street NEWARK OHIO E. The Most I’owertul Gasoline Car. Bnrkmgham and Granville St*. A ISO L.O.L.P. Establiehed SCOTT'S “Home Furnishers For Over a Century" PARK PLACE PH «CM Save at Ponn.ys J. C. Penney Co.* Inc. Everything to W ear E. PARK PLACE NEWARK You never realize how fortunate you are until you enter a gift shop and see how many things your friends haven’t sent you TOM STEVENS 141 Everett Ave. Newark, Ohio 102-108 East Main it. Wills $7500 To Seminary WASHINGTON—(NC)—A schol arship fund of $7,500 has been be queathed to the Society of the Di vine Word at Bay St. Louis, Miss., for the education of a young Negro priest to serve the Catholic Church in the -South. Under the terms of the will of the late Dr. Henry J. Crosson of this city, the money is to be available after the death of the testator’s widow, Fund Drive Exceeds Goal ROCHESTER, N. Y.—Exceeding its goal by 48 per cent, a campaign by the Rochester Roman Catholic Diocese for $3,045,550 to build new high schools resulted in the col lection of $4,505,185 in cash and pledges. EGAN-RYAN FUNERAL SERVICE BROAD St. at CLEVELAND Ave. Serving th. Cathelle famlHe* «f Central Ohia. i AMBULANCES MA. 6665 MA. 6666 Deefer GOOD SERVICE AT A FAIR PRICE Genuine Part* BATTERIES S7.60 (INSTALLED DU COUNTT) Walker and Battat Pkon« ««1C 107 K. Mein St BMT BUT IN ran CAM BORDEN'S Dairy & Ice Cream Co. Phone 4053 Leo Reichert Complete Insurance Service t*i. cm: 42 S. 4th St. Newark George W. Arensberg PHARMACIST 174 Hudann A**., Newark, Obi* SPECIALIZING IN PRESCRIPTIONS THE HUB The Busy Store Men's and Boys* Clothing NEWARK. OHIO Arcade Drug Store 33 N. 3rd St. Newark “Where you are ahnays welcome1 EGAN Funeral Home Ambulance Service Phone 3580 132 W. Church Newark Sgrviee Integrity The Park National Bank OF NEWARK NORTH PARK FLORIST FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Ph. 6234 1237 Mt. Vernon Avh NEWARK SHEET METAL Roofing Spouting Heating 24-Hour Service MATESICH DIST. AGENCY Budwaiser Wiodamann's Rad Top Gibson's Wine CURRAN MOTOR CO., INC Cadillac Oldsmobile Rao Truck Sales and Service Phon. 3397 Zanesville, Ohio Newark, Ohio