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Present-Day “Paul And Timothy" In Luzon Missions FITCHBURG. Mass -(NC) A present-day parallel of Paul the Apostle and Timothy, his compan ion, has been reported in the Ca tholic Free Press of Worcester. Like Paul who baptized Timothy and later chose the youth as his assistant in missionary work, the Rev. Aphonse Lachappelle, will soon leave fields mand tiled The MA. 3697 MS., for the mission accompanied by Brother Ar Fredette. M.S., whom he bap in 1932. two missionaries of Our I^adv of Ia Salettee will sail February 6 for the Philippines where they will serve in northeastern Luzon in the remote Province of Isabela. Both are members of the order's Franco American Province in New Eng land. The Times prov ides an easy and Interesting methoci of keeping in formed on Catholic affairs. Largest Retail MARION Mary Ann Everly, whose annual birthday cake proj ect pours a substantial contribu tion into the March of Dimes, told of her fund-raising plan when she appeared on the Welcome Travel ers TV program at Chicago recent ly. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Everly. In Chicago with her parents on vacation recently Mary Ann, who is recovering from polio, was invit ed to appear on the program and tell her story of how the cake fund started and grew. Several years ago Mary Ann conceived the idea of having her family and close friends share in her birthday celebration by trying their luck at winning her birthday cake, the proceeds to go to help other boys and girls stricken with polio. It soon ceased to be a family affair and now Ann's schoolmates at St. Mary School turn salesmen in the inteiesl of the fund. Lat 1 ard in City Quality Coal and Coke We Specialize in All Sizes of The Big Mountain Coal Company GA. 1112 You deserve the best DAVID DAVIES Genuine Baby Beef ALL OVER OHIO DAVID DAVIES COLUMBUS OHIO "Glasses that Satisfy" OHIO STATE OPTICAL CO Prompt Repair Service Artificial Eyes Fitted Gla^s or Plastic OSBORNES PHARMACY KI 4114 rri-Vttlnge s most complete food market Tom ARPY'S APEX MARKET “WE DELIVER* 2140 Tremont Center KI 4937 KI 8424 146 East State St COLUMBUS, OHIO Walter SHOES 44 EAST BROAD ST. ESTABLISHED 1893 Our shoes deserve your inspection, and invite comparison. Wright ARCH PRESERVER and WINTHROP shoes for Tien Selby ARCH PRESERVER, STYLE-EEZ, and GROUND GRIPPER shoes for women. WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON PROPER FITTINGS MONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION COLUMBUS ART MEMORIAL CO MAlit 272B 900-904 W. MOIXD ST. (NORTHEAST CORXER CALVART CEMETMtT) OPEN SUNDAYS 1.30-5:30 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Monuments Markers Mausoleums mUtul aid urin/* TRI-VILLAGE Body Rehmldmx Gen»rei Boulevard Service & Sales KI. 1404 Kt 44«2 |»|jo Victim’s Birthday Party A Hornet Raises March Of Dimes Money KI. »1I 2064 Arlington Ave. year the cake fund snowballed to nearly $800. Mary Ann thinks the boys and girls should work harder than ever this year because two of St. Mary pupils are in a Columbus hospital for polio treatment. Along with having the thrill of appearing on the TV program and telling her story to her television audience. Mary Ann now is riding a new bicycle of a well known standard make, show's sponsors three smart new dress in her closet and several other nice gifts. Mrs. Everly i the proud own er of a brand new range and there is enough soap and washing pow der to do the family wash tor months to come. thanks to the She also has hanging And Mary Ann hopes her cake project will give other boys and girls an idea ol how to help out in the 1953 March of Dimes. o—----------- Jani Goa For Last View Of GOA. Portuguese. India Several thousand pilgrims file through the Caihedral Catherine here to kiss the St. Francis Xavier a day of St. feet of His remains continue exposed here during the monthlong cele brations marking the fourth an nual centennial of his death. On the first day of the exposi tion 50.000 filed through the ca thedral to venerate the Saint s re mains. It is expected that a million or more will do so before the cere monies draw to a close on Jan uary 3. The Saint's body has shrunken considerably in the 400 years since his death. Once believed to meas ure five feet, three inches, the body is now only four feet long. The flesh is completely dried up and the skin adheres closely to the bones. clear and distinct fibers are visible, not assumed the Only the lids ap- The toes are and the nerve The eyes have shape of holes, pear tightly closed. The nose is considerably reduced in size, but has preserved its shape. The left hand rests on the chest and the fingers are distinct, though reduced in size because of the dry ing up of the flesh and veins The Saint's right hand is preserved in the Jesuit Church of Good Jesus in Rome. The upper arm is pre served at Macao. Portuguese colony off China. The exposition of the Saint s re mains here I’ will also the Saint's integration ed that it he placed in a glass dof fin and sealed never to he opened again. is the first in 10 years bp the last. To preserve body from further dis the Holy See has order- Legion Of Mary Praised CORK. Ireland—(NC)—The Leg ion of Mary was described here by Bishop Cornelius Lucey of Cork as “’the greatest bulwark we could get against the forces of evil throughout the world.” Retreats 1953 Jan. 16-18 ............ Women Jen. 23-25 Men -Feb. 6-8 Wemen Feb. 13-15 Men Feb. 20-22 Women Feb. 27-28 ........ ........... Men Mer. 6-8 ....... Women Mer. 13-15 ...... ............. Men LAY RETREAT HOUSE St. Thereie Shrine 5277 E. Broad Street A. Keller & Son DAIRY Safe mid Pure Milk Foi Babies DO 2418 BUYERS GUIDE ■'S*rr icing th» Iri-Vlllag* Ar««‘ Patrick Ruddy & Son Plumbing Service Qua lit? Plomhint Fiiturta 1434 W 1st Kt 1214 KI 1411 ArUngton’s Friendly Pharmacy KEMPER'S PHARMACY ARLINGTON and TRJ-VILLAGE Radio Equipped Our New Phone CABS MA 6895 KINGSWOOD LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. 100 Grandview Ave. '‘'’Everything for Horne Remodeling KI. 1113 Dealer for Sherwin Williams Paints THE A THO I TIMES, FRIDAY, Warner s KI. 2644 TRAIN OF EVENTS Fine Arts B: Morally Objectionable in Part for All I DON'T CARE GIRL. THE Fox OBJECTION: Tends to justi fy divorce and remarriage suggestive dancing. NEVER WAVE AT A WAC RKO OBJECTION: Reflects the ac ceptability of divorce sug gestive dialogue. Clothing Drive For oriel’s Needy NEW YORK—(NO Incomplete returns disclosed that the nation wide Thanksgiving Clothing Cam paign for the nerdy in v ar wrecked countries has exceeded 7.500.000 pounds of wearable clothes, shoes and other relief materials, it was renorted here. The report stated that collections are running far ahead of exnecta tion* and it is exnected year’s campaign goal of nnnnds w ill be exceeded. V An Orthodox pastor and his flock of 200 returned to the Universal Church in ceremonies at Akron, Ohio, when Father Gregory G. Berzinec (right), pastor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, made an act of profession before Bishop Daniel Ivancho (left) of the Pittsburgh Byzantine Rite exarchate. Looking on is Father Basil Shereghy of SS Cyril and Methodius Semin, ry, Pitts burgh. It was the first such event in the history of the Catholic Church in the Jn ,"l ctate'. and climaxed four long years of prayer nd preparation. (NC Photos) New Diocese, Bishops Announced VATICAN (ITY—(Radio. NC)— The Holy See has announced the creation of six new dio&ses in va rious parts of the world. Four new dioceses have been set up in Colombia, one in Japan and another in Basutoland. South \f rica. At the same time it was announc ed that Father Thomas Brosnahan, Irish-born Holy Ghost priest, has been named Bishop of Freetown and Bo in British West Africa. The new Colombian dioceses air Armenia, Pereira. Bucaramang JSalional Legion Of Decency List A-l: Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage ROGUE'S MARCH MGM A-2: Morally Unobjectionable for Adults BEAUTIFUL BUT DANGER OUS RKO MEMBER OF THE WEDDING, A—Columbia NO TIME FOR FLOWERS RKO REDHEAD FROM WYOMING— Universal-International SKIPPER NEXT TO GOD (French) Excelsior Pictures STOP. YOU’RE KIT-LING ME— that this 8 000.000 a total of In last year’s camnaign 7.000 000 nounds. valued of sit’’500.000 was collected. While contributions to the cam nai*?n still are NCWC officers nounds of the lected alreadv Some 2 000.000 sent to Korea where efforts at dis tribution of warm clothing, blan kets and other material will be ac celerated because of the severe winter. being totaled said that 4.000.000 relief material col has been shinned nounds have been It was also stated that 250.000 pounds of the material has been shipped to Germany: 1.000.000 pounds to Italy and 750 000 pounds to Austria. The report was based on collec tions received at the WRS—N. W. C. warehouses in Seattle San Francisco and Masneth. Long Is land. N.Y.. where the shipments for overseas are prepared. Other shipments from this year's collec tion will be made to Trieste and Formosa. ------------------o----------------- For Quick Results Use Want Ads THE BURKLEY & SON co. INSURANCE and BONDS SINCE 1897 Always At Your Service AD. 3288 145 N. High KG 1U3 and Palmira. The new Japanese diocese is Sapporo, formerly a vic ariate. The Basutoland diocese is The of Armenia: Bishop Baldassarre Alvarez Restrepo of Pereira Bish op Annibale Munoz Duque of Buc aramanga: Bishop Jesus Antonio Castro Becerra of Palmira: Bishop Benedict Tomizawa of Sapporo, and Bishop Emmanuel Mabathoand of Leri be. Setup Readied PROVIDENCE. R. I. (NC) A program of released-time for re ligious instruction of Providences public school students may be ready to go into effect January 26 when the new school term opens, School Superintendent James L. Hanley has announced The Providence School Commit tee unanimously adopted a pro posal to inaugurate the program. Dr. Hanley said the start of the program will depend upon co ng religious groups which rmulate the programs peri religious instructions. Dr. ol “safeguards.” He said these based on the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court approving the New York State model released-time program. These “safeguards” provide that religious training shall take place outside school buildings and off school property that school offi cials will pursue a strict hands-off policy in connection with the pro gram that no public money is used lor the program, and similar precautions. The senool committee specified that a student to participate in the one-hour a week released-time pro gram must have a written release from his parent or guardian. Stu dents who do not participate will remain in their classes continuing Dr. Hanley disclosed that some committee members advanced a proposal of conducting religious instruction classes on a dismissed time rather than a released-time basis. But he said their plan was rejected by the committee. Dr. Hanley said that communication from individuals favored released time L209-to-372. and that civic, business and other organizations backed the program 23-to-14. Dr. Hanley said that parental requests tor excusing their chil dren from school to attend reli gious services or exercises was “nothing new’’ and for many years had been honored for all creeds by school officials. “It is our belief.” the statement read by the superintendent said, "that parents have rights in the education of their children, one of which is the right, if he so requests it. to have his child excused for ‘religious observance and educa tion.’ It is a right that originates in the relationship between parent and child, and in the parent's duty to educate him.' ART'S Decorating Service Window Washing,. Painting, Paper Hanging, Wall Wash ing, Steaming, Paper Cleaning Commercial and Residential "There is no substitute for experience." W. SELLERS MANAGER FE. 4212 2. 19 5 3 Blocks Religion In School’ Move ian controversy, and lack of defin ite information about religious in struction methods for public school use, are paralyzing any action to detcimme the place of religion in the public schools, is the view of a leading public school educator. "None of us really knows what should be done. Dr. Galen Jones ill the U.S. Office of Education said in a television panel program presented by Georgetown Univer- every effort should be solve the problem of re public education, three agreed. The program to “Public School ion once Linton. Director torv Projects of the in public sch The public new Sees Martinez Varga- that the should be “Public the set Hanley disclosed that committee decided on a and panels members as “representing the thinking of the be«t minds among publicators" mm G. arr. Executive S of the National Education tion. The panelists stressed that public educators are religious and that teachers pared to cooperate fully in policy on the place of religion in public schools, the panelists agreed and action on the matter rests with the individua' commun ity. "local custom” and state laws Commenting on a recent study by the American Council of Educa tion's Committee on Religion and Education, pattern of by public Dr. Linton said that the ors on the func -chool in dealing been determined with religion has Religion is often he said, because fear to give offense manv educators in the limited o 1 i schools are profoundly with the good life.” Dr. Carr stated, but good conduct and religion are "not necessarily con nected." He estimated that only a fraction of one per cent" of teach ers in public schools are anti-re ligious." o----------------- Rome Scene Of Two-Day SS. I hoina*-\av ier Rite* ROME—(Radio NC) Archbish op Leo Kierkels. former Papal Internuncio to India initiated the two-day celebrations here mark ins the St. Franci' Xavier and St Thomas centennials. The Archbishop offered a Pon tifical Mass in the Jesuit Church of Geu here on December 29 The rites marked the fourth centen nial of the death of St. Francis and the 19th centennial of the arrival in India of St. Thomas the Apostle RLNI Anthony 61 the definite limi tations in handling religion with out violating the religious liberty of minoritv groups. schools, to such a y s as Religious activity he said, is usually generally-accepted Christmas and Thanksgiving. When religion is included a a factual study, he stated it should he treat ed as “a phenomenon of human ex perience.” Dr. Jones called for “competent research to find out what is being done in authorized textbooks tn familiarize public school pupils with religion.” He said that treat ment of religion is necessarily in cluded in history textbooks and manner of treatment Solemn Mass Rite was of Basilica by studying in On December 30. a in the Syro-Malahai feied in St. Peter priests of that rite Rome No Waiting Three Barbers Grandview Barber Shop KI 19S9 Im Ridnlfe R».’ Lillej 1327 Sth C. Rrdolfe Women's Slippers $3»5 COWBOY HOUSE SUPPER for the small fry. Sizes 8 to 3 Reg. Price $|69 While They Lest CHILD S ZIPPER HOUSE SHOE er. .14 ’■•pper hea*« •r.o» Fenn trta* •oiw RenMr May They Rest In Peace 74 4g O’NEILL John W 21st street. Columbus. Dec. 22 Joseph brother Cathedral.* Survivors Joseph A 62, 1875 W Columbus Def 21, Victory church Survivors: seven grand a brother. Lady of a son. five daughters children a sister and 121 Betsch 19. St Jos his wife eph church. Surviv ■Josephine: two son. ters. two brothers, three grandchildren 'er a stepdaughtei and a atepsnn St and 62 1995 Dex ALLISON. Mary deck avenue Columbu Holy Name church Sur husband, Louis a daughter HAHN Ida Louise 64 2464 I wood place. Columbus. Dec. 19 Augustine church. W HOOD. Thomas J.. 82. 226 Chestnut street. Lancaster. Dec GETDEN BERGER, Mary J., 87, 105 W. Locust street. Newark. Dee, 23 St Francis de Sales ehurch. Survivors: a son 5th Our GEARHART. Mary von-rd. Columbus. Lady of Victory church Survivors two brothers and three sisters. 34 1891 N Dec. 20. Our 263 23, on. McGILL Elizabeth. 73. Prospect-st. Marion. Dec Mary church. Survivors: a daughters, two granddaughters three brother* and two sisters. MILLER, Nora 72, 2060 Williams road. Columbus. Dec. 23 Corpus Christi ehurch. Survivors: her hus band Frank: a son. two great grandsons. a brother and a sister. LAGEMANN. Ignatz A., 79, 1697 1 Main street. Columbus, Dec. 25, Holy Rosary church Survivors: two daughters, a son and a brother. St Ethel N.. 73. for avenue, Columbus, merly 21 15th Dec 21 Holy Name church. Surviv- 698 S 20. St. Sur sons HERTLEIN John J. 55 17th street. Columbus. Dec John the Evangelist church vivora: his wife Mary: two McKENZIE. Ignatius C.. 78 Henry street. Delaware. Dec. 22, St. Mary church. Survivors: his wife. Agnes, a daughter and sever al nieces and nephews LU( KHAUPT Mary Catherine 4 124 Sandusk.' street. Columbus, Dec. 26. Holy Family church. Sur vivors: her mother, three brothers and a sister. KING. Catherine, 73. 707 Sey mour avenue, Columbus, Dec. 24, Holy Rosary church, three sisters. 281 W Mound St Columbus, Ohio -STEEPLEJACKS- Evtry Operation and Workman Fully Insured Specialists In TUCKPOINTING ROOFING SANDBLASTING PAINTING Wlule The? Last MEN’S CORDUROY Mcr w»rdur®y Bolt watac -wmtonab.p Foar. ’read WHILE THEY LAST tn $5»5 MEN’S SOFT LEATHER »r. sett !»»t »r »hpp»r», tn uju- pr:? o or mrr., WHILE THEY LAST V RITCHEY BROS. "?. Suniv ora? 57, 808 E. Dec 25. St step- UHL. Agnes Marie, Church street Marion. Man church. Survivors two children and a brother 51 N. 80, SHAW AKER Henrietta 308’? Main street Columbus, 23 Holy Cross church Dec. JOHNSON Knme Ehzabeth 82, Newark Dec. 25 Church of the Blesed Sacrament Survivors: two daughters, two sons. 11 grandchil dren and seven great-grandchil- Crane Service—Excavating SOI Eaten Avenue MAm 6601 COLUMBUS 8 OHIO RALPH J. KRAMER. SR o---------------- It Pays To Use The Classifieds! 23. her and H. NIEMAN J. THE SHADE MAN Sine* 1S20 Coiamnua' Qaa'it? enetian Blinis Draper? Frareraa RmIi Imter Pn» 1182 E George J. Igel and Company, Inc. Mein Street FA 3143 RICHARD KRAMER We Now Have Added Fireplace Wood YALE COAL COMPANY AD. 1277 WATERPROOFING CAULKING WE GO ANYWHERE, ANYTIME HOWARD R. BURTON & SONS 2056 E. Fifth Ave. FA. 3054 Brink Orange E=S= HAPPY NEW YEAR