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No one can fall in love with a theorem of geometry or a code or commandment. It is even bard to love God as a Su preme Being. It was no wonder then that for centuries people made God into images of stone. Dealer Year Commu nity Since 1890 God Love You--------------- In Christ Child, There Is Perfect Vnion Of God, Man —by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen---------------- No person can love anything be cannot get his arms around. That is why God. if He was to be loved, had to make Himself as small as a Babe that we might put our arms around Him in the Crib and our heart around Him in Holy Commun ion. u I tJ See Hit Hanna ■ANNA PAINT MUFG. COMPANY 95 W. Ixmg Street ATYSIII4NOF TUB CUNT PAINTBB and silver, gold and brass. They were almost saying: “The great gods on the Olympian heights are too far removed from the dust of human lives: If He will not come down, then we will make Him come down in our homes as metal and brass and wood. All this was wrong, but the subjective state that prompt ed it was right, namely the de sire for a love that takes on hu man flesh.” That is the meaning of Beth lehem: God taking unto Him self a human nature like ours from His Mother Mary. As there is in us a union of two natures, our body and our soul, and yet we are only one person, so in this Babe, there is a perfect un ion of the nature of man and the nature of God, but only one person, the Person of the Son of God who became Man that we might become the sons of God. GOD LOVE YOU to the 18 members of the Sherman Fam ily. “This year it was decided that instead of every member buying fifteen presents, we would place‘the names in a hat, and each member would draw one name. All agreed they would like to help in really carrying out the Christmas theme by matching the amount of this one gift by an identical sum and sending this collective amount to the most worthy charities.” The Holy Father's Missions has bene fitted in the form of a check for $200 GOD LOVE YOU to B.R. who sacrificed going to the wrestling matches to send $5 to the Missions GOD LOVE YOU to M.S., 13 years old. who earned $5 baby-sitting and has sent it to the Missions. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it, and mail it to the Most Reverend Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 109 E 3fith Street, New York 16, New York or your Diocesan Di rector, the Rev. James Kulp, 246 E. Town street, Columbus 15, 0. YOU CAN HAVE The Experience—Dependability—Integrity of General Maintenance & Engineering Co. 1231 McKinley Avenue, Columbus I, Ohio To Recommend How to Improve Appearance and Reduce Maintenance Expense Schools Churches Parish Houses. Etc. Phone RA. 8456 Collect of Write Us For Free Inspection Suggestions Estimates No Obligation First Mortgage Loan* Insured Savings Safe Deposit Boxes ERANKLIN FEDERAL .. UBHi "RwwUA—labedhshJF* 41 Mtl* _IAV1N6S AND LOAN AltOC I ATIOn"’ I""™■"■■■■■■■■■■I Walter C. Kropp. Pres Walter Zuber Vice Pres MACHINERY Woodworking Metal Working Sheet Metal Working Contractors’ Homecraft Machinery Equipment Full line of Motors. Osborne & Sexton Machinery Co. N. Fourth A Russell Sts MA. $203 COLUMBUS U. OHIO Delaware Service A Repairs for All Makes of Csrs U. S. Roysl Tire* Bill Austin Buick Delaware Okie flowers by Gibson 1 Phono* 2348 2187 Delaware IkAA AAAA A A A Ad? Delaware Milk Co. 27 N. Union Phone 311 CURRENT DIVIDEND RATE 214% The firm* listed here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage to the different lines of business Kobinaon-Hanrahan Funeral Directors Cor. Winter A Frsnklin, Delaware -....- _______________ The Peoples Stored Delaware PERPETUAL NOVENA Our Lady of Perpetual Help Every Tuesday 7:30 p.m. St Christopher’s Church Grandview A Ida Rome Ordination Sees Bovhood By Father Joseph J. Sullivan ROME—(NC)—A boyhood dream, unspoken for nearly 60 years, became a reality here when the father of 14 and the grandfather of 16 children was ordained a priest. The boy who cherished the dream is now Father Patrick J. Norton, of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, Iowa, who had been studying for the priesthood or the past two and a half years at Bcda College here. He will be 70 years old on May 23, 1953—a month be- Priests, Nuns Keep V igil To Aid Survivors BEIRUT, Lebanon (Radio, NC) Catholic priests and nuns kept vigil on the beach near here to aid as survivors of the wrecked French liner Champoilion reached safety. The liner, carrying 66 pilgrims for the Holy Land, ran aground four miles below this city. A rocky reef, whipping winds and a swirl ing sea prevented immediate res cue operations. In addition to the Holy I^ind pilgrims who had hoped to be in Bethlehem at Christmas, the ship carried 42 other passengers and a crew of 220. Priests and nuns on the beach gave immediate spiritual and phy sical assistance to those who jump ed into the raging waters and were successful in their frantic attempt to swim the several hundred yards to shore. Those reaching the beach were exhausted, ragged and oil smeared. Some were in critical con dition. Among those reaching shore was understood to be a Catholic nun. More than a score of persons were believed to have lost their lives in their bid to swim to shore A number of others died when a lifeboat capsized in the treacher ous waters. No passenger list was immediate ly available at the liner’s agency here. But it was understood that most of the Holy Land pilgrims were from France and Egypt. The group was said to include some Re ligious. President Camille Chamoun of Lebanon twice visited the scene of the disaster to see what rescue op erations could he undertaken. He called on authorities to mobilize every means to aid the stricken ship. No official explanation was immediately available for the lin er’s stranding. However, it was re ported that the disaster resulted from a misinterpretation of shore beacons. -----------------o----------------- First Negro In Diocesan History Becomes Priest IAFAYETTE, La—(NC) The ordination of the Rev. Ixntis Ver lin Le Doux here on December 27 marked the first time a Negro has heen elecated to the priesthood for the Diocese of Ijifayette Father lx* Doux was ordained in the Church of the Sacred Heart, his home par ish. by Bishop Jules Jeanmark ol Ixifa.vette and offered his first Mass at the church the following day. Alter attending the Sacred Heart parochial school. Father lx1 Doux entered the high school depart ment of the Society of the Divine Word at Bay St ixniis. Miss He went on to the novitiate and junior ate of the order at Techny. III., and returned to Ray St. Louis for high er studies two yea’s later. At this point he applied and was accepted for the Diocese of Ijifay ette by Bishop Jeanmard. who sent him to I* Grand Seminarie de Saint Sulpice at Montreal to com plete his education The new priest, the son of Mr and Mrs Ixnus 1-e Doux of Lake Charles. La was born on August 29 1926. and is the oldest of five children. A brother, Jerome, is now at the Bay St. Loins seminary, while one of his sisters is prepar ing for the nursing profession at Xavier University in Neu Orleans ------------o----------------- Editor Among Neir Monsignors WASHINGTON, (NC) The editor-in-chief of the Catholic Standard, wecklv newspaper of the Archdiocese of Washington, is among seven priests honored by His Holiness Pope Pius XII with the title of Monsignor Msgi Philip Hannan Standard editor and chancellor of the Arch diocese, was appointed a Papal Chamberlain along with newly designated Monsignors Russell A. Phelan, archdioceson director foi the Propagation of the Faith, and E Robert Arthur vice officials in the archdioceson tribunal. PAY COLUMBU AND 67 THE CATHOLIC TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1953 fore completing his studies and re turning to serve the Dubuque Archdiocese. A former businessman, Father Norton began preparing for the priestly career in 1947, not long after the death of his wife, Min nie, a Dubuque girl whose maiden name was Regen end whom he married when he was 24. He stud ied philosophy privately end at Loras College in Dubuque, thus re ducing his course here from four yeers to three. Father Norton was ordained by Archbishop Ixiigi Fogar, consultor of the Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments. None of his children was able to attend the ordination, but several of his American friends in Rome and his fellow friends at Beda Col lege were on hand for the rites. Father Norton will return to his heme in Dubuque to offer his first Solemn High Mass next May or June, friends of the new priest report. The Mass here next spring w ill be attended by 12 of his living chil dren and 16 grandchildren. One son. Father Claude Norton, o! Vinton. Iowa, will be deacon of the Mass. Beda College, a unique institu tion which has just celebrated the centenary of its establishment, is a training school for older men and converts who want to prepare for Holy Orders. The minimum age for admission is 24. Father Norton has had many companions not many years younger than himself, and even a couple a year or two older. Like himself, many of the students are former businessmen, others are former lawyers, architects, musi cians, actors, soldiers or teachers. Their average age is between 35 and 40. Father Pat—as his intimates now call him—was scheduled to offer his first Mass in the Beda College chapel, with the assistance of his professor and coach. Father Thom as Dougherty. Father Dougherty Race Harmons Is Urged At Catholic Meet NEW YORK (NC) Civil rights are making increasing gains in the courts, but education and mutual cooperation by whites and Negroes in the community are needed for the successful imple mentation of favorable court de cisions. This statement was made here by Thurgood Marshall, general counsel of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Color ed People, at a forum sponsored by the Catholic Interracial Council of New York. The noted Negro attorney, who recently argued the school segre gallon cases before the United States Supreme Court, said that re gardless of the outcome of the cas es, “segregation is on the way out and meanwhile individuals must be thinking about it and getting ready for it.” Mr Marshall said that “the im portant job in this stage of the fight against racial discrimination is going to be on the level of the individual and the community He advised particularly the piepara lion of children against the ac ceptance of old race prejudices, and the participation of citizens in efforts to counteract prejudice and to foster democi acy in then home communities o -................. Eirst In South Rev. Louis Vertin LcDoux, (above), of Lake Charlas, La., or dained on December 27 for the Diocese of Lefayette, La„ it the first negro prieat ordained for a southern diocese of the Catholic Church in the United States. He made his studies at St. Augus tine's Seminary, Bay St. Louis, Miss., and at Montreal's “Grand Seminaire.'' (NC Photos) MONEY TO LEND TO WORTHY HOME SEEKERS »nu with an -1* fiaanei*! in stitution with *»»r St y««r »f h»m* fin ancial ••parlanr*. l.«t a saint you with taw-eaat laan at -arrant rate*. W AftftSADw SO Broe4 Sk ad. Mio AD. 6142 K. ■. Wild. Praa. O. M. T^-swan Dream Come True For Grandpa and the other professors at .Beda were unanimous in saying of the new priest that they had seen few Many attempts have been made through the years to secure Trap pist priests for the spiritual care of other parishes, missions and other institutions, often even at a dis tance from Dubuque In fact the Trappist Fathers did have charge for a time of St. Joseph’s parish. Prairie, and they served tempor arily also as Chaplains of the Sis ters of Charity ol the Blessed Vir gin Mar Such efforts, however, were sternly resisted or were at most short lived And now in complete dedication to the monastic life the men with such an intuitive, almost instinctive, grasp of the essence of theological doctrines. Iowa Trappists End 100-Year Practice Of Serving Parishes DUBUQUE INC) With the blessing this week of the Rt. Rev. Vincent Daly, O.C.S.O., as the new Abbot of the Ab bey of Our Lady of New Melleray, there will be put into force a decision arrived at in the General Chapter of the Order of Cistercians held at the Abbey of Citeaux in France, last Sep tember. The change will bring to an end a practice that extends back into the pioneer days in Iowa. For more than 100 years, the Trappist Fathers have had the care oi souls in the immediate neighborhood of their monastery. Now they have been recalled from all parochial responsibilities by the highest governing body of their Order. The Witness, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, announc ed that Father Richard R. Krapfl, a priest of the archdiocese, has been appointed resident administrator of St. Catherine’s parish near Dubu que and u ill serve also as tempor arv administrator of the Holy Fam ily parish near the Trappist mon astery. Though priests from the Mon astery have had charge of the New Melleray parish since pioneer days, it was only by reason of pioneer conditions that they were permit ted by their community to accept parochial responsibilities. They have provided for the spiritual needs of the neighbors of the Mon astery since the arrival of the earl iest immigrants in 1849 and in three successive church buildings. Trappist provision for Holy Family Parish will likewise be terminated in conformity with the decree of the General Chapter. In giving up the pastorate of Holy Family Parish, and in separ ating themselves the more com pletely from the active ministry, the Trappist Fathers have likewise adopted a new policy regarding the use of their Abbey church by the general public. The Abbey church will no long er be open to visitors for Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obliga tion. Only members of the Com munity, resident employees and persons living in the Guest House will be permitted to fulfill the ob ligation of attendance at Mass with the Abbey. Visitors will still be welcome at the Abbey Church for Vespers, for Benediction of the Blessed Sacra ment and even for other ecclesias tical functions. Likewise, there will be no change of program re garding the retreats conducted within the Abbey. FREE For A Beautiful SELECTION OF GIFTS id COURTEOUS SERVICE uiiUSML_ THE HERMAN FALTER PACKING CO. PORK AND BEEF PRODUCTS A Complete Line of Religious Articles The Catholic Church Goods M. I. QUINN J. J. QUINN 182 i. STAT! STRUT AnAM$ 4716 COLUMBUS, OHIO For Used Cars or Trucks contact BERNARD O'DOWD, 1352 W 5th KI 6882 JOE TOEPFNER, INC. Cwntral Ohio s largest Btvdebeksr Dealer For a New Studebaker contact DAN CONROY, GA 2970 UN 4157 Complete line of Studebaker Trucks Jr BIFT IHOR Holv Childhood Association Is Pope’s January Intention NEW YORK (NC) His Holi ness Pope Pius has selected as the mission intention for January, "For the Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood,” it has been announced. The world wide organization was founded 110 years ago by Bishop de Forbin-Janson of Nancy, France, at a time when children, especially girls, were subjected to wretched treatment in China. One of the first aims of the society was the “ransoming” of Chinese children. The organization still continues its world-wide assistance to chil dren in need. Through its contri butions to the missions in 1951. the society aided 3,269.522 children in Ar*bishop Cushing Will Inaugurate TV Catholic Hour WASHINGTON—(NC) Boston’s Archbishop Richard J. Cushing will be a featured guest when the Catholic Hour makes its debut on television at 1:30 p. m. EST.. Jan uary 4. it has been announced here by the National Council of Catholic Men, producer of the program. The Archbishop, who is Episco pal Chairman of the Department of Lay Organizations, National Ca tholic Welfare Conference, will in augurate the program with a brief message of greeting and apprecia tion to all who have made the pro gram possible. The Catholic Hour on TV will be carried by the National Broadcast ing Company-TV network and will originate in the NBC’s New York studios. The January series of four Sun day programs will be entitled “The Church—God’s House.” The Catholic Hour on TV will re place the Catholic portion of the regular NBC-TV religious feature, “Frontiers of Faith,” which is be ing discontinued. pagan lands. During the same peri od, members of the society were able to have Baptism administered to 537.350 children who probably otherwise would not have been baptized. The society in the United States has more than 2,000,000 members, who contribute notably to the world wide activities of the organ ization. Even more impressive than the material contributions are the many acts of prayer, sacrifice and penance offered by the members, who are children under the age of 12. The association in this country is directed by Msgr. Richard Acker man, who maintains headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pa -----------------------------------O ............. .■ The firms listed here deserve to be remembered when you are distributing your patronage in the different Lines of business. HOLY ROSARY PARISH MIESSE Prescription Pharmacy W* eenaiatently atoelr th* lataat drag* IMS B. Main FB. 44*4 The Hammond Organ PrWae** arras «**t* af aatbadni taahty la rbareh** *f aay ate*. O n i lAMt •hareha* aae __ I A Upholstering. OHIO BIDDING (0 LONG, LONG TIME! JgSSi WO«i of th, H. mm 0^4 Orr»n Mattresaes Made Into Innerspringi Mattresses Made to Order A Rebuilt Feather Renovating Pahsom TRENOR MOTOR SALES Dodge Plymouth Used Cars Trucks 3241 N. High Street, Columbus, LA. 11 IS We were wondering how our old friend. Arch bishop Djibri, veteran missionary of Kerkuk in Iraq, was doing. In fact, we had not heard from him in a long time. Perhaps no news is good news, but now he does send us a plaintive plea for $1,600 in order to finish a little chapel-school at a place called Suleimanieh. Can you help this worthy man? PAUL has just begun his six years’ course for the priesthood in our Seminary at Cbarfe, Lebanon. Can you make him your adopted son in Christ, giving the $600 in any installment* over six yean? GLORIOUS BOOK Twenty-five dollars will provide a beautiful Mass Book for a poor Near East chapel. Then there ar* those "Mystic Seven”—the dollar-a-month clubs. MARY’S BANK goes to the Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Changanacherry, India. ORPHAN S BREAD goes to the Good Shepherd Sisters at Dekouane, Lebanon. MONICA GUILD will be used for poor Archbishop Djibri’s chapel. BASILIANS will be for our Palestinian refugee schools. Please be a joiner. A* you know, the dollar a month for the Chrysostoms is for our seminarie*. The Aasisian Sisters of the Mary Immaculate keep her ring us for more mites in the Damien Leper Fund so as to expand their home for these outcast*. “SONG OF BERNADETTE” Sister Bernadette is a novice with the Armenian Sister* of the Immaculate Conception in Rome, In July, 1954. she hopes to go out on their numerous missions in the Near East. Poor but all so worthy to be another Madonna, she asks someone to make her their adopted daughter. Her two years’ train ing will cost $300. Our Sisters work miracles on our missions. Won’t you help them to perform them? God bless you. We are a long way from the funds we need to huild the Shrine Chapel of Our Lady of Fatima in far off Ethiopia, but every $10 gift will add a precious stone tn it When you write, ask for the pamphlet “OUR LADY’S KREMLIN”. YOUR HOME. THEIRS? We know that you would gladly take into your own homes our homeless waif*, but you do help Mother Church to give them a home by your gifts. There is Father George of St. Mary’s Home in Tnchur, India. He asks for $10 to support one of his 50 orphan* for a whole month. And Father Henry Ayrott, S.J., begs for $3 to clothe one of hi* orphans in Egypt Won’t you help? The only baggage we can take before the Throne of God is in the form of kindnesses done to the poor. It is the last baggage you will ever lift. Please remember our poor in your Will and by stringless gift*. YOUR MEMORIAL? Here i* an opportunity to make a tabernacle on the altar of an humble Near East chapel a memorial to your dear ones. It costs $25. but it will be price less because It will always be the living tabernacle of the Most High, before whom grateful poor will bow down. Then there is that dollar monthly to the Chapel-of-the-Month Club. We do wonder* with it Have you thought of enrolling a soldier boy beloved in Korea in the Association, so that he may share In the prayer* and masses of our missionaries? We shall send him a gift card, saying you have done so. Annual membership is $1. perpetual $40. Write for "HOW CAN 1 HELP?” It tells of the many things you can do for our missions in twelve countries. It would take us three years to publish all the appeals we have. The fields are white for the harvest and the Lord would hava us make haste. Thank you for all you do. Hear Tast Olissions^tl Hand* Cardinal SpaRmaa Prewdenf Mtqr. Theme* IMMeteeo. Not SeC^v V*cy hv. Andrew Rege*h *av. F*W F. Tsehy Wm. Kefkr Pvnn Saad eg temmuniwbont fo: Catholk Tkar Bast UWfene Aaaoctadoo tMingtM A**. 46tk St. N*w VsA W, N. Y.