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2 MASS ORDO Liturg) Of The W eek FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 OCTAVF DAY OF ST. STEPHEN Red vestments, Gloria. Proper prayer. Second prayer of the Bless ed Virgin. Third for the Church or Pope. Preface of the Nativity. SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 OCTAVE DAY OF ST. JOHN THE APOSTLE White vestments Gloria. Second prayer of the Blessed Virgin. Third for the Church or Pope Preface of the Apostles. SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, FEAST OF THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS. White vestments, Gloria, Second prayer (in Low Masses only) of the Octave Day of Holy Innocents, Credo. Preface of the Nativity. 581 w. Town St. MA. 4231 Frigidaire and Tjler Refrigeration Equipment Sales and Service Ml "Hd, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 7, WEDNESDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE EPIPHANY. Mass as on the feast, white vest ments. Gloria, Second prayer of the Blessed Virgin, Third for the Church or Pope. Credo, Preface and Communicantes of the Epipha ny. THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, THURSDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE EPIPHANY. Mass as on the f^ast. White vest ments. Gloria. Second prayer of the Blessed Virgin, Third for the Church or Pope. Credo, and Communicantes of the ny MONDAY, JANUARY 5, VIGIL OF THE EPIPHANY, White vestments Gloria. Second prayer of St. Telesphorus, Third of the Blessed Virgin. Credo. Pref ace of the Nativity TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD. White vestments. Gloria, Credo, Preface and Communicantes of the Epiphany. UNITED REFRIGERATOR SERVICE Long- Distance 21-inch important Alagnaiox feature! Mahogany fmtsh for Preface Epipha- 9, FRIDAY, JANUARY FRIDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE EPIPHANY. Mass as on the feast. White vest ments, Gloria, Second prayer of the Blessed Virgin. Third for the Church or Pope, Credo, Preface and Communicantes of the Epipha- SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, SATURDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE OF THE EPIPHANY. Mass as on the feast White vest ments, Second prayer of the Bless ed Virgin. Third for the Church or Pope, Credo. Preface and Commun icantes of the Epiphany. T. M. SHEEDY PAVING CONTRACTOR Asphalt and Concrete Spraying Driveways !S N*ii*lon St AD. SSS2 DAN CONNOR INSURANCE SERVICE HRE— AUTOMOBILE—LIABILITY 1531 ... LA. 8061 the great new fall TV shows and sound. \nd on the mar- that matches will $29850 BETTER SOUND BETTER BUY MAGNA VOX 1894 PARSONS AVE. GA. 2195 GA. 2196 Pope’s Christmas Message (Continued from Page 1) contrary to the fundamentally per sonal nature ol those institutions which the Creator has given to hu man society, in fact, marriage and the family, the State and private property tend of their very nature to form man as a person, to protect and render him capable of contrib uting through his own voluntary cooperation and personal responsi bility to a likewise personal life and development of human rela tions.” “The creative wisdom of God,” the Pope added, “is therefore alien to that system of impersonal unity which strikes at the human per who is the origin and end of ciety and in the depths of ing the image of God.” son, so be- his of the an- Hc said that the result depersonalization of war guished consciences everywhere, as attempts are made to “mechanize even consciences” by “public pre scriptions for birth control, and the pressure brought to bear by the administrative machinery, of what is called social security.” Even the right of immigration, the Pope added, is “nullified under the pretext of a common good, falsely understood or falsely ap plied,” “See,” he said, “how the natural right of the individual to be hampered in immigration or em igration is not recognized in prac tice or nullified under the pretext of a common good.” “Certainly,” the Pope went on, “we will not deny that this or that region is at present burdened by a relatively excess population. But the desire to solve the difficulty with a formula that the number of inhabitants should be regulated according to the public economy is equivalently to subvert the order of nature and the entire psycho logical and moral world which is bound up with it.” anizations whose Chillicothe K. Of C. Plavs Santa To Local Youngsters CHILLICOTHE Knights of Co lumbus Flaget Council 1071, Chil licothe, Ohio, played Santa Claus to the school and pre-school chil dren of St. Mary’s Peter’s parish of providing 400 pounds of candy candy canes and 700 oranges to the two parish schools for the chil dren's Christmas parties. Parish and St. Chillicothe by 700 The council also furnished each school with a large Christmas tree and with the necessary ornaments. Willard Taylor is* Grand Knight of the council. The school Christmas program was chairmaned by Don ald Fields. 0------------------------- $500,000 Fire Hits Church MANCHESTER, N. H. (NC— four hours completely gutted the 62-year-old St. Georges Church here, causing damage estimated at more than $500,000. The cause of the fire is unknown. Jane Wyatt (above), radio and movie star, will be featured in Bible reading* on "The Living Word" radio program during January over the NBC network, Sundays from 11:45 a. m. to noon, EST. The program it pro duced by the National Council of Catholic Men. (NC Photos) Z sus juriust DIVIOSATS INSURED Planned Security DOLLAR FEDERAL SAVINGS A LOAN ASSN. 51 E. GAY ST —AD. 314B THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1953 purpose is “the practical affirma tion that man is the subject and not the object of social relations” bring the protection of the person al rights of the worker into the hands of an anonymous group working through the agency of im mense organizations which of their very nature arc monopolies.” “The worker, thus wronged in the exercise of his personal rights, the Pope declared, “will surely find especially painful the oppres sion of his liberty and his science, caught as he is in wheels of a gigantic social chine. Whoever would find Solicitude for true liberty to be without foundaticn when We speak as we do of that part of the world which is generally known as the ’free world’—should consider that even there, war and then ‘cold war' forcibly drove social relations toward an inevitable curtailment of liberty itself, while in another part of the world, this tendency has reached the ultimate conse quences of its development.” con the ma Our Pope Pius here discussed the de nials of human freedom in coun tries where the Catholic Church and its bishops, priests and laity have suffered “most keenly.” He went on to express “special and af fectionate concern” also for "the suffering army of the poor, known and unknown, in civilized countries or in regions, not yet regenerated by Christian or even by merely human culture.” Recalling the example of Christ, who Pope world work and needy. Again reverting to the evil of “depersonalization,” he ad vocated private initiative and in vestment, even as a matter of con science, as an effective step to ward a truly Christian charity, which would follow God’s way and recognize man's mutual responsi- spent Himself personally, Pius called upon all the for personal collaboration in of charity toward the poor “Christ spent Himself personally in order to help, to heal, to feed,” the Holy Father admonished. “Cer tainly, He did not ask whether and to what extent, the misfortune be fore Him happened because the po litical and economic order of His time was defective or lacking. He was not indifferent to that. On the other hand. He is Lord ol the world and of its order. But just as His action as Saviour was personal, so He wished to meet life’s other mis fortunes with a love that was per sonal. The example of Jesus is to day, as ever, a strict duty for all.” Pope Pius warned that “the great temptation in an age that calls itself social” is to send the needy or sick to an agency or so rial center or organization. “Un doubtedly,” he said, “the poor man will receive your help in that way. But often he counts also on your selves. at least on your words of kindness and comfort. Your charity ought to resemble God’s, Who came tn person to bring His help. This is the message of Bethlehem. Committee WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT PINT OF BLOOD YOU WERE GOING TO GIVtT St. Anthony Hospital Columbus, Ohio Franklin Plating Co. Inc Columbus, Ohio Peerless Dry Cleaners Marion, Ohio Columbus Printing Ink Columbus, Ohio The Washington lumber Co Washington C. H., Ohio Underwoods' Flowers, Inc. Columbus, Ohio The C. E. Morris Co Columbus, Ohio Swickird Rental Agency Columbus, Ohio Borden's Dairy & Ice Cream Co Newark, Ohio Ousted From Red China Two members of the Society of St. Columban, both bishops in China, have been expelled recently by the Chinese Communists. Bish op Patrick Cleary, (left) of Nancheng has been expelled after a public "trial." Bishop Edward J. Galvin, (right) founder of the Columban Fathers, is shown on his arrival in San Francisco, from Hong Kong, after spending two years under "house arrest." (NC Photos) (Continued from Page 1) Catholic Times the Rev. Lawrence O'Connor, Assistant Pastor, St. Mary Church. Chillicothe and the Rev. F. Thomas Gallen. Diocesan Director of Music and Professor, St. Charles Seminary. The Rev. Vincent Martin. O.P.. Professor in Philosophy. St. Jo seph Priory, Somerset Sister An gelita, O.P., President. St. Mary of the Springs College: Sister Charles Ann, O.P Dean of Studies, St. Mary of the Springs College. Sister Mary Ruth. O.P., Librari an, St. Mary of the Springs Col lege Sister Marie Teresa. S.N.D., Superior. Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, St. Joseph Academy, Co lumbus Sister Aloysius, Sisters of Saint Francis, Saint Aloysius Acad emy, New Lexington, Ohio. Mr. Joseph Tritschler, Diocesan President, Holy Name Society Doc tor August Mahr, Professor in Ger man at Ohio State University Miss Bernadine Whitmer, Professor in English at Ohio State University Doctor Wilfred Eberhardt, Profes sor in Education at Ohio State Uni versity Miss Mary Catherine Zang, St. Mary of the Springs College. Canadians Probe Indecent Books Di Di Glockner, Columbus Mrs. Alexander ocesan President ocesan Council of Catholic Women .Miss Mary Louise Hendricks. Cen tral Deanery President, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Miss Antoinette Lowry Columbus Di ocesan Council of Catholic Women Miss Mary Martha Sliter, Colum bus Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and “Hour of Holiness” ra dio program. OTTAWA The world-wide concern about salacious and inde cent literature was recognized in the Canadian Senate, which reap pointed a committee to continue an inquiry into the problem. Senator J. J. Hayes Doone. who headed the Senate committee at the last session of Parliament, been reappointed chairman of committee which comprises members. has the Last year six sessions of committee were held. Sen Doone told the Senate committee had corded briefs, and resolutions hundreds and representing millions of Canadian citizens tense public interest ed. that the “received and re recoinmendations numbered in the An in- was display- and religious tendered en Social, civic “Church officials thusiastic approval and business organizations in all parts of Canada commended the work in progress, and a full-hearted and sustained support was accord ed by the press.” During the parliamentary recess many national bodies continued studies of the problem and urged the Senate to continue work through the committee. HARRY WELINITZ Concrete & Cinder Building Units 4”-6”-8”*12” sizes STEEL SASB 231 N. Princeton RA 2-2641 linericaiis-s are Rolling I Their Sleeves Yes, all Kinds of People are Giving Blood So That Our Wounded May Live! Itgneafine C. & W. Furniture Co Now Philadelphia, Ohio Mercy Hospital Mount Vernon, Ohio C. M. Donaldson & Assoc Portsmouth, Ohio A. J. Straub Hardware Co. Columbus, Ohio John Quint & Sons Columbus, Ohio Frowtna Construction Co Portsmouth. Ohio Lem's Restaurant Columbus, Ohio ’s a thing to give blood—and it you a wonderful feeling The deep, inner-satisfaction of knowing that you have helped make it possible for a man to live. Kight now the need for blood is urgent. In hospitals—at home and over seas—many men require four and six transfusions during delicate operations And the blood must be there—when it’s needed. So give the most precious gift of all—the gift for which there is no CONTRIBUTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO THE ARMED FORCES BLOOD DONOR PROGRAM BY Mount Carmel Hospital Columbus, Ohio St. Cyprian's Coiumbus, Ohio “Tell Them To Say Rosary,” Is Korean Christmas Message JERSEY CITY, N J. (NC) “Better start saying the Rosary It's the greatest thing in the world .” That's the Christmas message a GI in Korea sent to students at St. Peter's College in Jersey City. “No one is ashamed to pray here,” wrote Jim Smith who at tended the college in 1950 and is now stationed on Korea's Heart break Ridge. “Rather he's ashamed to say he doesn’t pray.’’ The letter, written to an English teacher at St. Peter s, appeared in the college newspaper. “Pauw Wow.” with the simple heading: “Korean Christmas Greeting.” “I’m here in Korea, in the Coun terfire Platoon of the 223rd Infan try Regiment. 40th Division, on the East front, on a section of Heart break Ridge in front of what is called the Punch Bowl.” the letter reads. “I won't bore you with war stories. I’ll just say it's rough. “The reason I'm writing is that we do have a lot of time up here w here we get much “If you classes on you did mine just before Christ mas of 1950. would you do me a favor? Tell them this they'd bet ter start praying the Rosary. “They'd be mighty surprised and surely humbled to see the men who pray over here, who never even thought of prayer I’ve seen tough old platoon sergeants veterans, in a bunker ten or fifteen of the Rosary before patrol “Another thing guys, or rather ask them, they please, when they go to Mass at Christmas, pray that this war will soon be over? If it can't be over soon, then pray that we who are over here can do a good job while we’re here “It seems up here that each day is like the last and sometimes you feel that this’ll never end and you really can get an awfully dull out look on the world in general. just sit and wait. So we letter writing’done ever give one of your religion and morals, as real combat where about were went us we saying out on those to tell Would That’s when the greatest thing in the world is the Rosary. “Here, your Rosary has got to take the place of Confession, Mass, Communion, and all other spiritual assets. It's just because it’s so rare you see a chaplain or hear Mass. I believe it was weeks ago when last “Believe it or month’s pay to hear Mass this Sun day.” One half block from St. Catherine*! Six room, wire-cut brick single, slate roof, V& baths, 2-car garage, black top drive, loads of shrubbery, flow ers on 65-foot lot: Owner leaving state. Will Give Immediate Possession DO. 1130 ^CAU. KW C/iOSS TOW! seven or eight I was at Mass not. I'd give a In printing the letter, “Pauw Wow” editors commented that “it is a more effective Christmas edi torial than anything we could write.” Priest To Mediate Strike RACINE. Wis. (NC) Father S. V. Labja ^yesterday was named mediator in a 14-week strike of 800 CIO United Auto Workers at the Modine Manufacturing Com pany here. Father Labja. who has mediated a number of labor dis putes in the Racine area, attend ed negotiation sessions between representatives of the company and the union immediately following his appointment. Bishop Asks Help To Rebuild Hildesheim ‘Dom’ COLOGNE. Germany (NC) Bishop Godehard Machens of Hilde sheim has sent a Christmas appeal io his Hock to contribute funds for the reconstruction of the 1,100 year-old Hildesheim cathedral which was severely damaged dur ing an air attack in 1945. RESTAURANT 52 S. 3RD ST. COLCMBU8 Well-known for Good Food and Pleaiant Atmoephere Comp let* Bar Serviea Ctaaad SnnEayo EASTMOOR Price Reduced $3,000 substitute—your blood! It will flow back into the veins of a human being, give him a new leaae on life—help him along the road to recovery. If you have already given blood. yo« know that it is neither difficult nor dis tressing So—mark your calendar ind donate again. And tell your friends and neighbors about your experience. Lefc hem share the wonderful feeling Amer icans get when they roll up their aleevea —and give blood. Richer Dairy Products Columbus, Ohio Southard Supply Inc. Columbus, Ohio St. Ladislaus Church Columbus, Ohio Aitman-Coady Co. Columbus, Ohio The Park National Bank Newark, Ohio Bohn & Kern *0-54 S. Third St., Zanesville, Ohio Rankin & Rankin Newark, Ohie Trwnor Motor Solos Co turn but, Ohio Newark, Ohie