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I MASS ORDO Liturgy Of The Week FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 FEAST OF ST. STEPHEN THE FIRST MARTYR Red vestments, Gloria Second prayer of the Nativity, Credo. Pre face and Communicantes of the Nativity. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 FEAST OF ST. JOHN, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST White vestments, Gloria, Second prayer of the Octave. Credo, Pre face and Communicantes of the Nativity. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 SUNDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE NATIVITY: FEAST OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS Red vestments. Gloria, Second prayer of the Octave. Tract omit ted. Credo, Preface, etc of the Nativity. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 FEAST OF ST. THOMAS BECKET Red vestments, Gloria, Second prayer of the Octave, Credo, Pre face. etc., of the Nativity. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 TUESDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE NATIVITY MASS OF SUNDAY White vestments. Gloria Second prayer of the Octave. Credo, Pre face. etc., of the Nativity. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 FEAST OF ST. SYLVESTER White vestments, Gloria. Second prayer of the Octave, Credo. Pre face, etc., of the Nativity. AOLETTI'S RESTAURANT 52 S. 3RD ST. COLUMBUS Well-known for Good Food end Pleasant Atmosphere Open a. m. to 1 Complete Bar Service Closed Sondaye THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 FEAST OF THE CIRCUMCISION OF OUR LORD: OCTAVE DAY OF CHRISTMAS White vestments, Gloria, Credo, Preface, etc., of the Nativity. FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 OCTAVE DAY OF ST. STEPHEN Red vestments, Gloria, Proper prayer, Second prayer of the Bless ed Virgin, Third for the Church or Pope. Preface of the Nativity. SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 OCTAVE DAY OF ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE White vestments. Gloria, Second prayer of the Blessed Virgin. Third for the Church or Pope, Preface of the Apostles. -------------------o------------------- Church's Need For Young Leaders Cited By NCWC WASHINGTON—(NC)—The need for leaders from the laity on all levels to further the work of the Church was stressed by Msgr. How. ard J. Carroll, General Secretary of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, in a talk here. The Monsignor addressed a ses sion of the three-day meeting of the National Federation of Dioce san Catholic Youth Councils’ execu. tive board in the N. C. W. C. head quarters. The N. C. W. C. official lauded the progress made by the federation, formed a year ago in Cincinnati, but emphasized that the enemies of the Church and of west etn civilization, in theii organiza tion and activating of youth, have set a pace which max prove cliff cult to meet. DAN CONNOR INSURANCE SERVICE FIRE—AUTOMOBILE—LIABILITY FL. 1531 LA. 8061 the great new fall TV shows iqnavox Long-Distance 21-inch TV Console with every important Magnavox feature! For thrilling reality of sight and sound, and long lived, trouble-free performance, there s nothing like a Magnavox And the Holiday 21, tn terms of dollar-for-dollar value, is the greatest TV buy on the mar ket Come in, see for youself the steady, hke-likc pictures, free from glare and an noying reflections Hear the superb high fidelity Magnavox sound that matches the bigness of the picture .And discover how readily the handsome cabinet will accommodate all tlx* future HF channels You’ll convince yourself that here indeed is the quality television value of the year. in Mahogany finish $29850 BETTW SIGHT BETTER SOUND BETTER BUY MAGNAVOX 1894 PARSONS AVE. GA. 2195 GA. 2196 Catholic Authors Group Meets w Mr. Philip Temple (right), librarian of Georgetown University, shows the library's exhibit of Saint Francis Borgia manuscripts to fel low members of the board of governors of the Gallery of Living Ca tholic Authors at the board's recent meeting at the university. Left to right are: Rev. Paul Hanly Furfey, of Catholic University Dr. Ru dolph Allers and Professor Riley Hughes of Georgetown, Dr. Roy J. Deferrari, Catholic University, and Mr. Temple. (NC Photos) ]952 National (Continued from Page 1) lege s 1952 Magnificat Medal Canadian Census Discloses 6,069, 496 Catholics arc 43.3% of total population. MAY A million persons packed Barce lona, Spain, for the 35th Interna tional Eucharistic Congress, one of history’s most spectacular demon strations ol faith. Ihe 1952 Ofli cial U.S. Catholic Directory report ed 29.407.520 Catholics in nation. Catholic Committee for Refugees reported 415 displaced priests from iron curtain countries placed in U.S., homes found for 116 others, some 600 still abroad. Catholic Hospital Association’s 37th annual meeting was in Cleveland. Serra International’s 10th convention in Milwaukee. JUNE Germany’s beloved Michael Car dinal von Faulhaber, 83, died, re ducing the Sacred College ot Car dinals to 46. Fr. Theodore Hes burgh, C.S.C., succeeded Fr. John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., as University of Notre Dame president. Over riding a Piesidcntial veto. Con gress enacted the McCarran-Walter omnibus immigration bill. JULY Pope Pius issued an Apostolic I-etter in which he dedicated in a “most special way” the Russian people to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Holy See issued an in struction to the Bishops on rules governing saered art. Chicago’s Cardinal Stritch open ed both the Republican and Demo cratic national conventions there with prayer. The Glenmary Sisters of Glendale, O., were recognized officially hy the Holy See. The Catholic Daughters of America held their golden jubilee conven tion at Lake Placid, N.Y. and the Catholic Total Abstinence Union, its 80th annual meeting in Wor cester, Mass AUGUST Pope Pius created the new Prov Kansas, making the Kansas Kansas diocese an archdi- ince of City in ocese. Bishop William T. Mulloy of Cov ington. was elected president at the 13th National Liturgical Confer ence in Cleveland. Mrs. Helen T. Howard, Columbus. O., was named Supreme Regent of the Daughters of Isabella at its Toronto conven tion. The 97th national Catholic Central Verein convention was held in St. Louis 70th annual Supreme Council. Knights of Columbus, meeting in Los Angeles 15th Ca tholic Students’ Mission Crusade convention at Notre Dame U., and 22nd Congress of Pax Romana at Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Quebec. SEPTEMBER By thosands, Catholics swarmed into Vienna for a Katolikontag in the wake of a similar successful convention in Berlin Germany's Hierarchy at 86th annual Fulda conference noted “godlessness is no longer fashionable.” Msgr. H. Alphonsus Harrington, who has four priest brothers, two nun sisters, was named Bishop of Kamloops. Canada Mrs. William H. Dalton. Augusta, Me. was elect ed president at 26th National Conn SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION SERVICE and SAFETY are important conuderation* in selecting a depository for your Savings we offer friendly service, sound man agement and careful plan ning. CURRINT Olfi/ DIVIDEND Review Zy /O RATI 7 All Acteuets Inured Up $10,000. II IAST •AT AD. J14I -A INSURED THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1952 cil of Catholic Women convention in Seattle. The 38th annual Na tional Conference of Catholic Char ities convention was held jointly with the St. Vincent de Paul Soci ety and the Apostleship of Sea in Cleveland. Fr. Patrick Peyton. C.S.C., opened a Family Rosary Crusade in the New' York arch diocese. Catholic Bible Week (Sept. 28-Oct. 5), a nation-wide commem oration of the 500th anniversary of the Gutenberg Bible, opened. OCTOBER Death sentences were given after a mass “trial’’ in a Bulgarian com munist court to Bishop Eugene Bossilkofi of Nicopol, and three priests and prison sentences were imposed on 21 priests, a nun and 14 laymen. Denounced throughout the free world, the incident was characterized by U.S. State Depart ment as communism’s attempt to destroy the last remnants of the Chinch in Bulgaria. Catholic Youth Week was mark ed nation-w de October 19 to 26. The 1952 Hoey Awards for pro moting interracial justice went to Charles F. Vatterott, jr., St. Louis, and Joseph J. Yancey, Negro founder of Pioneer Athletic Club, New York Rep. John McCormack of Massachusetts received the 1952 Peace Medal at the Third Order of St. Francis convention in Milwau kee. Bishop Ralph I.. Hayes of Davenport was elected president at the 30th annual National Cath olic Rural Life Conference conven tion in Saginaw, Mich. NOVEMBER Pope Pius named 24 prelates as Cardinals, scheduled a January 12 consistory to bestow' Red Hats. The action brings Sacred College of Cardinals membership from 46 to the lull 70. At the annual Washington meet ing, the U.S. Hierarchy issued a statement called “Religion, Our Most Vital Asset, pointing up the secularist threat to the U.S. gov eminent. The Pope sent a congrat ulatory message to Dwight D. Eis enhower alter his defeat ot Gov. Adlai Stevenson in the presidential election. Joining the 47 other States, California, in a referendum, voted tax exemption for parochial, other non-profit, non-public schools. A Thanksgiving’ Clothing Week campaign to aid war needy was conducted in 104 U.S. Secs with a 4,000-ton of clothing goal. Michael T. Keller, Boston insur ance executive, was named NCCS executive committee chairman. George Meany, 58. was elected A.E. oi L. president to succeed the late William Green Dixie Lee Crosby, 40. wife ol Bing Crosby, was re ceived into Catholic Church short ly before her death of cancer. First annual Peace Award went to late Sen Brian McMahon of Con necticut at silver jubilee conven tion of Catholic Association for In ternational Peace in Washington. Death came to CIO President Phil ip Murray. 66 Bishop James Mc Fadden, 71. of Youngstown. DECEMBER As it did last year, the U.S. Hierarchy called on America’s 30, 000,000 Catholics to observe De cember 28 as a nation-wide prayer and reparation day lor the perse ruled of the world. Cardinal Spell man left New York to spend his Christmas for the second succes sive year with the nation’s fighting forces in Korea. President-elect Eisenhower nam ed Martin P. Durkin, 58, labor leader and daily communicant, to be Secretary of Labor. A Cardinal, 8 Archbishops. 20 Bishops, thou sand of priests, nuns and laymen attended the third national Mis sionary Congress in Monterrey, Fr. Georges Bissonnette, 31, As sumptionist, was issued a visa by Russian Embassy to replace Fr. Arthur Brassaid in Moscow. In dignation mounted in Britain over the governments invitation to Yugoslavia’s Marshal Tito to visit the nation. The racial segregation issue in the nation s public schools was argued before the U.S. Su preme Court First U.S. seminary of the Missionaries of SS Peter and Paul was dedicated in Colum bus O. Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia broke oil diplomatic relations with the Vatican voicing his anger over elevation \ichbishop Stepinac to Cardinalatc. HARRY WELINITZ Concrete & Cinder Building Unite 4”-6”-8” 12" sizes STKEL SASS 23! N. Princeton RA 2-2641 1952 Local Review (Continued from Page 1) Family Life awards for their good example and Christian zeal. Hon ored were Mr. and Mrs. James P. Charles of St. Thomas parish, Co lumbus Mr. and Mrs. George Ful cher. of St. Augustine parish. Co lumbus Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Griffin of St. Joseph parish, Cir cleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jacobs of St. Thomas Parish, Co lumbus. April 4—Victor J. Warken, su pervisor of Commodity Distribution Ohio Welfare Department, was elected chairman of the Catholic Welfare Bureau advisory board. He is a member of Christ the King parish. April 19—The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, Ph.D., S.T.D. com pleted 25 years as a member of the faculty of St. Charles Seminary. May 2—The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ber nard P. Vogel retired as pastor of St. Leo’s parish. He had spent 32 of his 47 years in the priesthood as head of the south end parish. May 2—Bishop Ready dedicated the new grade school of Our Lady of Peace parish. The new one-story building contains six classrooms. May 11—Bishop Ready offered a Solemn Pontifical Mass at St. Thomas the Apostle church. Co lumbus. marking the golden jubi lee of the foundation of the parish. May 17—Mrs. H. Hemler of 1469 Eastwood Ave., the oldest member of St. Joseph’s Cathedral parish, marked her 100th birthday today. May 18—The new’ Corpus Christi Church, one of the diocese s most modern architectural structures, was formally dedicated by Bishop Ready today. May 18—The spring conference of the Columbus Diocesan Council of Catholic Women attracted 1600 women to Newark. Miss Sophia deValle of Mexico City, leader of the Catholic action movement in the city, told of religious oppres sion in the country. May 22—The Rev. Robert E. Gately and the Rev. Jerome Kend zierski were ordained priests by Bishop Ready in the Chapel at St. Charles Seminary. May 24—An open house, occa sioned by the opening of an annex which increases the capacity of the home to 50 patients, was held at St. Rita’s Home for the Aged, Columbus. May 28—Cornerstone laying cer emonies for the new $300,000 No tre Dame High School in Ports mouth were held today with Bish op Ready presiding. When com pleted the building will provide classroom facilities for students now attending Holy Redeemer and St. Mary’s High Schools. June 1 The largest confirma tion class in the history of the di ocese-498 adults received the Sacrament from Bishop Ready in St. Joseph’s Cathedral. June 6- A total of 887 seniors in 24 parochial schools have earned high school diplomas. June 11—The first member of the Corpus Christi parish to re ceive Holy Orders was the Rev. Carl James Breitfeller, who was ordained today in Washington by Archbishop Patrick A. O’Boyle. June 12 A new parish dedicat ed under the title oi St. Gabriel was canonically established today. The parish area is in the north eastern section oi the city (Amvet Village). Eight acres of land have been purchased on the north side of Mock Road at Woodland Ave nue for the parish site. June 15—The Rev. Eugene F. Dunn, pastor of St. Vincent dePaul Church. Mt. Vernon, celebrated the silver jubilee of his ordination to day. June 22 The Rev. Clement B. Teipe, pastor of St. Luke’s parish, Danville, for 37 years, observed the golden anniversary of his ordina tion today. June 27- The Rev. James Grib bon, an Air Force Captain, who has 3’a years in the service, native of New York City, was named as chaplain of the 1100 Catholic air men at Lockbourne Air Base. July 4 -Appointment of the Rev. George F. Schorr, J.C.D., as Vice Chancellor of the Diocese, headed a list of new assignments for 22 diocesan priests. New pastors are the Rt. Rev. Francis J. Schwende man, St. Leo’s Rev. Joseph Hakcl, Holy Cross Church. Rev. William Stacker, Holy Trinity Church, Jack son the Rev. Richard Connelly, St. Colman’s Church, Washington C.H. the Rev. Andrew Hohman, Church of the Atonement. Crooks ville the Rev. Robert R. Schmidt, St. Joseph Church, Sugar Grove and chaplain. Boys Industrial School, Lancaster the Rev. Ber nard Jones, St. Genevieve s Church, Calmoutier the Rev. harles Jones. St. Philip Neri Church, Mur ray City. July 4—-The Very Rev. Msgr. Adrain F. Brandehoff, J.C.L.. re signed as rector of the Pontifical College Josephinum. Ill health forced him to vacate the post which he held for seven years. July 6—Bishop Ready presided at the cornerstone laying ceremon ies of an addition to cost S200.000 and remodeling of Sacred Heart School, New Philadelphia. UNITED REFRIGERATOR SERVICE 581 W. Town St. MA. 4231 Frigidaire and Tyler Refrigeration Equipment Sales and Service July 13 Graduation exercises for the largest class of nurses ever to complete the three-year diploma course at St. Francis Hospital, 22 graduates, were held today in St. Joseph Cathedral. July 18 The Very Rev. James J. McLarney, O.P., was reelected prior of the Dominican House of Studies and re-appointed pastor of St. Joseph Church in Somerset. He will hold both positions for the next three years. July 18—Plans were announced for a $100,000 convent planned for the Sisters of Ihe Divine Provi dence who comprise the faculty of St. Joseph School, Dover. July 25—The cornerstone for the new Holy Spirit School at 4381 E. Broad Street was blessed today. The six-room school for elementary pupils will be open in September. August 21- Some 120 students from diocesan schools are attend ing the 15th national convention of the Catholic Students Mission Crusade, which opened today at Notre Dame University. August 22—The first summer school of liturgical music ever to be held in the diocese opened for five days at St. Charles College. August 15—The Sisters of St. Joseph, who have foundations in 21 archdioceses and dioceses of the United States, will establish a house in the Columbus diocese, Bishop Ready announced today. August 15 More than 11,000 parochial school students will have the benefit of the city Health de partment’s nursing service, when school opens this fall, the Rev. Bennett Applegate acting superin tendent of school, announced. August 15—The Rev. Paul A. Gieringer, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Church, was chosen new rector of the Pontifical College Josephinum. August 28 “Recruiting for Christ” was the theme of a two-day golden jubilee convention for di ocesan teachers and principals which opened today at St. Mary of the Springs College. Some 500 priests and nuns for 81 parochial schools attended. August 28—A three-day festival opened today to mark the silver jubilee of St. Augustine church. Columbus. September 5 The Pontifical Foreign Mission Institute of SS. Peter and Paul has opened a semi nary at 324 East North Broadway, Columbus, and has already accept ed five young men as students. It is the Institute's first seminary in the United States. Sept. 7—Ground for the new St. Gabriel Church to be located at Mock Road and Woodland Avenue in northeast Columbus, was broken by the Very Rev. Msgr. Harold O’Donnell, pastor., Sept. 22—Bishop Ready announc ed new assignments for five di ocesan priests, including the Rev. Bennett C. Applegate as diocesan superintendent of schools. Fr. Ap plegate has been acting superin tendent for the past year. Sept. 26—The Rev. Charles A. Curran. Ph professor oi psychol ogy at St. Charles Seminary, has been elected president of the Start to save now- MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM American Catholic Psychological Association. Sept. 28—A Solemn Mass, with Bishop Ready presiding, opened the week-long diocesan observance of National Catholic Bible Week. The celebration commemorates the 500th anniversary of the printing of the Gutenberg Bible. Oct. 8—New regulations concern ing education, marriage, Masses, and vocations were promulgated by Bishop Ready at the fifth synod in diocesan history. Some 190 priests attended the synod in St. Joseph Vathedral. Oct. 12—The obligation of lead ing an exemplary life dedicated to Christ was stressed by Bishop Ready in an address at the Holy Name Rally al St. Joseph’s Priory. Somerset. More than 200 persons participated in the rally. Oct. 17—More than 700 women attended the seventh annual con vention of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women in the Deshler A’ailick Hofei. Dr. James O’Neill, noted educator and author, spoke on the theme of his book “Catholi cism and American Freedom.” Oct. 18 Parishioners of St. Patrick s Church. Columbus, began a three-day celebration in observ ance of the church’s 100th anni versary. The parish is the second oldest in Columbus. Oct. 28—A fifteen-week course in Theology for Laymen opened today in the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts. The course is based on St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theo logica and will deal with the life of Our Lord and the manner in Vhich He is our model. Nov. 9—A talk by Louis Budenz highlighted the golden jubilee cel ebration of the foundation of the Holy Name Society of St. Nicholas church. Zanesville. Nov. 9 Talks by Bishop Ready of Columbus and Bishop John D. Wright of Worcester, Mass., high lighted the two-day meeting of the Ohio Regional Conference of the National Laywomen s Retreat League. Nov. 18—The moral tone of mo tion pictures has shown a marked improvement, in the past two years, according to a report given by Bishop Ready at the annual meeting of the Archbishops and Bishops of the United States. The prelates met in Washington. Nov. 21 Bishop Ready blessed S 49 N. High St. Day Of Reparation. Prayer To End With Holy Hour Participation of the Columbus Diocese Sunday in the nation-wide day of Reparation and Prayer will be climaxed at 7 p. m. with a.Holy Hour in St. Joseph Cathedral. The Rev. Robert White, assistant at the Cathedral, will preach. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed all day follow ing the 11 a. Mass. -------------------o------------------- German Book On Index VATICAN CITY—(Radio, NC) A German book dealing with cer tain aspects of sex lite has been placed on the Index oi Forbidden Books. The ban, pronounced in a decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office issued today, concerns the book “Eine Anthro pologic der Geschlechtegemein schaft” by Ernest Michel. -------------------o------------------- PALMIRA, Colombia (NC) Forty-eight Japanese belonging to a farming colonv were baptized in Trinity parish here. Immediately after the ceremonies. 21 couples in the group were united in mar riage. the cornerstone of the new St. Ga briel Church. It is the thirty-third parish in the city of Columbus. Dec. 5—Mother Mary Zoe, Moth er general of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, and former principal of Marion St. Mary’s High School, died in Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati. Dec. 7—The “Hour of Holiness”, sponsored by the Columbus Dio cese. returned to WBNS today for a 26-week stay. Dec. 9 Adequate spiritual, so cial and educational facilities for families moving into southeastern Ohio near the proposed atomic energy plant in Piketon, were plan ned in two separate meetings to day. Diocesan directors of the Na tional Catholic Community Servic es convened in Columbus, and Portsmouth Deanery priests and Catholic Lay leaders met at Holy Redeemer parish hall. Portsmouth. Dec. 14—Bishop Ready blessed the new seminary of the Mission aries of SS. Peter and Paul, located on East North Broadway in Clin tonville. The seminary already has five students. JEWELERS Columbus, Ohio Savings Club HAN E ASH next year for the finest Christmas ever ... through our Chnetmas Club plan. Join the thrifty savers who annually pay holiday and year-end ex penses IN ADN ANCE in this modem and convenient way. Many open accounts for EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. Come in now and open your account. Federal Deposit IntMranee Vp to I14W0 tor Each Depositor AD. 9484 Have cash next year! MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION